Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Re: [IHRO] US Prepares Cuban Troops For American Duty As It Surrenders High Seas To Britain

 gostokanan, sodepur, kolkata-700110 phone:033-25659551

From: Sorcha Faal <>
Sent: Wednesday, 22 July, 2009 7:38:19
Subject: [IHRO] US Prepares Cuban Troops For American Duty As It Surrenders High Seas To Britain


[Ed. Note: This report should be read from its website location at
http://www.whatdoes index1256. htm as this email copy does not
contain the links embedded in the original report.]

July 22, 2009

US Prepares Cuban Troops For American Duty As It Surrenders High Seas To

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Russian Military Intelligence Officials are reporting to Prime Minister
Putin today that the United States has begun training Cuban Military
Forces to assist the Americans in quelling what they expect to be a
series of massive riots and civil unrest to hit them this coming fall as
they begin to disintegrate under what is being reported as a staggering
debt load estimated to now total $62 Trillion, and which as their fiscal
year ends on September 30th, no Nation in the World is able to finance.

Though President Obama has failed to report his Nations training of
Cuban troops, or the propaganda US news media, American Naval Commander,
Brook DeWalt, speaking from a prepared statement, told Canadian
reporters that the "mass casualty exercise" allows the US and Cuba to
"coordinate and practice emergency drills".

Even more astounding than the Americans training the soldiers of their
sworn 50-year-long enemy of Fidel Castro's Cuba, these reports also
state that in an "historic ceremony" the United States Navy has
surrendered to Britain their sovereignty of the High Seas, and of which
we can read as reported by the BBC News Service:

"A US Navy vessel has become the first non-British ship to take part in
a ceremony at the Tower of London that dates back hundreds of years. The
USS Halyburton was involved in the Constable's Dues ritual, which
involved the crew being challenged for entry into the capital.

It mirrors an ancient custom in which a ship had to unload some of its
cargo for the sovereign to enter the city. The ceremony dates back to
the 14th Century."

Though lost to this current generation of Americans, their Nation's
bowing down before the British Sovereign would most certainly have
caused their Founding Fathers to recoil in horror, and who's first
President, George Washington, in warning his countrymen about the
British stated that, "The time is near at hand which must determine
whether Americans are to be free men or slaves."

Unfortunately for the American people of today, the satanic symbolism
underlying these ancient rituals, including Obama's bowing before the
British Queen this past April, were once well known by their ancestors
and were quickly eradicated from the United States by an all-observing
public, such as in 1826 when these people rose up in unison to chase
from office all those associated with the Freemasons in what is called
the Morgan Affair.

Equally distressing for those Americans still aware of their past was
yesterdays announcement by Obama declaring that "he has the right" to
ignore legislation made the law of the land by the US Congress, and
which, essentially, gives him unprecedented dictatorial powers over his

And to those dictatorial powers Obama is set to use against the American
people, he, and his socialist allies, are preparing one of the most
insidious series of new laws meant to totally enslave these peoples
without their even knowing what is about to hit them through what is
being called H.R. 3200, and is titled "To provide affordable, quality
health care for all Americans and reduce the growth in health care
spending, and for other purposes".

But to the truth of this massive 1,107 page new series of US laws, it is
to the "other purposes" that should chill these American people to their
very core as these "other purposes" include:

All American citizens being ordered to have a National ID Card (page 58)
US government to have immediate access to every American citizens bank
accounts (page 59) All property owned by Doctors in the US to be
determined by government (page 317) All American citizens ordered to
give the US government power of attorney over their living wills (page
425) The US government given a new power to determine who and how their
citizens die (page 427) End of Life plan for each American citizen
ordered by the government (page 429) US government to decide on who, and
who can't be married (page 489)

Though Putin has previously warned Obama about the dangers of creating a
socialist America by telling him not to exercise "excessive intervention
in economic activity and blind faith in the state's omnipotence",
America's War Leaders are continuing to ignore the dire consequences of
what they are doing to their once great Nation.

So alarmed has President Medvedev become at how fast the United States
has disintegrated due to its moral implosion, he has ordered that all
preteen children at Russia's 12,000 schools be taught either religion or
secular ethics in order to protect the Motherland from the barbaric
consumerism that has laid waste to what was once the most powerful
Nation in the World.

Sadly for the American people of today, and whose First President,
George Washington, warned that "It is impossible to rightly govern a
nation without God and the Bible.", the elimination of religion from
their public schools is nearly complete, even to the absurd point that
to even pray in public before a child's sporting event can land these
Americans in jail.

Even more sadly, these American people continue to laugh at the many
warnings, such as ours, being shouted at them, from all around the
World, as they are led like sheep towards a cataclysmic slaughter the
likes of which has not been seen in our entire human history.

© July 22, 2009 EU and US all rights reserved
http://www.whatdoes index1256. htm
Sorcha Faal
sorchafaal@fastmail .fm

International Human Rights Organisation (IHRO), of the Indian subcontinent, is a NGO, with national focus and overseas lobby network. It agitates both in India and internationally.
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