Saturday, September 19, 2009

No way to stop refugee Influx From Bangladesh

No way to stop refugee Influx From Bangladesh

Indian Holocaust My father`s Life and time - Thirteen

Palash Bisaws

Rs.13.34 billion Project for fencing on Indo-Bangladesh border
sanctioned.Illegal migration of Bangladesh nationals into India is a
cause of great concern and vitally affects the security interest of
the country. The continuous and sustained illegal migration also
affects the demographic composition of population, especially in the
neighbouring States and gives rise to social tensions. With this in
view, the Government of Inida have decided to fence the entire Indo-
Bangladesh border. Meanwhile the government of India has got the
citizenship act, 1955 revised with the objective of deporting two
corore illegal migrants, most of which belong originally to
It is questionable, why the refugees rehabiliated in fifties and
sixties in UP, Uttaranchal, Assam, Dandyakaranya project covering
Chhattisgargh, Orrissa and Andhra, Maharashtra, Bihar, Jharkhand,
Rajsthan, tamilnadu and elsewhere are still deprived of citizenship
for almost five decades. While the citizenship act, 1955 allowed
citizenship by birth, why the students belonging to the refugee
community have not to be considered as Indian citizens.
Since, the genuine citizens and the illegal migrants may not be
distinguished as the govt.of India and different states and the
ruling parties countrywide, have not taken any initiative to screen
the genuine citizens, the problem has become so complex. The new
citizenship enacted and the proposed fencing on border are not enough
to stop the influx of refugees across the border.
In West Bengal only, the election commission has deleted over 13 lac
names from the voter list as the concerned people could not prove
their Indian citizenship. Thousands were arrested and lacs were
absconding before the 2006 Assembly Elections.
what happened? How many illegal migrants have been deported after
such a high profile administrative exercise? The answer is non. The
ruling left front has transformed itself in a protection umbrella. So
each the case in every other state. The election commission routine
exercise has to be repeated in Uttarancjhal and Uttarpradesh in the
next Assembly elections and the results would be the same.Everywhere,
the ruling parties use the refugees as mobile and solid votebank.
Thus the genuine partition victims as well as the genuine citizens
have to be harrassed enmasse to create the cover for the illegal
migrants countrywide.
It is better to grant Indian citizenship to all refugees rehabiliated
in different states without any precondition. Then only, physically
you may come to know the real number of the illegal migrants and
think any majorto deport them.
Again, the point is to be noted that there had been no official
refugee policy for those coming from east Benagal, either in centre
or the states. There had been hardly any diplomatic or biliteral
attempt to stop the influx of refugees across the border.
More over, until and unless, the prosecution of minorities in
bangladesh comes to an end, it is quite impossible to stop the influx
ofrefugees. It is a great irony that the govt.of india and different
states have been a total failure in affairs of border security and
illegal migrants overtwo corore have to be deported.It has to be
understood that brutal atrocities, state sponsored discrimination,
xenophobia and social divide have threatened the very fabric of
minority community in Bangladesh. Hundreds of thousands of minority
have fled out of the country. In this chaos, their children are left
most vulnerable. Some becomes victims to trafficking whereas some end
up in brothel.
Bangladesh has completely failed to protect its minority communities
and its Governments have been systematically perpetrating crime
against humanity/ethnic cleansing against them violating all
International rules. The situation is further aggravated by lack of
good governance. Remote villages where criminals prowl through for
next victims, there, children especially girls are increasingly
becoming victim of brutal gang rape.While some escape out of the
country with their families, some ends up kidnapped or abandoned due
to harsh ground realities.These little hearts have no place to go and
no body to seek help. The prejudice in domestic law and lack of
government support for minority children are increasingly becoming
noticeable in the country.
No body was accounted for the massacare of three million human
beings in the East Pakistan, which India had the obligation to do so,
as was the allied forces in Germany after WWII. Although a war was
won but in no time the victory was transformed into colossal
shameful defeat. In the history, that war in 1971 would not be
remembered more than a third world battle because of the third world
standard of the leaderships of the biggest third world country in
this earth.
incidences or there are some reasons behind the brutal murders of
these three leaders?
The circulatory nature of these illegal migrants inthe border area
has resulted in dual citizenship of these migrants.Different
political parties at different periods gave illegal
migrants protection due to which local administrations could not
impose strict law and order. Illegal migrants are enrolled in voters
list and used as vote banks. Indian politicians have often therefore,
encouraged Bangladeshi migration. It is now almost impossible to
separate them from India citizens.
The main antisocial activities illegal migrants are involved in
include smuggling, robbery and associated crime, prostitution,
