Sunday, July 12, 2009

Re: Press Conference - We demand that the Central Government appoint a National Commission to investigate the Mumbai 26/11 terror attack.

On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 11:34 PM, Feroze Mithiborwala <> wrote:

 A W A M I     B H A R A T

"Exposing the Politics of Terror"

P R E S S    C O N F E R E N C E

We demand that the Central Government appoint a National Commission to investigate the Mumbai 26/11 terror attack !!

DATE: JUNE 17, 2009 (WEDNESDAY) / TIME: 3-4pm

The Mumbai 26/11 Terror attacks, were an attack on the nation

In the past few months, a number of questions and doubts have been raised in the media as well as other public fora and there is a growing sentiment amongst the people to demand a thorough investigation into all the aspects of the terror attack

The Ram Prahdhan Committee Report constituted by the Government of Maharashtra has been unable to address certain key elements of the terror attacks.

Moreover this report in itself has a limited parameter as it has primarily looked into the role and the failures of the police machinery. Here to many critical areas have been brushed under the carpet, especially with regard to the Cama Hospital episode, where the entire role of the Control Room and the officers in-charge need to be further investigated.

It was during this encounter with the terrorists that the brave Police officers Shri Karkare, Shri Kamte and Shri Salaskar lost their lives. On this episode alone, there is a lot of discontent amongst the people. As yet there is very little clarity as to exactly who sent Shri Karkare to the site and having done that, did not send in reinforcements, even though they had been supposedly dispatched.

Here the records and transcripts of all the telephone calls to and from the Control Room as well as between other personalities need to be investigated and made public.

Moreover the entire investigation of the 'Abhinav Bharat' the alleged terror organization has come to a standstill and the citizens of India are not aware of the exact current status or progress if any, of that crucial organization.

We also demand that Shri Rakesh Maria (CP-Crime Branch), be asked to step down till the investigations are in progress, as his role in the entire sordid episode has been highly questionable.

The Mumbai 26/11 terror attack was a massive International operation & as per the investigation of the Interpol & it was planned across seven countries. Surely the Ram Prahdhan Committee does not have the mandate to pursue the same.

The probe needs to go into the Intelligence available, the Warnings thus issued, the role of the Navy, the terror attacks on the Taj and Oberoi Hotels, CST, Cama Hospital and the Nariman House. The role of the chain of command within the political and security apparatus will also sought to be undertaken. The various international linkages, with both state and non-state agencies will be critical to the analysis. These are only amongst of the major areas that we request you to focus on.

We thus appeal to the Home Minister Shri Chidambaram, to reconsider his stand and institute a National Commission as a matter of national security & thus a matter of grave urgency. The outcome of the report will only help strengthen national security and the nation needs to know the truth of Mumbai 26/11.


Feroze Mithiborwala, Kishore Jagtap, Sayeed Khan, Varsha V V, Amol M.

9820997517 / 9324514101



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