Thursday, July 2, 2009


On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 2:35 PM, DR AWATAR SINGH SEKHON <> wrote:


Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machak

Further to my message posted a couple of hours ago, in response to 'adms' "DALIT 
CHIEF MINISTER", I would like to express further on the role of people who have been termed in the category of 'Dalits' by a pedophile person who used to sleep naked with young girls, to test his manhood. This person held a rank of the Seargent-Major in the British Red Cross, was responsible for the 'Genocide of the Zulu Tribe' in Africa, let her ailing wife die when she could have been saved by the treatment available in the field of Medicine. This person was no one else but was the one who insulted the 10th Master of the Sikhs, Guru Gobind Singh ji. His name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, a Baniya from Gujarat, India. Later he became or given the title of the 'Father of India'. It seems that the predominantly Hindu India had its
'Father', but no 'mother'. It is strange and surprising that the nation had its 'Father', but no 
'mother' apparently. The question arises, how did the 'offspring' come when there was no 
'mother'. There is nothing to surprise or wonder about the 'Hindus', who are 'neither a 
religion nor a culture', but they have multi-million Gods, although there is only one 'God', 
who has no form or is formless, no shape, beyond birth and death and He is the creator of the universe. The God has several names, which are given by His followers and these names 
are the Almighty, Almighty Lord, Khudawand Bakhshinda, Allah-Tallah, Rahim, Khuda, Wonderful Lord, Waheguru ji, Akal-Purakh, to name a few. Every living being is His light.

This MK Gandhi cleverly termed those people, who have had been the victims of the 
'Brahmins-Hindus' clique, commonly known as 'Hindus' Apartheid, discrimination, bared 
from fetching water from the elite or high caste Hindu villages, they hauled their excreta on 
their heads, never allowed to enter in the Hindu temples, remove the dead animals or cattles
from the Hindu household. In the Province/State of Tamilnadu, these people eat 'grilled  
roasted rats'. Quite often the Dalit females become victims of the Hindus, who rape them, killthem and treat them like animals. This preacher of non-violence, MK Gandhi, cleverly called them 'Harijans' or the 'children of God'. The word Hari mean God and 'Jans mean
human beings'. While answering and talking to news media a few years ago, the Hon Mayawati, thenthe Member of Parliament, to some parliamentarians, told them if "Dalits/Harijans are the Children of God, then what the Hindus are? The children of Shaitan.These Hindus were 'stunned' by this unexpected comment of Madam Mayavati.

If it is that much hatred against the Dalits in the Hindu mind, then why the 'reserve seats in parliament and legislative assemblies, reserve jobs, reserve places for student 
admissions in colleges and university admissions are kept in these institutions? The fact of the matter is the mouths of a 'majority' community is shut deliberately, so that the 'minorities of the Brahmins-Hindus and their pro-Brahmins' could rule under the name of democracy alias the Brahmins autocracy. The provincial assemblies would follow suit. So are other employment areas. For example, only 4% of the Brahmins have captured more than 70-76% of jobs in all areas of civil administration, cabinet rank level jobs in the New Delhi administration (NDA). So much so, the Congress Party of India, a Hindu-Brahmis party, has been ruling Indian democracy with a Prime Minister (Manmohan Sinh) who has not been a member of Indian parliament, in the past and the present elections in India. The Prime Minister or the Chief, Council of Ministers of the NDA is the 'selected' person of the Congress Party and its president, Mrs Sonya Gandhi. As such, the democracy in India is the Brahmins autocracy.

According to the news item of, one 'adms' talks about a 'Dalit Chief Minister in Punjab'. What a nice thing to happen, if it ithappens at all. A Dalit of the
Dalits of Punjab not only make their own person the Chief Minister of Punjab, the new Chief Minister should form his cabinet according to their 'majority' of the Dalit members of the Punjab Legislative assembly. Along with this, the Punjab Civil Services should be overhauled by replacing the jats, Brahmins, Hindus, and other pro-Brahmins with the majority of the Dalits, if they are elected to the Punjab Legislature. Those who say that the jats (Sikh), the Prakash Singh (Sinh) Badal Akalis Private Limited Incorporation and other pro-Brahmins-Hindus clique be replaced by the Dalit people. The writer is sure that the autocratic rule of Prakash S Badal, his Akalis, "joe boys and joe girls" and the Akali-BJP (a party 
of the Hindu militant and fundamentalits) will be thrown out by the Dalits, placed in the office under the Constitution of India. By having the administration of the majority of Dalits, this will provide much needed hope to throw out the politically impotent Akalis-BJP colition. The new administration of the Dalits will be much cleaner and progressive for the State of Punjab.

As far as the Sikhs of their holy and historic Homeland are concerned, they would 
welcome the new administration whole heartedly, and this change will be in accordance with the teachings of the Sikh Gurus, Sikhs' Holy scripture, Guru Granth Sahib. The Sikhs' holy Scripture includes the teachings of the non-Sikhs, such as Baba Farid ji, Bhagat Kabir ji, Dhanna jatt, Bhagat Ravidas ji, Ramanand ji and others. The anti-Sikh movement and anti-Sikh propaganda started by the Hindus-Brahmins of the pro-Congress, BJP, Vishwa Hindu Party, Shiv Sena, the Hindu Maha-Sabha and other anti-Sikh parties would make a start to clean the political games of the deceitful Brahmins-Hindus and their pros.

The Sikhs have enjoyed their brotherly relationships with the Dalits. It must not be 
forgotten that the Sikh Gurus made the Sikhs the religion of the classless people, guided the followers to refrain from the Brahminism. Rather, the founder of Sikh religion, Guru Baba Nanak Sahib gave the message to the world that the "Brahmins are the Butchers of our world." 