beggary, and trafficking in women and children.
On behalf of 20 million East bengal refugees coming over to India in
different dates and phases since 1947 partition and riots over there
awaiting citizenship and rehabilitation and even minimum human rights
including that of matribhasha and reservation, in different states of
submitted herewith some views and suggestions.
Views and comments
1. That is evident from the statement of object and reasons of the
given by Shri Lk Adwani, home minister of India that the bill has been
mooted with the main object of preventing grant of Indian
illegal migrants; grant of dual citizenship to foreigners of Indian
and compulsary registration with issue of National identity card for
citizens of India.
2.That it appears from the insertion illegal migrant in the bill that
central govt. wants to make all types of illegal migrants including
Bengal Refugees of minority communities in india, who have mostly been
compelled to come clandesinely , inelligible for registration as
india U/S 5(1)(A)/5(1)(C)of the citizenship act, 1955 and therefore
to be adopted to their counties of origin.
Although it is an attempt in right direction in dealing with anti
subversive and terrorist foreign elements, it will put millions of
patriots and freedom fighters of Eastbengal refugeesof minority
in India awaiting citizenship and rehabilititionin alarm,sever grief
tension. By inserting the word illegalmigrant in section 5 of the
citizenship act, 1955,an abortiveattempthas perhaps been madeby the
to validate the questionable executive order n.26011/16/71- 1c dt.
29.11.1971 issued by ministry of home affairsafter the creation of
BanglaDesh in 1971. the said circular suddenly withheld, bannedgrant
citizenship and refugee benefits to all East bengal refugees of
communities coming from Bangladesh.
The said circularwas issued immorally, illegally, in breach of
and in violation of fundamental rightsof minorites of Bangladesh/
to come over to india and enjoy the fruits of independence gauaranted
partition and independence documents. It is also violation of
laws for refugees and the un charter on rights of refugees.
3. that the proposal for compulsary registration of all citizens and
of National Identity Card to them with a view to screening out and
identifyingthe foreignersin india is a lofty idea and can be made
and workable only when Bangladesh/ Pakistani refugees of minority
are simultaneously granted National Identity Cards.
Special provisions should be made to safeguard the rigths as well as
citizenship of those refugees who are resettled all over India after
The flaw of refugees should be chequed immidiately. and until the
agnaist minorities beyond border stop it is next to impossible.
Specific provisionbe made in the bill for Bangladeshi/pakistani
refugees of
minority communities staying in India continuously for registration as
migrants. So the tortured ones may be saved.
All refugees rehabiliated all over india must be registered as Indian
citizens s they hold permanent addresses and property, ration card and
voting rights for generaations.
Bangladeshi politicians, however, insist the recent spike in
violence is more political than religious in nature, and that the
rising anti-Indian feeling is fuelled by India's 'bullying tactics'
like erecting the fence and its 'baseless charges' against Bangladesh.
In this current environment of highly intense anti Bangladesh and
anti refugee tension highlighted in recent terrorist events in India,
we Indians tend to lose sight
of other past moments of violence involving the formation of nation
states and ethnic genocides which have altered histories, politics
and cultures inthis part of the world. Communities in Punjab as well
Bengal have a divided geography and divided history with painful
heritage. The nation has forgotten the partition victims so
easily.Events before and after 1947 when two of the largest forced
migrations in
the world occurred whose dangerous consequences are still unfolding.
We forgot that the independence of India and Pakistan in 1947 was
marked by
the partition of the subcontinent and transfer of populations on the
basis of two major religions – Hinduism and Islam – spelling out
unprecedented violence, expulsion and exodus. 1948 saw the expulsion
of Palestinians in the cause of a Zionist Israel. The Palestinians
currently constitute the largest group of displaced persons
internationally with no right to return, and in the Indian context,
the state of Pakistan again subdivided into another nation state of
Bangladesh, involving massive violence and displacement.
Apart from the longstanding worry of over massive illegal migration
from Bangladesh, the main Indian concerns include: rebels from
northeast Indian states who operate with impunity from Bangladeshi
territory the growing influence and activities of Pakistan's Inter-
Services Intelligence and Al Qaeda in Dhaka, Rapidly rising
fundamentalism and anti-India sentiment in Bangladesh
Increasing cross-border traffic in drugs, arms, women, children, and
cattle.The mushrooming madrassas springing up along the border, many
funded by Pakistani and Saudi Arabian 'charities'
Repeated skirmishes between India's Border Security Force and the
Bangladesh Rifles over disputed territory and the latter's attempts
to stop the fencing work being undertaken by India
Dhaka's perpetual refusal to grant transit rights and permission to
Indian companies like Tata to set up shop there.
Dhaka meets all these charges with staunch denial. In turn, it
accuses India of bullying its smaller neighbour, interfering in its
internal affairs, starving it of water and sheltering Bangladeshi
