Thursday, July 2, 2009

Re: [Peoples War] Today in Palestine! ~ Headlines June 28, 2009 ~

 gostokanan, sodepur, kolkata-700110 phone:033-25659551

From: Shadi Fadda <>
Sent: Monday, 29 June, 2009 1:38:37
Subject: [Peoples War] Today in Palestine! ~ Headlines June 28, 2009 ~

Land theft / Settlements

Israeli Land Office registers 139,000 dunums as 'abandoned'
Palestinian lands abutting the illegal Israeli settlement of Ma'ale Adumim were allegedly registered by the Israeli Land Registry Office and declared abandoned, the daily newspaper Al-Quds reported Saturday. The report said the land, 139,000 dunums [about 34,750 acres] in all, are those in the An Nabi Mousa near Jericho, as well as Beit Ta'mir, Rashayda and Al-Beida areas near Bethlehem. They were labeled abandoned under the Israeli "ordinance of abandoned areas" act. The announcement in Al-Quds said any individual with an objection to the land registration must send an objection warrant to the Beil El District coordination office within 45 days.
http://www.maannews .net/en/index. php?opr=ShowDeta ils&ID=38845

Israeli authorities threaten demolition of 500 church buildings in Jerusalem
The Greek Orthodox and Catholic churches in Jerusalem released a statement Saturday that the Israeli authorities have threatened to force the demolition of 500 buildings owned by the churches in the Old City of Jerusalem. The church buildings in question are mainly homes owned by the church and leased to Palestinian Christian priests, nuns and families. Israeli authorities claim that renovations were done on these buildings without permits, but failed to acknowledge the lack of a permitting process for the Church to obtain the necessary permits ... Dozens, if not hundreds, of church-owned buildings were seized by Israeli forces during the 1948 takeover of Palestine for the creation of the state of Israel, and again during the 1967 War of aggression by Israel. These buildings were taken over by the Jewish National Fund, which owns more than 90% of the land inside what is now Israel, and rented to Jews who immigrated to Israel.
http://www.imemc. org/article/ 60960

A guide to Israeli settlements
By Gershom Gorenberg. How and when did they start, why are they spreading, what are the concerns and should anything be done about them?
http://www.latimes. com/news/ opinion/commenta ry/la-oe- gorenberg28- 2009jun28, 0,6704423. story

Settler affairs: Running for the hilltops
By Tovah Lazaroff. Outpost removal is one of the few West Bank topics on which Israel and the US have seen eye to eye for at least the last six or seven years. But in practice, outside of a few highly publicized outpost removals, little has changed on the ground as new caravans and permanent homes continue to sprout. To understand the world of outpost-ology, one almost needs an informal lexicon of terms and phrases. Below is a guide to help make sense of the statements and terms used by politicians and the media.
http://www.jpost. com/servlet/ Satellite? cid=124592493184 6&pagename=JPost% 2FJPArticle% 2FShowFull

Israel's settlements are on shaky ground

By Sarah Leah Whitson. The debate over Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories is often framed in terms of whether they should be "frozen" or allowed to grow "naturally." But that is akin to asking whether a thief should be allowed merely to keep his ill-gotten gains or steal some more. It misses the most fundamental point: Under international law, all settlements on occupied territory are unlawful. And there is only one remedy: Israel should dismantle them, relocate the settlers within its recognized 1967 borders and compensate Palestinians for the losses the settlements have caused.
http://www.latimes. com/news/ opinion/commenta ry/la-oe- whitson28- 2009jun28, 0,2006530. story

Israeli settlers see growth despite US pressure
(Reuters) * Settlers believe West Bank enclaves will keep growing * Issue to feature in Monday's U.S.-Israeli talks * Long waiting list for settler homes -- Israel has a "large arsenal of plans" for further settlement construction, though these have been put on hold recently, Housing Minister Ariel Attias told Israel Radio, alluding to the differences with Washington.
http://www.alertnet .org/thenews/ newsdesk/ LS381996. htm

Barak open on Israeli settlement freeze before US trip
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak left open the possibility on Sunday of a limited freeze on building in Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank. In comments to reporters, Barak stopped short of denying a report in Israel's biggest newspaper, Yedioth Ahronoth, that he would propose a three-month halt to construction starts in settlements but allow current building work to continue.
http://www.washingt wp-dyn/content/ article/2009/ 06/28/AR20090628 00575.html

Yesha says willing to transfer outposts built on private land
Yesha Council director says transfer will occur only if 'decree on freezing of settlements is lifted'
http://www.ynetnews .com/articles/ 0,7340,L- 3738323,00. html

