Friday, June 26, 2009

Re: [GovRant] Digest Number 3237

 gostokanan, sodepur, kolkata-700110 phone:033-25659551

From: "" <>
Sent: Friday, 26 June, 2009 18:33:28
Subject: [GovRant] Digest Number 3237

Messages In This Digest (5 Messages)



Viewpoint - Myths And Lies

Posted by: "Scott Peden"   scotpeden

Thu Jun 25, 2009 7:33 pm (PDT)

"Exploring The Powerful Issues & Emotions of The Middle East"
Reaching out to 51,228 Viewpoint readers around the globe
scotpeden@cruzio. com

Editor's Note:

Today we have an article by a contributor who originally
founded Viewpoint. This is his first political essay in
more than two years and we hope you read this with interest
and share it with friends and family.

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Video Clip Of The Week

The New Pearl Harbor

Professor David Griffin convincingly discusses how the
towers were brought down through explosions in 30 foot
sections, convenient for transporting.

View: <a href=" http://www.evtv1. com/player. aspx?itemnum= 2536 ">
The New Pearl Harbor</a>

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

Myths And Lies - by Jaffer Ali

Knowing things with metaphysical certainty when most
of the world is operating under carefully constructed
myths is painful. Why? Knowing things that others do not
fosters a sense of existential loneliness and makes polite
conversation about many important things all but impossible.

Let's take the story that is being shoved down our throats
by almost all media sources now; the Iranian election
"fraud" and subsequent unrest. The news is augmented by
proclamations from Obama, France's Sarkozy, Germany's
Merkel, and just about every politician in the UK. Oh, I
forgot to mention the US Congress voting 404 to 1 support-
ing the protesters.

We are being told that the elections were rigged, even
though western pollsters all had Ahmadinejad ahead by a
2 to 1 margin on election's eve. This matters not to our
government which continues to place politicians in press
conferences dutifully covered by a pliant press corps.

The meme proliferating is that Americans must stand with
the Iranian people to spread democracy. We have heard this
clarion call for democracy since 1916 when Woodrow Wilson
wanted to make the world safe for its flowering.

We heard the call again many times after 2000 when GW Bush
convinced conservatives that spreading democracy was
essential for keeping America safe. But there is a huge
problem that most people just flat out miss.

Democracy has never... I REPEAT NEVER been a real principle
animating our foreign policy. You see principles cannot be
selectively applied and still remain principles. Selective-
ly applied principles become rationalizations for policy.
A brief overview is in order to prove the democracy myth's
selective application.

Wilson's proclamations of democracy after WW I exempted
the Middle East from the fruits of its principles. Monarchs
were installed from one end of the Middle East to the
other. Europe, the UK and the United States helped to
install these oil monarchs. After WW II, liberation
movements to free former colonies were supported by various
governments. .. of course the notable exceptions again were
the kingdoms in the Middle East which sat upon those huge
oil reserves.

Fast forward to 1953 in Iran. The US sent in the CIA to
overthrow the democratically elected Mussadiq and the Shah
was reinstalled. The Shah was of course a monarch and
dictator of the highest order. Here, the principle of
democracy actively overthrown, by our government.

Algerian Islamists won elections and the military coup that
followed was supported by the US. Democracy overthrown and
only just supported by our government.

In Pakistan, the democratically elected President was over-
thrown in a coup by General Musharraf. Democracy once again
overthrown and not only supported by the United States, but
funded with billions of dollars in aid.

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

Egypt's President Mubarrak, a brutal dictator throws his
political opposition in jail routinely. His anti-democratic
record is manifest, yet he remains at the top of the list
in US aid and support. Democracy advocates jailed by our
puppet with not a word of support for democracy.

In 1990, the US made war against Iraq to roll back their
attack on another anti-democratic regime; Kuwait. After
winning the war, instead of supporting democracy, our
government reinstalled the monarchy. Democracy? Nakedly
absent here to any willing to look past the delusional
media reporting.

In Palestinian territories, the US insisted on HAMAS
participation in elections because polls showed that US
supported FATEH would win. HAMAS won in a surprise outcome
in closely monitored elections. What did our government do
after the election? Refuse to accept the democratic will
of the people and refuse to deal with the DEMOCRATICALLY

Did I mention the fact that Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi,
Dubai, and the rest of the oil emirates have little to
no democratic processes? No matter, they have oil and
oil trumps principles any time.

And now, our government feigns another interest in
democracy. This time it is Iran that is the target of our
hypocrisy. It is not hyperbole to suggest that selectively
applied principles must inevitably lead to hypocrisy. And
there is so much that only a concerted propaganda effort
can hide the reality from the public.

Politicians, the media and pundits are unanimous in saying
the election was rigged. They also promote the idea that
the demonstrations are spontaneous. They ignore evidence of
CIA tampering, reportedly giving $400 million to dissident

<a href="
http://www.daily. pk/world/ middle-east/ 10469-cia- has-distributed- 400-million-
dollars-inside- iran-to-evoke- a-revolution- .html ">
CIA has Distributed 400 Million Dollars Inside Iran to Evoke a
Revolution</ a>

Plus the US has supported Jundallah, a thuggish, drug
peddling anti-Ahmadinejad group based in Pakistan. Once
again to subvert the true, democratic will of the Iranian
people. Yet the media continue to suggest that we must
support democracy. Who can be against democracy? It is
like being against apple pie. The media is well paid for
their aggressive promotion of hypocrisy.

