Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Killing Instinct Versus Inherent Injustice

Killing Instinct Versus Inherent Injustice

Indian Holocaust My Father`s Life and Time - fifty Seven

Palash Biswas

On the 76th anniversary of the martyrdom of Bhagat Singh 'Revolutionary Democracy' has put up on its newly opened Archival Material section 5 letters of Bhagat Singh which we have received from Comrade Chaman Lal of JNU.



Long Live the Memory of Comrade Bhagat Singh !

What is reservation and Quota? These constitutional provisions have become best tools for the ruling Classes to accommodate all kinds of Bastards and demoralise the actual worthy and potential Dalit tribal elements!
Where happen to be all those quota politicians , the SC, ST MPs and MLAs when a Nandigram is crushed?
All SC, ST, BC, OBC so called representatives are picked and sponsered by the Ruling Classes. Hence they pose well as DUMB, DEAF and Blind!
This is Polity Indian!
Gandhi boasted dalits are integral part of Hindutva. Gandhi denied separate existence of Underclasses in India.
Gandhi launched Anti Untenability Front later known as Hrijan sevak sangh to alienate the dalits from tribals, BC and OBC and minorities and from Shudras.
Gandhi never recognised dalits as Shudras!
Gandhi always saved the interests of Brahmins, Zamindars and Capitalists. He posed as Mahatma as India happens to be a country of small and big Gods and Religion happens to be the ultimate opium! Vaidiki Rituals is the gist of Gandhism.
The Brahmin Ideologues and some Shudra followers and In- Laws well known for their sympathy with Sangh Parivar have come out with SEZ weapon to kill Communism in India and Indian Gorbachev oblige!

But the Polity and Economy , Society and Culture, Languages and Nationalities are all about Cricket. Screaming Headlines in Print Media and violent News Breaks on TV screen expose what is Cricket all about all over the sub continent!

It is Post Modern Manusmriti authored by Brahminical Imperialist, Zionist Global Order that the underclasses have to be deprived of their mother languages! Since English is out of their purchasing reach and the IT also, thus the Shudrayan continues well. The Ashwa Medh reborn!

Let all Indian languages whither away. Let all Indians speak English by 2060. Let this happen and India will be a better nation, feels Dalit activist But, that will not make non-English speaking Brahmins fall below the untouchables in Indian society. Dalits have a double disadvantage, that's my point. I think acceptance of the supremacy of English is a grim reality. It's not a wrong thing to do.Even when a passerby on Indian roads overhears someone speaking in English he respects him more than other guys. This recognition will help in nation building.

Let all Indian languages whither away and let all Indians speak English by 2060 or so. Many of the regional problems will disappear. The fights between Kannada and Telugu or Tamil will be solved. India will be a better nation.Something good about your identity, community and culture will also vanish by abandoning your language.

See how CPM cadare and police took part to kill farmers in Nandigram!!. Read KOLKATA 's Anand Bazar Patrika online


It is Inherent Injustice fielded against Killing Instinct Of God Indra! It is Ramchandra who failed to kill the Ravan this time as there is no Hanuman or Bibhisan. Hanuman has crossed the fence and bibhisan is in the Indian camp itself.

Party stands by Buddha, gets restive allies to fall in line.Criminal of Marichjhapi stands by the Murderer of Nandigram!

Shambuk has to be killed as no one should dare to violate the Vaidik Aryan dominance.

India may further open markets to LDCs in SAARC and commerce Minister of India Shameless corporate agent Kamalnath speaks out SEZ policy must not be mixed up with land issue even after Kalinganagr and Nandigram massacre. Non Cong Gandhians and Lohiates are out of den with all the traditional venom against Ideology communism! Rotten Gandhiism is in back gear! Was Gandhi a Mahatma at all? did not he force Ambedkar for Poona Pact? Did not he accepted all Muslim League demands bargaining with cast Hindu Brahminical interests to deprive Indian underclasses of their legitimate human and civil rights?

Guru Greg Chappel must be replaced with Railway Minister Laloo Prasad Yada to enrail the derailed Team Inida train captured by Globalisation! Some one should be there to manage and address the open market oriented Indian Cricket. This is the only way to save face of indian Cricket!
Just read this article:Lalu, a good manager for MIT students

What went wrong with Team India?

Indian cricket faces revamp after Cup debacle


I'm not going to blame anybody: Chappell
N. Ananthanarayanan

Team India lacks the Killing Instinct ans it should have some element of it from the Ruling Brahmins who intend to demolish Rural India!
Team India lags behind Strike Rate but Indian Forces have all the Strike Power to annihilate any protest any resistance from the Dalit, Tribal Minority bases.

