Friday, September 25, 2009



Indian Holocaust My Father`s Life and Time - One Hundred TWELVE

Palash Biswas

Aamar Gram, Tomar Gram, Shobar Gram: Nandigram,

My Village; Your Village; Everybody's village.
Nandigram. Nandigram

Caste system is a blot on humanity
Hearing on Caste Discrimination in India before British Parliament: four Indian human rights campaigners presented evidence of serious abuses, including gang-rape and murder of women.
Hearing on Caste Discrimination in India before British Parliament

The Conservative Party Human Rights Commission held a hearing in Parliament yesterday (March 29) on the plight of the Dalits or “untouchables” in India, in the week that Britain marks the 200th anniversary of the abolition of the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

Four leading Indian campaigners presented detailed evidence of serious human rights abuses as a result of the caste system.

The Commission heard extensive accounts of bonded labour, discrimination, rape, sexual slavery, beatings and killings of India’s 250 million Dalits and “backward castes”.
BANGALORE: "China is about to become the world's biggest power in the next 15 years, according to World Bank estimates. Yet, despite all the geopolitical changes that the world is seeing, India is bent on looking to the West, not the East, at our neighbour with whom we have a long shared history," said V.T. Rajashekar, editor, "Dalit Voice".

He was speaking at the celebrations of the "57th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between India and China", here on Wednesday.

The meeting was organised by the India-China Friendship Association (ICFA), Karnataka.

Mr. Rajashekar added that one of the main impediments to Indo-China ties was the anti-China propaganda by the Dalai Lama, who, he alleged, was funding the Vishwa Hindu Parishad.


Freedom Struggle Back to History Page

Peasant Revolts

Excerpted from In the Wake of Naxalbari by Sumanta Banerjee, Calcutta 1980

The early years of British rule in India were marked by widespread peasant rebellions. Long before the Sepoy Rebellion -- often regarded as the first war of Indian independence -- hungry peasants of Bengal and Bihar, victims of a terrible famine (1770) rose in revolt against the East India Company, which had been exacting money and crops from them. This was the famous Sannyasi rebellion. A large number of sannyasis and fakirs who were being fleeced by the British rulers through various forms of exactions, played an important role in organizing the peasants and hence the name --Sannyasi Rebellion. Along with the peasants and the sannyasis and fakir, there were also village artisans -- the famous silk weavers of Bengal, who had been made to slave for the British merchants -- and the thousands of unemployed soldiers from the disbanded Mughal army. Led by Majnu Shah, Bhabani Pathak, Debi Chaudhurani and a host of heroic figures, the rebellion continued till the beginning of the 19th century and was marked by daring attacks on the East India Company's offices in different parts of Bihar and Bengal, killing of notorious Indian landlords and money-lenders as well as of oppressive British traders and army officers, and both guerilla and positional warfare against the British army.

INSURRECTION:The act or an instance of open revolt against civil authority or a constituted government.

Santhal Revolt is defined an Insurrection! Insurgency is synonymous to Insurrection. If Santhal revolt is an act of Insurrection, what do you mean by Insurgency in Modern India?
All nationality movements in India have been always defined as Insurgency.
In accordance with this definition the Resistance of peasants in Nandigram may well be defined as Insurrection!
In West Bengal, Dalit movement is represented by two types of people. First who are aligned with the Red Horses of Post Modern Globalisation and do act as they are directed by their Marxist Bosses.These people stand by Buddhadev in this troubled time. they do not hesitate to do anything to sustain political supremacy of the Marxists. All so called people`s representatives fall in this line! Any criticism of the system is defined as insurgency and any one may be declared Maoist in West Bengal today, whoever has the guts to protest annihilation of Rural India! These Dalit Intelligentsia is worried for Buddhadev, his industrialisation and urbanisation, and Left stakes in Bengal. They have to do nothing for the Dalit Mass but they always lead the Dalit Movement justifying Marxist action in Marichjhapi and Nandigtram! They restrict the general Dalit masses against any mobilisation, political, social, cultural or philosophical. All Dalit voices are defined as Insurrection as Santhal Revolt and all agrarian uprising in India since East India Company raj has been defined! These people say so many things against imperialism and feudalism. Though in action, they do invest everything to enhance the Hindu Zionist system worldwide. They always quote from Ambedkar and dalit Icons, fund ceremonies, mobilise pocket organs and organisations, forums sponsored by the government. Since the educated dalits in West Bengal always tend to be creamy layer In Laws, they back these people in full strength! Despite reservation and quota, no Dalit or Backward may get a job without the Green signal from the party. Minorities fail to get that chance too, despite the much hyped Sachchar committee report!

