Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Re: Special Edition: Baitullah Mehsud and His Connections To CIA, India, Israel Monday, June 22, 2009 By OmEr Jamil

On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 2:39 AM, Feroze Mithiborwala <> wrote:

Dear All,

As part of our research on the CIA-Taliban linkages, here is an interesting article, amongst the many. It's important that we attempt & get as far as possible to the bottom of this sordid & complex story & expose the same.

The connections between the Baitullah Meshud led Taliban & it's Imperial backers have far to many leads to be denied.

The Taliban (who represent the most deviant & obscurantist ideology) & the Al-Qaeda (a covert CIA-MOSSAD Op) became the pretext for the US-NATO intervention in Afghanistan & has now become the raison d'etre for the indefinite war, occupation & growing intervention in the South Asian region.

The article is from a Pakistani website:-


Read on . . .



Special Edition: Baitullah Mehsud and his Connections

to CIA, India, Israel

Monday, June 22, 2009
By OmEr Jamil
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Special Edition: Baitullah Mehsud – Connections To CIA, India, Israel

Special edition on "Baitullah Mehsud" as his Ex-comrades expose him. The contents of special edition have been divided into five sections.


Section one – Latest Scenario:

  1. Editorial

  2. Statement by Afghan Taliban commander

  3. Statement by close aide of Baitullah.

Section two – Who is Baitullah Mehsud?

  1. Who is Baitullah Mehsud?

  2. Initiative by Mullah Omar

  3. Baitullah's threat against Mujahideen fighting NATO/Indians

Section three – Who is behind Baitullah?

  1. Who is behind Baitullah?

  2. Non-Muslims fighting in Swat

  3. US aware of Indian involvement and support to TTP

  4. Agent Mehsud on a mission to prove his worth

Section four – Game Exposed too Early

  1. Baitullah Mehsud's time is up

  2. Take out foreign asset Baitullah Mehsud

Section five – Conclusion

  1. Pakistan winning against TTP

  2. Who will be preventing Pakistan's access to Baitullah?

  3. Bugti, Mehsud and Indian Connection



Assalamoalaikum wa'rehmatullah

Dear Readers,

Since the start of Fitna-e-TTP, we have been writing to clarify that Baitullah Mehsud is a foreign asset with assigned responsibility to create chaos in FATA for destabilizing Pakistan and he has nothing to do with Afghan jihad. It should be very clear to all that he is one small part of the big game being played against Pakistan which has three main objectives, i.e.:

  • De-Islamization of Pakistan,

  • De-Militarization of Pakistan, and

  • De-Nuclearization of Pakistan.

We have written on Baitullah Mehsud from time to time about his realities, the powers that are supporting and feeding him, the ways in which true mujahedeen fighting NATO forces have distanced themselves from TTP and how the powers with vested interests will be preventing Pakistan's access to Baitullah alive at all costs.

The purpose of this special edition is to provide our readers a document to serve as "policy paper" covering A to Z of the conflict aiming to:

  • Eliminate every single confusion in hearts and minds of Pakistanis,

  • Expose realities of this Fitna in order to enable our readers on why should we support our troops who are fighting enemies of Islam and Pakistan alike, and

  • Emphasis the need to get out of dirty politics to support our brothers and sisters who are being mistreated after being named "IDPs".

It is time that we put all our political differences aside, ignore false calls of our corrupt politicians and avoid blasphemous propaganda by sold-out media to stand-up united for providing to support not only to our armed forces but also to our brothers and sisters in need.

With prayers to Allah s.w.t. to give our nation political and tactical wisdom, ideological and military strength to defeat enemies of Pakistan and Islam in the region.

Pakistan Zaindabad, Pakistan Paindabad.





SECTION ONE (ii) – "Latest Scenario"


"Activities within Pakistan led to differences with Baitullah Meshsud, we are Tehreek-e-Taliban Afghanistan and we have nothing to do with Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan" – says Qari Zainuddin, representative of Afghan Taliban in an interview to a local news channel.

