Sunday, July 19, 2009

Re: Electoral Reforms

On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 10:58 PM, Jyothi and Raj <> wrote:
A bit long but we are sure you will enjoy reading this

CERI State Conference
11 and 12 July 2009
Citadel, Kilpauk, Chennai

It was yet another landmark event organized by the Tamilnadu Chapter of CERI, the
Campaign for Electoral Reforms in India. There were 80 participants in the two
deliberations. At times it became a real dialectic and ended up with a synthesis. Dr. R K
Nayak MP who is the Chairperson of the Association of SC/ST Members of Parliament, set
aside his busy schedule in Delhi during the Parliament sessions and came to Chennai to
inaugurate the Conference. The Polur Team enthralled the audience with Dalit drums. This
was followed by a keynote address from Archana, the Coordinator of CERI. She stressed on
the different dimensions of democracy and governance. She explained that many
marginalized groups of people have lost their history to the anti-history written by the
dominant castes of India. What we study as history of India is not our true history but is the
anti history of India. The electoral system in India is part of this anti-history as it has been
handed down to us as a British legacy. She brought out the difference between the
Majoritarian Electoral System and the Proportionate Electoral system in lucid and simple
way. India has already arrived at an era of coalition politics and we have an electoral system
that is not suited for coalition politics. When CERI succeeds in bringing PES to India we
should have already come into a new national coalition of Dalits, Adivasis/Tribals, Religious
and sexual minorities, and Women. Such a coalition will ring the death bells of all dominant
forms of governance, especially caste governance in India.

Dr. R K Nayak started with thanking Archana profusely. If there are four more Archanas in
this country we should be able to transform this country sooner than we expect. He is
happy that she has dedicated her life to the cause of Dalit liberation.

How do we define electoral reform? It is a broad based term. Mere change within the given
electoral system does not meant electoral reform. Electoral processes have to change.
Frequent changes may affect the sustainability of the government. This demands an
institutional reform as well. It is a legal responsibility. Many electoral reforms have been
promoted by subsequent governments. But CERI is substantial as it is structural. There are
14 deficiencies in the present MES, Majoritarian Electoral System.

1. Winner takes it all
2. Malpractice and corruption
3. Decline of secular values and nationalism
4. Criminalization
5. Gerrymandering.
6. Polling irregularity
7. Legislation and procedures
8. Rise of regional politics
9. Rise of Coalition culture and instability
10. Non-inclusion of minorities
11. Defect is systemic and structural
12. Conversion of votes into seats - incongruent
13. Internal party democracy-absent
14. Autocracy of PM or CM

Electoral system has become more transparent in those countries that have adapted PR
system. GDP growth is directly related to the electoral system that a country has. 16 out of
20 countries that have adapted PR system are on top in GDP. 15 out of 20 at the bottom are
having FPTP system.

There are five difficulties in our Reform agenda?

1. Lack of political will
2. Lack of knowledge (This entire campaign is enhancing the knowledge)
3. Lack of awareness among the silent majority
4. Lack of leadership resources
5. Absence of critical consciousness, analytical capacity among the citizens.

What are the remedies and alternatives?

1. Voters education and awareness
2. Ideal representation
3. Effective Instrument of democracy
4. It has to be strategy, comprehensive for all sections
5. Reform the Election Commission to be in consonance with the Proportionate
Representation System

Prerequisites for the Campaign

There needs to be a strong Intelligentsia. There is a need for a leadership structure with
mass leaders.

Well begun is half done. The campaign has begun very well. I am very grateful M C Raj and
Archana that they have started this campaign well.

The Campaign has to be holistic, comprehensive and target population specific. I feel proud
of you people that each one of you is a landmine of original ideas. Study the objective order
and objective conditions. It has to catch like a wildfire.

Mr. Nallakannu's was the Chief Guest and he is the Chief of the Communist Party of India in
Tamilnadu. He is very senior leader well respected all over the State. It was a privilege for
CERI to have him in its State Conference.

Am happy that I have an opportunity to speak to you about proportionate Electoral System.
Our party agrees with this system. We have our own specificity. Democracy has to be
retained in India. While speaking on the day of establishing India as a sovereign Republic,
Ambedkar said that India is a society of contradictions. He said one man one vote and one
vote one value. There is political democracy in India but there is no social and economic
democracy. In this situation political democracy will lose its sting. This is the warning of
Ambedkar. 15 General Elections have been concluded. Before the 50s there were elections.
But all could not vote. Those who had land could vote. They should be graduates. Those in
rented houses did not have the right to vote. Only India has discrimination from birth.
There is no other country in the world, which has this type of discrimination.

I thank CERI for having brought it at a historically significant juncture. CPI has already
included electoral reform in its Manifesto. Our party has clearly mentioned proportionate
electoral system in our Manifesto. (Reads out from Manifesto) It is necessary for India to
have PR system. It is not a panacea of all problems of the people. However, it will resolve
many problems of India that the present electoral system could not.