Former players, board officials and the national media were united in condemning an Indian team that had all but crashed out of the World Cup in the Caribbean on Friday.Winners in 1983 and finalists in the last tournament, India suffered a 69-run defeat in their crunch Group B match against Sri Lanka and their slim hopes of progressing now hinge on an unlikely defeat for Bangladesh by debutants Bermuda on Sunday.

This is not Cricket!,103,2

Loss to Sri Lanka turns Indian heat on Chappell
Sydney Morning Herald - 1 hour ago
Testing times ... India coach Greg Chappell is hopeful his team's latest loss to Sri Lanka and their poor tournament form won't spark violence by disappointed fans.
Cricket-Coach Chappell's future in focus after World Cup debacle
India all but crash out of World Cup Mail & Guardian Online
Gulf News - India - Economic Times - Hindu
all 628 news articles »
Who killed the coach?
The Age - 1 hour ago
Bob Woolmer two weeks ago during cricket practice in Trinidad, and the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel in Kingston, where he was found strangled.
Cup continues to honour Bob FOX SPORTS
Slaying casts cloud over genteel sport of cricket Houston Chronicle
Daily News & Analysis - Hindu - The Saturday Post - Independent Online
all 3,048 news articles »

A Must Read by Karat: What really happened in Nandigram

Prakash Karat

March 23, 2007

The events in Nandigram, starting from the January 3 incident have been the subject of a heated controversy. A feature of this political tussle has been the concerted attempt to attack the Communist Party of India-Marxist on the grounds that it is taking an anti-peasant stance in favour of big companies. It is accused of using the police for this purpose.

The March 14 incidents when the police entered Nandigram and police firing took place have led to protests in West Bengal and in other parts of the country. At the national level, the Bharatiya Janata Party and its allies have focussed on this incident. Parliament was disrupted for five successive days. The BJP and the Trinamul Congress have demanded the imposition of Article 356 in West Bengal. Some other opposition groups have demanded the removal of Chief Minister Buddhabeb Bhattacharya.

It is essential to understand what happened in Nandigram and what are the issues involved. First of all, it must be clear that the police action in Nandigram was not for any land acquisition. It is true that the West Bengal government had considered certain areas within Nandigram for the proposed chemical hub to be set-up as a Special Economic Zone. This was under the consideration of the state government. There was no notification for land acquisition by the authorities at any stage. There was a notice by the Haldia Development Authority for public information regarding the likely location of the project. It is this notice which set off protests by people in Nandigram Block I.
Read More:

Read this article also:
Nandigram villagers cope with dispossession

Monideepa Banerjie
Saturday, March 24, 2007 (Nandigram)
It's been more than a week since 14 people died in the clash between Nandigram villagers and the police, and life is not even beginning to limp back to normal.

Instead, what is dawning on the people on both sides of the battleline, the CPM and the Bhoomi Uchched Pratirodh Committee, is that they are all dispossessed.

Almost three months ago, as tension spiralled over rumours of land acquisition for an SEZ, they were driven out of their homes at Sonachura and half a dozen other villages by the Bhoomi Uchched Pratirodh Committee.
Read More:

Dear Friends,

Here is a sample petition calling for judicial enquiry in Nandigram violence of March 14, its runup and aftermath.
Pls. do mail and/or fax to the addressees on the same/similar lines.
A copy may be forwarded to: .


The Chairman
The National Human Rights Commission,
New Delhi

Tel.: +91 22 23384012
Fax: +91 22 23384863


National Commission for Women
New Delhi

Fax: +91-11-23236154
Complaints Cell: +91-11-23219750

National Commission for Minorities
New Delhi

Tel.: +91 22 24618349
Fax: +91 22 24693302/24642645/24698410

National Commission for Scheduled Castes
New Delhi

Fax: +91 22 24601213

Fax: +91 22 24625378/24634743/24615014

Sub: Violence and repression in Nandigram in West Bengal causing large-scale loss of lives and displacement


You must be aware of the fact that on the March 14 last a large posse of police force under the command of the West Bengal government had entered the Nandigram area in the East Midnapore district of West Bengal ostensibly to establish the "rule of law".