While depicting the tragedy of the uprooted, we have to keep in mind
the broader issue of restructuring of public and
private social spaces in post-partition Kolkata and West Bengal. We
have discussions, reminiscences and literary works on the re-shaping
of the Bengali middle class Hindu homes as well as the public world
of workplaces and politics, but no documentation is available about
those dispalaced persons, rehabilated or non- rehabilated in other
parts of this India.
The Population Studies Unit conducted a qualitative survey during
2002-03 on the effects of undocumented migration from Bangladesh to
West Bengal. In this study undocumented migrants are defined as those
who have entered West Bengal without valid documents in post-1971
period.Undocumented migration from Bangladesh has contributed to
increased fertility and child population in West Bengal due again to
a number of factors:
The study reveals that though undocumented migration from Bangladesh
to West Bengal has been a continuous process, the peak period was
during and after the Bangladesh liberation war in 1971. Immediately
following Mujibur Rehman?s assassination on 15 August 1975, too,
migration took place extensively. The main reasons for this massive
migration during the period of 1971-80, as discerned from the
multiple responses of different professionals are: liberation war in
Mujibur's assassination in Bangladesh, political instability in
Bangladesh,lack of safety and security for Hindu families mainly due
to war,religious issue and communal tension affecting mainly Hindus
duringregime of Ziaur Rahman (1975-81).
Economic depression, lack of industrialisation, social insecurity,
explosion, political instability, the domination of religious
fundamentalists in Bangladesh, cultural similarity, and homo-ethnic
climate in West Bengal are the main motivating factors behind the
migration phenomenon.
The continuous inflowof migrants has also aggravated the
unemployment problem in the
unorganised informal sector. Deforestation, land grab, trade grab,
illegal occupancy of pavements and railway platforms by undocumented
migrants are creating pressure on natural resources. Pre-existing
slums have also grown out of proportion.
See the site: where
the exact population in July 2002 in Bangladesh was shown to be
133,376,684 and religious distributions were: Muslim 83 %, Hindu 16
%, Other 1% (1998%). Quite a large number of Hindu populations,
aren't they ? I am not sure if any country or even UN has such
comprehensive data about this world, and I never had any doubt or
question about their authenticity. The other site:
provides statistics on the number of Hindus massacred in the then
East Pakistan in 1971, to be exact 2.47 millions. This figure is
calculated based on many international investigations, is close to
three million as claimed by many peoples including the post
independent Government in Bangladesh. Why then this game to downplay
the numbers of Hindus in Bangladesh (both inhabitants and those
killed in 1971)?
Very often inhuman methods are applied to conduct systematic ethnic
cleansing; different approaches are taken for this purpose.
Occupation of their properties in the pretext of various laws to
force the Hindus to sell their properties at a very cheap price which
in turn also forces them to flee the land. Hindu business communities
and other professionals are the groups subjected to continuous
pressure mainly by the whole Government machinery (you may find some
extraordinary exceptions).Quite often Hindu young girls, even minors
are kidnapped and forcefully converted and married to Muslims in
connivance with security, administrative and judicial machineries. To
violet and dishonour Hindu women is also a part of the strategy, as
instructed in the Quran (considered as an additional key to the
heaven although that is already exclusively granted to the Muslims).
Continuous pressure to the Hindu community by dishonouring their
women folk is part of the whole strategy (
October 12, 2002).
One never hears any justice is brought upon those who rape the Hindu
women in Bangladesh (many such crimes go unreported because of social
implications and instead they prefer to migrate to India). Since the
security and administrative apparatus are almost completely devoid of
Hindus, these peoples enjoy all opportunity to terrorise the Hindu
civilians, by abusing, harassing, raiding their homes, severe torture
without any reason, sometimes even selective murder. These are done
to generate terror in the hearts of Hindus, to force them to leave
their homes, more or less the way the prophet used to do to the
infidels (even during the present military operation several Hindus
were murdered in the city of Dhaka, quite unusual in terms of number
and timing).
The sufferings may not end there in Bangladesh, their last
possessions can be taken away even in the Indian side by threatening
these helpless and defenceless civilians of all ages to be sent back
to Bangladesh. Very often entire families are sent to jails in India
(violating International laws. India had even the legal
responsibility to evacuate non-Muslims from Pakistan according to the
statute of partition /independence in 1947), and continues the
endless agony of these human beings.
A very large number of human beings have been subjected to continuous
atrocities and crimes are being perpetrated against them during the
last 55 years. This is only comparable to what was done to the Jews
during WWII. All the three countries, Bangladesh, Pakistan and India
are directly involved to this colossal human suffering in the modern
history of mankind.

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