Syria threatens to take back Golan by force
Syrian officials threatened on Saturday to take back the Golan Heights by force if a peace agreement involving the return of the strategic plateau is not reached with Israel, Army Radio reported. A group calling itself the Syrian Committee for the Freedom of the Golan said it would take steps to regain control of the territory, adding that Israel has not shown willingness to achieve peace or to return what they called "Syrian land."
http://www.haaretz. com/hasen/ spages/1095962. html

Syria threatens to retake Golan
Syrian officials suggested that they could retake the Golan Heights back from Israel unless the two countries reach an agreement soon ... Syrian Information Minister Mohsen Bilal said that the new center would "report the despair of Syrian residents living in the occupied Golan, under the rule of the barbaric and racist state of Israel," according to the same report. Bilal was referring to the predominantly Druze Syrian residents of the Golan, most of whom have refused Israeli citizenship and seek the restoration of Syrian rule.
http://www.maannews .net/en/index. php?opr=ShowDeta ils&ID=38871

'There is never enough land for them'
RAMALLAH // Every day, when Salah Assaf looks through his binoculars, he expects the worst. The 46-year-old primary school principal keeps as close a watch on what is happening to his olive grove as he can. Situated next to the Givat Zeev settlement, north of Jerusalem and deep into occupied West Bank territory, the olive grove, he said, is in constant danger of being leveled to make room for more housing units.
http://www.thenatio 20090628/ FOREIGN/70627980 4/1002/rss

Violence / Aggression

Israeli extremists storm Silwan, injure three
Israeli settlers attacked Palestinian homes in the Silwan neighborhood of East Jerusalem on Saturday night, injuring three people with gunshots ... Israeli police hurried to the scene, preventing ambulances from accessing the injured people to evacuate them to hospitals, witnesses told Ma'an.
http://www.maannews .net/en/index. php?opr=ShowDeta ils&ID=38854

Israeli forces surround house where gas canister exploded
in the Ar-Ras area of the West Bank city of Hebron on Sunday.. Israeli soldiers declared the area a closed military zone, preventing Palestinians from leaving or entering the area, and interrogating the occupants of the house. Witnesses told Ma'an that the sound was a cooking gas canister exploding, causing part of the house to collapse.
http://www.maannews .net/en/index. php?opr=ShowDeta ils&ID=38864

Israeli soldiers poisoned well in West Bank village, say local officials
Jenin – Ma'an – Israeli soldiers poured dirt, stones and toxic chemicals in the only well in the hamlet of Khirbat Makehl near the village of Ya'bad in the northern West Bank overnight on Saturday, according to Palestinians in the community. The chemicals caused the water to change color and taste, he said. The 80 cubic-meter well is the only source of water for the village of 70 to 80 families, Hamdan said. He also said that, since the village lies near the Israeli settlement of Hermesh, the armed guards of the settlement often harass and assault Palestinians, particularly herders who venture near the edges of the settlement. Israeli forces also sometimes close the road leading to the community, preventing deliveries of food. He said the situation is "unbearable," and some of the local families have begun moving to nearby towns and cities because of these repeated attacks.
http://www.maannews .net/en/index. php?opr=ShowDeta ils&ID=38866

Mondoweiss (Video): Israeli army ups the violence against activists in the West Bank
The video above is a visual record of the brutality we experienced today [Saturday, in Safa] and of the army's complete disregard for the laws of the State of Israel, the rights of its citizens, and basic moral conduct. - Joseph Dana
http://www.philipwe ss/2009/06/ israeli-army- ups-the-violence -against- activists- in-the-west- bank-.html


Israeli forces detain student from Nablus
Israeli forces detained a Palestinian young man after an Israeli patrol stopped his car for inspection in the northern West Bank on Sunday morning. Witnesses told Ma'an that 22-year-old Usayd Shafiq Kharraz, a student at An-Najah University in Nablus was travelling in a Mercedes on Al-Badan road along with friends before an Israeli patrol stopped the car for inspection and detained Kharraz.
http://www.maannews .net/en/index. php?opr=ShowDeta ils&ID=38857

Gaza government to release 20 detainees
The Hamas-led de facto government in Gaza plans to release 20 detainees from its prisons in hopes of boosting reconciliation talks with the rival Fatah movement ... This announcement comes after Fatah officials said that the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank would start to release Hamas-affiliated detainees. The decisiveness of these steps has however been undercut by more reports of politically- motivated arrests in the West Bank and Gaza.
http://www.maannews .net/en/index. php?opr=ShowDeta ils&ID=38872

Hamas: PA forces detained 22 overnight
Hamas officials released a list of the names of 22 of its members allegedly detained by Palestinian Authority forces overnight Saturday. [Districts where the detentions occurred were Qalqilia, Salfit, Hebron, Jenin, Nablus and Tulkarem.]
http://www.maannews .net/en/index. php?opr=ShowDeta ils&ID=38860

