Thursday, July 2, 2009

Re: [bangla-vision] Liberhan Report : A New Hope for Fascist Forces -Dr.M.K.Sherwani

On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 11:54 AM, Sherwani Mustafa <> wrote:

  Liberhan  Report : A New Hope for  Fascist Forces -Dr.M.K.Sherwani


                                  PRESS STATEMENT


Lucknow:July,1,200 - The long-awaited Liberhan Commission Report probing into the circumstances leading to the demolition of Babri Mosque on December,6,1992, has been submitted to the Union Government. The findings, though still in wraps, are definitely expected to implicate the already known Hindutwa leaders, and the then Congress Prime Minister P.V.Narsimha Rao for the most tragic incident of  democratic India. Now the entire nation is desperate to visualize its possible repercussions – whether this new post Babri Masjid demolition chapter  will be used as a harbinger to strengthen the fading secular credentials of the country, or once again will be allowed to be used as an effective tool by the Hindutwa forces to vitiate the communal atmosphere .

         Those Muslims and other secular citizenry of the nation who are pinning hopes on the Congress-led UPA government at the Centre to take some concrete steps to  reveal the details of the report, and bring it to a logical conclusion through legal process, will, in my perception end up in total dejection. Having been emboldened by the swing of Muslim vote in its favour, the shrewd  Congress is well aware of the susceptibilities and helplessness of the community. At this crucial juncture when the majority of  the Hindu community  seem to be disgusted of the misrule of Samajwadi Party,B.S.P. and B.J.P., especially in U.P., and are showing inclination towards Congress, it (Congress) cannot afford to invoke  the sleeping backlash from the people who have started treating B.J.P. as a Party with no solid commitment on Ram Temple issue.

           Though  many may consider my predictions as conceptually bankrupt, but the time will definitely show how true they prove. Liberhan Report will meet the fate of the earlier commissions, UPA will indulge in procrastinations and dilly-dallying tactics till the crucial U.P. Assembly elections scheduled within a couple of years, or as the circumstances indicate, even earlier, and meanwhile give an ample space to the Fascist forces of the country to resurrect their Hindutwa agenda and  divide the society on communal lines. Mayawati's rhetoric has no significance as she has been ally of B.J.P. and has even canvassed for Narendra Modi in Gujrat Assembly elections. Mulayam Singh Yadav will have totally subdued voice as his new friend, Kalyan Singh is also in the dock, and so his dramatics, if he resorts to any, will be of no consequence in mobilizing Muslims in his fvour. In the ultimate outcome, the more communally charged atmosphere in the country, the greater tilt of Muslims towards Congress in the U.P. Assembly, though they will cry hoarse over the tainted secularism of  this party.



Dr. Mustafa Kamal Sherwani,LL.D.

Chairman, All India Muslim Forum

3,Sherwani Nagar, Sitapur Road

Lucknow, U.P.India

Telephones: +91-9919777909


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