Thursday, June 25, 2009

SIBAL DE TRAUMA OFFENSIVE and Indiscriminate REFORM Drive! Privatisation, Centralisation and FREE Open Education Market to RELAUNCH Manusmriti Rule to DEPRIVE Enslaved Masses!

SIBAL DE TRAUMA OFFENSIVE and Indiscriminate REFORM Drive! Privatisation, Centralisation and FREE Open Education Market to RELAUNCH Manusmriti Rule to DEPRIVE Enslaved Masses!

Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams, Chapter 267

Palash Biswas

Govt for single board at all-India level for school education

Times of India - ‎4 hours ago‎
The government also plans to set up autonomous overarching authority for higher education and research based on the recommendations of Yashpal committee and ...

Australian vice chancellors, police officials head for India to ...

Times of India - ‎6 hours ago‎
This is the second such delegation to visit India after Lisa Paul, Australia's secretary of the department of education, employment and workplace relations, ...

Education monitors fight for survival

Calcutta Telegraph - Charu Sudan Kasturi - ‎18 hours ago‎
New Delhi, June 24: India's higher education regulators have accused the Yash Pal panel on reforms of exceeding its terms of reference in recommending their ...

Pearson Invests $30 Million In India; Forms JV With Educomp, Picks ...

Reuters India - ‎Jun 24, 2009‎
By Sruthijith KK - contentSutra British media conglomerate Pearson (NYSE: PSO) Plc. today said it has invested $30 million in India's education sector. ...

CII to showcase Indian education at Kuala Lumpur - ‎Jun 19, 2009‎
"The CII, with the support of the high commission of India, is organising the India Education Fair 2009 during June 20-21," the industry lobby said. ...

US' SunGard to expand ops in India

Economic Times - ‎19 hours ago‎
SunGard, which makes products for the financial services, education and public sector industries, was the target of the second-biggest leveraged buyout in ...

Empire creeps up on study charts

Economic Times - ‎Jun 23, 2009‎
One of the best education systems and shortest visa processing time make UK the strongest contender to replace this affordable and easy-going destination ...

Education Scenario in India - Part III

Merinews - ‎Jun 23, 2009‎
THE SUBJECT of education in India has long been an issue handled by each state. However, with the introduction of the New Education Policy (NEP) in 1987, ...

Lalgarh villagers vow to resist security forces

Times of India - ‎Jun 24, 2009‎
On Tuesday night, Communist Party of India-Maoist spokesperson Gour Chakraborty was arrested in Kolkata, a day after the organisation was banned by the ...

Sunil Jain: The 3Rs and recession

Business Standard - ‎20 hours ago‎
Compare this with the loss in GDP due to major recessions and you see that closing the education gap will make the US recession-proof. What of India? ...

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    Privatization of Education

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    Privatization of Education. Within the Asian and Pacific region, as in other parts of .... However, one study in India seemed to contradict these findings. ... - Similar -
  2. India Together: Higher education - Ugly face of the knowledge ...

    15 Mar 2006 ... 5, Issue 1 - Higher education in India is gasping for breath, at a time when .... With privatisation reducing education to a commodity, ... - Cached - Similar -
  3. The Hindu : National : Sen: premature privatisation in education

    26 Mar 2006 ... Sen: premature privatisation in education ... Women in India were largely unaware of topics such as identity and freedom. ... - Cached - Similar -
  4. Decentralisation And Privatisation In Education: J. Zajda: Books ...

    Buy Decentralisation And Privatisation In Education in India. Price:Rs.10610 Discount:11% + Free Shipping on 1402033575 Decentralisation And Privatisation ... - Cached - Similar -
  5. privatisation of higher education in india pdf papers - first ...

    privatisation of higher education in india Papers - sample results: 1 Preliminary Draft – Do not quote or cite HIGHER EDUCATION IN INDIA ...,ECONOMIC ... - 23 hours ago - Similar -
  6. Privatization of Professional Education in India

    14 Aug 2008 ... Education is the process of instruction aimed at the all round development of boys and girls. Education dispels ignorance. - Cached - Similar -
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Centre sends 600 more security personnel to Lalgarh

25 Jun 2009, 1910 hrs IST, PTI

NEW DELHI: The Centre on Thursday sent an additional 600 security personnel to Lalgarh area of West Bengal as part of its operations against

Maoists who had laid siege to nearly 50 villages there, home ministry sources said.

They said six companies of CRPF, which were put on stand by, have now been asked to proceed to Lalgarh, where the forces are almost in the final stages of their operations.

With Thursday's decision, the total number of central security personnel in Lalgarh region would be about 2,200 personnel.

School vouchers, please Govt monopoly is crime against children

25 Jun 2009, 0219 hrs IST, ET Bureau

The right to education cannot mean the right to attend a government school where little teaching is done and students finish school functionally

illiterate. Yet this is the interpretation of the educational establishment.

This crime against children must be rectified by the new minister for human resource development, Kapil Sibal. He will not be able to make government teachers accountable for non-performance because they are protected by powerful trade unions and an educational establishment that is so ideological that it would rather keep students functionally illiterate than let them be educated in private schools.

Just as the right to vote has no meaning if voters can only vote for one candidate, so too is the right to education meaningless if it means access only to the neighbourhood government school. One supposed expert says education is an area of market failure, so the state must make provision.

This simply shows how illiterate supposed experts are. Education for all is not a market product at all — it is a non-market service to be provided by the government. Unfortunately this is an area of massive government failure.

The answer lies in a private-public partnership through school vouchers usable in private or government schools. This is not privatisation, it is private provision of a public service through a public-private partnership.

The education establishment says many private schools are of poor quality. True, but government schools can often be worse. So the choice should be made by parents. A recent evaluation of a Delhi voucher scheme, run by the Centre for Civil Society, showed voucher school kids performed better and were happier with facilities than similar children in government schools.

Vouchers provide real choice only if private schools exist within walking distance of localities. So vouchers are most relevant in urban areas, and irrelevant in remote tribal or hill areas. Mr Sibal should launch pilot voucher schemes in half a dozen cities, offering funding to the state governments.

Inevitably there will be glitches, which should be fixed before scaling up. Vouchers cannot solve all educational problems. But they must be part of the solution in urban areas, including the poorest slums.

Reform challenge of Mr Mukherjee

25 Jun 2009, 0252 hrs IST, Arvind Panagariya,

The President's address to Parliament has dashed any residual hopes that the United Progressive Alliance II (UPA II) might use its clear-cut

electoral victory to introduce systematic radical reforms. Yet reform advocates must persevere.

There remain enough reforms 'in transition' that a series of incremental actions could still make a dramatic difference. Simultaneously, there is considerable scope for the introduction of radical reforms in the social sector to which the UPA accords high priority.

Perhaps the single most important reform that the finance minister can safely push is the comprehensive Goods and Services Tax (GST). As Dr Vijay Kelkar, chairman, Thirteenth Finance Commission, noted in his brilliant address at the convocation at the Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, this reform promises vast benefits via improved productivity.

