Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Re: [issuesonline_worldwide] CC Update 21, July- Twitterers Paid To Spread Israeli Propaganda

 gostokanan, sodepur, kolkata-700110 phone:033-25659551

From: Countercurrents <>
Sent: Tuesday, 21 July, 2009 23:50:14
Subject: [issuesonline_worldwide] CC Update 21, July- Twitterers Paid To Spread Israeli Propaganda



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In Solidarity

Twitterers Paid To Spread Israeli Propaganda
By Jonathan Cook

http://www.counterc cook210709. htm

The passionate support for Israel expressed on talkback sections of websites, internet chat forums, blogs, Twitters and Facebook may not be all that it seems. Israel's foreign ministry is reported to be establishing a special undercover team of paid workers whose job it will be to surf the internet 24 hours a day spreading positive news about Israel

Killing "Everything That Moves"
By Uri Avnery

http://www.counterc avnery210709. htm

Like the ghost of Hamlet's father, the evil spirit of the Gaza War refuses to leave us in peace. This week it came back to disturb the tranquility of the chiefs of the state and the army."Breaking the Silence", a group of courageous former combat soldiers, published a report comprising the testimonies of 30 Gaza War fighters. A hard-hitting report about actions that may be considered war crimes

Anti-Racist Australians And Jews Against Zionism,
War And Genocide
By Dr Gideon Polya

http://www.counterc polya210709. htm

The following Open Letter letter is addressed to Australians, Australian media and Australian MPs

"Be Bold"
By Dahr Jamail

http://www.counterc jamail210709. htm

US Army Specialist Victor Agosto, who publicly refused to deploy with his unit to Afghanistan, was to receive the harshest court-martial possible for his decision - one that would land him in jail for up to one year, followed by a dishonorable discharge. However, within hours of the publication of a Truthout report about his story, Agosto received word from the military that his court-martial had been reduced

Where's The Pro-Life 'Stimulus'
To Fight Earth's Meltdown?
By Robert S. Becker

http://www.counterc becker210709. htm

Behold the mixed blessing from recession: less commerce retards the speed by which we strip the earth of unsustainable resources. Think we'll take advantage of this disruption to ponder our global religion of growth, even press leaders to start serious, comprehensive planning? Free markets aren't free, comes the painful dis-illusion- ment, and expansion is unstoppable except by war, pandemics, natural disasters, and bad recessions. Have we learned much from the high price for rather low interest rates – today's nasty late payment?

Forget About The West-Catch Up With The East
By Shirzad Azad

http://www.counterc azad210709. htm

Asian values of working and studying hard, and living within ones means, can be prescribed as a great tool to achieve development, not only in Iran but in many other underdeveloped societies. Asia is increasingly becoming the world's center of technology and tourism, fashion and food, creativity and culture. Iran should no longer be preoccupied with the West

Learn Masculinity From Mahatma Gandhi?
By Nasiruddin Haider Khan

http://www.counterc haiderkhan210709 .htm

Women have raised their voices against gender-based violence. They have fought for policies and laws. But now it is high time that women's movement should engage men. There are enormous challenges to counter violence against women. Without involving men, it is not possible to prevent gender based violence

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