Tulkarem commander releases Al-Aqsa Brigades member
Commander of Palestinian security services in Tulkarem Misbah Al-Baba on Sunday released an Al-Aqsa Brigades member after 16 months of detention on Sunday. The man was identified as Issa Al-Ashqar from the northern West Bank village of Sayda north of Tulkarem. Al-Baba told Ma'an the release came after he received directives from the Palestinian interior minister, who explained that Al-Ashqar had received partial amnesty from Israel that enables him to stay in areas A, which are under control of the PA.
http://www.maannews .net/en/index. php?opr=ShowDeta ils&ID=38865

Movement restriction

US praises Israel over the removal of some West Bank roadblocks
The United States Administration praised Israel for what it described 'actions taken to ease the daily life of the Palestinians in the West Bank', after the Israeli army removed some roadblocks. State Department spokesperson Ian Kelly, said that the United States appreciates the positive steps, and added that those steps are consistent with what he described as 'Israel's commitment to improving the lives of the Palestinians'.
http://www.imemc. org/article/ 60947

Mondoweiss: Dozens of roadblocks removed? Read the Hebrew
First, the happy talk by lazy reporters: "Israel removes dozens of West Bank roadblocks." And now, the party spoiler Gideon Levy, who actually goes on the ground to report: the "removed" Jericho checkpoint was replaced by a "Palestinian Authority" checkpoint - set up at the instructions of Israel, and taking orders about whom to pass from Israel! (sorry, Hebrew link, don't have the English one yet) My friend Ehud from Villages Group also clarifies: No major checkpoint has been removed. The soldiers are still there. They are just (for the moment) instructed not to check (almost) anyone.
http://www.philipwe ss/2009/06/ dozens-of- west-bank- roadblocks- removed-read- the-hebrew- .html

Solidarity - from Israelis

2nd IDF soldier refuses to serve over violence toward Palestinians
A second IDF soldier has refused to continue following orders unless his complaints of violence toward Palestinians are investigated, Haaretz has learned. As with another infantry man from the same brigade - who was sentenced to 30 days in military prison last week after refusing to participate in his unit's operations in the territories - the second soldier, who can only be identified as A., came to his decision following a raid by the brigade's Haruv battalion in the village of Kifl Hares in the West Bank on March 26.
http://www.haaretz. com/hasen/ spages/1096048. html

Unlikely ally for residents of West Bank
SAFA, West Bank — Ezra Nawi was in his element. Behind the wheel of his well-worn jeep one recent Saturday morning, working two cellphones in Arabic as he bounded through the terraced hills and hardscrabble villages near Hebron, he was greeted warmly by Palestinians near and far ... It is perhaps best to think of him as the Robin Hood of the South Hebron hills, an Israeli helping poor locals who love him, and thwarting settlers and soldiers who view him with contempt ... Mr. Nawi is now in trouble. Having spent several short stints in jail for his activism over the years, he now faces the prospect of a long one.
http://www.nytimes. com/2009/ 06/28/world/ middleeast/ 28westbank. html?_r=1

Journalist, B'Tselem founder Amnon Kapeliouk dies aged 78
Kapeliouk, one of the oldest active journalists in Israel, had worked for Al HaMishmar and Yedioth Aharonoth, as well as Le Monde and Le Monde Diplomatique. He was also known for his close ties to Yasser Arafat and other leaders of the Palestine Liberation Organization. Kapeliouk was also one of the founders of B'Tselem, the human rights watchdog in the territories.
http://www.haaretz. com/hasen/ spages/1096037. html

Siege / Blockade

De facto gov't: Five of 17 buses have left Gaza via Rafah crossing
The de facto government's Interior Ministry said on Saturday that just five out of 17 buses had departed the Gaza Strip by nightfall. In a statement, the ministry said that an additional seven buses had been allowed into Gaza from Egypt, noting that traveling will be allowed for "categories that were registered within the lists of the ministry." The statement expressed surprise at how slowly the procedures were being carried out on the Egyptian side, preventing the expected number from leaving, and insisted that just one fourth of the total number of those intending to travel on Saturday had actually left.
http://www.maannews .net/en/index. php?opr=ShowDeta ils&ID=38851

Two Gaza crossings partially open; Karni closed
Israeli authorities decided on Sunday to partially open the Kerem Shalom and Nahal Oz crossing points into the Gaza Strip ... Raed Fattouh, a Palestinian border crossings official, said that 86 trucks loaded with humanitarian aid would pass through Kerem Shalom including five trucks loaded with equipment for water services in the Gaza Strip. Furthermore, limited quantities of cooking gas and industrial diesel for Gaza's only power plant be shipped through Nahal Oz, he said.
http://www.maannews .net/en/index. php?opr=ShowDeta ils&ID=38855