We will leave it for another day to determine whether
media pundits are stupid and ignorant of democratic
principles selectivity applied. But from this point
forward, when you hear any politician use lofty ideals
of democracy for the foundation of policy, please hold
them to those principles across the board. You will soon
find out that their rhetoric falls far short of meaningful

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
Jaffer Ali writes on media, ethics and politics.
He wrote Palestine:A Chronicle of Passion and Politics
and Corporate Soul.
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

Check out Political Videos on the Net at
<a href=" http://www.evtv1. com/Politics. aspx ">Political Videos</a>

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -

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FBI report: Hussein 'would have sought security agreement' with US 2

Posted by: "CLG News"   clg_news

Thu Jun 25, 2009 8:21 pm (PDT)

*Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government*
25 June 2009
*http://www.legitgov .org/* <http://www.legitgov .org/>
All items are here:
*http://www.legitgov .org/#breaking_ news*<http://www.legitgov .org/#breaking_ news>

*FBI report: Saddam Hussein 'would have sought security agreement'
with US*<http://www.nydailyn us_world/ 2009/06/24/ 2009-06-24_ former_iraqi_ leader_saddam_ hussein_feared_ iran_more_ than_us_secret_ fbi_files_ sho.html>
* --Iraq leader 'would have cut a deal' with Bush* 24 Jun 2009 Saddam
Hussein feared Iran's arsenal more than a U.S. attack, and even considered
asking ex-President [sic] George W. Bush "to protect" Iraq from its
neighbor, once secret FBI files show... Asked how he would have faced
"fanatic" Iranian ayatollahs if Iraq had been proven toothless by UN weapons
inspectors in 2003, Iraq's ex-president said he would have cut a deal with
Bush. "Hussein replied Iraq would have been extremely vulnerable to attack
from Iran and would have sought a security agreement with the U.S. to
protect it from threats in the region," according to a 2004 FBI report among
the declassified files. Without Bush's help, "Iraq would have done what was
necessary," he told FBI Agent George Piro in his Baghdad International
Airport cell. [*Right, but there was the matter of the *oil.** See: Iraqi
officials plan welcome-back party for Big
Oil<http://online. SB12457955398664 3975.html>25 Jun

*Iraq opens fields; Exxon, Shell seek
foothold<http://businessmirr home/world/ 12333-iraq- opens-fields- exxon-shell- seek-foothold. html>
* 26 June 2009 Iraq is set to welcome back foreign oil companies into the
war-torn nation to develop the world's third-largest crude reserves three
decades after expelling them. Eight of the world's top 10 nonstate oil
producers, including Exxon Mobil Corp. and Royal Dutch Shell Plc, are vying
for the right to help Iraq develop six oilfields and two natural-gas
deposits. More than 30 companies in total are bidding for $16 billion worth
of technical service contracts for producing fields that will be awarded in
Baghdad on June 29 and 30. *"Iraq is the big prize in the region,"* said
Raja Kiwan, a Dubai-based analyst at consultants PFC Energy.

*Iraq oilfields offered for long-term
contracts<http://www.reuters. com/article/ worldNews/ idUSTRE55O47G200 90625>
* 25 Jun 2009 Following are the Iraqi oilfields on offer for long-term
development contracts in the first bidding round since the U.S.-led invasion
of the country in 2003. The reserves the fields hold are larger than those
of the United States and Britain combined, according to the following data
from consultancy Wood Mackenzie. Over 43 billion barrels of Iraq's 115
billion barrels of reserves lie in the fields.

*US reneges on Iraq withdrawal
promises<http://www.presstv. ir/detail. aspx?id=99036& sectionid= 3510203>
* 25 Jun 2009 The United States retracts its initial promise of commitment
to withdrawing its troops from Iraqi cities by the end of the month of June.
On Wednesday, a spokesman for the US military in Iraq, Brigadier General
Steve Lanza, said a number of the country's troops are to remain in the
urban areas after the June 30 deadline, Reuters reported.

*US behind recent blasts in Iraq, says
Sadr*<http://www.presstv. ir/detail. aspx?id=99007& sectionid= 351020201>25
Jun 2009 Senior Iraqi cleric Moqtada al-Sadr has accused "the occupier
forces" of being behind the recent escalated violence in the war-torn
country. Sadr called the Saturday blast in Taza, south of the northern oil
hub of Kirkuk, as a "terrorist attack carried out by the Americans", Mehr
News reported on Thursday.

*Fresh Iraq bombing kills 7, injures 31
people<http://www.gulfnews .com/region/ Iraq/10326037. html>
* 25 Jun 2009 Police on Thursday said a bomb has killed seven people and
wounded 31 others at a bus station in a Shiite neighborhood in southwest
Baghdad. Police said another three bombs and a mortar have killed another
two people around the capital.

*Stop drone attacks on Pakistan
soil<http://www.presstv. ir/detail. aspx?id=99063& sectionid= 351020401>
* 25 Jun 2009 Islamabad once again loudly disapproves of US drone attacks on
Pakistan's soil after attacks in the northwest of the country killed at
least 80 people. Washington must stop drone attacks on Pakistan's soil,
Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani told US President Barack Obama's
top Security Adviser General James Jones, who is on a two-day visit to

*US drone strike kills 80
Pakistanis<http://www.wsws. org/articles/ 2009/jun2009/ paki-j25. shtml>
* By Tom Eley 25 Jun 2009 On Tuesday, an unmanned US Predator drone fired
missiles into a funeral procession in the Pakistani region of South
Waziristan, killing as many as 80 people and maiming dozens more. It was the
deadliest US attack within Pakistan to date. The mourners had gathered for
the funeral of seven victims of another US drone attack that had taken place
earlier the same day.

*Soldiers, two dozen militants killed in
Afghanistan< com/hostednews/ afp/article/ ALeqM5iAN- FraNe91uN41jRm5- tuHNPmww>--Deaths
come as US deploys 21,000 extra troops to war-torn nation
*25 Jun 2009 Troops killed at least two dozen militants in the run up to
August elections in Afghanistan as separate 'insurgent' bomb attacks killed
an Afghan and a NATO soldier, authorities said Thursday. The NATO soldier
died in a bomb blast in eastern Afghanistan, the alliance's International
Security Assistance Force said in a statement.

*America winds down poppy eradication
program<http://www.brisbane au/world/ america-winds- down-poppy- eradication- program-20090625 -cy84.html>
* 26 Jun 2009 The United States is winding down efforts to destroy poppies
in Afghanistan, blaming its zealous approach for pushing peasants towards
the Taliban. Richard Holbrooke, the special envoy for Afghanistan and
Pakistan, said on Wednesday that President Barack Obama's Administration was
making "significant adjustments" from the previous administration to try to
root out Islamist extremism. "We are downgrading our efforts to eradicate
crops … a policy we think is totally ineffectual, " Mr Holbrooke testified
before Congress.

