Thursday, July 2, 2009

Re: [bangla-vision] DailyMuslims Updates

On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 9:28 PM, Jawed Anwar <> wrote:

A Dialogue – Should We Give up Jihad?

NADIA KHAN 30 June, 2009 14:13:00
"SHOULD we give up Jihad?" that was the question I had asked to one of my British colleague who was arguing over the World crisis ...

Reflections on the Death of Michael Jackson, and the Worship of Celebrities

IBRAHIM ABDIL-MU'ID RAMEY 30 June, 2009 14:03:13
LIKE almost everyone, I was stunned to hear the news of Michael Jackson's sudden death on Thursday, June 25, 2009. The community around Georgia Avenue ...

The Taliban will 'Never Be Defeated'

CHRISTINA LAMB in Rawalpindi 30 June, 2009 14:37:49
THE Pakistani intelligence agent who trained Mullah Omar, the Taliban leader, to fight has warned that NATO forces will never overpower their enemies in Afghanistan ...

Are the Iranian Protests Another US Orchestrated "Color Revolution?"

PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS 29 June, 2009 20:02:28
A number of commentators have expressed their idealistic belief in the purity of Mousavi, Montazeri, and the westernized youth of Terhan. The CIA destabilization plan, ...

Secret Behind Swat Cantonment – Ideological War of Zardari & Kiyani-Murder of Mufti Nayeemi

EARTHMAN 29 June, 2009 19:55:00
KILLING of renowned clergy within few days has exposed the nucleus of our own war, since long scholars and intellectuals were showing fear that Pakistan ...

Sarkozy Attack on Burqa Is Anti-Migrant, Anti-Muslim

GHULAM MUHAMMED, MUMBAI 29 June, 2009 19:46:28
France's President Sarkozy is Jewish. His antagonism against Islam is axiomatic.The framing of Burqa, as a prison sentence for women, is understandable, if it is compulsory ...


YVONNE RIDLEY 29 June, 2009 19:42:30
DEMOCRACY is a wonderful thing ... as long as the results put the right people in power.  And so when Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was ...

Zardari Abandonment Of Reconciliation Policy

HUSSAIN KHAN, TOKYO 29 June, 2009 19:30:00
WHY some articles against the role of Pak Army are published in some foreign countries these days?  Why books have also appeared against Pakistan army by ...

U.S. May Permit 9/11 Guilty Pleas in Capital Cases

WILLIAM GLABERSON 27 June, 2009 14:20:15
THE Obama administration is considering a change in the law for the military commissions at the prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, that would clear the ...

A High-Priced Media Campaign That Iraqis Aren't Buying

ERNESTO LONDOÑO 27 June, 2009 14:13:33
THE pages of Baghdad Now, an Arabic-language newspaper, portray a country on the upswing. Iraqi soldiers and policemen are proud, capable civil servants who ...

Are USA and Israel on Clash Course?

DR. ABDUL RUFF COLACHAL 26 June, 2009 02:01:00
WITH a firm US president searching for ways and means to establish the much delayed Palestine state, both USA and Israel try to underplay the ...

MBA Executives Kill an Industry

DR. MOHAMED ELMASRY 24 June, 2009 14:11:23
ON Monday, General Motors became the largest U.S. manufacturing company to file for bankruptcy protection. Then, without asking us, Canadian taxpayers, the Ontario and federal ...

Well Crafted Speech with Little Substance for the Muslims

ABDUS SATTAR GHAZALI 24 June, 2009 07:37:00
JUST before the well-orchestrated Obama speech, the leading Cairo newspaper Al Ahram asked me: Do you think Obama's messages of reconciliation are part of a ...

USA Wins in Lebanon, but Iran Would be Different

DR. ABDUL RUFF COLACHAL 24 June, 2009 07:16:00
EVEN as Iranian-backed Hezbollah and its allies were hoping to defeat Lebanon's ruling U.S.-backed coalition in a tightly contested parliamentary election on June 07 that ...

Muslims Started Gaining Momentum?

HUSSAIN KHAN, TOKYO 24 June, 2009 06:54:00
WHY Islam has become the fastest growing religion in the world, as shown in the Map below, since 2000, rather since 2001.9.11 despite anti-Muslim policies ...

Au Contraire, Voltaire!

YOUSEF DRUMMOND 24 June, 2009 06:35:00
ABOUT a year ago my youngest nephew and journalism major at Stony brook University here in New York State asked me to help him write ...

Dr Aafiya Siddiqui Case: Requesting Dr. Khan to Stop Lying against His Ex-Wife

YVONNE RIDLEY 10 June, 2009 14:49:00
THE Pakistan Government has been ordered to secure the release of scientist Dr Aafiya Siddiqui from US custody. Yvonne Ridley reports from Islamabad. ...

Iranian Poll: President Ahmadinejad Would be Re-elected

DR. ABDUL RUFF COLACHAL 08 June, 2009 04:51:41
IRANIAN politics has always been difficult to forecast and ever since the Islamic Revolution political forces have been working over time to discard Islamic gains ...

Independent Jewish Voices Fights for Justice

REUEL S. AMDUR 07 June, 2009 03:14:00
LAST month NDP MP Libby Davies presented a pair of petitions to Parliament related to the Palestine question. One was from a Vancouver school, calling ...

The Extremists of Pakistan

ASIF SALAHUDDIN 07 June, 2009 02:59:00
THEY have no tolerance. They speak, abusively if necessary, and desire little debate in return. They order and demand to be obeyed. They care not ...

Syed Jawed Anwar

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