You may also recall that since early January the area is in turmoil.
To be more precise, on January 2nd, the Haldia Development Authority (HAD) had issued a preliminary notice indicating a plan to acquire about 14,500 acres of land of 27 moujas of
Nandigram-1 block and 2 moujas of Khejuri-2 block. It had also been announced that the land of Nandigram block would be acquired shortly since the Salim Group would build a mega Chemical Hub (10,000 acres) and another industrialist group of Pawan Ruia would set up a Shipbuilding and repairing unit (2500 acres) there. The rest of the land (2000 acres) would be used for disposal of alluvium dredged from the river bed of Haldia Port. The list of earmarked moujas was sent to the concerned Gram Panchayats. The notice mentioned the names of total 29 moujas at the Nandigram-1 and Khejuri-2 blocks that had primarily been shortlisted for the Salim-promoted chemical hub which included 5 Gram Panchayats in Nandigram -1 block namely 10 No. Sonachura, 9 No. Kalicharanpur, 3 No. Kendemari, 2 No. Muhammadpur and 1 No. Vekutia and Khejuri GP in Khejuri-2 Block.
This notice, to use a rather cliched expression, set a cat among the pigeons. There was large scale disquiet amongst the local people.
It set off a series of violent clashes since January 3 between the villagers and the State administration and also between sections of villagers. This culminated in bloody and murderous violence on January 7 between villagers determined not to part with their lands and the followers of the CPIM supporting the threatened move of the State government. While there are conflicting reports about the violence, the fact that human lives were lost is irrefutable. The active and personal involvement of Shri Lakshman Seth, the CPIM MP from Haldia, who is also the Chairman of the HDA, was also widely alleged.

Be that as it may, as a consequence the State government issued a clarification subsequently that the said notice had been wrongly issued without proper authority and land acquisition for the chemical hub would be put on hold for the time being.
But, as it appears the State government and its leaders enjoyed little credibility amongst the villagers. It’d be pertinent to recall that in the wake of the January 7 violence allegedly between the armed supporters of the CPIM coming from either outside or from the temporary camps, where they had shifted to and taken shelter since January 3 consequent upon earlier clashes, surrounding the area; a senior Polit Bureau member of the CPIM and also a Rajya Sabha MP from west Bengal categorically denied the very existence of the HAD notification and branded such report as mischievous rumour mongering. It is, however, quite another matter that the Chief Minster, belonging to his party, had to admit otherwise. Consequently the villagers cut all the roads connecting to the outside world off keeping provisions for only temporary and removable bridges in anticipation of large scale invasions from outside. All attempts by the State administration to convince the villagers of its pious intentions failed to cut any ice with them. It would also be pertinent to mention here that Nandigram is just not an isolated stand-alone case. A running battle between the State and the CPIM on the one hand and (at least some) villagers in Singur in neighbouring Hooghly district where land to the tune of a thousand acres has been acquired by the State, with active collaboration of the party apparatus, on behalf of the Tata Motors is very much on. There are also similar other proposals in the pipeline. All these taken together perhaps explain the complete lack of faith of the villagers in any assurance of the State government.

On march 14, a police campaign of huge proportions was carried out to occupy and re-take Nandigram. The official figure of casualties hovers around 15. Other sources estimate over hundred. Given the demographic pattern, most of the victims are understandably either Dalits or Muslims.
There are also widespread allegations that the police in collaboration have dumped a large number of dead bodies in water bodies with the CPIM cadres. There are also allegations of gang rapes and beastly sexual assaults.
TV footages reportedly exist showing bodies being fished out of water apart from some police actions though entry of the journalists had reportedly been by and large blocked during the campaign and also thereafter till the Honourable High Court intervened.
That such an operation is going to be carried out had already been predicted by a section of the media.
It has also been reported that an intelligence report apprehending broad-based vigorous resistance and consequent large-scale bloodshed was deliberately ignored. There also reports that maximum violence has been resorted to in preference over other routine alternatives.
Under the circumstances, even the Honourable Calcutta High Court had to adversely comment on the ferocious operations carried out by the State against its own people and has ordered a CBI probe.

While the CBI probe has played and would play a useful role in crying an immediate halt to any large-scale ongoing violence against the local people, it is simply inadequate given the seriousness of the situation.

We would therefore earnestly request you to immediately send a team of your own to make an on-the-spot survey and also take up the issue with appropriate quarters, not excluding the Supreme Court of India, to immediately institute a judicial enquiry conducted by a serving judge or judges, nominated either by the Chief Justice of the India or the High Court of Kolkata. Any enquiry by a retired judge nominated by the State government, if at all, would largely defeat the purpose for very obvious reasons.
You are also urged to ensure that the culprits – the perpetrators of violence, are brought to book in the shortest possible time, and the affected people are provided immediate relief and also reparation. Not only those directly engaged, the planners and conspirators must be identified and be made pay for their sins.
This is the most minimum that has got to be done so that the common people keep faith in the system and are not encouraged to take law in their own hands in their own desperate, and maybe mindless, ways.