Haniyeh: We will permit joint control of Rafah crossing
In a news conference, Haniyeh said his government would be ready to accept joint control of the Rafah crossing based on participation by the de facto government's security, the Egyptians, the Europeans, and the Palestinian Authority's presidential guards.
http://www.maannews .net/en/index. php?opr=ShowDeta ils&ID=38847

Israeli blockade thwarts efforts to rebuild war-shattered Gaza
(Reuters) By Katie Nguyen. "There's no future in Gaza." Aid workers say that's the view being voiced throughout the coastal enclave which is struggling to recover after an Israeli offensive early this year flattened thousands of houses and damaged dozens of schools and hospitals. Aid groups say the suffering is made worse by Israel's two-year blockade of Gaza, which continues to frustrate reconstruction efforts and strangle the economy, forcing four out of five Gazans to rely on foreign aid.
http://www.alertnet .org/db/an_ art/57964/ 2009/05/26- 134632-1. htm

War Crimes

UN hears Gaza 'war crimes' testimonies
The UN fact-finding mission in Gaza City on Sunday started its first public hearing sessions to collect testimonials from victims of the Israeli war on the coastal region in December and January. The first testimony the committee heard was from the director of the World Health Organization in Gaza ... He highlighted that continuous closure of the Gaza Strip crossing points impeded passage of medicines and medical equipment. He also told the committee that medical aid to the injured was difficult because Israeli forces repeatedly opened fire on medical staff. He also noted that 16 medics were killed during the offensive.
http://www.maannews .net/en/index. php?opr=ShowDeta ils&ID=38861

IDF used drones in Gaza, rights group alleges
The International Human Rights Watch is expected to publish a report this week on the topic of the IDF's alleged use of attack drones. According to HRW, the report will focus on several specific examples in which the IDF used an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to attack Palestinian targets in the Gaza Strip. The focus of the report - compiled by the organization' s military expert Mark Garlasco - will be on Operation Cast Lead which the IDF launched against Hamas in late December. According to HRW, the drones used during the Gaza operation primarily carried a variant of the US-made Spike anti-tank missile, with a lethal blast radius of ten to twenty meters.
http://www.jpost. com/servlet/ Satellite? cid=124592494211 0&pagename=JPost% 2FJPArticle% 2FShowFull


US-trained Palestinian force is keen for action
(AP) The force being shaped for the West Bank is supposed to underpin the Palestinian government of Western-backed President Mahmoud Abbas against violent challenges by Hamas, other extremists and criminal gangs, while convincing Israel that having a Palestinian state for a neighbor will pose no threat ... The Associated Press, granted rare access to the recruits in the northern West Bank town of Jenin, heard complaints that they are restricted to islands of limited authority in the Israeli-controlled territory, can't make a move without Israel's permission, are outgunned by Hamas, and lack riot and protective gear because of Israeli import restrictions.
http://www.washingt wp-dyn/content/ article/2009/ 06/27/AR20090627 01479.html

Political developments

Israel, Egypt negotiate terms of new Gaza truce
Israel is holding talks with Egypt on a new cease-fire agreement in Gaza - the negotiations revolve around an Egyptian proposal within a broader effort to reconcile the two main Palestinian factions, Fatah and Hamas. Another plank in the broader agreement being discussed is the reopening of the crossings to the Gaza Strip, on the border with Sinai and Israel ... The Israelis say the ability to carry out another offensive like Operation Cast Lead last winter is minimal because of the stiff opposition of the international community, especially the Obama administration.
http://www.haaretz. com/hasen/ spages/1096154. html

New round of Hamas-Fatah talks opens with not too much pessimism
The two rival Palestinian factions - Hamas and Fatah - started a new round of talks in Cairo on Sunday, the official MENA news agency reported, facing a 10-day deadline to reach a reconciliation agreement. "The two delegations, who had a working dinner on Saturday evening, met (on Sunday) for a sixth round of talks," MENA reported. The factions are to meet Egyptian intelligence chief Omar Suleiman ahead of a July 7 target date to sign the agreement which will lay out an electoral law, define the make-up of security forces and of a committee that will liaise between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank ahead of an election in 2010.
http://albawaba. com/en/news/ 249108

