Thursday, September 24, 2009

May We Resist Bush At Home?

May We Resist Bush At Home?

Indian Holocaust My Father`s life and Time EIGHTY ONE

Palash Biswas

"Criticism - the most keen, ruthless and uncompromising criticism - should be directed, not against parliamentarianism or parliamentary activities, but against those leaders who are unable - and still more against those who are unwilling - to utilise parliamentary elections and the parliamentary rostrum in a revolutionary and communist manner. Only such criticism-combined, of course, with the dismissal of incapable leaders and their replacement by capable ones-will constitute useful and fruitful revolutionary work that will simultaneously train the "leaders" to be worthy of the working class and of all working people, and train the masses to be able properly to understand the political situation and the often very complicated and intricate tasks that spring from that situation." (Lenin, "Left-Wing Communism: an Infantile Disorder", Chapter 7)

Ideology is dead. Globalistion is live.

Down with George Bush.
Down with US Corporate, Brahminical, Zionist Unipolar Imperialism.
Bush is at Home.
How do you resist, friends?

SEZ must be abandoned and land returned to farmers. Our people must fight until then.
Are we in a mood of fighting? Why the Dalit movement is ditached about Tribals? Bengali Dalit Refugees? OBC? BC? Minorities other than Muslim?

Have we any strategy to fight at all?

That the Indian ruling class is not interested in India and the Indians can be best proved from Manmohan Singh’s dangerous SEZ policy. Nandigram involves the sensitive and captive Vote Bank, hence it may be spared this time. Singur won`t be. Not the other parts of Rural India targeted as a hunting ground.

The new urban housing policy envisaging Public Private Partnership (PPP), promotion of FDI in real estate and providing fiscal incentives to the housing sector finds itself caught in the Special Economic Zone imbroglio.The government has decided to put the policy on hold till the SEZ issue is sorted out by the empowered Group of Ministers appointed by the Prime Minister’s Office. The GoM is yet to submit its recommendations to the government.According to government officials, the decision was taken as the new Urban Housing and Habitat policy recommends acquiring agriculture land around major cities to meet the growing demand of housing sector in the country. The land, will then, be developed under the PPP model as sub-townships with certain number of flats to be reserved for economically deprived section.The new policy, which was recently cleared by the Urban Development, speaks of acquiring land for building homes on the lines prescribed under the SEZ policy. The UD ministry went by the SEZ policy, as acquiring land was easy and at affordable prices, a senior government official explained. The ministry’s policy also suggests repealing of the Urban Land Ceiling Act, a though similar to what the GoM is now considering - revamping the Land Acquisition Act.

The UD ministry has proposed fiscal and regulatory framework for banks and other participants to ‘actively’ engage in Residential Mortgage Securitisation (RMBS) transactions with relaxation on stamp duty on instruments of RMBS. The ministry wants the government to consider allowing NRIs invest in RMBS.

In order to bridge the gap between demand and supply, the policy recommends fiscal concessions for firms involved in providing loans for taking home on rentals. Also, channelisation of funds from provident fund and insurance funds for home loans is a way suggested to fill in the gap. Special stamp duty relaxation for Group Housing societies and cooperatives is another suggestion for providing homes to poor.

Even if the IMF thinks SEZs are a bad idea, Even if the Brahmin journal Frontline says that huge tracts of acquired land are being handed over to corporations in “sweetheart” deals and scams centered on SEZs, Even if the Left is divided, Urbanisation and Industrilisation have to continue. Nonogenerian Communist leader and master mind behind land reforms Jyoti Basu and his supporters in the party, ministers and Left allies may be silenced so easily. Misinformation campaign and Media management shows the ways to crush any resistance whatsoever violently or nonviolently.

So Medha and her comrades face lathicharge in Singur and it doesn`t involve any newsbreak.
Addressing farmers from Goplanagar and Bajemelia villages who had set up camps in the area since yesterday, Patkar came down heavily on the state government for going ahead with the Tata Motors project at Singur and the the Salim project in Nandigram in east Midnapur. She said the government was using the police in favour of the enterprise and added that it should stop the project as the farmers were unwilling to hand over their land.

Slogan-shouting farmers from Beraberi Purbapara marched upto the fenced area of the Tata Motors small car project where they had an altercation with the police who stood guard. Police then resorted to lathicharge to disperse them.

Chenny visits Pakistan and Rice advices India to be involved with US interests in Iraq to Iran, Palestine to China. Mission Iran may begin any moment.

"The President is going to, as commander in chief, need to do what the country needs done," Rice said, when asked in a broadcast interview whether Bush would feel bound by proposals that would call for combat troops to begin withdrawing within 120 days. She noted that gen. David Petraeus, the new US Commander in Iraq, has supported the President's troop increase. "I can't imagine a circumstance in which it's a good thing that their flexibility is constrained by people sitting here in Washington, sitting in the Congress," the Secretary of State said.

"Then you're going to have the worst of micromanagement of military affairs. And it's always served us badly in the past," she said.

Many Democrats, now the majority party on Capitol Hill, are unhappy with Bush's plan to send 21,500 more US troops to try to quell the violence in Baghdad. They are considering several options, including revoking Congress' 2002 vote authorising the invasion of Iraq.

One proposal being drafted by Senate Democrats and expected to be presented this week would pull out some combat forces and limit US troops to fighting al-Qaida terrorists, training the Iraqi security forces and maintaining Iraq's borders.

Hasn`t been it begun in south Asia?
An all India US aggression mission?

Bush is at home .
And we have surrendered sovereignity and freedom.
We are Global. We are Superpower.
We have not to resist.

Dalit Voice correspondent from Bangalore reports: Shocking news is coming from Middle East. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and some Gulf states, all stooges of America, have supported its plan to attack Iran. All these are Arab states and Sunni. Iran is Shia. If the reports are true it marks the beginning of World War-III in which the invaders and their Arab collaborators would end up being the biggest losers. President Musharraf of Pakistan is visiting the offending Arab states this week. Hope he is able to get public denial of the news of their collaboration with the US. A tour of the Middle East by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice culminated on Jan.16 in a meeting in Kuwait and the signing of a joint communique by the foreign ministers of the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) plus Egypt and Jordan.

Today every news break relates to Railway Budget. The nation is altogether happy that Lalu Prasad in his pro-poor Railway Budget for 2007-08 presented in the Lok Sabha on Monday announced major relief for passengers by cutting fares across the board.

The minister cut passenger fares cut by 4 per cent for sleeper class rail travel.

Lalu Prasad also kept the freight rates unchanged.

AC Ist class fares reduced by 6 per cent in lean season and by 3 per cent in peak season.

Re 1 cut in daily non-suburban train fares.

For AC two-tier, the busy season reduction is 2 per cent and lean season 4 per cent.