Sincerely yours
Sukla Sen
EKTA (Committee for Communal Amity)

Dear Friends:

The US India Institute of Washington, DC is sponsoring a symposium on

US India Strategic Relations


Yale University
The Whitney and Betty MacMillan Center for
International and Area Studies at Yale
New Haven, CT

on Friday, April 13, 2007.
If you would like to attend the symposium, please contact Professor Phyllis Granoff at phyllis.granoff@ (with a copy to Armeane Choksi at amchoksi@usini. org) letting her know of your interest in attending.


Ram Narayanan
US-India Friendship
http://www.usindiaf riendship. net/

What is my identity? What is worth preserving in us? See, after we unveiled the goddess of English, critics said that the English-speaking Dalits will get distanced from the traditional knowledge system. I want to say clearly that the entire fight of the Dalit movement is to somehow get rid of the traditional knowledge system and occupation.

Like, the dhobis (washermen) of India have profound and exceptional knowledge of creating detergents from the dung of donkeys. It's a complicated process. Do you think those Dalits enjoy making detergent from dung? I want to tell these people -- who are against us in our endeavour to know English -- let us exchange our knowledge system.

You give us teaching jobs and other decent jobs and you take the knowledge of donkey dung. Without any training, without going to school or colleges or without learning from skilled teachers, Dalits can skin a dead cow in an hour without messing up or cutting various parts of the body. It is (skinning of dead animals) a real art acquired with profound knowledge of the body science of animals.

We want to gift our talent to other castes. You require exceptional level of human patience if you collect human shit in your bare hands and don't vomit. Dalits have been doing it for ages. Please take this knowledge immediately and allow us to go to CSDS (Centre for the Study of Developing Societies)!

Alok Rai, the Hindi legend Premchand's grandson, has also protested against Dalits abandoning ethnic languages. He is a professor of English at Delhi University. He has a dog named Rocky. He talks to his dog only in English. Even his dog understands English and he doesn't want Dalits to know English. What hypocrisy!

Don't you agree that Indian languages have their own beauty and are reflecting Indian ethos and culture? What will happen to it once the whole of India abandons ethnic languages?

Those in India today who are considered advanced are generally those who have distanced themselves from their traditions and culture. They know that Western societies are a cradle of modern civilisation, technology and science. Indians should adopt Western society's idea of equality, modern science and knowledge.

Be aware of Post modern Manusmriti.
Be aware of the Brahmins who head political parties and eco-social-cultural entities!
Be aware of those Dalit leaders who are habitual to sleep with Caste and Class enemies!
Be aware of the Lohiaite and Gandhian Brahmin and Shudra Ideologues who have jumped in war with a sympathetic gesture to the depressed but are trying their best to defend the ancient as well as the Post Modern manusmiriti!
Be aware of the betrayal during Struggle of Freedom!
Be aware of the Brahminical betrayals during all kinds of Mass Uprising in this sub Continent!

Please read all these articles to assess what Gandhi did for the Ruling Classes?

Dalit Voice - The Voice of the Persecuted Nationalities Denied ...The eminent Dalit intellectual and Editor of Dalit Voice, V.T. Rajshekar ... DV Nov.16, 2004 p.10: "Gandhi & Gandhism — a cruel hoax on oppressed Indians". ... - 46k

Dalit Voice - The Voice of the Persecuted Nationalities Denied ...His name was removed from Dalit Voice from the issue of Jan.16, 1985 as desired. ... The rise of Gandhi and his gandhism took place when the Tilak-sponsored ... - 30k
Muslim-Dalit Relations By Gail OmvedtThis cannot be done with an acceptance of Gandhism as the framework for "Hindu-Muslim unity." It can only be done by listening to the Dalit voice, ... - 21k

Gandhism: Information from Answers.comIt lives within us, as the voice that tells us what to do, but also guides the universe. ... Gandhi, Gandhism and the Gandhians. Roli Books Pvt. Ltd.. ...
GandhiServe Foundation - Mahatma Gandhi News DigestHe led its foundation with the help of 200 odd Dalit families of the village. ... Gandhism vs terrorism Even if Gandhi is relevant today, can his ideals be ... - 79k
Beyond The Symbolic AmbedkarUpendra Baxi wrote a short piece titled “Collective conspiracy to hush up Babasaheb’s burning thoughts” in Dalit voice in 1992. ... - 12k

Alike the Indian Gandhi, post modern puuppets of Imperialism try their best to enhance the World order to crush the underclasses and nationalities worldwide. UN is the best tool of US Imperailism which defends well the Hindutva and Zionist system!