Scholars like Maulana Hasan Jan declared suicide attacks as un-Islamic. The declaration led to the killing of Maulana Hasan. Islam cannot spread with the use of force but with invitation. Why the people who train suicide attackers not sacrifice their loved ones for the purpose. Baitullah Mehsud is 'zalim' (cruel) and responsible for all the destruction.

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SECTION ONE (iii) – "Latest Scenario"


Haji Turkistan said that Baitullah is misguiding innocent youths on the instigation by Israel and India to destroy mosques and educational institutions and martyr religious scholars inside Pakistan. He also revealed that Baitullah is an American agent and this is the reason he has not been targeted by the US drones.

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SECTION TWO (i) – "Who is Baitullah Mehsud?"

First aired on PTV over a year ago – Ahmed Quraishi talks to Zaid Hamid on Baitullah Mehsud's history and his links with foreign agencies. A must watch talk for people willing to know Baitullah inside out.

Watch here:…



SECTION TWO (ii) – "Who is Baitullah Mehsud?"

Finally, when the traitor terrorist Baitullah Mehsud is exposed, he is now trying to find space within Afghan Taliban who always rejected war against Pakistan. Here Mullah Umar again admonishes Baitullah for his crimes. If Baitullah does not behave, he will be eliminated by Afghan Taliban themselves.

"Mullah Omar first sent an envoy to the local Taliban and then wrote a letter to the banned Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) admonishing these leaders and told the TTP that fighting Muslims could not be described as Jihad so they should immediately cease attacks on the Pakistani security forces."

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SECTION TWO (iii) – "Who is Baitullah Mehsud?"

The Tehreek-e-Talibane-e-Pakistan (TTP) has accused some militant leaders of the tribal areas and leaders of the banned Lashkar-e-Taiba, Harkatul Mujahideen and Hizbul Mujahideen of trying to stop youngsters from fighting the Pakistani forces. TTP has declared all these "pro-Pakistan" Jihadis as their enemies.

A TTP leader in the Mohmand Agency Maulvi Omar Khalid has threatened boys belonging to the banned Lashkar-e-Taiba to leave the tribal agency or face death. Omar Khalid has claimed that these boys are only interested in fighting against the foreign troops in Afghanistan or against India, which means that they don't want an Islamic government in Pakistan.

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SECTION THREE (i) – "Who is behind Baitullah?"

Baitullah Mehsud is rolling in dollars and has access to highly sophisticated light weaponry. He is also in possession of highly sophisticated communication equipment, or homing devices in other words. The Pakistan army has been asking the US for help in 'taking out' Mehsud and has on at least four different occasions provided the US with accurate information of his location over a period of twelve to twenty four after the US was informed, but he was never targeted.

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SECTION THREE (ii) – "Who is behind Baitullah?"

**WARNING: Explicit and disturbing pictures containing nudity – user discretion advised**

Pictures of Uzbek and Gurkhas non-Muslim militants killed during the Pakistani military sweep of the Swat Valley. These exclusive pictures show that they are uncircumcised. Their facial features prove they could be Gurkha fighters whom the Indian and the British militaries use to fight in mountainous regions. The Americans have also hired some of them. The pictures also show that some of theses killed terrorists could be Uzbeks from Abdul Rasheed Dostom's murderous militias in Afghanistan that are allied with the U.S. occupation army and Kabul's puppet government.

The question that arises here is this: Why is the Pakistani military's media arm, the ISPR, not releasing these pictures to the Pakistani media? This is the biggest proof that Indians are not only sending trained butchers and terrorists from Afghanistan disguised as Taliban to kill Pakistanis, but there are actual Indians fighting within the ranks of this so-called Pakistani Taliban in Swat?

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SECTION THREE (iii) – "Who is behind Baitullah?"