Secondly, some Dalit leaders are most agitated whenever you speak against Brahminical system. They claim to be Ambedkarites and followers of Jogendra Nath Mandal, but try their best to defend Brahminical system. They are dalits but spread hatred campaign against other dalits, Non Bengalies, backward OBCs and minorities , specilly Muslims! They don`t see anything wrong in our so called national leaders and despise anything pronounced against Brahmans . They are very religious and are over worried of Persecution of Hindus in Bangladesh by Muslims, They want retaliation. But, since Sangh Parivar is not a reconing force in Bengal, they join the RED. They are over committed Marxist and sometimes also pose as naxalites.

When we speak against the betrayals of Indian communists and the Brahman zamindar communist leadership, they try their best to isolate us terming as insurgency mongers. When we speak against Hindu Zionist Red saffron gang, they scream that Dalit Movement is undermined!

Both type of Dalit leadership is, in fact, afraid of losing status, position and job. They starve for recognition and publicity and take away whatsoever credit for Dalit movement. They never allow to happen it and always hijack the Dalit movement. They always say, Brahmans are better than the dalit idiots. A typical Namoshudra psyche is this. They are dalits for thousands of years but they want to be an integral part of the Brahminical system. Any genuine dalit activity is synonym Insurrection for these people! They are afraid that for Dalit uprising, they would be the first to be evicted and thrown into dustbin.

Because Bangal has been the Base of Indian Dalit Movement and it is dead now. I won`t describe Nandigram Uprising and resultant Dalit mobilisation a Resurrection as Sangh uses the term for Hindu rashtra!

In the line of santhal Insurrection the latest trend of third party dalit movement may be well described as dalit Insurrection.

Today I got an opportunity to witness A dalit Poetry Festival against Genocide of Dalits in Nandigram. More than fifty people were present there in Tripura Hitsadhani Sabha hall who dared to challenge the Brahminical system. Dalit sahity sanstha president Gundhar Burman, Novelist and Nikhil Bahart Editor Kapil Krishna Thakur, Jankantha editor Nakul Mallick, the writer of Bangla dalit sahityer itihas were the dignitaries. Burman released the latest issue of Chaturth Dunia edited by Amar Biswas. Two critics Dr sanat Naskar from calcutta University and Dr Sukhranjan Midde fro Rabindra Bharati analysed every poem recited from the Dias. Naskar read his beautiful poem written in santahali dialect. Charan Poet octogenarian warrior Anil Mallick set the tone. Other poets were Shyamal Pramanik, Shashibhushan Poddar, Sukanto Mandal, Bimalendu Haldar, Manjubala, Jatin Bala, Gopal Heera, Amarendra Haldar, Uttam sarkar, Ranendra Nath Poddar, Malay Biswas whom I could hear! Manju Bala is the editor of dalit mag Adal badal which published latest issue on Nandigram!

On this occassion, Saturday evening in Kolkat witnessed a drama enacted by Shantikunj Naatuke Dal titled Krishi jameer ladai ( Fight for agro Land)! Raju Das is the writer and director of the drama. Actors: Raju Das, Namita Das, Deepa mallick, Ranen Poddaran Pran Gobinda Biswas!