He also lowered fares for all classes of high capacity new design reserved coaches which would be 4 per cent for AC three-tier and AC chair car in busy season and 8 per cent in lean season.

In sleeper class, the fare-reduction would be 4 per cent in all seasons.

The railway minister announced that discounts for the busy season shall be applicable in popular trains throughout the year.

Superfast charge on second class tickets has been reduced by 20 per cent from Rs 10 to Rs 8, he said.

Prasad announced introduction of tourist ticket in Mumbai suburban services with facility for unlimited travel.

He brought down charges for e-tickets booked on the Internet.

The railway minister also cus petrol diesel freight rates by 5 per cent.

In fact,Indian Railway Minister has laid increased emphasis on introduction of technology by way of high speed, high capacity wagons in the Railways Budget, 2007.He has opened the doors of further foreign investment pleasing the ruling classes. Hence, welcoming the host of initiatives introduced by the Railway Minister, R Seshasayee, President, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) said, "The budget truly heralds a modern approach to managing the largest public service through use of technology and innovation. The announcement of the policy allowing wagon manufacturers to roll out wagons with their own designs within the parameters of the RSDO will encourage R&D in the field of railways."

An article published in dalit voice opines: There was a time when — under the influence of the Sarkari Sant (Vinobha Bhave) — the rich donated their land to the poor, a scheme known as Bhoodan. In today’s India, there is a “reverse Bhoodan”, with the land of the poor being compulsorily acquired for the rich at a pittance. There was a time when the rich paid the taxes; and the poor and the middle classes were either exempt or paid low rates of taxes. In today’s India, the rich get tax holidays while the poor bear the brunt of taxation. This ‘perversion’ has a name: SEZ.
One can understand the govt.’s power of eminent domain being exercised to compulsorily acquire land for a public purpose such as a port or roads or a govt. building complex. But resorting to compulsory land acquisition for the benefit of private companies — in the name of promoting industrialisation— can never be tolerate.

It is a mystery why the ‘arch votaries of the market’ and ‘ferocious opponents of public subsidy’ like Ratan Tata, Narayanamurthy, Azim Premji, the Ambanis and others can’t pay market prices and buy land directly from farmers instead of looking upto the govt. to acquire land for them at subsidised prices. The Tamil Nadu Govt. allotted 346 acres of land to the Ford car project, which itself was on the higher side. Why do the Tatas need 997 acres for their car project? Why does Narayanamurthy need 350 acres in Bangalore, Mysore and Mangalore for Infosys, when everyone knows that IT is not a land-intensive industry and a mere 10 acres may have sufficed? It is clear that these so-called ‘captains of the industry’-turned-realtors have one set of standards for themselves and another for farmers and lesser mortals.

The Manuwadi Marxist Govt. of W.Benal proposes to acquire 10,000 acres of farm lands for the Salim Group of Indonesia. What is the reputation of this Salim Group? The simple fact is it is a Suharto crony company says it all. It cheated the Indonesian Govt. and robbed the consumers when Jakarta’s water supply system was privatised. Any decent Leftist wouldn’t want to touch such a degenerate capitalist as the Salim Group with a hundred foot pole. Like politics, business too seems to make for strange bedfellows.

WB cops lathicharge Patkar, protestors
Posted Monday , February 26, 2007 at 16:02 Email Print

DETAINED AGAIN: This is the third time that Medha Patkar has been held the West Bengal authorities.

New Delhi: Social activist Medha Patkar has got herself into another scrape in West Bengal.Patkar was in the thick of things when she tried to enter the fenced area of the Tata Motors small car project at Singur for the third time.

The police has to resort to a lathicharge to disperse the protestors led by her. Patkar said two of her associates, Amita Bag and Dhananjay Das, were injured in the lathicharge.Additional Superintendent of Police, Hooghly, Asit Pal was quoted by news agency PTI as saying that the police had to resort to lathicharge when Patkar with her associates tried to enter the fenced area.After the altercation with the police, the protestors began a sit-in demonstration a few metres away from the fence.

This is the third time that Medha Patkar has been detained by the West Bengal Police. She was held once in December when she tried to take a march for Singur farmers and once in January when she tried to enter Singur.

This is Patkar's first visit here after prohibitory orders under Section 144 CrPC were lifted following the Calcutta High Court's stricture on February 23 against the government's process for acquiring 997 acres for the project.

(With inputs from PTI)

Talks on Smart City project concludes
By Roy Mathew

Thiruvananthapuram, Feb. 26: The final round of talks between the Kerala Government and the Dubai Internet and Media Free Zone Authority for establishment of Smart City Project concluded here this afternoon.

Chief Minister V. S. Achuthanandan told media persons that the project was coming through. The lease terms had been among the issues that remained to be sorted out.

Mr. Achuthanandan said that the Authority had sought some clarifications and these had been discussed. The understanding reached during talks would now have to be approved by the Director Board of the Authority.

He had told the Authority to take their decisions early enough so that the agreement could be signed before the commencement of the Assembly session on March 2.

Suicide of a nation ?
Bangalore: Zionist controllers of America are tightening the noose round the neck of the world’s sole super power. Step by step they are squeezing Americans but President Bush and his Govt. are unperturbed about the approaching suicide of a nation.

In DV, we have predicted all this. Much against the wish of the Baker Committee report, which was outright rejected by Bush, more troops are being rushed to Iraq where the American soldiers are made to die. George Bush has hit the bottom of his career having become so unpopular.

Meanwhile, the anti-Muslim war is being expanded to Iran and all preparations are being made to attack it before April (DV Feb.1, 2007 p.7).

Even as the political and military downfall of US is increasing day by day, so also its economic collapse. This also was predicted in DV.

London’s Financial Times (Jan.14, 2007) confirms our prediction.

The euro has displaced the US dollar as the world’s pre-eminent currency in international bond markets, having outstripped the dollar-denominated market for the second year in a row. The data consolidate news last month that the value of euro notes in circulation had overtaken the dollar for the first time.

Outstanding debt issued in the euro was worth the equivalent of $4,836bn at the end of 2006 compared with $3,892 billion for the dollar, according to International Capital Market Association (ICMA) data. Outstanding euro-denominated debt accounts for 45% of the global market, compared with 37% for the dollar. New issuance last year accounted for 49% of the global total.

That represents a startling turnabout from the pattern seen in recent decades, when the US bond market dwarfed its European rival: as recently as 2002, outstanding euro-denominated issuance represented just 27% of the global pie, compared with 51% for the dollar.

DV carried the story of Iran giving the first kick to USA (DV Feb.1, 2007 p.20). But the US rulers are unperturbed about their own country. But why the citizens of America are sleeping?

