Friday, June 26, 2009

Re: [Bahujan-forum] SHAHU MAHARAJ JAYANTI!

 gostokanan, sodepur, kolkata-700110 phone:033-25659551

From: kavita nirmalawaman <>
To:;; Bahujan <>; Bamcef <>; NRI <>
Sent: Friday, 26 June, 2009 14:09:56
Subject: [Bahujan-forum] SHAHU MAHARAJ JAYANTI!

Revolutionary JaiBhim!
"Shahu Maharaj" Jayantichya Hardik Shubhechha!
Tribute to Indian Father(Founder) of Reservation (50% to Lower Caste people in the Service & education).
He accepted Dr. Babasahab as a Leader of Untouchables.
And see today's Govt. Reservation Policy.  They just taking name of Shahu Maharaj, Babasahab , Phule etc. but practically not doing anything.  And when such Bill was passing MLA of Dalit Parties not raised voice against the same. 
Secondly our people feel happy to see that Govt. given/provided Land  for "SMARAK" ( Statue of our great leaders ) which then become a property of Govt. itself & we feel great towards govt.  So think over it & be ready for making of an opinion that "without substantial change in the system practically " these govt. are not ours.  Fight for & create option to the Substantial change.
We BSS has create an Educational Institution named as "Buddhist Education Society" at pune with upto 100 members. Be a member of it with open eyes & not just bcoz u r follower of Babasahab.  We need open eyed leaders/followers & not blind followers/leaders.
JaiBhim! JaiBauddharashtra! !
Ready for "Substantial Change" not mere cahnge towards strengthening Ambedkarite Movement. Which affect our life & society.


Adv.Kavita Nirmala Waman
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