Dalit bridegroom on
Sahara Samay, India - 4 hours ago
Surat (MP), April 21: Surendra became the first Dalit bridegroom to mount a horse and lead his wedding procession in Sagar district of Madhya Pradesh, ... Dalit groom creates history in MP, India - 13 hours ago
Bridegroom Surendra Ahirwaar perhaps created a history of sorts, at least in the region when he became the first Dalit groom to sit on a horse and lead his ...

Teacher sprinkles cow urine to 'purify' Dalit kids
Times of India, India - 21 hours ago
The ZP school runs classes from first to seventh standard and has 210 students, including 20 Dalit students. Last month, Tilottama Tembhurkar, ...

Protest against police inaction in Dalit murder case, 560 held
Newindpress (subscription), India - 20 Apr 2007
... were arrested for staging a demonstration in front of the Sivaganga Palace condemning police inaction in the murder case of Dalit woman. ...

Dalit youth 'assaulted' for participating in puja
Newindpress (subscription), India - 20 Apr 2007
KENDRAPARA: A Dalit youth was severely assaulted by some upper caste people after he dared to enter the altar of a 'yajna' and participate in the puja in ...

Dalit India's canvas of sorrow, joy
Hindustan Times, India - 19 Apr 2007
The court has asked the Orissa government to submit a report on public access to Jagannath temple after a Dalit filed a petition. ...

Dalit entry into Jagannath temple: HC seeks report, India - 19 Apr 2007
The Orissa High Court has directed the Kendrapada District Magistrate to furnish a report in a sealed cover about the steps initiated for the entry of ...
Entry ‘eyewash’ case in court Calcutta Telegraph
all 2 news articles »
Teachers "purify" students with cow urine in Indian village
Jurnalo, Germany - 1 hour ago
Upper-caste principal Sharad Kaitade, soon after taking over from his lower-caste Dalit predecessor earlier this month, allegedly performed ritual prayers ...

Protesting Dalits against statue desecration leaves several ..., FL - 1 hour ago
A statue of Babasaheb was found desecrated in a Dalit neighbourhood today morning, and very soon a large crowd gathered at the site, shouting slogans and ...

Dalit women shoot to fame
Hindustan Times, India - 17 Apr 2007
A group of unlettered Dalit women from a village in Telangana have created history. The women, who took to film making under the tutelage of the NGO Deccan ...

Now, BJP is preparing for show of Dalit strength in Gujarat

2007-03-27 19:58:35

Gujarat Global News Network, Ahmedabad

After a massive show of strength by Congress in Gandhinagar earlier this year, Gujarat BJP has planned a massive rally in Gandhinagar on Thursday. The venue of this rally is couple of hundred yards away from the Congress rally.

If the Congress rally was to raise the voice of Dalits against injustice to them, the rally of the BJP is on a very funny issue. It is against what BJP Dalit unit describes as insult of Ambedkar by Congress MLA Pravin Maru.
IIMs to hold back lists till further notice
Economic Times - 19 hours ago
NEW DELHI: The IIMs have decided to announce their admission lists only after further communication from the government. Though the government and IIMs can now breathe easy that they have avoided any confrontation, it’s the aspirants that have been ...
HRD directs IIMs to defer results Business Standard
IIM results are on hold Cool Avenues
Hindustan Times - Andhra Cafe - Indian Express - Rediff
all 92 news articles »

Shutdown in Telangana to protest against Babhali Barrage
Hindu - 37 minutes ago
Hyderabad, April. 21 (PTI): Normal life was hit in five districts of the Telangana region by a shutdown called by the ruling Congress in Andhra Pradesh to protest the "illegal" construction of the Babhali barrage in neighbouring Maharashtra.
Congress-sponsored bandh in Telangana region Zee News
Babu calls for invocation of Article 356 Andhra Cafe
Wedding rites continue for Bollywood’s royal couple
Khaleej Times - 1 hour ago
MUMBAI, India - Bollywood’s hottest couple have had little time to recoup from their “wedding of the century.” A day after former beauty queen Aishwarya Rai wed India’s most eligible bachelor Abhishek Bachchan in a flamboyant, fairytale affair, ...
Ash-Abhishek wedding catches imagination of Pakistanis Hindu
Abhiash: Prateeksha over, Jalsa begins! Merinews