It will also stabilise the indirect-tax revenues in the years to come. Finance minister Pranab Mukherjee should announce a realistic but definite revised timetable in the budget to bring this important reform to its logical conclusion. To make the announcement credible, he should appoint Dr Govinda Rao, arguably India's foremost public finance expert, as the 'GST Czar' for a two-year term with the sole mandate to ensure that at the end of his term India has a well-functioning GST in place.

Two reforms that had broadly continued under the UPA I relate to small-scale industries reservation and trade liberalisation. As of October 10, 2008, the government had trimmed the list of items reserved for exclusive manufacture by micro and small enterprises to 21.

Mr Mukherjee must now take the final step of eliminating this list altogether. With imports from foreign firms permitted regardless of their size, there is little rationale for insisting that our own producers of stainless steel and aluminium utensils, laundry soap, steel furniture and groundnut oil operate on the small scale.

Why punish our own successful and productive entrepreneurs by insisting that they cannot expand beyond the specified size?

While taking a tough stand in the Doha negotiations, UPA I had continued the process of opening up the Indian economy to foreign trade initiated in earnest by Dr Manmohan Singh in 1991. The peak duty on industrial goods had been reduced to 20% in 2004-05.

It was then brought down to 15% in 2005-06, 12.5% in 2006-07 and 10% in 2007-08. In 2008-09, then finance minister Chidambaram pushed the pause button on the process perhaps because this was the last full-year budget prior to the election. Mr Mukherjee should resume the reform and cut the peak industrial tariff to 7.5% thereby bringing Indian tariffs within a hair's breadth of the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) levels as per the promise made by Mr Chidambaram in his 2004-05-budget speech.

Turning to social programmes, a common lament among the top leaders of the Congress since at least late Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi has been that only a tiny fraction — a bare 10 paise out of a rupee, according to a recent public statement by Mr Rahul Gandhi — of government expenditures on anti-poverty programmes reaches the targeted beneficiaries.

After six decades of failure of the conventional schemes in achieving better results, is it not the time to give an alternative approach a chance? Most economists now agree that cash transfers through biometric accounts to the senior-most female member of the household can eliminate this leakage entirely.

I have extensively discussed how this can be done in my recent book, India the Emerging Giant. In addition to plugging the leaks, this approach has at least three additional advantages.

Do you think the class 10 board exam should be scrapped?

Times of India - ‎51 minutes ago‎
Doing away with class 10 exam Union Human Resources Development minister Kapil Sibal has hinted at scrapping class 10 board examinations.

Iran reform leader says he won't end his challenge

The Associated Press - Karin Laub - ‎20 minutes ago‎
EDITOR'S NOTE: Iranian authorities have barred journalists for international news organizations from reporting on the streets and ordered them to stay in their offices.

Steamy emails add to humiliation of South Carolina governor Mark ...

Times Online - ‎2 hours ago‎
As he tearfully confessed at a press conference last night to being unfaithful to his wife, Mark Sanford, the Governor of South Carolina, may have imagined that his embarrassment was complete.

Maoist Insurgency and Lalgarh stand OFF proved to be favourable SUBVERSION as we, being most IMPULSIVE and Passionate, often do overlook the developments in the wings. We never know how the Citizenship amendment act was passed with parliamentary CONSENSUS. We have no idea how Marxist Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharya succeeded to rope in Chidamabaram to declare BAN on the Maoists while officially the LEFT insists on POLITICAL Process and discards Military and zero Tolerance Options adopted so far. We easily overlook the ABSENCE of STANCE on the part of the Left parties as far as Nationalities, Identities, North East and AFPSA are concerned.

We may SWAY or Swing in reaction as Criminal Procedure began against the group of Bengal Intelligentsia which visited Lalgarh and ignore the GENOCIDE and ETHNIC Cleansing DRIVE launched countrywide with ane EMERGING Tri IBLIS Satanic Zionist New Power AXIS of Adwani, PRANAB, MAMATA, BUDDHA, SIBAL and Chidambaram led by Dr Manmohan Singh. In fact, opposing the REGIMENTED Gestapo in Bengal gas Chamber we VOTED for the AMERICAN Colonial Government led by Dr Manmohan singh to TRANSFORM Indian nation into an INFINITE DEATH CHAMBER ruled by Manusmriti Rule and supported by the Left as well as RSS. They all stand TOGETHER under the worldwide Umbrella of ZIONIST ILLUMINATI and continue to launch Monopolistic Aggression. Toilet Media exposes the modifies SKIN only, while the MEAT remains within. We remain DIVIDED into Caste system as well as parliamentary Politics without any Empowerment, Representation, Participation and Sharing! Without any POLITICAL Process we assume to breathe in DEMOCRACY NON EXISTANT.

Thus, we failed to note that the Marxists in India supported the Manusmriti Hegemony since the FIRST day. They remained COUPLED with Nehru, INDIRA, Bajpayee, RAO, GUjral, Gauda and Dr Manmohan Singh without any virtual break!

We never knew that the DISINVESTMENT and SELL OFF strategies were actually finalised during Gauda and Gujral governments under LEFTIST Common Minimum Programme! Disinvestment Ministry without any liability was the BRAINCHILD of our Comrades who JUNKED all TRADE UNION Activities and SOCIAL movements to help MNCs and Corporate Imperialism. We believed them while they were SCREAMING against Fascism, Imperialism, Globalisation until the Marxist Capitalism was SRIPPED NAKED in Nandigram and SINGUR.

We lost the VISION as we happen to be BLACKED out how Realty, Construction, Health and Chemical, Retail and Commodity, Aviation, Education, Oil, Steel and Mines, Bank and Insurance, Post and Railway, Agriculture and food processing, Infrastructure, Science and Technology, IT and High technology, Energy and Nuclear Energy, Forest, Ocean and environment have been SECTORWISE SOLD OUT!

We NEVER know the Ind depth story of AIR INDIA Crisis. Neither we care for LIC, SBI, SAIL or ONGC. We never knew that CHIDAMBARAM Deregulated the BANKING Sector right in 2005 amending the Banking Regulation act.

Just see the SAMPLE and make out the MOTTO DISINVESTMENT:

The government is ready to help Air India, but the aviation minister said on Wednesday the struggling state carrier must become "leaner and trimmer" to secure backing it needs to get through a liquidity crunch.

The carrier, which has said it wants to cut employee costs by 5 billion rupees ($103 million) annually and has asked senior employees to forego salaries and incentives in July, has sought extra cash through equity and soft loans from the government.

"The government's support is there but the government's support also comes with a condition that Air India must shape up, must become leaner and trimmer and also must put its best foot forward," Aviation Minister Praful Patel said in New Delhi.

Patel did not say how much cash would be made available, but said the airline would not be given "an open-ended chequebook".

Patel said Air India will have to implement measures such as manpower restructuring, including of top management, and cost-cutting. Air India must submit its restructuring plan within a month, Patel added.

