Friday, June 5, 2009

Re: [delhibird] Binsar/ Corbett Trip Report

 gostokanan, sodepur, kolkata-700110 phone:033-25659551

From: Amitava B Mallik <>
Sent: Friday, 5 June, 2009 18:31:01
Subject: [delhibird] Binsar/ Corbett Trip Report

We spent a rain splattered weekend beginning the 28th of May in the
pristine, untouched forests of Binsar. The pin drop silence of the forest
was only broken by the calls and songs of the innumerable birds. The long
drawn out haunting notes of the Hill Partridge was nicely countered
continuously by the " Kaafal-Pako" call of the Eurasian Cuckoo. We heard
both these birds right through the day on all the days, but they did not
bless us with sightings. The rain finally let up on Sunday afternoon,
bringing up an awe-inspiring panorama of the snow capped mountain ranges to
the north, lit up in the orange hues of the setting sun.

On the way back, we spent a day and a half at Corbett. A quick visit was
made to the jungle, where the striped feline eluded us once again, though a
satisfying bird list more than made up for the elusive king.

The notable lifers for the whole trip were: the Grey Headed Canary
Flycatcher, Black Throated Tit, Whiskered Yuhina, Scaly Thrush, Indian
Pitta, Ultramarine Flycatcher and the White Rumped Vulture.

The complete list for Binsar and Corbett is given below. Some birds were
observed at both places, but have been mentioned only once.


1. Grey Bush Chat
2. Streaked Laughing Thrush
3. Great Barbet
4. Verditer Fly Catcher
5. Grey Headed Canary Flycatcher
6. Spotted Dove
7. Rufous Sibia
8. Eurasian Jay
9. Himalayan Bulbul
10. Whiskered Yuhina
11. Large Billed Crow
12. Scaly Thrush
13. Oriental Turtle Dove
14. Grey Winged Blackbird
15. Blue Whistling Thrush
16.Green Backed Tit
17. Black Eagle
18. Ultramarine Flycatcher
19. White Throated Laughing Thrush
20. Greenish Warbler
21. Black Throated Tit
22. Brown Fronted Woodpecker
23. Chestnut Bellied Nuthatch
24. Bar Tailed Treecreeper
25. Black Headed Jay.

Corbett National Park:

1. Pied Bush Chat
2. Green Bee Eater
3. Oriental White Eye
4. Blue Tailed Bee Eater
5. White Rumped Shama
6. Paradise Flycatcher
7. Indian Grey Hornbill
8. Crimson Sunbird
9. Crested Serpent Eagle
10. Coucal
11. Red Whiskered Bulbul
12. Collared Dove
13. Wire Tailed Swallow
14. Red Jungle Fowl
15. Khaleej Pheasant
16. Pea Fowl
17. Red Wattled Lapwing
18. River Lapwing
19. Oriental Magpie Robin
20. Purple Sunbird
21. Indian Pitta
22. Brahminy Starling
23. White Throated Kingfisher
24. Pied Kingfisher
25. Bay Backed Shrike
26. White Rumped Vulture
27. Indian Roller
28. Pallas Fish Eagle.


Amitava B Mallik
ABM Consultants

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