The existing scholarship on insurgency and counter-insurgency in colonial India has rarely engaged with questions regarding visual representation, and the visual aspects of coercion. Using wide-ranging source material, Representing Rebellion analyses contemporary visual narratives and their importance in generating new interpretations of subaltern identity. It examines the interface between the political and artistic agencies that authorized, produced, and disseminated to the British public, images of colonial coercion against subaltern insurgency in South Asia. The political, artistic, and journalistic representations of the 'Santhal insurrection' form the core of the book. It reinterprets the historical context of the rebellion to present contested histories of political domination, subordination, collaboration, and resistance. Rycroft develops the theory of the 'counter-insurgency complex' to comprehend the ideological tensions and slippages implicit in imperial visual narratives. He brings together a multifaceted body of ideas and images to inform a reassessment of the relationship between administrative and public discourses of colonialism.

In the words of Alvin Johnson 5,"True agrarian movements have arisen whenever urban interests have encroached, in fact, or in seeming, upon vital rural interests."Hence agrarian movements take place whenever urban penetration occurs in the rural areas. It may be through the influence of urban values, (as for example, interdependence, individualism etc.) or through the acquisition of better lands in the rural area, imposition of land revenue, land tax and so on. Hence, in any agrarian movement both the culture and economy occupy the centre stage. In this phase of the Jharkhand Movement all the uprisings bore the evidences of agrarian movement, especially the later ones. The major peasant uprisings of this phase are as following:

1. First Chuar Rebellion (1767.)

2. Dhalbhum Rebellion (1769 -1774)

3. Tilka Majhi's War (1780--1785)

4. Pahadia Revolt (1788 -1791)

5. First Tamar Rebellion (1795)

6. Second Chuar Rebellion (1798-1799)

7. Nayek Hangama (1806 -1826)

8. Second Tamar Rebellion (1820)

9. Kol Insurrection (1831 -1832)

10. Ganga Narayan's Movement (1832 -1833)
Descriptions of these uprisings seem unnecessary at this stage. What is important here is to have an analytical insight into the underlying trend of these uprisings. British encroachment into the Jharkhand region started in the year 1765 after receiving the 'Dewani' of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa. At its initial stage colonial administrators were basically interested in collecting land revenues from this region which was quite inaccessible due to its heavy hilly and forest covers. Apart from this the British administrators had to face another difficulty and that was concerning the attitude of the indigenous communities who refused to pay land revenues, as this was not be fitting to their customs. Hence payment of land revenue and that too in a compulsory manner was the basic reason behind the uprisings of this phase, especially those prior to 1793, the year in which the Permanent Settlement Regulation Act was enacted. As in all these, solely the land question came into prominence so we cannot say that all the pre-conditions of an agrarian movement were present there. Here we have a mixture of the essences of rural class struggle and agrarian movements. The Permanent Settlement Act of 1793 brought certain administrative changes, which much more directly undermined the customs of the adivasi communities of this region. Firstly, the payment of land revenue by the cultivators to their chiefs were customarily guided but the Permanent Settlement Act "tried to suddenly substitute contract for custom'' as argues W.W.Hunter6. Secondly, the law and order of this region was maintained by the 'ghatwals' or the pykes under the command of the local chiefs who were well informed of the customs and local cultures of the people. These pykes enjoyed gifts of lands from their chiefs for the service rendered by them. But the Permanent Settlement Act brought these lands also under its purview. Naturally the pykes suffered due to this and became rebellious. The British administration dispossessed the pykes from their duties and the government into its hands took the law and order system. The indigenous people perceived it as a threat to their traditional system of administration. Thirdly, due to strict revenue assessment most of the local chiefs were found in huge arrears and their estates were auctioned to meet the revenue balances. The indigenous communities had a traditional organic relationship with their chiefs and could not bear the system that eventually led to their extinction. Finally, and most importantly, the estates of the local chiefs in arrears were auctioned, and in most of the cases, these were purchased by the outsiders, mostly non-adivasi zamindars. This was the final assault to be tolerated by the adivasis. They perceived the entry of the non- adivasis into their region as a severe blow to their cultural distinctiveness.