KAPIL SIBAL is playing the MASTER STROKE of DE TRAUMA to DEREGULATE EDUCATION on the line of IT and Vocational Education. SARBA SHIKSHA Education was the FLAGSHIP Programme which was HYPED enough to make us believe the EDUCATION Welfare and which made our teachers GOOD Cooks only and our CHILDREN BEGGARS! On the other hand,
a high-level committee on renovation and rejuvenation of universities headed by noted educationist Yashpal has recommended that IITs

and IIMs be converted into full-fledged universities so that they aict as pace-setters and models for all such institutions of higher education.

Meanwhile,in what could send the government back to the drawing board to rework the route to economic recovery, rainfall prediction was lowered

by the earth sciences ministry putting the foodgrain belt of India — Punjab and Haryana — on notice for a failing monsoon.

UPA pundits hoping to post an economic recovery on the basis of strong results in the agricultural sector have been set back by the new estimates.

A fall in agricultural production could come as a double whammy for economists. It would dry up demand from rural markets which have been the stabilising factor in the economy. It would also increase demand for social sector interventions such as NREGS, sucking a higher level of subsidy and putting fiscal deficit limits to test.

Yashpal said the report would be given to the government soon. The committee has suggested that regulatory bodies like All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE), Medical Council of India (MCI) and the Bar Council of India (BCI) be divested of their academic functions, which should be restored to the universities. It has also said that all universities have full range of knowledge areas and that no single discipline or specialised university be created.

The committee has also said the practice of according status of deemed university be stopped forthwith. It would be mandatory for all existing deemed universities to submit to the new accreditation norms within a period of three years failing which the status of university should be withdrawn. A single accreditation window for all institutes of higher education has also been suggested.

Yashpal said the idea to change the name of the committee — originally meant to review UGC/AICTE —was his and there was no pressure to do so from the HRD ministry.

Though HRD ministry's attempt to set up a commission for higher education failed, the committee has suggested creation of an all-encompassing Higher Education Commission, a central statutory body to replace the existing regulatory bodies like UGC, AICTE and NCTE. This commission, it has said, should be free of all ministries and have complete autonomy.

The proposed HEC will create a curricular framework based on the principles of mobility within a full range of curricular areas and integration of skills with academic depth. This will imply that a student of any stream can do a short course in an unrelated subject and get credits.

HEC, committee said, will initially consist of five divisions dealing with future directions, accreditation management, funding and development, new institutions and incubation, and information and governance. An eminent individual with a tenure of five years will head each division. The chairperson of the HEC will be appointed by a search committee comprising the Prime Minister, the leader of the opposition in Lok Sabha and the Chief Justice of India.

We have already been DEPRIVED of Higher Education, research and development. NOW SIBAL is going to ABOLISH UGC and making all deemed UNIVERSITIES , IITs and IIMs Private UNIVERSITIES!

But the EDUCATED as well as INTELLIGENT People of INDIA remain HABITUAL to make DECISIONS on the FEED BACKS, MIND CONTROL, Brain washing, Mis Information sustained campaign of the TOILET Media!

In Americanised India, No One mourned the the DEPARTURE of Rajpoot Strong Man King ARJUN Singh from the Ministry of Human Resource Ministry. Anti Reservation Passion amongst the Caste Hindu Media and Intelligentsia sighed in relief rather to be liberated from Reservation and Quota Raj in Faculties and Brahaminical Monopoly ENSURED in Elite Education centres like IIT and IIM.

The Entry of Kapil Sibal on the wave of Manipulated MANDATE for the CONTINUITY of so Called ECONOMIC Reforms has been CELEBRATED in every campus thanks to YOUTH For Equality!

But the BIG Debate EXPOSURE on CNBC TV Channel heralded the REFORMS and Strategic Marketing Policies in EDUCATION Sector dictated by India INCS and ILLUMINATI.

I have been engaged in intense interactions with friends countrywide and all of us agreed to relaunch Students` Movement in the Campus once again to RESIST the CONSPIRACY to DEPRIVE the Majority masses of Higher and quality education. I am sorry to say that we could not INITIATE any mobilisation at any stage. Interestingly, while the SFI and DYF have been SILENT .
the RSS outfit AKHIL BHARATIYA Vidyarthi Parishad only VOICED Protest against SIBAL ENTERPRISES!

Since SIBAL DETRAUMA episode is GLAMORISED on TV channels and media with manipulated landslide support in the Campus, only West Bengal Government and the RSS backed GUJARAT Government dared to OPPOSE the so called REFORMS!

Sibal told The Indian Express: "The Indian education system which is marks-centered and examination-based is a source of trauma for both parents and children... knowledge, like everything else, should be user-friendly, and the acquisition of knowledge should not be a stressful exercise."

Children, Sibal said, should not be judged by percentages with an emphasis on learning by rote, and the whole system of examinations should be looked at afresh.

"I am thinking of relooking at the necessity of having a Board examination for Class 10," he said. "A child moves up from Class 9 to Class 10 in the same school and there is no reason for either the student or the parents to get traumatised by the 10th Board exam," he said. As a first step, the HRD Ministry will consult state governments and state education boards, Sibal said. "I hope to move forward very soon and set up an alternative system of evaluation of students that is based on percentiles rather than percentages."

The minister believes that it is for the students to decide which stream to follow in Class 11 rather than for the schools to force it on them. "Ultimately, it is the student's aptitude that should decide whether he or she wants to study arts or science... not the school," he said.

In a pathbreaking step towards reforming India's school education system, Human Resource Development Minister Kapil Sibal is considering doing away with the Class 10 Board examination, and setting up an alternative evaluation system based on percentiles, not percentages!

In far-reaching reforms, Government proposed making 10th board examination optional and setting up of a single school board at the national level for a uniform examination for class 12.

A new scheme of interest subsidy on educational loans for professional courses by economically weaker students will be launched in the first 100 days of the UPA government, HRD Minister Kapil Sibal told reporters in New Delhi.

"We must detraumatise education. It cannot be traumatic for parents and children. This is unacceptable," the Minister said unveiling the education agenda.

Government will also introduce a system to replace the present assessment procedure of giving marks with grades which will reduce stress, he said.

The single board would replace 33 boards in the country including CBSE and CISCE and hold a uniform examination for all students on the pattern of combined law admission test being organised for admission to law institutions.

"By appearing in a single board, a student can decide which university he wants to go. It is happening in the law (courses). The aim is to reduce the trauma," he said adding that states would be consulted on the issue.

Taking note of students and their parents complaining of sleepless nights at the time of board examinations, Sibal said the government wants to make 10th examinations optional for students wishing to continue in the same school.

"If a student wants to go for pre-university course, he may appear for 10th board exam. But in case of a student pursuing the course in the same school, he need not appear in the class-10 exam for promotion to class-11," Sibal said, adding that an internal assessment would suffice.

Government will review the functioning of existing deemed universities which have come under spotlight following allegations of heavy capitation fee charged by some of these institutions.

An autonomous overarching authority for higher education and research based on the recommendations of Yashpal committee and the National Knowledge Commission would be established.