Secret of 3% Brahmins ruling India
Bangalore: Brahmins are foreigners along with other Aryan varna groups like the Kshatriyas and Vaishyas (Banias).

This is the finding of the Hyderabad-based Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB).

This adds credence to the theory that “lower castes” emerged from tribal populations.

CCMB scientists analysed the Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA of three tribal populations of South India and compared the results with the available data from across the Indian subcontinent.

“The paternal lineage of Indian lower castes shows closer affinity to the tribal populations than to upper castes”, said Dr. Kumaraswamy Thangaraj. A significant aspect of the study is that its Y-SNP data provides compelling genetic evidence for the tribal origin of the lower caste populations. (Asian Age, Jan.15, 2007).

The non-Aryan sections are called SC/ST/BCs though in the Constitution of India they are included under the “Hindu”. An overwhelming majority of Muslim/Christian/Sikh also belong to the non-Aryan section.

The above mentioned six non-Aryan (and hence non-Hindu) sections put together comprise over 85% of the Indian population (1,100 millions) leaving a micro-minority Hindus (15%).

But even in this four-fold (chaturvarna) caste system of Hindus there is one prominent group called the shudras who form the single largest.

The Brahmins may be less than 3% and the other two — Kshatriya and Vaishya — may be less than 2%. That leaves the shudras (10%) who also are hostile to the three dwija (twice-born) caste groups — Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vaishya.

Why the shudras hate the dwijas? Because the Brahmins have demoted and condemned them declaring them adwijas.

The shudras are the county’s most problem group. The Brahmins are kicking them. That is why they hate them. Yet they are not willing to join the over 85% non-Hindu group of SC/ST/BCs who are the children of this soil being its original inhabitants.

Who are the shudras? For details read Babasaheb Ambedkar book Who Were the Shudras (Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar W&S Vol.7, 1990).

These stupid shudras are neither here nor there. They are not only a problem to the country but more than that they are a problem unto themselves.

Who then are these shudras?

They are the Jats in the cowbelt, Kayasths of Bengal, Bihar, UP Etc, Patels of Gujarat, Marathas and Kunbis (Maharashtra), Reddys and Khammas (AP), Vokkaligas and Lingayats (Karnataka), Nairs (Kerala), Mudaliars, Vellalas (TN), Baidyas (Bengal).

The moment these unthinking shudras realise that they are used by the Brahmins as their slippers (chappals) and these slippers are also used by Brahmins to beat the non-Aryan children of this soil, the country’s caste dilemma will get automatically resolved.

The shudras are the land-owning castes all over India. The SC/ST/BCs work as farm labour on their lands. The shudra castes are the country’s politically most powerful because they can manipulate the SC/ST/BCs working under them and hence dominate them.

The sharp caste and class contradictions between the shudras and SC/ST/BCs are exploited by the Brahmins to divide the two and rule.

No doubt the shudras intensely hate the Brahmins but the Brahmins use the caste contradictions between them and the SC/BCs to divide the two and rule both.

This is the secret of the Brahmins ruling India despite being a micro-minority and also of foreign origin.


Muslims hated but Kalam loved ?
Bangalore: Upper castes (Hindus) hate Muslims. It is this hatred of Muslims that caused the partition of India, Kashmir problem, Babri Masjid demolition, Gujarat Genocide and many more ghastly tragedies. The Sachar Committee Report 2006 (DV Jan.16, 2007 p.9) reveals how much the Hindus hate the Muslim.

If this is true why the same hate-mongering Hindus love President Abdul Kalam, a Muslim? (DV Dec.16, 2006 p.6: “Why upper castes are all praise for Kalam as a good man?”).

All over India the upper cases have launched a massive signature drive and email campaign to secure a second term for Kalam. Already lakhs of signatures have been collected in support of India’s “missile man”.

Know the “Hindu mind”: Kalam’s term ends on July 25. The Brahmana Jati Party (BJP), which represents the quintessence of Hindu hypocrisy, is all-out for Kalam. But the “secular” Congress Party has said no. Why this Brahminical love for Kalam when Muslims are so intensely hated? It is this diehard dichotomy that is devastating India.

The Hindu says one thing and does the very opposite of it. The “Hindu mind” is a scourge of not merely every Hindu but of the entire “Hindustan”. If anybody is interested in saving “Hindustan”, she/he has to first study this “Hindu mind”. Our book on this subject is getting ready.

`Industry should not be at cost of agriculture'
Kolkata, Feb. 26 (PTI): Amid controversy over farmland acquisition for industry, West Bengal's State Agriculture Commission today said industrialisation should not be done at the cost of agriculture.

"Without industrialisation, employment cannot be generated. But we are a land-criticial state owing to density of population. If industrialisation has to be done, it should not be at the cost of agriculture," Commission chairman R N Basu told reporters after a meeting with Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee.

To a question, Basu said that 'one to two' per cent of agricultural land could be given over to industry if farm productivity could be increased.

He said that the chief minister was keen to make hi-yield seeds available to farmers and give them access to improved technology to increase agricultural productivity.

While West Bengal was self-sufficient in food, there was shortage of cereals, pulses and sugar and rice bran, Basu said adding he had discussed with the Chief Minister the steps that should be taken to overcome it.

Asked to comment on the entry of big capital in agriculture, Basu did not give a direct reply, saying the Commission would study its impact.

Israeli army operation in Nablus continues 2007-02-26 19:07:25

Special report: Crisis between Israel and Palestine

RAMALLAH, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- Israeli troops on Monday continued operation in the West Bank city of Nablus, boosting military presence for the second day, Palestinian sources said.

The operation, which intensified around the old city of Nablus, is the largest in years and Israeli sources expected it will last for several days, adding the aim was to strike Palestinian militants who were reinforcing military capabilities.

The Israeli army imposed curfew on the city and forced residents to stay at home.

No people were reportedly killed but two Israeli soldiers were wounded on Sunday along with some Palestinians in clashes. The Israeli sources said up to 30 people were arrested including militants wanted for their involvement in attacks against the Jewish state.

However, Palestinian security sources said the given Israeli number was inaccurate.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian leadership and the Hamas-led caretaker government have condemned the Israeli Operation Hot Winter against Nablus and considered it a bid to obstruct power-sharing pact between Hamas and Fatah.

In the Gaza Strip, militants launched home-made rockets into southern Israel in response to the Israeli operation in Nablus, which were claimed responsibility by the military wings of the Islamic Jihad (Holy War) and Fatah movement.

Iran says West should yield on nuclear standoff

Tehran, Feb 26: Iran today said it was up to the West to give ground and end the standoff over its nuclear programme as world powers met in London to discuss further punitive measures against Tehran.

"The great powers have to put an end to our worries and respect the right of Iran," said Deputy Foreign Minister Saeed Jalili, according to the Fars news agency.