An insurgency, or insurrection, is an armed uprising, or revolt against an established civil or political authority. Persons engaging in insurgency are called insurgents, and typically engage in regular or guerrilla combat against the armed forces of the established regime, or conduct sabotage and harassment in the land in order to undermine the government's position as leader; the government established by an invading force counts as "collaborators", not "established authority".

An insurgency differs from a resistance both in its political overtones and in the nature of the conflict: an insurgency connotes an internal struggle against a standing, established government, whereas a resistance connotes a struggle against invading or occupying foreign forces and their collaborators.
Insurrection Act
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The Insurrection Act of 1807 is the set of laws that govern the President of the United States of America's ability to deploy troops within the United States to put down lawlessness, insurrection and rebellion. The laws are chiefly contained in 10 U.S.C. § 331 - 10 U.S.C. § 335. The general aim is to limit Presidential power as much as possible, relying on state and local governments for initial response in the event of insurrection. Coupled with the Posse Comitatus Act, Presidential powers for law enforcement are limited and delayed.

Recent changes
On September 30, 2006, the Congress modified the Insurrection Act as part of the 2007 Defense Authorization Bill. Section 1076 of the new law changes Sec. 333 of the "Insurrection Act," and widens the President's ability to deploy troops within the United States to enforce the laws. Under this act, the President may also deploy troops as a police force during a natural disaster, epidemic, serious public health emergency, terrorist attack, or other condition, when the President determines that the authorities of the state are incapable of maintaining public order. The bill also modified Sec. 334 of the Insurrection Act, giving the President authority to order the dispersal of either insurgents or "those obstructing the enforcement of the laws."

The new law changed the name of the chapter from "Insurrection" to "Enforcement of the Laws to Restore Public Order."

20 April 2007

Dear Mr. Montek Singh Ahluwalia,

The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against
forgetting. We assure you that we will not forget and will not let the
culprits of the victims of the Bhopal toxic gas leak go scot free. Dow
owns Union Carbide, whose pesticide plant leaked deadly white gas
killing thousands in Bhopal in 1984. The company claims it bears no
liability for the site as it has since sold up and left India.

The motives behind Tata Sons Ltd. Chairman Mr. Ratan Tata's offer to
organize a clean-up of the contaminated Union Carbide factory site in
Bhopal have been exposed in his personal letter dated 28 November,
2006 addressed to you.

Everybody knows that Union Carbide, and thus its corporate successor
Dow, is liable for the industrial disaster, and the basis for Mr.
Ratan Tata's implication regarding Dow's liability is therefore

The derelict Union Carbide plant site has still not been cleaned up
and piles of toxic waste continue to pollute the environment and the
water that surrounding communities drink. More than 100,000 people
suffer chronic and debilitating illnesses. Dow Chemical Company
inherited responsibility and liability for the Bhopal disaster when it
acquired Union Carbide in 2001. The documents, acquired under India's
right to information law, show Mr Ratan Tata writing to ask whether
the Indian government could "withdraw (an) application" to make Dow
Chemicals pay $22m (£12m) as an initial deposit against "environmental
remediation costs".