Foreign Policy Magazine writes, "while the U.S. media has frequently reported on Pakistani ties to jihadist elements launching attacks in Afghanistan, it has less often mentioned that India supports insurgent forces attacking Pakistan, the former intelligence official said. The Indians are up to their necks in supporting the Taliban against the Pakistani government in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the former intelligence official who served in both countries said. The same anti-Pakistani forces in Afghanistan also shooting at American soldiers are getting support from India. India should close its diplomatic establishments in Afghanistan and get the Christ out of there."

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SECTION THREE (iv) – "Who is behind Baitullah?"

In the last few days, efforts to destabilize Pakistan have intensified and high-profile targeted attacks are likely to continue unless the authorities take immediate action to target Baitullah Mehsud in South Waziristan. We have seen an attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team, a bomb rip through Jamrud mosque killing 76, an attack on the Manawa Police Academy in Lahore, a suicide bombing in Islamabad last night and another suicide bombing this morning at an Imam Bargah in Chakwal.

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SECTION FOUR (i) – "Game exposed too early"

It seems Baitullah Mehsud has outlived his shelf-life and is of no further use to his American and Indian masters.

In what seemed like a sign of desperation, he hit out at Kashmiri jihadi groups last week, threatening to eliminate their leaders if they did not join him in fighting the Pakistan army.

Accusing them of 'only fighting external enemies such as the US and India', Baitullah Mehsud's 'Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan' (TTP) justified attacking members of these Jihadi outfits by pointing out that these outfits 'do not fight the Pakistan Army' and commit mass murder of innocent Pakistani citizens like the TTP has been doing for a some time now.

It is also interesting to note that the Afghan Taleban's Supreme Commander Mullah Mohammad Omar had issued a statement over a year ago distancing himself and the Afghan Taleban from the TTP and its chief Baitullah Mehsud. He had also condemned Baitullah Mehsud in strong words for fighting against the Pakistan Army instead of with the NATO forces.

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SECTION FOUR (ii) – "Game exposed too early"

Experts sitting thousands of miles away believe that it is their divine right to tell the world that areas within Pakistan's areas are being governed by fanatical mullahs who rose from the ashes of the Afghan jihad. They and their defeatist Pakistani counterparts narrate how our country has fallen into the hands of the Taliban.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. After the recent thrashing at the hands of the Pakistani military, Baitullah Mehsud and his supporters in Swat are down to only a few hundred men. The reason why they make headline news is because a positive story about the military clearing up the area gets lesser attention than showing a couple of Taliban behead an American 'spy'.

Read more:…


SECTION FIVE (i) – "Conclusion"

In this episode of PakistanFirst's exclusive 'Editor's show', Zaid Hamid sheds light on the war against militants in Malakand Agency, sacrifices of the Army, situation on IDPs, and solutions to the problems faced by Pakistan.

Watch here:…


SECTION FIVE (ii) – "Conclusion"

Who will be preventing Pakistan's access to Mehsud?

The Americans do not want Pakistanis to capture Baitullah Mehsud alive, and they cannot eliminate him with an air strike anymore since Pakistan Army is advancing towards him already. They will either take him out before he is captured, or he will mysteriously disappear only to re-emerge later at a different location. The U.S. military has moved troops near Mehsud's area under the pretext of finding Osama or Mullah Omar. This is a deception. They have been saying Osama is in Pakistan for years. Why haven't they acted earlier? This American move has something to do with Pakistani military's march to destroy Mehsud and his proxy militia. We already know that terrorists are using American weapons to kill us while pretending to be Taliban. The Pakistani military better watch out what our ally is up to this time.

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Munir A. Baloch writes: Gwadar, Missile and ISI

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This entry was posted on Monday, June 22nd, 2009 at 13:24 and is filed under Asia, Current Affairs, Extreme Issues, Hindu Fascism, India, Int'l Affairs, Israel, NEW WORLD DisORDER, National Politics, Politics, Religious, Terrorism, U.S.A, Unjust, War Crimes. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.

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Palash Biswas
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