Sibal said a law will be enacted to prevent, prohibit and punish educational malpractices. For the disadvantaged sections of the society, Equal Opportunity Offices would be created in all universities, he said adding a new policy on distance learning would be formulated.

The ambitious bill to provide free and compulsory education to children in the age group of 6 to 14 will be taken up during the budget session.

The government also wants to set up an All India Madrassa Board which will award degrees equivalent to CBSE and other boards. The board will frame policy to impart secular and technical education to Muslims without interfering with the religious teachings. "We will strive to evolve a consensus on this issue," he said.

FDI in education top priority: Kapil Sibal

New human resource development minister Kapil Sibal is strongly in favour of allowing foreign direct investment (FDI) in India's

education sector and also plans to "synchronise" madrassa education with the mainstream.

"FDI must come into India. Entry into the education sector must neither be limited nor over-regulated. I want the system to be accessible from outside too," Sibal, 61, who is a practising lawyer, told IANS in an interview.

He says allowing private investment, including from abroad, in education "does not mean you have fly by night operators." But, Sibal says, the country should not prevent quality learning from coming.

"After all, 160,000 children go abroad from India at an overall cost of seven billion dollars. Before going they face all kinds of visa problems while after going abroad, there are issues like the attacks in Australia," Sibal, who studied at the Harvard Law School, pointed out.

"When the demand exists, why should we send our children out? Foreign universities can come at our doorstep; India has the potential to become a global provider of quality graduates."

The minister said he would take forward the Foreign Educational Institutions (Regulation of Entry and Operations, Maintenance of Quality and Prevention of Commercialisation) Bill, which was cleared by the cabinet in February 2007 but has been hanging fire.

It seeks to regulate the entry, operation and maintenance of foreign education providers and protect students from receiving sub-standard education offered by institutions that view it as a lucrative business.

When told that the opposition, especially the Left parties, was against FDI, Sibal says: "The Left is not against foreign universities per se; they are concerned about fly by night operators. Everything has to be regulated and it will be."

He said this did not mean "you deny access to quality education to our children." The minister added: "Education is a socio-economic activity. Why should it have impediments in the form of bureaucratic red tape?"

"There will be a whole lot of structural reforms basically to free up the system; to end licence raj." He says it's been two weeks since the new government started work, so things will unfold now.

The minister who was re-elected as an MP from the Chandni Chowk constituency of Delhi is also looking at bringing madrassa education into the mainstream.

"There will be attempts to make education in madrassas relevant and equivalent to modern education. We will not touch the religious part; the point is their degrees should have equivalence with the others," says Sibal.

He said his directives to the University Grants Commission (UGC) to review the working of private institutions which have been given the status of deemed universities and to put a freeze on new applications for it were intended to ensure better quality education.

"My mantra is expansion, inclusion and excellence. Expansion means access to education to all; inclusion translates into equity for the Scheduled Castes, tribes, girl child, Muslims. And excellence means quality. When I say this I mean the entire spectrum from primary to higher education."

But he says the government cannot handle everything. "There will be multi-farious set of players, there will be corporate investment in school education, joint ventures, public-private partnerships, more Kendriya Vidyalayas," Sibal says.

Manage new IIMs like corporates: Panel

29 Oct 2008, 0210 hrs IST, D Suresh Kumar, TNN

CHENNAI: A high level committee has said that the six new Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs), proposed in Tamil Nadu, Jammu and Kashmir,

Jharkhand, Haryana, Chhattisgarh and Uttarakhand, "should function on the pattern of the most modern corporates, in terms of administration and financial process."

Besides, they must be established keeping in mind the future demands. Recommending a corporate structure, the IIM review committee headed by R C Bhargava, chairman, Maruti Suzuki India Limited, has said "where possible, outsourcing possibilities should be seriously considered. Common systems and processes should be developed for the six new IIMs. Since some degree of modernisation is also required in these areas in the old IIMs, they too could benefit from the development work."

One of the biggest challenges while establishing new B-Schools would be recruiting faculty, especially in the functional disciplines.

"The system of making contract appointments should be tried out. Also, the use of technology, in conjunction with an existing IIM, should be used to compensate for faculty shortage. In fact use of technology, once well established, could be used to reduce costs," the committee has recommended in its report submitted to the union human resources development ministry last week.

The building plans for the new IIMs should take into account future requirements of expansion and ensure that optimum use of land is made. This recommendation comes in the wake of the increase in intake of students over the last few years in the existing six IIMs at Ahmadabad, Kolkata, Kozhikode, Bangalore, Indore and Lucknow.

The panel has also suggested the buildings at the new IIMs must be designed in an environment-friendly manner. "While designing the buildings and infrastructure, the need to be environmentally as friendly as possible and to minimise use of energy and water should be kept in mind. The use of solar energy should be considered as also water harvesting and recycling. Expert agencies could be associated in this work," the report added.

It would be ideal for the government to constitute a committee of three present or past directors of IIMs to study the detailed project reports for the new IIMs. Also, the new institutions must be mentored by existing IIMs.

Despite all this, it is not unlikely the new IIMs may have difficulties shortening the time taken to function at the same level as the older IIMs. The committee has cautioned that, "If these IIMs are not able to maintain the standards of the other IIMs, not only would this dilute the brand image of all IIMs, but would result in a huge waste of public money. For this reason, it would be definitely desirable that each new IIM is managed by one of the existing IIMs."

Monsoon rains to be below normal: Govt

New Delhi India's monsoon rains, a lifeline to its trillion dollar economy, have weakened and are expected to be below normal, the government said on Wednesday.

"Rainfall is likely to be below normal," Earth Sciences Minister Prithviraj Chavan said.

The minister said the 2009 monsoon rainfall would be 93 per cent of the long-term average, lower than an earlier forecast of 96 per cent.

The annual monsoon hit the southwestern state of Kerala on May 23, a week ahead of schedule, but its progress has gradually weakened, threatening to hit the country's farm output and impact the economy.

The four-month rainy season normally kicks off around June 1 and covers the entire country by mid-July.

With only 40 per cent of farmland irrigated, most of India's small farmers rely on the monsoon to water their crops. A good season of rains also boosts rural demand for a range of products and is a key factor in determining expansion in the larger economy.

Orissa: Maoists go on rampage ahead of Chidambaram visit

Bhubaneswar Hours before the visit of Home Minister P Chidambaram, Maoists struck in a big way attacking a railway station, damaging communication towers and looting a block office in Orissa's Koraput district on Thursday.

The armed Maoists descended on the Kakiriguma railway station and ransacked it besides damaging the control panel which affected train movement on Rayagada-Koraput section.

Following the incident, the Bhubaneswar-Koraput Hirakhand Express was held up at Rayagada while a couple of other passenger and goods trains were also affected.

The ultras then blew up three mobile phone towers inlcuding one belonging to the BSNL at Kakiriguma using landmines.

Another large group of ultras swooped down on the block office, 530 km away at Narayanpatna, which has been witnessing heightened Maoist activity in recent weeks. They caused extensive damage to the building besides destroying furniture and setting ablaze official files.

The Maoists also damaged two computers and took away 42 bicycles from the office.