After an international outcry that the site had not been
decontaminated more than 20 years on, the Indian government launched a
legal case to recoup money from Dow in May 2005. There is evidence
that the disused plant still has 170 tonnes of toxic waste leaching
into the
soil and poisoning groundwater. Studies show that 57 out of 120
children who grew up near the abandoned plant suffered from cerebral
palsy. More than 26,000 people still drink "dirty" water.

A letter from Dow says it is "critical" the government of India drops
its legal action and that the resolution of the issue must be seen as
a "tangible, deliverable outcome" of a newly formed US-India business
forum which Mr Tata oversees. It has been stated Mr Tata's suggestions
were "totally independent of the issues being addressed in the courts.
It is imperative some initiative be undertaken to clean the site." It
clear that Dow Chemicals is using an "Indian front company to do its
dirty work".

As you are aware, expressing his support to Dow Chemicals (the
corporate successor of Union Carbide which is a proclaimed criminal
absconder in the Bhopal Court), Mr. Ratan Tata wrote that it is
"critical for them [Dow Chemicals] to have the Ministry of Chemicals
and Fertilizers withdraw their application for a financial deposit by
Dow [Chemicals] against the remediation cost" for the contaminated
site as it "implies that the Government of India views Dow as 'liable'
in the Bhopal Gas disaster case".

In any case, Mr. Ratan Tata's extra-legal efforts to save Dow from
liability for the Bhopal disaster that has killed 20,000 people since
1984 and rendered drinking water near the factory poisonous, is not in
the best interests of the victims of the Bhopal gas tragedy. It raises
doubt whether, as Chairman of the US-India CEO Forum, he is under
pressure from US industry, especially since his letter to you follows
Dow Chairman & CEO Mr. Andrew Liveris's letter dated 08 Nov 2006 to
Indian Ambassador Mr. Ronen Sen in Washington, in which Mr.Liveris has
the temerity to suggest what the Indian government needs to do,
writing that "GOI and the state government will need to work with the
Court over-seeing site clean-up to assure that this effort will pass
legal muster as the site's final remediation plan". No doubt you would
have been briefed by Mr. Vipul Shah of Dow India on the matter, as
mentioned in Mr. Ratan Tata's letter.

When the High Court of Madhya Pradesh is apparently of the opinion
that Government of India and Government of Madhya Pradesh should bear
the cost of remediation equally, Tata Sons Ltd. offering to pay for
remediation suggests a quid pro quo at some level. This does not, of
course, mean that the shareholders of Tata Sons might approve such

As you know, the Bhopal disaster has killed 20,000 people since 1984
and rendered drinking water near the factory poisonous. Mr. Ratan
Tata's offer to clean-up Bhopal undermines the "Polluter Pays"
principle of environmental law in India and sabotages the effort by
the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers to fix responsibility on the
corporation that has caused such immense loss and suffering. The
Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers has consistently taken its duty
to the citizens of Bhopal seriously, and it would be tragic if they
were forced to succumb to the pressure generated by Mr. Ratan Tata's
initiative through your office.

As Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission, may I suggest that it
is necessary for you to have taken action to prevent miscarriage of
justice in a matter that is patently against the best interests of the
victims of the Bhopal gas tragedy.

Since the correspondence is of six months ago, you may have already
taken action in the matter. I therefore request you to immediately
issue a press statement as to whether or not you have supported the
cause of Dow Chemicals in this matter.

With best wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Mr. Montek Singh Ahluwalia

Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission

Yojana Bhavan

Parliament Street

New Delhi – 110 001


Mr. Ronen Sen, I.F.S;

Indian Ambassador in USA

How to save India from ruling class “creamy layer” ?
Bangalore: India’s English dailies present an exact replica of the serious mental crisis facing its tiny English-knowing “cream” of the Indian population (about 1,200 million). This “cream” is the maddest part of the country. Since it is also the “creamy layer” of the country’s 15% ruling class, it commands enormous influence and also awesome money-power.

But the problem with this English-speaking “cream” is its heart is in the West but the legs rooted in the Brahminical moth-eaten myth.