Israel to offer three-month settlement freeze: report
Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak is to propose a limited three-month freeze on settlement growth in response to increased pressure from Washington, army radio reported on Sunday. Barak, who is to meet US Middle East envoy George Mitchell in New York on Monday, will propose the freeze as a compromise to the demand from its closest ally for a complete halt to settlement activity on occupied land, it said.
http://news. breaking- news-world/ israel-to- offer-threemonth -settlement- freeze-report- 20090628- d162.html

Netanyahu: EU receptive to Israel stance on Palestinian statehood
"I found a receptive ear in Europe to the principles that we presented for the diplomatic process with the Palestinians, " said Netanyahu at the start of Sunday's weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem. He listed the principles as, "The recognition of a Jewish state, demilitarizing a Palestinian state, and recognition that any agreement signed will be the end of the conflict and an end to demands [of Israel]."
http://www.haaretz. com/hasen/ spages/1096158. html

PLC speaker: I stand between Hamas and Fatah
The recently released speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) Aziz Dweik said on Sunday that he is close to both of the rival factions Hamas and Fatah, and hopes that they reach reconciliation. I stand in the middle of all Palestinian rivals, and will try to achieve conciliation as soon as possible," said the lawmaker who was released from an Israeli prison on Thursday.
http://www.maannews .net/en/index. php?opr=ShowDeta ils&ID=38870

Other news

Palestinian council for right of return established
DAMASCUS, (PIC)-- Nine committees concerned with the Palestinian refugees' right of return on Saturday evening announced the establishment of the Palestinian council for the right of return (Mithaq) with the aim of endorsing RoR.
http://www.palestin uk/En/

Qalqilia woman killed by century-old bomb

A Palestinian woman was killed and her 60-year-old mother injured when century-old ordinance exploded near the West Bank city of Qalqiliya. According to local sources, the two were cleaning the house when the blast took place. The explosion was heard throughout the village and fragments flew as far as a kilometer from the house. After examining what remained of the bomb, it appeared to be a remnant from the year 1907, and had been buried in the area.
http://www.maannews .net/en/index. php?opr=ShowDeta ils&ID=38874

B'Tselem: West Bank sewage runs amuck
Most of the sewage that flows through the West Bank from parts of Jerusalem, the Jewish settlements and the Palestinian cities and villages is untreated or inadequately treated, causing serious damage to the water supply and the environment, according to a report published by the human rights organization B'Tselem early this morning. According to the report, entitled "Foul Play: Neglect of Wastewater Treatment in the West Bank," these areas produced a total of 91 million cubic meters of sewage in 2007. This includes 17.5 million cubic meters from 121 Jewish settlements, of which 12 million cubic meters are treated and 5.5 million flow into the West Bank as raw sewage.
http://www.jpost. com/servlet/ Satellite? cid=124592494179 7&pagename=JPost% 2FJPArticle% 2FShowFull

Israeli researchers desalinating sewage for agricultural use
Now that Israel is desalinating seawater, researchers at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology are experimenting with the desalination of purified sewage, in an effort to expand its use in agriculture ... Josef Hagin of the Grand Water Research Institute said sewage treatment plants in Israel produce wastewater which still contains a level of contaminants and high levels of salt which harm agricultural produce and raise the salinity of ground water.
http://www.haaretz. com/hasen/ spages/1096041. html

Politics bars Dead Sea from World Wonders contest
JERICHO, West Bank, June 28 (Reuters) - The Dead Sea will be eliminated next week from a contest to choose the seven natural wonders of the world, because of a Palestinian boycott over the participation of an Israeli settler council. Its almost certain exclusion from a competition which it had good chances of winning underline how the bitter politics of the Middle East conflict permeates every aspect of Palestinian life
http://www.alertnet .org/thenews/ newsdesk/ LS387837. htm

Palestinian family isolated with swine flu
JERUSALEM (JTA) -- A Palestinian family was quarantined after testing positive for swine flu. Some 11 family members living a village near Nablus tested positive over the weekend, likely infected by a family member who returned from the United States last week, according to reports. The family visited the local mosque before the diagnoses, raising fears in the village of 3,900 people that the virus will spread. news/article/ 2009/06/28/ 1006179/palestin ian-family- isolated- with-swine- flu

PCHR concludes third training course targeting activists in CBOs in Khan Younis
On Thursday, 25 June 2009, the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights' (PCHR) Training Unit concluded its third training course on human rights, which is a part of a series of training courses targeting activists in community-based organizations (CBOs) across the Gaza Strip.  Eighteen female and male activists from 9 CBOs in Khan Yunis participated in the 20 training hour course that took place in PCHR's sub-office in Khan Yunis between 21 and 25 June 2009. The training program covered a number of international human rights instruments ... Gender equality, the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary were also addressed.
http://www.pchrgaza .ps/files/ PressR/English/ 2008/2008/ 21-2009.html