They raised slogans against the Centre's decision to proscribe the CPI (Maoist).

Security personnel were rushed to the area and combing operation launched as the union home minister is slated to commence his two-day visit to the state from the Maoist-affected Koraput district this afternoon.

The Maoists had cut off all communication to Narayanpatna since June 15 by felling trees on the roads connecting the town. They also triggered a landmine explosion on June 18 killing nine securitymen when they were trying to clear the blockades.

About 400 security personnel, including CRPF jawans, had remained cut off at Narayanpatna and helicopters were used to airlift food and additional forces there on Tuesday.

During his one-day visit to Koraput, Chidambaram would talk to SPs of Malkangiri, Rayagada, Nawrangpur and Koraput districts and visit the location of a upcoming CoBRA Battalion Centre.

Chidambaram was also scheduled to visit relief camps in Kandhamal district tomorrow where riots and attacks against Christians had taken place earlier.

Terrorist threat still high in J&K says Antony

New Delhi India on Thursday said infiltration from Pakistan has declined in the recent past, but the threat from terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir is "real" and there is no question of lowering the guard. "Of late, there has been a decline in infiltration in the borders but we cannot say it is an improvement," Defence Minister A K Antony told reporters after addressing the Unified Commanders' Conference here.

He made it clear that "there is no question of lowering our guard, especially in Jammu and Kashmir, as even now these terrorist outfits are working there. It is a real threat." Antony said the relations between India and Pakistan can "move forward" only if strong action is taken by Islamabad against anti-India outfits operating from across the border. "We are emphasising and trying to convince Pakistan that they have to take strong actions against the anti-India groups operating from there. Only then the two countries can move forward and we can help in improving relations," he said.

He termed the security situation in Pakistan as a "matter of great concern" for India. On India's plans to raise two mountain divisions in Arunachal Pradesh, he said, "India is not against any country. We want to maintain friendly and cordial relations with all our neighbours but at the same time it is our duty to increase our capabilities."

About his proposed meeting with US National Security Advisor (NSA) James Jones tomorrow, Antony said the security situation in the region, especially Afghanistan, is likely to figure among other issues in the discussions. "We are going to discuss the security scenario around us. While discussing this, we cannot avoid Afghanistan. Taliban is a threat to world peace and threat to our region and a threat to India also," he said. On the progress made on the issue of a Unified Command for the armed forces, the Defence Minister said that after initial resistance, the three services have realised the need to work together.

"There has been considerable progress in the last eight years. Initially there was resistance from three services but now they have realised the necessity of jointness because in the modern times just one service cannot protect the security of the nation and meet challenges," he said. "That realization is there. So, things are moving very fast and this conference is a turning point," he said.

When asked if the controversy on the issue of price of Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov could have any negative impact on Indo-Russian defence relations, the Minister said, "Discussions are going on for Admiral Gorshkov. As far as our defence relations with Russia are concerned, they are very cordial. There is no doubt about that."

SSC, HSC results to be out on net

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Express news service

Posted: Dec 07, 2007 at 0000 hrs IST
Pune, December 6 The Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education on Thursday announced the websites where the results for the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and the Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) examinations will be put up at 11 am on Friday. The results will be released on the internet simultaneously as they are given out to the schools and junior colleges.

Students who appeared for the HSC examination can avail of their results at, while the results for the SSC examination will be put up on

Meanwhile, the results as per individual centres and the eight divisions Pune, Nagpur, Aurangabad, Mumbai, Amravati, Kolhapur, Nashik and Latur will be available at

All the information on the results can be downloaded from these websites. For further details on the results, students can contact their respective secondary schools or junior college.

Air India gets PM's promise of help but told to tone up

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ENS Economic Bureau

Posted: Jun 24, 2009 at 0913 hrs IST
New Delhi The Prime Minister on Wednesday committed himself to throwing the "entire weight" of the government behind crisis-hit Air India, but set tough conditions for its help: asking the national carrier to undertake massive organisational, financial and manpower restructuring in return.

AI was categorically told that it would be difficult for the government to give the airline unconditional support every time it ran itself into trouble.

"Air India will have to go for massive cost reduction and increase revenues in both the short term and long term," Civil Aviation Minister Praful Patel said after a two-hour meeting with Manmohan Singh, at which top ministry officials and AI's newly-appointed CMD Arvind Jadhav were also present.

"There is excess flab on the entire body of Air India, not only of manpower but due to salaries and the internal functioning style," Patel said. "The airline will have to improve its on-time performance, aircraft engineering, commercial operations, especially in the face of competition and choice (available to customers)."

Independent directors will be inducted on AI's board, and the top management of its business units will be recast, the minister said. "The management restructuring will be completed within a month," he said, adding, "The complete turnaround of the airline may take around two years."

AI has been given a month to submit a restructuring plan to a new four-member bailout committee comprising Cabinet Secretary KM Chandrasekhar, Principal Secretary to the PM TKA Nair, Finance Secretary Ashok Chawla and Civil Aviation Secretary M Nambiar. The committee will review AI's performance every month.

The carrier — sunk under accumulated losses of Rs 7,200 crore and a financial outstanding of Rs 30,000 crore till May 2009, and staring at a loss of around Rs 5,000 crore for 2008-'09 — had submitted a highly ambitious bailout wishlist to the government, seeking an equity infusion of Rs 5,000 crore, a grant of Rs 2,000 crore, and a soft loan of Rs 7,000 crore. It had also asked for a review of sixth freedom rights and capacity freezes on foreign carriers, and curbs on domestic airlines.

Patel dismissed suggestions that AI's Rs-44,000 crore aircraft acquisition plan could be wrecking its finances. "These are two different issues," he said. "Debt (for aircraft acquisition) is a long term issue. Deferring or rescheduling aircraft deliveries would not help (the airline) at all."

On fixing responsibility for the crisis, Patel said: "Nobody is accountable. It is a combination of factors. Air India people have not risen to the occasion." He also cited increases in fuel prices, fall in traffic, lower yields at low fares and the price-sensitive nature of the Indian market as reasons.

Patel was impatient with threats of a strike by AI employee unions. "Let them go on strike. They will hasten their own demise," he warned.

The unions have threatened to strike work from June 30. CMD Jadhav will meet them in Mumbai on tomorrow.

Nilekani quits Infosys, to join Govt

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Posted: Jun 25, 2009 at 1528 hrs IST
New Delhi Nandan Nilekani, co-chairman of Infosys Technologies Ltd, India's No 2 outsourcer, has resigned from the company's board to join the government, the company said on Thursday.

Nilekani, one of the founders of Infosys, has been invited by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to head government agency Unique Identification Authority of India in the rank of a cabinet minister, Infosys said in a statement.

Nilekani, a former chief executive of the company, was not involved in active management since becoming co-chairman in 2007.

