Saturday, June 13, 2009

Re: [bangla-vision] For 300 Years Britain has Outsourced Mayhem / Jews insult President Obama with racial slurs / reply to the speech of Obama's

On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 10:26 AM, Mohammad Basirul Haq Sinha <> wrote:

Arabian Sights....

"England, the great chief of the commercial world, possesses a power that enforces a grave responsibility. She has the force to civilize.  She is the natural colonizer of the world. In the short space of three centuries, America, sprung from her loins, has become a giant offspring, a new era in the history of the human race, a new birth whose future must be overwhelming." England's remaining task was to "wrest from utter savagedom those mighty tracts of the earth's surface wasted from the creation of the world - a darkness to be enlightened by English colonization."
Samuel Baker
The Hearts of Darkness: How European Writers Created the Racist Image of Africa
"The challenge to the 'postmodern' world is to get used to the idea of double standards. Among ourselves, we operate on the basis of laws and open cooperative security. But when dealing with more old-fashioned kinds of states outside the postmodern continent of Europe, we need to revert to the rougher methods of an earlier era – force, pre-emptive attack, deception, whatever is necessary to deal with those who still live in the nineteenth century world of every state for itself. Among ourselves, we keep the law but when we are operating in the jungle, we must also use the laws of the jungle. In the prolonged period of peace in Europe, there has been a temptation to neglect our defences, both physical and psychological. This represents one of the great dangers of the postmodern state."
The new liberal imperialism by Robert Cooper, Observer Worldview, Sunday April 7, 2002

For 300 Years Britain has Outsourced Mayhem. Finally it's Coming Home

Opium, famine and banks all played their part in this country's plundering of the globe. Now it's over, we find it hard to accept

George Monbiot

June 09, 2009 "The Guardian" -- Why now? It's not as if this is the first time Britain's representatives have been caught out...

I believe that the current political crisis has little to do with the expenses scandal, still less with Gordon Brown's leadership. It arises because our economic system can no longer extract wealth from other nations. For the past 300 years, the revolutions and reforms experienced by almost all other developed countries have been averted in Britain by foreign remittances.

The social unrest that might have transformed our politics was instead outsourced to our colonies and unwilling trading partners. The rebellions in Ireland, India, China, the Caribbean, Egypt, South Africa, Malaya, Kenya, Iran and other places we subjugated were the price of political peace in Britain. After decolonisation, our plunder of other nations was sustained by the banks. Now, for the first time in three centuries, they can no longer deliver, and we must at last confront our problems...

Colonial plunder permitted the British state to balance its resource deficits as well. For some 200 years a river of food flowed into this country from such places as Ireland, India and the Caribbean. In The Blood Never Dried, John Newsinger reveals that in 1748 Jamaica alone sent 17,400 tons of sugar to Britain; by 1815 this had risen to 73,800. It was all produced by stolen labour.

Just as grain was sucked out of Ireland at the height of its great famine, so Britain continued to drain India of food during its catastrophic hungers. In Late Victorian Holocausts, Mike Davis shows that between 1876 and 1877 wheat exports to the UK from India doubled as subsistence there collapsed, and several million died of starvation. In the North-Western provinces famine was wholly engineered by British policy, as good harvests were exported to offset poor English production in 1876 and 1877...

In the late 19th century, Davis shows, Britain's vast deficits with the United States, Germany and its white dominions were balanced by huge annual surpluses with India and (as a result of the opium trade) China. For a generation "the starving Indian and Chinese peasantries … braced the entire system of international settlements, allowing England's continued financial supremacy to temporarily co-exist with its relative industrial decline". Britain's trade surpluses with India allowed the City to become the world's financial capital...

We lost our colonies, but the plunder has continued by other means. As Joseph Stiglitz shows in Globalisation and its Discontents, the capital liberalisation forced on Asian economies by the IMF permitted northern traders to loot hundreds of billions of dollars, precipitating the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98. Poorer nations have also been strong-armed into a series of amazingly one-sided treaties and commitments, such as trade-related investment measures, bilateral investment agreements and the EU's economic partnership agreements. If you have ever wondered how a small, densely populated country which produces very little supports itself, I would urge you to study these asymmetric arrangements.

But now, as John Lanchester demonstrates in a fascinating essay in the London Review of Books, the City could be fatally wounded. The nation that relied on financial services may take generations to recover from their collapse. The great British adventure – three centuries spent pillaging the labour, wealth and resources of other countries – is over. We cannot accept this, and seek gleeful revenge on a government that can no longer insulate us from reality.

Jews insult President Obama with racial slurs
Los Angeles, Alta California
June 10, 2009

Most Americans have no idea of the kind of "garbage dump" modern Israel is today. The following video is just a small example of what the "Holy Land" has become. Tel Aviv and Jerusalem are now among the most decadent cities in the world and are getting worse every day under the Zionist regime.

The video below was taken in Jerusalem on the eve of the historic speech by US President Barack Obama in Cairo, Egypt. The expressions of racial hatred against a US president of African descent are shocking. Racial bigotry among Israeli and USA Jews is very common but not often reported by the media.

As you listen to the foul gutter language of these bigoted Jews, just think that they are going to be the future leaders of Israel and of the Israeli armed forces. Also, as you view the video contemplate that over $6 billion dollars of USA tax money is being sent to "God's chosen people" every year. Why not spend these billions to improve public education for minorities in the USA?


My reply to the speech of Obama's

Dear readers ,

I have read the full-text of the Obama's speech
which was written by Mr. Shlomo Goldberg
and translated by Eng. Moustafa Roosenbloom.

Nonetheless I still think that many questions remained
unanswered and even un-asked.
and I would like them to be addressed
and possibly solved :

what makes Obama and the USA think that
if ever all Arab states would , by miracle, become Democratic,
that they would then accept that aggressor-state of Zion ??
What does Democracy has to do with restoring a stolen-country ??

If Obama is convinced that the new-settlements are illegal,
why not the whole of the Land of Zion ??
what was the difference ??
both were stolen !!

If and when the USA wanted to implement Democracy
in Iraq , how come it replaced the secular-modern- republic of Iraq
by a lot of Mullahs , a lot of War-Lords and a lot of Tribal-chiefs ??
and is the case of  Afghanistan any success ??

How could the entity that keeps Israel alive and healthy
become a broker between Israel and its victims ???

Does President Obama wear a bullet-proof- jacket in Cairo
while it will be full of Israeli-agents with long-range-rifles ???

I wonder if any of you could forward those  5 questions
to Mr. Shlomo Goldberg so he may prepare the answers,
for thursday's show ....Thank you .

Raja Chemayel
Sherlock Hommos
inquisitive- mind
June 2nd.2009

Arabian Sights 
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