*Heads up! U.S. foreign policy veteran Ross moves to White
House<http://in.reuters. com/article/ worldNews/ idINIndia- 40612620090625>Dennis
Ross will become a special assistant to the president and an NSC
senior director with overall responsibility for a region that includes the
Middle East, the Gulf, Afghanistan, Pakistan and South Asia*. 26 Jun 2009
Foreign policy veteran Dennis Ross, who has been the Obama administration' s
pointman on Iran, has a new job -- to oversee policy in several of the
world's hot spots, the White House said on Thursday. After only a few months
as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's "Iran czar," Ross is moving to the
White House.

*Iran denies penalizing players over green
bands<http://www.presstv. ir/detail. aspx?id=99008& sectionid= 3510211>
* 25 Jun 2009 Head of the Iranian parliament's Sports Committee rejects
reports of a ban on four Iranian football players for wearing green wrist
bands in the Iran-South Korea match. "No player has been banned and
basically Parliament is not authorized to impose such a ban," Jalal
Yahya-zade said on Thursday.

*Records: UK considered chemical attack on
Tokyo*<http://www.presstv. com/detail. aspx?id=99069& sectionid= 351020601>
* --Records revealed clear proposals to use gas on civilians* 25 Jun 2009
Britain considered attacking Tokyo with chemical weapons almost a year
before the US nuclear bombardments in World War II, declassified records
reveal. The records at the National Archives, which have remained hidden
from public view for 65 years, revealed clear proposals to use gas on
civilians in 1944. Although the plan was never put into operation, a
detailed memorandum laid out measures to ensure any attack would have the
most devastating impact possible.

*House passes $44B Homeland Security spending
bill< feedarticle/ 8575602>
* 25 Jun 2009 The House passed a $44 billion spending bill Wednesday that
awards the Homeland Security Department a 7 percent budget increase, with
money for more border patrol agents and for 'anti-piracy' efforts off the
coast of Somalia. The House bill passed by a 389-37 vote.

*NYPD to get another $10M to help city protect itself against dirty
bombs<http://www.nydailyn ny_crime/ 2009/06/25/ 2009-06-25_ nypd_to_get_ another_10m_ to_help_city_ protect_itself_ against_dirty_ bombs.html>
* 25 Jun 2009 The NYPD will get at least $10 million for a program to
protect the city from dirty bombs, authorities said Thursday. The "Securing
the Cities" program to pay for radiological detectors had been scrapped for
the coming year. But Reps. Peter King (R-Sociopath- L.I.) and Yvette Clarke
(D-Brooklyn) and Sen. Charles Schumer got $10 million - and possibly as much
as $40 million - restored. In addition, Schumer got permission for the NYPD
to hire 128 cops for precincts with federal homeland security stimulus
money. The funds were supposed to be used to fill counter-terrorism posts -
but Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said rookies shouldn't be in the jobs.

*Pentagon approves creation of cyber
command<http://www.alertnet .org/thenews/ newsdesk/ N2388687. htm>
* 23 Jun 2009 The Pentagon will create a Cyber Command to oversee the U.S.
military's efforts to protect its computer networks and operate in
cyberspace, under an order signed by Defense Secretary Robert Gates on
Tuesday. The new headquarters, likely to be based at Fort Meade, Maryland,
will be responsible for defending U.S. military systems but not other U.S.
government or private networks, Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said. Asked
if the command would be capable of offensive operations as well as
protecting the Department of Defense, Whitman declined to answer directly.

*Supreme Court Says Child's Rights Violated by Strip
Search<http://www.nytimes. com/2009/ 06/26/us/ politics/ 26scotus. html>
* --But if the student had been suspected of having illegal drugs that could
have posed a far greater danger to herself and other students, the strip
search might have been justified, the majority said. 26 Jun 2009 In a ruling
of interest to educators, parents and students across the country, the
Supreme Court ruled, 8 to 1, on Thursday that the strip search of a
13-year-old Arizona girl by school officials who were looking for
prescription- strength drugs violated her constitutional rights. The
officials in Safford, Ariz., would have been justified in 2003 had they
limited their search to the backpack and outer clothing of Savana Redding,
who was in the eighth grade at the time, the court ruled. [*Needless to say,
GOPedophile Clarence Thomas thinks it's a good idea to strip
thirteen-year- olds.*]

*Radio Host Is Arrested in Threats on 3
Judges<http://www.nytimes. com/2009/ 06/25/us/ 25threat. html>
* 25 Jun 2009 An Internet radio host known for his incendiary views was
arrested Wednesday in North Bergen, N.J., after federal officials charged
that his angry postings about a gun case in Chicago amounted to death
threats against three judges. In a case that tests the limits of free
speech, the Justice Department charged that the radio host, Hal Turner, had
crossed the line into hate speech. "Let me be the first to say this plainly:
These judges deserve to be killed," Mr. Turner wrote in a blog entry on June

*Neo-Nazi Threatmaker Accused of Working for
FBI<http://www.splcente 2008/01/11/ neo-nazi- threatmaker- accused-of- working-for- fbi/>
* 11 Jan 2008 New Jersey radio host Hal Turner is well known as one of the
most vicious neo-Nazis in America, a man who routinely suggests killing his
enemies... On Jan. 1, unidentified hackers electronically confronted Turner
in the forum of his website for "The Hal Turner Show." After a heated
exchange, they told Turner that they had successfully hacked into his
E-mails and found correspondence with an FBI agent who is apparently
Turner's handler. Then they posted an alleged July 7 E-mail to the agent in
which Turner hands over a message from someone who sent in a death threat
against Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wisc.). "Once again," Turner writes to his
handler, "my fierce rhetoric has served to flush out a possible crazy." In
what is allegedly a portion of another E-mail, Turner discusses the money he
is paid.