Hebron police destroy kilos of hashish, marijuana, cocaine, heroin
Palestinian police said that they set fire to 55 kilograms of confiscated drugs on Sunday, including hashish, marijuana, cocaine, heroin, pills, an unidentified powder, drug paraphernalia, and counterfeit money ... Hebron police also said they arrested a number of drug dealers in connection with the seizure. They said the drugs were trafficked from inside Israel.
http://www.maannews .net/en/index. php?opr=ShowDeta ils&ID=38875

Peres to make landmark visits to Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan
President Shimon Peres will visit Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan on Sunday, the first trip by an Israeli president to either of the Muslim countries. Peres will be joined by Industry, Trade and Labor Minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer and National Infrastructure Minister Uzi Landau. Also on hand will be the director-general of the Defense Ministry, top executives of Israel Military Industries and 60 Israeli businessmen.
http://www.haaretz. com/hasen/ spages/1096156. html

Israel holding citizen for transferring weapon, ammunition
Israeli forces arrested a man at a checkpoint near Jenin two weeks ago on weapons charges, according to Israel's police website on Sunday. Soldiers apparently detained the man, identified as a 64-year-old Palestinian citizen of Israel from Sakhnin, after finding 3,000 bullets and a hunting gun in his car.
http://www.maannews .net/en/index. php?opr=ShowDeta ils&ID=38863

Egyptians kill one, injure two in Israel 'infiltration' attempt
Egyptian security sources said that Egyptian border guards killed an African migrant and injured two others attempting to sneak into Israel on Sunday in Rafah.
http://www.maannews .net/en/index. php?opr=ShowDeta ils&ID=38859

Riots resume in Jerusalem; haredim torch dumpsters
The haredi riots in Jerusalem in protest of the municipality' s decision to open a city parking lot on Shabbat resumed Sunday afternoon, despite attempts to pacify the situation. The Jerusalem Police was forced to close off the capital's Shivtei Israel and Yehezkel streets, after dozens of haredim set dumpsters on fire, in protest of the arrests made during Saturday's riots.
http://www.ynetnews .com/articles/ 0,7340,L- 3738152,00. html

Italy expels Palestinian hijacker to Syria
A lawyer says Italian authorities are set to expel to Syria one of the Palestinians who hijacked the Achille Lauro cruise ship and killed an American passenger in 1985. Attorney Gianfranco Pagano said Youssef Magied al-Molqui was about to be flown from Palermo, Sicily, to Rome and then on to Damascus on Saturday. [He was released from prison on April 29. Another man involved in the hijacking, Khaled Hussein, 73, died of a heart attack early Monday in a jail in Benevento, near Naples.]
http://www.mymother news/world/ news_detail. php?ID=345088&DK=EU%20Italy% 20Palestinian% 20Hijacker

Opinion / Analysis

Enclosing balconies
By Gideon Levy. From capital to capital, our Benjamin Netanyahu went around suggesting that the open balconies in the settlements be enclosed. Everywhere he went, he heard the same thing. The doors were slammed in the face of the salesman, and Netanyahu for his part persevered, suggesting an arrangement maybe like the Italian hill town of San Gimignano, with its houses built upwards, trying in vain to continue juggling. Even Silvio Berlusconi, whose pro-Israel positions are sometimes ridiculous and embarrassing, slammed the door in his face. But lest we do injustice to the amputee salesman of our childhood: He tried to make an honest living. Netanyahu, however, is trying to deceive. They'll enclose balconies and build another 100 houses, too.
http://www.haaretz. com/hasen/ spages/1096063. html

Analysis / Shalit has become key to peace in Mideast
By Akiva Eldar. Int'l community hopes Shalit's transfer to Egypt would prompt prisoner swap, usher progress on other fronts.
http://www.haaretz. com/hasen/ spages/1096050. html

Film: Heart of the Other - A Palestinian confronts the Holocaust
(with trailer) A documentary film by Harvey Stein. Almost all of Khaled's work is controversial to someone. When I first tell Jewish friends about "the Arab man who opened a Holocaust museum," they say something like "amazing", and basically think he's a saint ... But then later, when they (again the Jewish friends) learn that he sometimes puts photos of the Nakba next to Holocaust photos in his tiny museum, or worse, confronts Israelis (even Israeli soldiers) with Holocaust photos, my Jewish friends change their tune.
http://heartoftheot /film-news

Once more the smell of falafel
By Zvi Bar'el. Making peace is not a bitter medicine that needs to be taken in doses. The impression is that even without a detailed plan the Mideast is preparing to give the peace process another chance.
http://www.haaretz. com/hasen/ spages/1096062. html

