Thursday, July 2, 2009

Re: [bangla-vision] Israel, India Fomenting Trouble In Pakistan’s Tribal Region

On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 12:08 PM, Mohammad Basirul Haq Sinha <> wrote:

Israel, India Fomenting Trouble In Pakistan's Tribal Region


There are credible reports that Indian and Israeli intelligence involvement in U.S.-controlled Afghanistan has deepened in the past seven years. American military and intelligence officials are impressed with the record of both countries in fighting Islamic groups in Kashmir and the Mideast. Israel invested heavily in establishing schools that study the art of Islamic indoctrination. These schools were used to learn how clerics can brainwash recruits and then exploit them politically. Israeli spymasters have used this knowledge to penetrate Islamic groups and plant agents. They have passed this technique on to the Indians to help them counter pro-Pakistan religious groups in Kashmir. In the Kargil war in 1999, Pakistanis and Kashmiris faced a direct Israeli special operations intervention on the side of the Indian military.



Wednesday, 1 July 2009.



Pakistan's mass-circulation Urdu-language newspaper Roznama Jang quotes senior Pakistani military officials as saying that Israel and India are fomenting trouble in Pakistan's Baluchistan and Waziristan region.


According to the report, senior military and national security officials have submitted to the Pakistani government "irrefutable evidence" of the involvement of Indian and Israeli secret agencies in Baluchistan and the tribal region of Waziristan and Malakand.


The Urdu daily did not disclose the names of the Pakistani officials, but added that there is irrefutable evidence that Indian and Israeli agencies are providing financial aid and modern weapons to the militants in the tribal region.


According to Roznama Jang, the military leadership has urged the civilian government to take up the issue at diplomatic levels with the nations whose secret agencies are supporting Taliban commanders Baitullah Mehsud and Maulana Fazlullah.


The agents of India's external intelligence agency Research & Analysis Wing (RAW) are operating from the Indian consulates in many Afghan cities and militants in Pakistan are being supplied with weapons from there, the report added.


According to a similar report carried by the Urdu-language newspaper Roznama Express, "The majority of the staff in the Indian consulates in Afghan cities including Kandahar and Herat belongs to RAW. They are not only supplying weapons to extremists from there but the RAW agents are also visiting training centers of terrorism."


Evidences of Taliban commanders Maulana Fazlullah and Baitullah Mehsud's meetings with RAW agents have also be ascertained, the report said, adding: "It is being stressed that either India should close these consulates or it should be stopped for using them against Pakistan."


"The security officials have also confirmed that the weapons seized [from militants recently] were Russian, Indian and U.S.-made, while Israel provided them modern technology. Evidences have also been secured regarding the use of such technology in the installation of FM Radio by Maulana Fazlullah," it concluded.


Translated by MEMRI, first published on June 24, 2009 in Urdu language by Jang, Pakistan's largest circulating newspaper.


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