*Satire: Larry Craig: I Did Not Meet Governor Sanford In Buenos
Aires<http://www.legitgov .org/shulman_ craig_not_ meet_sanford_ 250609.html>
* By R J Shulman 25 Jun 2009 Idaho Senator Larry Craig is denying rumors
that he was the object of Governor Mark Sanford's affections in Argentina.
The South Carolina governor admitted today that he has had a yearlong affair
with a woman in Argentina. South Carolina's largest newspaper, The State,
published <http://www.thestate .com/803/ story/839350. html> alleged e-mail
exchanges between Governor Sanford and the woman named Maria. *"I love my
wife, I am not gay, and I abhor the bathrooms at that Buenos Aires Airport,"
* Craig told reporters in Boise today after the news broke that he may be
romantically involved with Sanford. "While I sometimes I go by the name of
Maria," Craig said. *"I am not his Maria."* (Satire)

*Governor Mark Sanford under pressure to quit over
affair<http://www.telegrap worldnews/ northamerica/ usa/5639845/ Governor- Mark-Sanford- under-pressure- to-quit-over- affair.html>
*--A prominent Republican governor is under pressure to resign after a
tearful press conference in which he confessed to flying secretly to Buenos
Aires to spend a week with his Argentine mistress. 25 Jun 2009 Governor Mark
Sanford, 49, a conservative former congressman viewed as a strong contender
for the White House in 2012, had disappeared from his state of South
Carolina, telling aides he was going hiking in the Appalachian mountains.
Instead, the married father of four was 5,000 miles away in Argentina with a
glamorous divorcee named by local newspapers as Maria Belen Chapur, 43, said
to be a commodities trader with Bunge and Born, a grain trading corporation.

*Calls Begin in S.C. for Embattled Governor's
Resignation<http://www.washingt wp-dyn/content/ article/2009/ 06/25/AR20090625 02013.html>
* 25 Jun 2009 A day after South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford bared his soul
and admitted to having had an extra-marital affair with a woman he secretly
visited in Argentina, some lawmakers here have begun calling on the two-term
Republican governor to resign... Some questions still linger over the
Capitol, such as whether Sanford used taxpayer dollars or state equipment
during his trysts in Argentina or whether he followed protocol when he left
the country last week.

*E-mails between Sanford,
woman<http://www.thestate .com/803/ story/839350. html>--Sanford-Maria
e-mails shed light on governor's affair
* 25 Jun 2009 E-mails, obtained by The State newspaper in December, between
Gov. Mark Sanford (R) and Maria, a woman in Buenos Aires, Argentina. At the
time, efforts to authenticate the e-mails were unsuccessful. However,
Sanford's office Wednesday did not dispute their authenticity. The State has
removed the woman's full name and other personal details, including her
street address, e-mail address and children's names.

*Boycott Kira Plastinina! **Kira Plastinina, Take 2: Robertson Boulevard
Shop Set to Reopen
Today*<http://la.racked. com/archives/ 2009/06/18/ kira_plastinina_ take_2_robertson _boulevard_ shop_set_ to_reopen_ today.php>18
Jun 2009 Not even bankruptcy can keep Kira Plastinina from her
dream -- the 17-year-old Russian designer, who infamously opened 12 US
stores in quick succession last year, then closed them all seven months
later, [*burning all the workers by not paying
them<http://www.legitgov .org/kira_ plastinina_ action_101208. html>
*] is reopening two of her locations in LA. [See CLG's *Russian Venture
Capitalist Costs Workers Jobs and Income During Economic
Meltdown<http://www.legitgov .org/kira_ plastinina_ article_101208. html>
* 10 Dec 2009 *Russian billionaire Sergei A. Plastinin has served himself a
self-styled economic bailout by leaving the US with unpaid bills owed to
construction firms and workers *in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and
Pennsylvania, says Robert Carlton of TRC, Inc. in Harmony, Pennsylvania. ]

*Bank of America sued for gender bias over
bonuses<http://www.reuters. com/article/ domesticNews/ idUSTRE55O5AT200 90625>
* 25 Jun 2009 Bank of America Corp was accused in a Manhattan federal
lawsuit of discriminating against female brokers at the former Merrill Lynch
& Co by offering them lower retention bonuses than male counterparts.
Thursday's lawsuit seeks class-action status, and contends that female
brokers were typically eligible for lower bonuses because of gender bias at
Merrill, including the brokerage's practice of steering wealthier clients to
male brokers.

*Record bonuses at bailed-out US
banks*<http://www.wsws. org/articles/ 2009/jun2009/ bonu-j25. shtml>By
Andre Damon 25 Jun 2009 Executives at Goldman Sachs were told last
that they could expect to receive their highest ever bonuses this year,
according to an article published Sunday in London's Observer newspaper. The
first half of this year has seen a spectacular rebound for Goldman, and the
company's London staff were told they would receive corresponding
end-of-year bonuses if, as expected, the bank sets a new profit record.

*Legionnaires' Bacteria Found At Michigan
Station<http://www.officer. com/web/online/ Top-News- Stories/Legionna ires-Bacteria- Found-At- Michigan- Station/1$ 47223>
* 25 Jun 2009 Water was shut off Monday at the Madison Heights Police
Department, after tests found bacteria that causes Legionnaires' disease in
the building's water supply. The tests were ordered after more than 20
officers started getting sick in late May. One officer, Ryan Settlemoir,
later died in the hospital. At first doctors suspected Settlemoir died of
Legionnaires' disease, but now they believe the H1N1 virus is to blame for
the officer's death.

*H1N1 'swine' flu has infected an estimated 1 million in
U.S.<http://www.latimes. com/news/ science/la- sci-swineflu26- 2009jun26, 0,7526407. story>--Sanofi-Aventis
announces large-scale production of [deadly] vaccine
*. 25 Jun 2009 At least 1 million Americans have now contracted the novel
H1N1 influenza [Baxter Bug], according to mathematical models prepared by
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, while data from the field
indicates that *the virus is continuing to spread even though the normal flu
season is over* and that an increasing proportion of victims are being
hospitalized. Meanwhile, the virus is continuing its rapid spread through
the Southern Hemisphere, infecting increasing numbers of people and at least
one pig.