1. Shifting of parties is not possible.
2. Money power cannot have a play in PR system
3. Party will have importance and not individual candidates
4. There will not be frequent bye-elections.

The Communist Party of India congratulates you for this campaign. On behalf of the CPI I
promise my support to the Campaign.

This was a huge support and solidarity to have come from such a senior leader from the
Communist Party. CERI understands that the National Council of CPI has taken cognizance
of the Campaign.

Ms. Thamizhachi Thangapandian – She is famous Poet. Though she is from the DMK party
she made it clear that her opinions expressed in the Conference are not of the party's.

I do not have deep understanding of the PR system. I am still a novice on this system.

I appreciate CERI for having brought this awareness of the existence of an alternative
system in elections. You must start this Campaign from among the illiterate masses. This is
the first step towards a dialect. Take this Campaign not only to the Dalits but also to all
affected sections of people.

She also pointed out that we should not borrow any electoral system blindly from other
countries but should develop a tailor-made system that will suit the specific needs of India.

Ms. Arangamallika, Professor in the Ethiraj Women's College, Chennai strongly invited all
the participants to join CERI as the Proportionate Electoral System has been recommended
by Ambedkar.

Mr. Uma Shankar IAS was the joint commissioner for elections pointed out to the manifold
drawbacks in the present electoral system. However, his conclusion was more or less in the
line of what Arun Shourie has said in one of his latest books that authority for governance,
especially electoral processes should be given independently to bureaucracy.

He made it clear that he is for Proportionate Electoral system. He concentrated on how
electronic voting machines can easily be manipulated. Our Democracy is completely on the
verge of collapse. Indian bureaucracy is only a puppet in the hands of politicians. Even the
judicial system is like that.
Civil Administration and Police Administration should be under independent authority. Their
allegiance should be only to the Constitution.

Dr. Thangaraj

In all the conferences that CERI organizes it has made a clear strategy to bring a dissenting
voice so that participants may also reflect critically on the propositions of CERI. Dr.
Thangaraj brought out the dissenting voice very clearly. He asked what is the problem with
the present majoritarian electoral system?

There is already reservation for Dalits. The interests of Dalits have been protected in the
present system. They have been given a fare share under the present system.

The PES will bring division even among the Dalits. This will further divide Dalits. When
political parties are not bothering about their getting seats less than the proportion of their
vote why is CERI so much worried about a congruence between the proportion of votes and

Dr. Ambedkar has never said anything about PR system. PR system will create regional
imbalance. PR will attract formation of many political alliances. This will be problematic for
the formation of governments.

Post Lunch Session

Mr. Kirshnakumar was in chair. He stressed on the point that though there are reserved
seats for Dalits those who are elected in the reserved seats are not actually the
representatives of Dalits. The constituency is reserved for Dalits but actual representatives
are the caste landlords who determine which of the Dalits should contest a reserved seat.
We should all put our heads together and if we do that I am sure that we can bring about a
sure change in India on behalf of our people.

This CERI has started a new revolution in the country after Ambedkar and therefore, I give
my heartfelt appreciation to CERI.

Mrs. Kadambari- Head of English Department in Ethiraj College is till now one of the best

CERI has already started achieving the purpose for which they started the Campaign. We
have started thinking that there is an alternative. That we did not think of it creates a guilt
feeling in me. When Thangaraj spoke in such a dissenting voice I already began to feel that
CERI has started succeeding. After 25 years of working as professor I begin to realize that I
do not have the capacity for that.

UNDP says that 68% of urban people in India are below Poverty Line. Just imagine that this
people are deciding the future of India. A lot of people are saying that M C Raj has created
one more new thing. They are asking will it work. I have thought about it and I think it will
work. Why don't we think? Mr. Thangaraj has exposed some possible holes. Now we must
try and block such holes. If PR system comes we shall have an India that will have self-
respect, as the level of awareness among all the people will increase manifold. It is clear
that the present electoral system has not worked in the last sixty years. Governance is by
force today. Every 42 seconds there is a rape in this country. Therefore, we need to have
people in governance who will speak on our behalf. Who will speak on our behalf? It is only
those who are elected by us and by our vote who will speak for us.

Mr. Hranghkwal MLA from Tripura

We are still confused about our situation. We want to learn more and more. We become
victims of polarization. Democracy in Tripura is for majority people. They become
kingmakers. In Tripura we sympathised with the traders who came from Bengal. But today
they have become our masters. We have lost our land. We started a movement in 1967
against land grabbers. We were forced to take up arms.

