Saturday, June 13, 2009

Re: [bangla-vision] Today's LUV NEWS-- 11 June, 2009

On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 1:48 AM, Jodda Mitchell <> wrote:

In 2008, 76 trade unionists were killed worldwide for defending workers' rights, and the majority, 49, were murdered in Colombia.  You don't have to kill every worker to stop unions, only those who are key organizers.
In Colombia the mere threat of organizing by labor brings death squads from a right wing government funded by the USA.  Colombian government officials pretend not to know who is doing it as they take US "foreign aid" behind only Israel and Egypt, but the ties are clear to anyone with their eyes open and a conscience.
Because of the murders of trade unionists, Colombia is seen as "business friendly" and gets transnational corporations in bigger numbers than its neighbors, together with economic, military and political support from the US.
US corporate media cover up the murders and run editorials demanding that trade agreements be completed with Colombia.  New York Times liberal columnist Tom Friedman is typical of those who support this, using the euphemism "free trade" with which to cover up the horror. 
You will not read any of this in US mass media.

May U.S. foreclosures third highest on record..."
...Runs the headline in British news even as US corporate media tell us we are coming out of the recession.  It is certain the working class are seeing things get worse.  Nearly a million people had their homes foreclosed in the past three months, for a record, as job layoffs continue at high levels each month.
Because US mass media give economic news from the viewpoint of the wealthy and corporations, they do see us coming out of the recession as companies become profitable.  But they are profitable because workers have been laid off to influence the bottom line. 
At LUV News we see a very different economy than that which is described by the corporate media.  As long as working class people are losing their jobs and their homes, it is insane to say the economic recession is ending.



Because of the activism of progressives, the impossible is becoming probable, and a not-for-profit public health care system is something more than a wild dream of radicals.  All who've struggled for this should be proud, with the powerful Forces of Greed (FOG) using their mass media control and control of government to battle against the public interest so that they may keep profiting from pain and suffering. 

We are giving this subject more column space because it is the most important progressive legislation being proposed at this time, with a profound effect on the lives of average citizens.

Only months ago the chance for single payer health care was a thousand to one against, now it is not an exaggeration to say the odds have moved up to something like ten to one against and improving daily  --Jack


Big Breakthroughs for Single-Payer Health Care

by Kevin Zeese

    When we started our campaign one month ago to put single-payer national health insurance on the table, we were ignored.

    When we stood up and demanded that single payer be part of the debate, we were arrested.
    Today, single payer is breaking through, while the multi-payer pro-health insurance reform is faltering.
    Here's the news, single-payer national health insurance will be at the table in the Senate with a witness participating in a hearing this Thursday. And on Wednesday, a hearing is being held on single payer in the House of Representatives.
    The Senate Committee on Health, Education and Pensions has invited Margaret Flowers, M.D., of Physicians for National Health Policy. to testify this Thursday at 3:00 PM in a hearing on health care reform. Flowers was one of the Baucus 13 I was arrested with three weeks ago protesting the exclusion of single payer from Senate Finance Committee hearings.
    And on Wednesday, the Health, Employment, Labor and Pensions Subcommittee of the House Education and Labor Committee will hold a hearing titled "Examining the Single Payer Health Care Option" on June 10 at 10:30 AM in 2175 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC.
    Single payer is making advances while the multi-payer pro-insurance industry reform bill is faltering.
There are deep divisions over how to pay for the reform with the very unpopular taxing of health benefits now being considered. This was something President Obama opposed during the 2008 campaign. Paying for single payer is much easier as the waste, fraud, abuse and bureaucracy of the health insurance industry - totaling $400 billion annually - would be applied to providing health care. Single payer pays for itself while multi-payer will add to the deficit.
Mandating that people buy insurance or face fines, another provision President Obama opposed during the campaign, is gaining popularity among pro-insurance company legislators. And, the mandates would provide subsidies to the poor so they can purchase insurance - of course, this is also a subsidy to the health insurance industry. The working class which cannot afford to purchase insurance will feel the burden of this requirement. Under single payer, people are provided health care without these costs, which is one reason it is the most popular reform among voters.
The Public Insurance Option is opposed by Republicans and the insurance industry. While several schemes have been reported to make the public choice option ineffective, it is causing deep divisions. Single payer is the most popular health care reform among voters, doctors, nurses and economists because it provides all Americans with a choice of doctors and providers.
The business community is questioning the pro-insurance reforms because they will include mandates on business requiring them to pay for health insurance. At this critical time, business needs relief not burdens. Single payer will provide businesses with economic relief by reducing the costs of health care and leveling the playing field among all businesses and allowing them to compete internationally with other countries with single-payer systems.
    In an effort to save the faltering pro-insurance reforms, President Obama announced his administration would be getting directly involved in health care negotiations with Congress. And, he announced town hall meetings throughout the US.
    President Obama will find that at all of these town hall meetings, single payer will be the most popular reform among Americans. He needs to listen to voters. When Obama was in the Illinois Senate he said he supported single payer, but that before Americans got it, they needed to win back the House, Senate and presidency. Well, a?l three are now in Democratic Party control. It is time for President Obama to advocate for the people and push for single payer and the multi-payer system as the insurance industry is the root cause of the problems in health care.
    More information:
    Health care reform falling apart as details become known:
    Congress considering taxing health benefits:
    Robert Reich on how health care profiteers plan to kill public option:
    Insurance companies push to force people to buy insurance:

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