Monday, September 21, 2009

Nuke Assam and freeit of all living beings!

Nuke Assam and freeit of all living beings!

Indian Holocaust My father`s Life and time - Thirty Five

Palash Biswas

The army recently told Delhi that it could crush Ulfa within a few
months if it were allowed to continue counter-insurgency operations
without political interference.

George Bush Jr. had declared Iraq war over on May 1 2003!

Had wishes been horses!

Forget about the North-East and Kashmir, we all know how the Indian
Army fared in Sri Lanka in its attempt to subdue the LTTE, its one
time protégé.

Probably by a freehand they mean the go ahead to nuke Assam and free
it of all living beings!


It is interesting. But I am clueless why ULFA is
trying to point their guns to some individuals (with
direct e-mails) rather addressing questions raised in
an open forum. As of today Assam-online has been used
as an open forum to discuss topics/issues applicable
to all of us including Assam’s progress, employment of
youths etc. This has been also the forum to share
important information including job opportunities.
This is a place to through our constructive ideas and
healthy discussion will always bring the fruit. My
humble request to all parties including, ULFA to
participate in a constructive discussion. We can opt
out at any moment with no obligation, but please keep
the discussion around the prime subject as long as it


— noyon jyoti parasara wrote:

this is outrageously funny!
Thanks Ruby and the whole of ULFA for time and again
for mentioning that it was my stupid reaction to
your mail that has triggered off such a series of
mail. But if i hadn’t … some one else might have.
in any case you would have required to answer some
question - since you are fighting for the cause our

Let me clarify it to you when i said ‘my stupid
reaction’. I said that because i should have
understood earlier that you arent capable of
answering questions from us. No power-struck
organisation or person would be. hence sorry about
that… too much of a trouble inflicted.

but i am really surprised at my name being mentioned
in third person in every mail. talk to me direct.
it’s very funny actually, to see the name being
discussed… and yes please my name is Noyon. not
Nayan.(i spell the name and pronounce it that way,
and make other pronounce it that way) i am very
approachable and a person with a truly open mind.
try persusading me on your agenda… if i am
convinced i would mind joing you and raising
slogans… but please explain your actions.

Till then i have no isues being black listed by the
organisation which i believe is very majorly
responsible (not entirely of course) for assam’s
economic state.

I am also sorry that you have branded Mr Shantikam
Hazarika and Utpal da in the same category as me. i
am a mindless freak who does things on instinct.
They are learned people and know what they are
talking about. Truely my solace is that they think
in the same lines as me. in any case i see most
people questioning your actions rather than mine -
at least in this commnity. Why dont you explains
your stand… with valid answers to our questions.
As i said… i am ready to join you… convince

Good luck and regards


"Shantikam Hazarika" wrote:

I have only one question to Ruby whoever she may be.

Does she know that because of the influx of bangladeshis our very existence as assamese people is in danger? Who is a bigger enemy for us now, the so called occupation army (?) or the bangladeshis who have already occupied our mother land and will be ruling us in not distant a future. Whom should we drive out urgently?

The poor Biharis or the bangladeshis? Assuming we get Independence from India ( I am an Indian first and was also very proud to be an assamese. But alas! now I am ashamed to call myself an assamese because we donot know how to protect ourselves.We have been selling ourselves cheap for petty gains.

The politicians are selling our land and the socalled liberators are abetting in this process) wont we be ruled by a force more vicious and barbarous?

I was proud because our forefathers could drive away the mughals. I am ashamed because our beautiful and wonderful land is getting swarmed by the aliens and making us an endangered species

AC Barua

baruahbhaskar wrote:

Dear Rubi,

I am glad to find this message from you in my mailbox. It is a very well reasoned and mature reply.Whoever has been replying as Rubi Bhuyan to earlier messages on Assam Online has done a lot of damage to the image of Ulfa among the assamese netters.(Its another matter that you consider all of them RAW agents without any basis).The answers were vague and extremely childlish.I hope you will agree that any opinion or question cannot be brushed aside or silenced by bullets.As such I hope that you will take the trouble to answer the questions raised by people in a convincing manner instead of calling them names such as RAW agents,frustrated lot,idiots etc etc as these answers are read by a lot of people.

Many years back I remember that your organization used to punish criminals,corrupt people,eve teasers,rapists etc(those were the days when we were in college & thought that there’s hope for justice) but today the people of Assam are more troubled by them then by anything else.