"We have done what was necessary to put an end to their worries. It is their job now to end our worries and win our confidence," he added.

Jalili's reaffirmation of Iran's position that it has done all it can and that the ball is now in the court of western powers came a day after President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad vowed Tehran would not retreat over its nuclear drive.

Ahmadinejad compared the Iranian nuclear programme to a "train without brakes or reverse gear," in a graphic metaphor of his government's refusal to bend to western pressure.

In December the UN Security Council imposed limited sanctions against Tehran over its refusal to suspend uranium enrichment, a process that the West fears could be used to make nuclear weapons.

Diplomats from Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States were to meet in London later today in a bid to thrash out a consensus on how to bring Tehran into compliance.

Washington has never ruled out the prospect of military action to halt Iran's nuclear programme, and US Vice President Dick Cheney said in Australia at the weekend that "all options are still on the table."

The United States and Israel accuse Iran of seeking nuclear weapons. Tehran denies the charges, insisting that its atomic programme is peaceful in nature.

Devil's Advocate: Buddhadeb

Posted Sunday , February 25, 2007 at 20:38
Updated Sunday , February 25, 2007 at 23:19 Email Print

NO ROLLBACK: West Bengal Chief Minister says it's not possible to roll back the Singur decision.
After Nandigram and Singur, is the image of the Left Front Government and the CPI-M in West Bengal badly damaged? That is the key question Karan Thapar put to West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee in an exclusive interview on CNN-IBN’s show Devil’s Advocate.

Karan Thapar: Chief Minister, let me start with a simple question. Is the image of your government and the image of your party damaged?

Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee: Well, I don’t think so.

Karan Thapar: You don’t think so. You mean it may be damaged?

Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee: No. It will take some time to clear the confusion that has been created after these incidents in Singur and Nandigram.

Karan Thapar: You are saying that confusion has been created, not that your government has mishandled the situation?

Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee: No, I don’t think so. Singur is something different, and in Nandigram, we did commit some mistakes there.

Karan Thapar: How serious were the mistakes in Nandigram?

Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee: In Nandigram, the mistake was that we had to take people in confidence…

Karan Thapar: And you failed to do that?

Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee: Yes. The local administration unnecessarily started some administrative measures which were not correct.

Karan Thapar: You are talking of the Haldia Development Authority issuing land acquisition notices. Do you accept the responsibility, as Chief Minister, at the end of the day?

Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee: Not at the end of the day — on the first day when I came to know that they have started this thing without discussing it with the villagers, with the panchayat functionaries, with all sections of the people in Nandigram, I told them "stop work". And I have stopped it.

Karan Thapar: How serious a blunder was Nandigram? You have said it was a blunder, but how serious was it?

Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee: I think it should not have taken place, particularly in our state, and particularly when you compare with Haldia, which is just on the other side of the river.

Karan Thapar: Has Nandigram damaged your government?

Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee:I don’t think so.

Karan Thapar: Not at all?

US boosts secret missions in Iran
Correspondents in Washington
February 27, 2007

THE US is reportedly stepping up covert operations in Iran in a new strategy that risks sparking an "open confrontation" with the Islamic republic.
Video: Nuclear program 'unstoppable'
US military and special-operations teams had increased their activities inside Iran, entering from Iraq to gather intelligence and to pursue Iranian operatives, reports said yesterday.
Investigative reporter Seymour Hersh claimed in an article in The New Yorker that US clandestine operations in Iran, Syria and the wider region had been "guided by Vice-President Dick Cheney", relying heavily onSaudi Arabia and on the Saudi national security adviser, Prince Bandar.

Citing unnamed sources, the report said the US Defence Department had recently formed a special planning group to prepare for possible attacks on Iran "that canbe implemented, upon orders from the President, within 24hours".

The planning group had in the past month turned its focus from targeting Iran's nuclear sites and attempting to oust the Tehran leadership to hitting targets "involved in supplying or aiding militants in Iraq".

"A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to al-Qa'ida," the article said.

"The 'redirection', as some inside the White House have called the new strategy, has brought the United States closer to an open confrontation with Iran and, in parts of the region, propelled it into a widening sectarian conflict between Shi'ite and Sunni Muslims."

The claims come as Britain's senior naval officer in the Gulf said the West's standoff with Iran over Tehran's contested nuclear program was like "the height of the Cold War".

Commodore Keith Winstanley told The Daily Telegraph in London: "There have been a series of Iranian exercises in the northern Gulf to the point that it's a bit like with the Russians at the height of the Cold War. We just have to hope that's not a recipe for miscalculation."

Commodore Winstanley said Britain had nearly doubled its naval deployments in the Persian Gulf since October. "Most of these ships are here on training missions but there is no doubt that we could use the war-fighting capabilities they possess," Commodore Winstanley said.

Hersh said in his article that US clandestine operations in Iran aimed at strengthening Saudi-supported Sunni groups and weakening Iran-backed Shi'ites.

He said that since last August, US-led forces in Iraq had been rounding up Iranians there to be interrogated, and were at one point holding 500 people.

However, officials told Hersh the approach was dangerous, enhancing radical groups that considered the US an enemy.

"We're spreading the money around as much as we can," aformer senior intelligence official said.

"In this process, we're financing a lot of bad guys, with some serious potential unintended consequences," the official said. "It's a very high-risk venture."

In some cases, the clandestine operations rely on Saudi Arabia and Prince Bandar, who was the ambassador to Washington for two decades, to provide the funding so that the operations remain secret.

Hersh wrote that, according to one source, Prince Bandar and the Saudi Government had assured Washington they would keep any dangerous Sunni groups potentially strengthened by the new policy under control.

Quattrocchi freed on bail in Argentina


NDTV Correspondent

Monday, February 26, 2007 (New Delhi):

Italian businessman Ottavio Quattrocchi has been freed on bail in Argentina.

But Quattrocchi, wanted in India in the Bofors case, has been banned from leaving the country.

The controversial businessman was detained on February 6.

In India, the Supreme Court has issued a notice to the CBI on the Quattrocchi extradition case.

The notice came in response to a PIL asking the court to ensure that the government and the CBI speed up the extradition of the controversial Italian businessman, caught up in the Bofors case.

A bench headed by Justice C K Thakker issued notices to the Centre and CBI and sought their replies within a week.

Opposition uproar

The controversy meanwhile dominated proceedings in the Parliament.

The Lok Sabha was adjourned for an hour as Opposition BJP and Samajwadi Party members created pandemonium over the issue.

BJP and SP members were on their feet as soon as the House met for the second day of the budget session, shouting slogans and asking the government to explain why Quattrocchi's detention was not announced when it happened.