*Journalist Files Charges against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to
Commit Mass Murder<http://www.naturaln pandemic_ swine_flu_ bioterrorism. html>
* By Barbara Minton 25 Jun 2009 As the anticipated July release date for
Baxter's A/H1N1 flu pandemic vaccine approaches, an Austrian investigative
journalist is warning the world that the greatest crime in the history of
humanity is underway. Jane Burgermeister has recently filed criminal charges
with the FBI against the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations
(UN), and several of the highest ranking government and corporate officials
concerning bioterrorism and attempts to commit mass murder. [See: Baxter
working on vaccine to stop swine flu, though admitted sending live pandemic
flu viruses to subcontractor<http://www.legitgov .org/baxter_ flu_vaccine_ 260409.html>26
Apr 2009.]

*Russian Arctic reserve may save polar bears from extinction -
WWF<http://en.rian. ru/Environment/ 20090615/ 155256430. html>
* 15 Jun 2009 The creation of the Russian Arctic nature reserve could
compensate for the damage to the dwindling polar bear population from global
warming, the director of WWF-Russia said on Monday. Russian Prime Minister
Vladimir Putin signed a decree on establishing the nature reserve on the
Novaya Zemlya archipelago, in the Arctic Ocean, earlier on Monday. The
reserve is expected to cover an area of more than 8 million hectares.
*CLG needs your support.
**http://www.legitgov .org/donate. html* <http://www.legitgov .org/donate. html>
Or, please mail a check or money order to CLG:
Citizens for Legitimate Government (CLG)
P.O. Box 1142
Bristol, CT 06011-1142
Contributions to CLG are not tax deductible

Previous lead stories: *Saudi royals funded 9/11:
Lawyers<http://www.presstv. ir/detail. aspx?id=98952& sectionid= 3510203>
* 24 Jun 2009 Lawyers representing the families of the 9/11 victims, expose
evidence allegedly proving the Saudi royal family's financial support for
al-Qaeda [al-CIAduh]. The lawyers provided *The New York Times* with
excerpts of the material they had amassed by putting together the pieces
from leaking American intelligence documents among other things, the daily
reported <http://www.nytimes. com/2009/ 06/24/world/ middleeast/ 24saudi.html>on
Tuesday. The evidence recounts how the Saudi royalty would use
and financial supply routes to bankroll militants based in Afghanistan and
Bosnia. *The family, which had strong ties with the Bush administration* , is
also suspected of having reinforced the militancy otherwise and enlisted
militant agents using intermediaries including the Saudi High Commission for
Aid to Bosnia.

*AVI BioPharma gets Defense Dept. swine flu
pact<http://www.forbes. com/feeds/ ap/2009/06/ 22/ap6569873. html>
* 22 Jun 2009 AVI BioPharma Inc. says it will receive up to $5.1 million
under a contract with the U.S. government to develop swine flu drugs. AVI
disclosed May 5 that it entered into the contract with the U.S. Defense
Threat Reduction Agency, a section of the Department of Defense that focuses
on chemical, biological, nuclear and other weapons.

*S.C. Governor Admits Own Stimulus In Buenos Aires **Gov. Sanford Admits
Affair and Explains
Disappearance<http://www.nytimes. com/2009/ 06/25/us/ 25sanford. html>
* 24 Jun 2009 Mark Sanford, the governor of South Carolina, apologized in a
rambling news conference on Wednesday for having an extra-marital affair
with a woman in Argentina, ending a mystery over his week-long disappearance
that had infuriated lawmakers and seemed to put his rising political career
in jeopardy. Governor Sanford admitted he had been in Buenos Aires,
Argentina, since Thursday, not hiking on the Appalachian Trail as he told
his staff. Mr. Sanford announced on Wednesday that he was resigning his
position as chairman of the Republican Governors Association. [Flashback: Mark
Sanford Sues State Assembly to Block Stimulus
Funds<http://www.huffingt 2009/05/21/ mark-sanford- sues-state- a_n_206181. html>21
May 2009.]

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CLG Managing Editor: Lori Price. Copyright © 2009, Citizens For Legitimate
Government ® All rights reserved.

Larry Craig: I Did Not Meet Governor Sanford In Buenos Aires (Satire

Posted by: "CLG News"   clg_news

Thu Jun 25, 2009 8:29 pm (PDT)

*Larry Craig: I Did Not Meet Governor Sanford In Buenos
Aires*<http://www.legitgov .org/shulman_ craig_not_ meet_sanford_ 250609.html>
R J Shulman 25 Jun 2009 (Satire)

COLUMBIA, South Carolina - (PTSD News) - Idaho Senator Larry Craig is
denying rumors that he was the object of Governor Mark Sanford's affections
in Argentina. The South Carolina governor admitted today that he has had a
yearlong affair with a woman in Argentina. South Carolina's largest
newspaper, The State,
published<http://www.thestate .com/803/ story/839350. html>alleged e-mail
exchanges between Governor Sanford and the woman named Maria.
"I love my wife, I am not gay, and I abhor the bathrooms at that Buenos
Aires Airport," Craig told reporters in Boise today after the news broke
that he may be romantically involved with Sanford. "While I sometimes I go
by the name of Maria," Craig said. "I am not his Maria."

Governor Sanford admitted in a news conference that he had escaped to
Argentina to participate in an extramarital affair over Father's Day
weekend, abandoning his wife and four children. "I thought it was strange
that Sanford admitted an affair with a mysterious woman so quickly," said
political analyst Frank Billious, "the fact that this so-called woman has
not surfaced adds to the suspicion that Sanford has not come clean. Now, if
he claimed he went to Argentina to meet with some old Nazis who had escaped
there from Germany, I would believe that of a Republican -- but not that he
was meeting a woman."

The Post Times Sun Dispatch has obtained flight records from Aerolineas
Argentinas and discovered that a Maria L. Craig flew from Minneapolis to
Buenos Aires on the same day Governor Sanford left South Carolina for South
America. Adding to the rumor that Craig is involved with Sanford is the word
of Raul Talamante, a washroom attendant at the Buenos Aires Airport who
claims to have seen Craig and Sanford emerge from a bathroom stall. "There
was some mighty tapping going on in there," Talamante said, "I thought the
pipes were going to explode."

If Governor Sanford is telling the truth, he will be only the second
Republican politician of the many who have been unfaithful to their wives to
have had an affair with someone of the opposite sex.