— ulfa_ 1979April7 wrote:


Unification Revolution Emancipation

United Liberation Front of Asom(ULFA)
Volume 10 Issue 1
15 October 2007
Monthly Newsletter
Internet Edition

The Indian government wants a military solution only

Currently, the commanders of the IOF stationed in Asom, making political statements, which give a clear indication that the Indian Government is not interested in a peaceful resolution of the conflict between Asom and India. On 7 October 2007 the Indian daily ‘The Telegraph’ quoted the top Indian army officer as saying," It expects to have a stranglehold on ULFA in "three to four months" and that there is no need for the government to even weigh the talks option". What is important here is that no political leaders of these occupied territories have reacted in any form to such jingoistic statements by the Indian military brass in Asom. With this kind of arrogance twenty one Khasi Siems out of twenty two, the Kings of Manipur and Kamtapur and the queen of Tripura were forced to sign the ‘merger agreements’ with India for their respective States. The successive self-determination struggles of the region to regain their national rights have been crushed by brute military force rather than by civilized means of conflict resolution. The Twenty Eight year long struggle of Asom has been under continuous Indian military onslaught resulting in the martyrdom of over Ten Thousand lives.

As the ULFA has refused to submit to the Indian pressure, the IOF has intensified the military operations against the organization. Does India naively believe that all the problems will disappear from Asom once the ULFA is annihilated? Was there, in the real sense of the term, any development, progress, peace and prosperity in Asom before the ULFA came into existence? The Indian military commanders are now bragging that Asom can be kept under India forcibly. But why the same army, instead of standing by the people of Asom in 1962, fled Asom unable to resist the Chinese advance? If a similar situation arises, what guarantee is there that the Indian army or the colonial administration will not behave in the same manner? What have they done in the past sixty years for the people of Asom apart from looting our riches? To save Asom and for the security of the people of Asom there is a need for non-racist liberation organisation like the ULFA. Even if the Indian Occupation Forces destroy the ULFA today, it cannot obliterate the productive capacity of our mothers. The enslaved mothers of Asom will give birth to ULFA again. The freedom struggle of Asom will go on till India restores the basic human rights of our people and their inalienable birth rights of sovereignty and independence.

Let India be ready to face people of Asom

A huge public uprising is back on the street again to unveil the bare truth of Indian Occupation Forces’ villainous and racist character. After a lull of few days, they have resorted to their authorised duty of molesting, raping of Asomese women. Amidst the execution of their "serious operation" to give ULFA an ultimate assault, the IOF is conducting its parallel responsibility of violating the modesty of women folk of Asom.
In a recent incident, under the pretext of searching ULFA cadres on 8 October personnel of IOF molested Jyotsna Konwar, a mother of two and wife of Pratap Konwar at Tipomia village under Tengakhat police station in Dibrugarh district. According to news reports, a team from the Lengrai-based camp of the 11 Guards Regiment and some surrendered ULFA members-turned-informers at 6 am on that day molested the woman, during a search operation of ULFA. Citizens of the district have raised serious complaints of inhuman torture and humiliation of innocent civilian during IOF operations. This triggered off a huge mass protest against IOF’s repeated human rights violations in the name of anti-ULFA operation. More than 5000-strong crowd of 20-odd villages of Dibrugarh district led by the All Assam Students’ Union laid siege to the office of the Circle Officer of Tengakhat and gave the government three days time to restraint the army or face a "massive and sustained mass agitation" that would include "sudden highway and rail blockades". But to escape from the heat of the massive protest, the army made an immediate reaction terming the protest "propaganda and newer methodology" to counter them by ULFA. Facing set back on all efforts to demoralize our freedom fighters and freedom craving people, the IOF has now picked up new tactics of propaganda that ULFA is sensationalizing such issues to malign the image of IOF. Masses now know that these crimes against the women are the outcome of frustration among the IOF. The persisting stronghold of ULFA and extensive support of the masses towards the national liberation struggle left the IOF utterly frustrated. For this reason Indian administration is continuously framing baseless allegation that ULFA is not working for the betterment of society but is a mere criminal establishment working for self-interest who kills innocent people by triggering bomb in public places, extort money etc. Meanwhile, the protesters who seized the office of the circle officer said the district and state administration have planned to meet Indian President to make her understand the pain of women folk of Asom.
In another significant move, Jyotsna Knowar, the victim has lodged a complaint against the IOF culprit with Tengakhat police station on October 9. But surprisingly two days later instead of responding to the people’s demand, the army has registered a counter complaint against Jyotsna alleging her for acting at the behest of ULFA. Apart from the victim, the army named her husband Pratap Konwar, fellow villager Putuli Phukon and the headman of Tipomia village, Nareswar Gogoi, in its complaint. It accused them of unlawfully restraining government agencies from carrying out their official raise voices against social unjust and oppression. Just to get rid of the heat of the anti-army sentiment triggered in Asom, the army is premeditatedly organizing such ventures. Pressurizing the victim to withdraw complaint against army and to find a middle course of the incident is definitely a big blow to democracy. It is important to mention that similar incident was also occurred with a woman named Maniki Bezbaruah at Bijuli Ghat of Nalbari district in 1998. At that time also the army lodged a counter complaint against Maliki as a tactic to put pressure to take back her complaint.
India tries to link ULFA with each and every incidents of violence but their role against such crimes committed by their soldiers proves they are traitors. Therefore we appeal to the people of Asom to be more vigilant and must stand unitedly against India’s every conspired design. Such menace of state terrorism can be eradicated only when Indian colonial occupation of Asom is overthrown.