BJP leader Jaswant Singh said the government was trying to cover up facts.

Indian Holocaust My Father`s Life and Time - Eighty One

Palash Biswas

"Criticism - the most keen, ruthless and uncompromising criticism - should be directed, not against parliamentarianism or parliamentary activities, but against those leaders who are unable - and still more against those who are unwilling - to utilise parliamentary elections and the parliamentary rostrum in a revolutionary and communist manner. Only such criticism-combined, of course, with the dismissal of incapable leaders and their replacement by capable ones-will constitute useful and fruitful revolutionary work that will simultaneously train the "leaders" to be worthy of the working class and of all working people, and train the masses to be able properly to understand the political situation and the often very complicated and intricate tasks that spring from that situation." (Lenin, "Left-Wing Communism: an Infantile Disorder", Chapter 7)

Ideology is dead. Globalistion is live.

Down with George Bush.
Down with US Corporate, Brahminical, Zionist Unipolar Imperialism.
Bush is at Home.
How do you resist, friends?

SEZ must be abandoned and land returned to farmers. Our people must fight until then.
Are we in a mood of fighting? Why the Dalit movement is ditached about Tribals? Bengali Dalit Refugees? OBC? BC? Minorities other than Muslim?

Have we any strategy to fight at all?

That the Indian ruling class is not interested in India and the Indians can be best proved from Manmohan Singh’s dangerous SEZ policy. Nandigram involves the sensitive and captive Vote Bank, hence it may be spared this time. Singur won`t be. Not the other parts of Rural India targeted as a hunting ground.

The new urban housing policy envisaging Public Private Partnership (PPP), promotion of FDI in real estate and providing fiscal incentives to the housing sector finds itself caught in the Special Economic Zone imbroglio.The government has decided to put the policy on hold till the SEZ issue is sorted out by the empowered Group of Ministers appointed by the Prime Minister’s Office. The GoM is yet to submit its recommendations to the government.According to government officials, the decision was taken as the new Urban Housing and Habitat policy recommends acquiring agriculture land around major cities to meet the growing demand of housing sector in the country. The land, will then, be developed under the PPP model as sub-townships with certain number of flats to be reserved for economically deprived section.The new policy, which was recently cleared by the Urban Development, speaks of acquiring land for building homes on the lines prescribed under the SEZ policy. The UD ministry went by the SEZ policy, as acquiring land was easy and at affordable prices, a senior government official explained. The ministry’s policy also suggests repealing of the Urban Land Ceiling Act, a though similar to what the GoM is now considering - revamping the Land Acquisition Act.

The UD ministry has proposed fiscal and regulatory framework for banks and other participants to ‘actively’ engage in Residential Mortgage Securitisation (RMBS) transactions with relaxation on stamp duty on instruments of RMBS. The ministry wants the government to consider allowing NRIs invest in RMBS.

In order to bridge the gap between demand and supply, the policy recommends fiscal concessions for firms involved in providing loans for taking home on rentals. Also, channelisation of funds from provident fund and insurance funds for home loans is a way suggested to fill in the gap. Special stamp duty relaxation for Group Housing societies and cooperatives is another suggestion for providing homes to poor.

Even if the IMF thinks SEZs are a bad idea, Even if the Brahmin journal Frontline says that huge tracts of acquired land are being handed over to corporations in “sweetheart” deals and scams centered on SEZs, Even if the Left is divided, Urbanisation and Industrilisation have to continue. Nonogenerian Communist leader and master mind behind land reforms Jyoti Basu and his supporters in the party, ministers and Left allies may be silenced so easily. Misinformation campaign and Media management shows the ways to crush any resistance whatsoever violently or nonviolently.

So Medha and her comrades face lathicharge in Singur and it doesn`t involve any newsbreak.
Addressing farmers from Goplanagar and Bajemelia villages who had set up camps in the area since yesterday, Patkar came down heavily on the state government for going ahead with the Tata Motors project at Singur and the the Salim project in Nandigram in east Midnapur. She said the government was using the police in favour of the enterprise and added that it should stop the project as the farmers were unwilling to hand over their land.

Slogan-shouting farmers from Beraberi Purbapara marched upto the fenced area of the Tata Motors small car project where they had an altercation with the police who stood guard. Police then resorted to lathicharge to disperse them.

Chenny visits Pakistan and Rice advices India to be involved with US interests in Iraq to Iran, Palestine to China. Mission Iran may begin any moment.

"The President is going to, as commander in chief, need to do what the country needs done," Rice said, when asked in a broadcast interview whether Bush would feel bound by proposals that would call for combat troops to begin withdrawing within 120 days. She noted that gen. David Petraeus, the new US Commander in Iraq, has supported the President's troop increase. "I can't imagine a circumstance in which it's a good thing that their flexibility is constrained by people sitting here in Washington, sitting in the Congress," the Secretary of State said.

"Then you're going to have the worst of micromanagement of military affairs. And it's always served us badly in the past," she said.

Many Democrats, now the majority party on Capitol Hill, are unhappy with Bush's plan to send 21,500 more US troops to try to quell the violence in Baghdad. They are considering several options, including revoking Congress' 2002 vote authorising the invasion of Iraq.

One proposal being drafted by Senate Democrats and expected to be presented this week would pull out some combat forces and limit US troops to fighting al-Qaida terrorists, training the Iraqi security forces and maintaining Iraq's borders.

Hasn`t been it begun in south Asia?
An all India US aggression mission?

Bush is at home .
And we have surrendered sovereignity and freedom.
We are Global. We are Superpower.
We have not to resist.

Dalit Voice correspondent from Bangalore reports: Shocking news is coming from Middle East. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and some Gulf states, all stooges of America, have supported its plan to attack Iran. All these are Arab states and Sunni. Iran is Shia. If the reports are true it marks the beginning of World War-III in which the invaders and their Arab collaborators would end up being the biggest losers. President Musharraf of Pakistan is visiting the offending Arab states this week. Hope he is able to get public denial of the news of their collaboration with the US. A tour of the Middle East by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice culminated on Jan.16 in a meeting in Kuwait and the signing of a joint communique by the foreign ministers of the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) plus Egypt and Jordan.

Today every news break relates to Railway Budget. The nation is altogether happy that Lalu Prasad in his pro-poor Railway Budget for 2007-08 presented in the Lok Sabha on Monday announced major relief for passengers by cutting fares across the board.

The minister cut passenger fares cut by 4 per cent for sleeper class rail travel.

Lalu Prasad also kept the freight rates unchanged.

AC Ist class fares reduced by 6 per cent in lean season and by 3 per cent in peak season.

Re 1 cut in daily non-suburban train fares.

For AC two-tier, the busy season reduction is 2 per cent and lean season 4 per cent.