Shares in Infosys, which has a market value of about $21 billion, were up 0.7 percent at 1,771.25 rupees at 0849 GMT in a Mumbai market down 0.5 per cen

BSE loses 77 pts on monsoon delay fears

Mumbai Prospects of weak monsoon, the poor showing by ONGC in the fourth quarter and weak European cues dragged down the BSE Sensex by 77 points as investors squared off positions on the concluding day of the derivatives series.

The market surrendered its initial gains due to fairly heavy selling from foreign institutional investors (FIIs) amid the forecast of below-normal monsoon.

The Bombay Stock Exchange 30-share index ended the day at 14,345.62, a net loss of 77.11 points or 0.53 per cent from its previous close. It touched the intra-day high of 14,578.46.

Bonanza Portfolio Assistant Vice-President Avinash Gupta said, "The market opened strong but the selling pressure pulled it down. The selling intensified in the later part of the session on cues from European markets. The market activity was stock-specific today rather than sector-specific."

Similarly, the National Stock Exchange's 50-share Nifty dropped by 51.10 points or 1.19 per cent to close at 4,241.85 from its last close.

The market continued to witness a high level of volatility as investors rolled over positions as also squared off their long-outstanding holdings at the end of the June contract of the futures and options segment.

UPA's first challenge: 'Below normal' monsoon predicted

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Posted: Jun 24, 2009 at 2007 hrs IST
South-west monsoon is likely to be below normal this season, government announced on Wednesday raising concerns about its impact on agriculture and economy.

"South-west monsoon from June to September is likely to be below normal," Earth Sciences Minister Prithviraj Chavan told reporters in New Delhi.

He said quantitatively, monsoon rainfall for the country as a whole is likely to be 93 per cent of the long-period average. This is three per cent less than what the India Meteorological Department (IMD) had forecast in April.

Chavan was subjected to a volley of questions, including whether he visualised the monsoon scenario as worrisome, whether the country is in for a drought and whether he foresaw a situation of water-rationing.

"I will not call it worrisome as of now," he said downplaying questions about water scarcity and drought.

"Plans are in place in every department of Government of India as to what needs to be done when there is excess or deficient rains," was his refrain.

According to the forecast, the north-western region of the country is likely to get deficient rains while monsoon is expected to be below normal in north-east and peninsular India. Central India, which is yet to receive rains, is expected to have a normal monsoon.


Death toll from US drone attack on rise
Thu, 25 Jun 2009 03:40:56 GMT
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As the death toll from a US air raid on Pakistan climbs to 80, Islamabad has once again slammed Washington for attacks on its soil.

Pakistan's Foreign Office spokesman said such attacks undermine the country's sovereignty, adding that Islamabad made regular contacts with the US over the issue.

On Tuesday, some 80 people have been killed in what has been the deadliest US missile attack on Pakistani soil yet.

Pakistan Foreign Ministry spokesman Abdul Basit urged the US to stop such attacks as military operations to eliminate militants in tribal areas were well proceeding, a Press TV correspondent reported.

The missiles, that left nearly 100 people injured, hit the funeral of people who were killed earlier in the day during a similar strike in the volatile region.

The US has carried out at least 35 drone attacks on Pakistan's tribal areas, killing and wounding over 500 people over the past year.


Time running out to find Air France 447's 'black boxes'

CNN International - ‎12 minutes ago‎
(CNN) -- Investigators probing the deadly crash of Air France flight 447 over the Atlantic are running out of time to find the flight data recorders which could prove crucial to working out what caused the disaster.

Pakistan urges US to end drone attacks

The Associated Press - Ryan Lucas - ‎50 minutes ago‎
ISLAMABAD (AP) - President Barack Obama's national security adviser reiterated the United States' strong support for Pakistan in its battle with Taliban militants during talks with senior Pakistani leaders on Thursday.

North Korea threatens nuclear 'fire shower' if attacked - ‎2 hours ago‎
North Korea today threatened to retaliate with a nuclear "fire shower" if it is attacked by the US and warned it would expand its nuclear arsenal, a month after it carried out a controlled nuclear explosion in defiance of the UN security council.
The Associated Press - Reuters - RIA Novosti - Aljazeera

To take charge of national ID proj in July: Nandan Nilekani - ‎2 hours ago‎
Infosys Co- Chairman Nandan Nilekani has been appointed by the government to head the National ID Card Project and will step down from the company's board.

BT deal to boost Tata Comm's performance

Economic Times - ‎1 hour ago‎
Tata Communications' voice services agreement with BT is likely to improve its network utilisation. This offers some relief to Tata Communications at a time when growth in its revenue form voice services, which forms nearly half of total revenue, ...

* FY09 net falls 60 pct, misses forecasts

Reuters - Prashant Mehra - ‎48 minutes ago‎
MUMBAI, June 25 (Reuters) - India's Tata Steel Ltd (TISC.BO), the world's No. 6 steel maker, on Thursday missed forecasts with a 60 percent drop in consolidated net profit for the fiscal year ended March and said 2045 jobs in Europe ... - - Reuters

More on the Windows 7 upgrade program

CNET News - Ina Fried - ‎37 minutes ago‎
Although Microsoft is on track to deliver Windows 7 for the holidays, the new operating system will miss the back-to-school buying season.

Nokia N86 Hits Indian Shores - ‎3 hours ago‎
The much awaited N86 8MP has finally arrived in India after what is undoubtedly a much delayed launch. Close on the heels of the flagship N-Series device the N97, the N86 launch has, in effect, made clear Nokia's intentions on how it wishes to straddle ...

Will Apple's First "Approved" iPhone Porn App Last?

PC World - David Murphy - ‎1 hour ago‎
"We uploaded topless pics today. This is the first app to have nudity," said Allen Leung in an interview with Macenstein [link semi-nsfw].
The Tech Herald - CNET News - - ZDNet

Iraq Reports First Cases Of H1N1 Swine Flu

Medical News Today - ‎4 hours ago‎
Iraqi health authorities confirmed yesterday that six people recently returned from the US have tested positive for H1N1 epidemic or swine flu, making this the first lab confirmed cases in the country.

Swine flu: 4 more quarantined

Indian Express - ‎14 hours ago‎
Four more passengers were quarantined in the state for swine flu on Wednesday. So far 48 people have been quarantined in the state.

Grim forecast for chem hub

Times of India - ‎15 hours ago‎
KOLKATA: The Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee government may be confident of the Centre's support for the Nayachar chemical hub, but a crucial member of Manmohan Singh's Cabinet didn't sound all that enthusiastic about the project on Wednesday.
Delhi on Nayachar vigil Calcutta Telegraph - World News -

Cream of the crop: 69 of top 100 JEE rankers pick IIT-Bombay

25 Jun 2009, 0535 hrs IST, Hemali Chhapia, TNN

MUMBAI: The composition of the elite technological club has changed. A decade ago admission to the IIT-Kanpur ensured demi-god treatment. Only

the brightest and the best could get past the gates there.

No longer. Mumbai is the new Kanpur, with Delhi and Chennai snapping at its heels. A look at the students' choice of institute by the top 100 JEE rankers down the last half-a-decade reveals that preferences have changed dramatically. A number of factors have been responsible for the reordering, from geography to gastronomy and placement records to what coaching classes preach to students.