Next Wednesday we shall take 20 to 30 thousand tribal people to protest against reducing
our tribal strength in the NIIT. We demand 31% of reservation for the Tribal people. Those
who are fighting for existence belong to the same community. We should not be divided.
When we become a minority democracy becomes weaker. Our spirit should be united. I
wish success for CERI. It should connect with outside India with those who are practising PR

When you have no political power how can you determine your political future in this
present system? Some people conclude that this system (MES) is the best. I am proud that
in Chennai I am privileged to share these things. With one heart and spirit we shall go step
by step. India is a big nation having different types of problems. But some day there will be
a change. I am sure that day will come soon because of CERI.

Fr. Lourduswamy, Formerly National SC/ST Commission of the Catholic Church.

A lot of people have been saying that this PR system will not come to India. But I know it
will come to India and I have come here to wish CERI well. A lot of people promise the moon
when they start a Campaign. But CERI has clearly strategized for ten years and they say that
they are going to take time. When they say that they are taking ten years for this it sounds
very realistic. They are not trying to catch the moon. I firmly believe that they will succeed
in what they have set out to do because their strategy seems to be realistic.

Are MES and PES contradictory or complimentary? I think that they are complimentary.
Therefore, this campaign is a big blessing for the country, which will dispel darkness. I am
confident that the drawbacks in the present governance will be rectified in the PR system.

When CERI succeeds the dream of Ambedkar will become reality. Proportionate means
reservation. It is not new. It is very old. It is on the basis of proportionality that reservation
is made.

Ms. Ovia, Feminist and Scientist

The present electoral system is not good. But we are not sure if the PES gives all the
answers to the problems of the MES. She recommended that prior to CERI there should be
caste based census in this country and then the Proportionate Electoral system will make
sense. However, she acknowledged that she did not try to understand the nuances of the
Proportionate Electoral System. She misunderstood the PES to be based on the proportion of
a population.

In the evening of the first day understanding of PES was already introduced through a
presentation by Ms. Sanaia, a Mumbai student studying in Sweden, on the Sami Parliament
in Norway, Sweden and Finland. It generated a lot of interest in the participants.

Day Two

As in all Conferences the second day started with a presentation by M C Raj to develop a
scientific understanding on the Proportionate Electoral System. He takes more than four
hours to complete his presentation and it is amazing that in all the Conferences
participants stay put throughout his presentation with only very short break for tea. In
Tamilnadu Conference quite a few people had come with scepticism about this Campaign as
they had loads of prejudices gathered from some precious Dalit Campaign. They clearly
expressed that they took this to be another of those 'campaign with hidden plans'. But after
listening to M C Raj they were convinced that there is no hidden agenda and that CERI
meant business. Many changed their opinions and pledged to be part of the Campaign after
his presentation.

In Manipur it was not a removal of prejudices but a strong bonding that developed after his
presentation. Many intellectuals decided to join the Campaign after his lectures.

The transformation in perceptions among participants is manifest and they openly profess
to have changed their opinion.

Group Discussions

All participants were divided into five zonal groups for discussions on the following two
1. What are your Opinion and your recommendations regarding CERI?
2. What is your plan of Action?

Zone I had Ramnad, Sivagangai, Tirunelveli, Tuticorin and Kanyakumari Districts
Zone II had Madurai, Dindigul, Erode, Karur and Salem Districts
Zone III had Vilupuram, Kadalur, Tiruchy, Perambalur and Ariyalur Dsitricts
Zone IV had Tiruvannamalai, Krishnagiri, Vellore, Coimbatur and Dharmapuri Districts
Zone V had Chennai, Tiruvallore and Kanchi Districts

Suggestions from Zones

Signature Campaign
School Children must be educated
Volunteers Training
Cultural Programme Group to spread awareness
Model Dalit Parliaments in Districts
Membership to CERI should increase every year
It should become a movement with concentration on the age group between 18 and 35.
Communication should be intensive.

The following participants were selected for the Tamilandu State Committee of CERI.

1. Mr. Guruvijayan
2. Ms. Jaquline
3. Mr. Francis Xavier
4. Ms. Rupa Devi
5. Mr. Sakthivel
6. Ms. Jyothi Amala
7. Ms. Udayakumari
8. Mr. Vinod
9. Ms. Maheswari
10. Mr. Jayaseelan

It was decided to set up an Adivsory Body of Tamilnadu CERI with all the intellectuals and
academicians who have pledged their support to CERI.

Finally Mr. Guruji, a former naxalites leader, summed up the all pervading spirit of the
Conference in his own worlds.

"I was a former naxalite (CPM-L) and joined democracy only in 2008 through BSP. But now I
am convinced that CERI has come on time, on a much-needed time in history. I shall work
for the success of CERI transcending the boundaries of my party."

The whole gathering appreciated the dedicated services and organizing capacities of Fr.
Sebastian who is the State Coordinator of CERI – Tamilnadu. There was deep appreciation to
his dedicated team of Kadir, Inba, Rachel, Subbu, Shobana, Vijaya, Britto and Gangaikumar.
All speakers were given memento of CERI specially made by the Team.


Rural Education for Development society


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Palash Biswas
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