Security Council set to approve new UN sanctions on Iran
New Straits Times - 23 minutes ago
The Security Council is set to slap new UN sanctions on Iran Saturday over its nuclear defiance with the Iranian foreign minister due to attend the session to defend his country's right to conduct uranium enrichment.
Iran Accuses Britain of Aggression New York Times
Iran's president won't address Security Council Boston Globe

India to go ahead with the Iran gas pipeline: Deora
Daily News & Analysis - 4 hours ago
PTI. MUMBAI: Unperturbed by concerns raised by the US on the proposed 7.2 billion dollar Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline, India today made it clear it will go ahead with the project.
India can't be pressured on Iran pipeline project: Deora Hindu
India says won't be pressured on Iran gas pipeline Reuters India

With Afghanistan set to join SAARC as the eighth member, India is likely to announce relaxation of imports from least developed countries of South Asia by cutting duties and reducing negative and sensitive lists at the Summit of the regional grouping next month.The relaxation will also benefit Bangladesh, Nepal Maldives and Bhutan, sources said. The decision to extend increased market access to LDCs in South Asia would soon be taken by the Prime Minister's office in consultations with ministries of external affairs, commerce, agriculture and finance.Since the European Union and the US would be present as observers at the Summit next month, the gesture would send a positive message about India's commitment to reach out to LDCs in its neighbourhood. India is also preparing a similar package for a wider group of LDCs under the WTO.According to sources, it would also bring pressure on Pakistan, which has not opened up its market for India violating SAFTA that came into effect last year.

Under the SAFTA, the three non-LDC members - India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan - are required to bring their duties to less than five per cent in three years. "India could advance this date unilaterally," sources said.While this package would bring goodwill to the country, it would not effect economic interests as India's $7 billion trade with SAARC is a small percentage of its global merchandise trade of over $300 billion.Pakistan's refusal to open up its markets for India under the trade agreement is likely to figure at the SAARC Summit. Unlike other members, Pakistan allows concessional imports from India of only 1,075 items and everything else is closed for exporters here.

A new genetic study of ethnic communities and population groups in India has debunked the theory that the caste system came with the Aryans.Biologist Kumarasamy Thangaraj finds himself treading the turf of historians. A scientist at the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) in Hyderabad, Thangaraj has been using genetic material from ethnic and caste communities from across India to piece together the social and migratory history of its people. The findings, as he is discovering for himself, may at times be revelatory and at times provocative enough to stir a debate. Thangaraj’s latest study has bolstered genetic evidence to support an alternative theory for the origins of India’s ancient, controversial and enduring caste system that hasn’t quite seeped into popular notions of caste origins yet.

It’s an idea thrown up more than 45 years ago by Damodar Dharmananda Kosambi, a Harvard-educated Indian mathematician who was, again, not a trained historian.

Conventional ideas fashioned by history lessons have linked the caste system to the period of the Aryans who began to arrive in the subcontinent from central Asia only after 1500 BC. But research by Thangaraj and his colleagues now suggests that the caste system may have roots that go much further back in time — several thousands of years before the arrival of the central Asians.

What does it mean?

The new study, which compared selected genetic sequences from members of different caste groups in the country, suggests that the caste system may have emerged some 8,000 years ago. “Maybe it was a response to a shift in the way of life — from hunting-gathering to rudimentary farming and the establishment of the first settlements,” says Thangaraj, a geneticist speculating ancient events. But a bit of scientific speculation backed by genetic studies may be excused because what prompted ancient Indians to introduce sharply defined hierarchical divisions within their society remains unknown. “The origins of the caste system — like many other things in history — remain a mystery,” says Lalji Singh, director of CCMB who leads a team trying to discover history through genes. For deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequences can tell tales of the past.

Researchers have been focusing on segments of the Y-chromosome — acquired only from fathers — as well as mitochondrial DNA — inherited only from mothers. Over hundreds and thousands of years, mutations — subtle alterations in the genetic sequences — build up and tend to cluster within communities that are either geographically or genetically separated. By comparing genetic sequences from individuals from different communities, scientists can build a complex ‘family tree’ of human communities and tell how closely related certain ethnic groups or communities are to each other.