"There may be some hope for the GOP," said RNC Chairman Michael Steele, "in
that we may have finally purged the party of homosexuals. "

http://www.legitgov .org/shulman_ craig_not_ meet_sanford_ 250609.html

<http://www.legitgov .org/shulman_ fox_obama_ not_president_ 230109.html><http://www.legitgov .org/shulman_ prejean_to_ run_as_gop_ vp_130509. html><http://www.legitgov .org/shulman_ cheney_regret_ 170109.html>
Lori R. Price
Managing Editor
Citizens For Legitimate Government
http://www.legitgov .org/

You can follow at http://twitter. com/Lori_ Price_CLG
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The "Pat Roberts Intelligence Scholars Program" - not a joke

Posted by: "Kathy Leonard-Bushman"   sassykathy46

Fri Jun 26, 2009 12:10 am (PDT)

I found this on the Question Everything blog:
http://qwstnevrythg .com/2009/ 06/spies- in-the-classroom /
Spies In the Classroom: The Government Is Running a Secretive Intelligence
Recruitment Program in Schools

AlterNet<http://www.alternet .org/story/ 140872/spies_ in_the_classroom :_the_government _is_running_ a_secretive_ intelligence_ recruitment_ program_in_ schools/? page=entire>
David Price, CounterPunch. Posted June 24, 2009.

*The "Pat Roberts Intelligence Scholars Program" may become a permanent
budget item, making universities unwitting agents of state intelligence. *

As the continuities and disjunctures between the Bush and Obama
administrations come into focus it becomes increasingly clear that while
Obama's domestic agenda has some identifiable breaks with Bush's, at its
core, the new administration remains committed to staying the course of
American militarization. Now we have an articulate, nuanced president who
supports elements of progressive domestic policies, can even comfortably say
the phrase LGBT in public speeches, while funding military programs at
alarming levels and continuing the Bush administration' s military and
intelligence invasion of what used to be civilian life.

The latest manifestation of this continuity came last week when Dennis C.
Blair, Director of National Intelligence, announced plans to transform the
Pat Roberts Intelligence Scholars Program (PRISP) from a pilot project into
a permanent budget item. Blair also announced plans to establish a "Reserve
Officers' Training Corps" to train unidentified future intelligence officers
in US college classrooms. Like students receiving PRISP funds, the
identities of students participating in these programs would not be known to
professors, university administrators or fellow students — in effect, these
future intelligence analysts and agents would conduct their first covert
missions in our university classrooms.

Four years ago I wrote a series of CounterPunch exposés on the Pat Roberts
Intelligence Scholars Program (PRISP), then a pilot project funded under
section 318 of the 2004 Intelligence Authorization Act. PRISP links
undergraduate and graduate students with US security and intelligence
agencies like the NSA or CIA, and unannounced to universities, professors or
fellow-students, PRISP-students enter American university campuses,
classrooms, laboratories and professor's offices without disclosing links to
these agencies. PRISP was originally conceived by anthropologist Felix Moos,
long a proponent of using anthropological knowledge in waging of
counterinsurgency campaigns — an area of growing interest to the Obama
administration as it prepares for prolonged soft power counterinsurgency
campaigns in Afghanistan.

It seems likely that many of the affected disciplines will offer little
resistance and some may quickly warm to announcements of any new funding
stream. Traditionally, the disciplines of political science, history or area
specialists coming from the humanities have seldom resisted such
developments; but for disciplines like anthropology, these undisclosed
intelligence- linked programs present devastating ethical and practical
problems, as the non-discloser of funding and links to intelligence agencies
flies in the face of the basic ethical principles of the discipline. But
even without the problems for individual disciplinary ethics codes, the
presence of these undisclosed secret sharers in our classrooms betrays
fundamental trusts that lie at the core of honest academic endeavors.

While the National Intelligence Director's move to make PRISP a permanent
budget item will damage the academic freedom and integrity of American
universities, it will likely be met by the open arms of university
administrators facing crashed university endowments and dwindling budgets.
That some administrators would so easily accommodate themselves and their
institutional integrity for the promise of funds should be of little
surprise, but I fear that the combined forces of the current economic
collapse conjoined with President Obama's ability to bring a new liberal
credibility to the this warmed-over Bush era project will induce many
faculty and students to seriously consider participating in these programs.
Times are hard and as funds get scarce it will be increasingly difficult for
many to say no.

This development is just the latest installment in on ongoing efforts to
increase the militarization of American higher education. None of this
should be surprising in a nation that alone spends about 48% of the planet's
military budget. In the social sciences, these shifts away from broad
funding sources designed to create independent knowledgeable scholars, to
those now requiring indentured servitude has been a long time coming.

Back in the early 1990s when the National Security Education Program (NSEP)
was first introduced it was widely condemned by professional associations
like the Middle East Studies Association and the African Studies
Association, Latin American Studies Association for blurring the lines
between independent scholarship raised by NSEP's its requirements that
program participants later seek employment in governmental agencies. But
with the depressed economy, plummeting endowment funds at universities and
foundations, the difficult academic job market, and scarce academic funding
sources, I fear that professional associations' reactions against these
developments will be muted. As pilot programs, PRISP and the Intelligence
Community Scholars Programs made scarce funds available to students, as
traditional non-payback funding programs were being cut. Programs like PRISP
that seek to tie young scholars to agencies like CIA early in their career
as a means of bringing new ideas and skills to these agencies will fail in
meeting the claimed goal of getting these agencies to think in new ways
because such ties to institutional culture early in student-agent careers
will increase the influence of agency cultural groupthink while diminishing
the impact of academic culture. If the Obama administration really wants to
improve governmental agencies' knowledge of and approaches to the world,
they need to increase funding to a broad range of educational funding
programs that do not encumber or limit the range of knowledge in the ways
that programs like PRISP do.

