Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Re: [ppiindia] The destiny of Latin America is at stake

 gostokanan, sodepur, kolkata-700110 phone:033-25659551

From: sunny <>
Sent: Tuesday, 21 July, 2009 3:15:27
Subject: [ppiindia] The destiny of Latin America is at stake


http://www.granma. cu/ingles/ 2009/julio/ lun20/destiny. html

Havana. July 20, 2009

The destiny of Latin America is at stake
. Affirms Esteban Lazo at 30th anniversary celebration for the Sandinista Revolution

MANAGUA, July 19.- Esteban Lazo, vice president of the Council of State, stated here today that the destiny of Latin America and the right of the peoples to freely elect their leaders will be decided in Honduras, PL reports.

Lazo, who led the Cuban delegation to the event celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Sandinista Revolution, emphasized that the Honduran coup leaders could not survive without Washington's support and commented on the responsibility of U.S. officials for the military coup.

He quoted the statement of the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz: "The only correct thing to do at this point is to demand that the government of the United States ends its intervention, stops lending military support to the coup perpetrators and withdraws its Task Force from Honduras."
Lazo, likewise member of the Political Bureau, emphasized the advances achieved by the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) and its determination in guiding the future of the people and in defense of its principal conquests.

"We are proud to know that today the FSLN has met its commitment of declaring Nicaragua an illiteracy-free country," Lazo highlighted.

Transmitting a message of congratulations from Fidel, Raúl and all the Cuban people to the people of Nicaragua, he greeted the Cuban collaborators completing different assignments in Nicaragua in education, heath and other areas. He stated that over the course of 50 years, Cubans have learned that unity, solidarity, and internationalism are the most powerful weapons against the enemy.

"We are absolutely convinced that integration based on the principles of ALBA is the most effective way to face these threats."

Lazo thanked the people, government and President Ortega for their fraternal expressions of solidarity toward Cuba in international forums, related to the elimination of the U.S. blockade and the liberation of the five Cuban anti-terrorists imprisoned unjustly in the United States.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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