Of the top 100 JEE-2009 rankers, considered the elite group among engineering aspirants around the country, 69 students preferred to join IIT-Bombay over any other IIT. This was followed by Delhi — where 19 of the top-100 — have been admitted. While Bombay has been bettering its performance over the years, number of toppers going to Delhi has slipped.

"IIT-B's decision to introduce minors in all programmes has seen more students wanting to come to the Powai campus," reasoned the institute's JEE-2009 chairman A Pani. In 2008, the institute ushered in academic reforms and permitted students to pick a minor course along with the core area of specialisation. This, explained Pani, has resulted most streams opening and closing admissions at higher ranks than previous years.

On each IIT campus, the top 100 students are considered as the rich creamy icing. Twenty years ago IIT-Kharagpur was the engineering mecca. The oldest IIT of the country, IIT-Kharagpur did not receive a single student from the top hundred this year; and before that, in 2004, only three of the top 100 went there.

A former JEE chairman explained, "While Bombay and Delhi were still building themselves, Kharagpur's students had already occupied top positions in big companies. Students looked at Kharagpur's illustrious alumni and rushed there. Now this has changed."

1,100 quota seats in IITs not filled this year

25 Jun 2009, 0520 hrs IST, Hemali Chhapia, TNN

UMBAI: Every year, lakhs of students burn the midnight oil for months to get into the hallowed Indian Institutes of Technology. But as

admissions closed on Wednesday, one startling fact emerged — there weren't enough qualified candidates to fill up the reserved seats on offer for the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, or the physically challenged.

IIT heads told TOI that over 1,100 seats will now be transferred to the preparatory course. This course, which is like a feeder class, trains quota students for a year to equip them to qualify for the IITs. Students for the preparatory course are selected by reducing cut-offs even further.

On the OBC (other backward classes) reservation front too, 53 seats were transferred to general category candidates, though the IITs are still only in the second year of the quotas (they are implementing 18% quota before moving to the total 27% reservation).

The IITs, in fact, had made various concessions to ensure they could fill the SC/ST seats. They lowered entry levels for these categories and even went as low as 50% below the last general category student's marks to do justice to the quota. Even this did not help them get the required number of backward category students.

Centre asks IITs to give SCs/STs more shots at JEE

13 Apr 2009, 0336 hrs IST, Hemali Chhapia,TNN

MUMBAI: Buoyed by the success of implementing the OBC quota, the government now wants the Indian Institutes of Technology to employ reservation

even before the admission process begins. This time around, the Centre has written to the IITs asking them to allow Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe students more shots at the Joint Entrance Exam (JEE).

Currently, the premier tech colleges adopts a caste-blind policy towards all aspirants at the preliminary stage of conducting the exam. Each one, no matter what group he or she belongs to, is allowed a maximum of two attempts at the competitive entrance exam.

Gautam Barua, director of IIT-Guwahati, the institute which is in-charge of JEE-2009, confirmed the receipt of such a letter from the government. However, he said that the note came in late for such a rule to be implemented this year. "The Joint Admission Board will take a look at the letter and examine what a provision like this will translate into. Even if we decide to implement the request, it will only be done for 2010,'' Barua added.

Most selection and admission rules for JEE are drawn from the recruitment norms designed for appointing Union government officers. In fact, till recently the JEE, like the civil services exam, was a two-tier test — lakhs of students sat for the preliminary screening, following which a few thousands took the mains. Aspirants could then attempt the exam any number of times.

But in September 2005, a committee headed by C N R Rao, chairman of the Prime Minister's Scientific Advisory Committee, reviewed the system and decided to limit the attempts to two. Rao observed that several aspirants languished for years in coaching classes trying to crack the exam, "little realising or believing that they were cut out for something else'', a director had then said, while giving a reason for the committee's decision.

In 2006, the JEE turned a new chapter and became a single-tier, objective, race-against-time exam testing students on the fundamentals (and their applications) of physics, chemistry and maths. But time and again, the JEE has come under the attack of political interference. "There is a lot of pressure from the government to allow SC/ST students to take the JEE more number of times,'' said a JEE-2009 chairman.

The IITs already set aside 15% seats for SCs and 7.5% slots for STs in each stream of engineering offered. A separate merit list with relaxed cut-offs is drawn up each year for selecting reserved category students. In fact late last year, the IIT directors decided to allow a 50% relaxation of scores for them from 2009, up from 40%.

With regard to the JEE-2008 scores, if the last general category student was admitted with an overall score of 172 out of 489, the aggregate cut-off for an SC/ST student was 104 (after a 40% relaxation). If the general category cut-off in 2009 remains the same, the bar for SC/ST candidates would be lowered to 86 (50% of 172). Similarly, subject-wise cut-offs would also be affected 2009 onwards.

The JAB will soon take a call on the government's note. But several old-time professors in off-the-record conversations have rued the unfolding political interference. "As academicians we tend to steer clear of the bureaucracy. But of late, vote-bank agendas are being thrust on our institutions. Either we will have to change, or the IITs will change, forever,'' an IIT-Kharagpur faculty member said.
QnA: Would the IITs be compromising on the quality of their students if they have reservation for SCs and STs?

IIM-A students have plan B ready to tide over crisis

11 Mar 2009, 0353 hrs IST, Vasundhara Vyas Mehta, TNN

AHMEDABAD: IIM-Ahmedabad students, who are facing the heat of global meltdown at this year's placements, have an alternate plan just in case

things get choppy careerwise.

The new trend among IIM-A students is to accept job offers but also have an enterprise running by the side. Take Sameer Gandhi, who has been offered to head the marketing division for Sangini Diamonds in the US. But Gandhi prefers to continue with his stock trading website he had launched with two of his classmates.

"This website was an outcome of our curiosity about the stock market. It gives a virtual stock trading opportunity for the beginners like students, housewives or retired individuals. For the last two years, while I was in IIM-A, my other friends were taking care of it and now with the course over, I plan to get involved in whichever way possible," said Gandhi.

Wanting to be known as an entrepreneur eventually, Gandhi said, "While I was considering the job offers, I was looking for something where I would get opportunity to work and learn as an entrepreneur. This is possible only with small or medium-scale enterprises."

Another student, Srijan Pal Singh, who plans a career in politics, has accepted a pre-placement offer (PPO) made by a top consulting firm. But he first wants to work with a political party during the three-month period before joining the BPO. Singh told TOI, "I have approached a leading political party with a project on how youth can be involved in politics and elections. The youth is absolutely indifferent to politics and if we want to change the condition, politics seems to be the most potent force. The proposal that I have submitted to the political party is about bringing new ideas and delivery mechanism in Indian politics. The party is considering the proposal."

Singh honed his communication skills during his two years at IIM-A. He was in the team that organised a social entrepreneurship fair, initiated a constituency management course and participated in former president APJ Abdul Kalam discourse.