According to Guru Baba Nanak Sahib's teachings, inscribed in the Sikhs' holy scripture
which reads: "Mathe Tikka Terrh Dhotti Kakhai Hath Chhurri Jagat Kasai." What was true in Guru Baba Nanak Sahib's times in the 15th century is also true in the 21st century, the 
Brahmin being the Butcher of our world. The Brahmin is the enemy of the Sikhs, Muslims, 
Christians, and other non-Brahmin and non-Hindus, including the Dalits.

The Dalit brothers of the Sikhs should know that the present administration of Prakash Singh Badal, the Akalis, jathedars of the Sikhs' religious and political institutions have been serving the Brahmins-Hindus of India more than to put a fearce fight against the Brahmins and their Brahminism. However, they have not. Consequently, the Sikhs' institutions, the Dabar Sahib Complex and the Sikhs' institution of polity are under the 'Tight control' of the masters of the Indian democracy since 1978 and more so since the "post-Operation Bluestar" era of June, 1984. Prakash Singh Badal, Harchand Longowal, Gurcharan Singh Tohra, Balwant Singh (Secretary of Harchand Longowal), Surjit Barnala became the agents of the Brahmins-Hindus clique of the NDA and their Research and Analysis Wing (RAW). The writer would like to say that these people are the Brahmins in 'The Sikh Identity' and became bootlickers of the NDA. The Akalis did disservice to the Guru Khalsa Panth. Based on their deeds, the Sikhs have to say that the people like Badal and his Akali comrades cared more of the Brahmins. What basis the Sikhs of the House of Guru Baba Nanak Sahib have to trust deceitful 

Based on the above grounds, the writer would like to say that the Dalits of Punjab would 
do a lot better by joining hands with the House of Guru Baba Nanak Sahib, where there is no discrimination and the apartheid of the Brahmins-Hindus clique. The Sikhs institutions will besafe under the Dalit administration. If our Dalit brothers would like to join the Sikhs, they would be welcomed by the Sikhs. Let us not forget that the forces like Aryasamajists of Swami Dayanad Sarswati were defeated by Giani Gurdit Singh commonly known as Giani Dit Singh. With the same token, the advances of the Brahmin-Hindu clique were 
halted by Shaheed-Bilas saint-soldier Jarnail Singh Khalsa, his advisors, supporters and followers in the late 1970s and until he made supreme sacrifice defending the Sikh Nation, itscitizens, Sikh institutions. To clear and clean the Darbar Sahib Complex and the rest of Punjab, the dirt created by a brutal military "Operation Bluestar" of June 1984, the Dalits were hounded (employed) by the NDA and the Punjab administration by 'Bribing the Dalits',who hauled dead bodies of the Sikhs in the municipal corporation, Amritsar's trolleys. In essence, who abused the Dalits in the days of "Operation Bluestar" of June, 1984, and who desecrated the Darbar Sahib Complex? The answer will be the 'Brahmins-Baniya clique and their Indian Armed forces, none else. The Dalits have to realize that their interests are safe and their progress will take place when they would work with the casteless Sikhs.

Dalits should not have the slightest doubts of their advancement and the future of their children, if they do 
join hands with the Sikhs of Punjab. Both the Sikhs and Dalits would compliment each other. If Dalits 
decide to become religious, they would be most welcomed to the Sikhs' religious institutions and to the 'House of Guru Baba Nanak Sahib'. Although the religious conversion is not advocated in the Sikh Way of Life or 
the Sikh Rahit Maryada (SRM), prescribed by the Sikhs' institute of polity, The Akal Takht Sahib. Only thing which would be required to follow the Sikh tenets, become Sikh and practice Sikh faith by following the SRM. After becoming Sikhs what they would be required to stop trimming their hair, wear the Sikh head gear, the Dastaar/turban and follow the SRM, and smoking. The benefits are beyond their expectation.

Similarly, the Sikh institutions should provide them facilities to become Guru-de-Sikh, as the 10th Master 
Guru Gobind Singh ji said proudly, "Rangrette Guru Ke Bette." At this stage, they will be free from all sorts ofthe 'Brahmins-Hindus' discrimination, practice of apartheid, castesim and other evils under the unbrella of the Brahminism and Hindus. It is the time for the Dalits to think for their advancement in the Sikhs' 
holy and historic Homeland, Punjab, and join them to drive the evil forces of the Brahminism and Hindus out of Punjab.

Yes, it is time for Punjab to get rid the dishonest, corrupt, the Brahminical administration of Prakash S Badal and his Akalis, along with uneducated and religiously impotent jathedars and servants like Puran Sinh of Luv and Kush and likewise employee and those who follow the Brahminical rituals in the 
Sikh institutions.

Finally, the Shiromani Gurdwara Prabhandhak Committe is requested to (i) stop the in-roads of the Brahminism and enemies of the Sikhs into the Sikh religion and its institutions, (ii) make a much needed attempt to bring the 'Sikligar Sikhs into the 'House of Guru Nanak Sahib and (iii) get rid of your chuminess alias the 'love affairs' with the enemies of the 'House of Guru Baba Nanak Sahib'.

Let us see whether the Dalits make their sincere efforts with the 'House of Guru Nanak Sahib' or merely
believe in the so-called 'Greenary or the Subzbaagh of the Brahmins-Hindus clique, and happy with the
'Status quo' provided by the curropt Hindus=Brahmins politicians of the Brahmins autocracy.

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    Date: Sun, 28 Jun 2009 16:57:15 -0600

    Dr Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki)

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