Thursday, July 9, 2009

Re: A request


Since my articles are not meant for publications as most of us in Resistance have been BLACKLISTED in mainstream as well as alternative media, I try to address the audience directly with all informations available.

Since nothing is local in the Global Village and at the same time I have very large readership in USA and Europe, I have to corelate and interconnect the informations globally.

Another difficulty which I face most, that MEDIA is captured by the ILLUMINATI at such a level of Brainwash and Mindcontrol , we have to resist their Day To day Misinforamtion campaign. As we are NUMBERED and we have not created interactive and complementary NETWORK till date, the task is heavy as we may not afford to miss  any bit of important information of the day!

Mind you, we are fighting against zionist imperialist fascist Global Order, not against any specific Ideology. Hence, I do not deal with Nations within political Borders and treat everyproblem Geopolitically as well as Economically!

I would keep the suggestions and improvement improvisations and technical guide lines provided by friends to use maximum the limited medium already being cut off!

If we get, say , only a HUNDRED Guys in India to analyse the things in accordance with social and human, eco libilites, these problems may be solved and we may limit ourselves in proper MINT length and compactness.

I am trying my best.

Please bear with us.

I post all contributions and interactions by ans with the friends worldwide, you may have noticed.

I regard your Contribution valuable and need such imputs regularly.

The need is to BLOCK every attempt of Mind control, Divertion and Brain Wash!

I expects contributions from everyone who cares for Man and Nature, Humanity and Democracy, Equality and Justice, empowerment and Fundamental human and Civil rights.
thank you very much!
 gostokanan, sodepur, kolkata-700110 phone:033-25659551

From: Sumitra Purkayastha <>
To: palashc biswas <>
Sent: Thursday, 9 July, 2009 23:47:23
Subject: A request

Dear Shri Biswas,
I receive your messages (Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams) on a regular basis, mostly on contemporary politics and other
contemporary matters which are influencing public mind. I have thought of making the following request in this connection. 
Please consider sending such messages in regular font size and without any highlighting. Messages written in very big font and in colour pose, more often than not, difficulty even when I try to open them. Needless to say that such message occupy lots of space in the inbox.
I remember that at one point time you were directing a reader of your messages to some website where one could find and read the content your messages. That seemed very reasonable. I request you to consider that option. As a matter of fact, it is better than the option suggested in the last paragraph.
A third option may be to put the content in a file and send it as an attachment.
With regards,
S. Purkayastha. 

Sumitra Purkayastha
Bayesian and Interdisciplinary Research Unit
Indian Statistical Institute
203 B.T. Road. Kolkata 700 108. INDIA

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