Plan panel favours IIT, IIM offshore campuses

22 Jun 2009, 1342 hrs IST, Mahendra Kumar Singh, TNN

NEW DELHI: Doors may soon be open for Indian universities and government-run institutions like IIMs and IITs to set up campuses abroad to

cross-subsidise higher education for vulnerable sections of society.

The Planning Commission is in favour of formulating guidelines to allow Indian universities and government-run institutions to run business abroad to fund higher education for the poor back home and to expand the educational infrastructure in the country.
The move has come at the time when India is wooing foreign universities to set up campuses in the country.

Interestingly, as of now, there are no rules and regulations to permit government-run institutions to set up offshore campuses. So far, only private educational institutions were free to explore education opportunities abroad. Private institutions like Symbiosis and BITS, Pilani, have already opened campuses abroad.

Only in May this year, Pune University became the first government-run institution to open its campus abroad, in UAE, after considerable legal and bureaucratic hurdles.

The human resources development ministry had objected to the proposal of Pune University on the ground that there were no guidelines on opening campuses on foreign soil by government-run institutions. Pune University had to knock the doors of the PMO to get its proposal cleared.

FDI in education top priority: Kapil Sibal

Times of India - ‎9 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI: New human resource development minister Kapil Sibal is strongly in favour of allowing foreign direct investment (FDI) in India's education sector ...

Sibal: Yash Pal panel report will be implemented in 100 days

Hindu - Aarti Dhar - ‎18 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI: Human Resource Development Minister Kapil Sibal on Wednesday said it would be his endeavour to implement the report of the Yash Pal Committee ...

Kapil Sibal wants to do away with class X board exams

Hindustan Times - ‎10 hours ago‎
In a path-breaking step to reform the school education system, Union Human Resource Development Minister Kapil Sibal has come up with a plan to scrap the ...

Kapil Sibal to launch IGNOU's associate degree programmes

Times of India - ‎Jun 22, 2009‎
... from the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) will be launched by union human resources minister Kapil Sibal in New Delhi on July 4. ...

Kerala voices reservation on Sibal's '10th std plan'

Indopia - ‎1 hour ago‎
Thiruvananthapuram , June 25 The LDF Government in Kerala has voiced reservation over the HRD ministry&aposs 100-day plan to create a uniform board for the ...

TN eyeing seats in deemed universities

Times of India - Suresh Kumar - ‎16 hours ago‎
He said that his recent meeting with union human resource minister Kapil Sibal on this issue was not about gaining (superficial) control of deemed ...

Kapil Sibal leaves for Lindau, Germany Tonight

Press Information Bureau (press release) - ‎3 hours ago‎
Shri Kapil Sibal, Union Minister for Human Resource Development is leaving for Lindau, Germany tonight on a three-day visit. Shri Sibal is being inducted ...

Ask your Minister - ‎6 hours ago‎
In a bid to reform the education system in the country, Union Human Resource Development Minister Kapil Sibal is planning to scrap the Class 10 board ...

Sibal's ideas aimed at privatisation of education: Left Front

SINDH TODAY - ‎17 minutes ago‎
Earlier in the day, Human Resource Development Minister Kapil Sibal announced a slew of measures, including optional Class 10 board exams, ...

Sibal salvo on faculty quota

Calcutta Telegraph - Charu Sudan Kasturi - ‎Jun 22, 2009‎
New Delhi, June 22: Human resource development minister Kapil Sibal has questioned the rationale behind faculty quotas at premier higher education ...

The selection and placement of stories on this page were determi



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Air India: Now, voluntary leave without pay scheme
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No conflict of interest between new job & Infy: Nilekani
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Every 2nd student in India enrols in pvt college

21 Jun 2009, 0441 hrs IST, Hemali Chhapia, TNN

Every 2nd student in India enrols in pvt college

21 Jun 2009, 0441 hrs IST, Hemali Chhapia, TNN

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MUMBAI: Despite higher education being vital to a rapidly developing country like India, the government's share in higher education — in terms of

number of institutes and student enrollment — has dwindled over time. Simultaneously, academics note, the stake of profit-seeking politicians in the higher education business has risen.

In 2001, when private unaided institutes made up 42.6% of all higher education institutes, 32.89% of Indian students studied in them. By 2006, the share of private institutes went up to 63.21% and their student share went up to 51.53%. In other words, every second student in India signed up with a private institute.

Globally too, the private sector has seen opportunities in higher education, but there have been few takers in comparison to India. For instance, although there are 39.1% private higher education institutes in China, merely 8.9% students study in them. In the US, private universities constitute 59.4% of higher education institutes, but only 23.2% of American students pursue their education in them.

"It does signify that higher education in these countries is predominantly a public service," noted Ved Prakash, vice chancellor of the National University of Education Planning and Administration (NUEPA). Academics in India have researched on how public spending by the Union and provincial governments has fallen. In his work, Prakash notes that between 2002 and 2006, deemed universities — or 'doomed universities' as one academic waggishly described them — grew by a whopping 96%. In the same time span, central and state universities grew by a modest 11% and 22% respectively.

This unabated growth without any quality check has forced academics from Harvard University to scrutinize this sector and note, "The rapid expansion of capitation fees colleges came about as a result not of great middle-class pressure or demand, but rather the entrepreneurial activities of politicians."

Even the Supreme Court recently expressed its concern about the quality of education in private institutes and the corruption that is rampant there. Within private higher education, the professional streams have seen the maximum growth.

Private engineering colleges, which accounted for just 15% of seats in 1960, now account for over 85% according to data from the All-India Council for Technical Education, the regulatory body for professional technical education. From a tiny base in 1970, medical colleges in the private sector have grown by an eye-popping 900%. The private sector now accounts for over 45% of medical colleges in the country.

In 2006, Sanat Kaul in his paper 'Higher education in India: Seizing the opportunity' highlighted instances of a single politician running more than 100 educational institutes. "There are rampant cases of malpractice in the form of illegal charges for allocating seats from the management quota. Income tax raids have revealed that seats are sold for cash, and a medical seat can fetch as much as Rs 25 lakh. The black money involved runs into thousands of millions of rupees," Kaul observes in his study funded by the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations.

But none of this has elicited any action from the government. And naturally so. In their 2004 paper, 'Indian higher education reform: From half-baked socialism to half-baked capitalism', Devesh Kapur and Pratap Bhanu Mehta, both fellows of Harvard College, argued that politicians who had been sugar and liquor barons had turned to higher education as an industry because of its high returns.

"Even as political parties rail against de jure privatization, de facto privatization continues unabated," they noted. Kapur and Mehta acknowledged that while there was no statistical data, "there is little doubt that a majority of private institutions have been supported or made possible by the direct involvement of politicians."

Arun Nigavekar, former chairman of the University Grants Commission, said private institutes have been granted recognition without a sense of responsibility. "Time and again, the HRD ministry has failed. There is a need for a surgical process to undo certain decisions taken by it," he said.

Echoing Nigavekar, academics say that minister for science and technology Kapil Sibal will not only have to untangle some policies set by his predecessor, but also work to ensure high quality in public higher education.

QnA: Are the private colleges giving placements worth the fees that they are charging?

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