Friday, June 26, 2009

Re: (invites) Documentation Specialist/Assistant at CDD Office in Bangalore

 gostokanan, sodepur, kolkata-700110 phone:033-25659551

From: OpenSpace <>
Sent: Friday, 26 June, 2009 4:21:21
Subject: (invites) Documentation Specialist/Assistant at CDD Office in Bangalore

Position: Documentation Specialist/Assistan t at CDD Office in Bangalore 

CDD Society Bangalore

    The Consortium for DEWATS Dissemination (CDD) Society is a non-governmental organization registered in Bangalore, India. DEWATS stands for decentralized waste water treatment systems and is promoted through a network approach of 20 like-minded organizations seeking to improve the social, economic and environmental conditions of the less privileged, disadvantaged and marginalized sections of the Indian society through the provision of decentralized basic need services (DBNS). Beside DEWATS, CDD is also involved in community based sanitation, decentralized solid waste management, city wide planning of DBNS as well as decentralized water and energy supply. 


    Persons with an academic degree/diploma or experiential learning experience in Journalism, Documentation or related areas. Persons with other qualifications but with adequate experience in documentation may also be eligible.

Job description

    The Documentation Specialist is expected to collate and edit text, improve upon documentation done by subject matter specialist or alternatively document experiences, case studies and processes for preparation of CDD publicity material and website.

    Specialist subjects and work areas revolve around decentralised, on-site alternatives for waste water management, community- and institution- based sanitation, solid waste management, health and hygiene promotion and establishing eco-friendly water supply and renewable energy options. Overarching goals (and hence, topics) are poverty alleviation and urban development.

Typical Documentation work activities at CDD Society Secretariat

    1. Documentation Unit

   Based on the material / content / ideas provided by CDD

    Producing concise and accurate text / documents related to the CDD topics and style.

  • Searching, Identifying and studying/evaluating processes and case histories of CDD work and that of its partners for suitability to be published as lessons learned, case studies and so on
  • Compiling and writing short press releases, media briefs (for special events / website)
  • Establishing a strategy for releases to the press at CDD, establishing contacts with the press and maintaining them
  • Writing longer feature articles for submission to magazines and concept notes for international conferences, seminars and workshops (abstracts)
  • Writing policy papers for decision makers
  • Support in developing website (text, graphs), collaboration with web designer
  • Creating and uploading news content/updates for website.
  • Some multi-tasking may be involved such as coordination with graphic designers, printers, web designers, coordination with other CDD units.
  • Collecting and preparing content for news on Homepage (BORDA and CDD homepage)
  • Collecting and preparing and content for newsletter
  • Collecting and preparing content for other PR material like brochures, handouts, fact sheet
    1. Capacity Building and Training Unit
  • Supporting the Training Unit at CDD in the preparation and development of content of training material 

    The inputs provided to the Documentation Unit will come with instructions that will help define the output; Language correctness to be checked; Style for all documents to be maintained  

   (c)   Other work

    If and when required, any other additional writing work, should be taken up,  


  • Substantial writing experience,
  • Good knowledge of development issues such as sanitation, water, hygiene
  • Experience of team work and meeting deadlines
  • Confident in communication
  • Knowledge of the non-profit, social development non-governmental sector
  • Skills in editing, illustration and layout
  • Fluency in reading, written and oral skills in English; additionally, similar knowledge and skills in one or more of local languages, Kannada, Hindi, Tamil, Marathi

Contact / send CV and motivaton letter to:

CDD Office / Consortium for DEWATS Dissemination Society

No. 621, 5th Main Rd., OMBR Layout

Banaswadi Post, Bangalore 43

Contact person: Joe D'Sourza or Anke Schuermann

Bangalore@cddindia. org or anke.s@cddindia. org

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