He also lowered fares for all classes of high capacity new design reserved coaches which would be 4 per cent for AC three-tier and AC chair car in busy season and 8 per cent in lean season.

In sleeper class, the fare-reduction would be 4 per cent in all seasons.

The railway minister announced that discounts for the busy season shall be applicable in popular trains throughout the year.

Superfast charge on second class tickets has been reduced by 20 per cent from Rs 10 to Rs 8, he said.

Prasad announced introduction of tourist ticket in Mumbai suburban services with facility for unlimited travel.

He brought down charges for e-tickets booked on the Internet.

The railway minister also cus petrol diesel freight rates by 5 per cent.

In fact,Indian Railway Minister has laid increased emphasis on introduction of technology by way of high speed, high capacity wagons in the Railways Budget, 2007.He has opened the doors of further foreign investment pleasing the ruling classes. Hence, welcoming the host of initiatives introduced by the Railway Minister, R Seshasayee, President, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) said, "The budget truly heralds a modern approach to managing the largest public service through use of technology and innovation. The announcement of the policy allowing wagon manufacturers to roll out wagons with their own designs within the parameters of the RSDO will encourage R&D in the field of railways."

An article published in dalit voice opines: There was a time when — under the influence of the Sarkari Sant (Vinobha Bhave) — the rich donated their land to the poor, a scheme known as Bhoodan. In today’s India, there is a “reverse Bhoodan”, with the land of the poor being compulsorily acquired for the rich at a pittance. There was a time when the rich paid the taxes; and the poor and the middle classes were either exempt or paid low rates of taxes. In today’s India, the rich get tax holidays while the poor bear the brunt of taxation. This ‘perversion’ has a name: SEZ.
One can understand the govt.’s power of eminent domain being exercised to compulsorily acquire land for a public purpose such as a port or roads or a govt. building complex. But resorting to compulsory land acquisition for the benefit of private companies — in the name of promoting industrialisation— can never be tolerate.

It is a mystery why the ‘arch votaries of the market’ and ‘ferocious opponents of public subsidy’ like Ratan Tata, Narayanamurthy, Azim Premji, the Ambanis and others can’t pay market prices and buy land directly from farmers instead of looking upto the govt. to acquire land for them at subsidised prices. The Tamil Nadu Govt. allotted 346 acres of land to the Ford car project, which itself was on the higher side. Why do the Tatas need 997 acres for their car project? Why does Narayanamurthy need 350 acres in Bangalore, Mysore and Mangalore for Infosys, when everyone knows that IT is not a land-intensive industry and a mere 10 acres may have sufficed? It is clear that these so-called ‘captains of the industry’-turned-realtors have one set of standards for themselves and another for farmers and lesser mortals.

The Manuwadi Marxist Govt. of W.Benal proposes to acquire 10,000 acres of farm lands for the Salim Group of Indonesia. What is the reputation of this Salim Group? The simple fact is it is a Suharto crony company says it all. It cheated the Indonesian Govt. and robbed the consumers when Jakarta’s water supply system was privatised. Any decent Leftist wouldn’t want to touch such a degenerate capitalist as the Salim Group with a hundred foot pole. Like politics, business too seems to make for strange bedfellows.

WB cops lathicharge Patkar, protestors
Posted Monday , February 26, 2007 at 16:02 Email Print

DETAINED AGAIN: This is the third time that Medha Patkar has been held the West Bengal authorities.

New Delhi: Social activist Medha Patkar has got herself into another scrape in West Bengal.Patkar was in the thick of things when she tried to enter the fenced area of the Tata Motors small car project at Singur for the third time.

The police has to resort to a lathicharge to disperse the protestors led by her. Patkar said two of her associates, Amita Bag and Dhananjay Das, were injured in the lathicharge.Additional Superintendent of Police, Hooghly, Asit Pal was quoted by news agency PTI as saying that the police had to resort to lathicharge when Patkar with her associates tried to enter the fenced area.After the altercation with the police, the protestors began a sit-in demonstration a few metres away from the fence.

This is the third time that Medha Patkar has been detained by the West Bengal Police. She was held once in December when she tried to take a march for Singur farmers and once in January when she tried to enter Singur.

This is Patkar's first visit here after prohibitory orders under Section 144 CrPC were lifted following the Calcutta High Court's stricture on February 23 against the government's process for acquiring 997 acres for the project.

(With inputs from PTI)

Talks on Smart City project concludes
By Roy Mathew

Thiruvananthapuram, Feb. 26: The final round of talks between the Kerala Government and the Dubai Internet and Media Free Zone Authority for establishment of Smart City Project concluded here this afternoon.

Chief Minister V. S. Achuthanandan told media persons that the project was coming through. The lease terms had been among the issues that remained to be sorted out.

Mr. Achuthanandan said that the Authority had sought some clarifications and these had been discussed. The understanding reached during talks would now have to be approved by the Director Board of the Authority.

He had told the Authority to take their decisions early enough so that the agreement could be signed before the commencement of the Assembly session on March 2.

Suicide of a nation ?
Bangalore: Zionist controllers of America are tightening the noose round the neck of the world’s sole super power. Step by step they are squeezing Americans but President Bush and his Govt. are unperturbed about the approaching suicide of a nation.

In DV, we have predicted all this. Much against the wish of the Baker Committee report, which was outright rejected by Bush, more troops are being rushed to Iraq where the American soldiers are made to die. George Bush has hit the bottom of his career having become so unpopular.

Meanwhile, the anti-Muslim war is being expanded to Iran and all preparations are being made to attack it before April (DV Feb.1, 2007 p.7).

Even as the political and military downfall of US is increasing day by day, so also its economic collapse. This also was predicted in DV.

London’s Financial Times (Jan.14, 2007) confirms our prediction.

The euro has displaced the US dollar as the world’s pre-eminent currency in international bond markets, having outstripped the dollar-denominated market for the second year in a row. The data consolidate news last month that the value of euro notes in circulation had overtaken the dollar for the first time.

Outstanding debt issued in the euro was worth the equivalent of $4,836bn at the end of 2006 compared with $3,892 billion for the dollar, according to International Capital Market Association (ICMA) data. Outstanding euro-denominated debt accounts for 45% of the global market, compared with 37% for the dollar. New issuance last year accounted for 49% of the global total.

That represents a startling turnabout from the pattern seen in recent decades, when the US bond market dwarfed its European rival: as recently as 2002, outstanding euro-denominated issuance represented just 27% of the global pie, compared with 51% for the dollar.

DV carried the story of Iran giving the first kick to USA (DV Feb.1, 2007 p.20). But the US rulers are unperturbed about their own country. But why the citizens of America are sleeping?

Secret of 3% Brahmins ruling India
Bangalore: Brahmins are foreigners along with other Aryan varna groups like the Kshatriyas and Vaishyas (Banias).