Go to any major airport bookshop it is stocked with books on the Kamasutra, sex, the Gita, astrology, religion, yoga, kundalini, palmistry, and all sorts of godmen. These books are in great demand indicating the taste of this ruling elite. Their other interests are management books in a highly mismanaged country. Cricket, which has become the new religion of India, is yet another favourite which goes with liquor.

India rarely wins a match but the rulers have managed to drive the country’s youth mad because cricket has become an upper caste monopoly with two motives: entertainment and money-making.

As this is the taste and flavour of the “cream” of this Indian ruling class, the English dailies and periodicals have to cater to this very same taste and flavour which itself go on changing fast. But how long can a paper go on catering to this fast changing taste and flavour? Soon the readers will get fed up. That is how the death rate of the Indian dailies and periodicals has become quite high.

The Birlas have started a new daily called Mint to teach people how to mint more money. We have to see how long it will last.

That is how the circulation of the English dailies is a mere 35 million in a country of 1,200 millions. That means the English dailies are read by a mere 3.5% of the country’s population.

This figure is not going up because the ruling class does not want the slaves to learn English.

To cater to this “cream” the English dailies have to publish all sorts of trash in multi-colour. The Times of India of the Jain Marwadis is the stupidest of the English dailies. And that is how it has gained the highest circulation in India by putting pictures of naked girls on its front page. It publishes no news but only first class nonsense. That is why the rulers love the Times.

This “cream” is not only corrupt but stinking and causing all the country’s problem. Its latest craze is the country’s “roaring GDP” — 8%, 9%, 10% — living in its own fool’s paradise. The entire countryside is in pain and big cities bulging with slums but this “cream” lives in its own world of “surging GDP”.

English dailies are not selling. In Delhi, Bombay, Bangalore airports they are freely available — all thrown on the floor.

The only “serious” English daily of the country is the Hindu owned by a Tamil Brahmin family in Madras. But when the Hyderabad-based Deccan Chronicle started publishing from Madras it soon gained a circulation of 200,000 in 18 months. To that extent the Mount Road Maha Vishnu (as the Hindu is called), has suffered.

The Hindu is in serious trouble because it is not publishing naked pictures of girls on its front page. The rulers say the Hindu is a big bore.

Every English paper is suffering because all the entertainment it wanted to “supply” to their 35 million tiger-turned man-eaters is exhausted. The readers are bored. They want more entertainment, more kicks, more enjoyment, more sex, more luxury, more cricket, more frauds, which the English press is not able to supply. That is how they will soon die because the readers switch on to new publications like the Mint that excel in sex, sports, drink, entertainment, religion and cheating to mint more money.

If this is the stuff the country’s ruling class is made out of who can save it?

If the country has to be saved, it has to be first saved from its creamy layer.

We in Dalit Voice have the confidence and capacity but we don’t know how to mint money.


Jews join very creators of Holocaust
Bangalore: The Feb.6-7, 2007 “summit” of Jews and the “Jews of India” in Delhi and their declaration that Muslims are their common enemy to be jointly fought is already reported in DV of March 1, 2007 p.15: “Brahminism & zionism join hands”. The Hindu terrorist RSS journal, Organiser, (Feb.18, p.4) made it a cover story.

Hindu terrorists are confidently going ahead with their agenda to tackle the Muslims who are identified by both as their only enemy. But India’s Muslim leadership has not yet identified its enemy. A couple of cockless Muslims also attended the Delhi “summit”. The ignorance and helplessness of the Muslim leadership is being exploited by the Brahminical forces disguising themselves as “Hindu”. We have dealt with this confusion and helplessness of the Muslim leadership in our March 16, 2007 Editorial (“Muslims can’t fight Brahminism”).

Racism within Israel: But here we are posing a question to the zionist leader Yona Metzger, religious head of the White-skinned Askenazi Jews who are European and considered the most superior.

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