We have noticed lately that currently some print medias in Asom in tandem with the Indian occupation forces have involved like an obedient knave of the Indian Occupation Force in propagating false propaganda against the ULFA. These newspapers not only are willing accomplices in the disinformation exercise have also been proactive in exaggerating the materials in news reporting, even in editorial comments. Newspapers of the caliber of ‘The Assam Tribune‘, which are likened to the foundation bricks of democratic process, have abandoned their journalistic responsibilities. They are co-operating with the Indian Occupation Forces in publishing dictated editorials for petty personal gains. This is very shameful. The Assam tribune editorial of 23 September "Soft and hard target" reflects this moral degeneration.
The Indian colonial administration has been harping along that the ULFA has been exploding bombs in public places ‘to kill innocent peoples’ to create terror. The servile effort of the editor of the said newspaper has not only weakened the democratic and independent foundation of the media at large, but has also caused great anxiety amongst the population.
When a junior officer of the IOF asked media persons to deliver what the IOF desires, taking it as an order from his lord himself these ‘educated’ businessmen of Asom have only exposed their servile and spineless character to foreign colonialists since the time of British colonialism.
Today everybody is aware about the aim of the ULFA that is to restore the sovereign independence of Asom. Our target is to overthrow Indian colonial rule and all its appendages from the soil of Asom. If Lt. Gen. Jaisawal, the commander of the 4th corps of the IOF in Asom means that these are the "soft target" in his statement, we have nothing to say. In the India-China war of 1962, over 150,000 Indian soldiers surrendered to the Chinese Red Army totally bewildered. They had to hand over all the military hardware to the Chinese. Those who escaped cowering down in the manner of a ‘wet cat’ fled Asom.
Now after killing Sabitri Rajbangshi, a mother, Debojit Moran a five year old boy at Margherita, mass slaughter of the unarmed demonstrators on the highway at Kakopathar, barbaric violence against the fair sex indiscriminately at Borborua in Dibrugarh, murdering of Ajoy Deka, an engineer of an IOF camp, blasting a bomb inside the hut of Uma Gogoi of Mahmora Borbil in Sivasagar, after killing the family, to shred the corpses into pieces are being touted as the ‘bravery’ of Indian soldiers. For Jaisawal the above cited cases are hard targets!
The ULFA has categorically reiterated that the organisation is not involved in any of the explosions in public places. The ULFA is always careful not to hurt our own people and innocents. All the explosions in public places are part of an IOF game plan to malign the ULFA in order to isolate it from the masses of the people. To this end the Indian government has activated their propaganda machineries to carry out the disinformation campaign heaving all the blame entirely on the ULFA. But truth prevails in the long run, and the IOF’s sinister design has been exposed to the core. Despite these facts being known, the Assam Tribune wrote an editorial supporting the Jaisawal statement. Our cadres may have committed mistakes elsewhere, and it is quite justified to criticise those mistakes. ULFA has categorically clarified that it was not involved in those explosions. Despite the clarifications by ULFA, the Assam Tribune still supported the Jaisawal statement for obvious reasons. This biased attitude is an affront to the democratic rights of the people of Asom.