This is the finding of the Hyderabad-based Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB).

This adds credence to the theory that “lower castes” emerged from tribal populations.

CCMB scientists analysed the Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA of three tribal populations of South India and compared the results with the available data from across the Indian subcontinent.

“The paternal lineage of Indian lower castes shows closer affinity to the tribal populations than to upper castes”, said Dr. Kumaraswamy Thangaraj. A significant aspect of the study is that its Y-SNP data provides compelling genetic evidence for the tribal origin of the lower caste populations. (Asian Age, Jan.15, 2007).

The non-Aryan sections are called SC/ST/BCs though in the Constitution of India they are included under the “Hindu”. An overwhelming majority of Muslim/Christian/Sikh also belong to the non-Aryan section.

The above mentioned six non-Aryan (and hence non-Hindu) sections put together comprise over 85% of the Indian population (1,100 millions) leaving a micro-minority Hindus (15%).

But even in this four-fold (chaturvarna) caste system of Hindus there is one prominent group called the shudras who form the single largest.

The Brahmins may be less than 3% and the other two — Kshatriya and Vaishya — may be less than 2%. That leaves the shudras (10%) who also are hostile to the three dwija (twice-born) caste groups — Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vaishya.

Why the shudras hate the dwijas? Because the Brahmins have demoted and condemned them declaring them adwijas.

The shudras are the county’s most problem group. The Brahmins are kicking them. That is why they hate them. Yet they are not willing to join the over 85% non-Hindu group of SC/ST/BCs who are the children of this soil being its original inhabitants.

Who are the shudras? For details read Babasaheb Ambedkar book Who Were the Shudras (Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar W&S Vol.7, 1990).

These stupid shudras are neither here nor there. They are not only a problem to the country but more than that they are a problem unto themselves.

Who then are these shudras?

They are the Jats in the cowbelt, Kayasths of Bengal, Bihar, UP Etc, Patels of Gujarat, Marathas and Kunbis (Maharashtra), Reddys and Khammas (AP), Vokkaligas and Lingayats (Karnataka), Nairs (Kerala), Mudaliars, Vellalas (TN), Baidyas (Bengal).

The moment these unthinking shudras realise that they are used by the Brahmins as their slippers (chappals) and these slippers are also used by Brahmins to beat the non-Aryan children of this soil, the country’s caste dilemma will get automatically resolved.

The shudras are the land-owning castes all over India. The SC/ST/BCs work as farm labour on their lands. The shudra castes are the country’s politically most powerful because they can manipulate the SC/ST/BCs working under them and hence dominate them.

The sharp caste and class contradictions between the shudras and SC/ST/BCs are exploited by the Brahmins to divide the two and rule.

No doubt the shudras intensely hate the Brahmins but the Brahmins use the caste contradictions between them and the SC/BCs to divide the two and rule both.

This is the secret of the Brahmins ruling India despite being a micro-minority and also of foreign origin.


Muslims hated but Kalam loved ?
Bangalore: Upper castes (Hindus) hate Muslims. It is this hatred of Muslims that caused the partition of India, Kashmir problem, Babri Masjid demolition, Gujarat Genocide and many more ghastly tragedies. The Sachar Committee Report 2006 (DV Jan.16, 2007 p.9) reveals how much the Hindus hate the Muslim.

If this is true why the same hate-mongering Hindus love President Abdul Kalam, a Muslim? (DV Dec.16, 2006 p.6: “Why upper castes are all praise for Kalam as a good man?”).

All over India the upper cases have launched a massive signature drive and email campaign to secure a second term for Kalam. Already lakhs of signatures have been collected in support of India’s “missile man”.

Know the “Hindu mind”: Kalam’s term ends on July 25. The Brahmana Jati Party (BJP), which represents the quintessence of Hindu hypocrisy, is all-out for Kalam. But the “secular” Congress Party has said no. Why this Brahminical love for Kalam when Muslims are so intensely hated? It is this diehard dichotomy that is devastating India.

The Hindu says one thing and does the very opposite of it. The “Hindu mind” is a scourge of not merely every Hindu but of the entire “Hindustan”. If anybody is interested in saving “Hindustan”, she/he has to first study this “Hindu mind”. Our book on this subject is getting ready.

`Industry should not be at cost of agriculture'
Kolkata, Feb. 26 (PTI): Amid controversy over farmland acquisition for industry, West Bengal's State Agriculture Commission today said industrialisation should not be done at the cost of agriculture.

"Without industrialisation, employment cannot be generated. But we are a land-criticial state owing to density of population. If industrialisation has to be done, it should not be at the cost of agriculture," Commission chairman R N Basu told reporters after a meeting with Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee.

To a question, Basu said that 'one to two' per cent of agricultural land could be given over to industry if farm productivity could be increased.

He said that the chief minister was keen to make hi-yield seeds available to farmers and give them access to improved technology to increase agricultural productivity.

While West Bengal was self-sufficient in food, there was shortage of cereals, pulses and sugar and rice bran, Basu said adding he had discussed with the Chief Minister the steps that should be taken to overcome it.

Asked to comment on the entry of big capital in agriculture, Basu did not give a direct reply, saying the Commission would study its impact.

Israeli army operation in Nablus continues 2007-02-26 19:07:25

Special report: Crisis between Israel and Palestine

RAMALLAH, Feb. 26 (Xinhua) -- Israeli troops on Monday continued operation in the West Bank city of Nablus, boosting military presence for the second day, Palestinian sources said.

The operation, which intensified around the old city of Nablus, is the largest in years and Israeli sources expected it will last for several days, adding the aim was to strike Palestinian militants who were reinforcing military capabilities.

The Israeli army imposed curfew on the city and forced residents to stay at home.

No people were reportedly killed but two Israeli soldiers were wounded on Sunday along with some Palestinians in clashes. The Israeli sources said up to 30 people were arrested including militants wanted for their involvement in attacks against the Jewish state.

However, Palestinian security sources said the given Israeli number was inaccurate.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian leadership and the Hamas-led caretaker government have condemned the Israeli Operation Hot Winter against Nablus and considered it a bid to obstruct power-sharing pact between Hamas and Fatah.

In the Gaza Strip, militants launched home-made rockets into southern Israel in response to the Israeli operation in Nablus, which were claimed responsibility by the military wings of the Islamic Jihad (Holy War) and Fatah movement.

Iran says West should yield on nuclear standoff

Tehran, Feb 26: Iran today said it was up to the West to give ground and end the standoff over its nuclear programme as world powers met in London to discuss further punitive measures against Tehran.

"The great powers have to put an end to our worries and respect the right of Iran," said Deputy Foreign Minister Saeed Jalili, according to the Fars news agency.