Between Tel Aviv and Tehran
By Uri Avnery. Hundreds of thousands of Iranian citizens pour into the streets in order to protest against their government! What a wonderful sight! Gideon Levy wrote in Haaretz that he envies the Iranians. And indeed, anyone who tries these days to get Israelis in any numbers into the streets could die of envy. It is very difficult to get even hundreds of people to protest against the evil deeds or policies of our government – and not because everybody supports it.
http://zope. gush-shalom. org/home/ en/channels/ avnery/124614737 0/

An Iraqi at the Iraqi cemetery in Jenin
The original plan was to visit Palestine to express solidarity with Palestinians. But what ended up happening was that Palestine immersed me in solidarity to my ears. 
http://palestinethi 2009/06/27/ saja-an-iraqi- at-the-iraqi- cemetery- in-jenin/


Saturday: 1 Iraqi killed, 7 wounded
Excerpt: Only one Iraqi was reported killed in unusually light violence. Seven more were wounded. No Coalition deaths were reported, but one recently returned soldier may have committed suicide in Virginia. Also, two British hostages recently handed over to British authorities may have been dead as long as 18 months.
http://original. updates/2009/ 06/27/saturday- 1-iraqi-killed- 7-wounded/

Heavy sandstorm blankets Iraq, delays oil bidding
BAGHDAD – A heavy sandstorm has blanketed Iraq's capital, closing the Baghdad airport and delaying the country's first oil bidding process in 30 years. Visibility is only a few yards and most of the few people on the streets are wearing surgical masks.
http://news. s/ap/20090628/ ap_on_re_ mi_ea/ml_ iraq_sandstorm

Oil firms steel for worst, hope for best, in Iraq

BAGHDAD, June 28 (Reuters) - Pipelines shattered by bombs. Oil terminals crippled by suicide attacks. Officials blown up in roadside blasts or kidnapped from their office at gunpoint. Calamities like that are not just the worst fear of an oil executive in a hostile environment; they are the reality of the last six years of chaos, bloodshed and war in Iraq. The world's biggest oil firms are hoping the past will be no guide to the future when they bid on Monday and Tuesday for six of Iraq's biggest oilfields and two gas fields in the war-shattered country's first major tender since 2003. Thirty-two foreign firms will be competing, including Exxon Mobil, Total, and Royal Dutch Shell..
http://www.alertnet .org/thenews/ newsdesk/ LR275793. htm

Iraqi 'city from hell' happy for US troops to go
BAQUBA, Iraq (AFP) – Baquba, the Iraqi city synonymous in recent years with murders, intercommunal killings and suicide bombings, is celebrating the imminent departure of US troops with balloons and bunting.
http://news. s/afp/20090628/ wl_mideast_ afp/iraqusmilita rypulloutbaquba

Baghdad blast walls come down
BAGHDAD, June 28 (Reuters) - As Baghdad security improves and U.S. troops draw back, workers in cranes are removing mile after mile of giant concrete slabs put up to prevent the slaughter of innocents in sectarian fighting. For Baghdad bookseller Abu Ali, it's too soon. Sitting in an alley surrounded by Shi'ite Muslim religious tracts, he recalls how his son was blown up by a massive bomb.
http://www.alertnet .org/thenews/ newsdesk/ LF689119. htm

Iraq cancels police leave ahead of US troop pullback
BAGHDAD, June 28 (Reuters) - Iraq cancelled leave for all its police and put them on high alert on Sunday ahead of the withdrawal of U.S. combat forces from Iraqi towns and cities at the end of the month, an official said.
http://www.alertnet .org/thenews/ newsdesk/ LS357490. htm

US general: Time right to withdraw from Iraqi cities
WASHINGTON, June 28 (Reuters) - The top U.S. commander in Iraq said on Sunday the time is right for American forces to pull out of Iraqi cities and expressed confidence in the ability of Iraq's security forces to take more control. U.S. troops already were out of the Iraq's cities before Tuesday's deadline after slowly withdrawing over the last eight months
http://www.alertnet .org/thenews/ newsdesk/ N28331285. htm

General says Iraq violence is counterproductive
WASHINGTON – The top U.S. commander in Iraq says he believes that the recent increase in violence in Iraq may end up hurting the extremists who are behind the attacks.
http://news. s/ap/20090628/ ap_on_go_ ca_st_pe/ us_iraq_odierno


Iranian police clash with up to 3,000 protesters
(28 June) Witnesses in Iran say police have clashed with up to 3,000 protesters near a mosque in north Tehran. They say security forces fired tear gas to disperse the crowd, and some demonstrators fought back, chanting: "Where is my vote?" Witnesses at the scene tell The Associated Press that some protesters claimed they suffered broken arms or legs in Sunday's clashes around the Ghoba Mosque.
http://news. s/ap/20090628/ ap_on_re_ mi_ea/ml_ iran_election