This move to establish PRISP as a permanent budgetary item is the sort of
program that likely will speed through congress — which can then claim it is
both supporting education funding, and military and intelligence sectors,
with a bonus feel-good work-ethic mandate thrown-in by requiring students to
payback their funds through required future governmental service. But this
push will be done without an outside assessment of PRISP as pilot program.
PRISP needs an independent assessment of what it has accomplished —
including an assessment of the impact of the predatory penalties facing
former PRISP students who come to realize that they do not wish to fulfill
their commitments to work for these agencies upon graduation. Because of the
lack of transparency surrounding PRISP, we have little idea what is really
going on with the program. Last year I was able to identify one social
science recipient of PRISP funds who explained to me that PRISP had been
such a failure in finding social scientists to fund that PRISP had sought
out this person and provided them with funds for work that was already
underway just to spend-down the PRISP budget. Given these recent
difficulties with the program, I wonder if the current expansion of PRISP is
a supply-side effort to troll the pool of increasingly underfunded and
debt-carrying desperate young scholars with few other funding options.
Professional associations like the American Association of University
Professors, the American Psychological Association and the American
Anthropological Association need to speak out in opposition of the permanent
establishment of PRISP. PRISP risks further blurring already hazy borders
marking proper independent academic roles, and it stands to confuse academic
identities in ways that many will not even realize. Some of these processes
are reminiscent of a recurrent motif in Philip K. Dick's stories where
protagonists becomes unclear of their own agency and identity; becoming
unsure of their own histories and memories, or true political alliances — in
effect becoming undercover agents with identities unknown even to
themselves. As this new generation of programs covertly brings undeclared
and unidentifiable students into our universities they disrupt university
identities and transforms the roles all who teach, research, study and work
there in ways that they will not necessarily understand — as institutions of
higher learning further lose their independence and become unwitting agents
of state intelligence functions

IMHO, we Americans have only ONE 2 faced War Party which graciously offers
us the choice of two mediocre candidates from which to choose. We
Americans who supposedly pride ourselves on our hatred of monopolies have
allowed two parties to monopolize our political system until they've fallen
into the practice of colluding to destroy our democracy with a political
version of price fixing.

Please consider,IF at least 3 - but hopefully 5, 6 , or even 7 parties were
vigorously contending with one another, every party would be forced to
present its best possible candidate and we voters would have real viable

Manufacturing Poor People

Posted by: "Kathy Leonard-Bushman"   sassykathy46

Fri Jun 26, 2009 1:01 am (PDT)

Manufacturing Poor
People<http://www.opednews .com/articles/ Manufacturing- Poor-People- by-Vi-Ransel- 090619-262. html>
*by **Vi Ransel* <http://www.opednews .com/author/ author1702. html>* *
Even as the overall population of the world continues to increase, the
increase in the number of poor people outstrips that growth. How is this
possible? Are the poor simply fucking like rabbits, increasing their
numbers geometrically in a suicidal, lemming-like production line of
poverty-stricken people? Or are they getting some outside aid in their
catastrophic endeavor?

In just the past 50 years, the Rich People of the "First", or Western World
have invested heavily, through their banks, industries and other
corporations, in the poorest regions of the "Third" World in Africa, Asia
and Latin America, home to the majority of the world's poor. Transnational
corporations are attracted by the richness of these people's natural
resources, the richness of profits off cheap labor, the near total lack of
environmental and worker safety regulations and the non-existent benefits
for said labor.

U.S. transnationals were given a push toward this pregnant profit source,
this attractive and waiting richness, by the U.S. government, which
subsidizes (read gives taxpayers' money to) corporations in the form of tax
breaks on foreign investment and even helping them to pay their relocation
expenses at the expense of not only the taxpayers, but those taxpayers whose
jobs are outsourced by this support for global U.S. economic dominance.

Local businesses in the "Third" World are destroyed as U.S. transnationals
penetrate and overwhelm their markets like species imported to get rid of
pests which turn out to be even bigger pests themselves.
Taxpayer-subsidized cartels of transnationals dump their cheap, surplus
goods in these countries at below their own cost to undersell local
producers, thus forcing them out of business and allowing the U.S.
corporations to take over the market. (This is also Wal-Mart's favorite
technique for killing the competition in local markets right here in

In the case of Big Ag they also take over/expropriate the best pieces of
land, monocrop them with products for export, and douse them with oil-based,
chemical fertilizers and toxic pesticides, destroying the soil. Think Dust
Bowl. This leaves less land for use for those run-out-of-business farmers
and their families to produce the food to feed the local population, who,
along with the displaced farmers, are forced to go to work - for next to
nothing - on those monocropped plantations to grow food that will be shipped
out of the country or to work in American sub-contracted sweat shop
factories. This also forces them to buy what food they can afford from
these same Big Ag corporations. This is exactly the same scenario as in the
U.S., since the bulk of the U.S. population consists of dependent consumers,
unable to feed themselves, who must go to a supermarket to feed off the tit
of Big Ag.

Robbing local people of self-sufficiency creates a perfect profit-making
mechanism based on a labor market flooded with desperate people who can be
herded into a neat, ready-to-use package, labor in a box, in slums and
shanty towns which they will leave to slave for token, poverty wages - if
they can find work - which are most often in violation of their own
countries' minimum wage laws. This is thanks to the overarching authority
of Western-created "Free" Trade Agreements enforced by the World Trade
Organization in its private, unaccountable courts.

Since the U.S. is one of the few pariah nations which refuses to sign the
international convention for the abolishment of child labor and forced
labor, Wal-Mart, Disney and J.C. Penny were able to pay eleven cents - 11
CENTS!!! - an hour in Haiti in 2007. This allows these transnational
corporations, not only in the "Third" World, but here in America, to have
workers as young as 12 - TWELVE!!! - sustain high rates of fatalities and
injuries while working for less than minimum wage. Talk about your right to

The savings these transnationals - and their shareholders - are able to rack
up by exploiting and further impoverishing the people of the "Third" World
do not translate into lower prices for the consumers, e.g. people, of the
"First", or Western World. Oh no, my pretty! Transnationals don't
outsource to save their customers money. They do it to increase their
profits and their payouts to shareholders. For instance, children in
Indonesia in 1990 made shoes for thirteen cents an hour working a 12-hour
day. The shoes cost $2.60 to make. They sold in the United States for

In addition to this slick trick, any U.S. "aid" to these
transnationals- impoverished countries comes with stainless steel strings
attached. Besides the "aid" money being used to create an infrastructure -
ports, railroads, airports, highways, refineries, utilities, etc. - which
facilitates the transnationals' ability to make money at the expense of
local economies, this "aid" must most often be spent on U.S. goods, thus
enriching even more U.S. corporations.