There is no alternative to liberation struggle
Today it is ever more important to participate actively and continue powerful resistance movement against the atrocities of the Indian Occupation Forces (IOF). The IOF is hell bent to crush the national liberation struggle in order to prevent a popular uprising against IOF. This military repression is being supplemented by fear psychosis, deceit, physical torture, rape and murder so as to intimidate the masses of our people.
The Indian Occupation Forces are trying to strike wedges between the different indigenous peoples, the Hindu and the Muslim, Buddhists, Jains and Christians with racist and divisive politics to dismantle the centuries old amity amongst the bona fide people of Asom. To establish that public support for the ULFA is waning, the IOF has used both inducements and threats as part of a bag of dirty tricks to recruit accomplices. They have created various political fronts and Non-Governmental Organisations to engage in descrediting ULFA’s aims. They are using implicit or explicit methods to create gaps between the masses with a view of destroying the national liberation struggle.
The explicit methods are: (1) Military operations against the ULFA. (2) Conduct of so-called humanitarian missions like providing health care which is actually damage control exercise, immediately after their military operation resulting in several civilian casualtie. (3)Manipulating the media in issuing anti ULFA statements in media-briefings and public meetings. In using the explicit strategies the occupation forces attempt to use the UN charter as a cover-up to conduct their operations. However, the depraved IOF soldiers do not care to honour the Geneva Convention. The civilian population usually end up bearing the brunt of the IOF operations resorting to rampant violation of human rights. Although some immediate protest actions do spontaneously get off but immediately contained by the State terror mechanisms.
The implicit measures the IOF use against the ULFA are: (1) The poor villagers are enticed with huge rewards to inform on the ULFA cadres. (2)Gathering of socially undesirable elements in groups to use them to harass and loot ULFA sympathisers.(3)Use of surrendered cadres of the ULFA controlled by some special police officers in a secret organisation to assassinate our cadres, their family members or supporters or blackmailing them to work against the ULFA, and (4) Faking an encounter to murder already detained cadres and ULFA supporters.
Exploding bombs in public places from time to time and then blaming the ULFA for the same and forcing the journalists to report the incident as such is also part of the same hidden policy. We must also be alert about creation of Non-Governmental Organisations created and controlled by Indian intelligence agencies. These organizations are used in disinformation activities such as putting up anti ULFA wall posters.
Moreover these organisations play active role in creating divisions among the various indigenous peoples, particularly against the ULFA.
For the sake of national unity and success of the freedom struggle, the indigenous peoples of Asom must stand shoulder to shoulder to defeat the Indian tricks and be pro-active in marching together forward on a national resistance platform. Otherwise the above sinister policies of the IOF will cause fratricidal conflict amongst the indigenous peoples destroying the age old harmony and goodwill prevailing from ancient times. Certainly, it is not a welcome prospect. We must take note that although the occupation forces have so far failed to create such internecine conflicts, they have succeeded partially because of our lack of awareness and lack of understanding amongst us. To prevent the design of the occupation forces to destroy our unity, we must embark upon the mass resistance movement even more vigorously. It is time to confront the enemy again with the spirit of Saraighat, the golden hour of Asom.
World remembers revolutionary icon Che Guevara
on his 40th death anniversary
For decades a global icon of revolution, Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara was honored 9 October on anniversary of his death with ceremonies around the world specially in Cuba, where his myth was forged, and Bolivia, where he was executed 40 years ago spreading the gospel of Marxist revolution. Guevara the key player of the triumph of Cuban revolution was honoured and paid homage by innumerable fervent admirers and comrades-in-arms like Fidel Castro as an "exceptional combatant".
Born Ernesto Guevara in the Argentinian city of Rosario in 1928, Che trained as a doctor before being caught up in the political conflicts sweeping Latin America. His conversion to revolutionary Marxism began after he traveled across the region in 1952 and 1953, and was shocked at the economic disparities in the region. His life changed dramatically when he met Fidel Castro and his brother Raul in Mexico in 1955, and became convinced that violence was the only way to overturn an unjust social order.
He quickly joined the Castros’ armed uprising against the then Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista. After their revolution triumphed in January 1959, Guevara was appointed Cuba’s industry minister and governor of Cuba’s central bank, when he advocated nationalising private businesses.
He dreamed of a classless society where wages would be made unnecessary and money abolished. Today he is commemorated in Latin America in many ways like pictured on Cuba’s banknotes cutting sugar cane with a machete, by toiling shirtless on building sites or hauling sacks of sugar.
Growing restless and not content to rest on his laurels in Cuba, Guevara sought to spread revolution around the world, traveling in 1965 to the Congo with a group of Cuban revolutionaries to join up with Marxist guerillas there. After leading a group of Cuban revolutionaries in the Congo, Che traveled to Bolivia, arriving in late 1966. Guevara led a small clutch of rebels in Bolivia for 11 months trying to spread revolution, but found little support. The Bolivian army and two Cuban-American US Central Intelligence Agency agents captured an ill Guevara in the village of La Higuera, and executed him on October 9, 1967. He was only 39. The then Bolivia’s president avoid a trial that would give Guevara a global platform to spread his views
Decades after he gave up a comfortable middle class life in Argentina to foment armed revolution, Guevara still inspires people around the world as revolutionary ideal. With his death the personification of revolution was born and the death can be described as "like a flower torn up prematurely by the stem."
"Today he is in every place, wherever there is a just cause to defend."

