Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Re: Kapil Sibal : Government committed to Higher Education Reform

On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 4:02 PM, PIB Calcutta <> wrote:

Press Information Bureau

Government of India


Kapil Sibal : Government committed to Higher Education Reform


New Delhi : June 24, 2009


The Government is committed towards improving the education system in the country. This was stated by Shri Kapil Sibal, Union Minister for Human Resource Development today when Prof. Yashpal presented to him the final report of the Committee on 'Renovation and Rejuvenation of Higher Education'(Prof. Yashpal Committee Report). The Minister underlined that a single day cannot be wasted towards enabling the right for children to be educated. This education must be inclusive and with quality he added. Shri Sibal emphasized the three principles of access, equity and excellence which will not be compromised while implementing the educational reform agenda.


The Minister said that he was already aware of the interim report of the Yashpal Committee and that he was committed to implement the recommendations of the National Knowledge Commission and the Yashpal Committee which would be pivotal towards the reforms in the educational sector in the country.


Shri Sibal said that the Ministry of Human Resource Development would like to place on record deep appreciation for the document which is a road map for the education for the future in the country. He said that the Yashpal Committee has done extensive dialogue with all stakeholders, and it will thus, be acceptable to the nation.


MV/Hb  /spandey





Press Information Bureau

Government of India


Handique calls upon cooperation of North Eastern Chief Ministers for economic and social development of the region


New Delhi : June 24, 2009


The Union Minister of Mines and Development of North-East Region,DONER, Shri Bijoy Krishna Handique has called upon the cooperation of all the Chief Minister for the rapid economic and meaningful social development of the north-eastern States. He said this while delivering the inaugural address at the Meeting of Chief Ministers of North East States in Shillong today.


On the occasion, he also reiterated his Ministry's commitment for the development of the region. He said that the Agenda of Development would not be possible without cooperation and involvement of the State Governments. Thus, it would be a coordinated activity for welfare of the Region.


He said that under the capable leadership of the Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh, and the stewardship of UPA Chairperson, Smt. Sonia Gandhi, Ministry of DONER has also set itself a 100 days agenda for further toning up the functioning of the Ministry by the end of August 2009. This includes:


(a) Simplification of guidelines for implementation of NLCPR.


(b) Initiate steps to increase connectivity to and within NE Region within the broad road maps given in NE vision 2020.


(c) Selection of projects and finalization of DPRs for all NE States out of Rs. 500 crores announced by the Finance Minister in his budget speech during 2008-09 to give a jump-start to the development process.


(d) Implementing North-Eastern Rural Livelihood Project funded by the World Bank and associating revamped Ministry's PSUs, NEHHDC and NERAMAC to provide linkages to the economic activities generated through the project.


(e) Expansion of North East Region Community Resource Management Project (NERCORMP) to cover more villages.


(f) Other activities including continued efforts of Look East Policy, more equitable role for NEDFI in all NE States.


Shri Handique urged all the Chief Ministers of the region to join hands together to follow time bound approach in completing the projects. On this account, this Ministry, NEC and the State Governments have to work in closest possible coordination.


NSK/DBM /spandey





PIB Kolkata

Palash Biswas
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