The country receiving "aid" must also give investment preference to even
more U.S. corporations. This causes a shift away from products produced
locally and toward those imported from the West, creating more debt,
dependency and hunger. Further, a lot of this "aid" slips silently into the
silken pockets of the local ruling class to buy their complicity and even
enlist them in the enforcement of the ongoing heist.
Hand-in-hand with U.S. "aid" comes more "help" from the World Bank and the
International Monetary Fund. The financial contributions to those
organizations by countries belonging to them determines the weight of their
voting power. Since the U.S. is the largest "donor", you can just guess the
name of that tune. And, of course, the IMF (International Mother Fuckers)
works under a cloak of secrecy (to protect the confidentiality of the
donors, dontcha know) enforced by the banks and the treasury organizations
of the rich nations who run it.

The World Bank loans money to a poor country to "help" in its development,
to build up a part of its economy. "If", and almost certainly when (that's
The Plan) the poor country is unable to pay the usurious interest on the
loan becayse of declining exports (again, The Plan), the country has to
borrow more money in order to service the debt. Enter the International
Mother Fuckers.

The IMF extends more loans, with more of those stainless steel strings more
tightly bound around the victim, er, I mean, loan recipient, trussing up the
"benefiting" poor nation like a Thanksgiving turkey about to be devoured by
the West, The Rich. The country which borrows money from these Fuckers must
give tax breaks to Western transnationals. The country must slash wages and
refuse to protect local businesses from being ravaged by cheap imports and
corporate takeovers.
The country is further strong-armed to sell, at fire sale prices, all its
government-owned mines, its railroads, industries and utilities to
privately-owned, mostly-foreign corporations. The country must allow its
forests to be clearcut and its land to be strip-mined. Money for education,
healthcare, food assistance and the transportation infrastructure must be
sheared back to service the debt. And the interest on the debt, through the
wondrously magical Western miracle of compound interest, keeps growing and
growing and growing and growing and on and on and on and on... And all the
while, the people of the country are less able to feed themselves, since
they are forced to grow cash crops for export to feed that debt service.
This is how the "Third" World is kept in poverty, subjugated to the "First"
World, whose people purposefully, premeditatedly impoverish and immiserate
the people of the "Third" World via depraved indifference in order to serve
the plump, plutocratic pleasure of U.S. transnationals, their shareholders
and American consumers. This debt reaches a point where nearly ALL of a
country's export earnings go to debt payment, squeezing the economy like a
lemon, and the poverty-making snowballs.

And while critics of these "aid" programs, most often faux-progressives,
point out that these programs just don't work for "those people", the people
of the "Third" World's nations, these same programs continue to receive
funding from their adherents precisely because they DO work, exactly as they
were INTENDED to work, to transfer the rich resources of the poor in the
"Third" World to the already wealthy people in the "First" World. What an
arrogant and ludicrous appellation is "First" World, self-designated by
fatted, rich Western peoples to describe and denigrate the poor people of
whom the scaffold supporting the American, and Western, standard of living
is built.

This is how the magical, voodoo, trickle down economics of the Friedmans,
the Reagans, the Volckers, the Greenspans, the Bushes, the Rockefellers, the
Rothschilds, etc. who prosylitize "free" market theology works. The people
of the "Third" World are used as fertilizer to grow the fortunes of the
people of the "First", or Western World. They are used like toilet paper,
like disposable plastic packaging, like prophylactics (scum bags) and then
discarded as if their lives meant nothing more. They are receptacles,
vessels in which the rich "create" their "self-made" wealth - do their
business - then casually flush these poor people - and their children - out
of sight, down the polluted toilet the "First" World has made of our whole

Transnational corporations use the U.S. government and corporate
lobbyist-written "free" trade policies, which are designed and work very
well, to prevent "Third" World nations from ever "developing" sufficiently
to become serious trade competitors. And this is because U.S. corporations
learned the lesson of the Marshall Plan very well.

After World War II, America's major trade competitors were flattened,
economically as well as physically, and America, in all its beneficence and
magnanimity, offered money to Europe and Japan so they could rebuild
shattered industries and infrastructure by using this "aid" money to
purchase American goods and services, profiting hugely in the process. And
while Europe and Japan were rebuilding, the U.S. was busy establishing
itself as the world's global economic and military behemoth. Following Word
War II, and up to the mid-Seventies, the United States experienced the most
prosperous period, overall, in its history. And then things began to go
south, as former flattened economic competitors began to recover enough to
give the behemoth a run for its money, and actually overtaking the once
supremely, economically dominant USA.

Well, U.S. transnationals didn't intend to ever let that happen again.
There would be no more giving a real leg up to potential competitors. And
thus we arrived at where we are today. And, in fact, the ruse works so
well, that since the Seventies the plutocracy has been using the very same
template here at home, - with an increasingly heavy hand. See U.S. auto
workers, healthcare, the bank bailout, foreclosed homes, 600,00 jobs a month
jettisoned, the murder of California, et al. Who, or what, will be next?

Wake up liberals, Democrats and progressives! Wake up conservatives,
Republicans and libertarians! And smell the system of wealth transfer and
betrayal. Only the top 10%(?) and those they need as slaves will survive
unless you *kill capitalism before it kills you!!!*

Vi's works appear widely both in print and online. She conducts Poetry
Workshops and gives readings in Central New York. Her latest chapbook is
"Sine Qua Non Antiques (an Arcanum of History, Geography and Treachery).

http://www.opednews .com/articles/ 1/Manufacturing- Poor-People- by-Vi-Ransel- 090619-262. html

IMHO, we Americans have only ONE 2 faced War Party which graciously offers
us the choice of two mediocre candidates from which to choose. We
Americans who supposedly pride ourselves on our hatred of monopolies have
allowed two parties to monopolize our political system until they've fallen
into the practice of colluding to destroy our democracy with a political
version of price fixing.

Please consider,IF at least 3 - but hopefully 5, 6 , or even 7 parties were
vigorously contending with one another, every party would be forced to
present its best possible candidate and we voters would have real viable
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