Asom marks India’s brutality again

The unjust and continuous killing of ULFA cadres in fake encounters reflects India as homicidal maniac and their every attempt to conceal their frustration failing to hinder the national liberation struggle is exposed. With intensified military operation the Red Horns Division of the Indian Occupation Forces killed two ULFA members in a fake encounter at Sonakhat village under Tangla police station in Udalguri district 7 October. They are Mrinal Rabha and Chandan Rabha of Baska district. According to local people IOF personnel cordoned off Sonakhat village and fired bullets without arresting them, but the IOF framed an absurd story that ULFA duo were asked to surrender, but they fired at the IOF personnel who retaliated killing the two on the spot. This barbaric killing of two ULFA cadres in the name of anti-ULFA operation has sickened the masses of the locality. Huge public protests expressed the resentment of freedom loving people of the locality against this brutal murder.
In another incident the IOF killed Rajiv Saikia alias Raheswar Deka Baruah of Nampur village under Demow police station in Sivasagar district, at Luckily village under Borhat police station 7 October evening. Here also IOF authorities described the same old story of encounter killing. According to IOF the ULFA members were the first to open fire on an IOF patrol on its way to the village. India, who publicize themselves as the protectors of democracy and condemns ULFA as extremists, set the most notorious instance of inhumanity. In protest of the barbaric killing by IOF, a 12-hour upper Asom bandh was observed peacefully and successfully on 11 October. People participated spontaneously to express their solidarity with the national liberation struggle protesting against Indian military aggression. The bandh was totally onserved in the 5 districts of Sivsagar, Jorhat, Golaghat, Karbi Anglong, Majuli and Lakshimpur of upper Asom. All the government, non-government offices, markets, educational and business institutions remained closed. Vehicles were off the roads. Production and drilling in oilfields of Lakua, Geleki and Dimual of ONGC were also greatly affected. Meanwhile IOF has started a new game of threatening ULFA family members of dire consequences if they don’t urge their offspring to join mainstream. With this new move the IOF is generating tremendous pressure upon the ULFA families.
India denounces ULFA whenever they get a chance ‘for adopting violence.’ But what do we call the principle of killing unarmed ULFA members and innocent people of Asom by India? Not a single day they stop killing unarmed members of ULFA. They kill innocents as ULFA linked to explosions, killing, etc. India has designed a state of terror by advocating military solution to the Asom-India conflict and now they describe the prevailing security scenario in Asom as the ‘biggest challenge’. This sort of nasty Indian strategy against the national liberation struggle will not see the face of light. The masses have well realized India’s dual policy of deceiving people in the name of restoring peace in Asom. Instances are many, which reveal India’s strategy for ruination of Asom. But a civilized and integrated nation can never be ruined by any immoral policy. The liberation of our Motherland from Indian colonial occupation is inevitable.
Bonus hubbub in the tea industry ahead of Durga Puja

