Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Re: Imperial design - Rockets fired from Pakistan - Tension with China - a Sinister Plot to Destroy the Region by War.

On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 4:31 PM, Feroze Mithiborwala <> wrote:

 Imperial design: Rockets fired from Pakistan &
Growing Tension with China

A Sinister Plot to Destroy the South Asian Nations by a Fatricidal War.



The People of South Asia as well as the other Nations of the Free World.

After having destroyed Afghanistan & Iraqi nations, having slaughered 6 million people, all on the basis of concocted lies, the Am-Raeli (America-Israel) war machine is now targetting all of South Asia, with further threats of the imminent war on Iran, whilst Palestine continues to wither away . . . . . .

The channels are carrying a story today that says "Rockets fired from Pakistan into India". The Pakistan military has denied this & has said that they are not responsible for the same.

It was only the previous day that both the President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari & General Pervez Musharraf stated that "Osama Bin Laden is dead". The rocket attack could also have been launched so as to 'sweep this statement below the carpet of Indo-Pak tensions'.

The other fact of the matter is that a recent poll in Pakistan, stated that 59% of the people considered the US as the biggest threat to their nation, followed by 18% who pointed to India & 10% to the Taliban. This is very significant. Inspite of all the cross-border propaganda & the discord on either side, the Pakistani people have rightly pointed out the threat as emanating from the US.

Also do note that the Pakistani media is far more independent as compared to it's Indian counterpart, that is under corporate control, apart from certain sections of the non-English media.

It is also due to the fierceless & independent role of the Pakistani media, functioning under conditions of extreme adversity & violence, due to which the people have been able to ascertain & analyse complex matters in a far more clearer manner, which is quite the reverse in our country.

Also note the tensions that are being created between India & China. And on cue we had the entire 'media choir paying the same symphony' whilst the unseen 'conductor' waved the wand.

For even Pakistan to up the ante against India at this juncture would be highly suicidal on it's part. The other fact of the matter is that Pakistan is deeply penetrated by the CIA-MOSSAD (the largest CIA operation in a foreign country), as well as by the private mercenary-security company, the infamous Blackwater combine, who further wish to push the entire region towards WAR.

This was very clear on the recent border tension with China. It was a spokeswoman from the foreign ministry who herself stated they have taken the matter up with the Chinese government & that misunderstandings on the border are normal.

But then we had the media, showing visuals of the Chinese military on the march, training sessions, missiles, aircraft . . . in short the works. It was as if China & India are all set for war.

This is not to say that China does not pose a strategic threat to India. The point that we are tring to state is that we have to deal with China from a position of strength, without repeating the mistakes of the past. Both on the politico-military as well as the economic plain, we have to create our strategic counters to Chinese designs.

In short the Indo-China issue is an INTRA-ASIAN matter & PAN-ASIAN mechanisms for the same has to be created of which the SCO is but a beginning & a good one at that.

Thus a counter to China or Pakistan will not mean that we give the Am-Raelis' the run of the land & let their agent provocateurs create a war between India & Pakistan or with China.

For all their violent history, France & Germany will not invite China to intervene or even Russia for that matter. They have matured as a European people & created mechanisms for conflict resolution, which has finally resulted in a cohesive politico-economic-socio-religio-cultural union, called the European Union.

Similarly, we in South Asia will have to create a South Asian Union, free of both the Am-Rael-European combine, as well as Chinese & Russian intervention & conversely an Asian Union, free of the Am-Rael-European juggernaut.

The modells for the same exist in the European Union (EU) as referred to earlier, as well the African Union (AU), the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) & the ALBA, which is the the Bolivarian Alternative for Latin America and the Caribbean, comprising the majority of South American nations.

Of all of the above, ALBA is the most revolutionary & egalitarian model in all spheres of democratic mass politics.

It is also true that the success of ALBA has been directly proportional to the retreat of the US imperial project from the region & this is true for all nations & regions of the world.

The fact of the matter is that the America-Israel combine is using the Indian elite for its agenda & this is a direct fallout of the Indo-US Nuclear deal, which has basically formalised a Strategic-Military alliance with Am-Rael. The same is the case with the co-opted Pakistani elite.

Now do note the following disturbing facts:

  • There are more than 20,000 Israeli's in Himachal Pradesh & 10 villages are now Hebrew speaking.
  • Both in Kashmir & Ladakh, there is a strong Israeli presence.
  • Again in the North-East, Mizoram has been totaly Zionised & it's nefarious influence is spreading across the region, especially into Manipur & Nagaland. Mizoram & all of the North-East is refered to as the 'Israel in the East' by some influential Rabbis. The one in the 'West' is supposed to be Palestine & thus the continued ethnic cleansing & genocide of the Palestinian people.

The various terror attacks cross the North-East that are routinely attributed to the Huji, are actually the work of the Mossad backed agencies, as they serve to deepen their penetration & entrenched positions across the North-East under the guise of fighting Islamic terror.

One will vividly recall the moment, after a major terror attack, when Mulford the US Ambassador-Viceroy, offered his direct assistance to help the federal government of Assam, without even bothering to inform Delhi. Unbelievable but true !

This is also true for the overwhelming number of terror attacks across India for that matter, as they best serve the strategic interests of Am-Rael.

Look at the map & you will notice that the Am-Raeli's are positioning themselves on the Indo-China border regions, as well as Myanmar.

It is the Israeli & American politico-military-criminal nexus that has a global stake in controlling the Opium trade that is also propelling their strategic drive into the North-East, especially with the context to Myanmar.

They have already succeeded in reducing Afghanistan, as well as Columbia, entire populations now producing opium & heroin for the world. The imperial powers have always controlled the international opium trade & thus were the Sino-British Opium wars.

Just as US-Israeli agent provocateurs have today fired rockets from across the Pakistan border, similarly they will create escalations on the Indo-China border as well.

  • 3 Mizo's (Mizo's are very active in the Mossad & the Israeli army) were arrested for supplying weapons & bombs to the ULFA.
  • An Israeli army unit was found trekking along the mountains of Himachal Pradesh. They even went for a reconnaisance helicopter trip close to the Indo-China border. Not even the Himachal police were aware of their presence & this only reveals the levels of Israeli impunity & internal complicity within the Indian establishment.
It is clear that the American-Israeli Imperialist-Zionist agenda is to create a war across South Asia as well as China.

Those on the Right-Wing & that includes political figures from both within the Congress-BJP-RSS combine as well as their counterparts in Pakistan, as well as secular liberals who believe that the US presence & intervention is the only solution in stabilising the region, are basically flawed in their thinking.

Thus it is only a Nationalist & Anti-Imperialist mass movement of the patriotic people of South Asia that can rescue this region from certain doom.

The world is being pushed to the brink of war, a war that is being planned and the timetable is being setup for the next three years.

The clock is ticking, we can hear it, hope you can as well.

Feroze Mithiborwala & Kishore Jagtap

Awami Bharat
0091-9820897517 / 9029404594

Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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