The post modren theory of Indian Caste system is catered thus!
Anthropologists believe that today’s tribal communities of India are the descendants of the earliest immigrants from Africa 45,000 years ago
The CCMB team is among groups of scientists in India, Europe and the US racing to unearth the past through population genetics because India’s human family tree is widely expected to be complex as well as rewarding. The high diversity of ethnic communities and population groups in India is the result of multiple waves of human migrations over thousands of years.

“Population genetics in India is expected to provide insights not just into our own history, but also the history of early modern humans,” says Singh. A CCMB team led by Thangaraj and Singh last year used DNA studies to show that two tribes in the Andamans — the Onges and the Great Andamanese — are the direct descendants of the earliest modern humans who moved out of Africa about 70,000 years ago.

Some genetic studies suggest that modern humans on their march out of Africa had arrived in India about 45,000 years ago. Anthropologists have long believed that today’s tribal communities of India, particularly those in central and southern India, may be the descendants of these earliest migrations into India. However, the influx continued even after that first entry of modern humans. Archaeological and linguistic evidence suggests that people who spoke a language that preceded the Dravidian language arrived about 9,000 years ago. The Indo-Europeans, or Aryans, arrived about 3,500 years ago.

The first major insight into how genetic studies may help decipher caste origins came in 2001 when Michael Bamshad, a University of Utah researcher, and his colleagues in the US and India showed that the Indo-Europeans who arrived in India about 3,500 years ago selectively inserted themselves into high ranking positions in India’s caste system.

The study revealed significantly differing proportions of Eurasian genes in people belonging to high-ranking and low-ranking castes in India. Their results indicated that upper castes are genetically closer to Europeans, while the lower castes are more similar to Asians.

SEZ dharna, Tikait gets call from PMO
Express News ServicePosted online: Thursday, March 22, 2007 at 0000 hrs Print Email
NEW DELHI, MARCH 21: The UPA government was reaching out to Bharatiya Kisan Union leader Mahendra Singh Tikait as it met the kisan leader who was camping in the capital to demand scrapping of the Special Economic Zone Law of 2005 calling it an “undemocratic way of making use of farmers’ land for industrialistion”.
On Wednesday evening, Tikait held an exhaustive meeting at the PMO, shortly before the UPA dinner, along with members of the Indian Coordination Committee of Farmers Movement (ICCFM) who say the SEZ law will only benefit big companies while fertile farmland will be acquired at throwaway prices. The farmers movement also held a demonstration in this connection on Wednesday.

The farmers have asked the UPA government to stop farmers’ suicides by waiving their loans. They also asked agriculture to be kept outside the purview of world trade. They asked the government to keep a tab on prices and to stop commercialisation of agriculture. The coordination committee wants the government to scrap the Indo-US pact on Agriculture and Seed Bill, 2005 as well.

The meeting in the PMO came against the backdrop of efforts to rope in the kisan leader using his base in Western Uttar Pradesh to help the Congress in the coming Assembly polls. Other members of the coordination committee are Yudhvir Singh, Sardar Gumnaam Singh and Ajmer Singh Lakhowal.
Manmohan Singh & Co. secretly working for victory of BJP ?
Bangalore: The ruling class may think it is only the Dalit Voice that is carrying on a campaign against them and deliberately maligning them. No. A famous member of their own class, Dr. P.C. Alexander, a top Syrian Christian leader from Kerala and now a member of Rajya Sabha, is also of the same opinion.A most disturbing feature of the growth of the Indian economy is that the benefits of growth have so far been confined to the top and upper middle class sections, leaving the lower middle classes and the poor practically untouched. (Asian Age, Feb.8, 2007).

Ahluwalia’s World Bank connection: “High born” people like Alexander do not talk of “caste” because they do not know it as they have never suffered caste-based discrimination. But when he says “top and upper middle class” what he means is the top 15% of the country constituting its Brahminical order.

The leadership of all political parties know the truth because they are close to the people but the “India shining” media gives no value to their opinion. They go by the opinion of people like Montek Singh Ahluwalia who has nothing to do with the people. He need not answer the people.

But he has to answer to his boss, the World Bank which is controlled by the zionists. The Asian Age (Feb.2, 2007) has exposed his WB connections and the conflict of interest it creates. He is caught red-handed. But he will be protected by his boss.

The zionist interest in India is to promote the Brahminical order, its Indian counterpart, and weaken the over 85% indigenous havenots. Ahluwalia has been assigned this job and he has been faithfully doing it.

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