Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Re: [issuesonline_worldwide] Extreme Idiots Governing Punjab

 gostokanan, sodepur, kolkata-700110 phone:033-25659551

From: Ravinder Singh <>
Sent: Wednesday, 22 July, 2009 14:53:48
Subject: [issuesonline_worldwide] Extreme Idiots Governing Punjab


Extreme Idiots Governing Punjab
[It is a national shame India has not learnt to manage its water resources productively and efficiently. Punjab state couldn't send just one Capable Representative to address its problems in Punjab assembly and Indian Parliament and to BBMB in 60 years.]
On going through Tribune stories on water releases by BBMB, I downloaded all the data available on BBMB site and am HORRIFIED to find inadequate releases for Punjab considering both gross area under cultivation and food production but couldn't believe much less water is released during summer Khariff Season when requirement of water and power is highest and very substantial amount of water is released during winter months when irrigation needs are lowest – at times winter rains are adequate for Rabi season.
http://www.tribunei 2009/20090721/ punjab.htm# 1


21.05.2008 to

21.09.2007 to












In my earlier petition to The Prime Minister I highlighted how state producing 25 million tone food – contributing nearly 50% of surplus for PDS has only one member out of nine in BBMB when other states produce just 5-6 million tones in Indus Basin.
§         Since Hathni Kund Barrage was commissioned Haryana could draw 25,000 cusecs of water from Yamuna during Monsoon. Hence Haryana need little or minimum of BBMB waters for Khariff season.
§          Rajasthan mostly desert region in Indus Command outside Indus basin is unsuitable for raising crops during summer Khariff season.
So to oblige Haryana and Rajasthan BBMB releases were altered to suit their needs at high to Riparian State and Bread Basket of India Punjab.
This has resulted in –
1.            Lower power generation in summer months when Punjab needs maximum power for raising Kharif crop.
2.            Most dreadful was the filling of Bhakra and Pong Dams to 50% capacity on scheduled day of monsoon arrival led "Extreme Flood Situations Twice" last year.
3.     I have researched and found this practice of releasing substantial amount of water for winter Rabi season than Kharif and summer when Punjab needs much more water continues for many years.
4.    Punjab even agreed to two months delay in planting of paddy when early planting gives substantially more yield and most small farmers can get third short duration crop. Actually Punjab ought to have promoted 100-110 day paddy varieties. But biggest advantage to GOI is early availability of Rice when planted in May to reduce storage and handling costs.
5.    Punjab was fooled in to believing two months of Ban on Agricultural Activity would conserve water. Water table in summer goes down irrespective of weather paddy is planted or not. In Technical Terms water extraction for irrigation for Two Months of Ban and 110 day variety is much more than transplanting in May with 110 day variety.
Ravinder Singh
July22, 2009

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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