Like previous years the bonus pandemonium in the tea industry of Asom has emerged with no disparity in this year also. The degree of unrest that has been created regarding the lives of lakhs of workers engaged in the tea gardens of Asom has grasped a new height due to these anomalies in Asom. Tea garden labourers have been asking for the minimum 20 percent bonus which is the rule of the Indian industrial sector. Though the workers were assured to clear their bonus before 6 of this month but still more than 50 percent of the gardens are yet to declare percentage of bonus. As such Durga Puja celebration for the tea workers who wait and crave every year has become uncertain. However, the labourers of tea gardens run by foreign capitalist groups suffer from such irrational deprivation. But in Indian states of Tamil Nadu and West Bengal workers enjoy 20 percent bonus besides other facilities. Every year the same old reason of high transportation cost and failure to get due price of tea in international tea markets are put forward by the Owners Association and the workers are deprived of the due bonus. Of late, the price of tea of Asom in international tea markets has again turned upwards. In the last two years the price of per kilogram normal Asom tea has hiked from Rs 54 to 74. Besides this, Asom tea has been regularly exporting to Pakistan and in many new countries demand for Asom tea has also increased considerably. Therefore, at present there is no valid reason of dilatoriness on the part of Owners Association in paying bonus to the workers. But it is difficult for the labourers of Asom to get even meager 10 percent or 15 percent bonus. Interestingly tea tycoons like Tata Tea and Williamson Magor are also expressing inability of providing 20 percent bonus to the workers who are operating most of the largest tea gardens in Asom. The Tea Auction Board which is one of the main associates of the colonial exploiters has been masterminding to push the tea industry of Asom into the world of destruction. The attitude of depriving the workers of their due wages, justifiable right of 20 percent bonus and other privileges clearly replicates their evil intention.

Like all the other racial tribes of Asom, tea-tribe is also politically, economically and socially exploited by Indian colonial rulers. Till today neither the Tea Garden Owners’ Association nor the colonial government have shown any kind of cordiality for all-round uplift of this underdeveloped tribe who are deprived of education, social development and even the least modern convenience. But this very tribe had been used as a tool for achieving power by every opportunist political leaders and parties who pledge a lot during every election. The standard of the people of tea gardens spreading in every nook and corner of Asom can’t be inferred if not perceived. The physical and mental developments of the children of the tea tribe community are hampered because of low standard of food. Years after years this exploited, humiliated, betrayed and deprived tribe has been passing their days like aboriginals. About eighty percent of the tea tribe community are by position can be termed proletariat and the mere reality is that if these landless peoples are absent from work for a single day due to ailment, their family has to starve which clearly displays the picture to what extent the garden owners are exploiting the tea workers. The owners association has created "surplus value" of tea and enjoyed profit by exploiting the workers with minimum wage depriving them from due bonus and other primary facilities. This is an age-old and traditional stratagem of capitalism. Under this policy there can’t be physical or mental development of any people. There must be a practical relation between the rate of processed tea in national and international markets and the percentage of bonus and wage of labourers. Although Asom is considered the heart of India’s tea industry with the state accounting for about 55 percent of the country’s total annual production, condition of Asom tea industry remains as it was. But India’s tea industry is showing signs of resurgence with rise in production and exports as well as prices firming up in the tea auction market. The issues of improvement of quality of tea, rise in production and welfare of tea workers have been deliberately ignored by Indian rulers. With the colonial rulers in power and some of the profiteer politicians of the tea-tribe community are also assisting the owners in solving their arithmetic. Moreover a section of self-cantered intellectuals and media of Asom are perceived to have taken the initiative to protect the interests of the tea garden owners instead of protesting against the exploitation and injustice of workers. As time elapsed, these tea workers have started to be conscious of their exploited and deprived image because it is impossible to keep people in perpetual darkness in the name of exploitation. This is a common problem and assistance of people of every strata is extremely needed.

It is high time for all the exploited masses of Asom irrespective of caste, creed or social status to unitedly build up strong resistance on the economic front against Indian oppression and exploitation.
Organizations staged demonstration demanding rehabilitation of flood victim

According to government estimation more than 50 lakhs people in 21 different districts of Asom have severely affected in the latest flood. But the Indian authority is expressing its absolute reluctance towards the issues of rehabilitation and adequate aid to the flood affected people. In protest of government’s negligence, KASS and NASS, two frontal democratic organisations in Asom have staged demonstration infront of Deputy Commissioner Office of Kamrup district and submitted an 18-point charter of demand to the Chief Minister through the Deputy Commissioner.

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