Iran sparks new row with Britain over election
(Reuters)  * Iran detains several local British embassy staff * Khamenei slams "interfering statements" by Western leaders * Rafsanjani wants "fair" review of election complaints * EU to respond jointly to any "harassment" of diplomats
http://www.alertnet .org/thenews/ newsdesk/ LS361026. htm

Rafsanjani wants candidates' complaints checked
Former Iranian president calls on regime to probe reformists' claims that elections were rigged -- Rafsanjani commended Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, on his decision to prolong the period of time in which the vote's irregularities can be probed.
http://www.ynetnews .com/articles/ 0,7340,L- 3738293,00. html

Iran accuses CIA of killing protester Neda
WASHINGTON - Iran is accusing the United States of being behind the killing of Neda Agha-Soltan, the 26-year-old Iranian woman whose fatal videotaped shooting made her a symbol of opposition to the disputed June 12 presidential election results. Iranian Ambassador to Mexico Mohammad Hassan Ghadiri made this accusation on Saturday night in an interview to the CNN television network.
http://www.ynetnews .com/articles/ 0,7340,L- 3737891,00. html

'Crowd caught Neda's killer'
The doctor who tried to save Neda Agha Soltan seconds after she was hit by a bullet during a post-election protest in Tehran said she was shot in the chest from close range. Dr Arash Hejaz, an Iranian who has been studying in England, spoke to the BBC in London for the first time yesterday, risking his own life and chances of going back to Iran ... At first, he thought the shooter was on a rooftop, but a few of the demonstrators claimed they had caught the person who shot her. "People shouted 'we got him, we got him'. They disarmed him and took out his identity card which showed he was a Basij member. People were furious and he was shouting, 'I didn't want to kill her.' "People didn't know what to do with him so they let him go. But they took his identity card. There are people there who know who he is. Some people were also taking photos of him."
http://www.thenatio 20090627/ FOREIGN/70626979 6/1011/rss


Will Iran election turmoil affect Hezbollah?

By Franklin Lamb - Dahiyeh, Lebanon. ...Assuming that there is to be a serious ongoing  power struggle between an Ahmaddinejad/ Khameni group and a Mousavi/Rafsanjani faction, and one prevails over the other, rather than the more likely dialogue, some reshuffling of portfolios, and surface accommodation and slow transformation, many Hezbollah officials doubt it will affect the Party or its agenda partly because support for such groups as Hezbollah and Hamas is ingrained in Iran's ideology, which sees the Islamic republic as a counter to Egypt, Jordan and others that have recognized Israel.
http://palestinechr view_article_ details.php? id=15240

Israel: Lebanon still responsible for any Hezbollah attacks
Israel on Sunday warned the incoming Lebanese government that Beirut would be held to account in the event Hezbollah launches attacks against the north. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reacted to the formation of a new government in Lebanon, a coalition that is likely to include seven ministers from Hezbollah.
http://www.haaretz. com/hasen/ spages/1096176. html


Afghanistan: 800 civilians killed in conflict in Jan-May - UN
KABUL, 28 June 2009 (IRIN) - Civilian deaths resulting from armed hostilities between insurgents, the US military, the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan and government forces have increased by 24 percent so far this year compared to the same period in 2008, according to a report by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon.
http://www.alertnet .org/thenews/ newsdesk/ IRIN/243e7e71adb 05cdc77e23d0d320 a30be.htm

Iraq lessons learned, US marines turn to Afghanistan
DESERT OF DEATH, Afghanistan, June 28 (Reuters) - After five years coping with the most dangerous province in Iraq, the U.S. Marines have been given their next assignment: the most dangerous province in Afghanistan. But this time around, they say they will talk a little more and shoot a little less.
http://www.alertnet .org/thenews/ newsdesk/ SP463281. htm

US changes course on Afghan opium, says Holbrooke
New policy to spend more on alternate crops and less money on eradication follows years of criticism that US ignored economics of drug trade.
http://www.. csmonitor. com/2009/ 0628/p99s01- duts.html

'Armchair' killing: a US-Israeli trademark
By Stuart Littlewood. Since August 2008, over 40 US drone strikes have killed at least 410 people. US troops in neighboring Afghanistan are the only forces that deploy unmanned drones in the region. The use of armed drones is a particularly cowardly form of warfare. These lethal "assets" are computer-controlled from the comfort and safety of an armchair a hundred miles away and guided by dodgy "intelligence". Or, if the truth be known, no intelligence at all.
http://palestinechr view_article_ details.php? id=15241

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