Thursday, July 2, 2009

Re: [India-Force] Banias and National Agenda for Social Justice

On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 10:13 AM, Ravinder Singh <> wrote:

Banias and National Agenda for Social Justice  


Dear Shadi,

The real problem of too much dependence cum control of grossly incompetent scoundrel Banias on Indian Economy.


In the above document page 3 you can see farmers get only Rs.171,500 crores as direct bank credit and SMEs and tiny industries Rs.76,000 crores but industry which gets capital from direct investments also get Rs.7,42,000 crores, Traders get Rs.204,000 crores, Finance companies Rs.124,000 crores, personnel loans Rs.433,000crores, professionals and transport Rs.147,000 crores.  


Clearly farmers and SMEs get just 12% of bank credit that contribute 40% GDP and 90% employment are starved of credit.


Bania class get over Rs.12,00,000 crores well over 60% of all credit (Rs.6,00,000 crores in Industry, Rs.1,50,00 crores trade, Rs.2,50,000 crores personnel finance, Rs.60,000 crores in personnel finance, Rs.50,000 in professional and Transport, Rs.90,000 crores in rest of the sectors.


In above you can see that credit of Rs.1 crores plus is Rs.11,00,000 crores or 60% of all credit.


Firstly there is Unequal and unjust distribution of public deposits in favor of Banias who contribute by was inflated overpriced but substandard product and services and certainly not contributing more than 20% of GDP and less than 5% of jobs.


They contribute to 80% of tax evasion by so many ways like under declaring sales, booking false expenses and operating clandestine companies not declaring money lending and other operations.


I know of Bania companies buying carpets from weavers for Rs.4,000/- and selling in Europe for Rs.60,000. Not just that claiming Export Incentives.


GOI Exports Incentives are meant for weavers to improve their productivity but Banias unashamedly claim them.


The agenda for all Indians shall be to "Restrict" role of scoundrel companies. When close to 1000 foreign companies are taken over by India, India should also allow 100% investment or take over by foreign multinationals.


India should black list Bania companies who are unfair to consumers.

All Bania companies should declare Value Additions in their AR to restrict their access to Bank Finance and other incentives..


Ravinder Singh

July02, 2009


National Agenda for Muslims Development

"shadi katyalsearch"


Dear Ravinder,

I am rather surprised that how everyone quotes Sachar report but are all these so called leaders and representative of Muslim community unaware of their own blunders over the years. Why is such blame being carried on the Govt when doors to all schools are open to them. I am not against such quality education for any citizen but why is everyone blamed for their own lack of any interest in education.

Our Muslim community can look around and see how ell those who educated themselves are doing. Mr. Azim Premjee should be a good example but when wants to have mudrassas and nothing but religious education, such deficiency will continue. Unless the community itself does not change the attitude and become part of the fabric of India, such reports and letters will be of no use.

We have a segment of Muslim population who feel that without education today, there is no door open as technology and age of internet is moving fast. As long any community keeps itself a separate part of the nation, such drawbacks will continue. The very good example is USA where education up to high school is free and even bus service is provided and yet the minority here of black have not moved so far because their leaders felt that keeping them less educated gives them an agenda to blame everything on the majority. Is this not the same case with our Muslim population.

Look around the nation and see how Christians, Parsees and all other minorities have moved ahead but why this particular segment of country still is back. It is time to sit down with your Ulemas and Imams and discuss the facts the benefits of education and move ahead otherwise we will have many such Sachar reports.

It reminds me how Muslim population has refused to let their children be vaccinated for polio and how some of the Imams have told the prying group that it is conspiracy of Kafirs to make your children impotent. As long as we play the religion card, progress in any field is impossible. Take case of population control, can anyone ask any family to stop after 2 children but this becomes again a religious issue. Unless we can think and discuss any issue without religion being brought in , these children unfortunately have suffered and will continue to do so. Kindly don't blame the people and government but your own philosophy and outlook.



National Agenda for Muslims Development

Posted by: "Anuj Jain - BFI" 

Wed Jul 1, 2009 2:15 am (PDT)

Very well said Jadhav.

Why do we have to talk about one particular community ??

Look at the condition of people in states like Bihar, Orissa, W Bengal,
UP etc. 80% of them live on a daily average wage of less than Rs 20/day.
So why do we have to mention Muslims in particular ??

If someone really cares about India, they should talk about uniting people
rather than dividing them on the basis of their caste and religion.

Thrashing one particular community like Bania's or sympathizing with Muslims
is not going to do any good but will spread hatred among people.

This dirty caste politics is the bread and butter of our politicians. So let it be
and don't try to spread it within the social group like ours.

From: Jai Raj Yadav
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 2:45 PM
Subject: Re: [India-Force] National Agenda for Muslims Development

Poverty does not have any religion. There must not be any reservation based on Religion or caste but based on economic poverty level.

Another misnomer is using word minority to mean Muslims.

What is definition of Minority and by this definition Jains, Boudh, Christians, Sikh, Bahais etc all will have to be classified as Minorities and it will be opening can of worms.

There should be affirmative actions for poor and not reservation. The root cause of poverty to be tackled. The root cause is having large number of children in a family, family planning, not sending children to school, these.

Madarsa and Gurukul education will not take forward any one. Modern education that will provide international class of education and thereby job opportunities is a must.

Jairaj Yadav


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