"We have done what was necessary to put an end to their worries. It is their job now to end our worries and win our confidence," he added.

Jalili's reaffirmation of Iran's position that it has done all it can and that the ball is now in the court of western powers came a day after President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad vowed Tehran would not retreat over its nuclear drive.

Ahmadinejad compared the Iranian nuclear programme to a "train without brakes or reverse gear," in a graphic metaphor of his government's refusal to bend to western pressure.

In December the UN Security Council imposed limited sanctions against Tehran over its refusal to suspend uranium enrichment, a process that the West fears could be used to make nuclear weapons.

Diplomats from Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States were to meet in London later today in a bid to thrash out a consensus on how to bring Tehran into compliance.

Washington has never ruled out the prospect of military action to halt Iran's nuclear programme, and US Vice President Dick Cheney said in Australia at the weekend that "all options are still on the table."

The United States and Israel accuse Iran of seeking nuclear weapons. Tehran denies the charges, insisting that its atomic programme is peaceful in nature.

Devil's Advocate: Buddhadeb

Posted Sunday , February 25, 2007 at 20:38
Updated Sunday , February 25, 2007 at 23:19 Email Print

NO ROLLBACK: West Bengal Chief Minister says it's not possible to roll back the Singur decision.
After Nandigram and Singur, is the image of the Left Front Government and the CPI-M in West Bengal badly damaged? That is the key question Karan Thapar put to West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee in an exclusive interview on CNN-IBN’s show Devil’s Advocate.

Karan Thapar: Chief Minister, let me start with a simple question. Is the image of your government and the image of your party damaged?

Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee: Well, I don’t think so.

Karan Thapar: You don’t think so. You mean it may be damaged?

Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee: No. It will take some time to clear the confusion that has been created after these incidents in Singur and Nandigram.

Karan Thapar: You are saying that confusion has been created, not that your government has mishandled the situation?

Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee: No, I don’t think so. Singur is something different, and in Nandigram, we did commit some mistakes there.

Karan Thapar: How serious were the mistakes in Nandigram?

Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee: In Nandigram, the mistake was that we had to take people in confidence…

Karan Thapar: And you failed to do that?

Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee: Yes. The local administration unnecessarily started some administrative measures which were not correct.

Karan Thapar: You are talking of the Haldia Development Authority issuing land acquisition notices. Do you accept the responsibility, as Chief Minister, at the end of the day?

Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee: Not at the end of the day — on the first day when I came to know that they have started this thing without discussing it with the villagers, with the panchayat functionaries, with all sections of the people in Nandigram, I told them "stop work". And I have stopped it.

Karan Thapar: How serious a blunder was Nandigram? You have said it was a blunder, but how serious was it?

Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee: I think it should not have taken place, particularly in our state, and particularly when you compare with Haldia, which is just on the other side of the river.

Karan Thapar: Has Nandigram damaged your government?

Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee:I don’t think so.

Karan Thapar: Not at all?

US boosts secret missions in Iran
Correspondents in Washington
February 27, 2007

THE US is reportedly stepping up covert operations in Iran in a new strategy that risks sparking an "open confrontation" with the Islamic republic.
Video: Nuclear program 'unstoppable'
US military and special-operations teams had increased their activities inside Iran, entering from Iraq to gather intelligence and to pursue Iranian operatives, reports said yesterday.
Investigative reporter Seymour Hersh claimed in an article in The New Yorker that US clandestine operations in Iran, Syria and the wider region had been "guided by Vice-President Dick Cheney", relying heavily onSaudi Arabia and on the Saudi national security adviser, Prince Bandar.

Citing unnamed sources, the report said the US Defence Department had recently formed a special planning group to prepare for possible attacks on Iran "that canbe implemented, upon orders from the President, within 24hours".

The planning group had in the past month turned its focus from targeting Iran's nuclear sites and attempting to oust the Tehran leadership to hitting targets "involved in supplying or aiding militants in Iraq".

"A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to al-Qa'ida," the article said.

"The 'redirection', as some inside the White House have called the new strategy, has brought the United States closer to an open confrontation with Iran and, in parts of the region, propelled it into a widening sectarian conflict between Shi'ite and Sunni Muslims."

The claims come as Britain's senior naval officer in the Gulf said the West's standoff with Iran over Tehran's contested nuclear program was like "the height of the Cold War".

Commodore Keith Winstanley told The Daily Telegraph in London: "There have been a series of Iranian exercises in the northern Gulf to the point that it's a bit like with the Russians at the height of the Cold War. We just have to hope that's not a recipe for miscalculation."

Commodore Winstanley said Britain had nearly doubled its naval deployments in the Persian Gulf since October. "Most of these ships are here on training missions but there is no doubt that we could use the war-fighting capabilities they possess," Commodore Winstanley said.

Hersh said in his article that US clandestine operations in Iran aimed at strengthening Saudi-supported Sunni groups and weakening Iran-backed Shi'ites.

He said that since last August, US-led forces in Iraq had been rounding up Iranians there to be interrogated, and were at one point holding 500 people.

However, officials told Hersh the approach was dangerous, enhancing radical groups that considered the US an enemy.

"We're spreading the money around as much as we can," aformer senior intelligence official said.

"In this process, we're financing a lot of bad guys, with some serious potential unintended consequences," the official said. "It's a very high-risk venture."

In some cases, the clandestine operations rely on Saudi Arabia and Prince Bandar, who was the ambassador to Washington for two decades, to provide the funding so that the operations remain secret.

Hersh wrote that, according to one source, Prince Bandar and the Saudi Government had assured Washington they would keep any dangerous Sunni groups potentially strengthened by the new policy under control.

Quattrocchi freed on bail in Argentina


NDTV Correspondent

Monday, February 26, 2007 (New Delhi):

Italian businessman Ottavio Quattrocchi has been freed on bail in Argentina.

But Quattrocchi, wanted in India in the Bofors case, has been banned from leaving the country.

The controversial businessman was detained on February 6.

In India, the Supreme Court has issued a notice to the CBI on the Quattrocchi extradition case.

The notice came in response to a PIL asking the court to ensure that the government and the CBI speed up the extradition of the controversial Italian businessman, caught up in the Bofors case.

A bench headed by Justice C K Thakker issued notices to the Centre and CBI and sought their replies within a week.

Opposition uproar

The controversy meanwhile dominated proceedings in the Parliament.

The Lok Sabha was adjourned for an hour as Opposition BJP and Samajwadi Party members created pandemonium over the issue.

BJP and SP members were on their feet as soon as the House met for the second day of the budget session, shouting slogans and asking the government to explain why Quattrocchi's detention was not announced when it happened.

BJP leader Jaswant Singh said the government was trying to cover up facts.

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