Friday, June 5, 2009

Re: [bangla-vision] Rothschilds and Clintons and the House of Hapsburg/be sure and check out about inbreeding, eh?

On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 4:22 AM, <> wrote:

Dear Friends,
At the end of this long campaign, I am writing to congratulate and thank you for your steadfast work on behalf of our country. All of us are probably not pleased with the outcome of the election, but we all accept it and will do our individual part to continue to serve the best interest of this nation we love.
Before we all go back to our day jobs, I am contacting you once again for your help. My personal journey in this campaign has made me painfully aware of two deeply disturbing realities of our political process; namely, partisanship and sexism. These two are not related but both are rampant in our politics and seriously interfere with the progress of our society. I have seen how fundamental principles have been abandoned by our leaders and the media in favor of partisan power and irrational bias. As a result, both of these lethal trends are getting stronger in our body politic My interest in both the partisanship and sexism in the 2008 Presidential election leads me to ponder if there is a role for this site in helping to resolve either issue.
Perhaps you have completely tired of politics by this point and need a rest. I certainly understand that position. But, in the event that you are energized by what you have experienced, I am using this site to ask you to send me your thoughts on whether we can – or should – try to promote change in our national partisanship and/or rampant sexism. I am particularly interested in knowing your thoughts on how we might address these issues through:
  • this website
  • existing organizations or websites
  • existing articles, presentations or reports (please send them or a link to them)
  • interesting individuals from either party who may participate
  • any other thoughts and strategies
Please send me your comments by going to and post your ideas in the Comments section. That way they can be viewed by many people and commented on by others.
And, if you would like to personally be involved in any way in an effort to forge a solution to the corrosive affect of party politics and gender bias, please email me directly at
Once again, I want to thank you for everything you did in this election and I am very pleased that in some way our paths have crossed at this time. I trust we will have the opportunity to do some good together in the future…… together4us.
I wish you well.
Sincerely Yours,
Lynn Forester

Together4Us - Bless you Lady de Rothschild

Posted on July 9th, 2008 by Dorthy
Thank God for the noblesse oblige of the Hillraisers who look out for the 18 million of US who would be so lost without their leadership. It is people like the Hapsburgs and Rothchilds that have always been there to guide world affairs and we owe all that the world is today to them. Don't let the DNC shut out the only people with the divine right to know what we should do. Be faithful, be loyal and do not question what has been ordained since the eye of god illuminated the pyramids. Just look at the back of the dollar bill and you will know to whom you have always belonged. 
Charles II's family tree showing the large amount of inbreeding
The House of Habsburg (usually spelled Hapsburg in English) was an important royal house of Europe and is best known as supplying all of the formally elected Holy Roman Emperors between 1452 and 1740, as well as rulers of Spain and the Austrian Empire. Originally from Switzerland, the dynasty first reigned in Austria, which they ruled for over six centuries, but a series of dynastic marriages brought Burgundy, Spain, Bohemia, Hungary and other territories into the inheritance. In the sixteenth century the senior Spanish and junior Austrian branches of the family separated.
As royal houses are by convention determined via the male line, the Spanish branch ended upon the death of Charles II in 1700 and was replaced by the Anjou branch of the House of Bourbon in the person of his great-nephew Philip V. The Austrian branch technically ended in 1780 with the death of Maria Theresa of Austria and was replaced by the Veaudemont branch of the House of Lorraine in the person of her son Joseph II . However, in practice, the new successor house styled itself as Habsburg-Lorraine (Habsburg-Lothringen in German).

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