Thursday, July 16, 2009

Re: GAZA - US Humanitarian Convoy stopped in Cairo

On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 5:30 PM, Feroze Mithiborwala <> wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Debbie Menon <>
Date: Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 4:50 PM
Subject: Hi! ALL

Hi! All,

The largest ever US Humanitarian Aid Convoy, Viva-Palestina USA, is Held Up in Cairo and not being permitted to proceed to Gaza.

This is not News. You don't hear about it in CNN, Fox, not even Al Jazeera Washington.

Satirists are the only ones Today,  in the Free World that speak the truth without fear.  It is a sad day when the citizens of the Free World have to resort only to satire to put things into perspective for the people, while the rest of their media keeps repeating the lie.

The only ones speaking the truth today are the comedians. Satire is merely but one of the many paths to the Truth.  Reason and logic are also valuable means, and usually  build a stronger and much more durable stairway.

Of course, reason and logic require a few intellectual skills which a great many people do not possess, while almost everyone loves humor, even when they do not understand what lies behind it.  Satire, ridicule, humor, are all easier to apply and easier to digest. But, like junk food, it is not really as nourishing as reasoned logic and understanding.

Jeff Gates and Alan Sabrosky writes a very concise summary of what is happening, in America, and it is frightening, Elias Farhud of Intifada,

supports their views with some solid evidence and professor Norman Finkelstein who's Academic Career ended because of his criticism of

Israel's apartheid policies towards Palestinians, advocates a massive 5000 member demonstration led by illustrious Prof. Noam Chomsky, Nelson Mandela and James Carter to End Israel's Seige on Gaza.

Desperate Fanatics: The ADL Pounds The Table!

By Alan Sabrosky

Illustration: Ben Heine

Illustration: Ben Heine

Bill Robinson vs. the ADL Thought Police

By Jeff Gates

Illustration: Ben Heine

Illustration: Ben Heine

ADL's Assault on Freedom of Speech

By: Elias Farhud

Of course, free speech has been the bane of Zionists for centuries, and the most frightening threat to the Truth.

It has been the basis of Zionist defense as long as the concept of Zionism has existed. 

But ofcourse,  the bottom line is still the bottom line for all Universities and Academic Institutions.  Grants and Scholarships are their bread and butter, literally.  Without them, they would die.  

 Very few know,  that "Lynne Cheney served as chairwoman of the National Endowment for the Humanities from 1986 to 1993. In 1995 she founded American Council of Trustees and Alumni, a think tank devoted to reforming higher education in America.

"She is a senior fellow in education and culture at the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. " -- wiki/Lynne_Cheney.

She is still influential in funding US Educational Institutions.  They, their "friends," and the ADL are the people who control the most of the money which floats American Education and keeps it off the rocks.

They will seek new ways...When they and the ADL realize that their munificent Academic Grants no longer work as bribes with which to dictate academic curricula, tenure, and course materials, and that their "Academic Educational Grants" are nothing more than Academic Educational Grants, tax-free donations which serve only the benefit of US Education, and they are getting no Voice in it, they will probably divert their "arm-twisting" money to some other channels, and the Educational Institutions will see severe droughts and drying-up of their budgets.

The needs for funding, grants and the fertile grounds for bribery and blackmail will not only still exist, the need will grow greater; in which situation the ADL and others will merely seek to cultivate new ways of sowing their influence to their  crops, and the Administrators of the Institutions  will seek new ways to harvest... under the cover of darkness, if necessary.

So it is no good just driving the dark forces underground and out of sight, without defanging many of them.

Debbie Menon

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Voice of Palestine

Palash Biswas
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