Saturday, May 30, 2009

Re: [bangla-vision] Today's LUV News ...And The American Way

On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 7:04 PM, Jodda Mitchell <> wrote:

Tell me it ain't so, Joe!
America's military, like Superman, always fights for truth, justice and the American way doesn't it?  I'd always believed our armed forces are staffed by fresh faced lads who are healthy in mind and body and who will come back to a grateful nation.  I grew up watching old WW11 flicks on television so I knew America is the good guy on the world stage; our force is only used to ensure human rights standards and international law.   So I've had a depressing week or two reading articles like this.
By Dan De Luce – 21 hours ago
WASHINGTON (AFP) — The commander of Fort Campbell army base in Kentucky has ordered a three-day suspension of regular duties to focus on a spike in suicides among his troops amid concern over a wider trend across the armed services.

Military update: DFAS: Error left thousands of military retirees out of Retro Pay

By Tom Philpott, Special to Stars and Stripes
Pacific edition, Saturday, May 30, 2009
As many as 39,000 disabled military retirees have been left out of the VA Retro Pay program by mistake, say officials at the Defense Finance and Accounting Service who are calculating the amount of money owed.

Taguba Saw "Video of Male Soldier Sodomizing Female Detainee"

Friday 29 May 2009
by: Jason Leopold, t r u t h o u t | Report
    In 2007, shortly after he was forced into retirement, Army Maj. Gen. Antonio M. Taguba made a startling admission. During the course of his investigation into the abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib, Taguba said he saw "a video of a male American soldier in uniform sodomizing a female detainee."
    Taguba told
New Yorker reporter Seymour Hersh that he saw other graphic photos and videos as well, including one depicting the "sexual humiliation of a father with his son, who were both detainees."

Obama Demands Right to Recruit Minors for Military

Atheo News
April 29, 2009

By now, I found myself very much in need to still believe in some exceptional American institution so I consoled myself with our cherished constitution.  As my old civics books informed me Americans America can never go astray because the  three separate branches of government mean that justice - based upon our constitution - should always prevail; that's when I came across this Buzzflash news alert:

Submitted by christine on Thu, 05/28/2009 - 12:26pm.

by Christine Bowman

There actually may be no more secrets in this ongoing case -- but there's serious wrangling between the branches of government.

The Washington Post and the website Wired have noted in recent headlines that a "showdown" could come as soon as Friday over claims of state secrets being made in court cases where government wrong-doing or cover-ups in the "war on terror" are suspected. The legal face-off pits government lawyers, now representing President Barack Obama's Executive Branch, against an increasingly impatient, Reagan-nominated, GHW Bush-appointed judge in California -- Vaughn R. Walker. The Senate, too, is poised to join the fray.....

...Citizens who care about the Constitutional fight or who are trying to assess whether the Obama Administration will change course or, like their predecessors, play the "state secrets" trump card freely, should monitor the news closely in the coming days.Thank the good goddess for cartoons - I didn't want to go on anti-depressants.

My outlook revived a bit after a good chuckle, and I thought, "Well, at least  here in America there is no rampant government corruption as in third world countries."  Then - as luck would have it -  some friend I may have to delete from my contact list sent me this Bloomberg article.

Obama Offers Prime Posts to Top Campaign Contributors (Update1)

By Jonathan D. Salant and Julianna Goldman

May 29 (Bloomberg) -- Louis Susman has one thing in common with many of his predecessors nominated to be the U.S. ambassador to the United Kingdom: money.

I was truly at a low ebb, when I came across the short editorial comment to a DKO Diary I'd published in collaboration with a friend; it may have been one of the best ediotrials I've ever read:

 I have often heard, "He left here a boy, (1+ / 0-)

Recommended by:
but he came back a man" about a tour in the military. My impression has always been "he left here with his own mind and an impulse to be himself, but he came back defeated and willing to obey and kowtow to anyone in charge." Does the USA need more "men" of this sort?

Our system of law is premised on the idea that an unfettered government - rather than criminals - is the greatest danger to our lives and liberty.


IMHO, we Americans have only ONE 2 faced War Party which graciously offers us the choice  of two mediocre candidates from which to choose.  We Americans who supposedly pride ourselves on our hatred of monopolies have allowed two parties to monopolize our political system until they've fallen into the practice of colluding to destroy our democracy with a political version of price fixing.

Please consider,IF at least 3 - but hopefully 5, 6 , or even 7 parties were vigorously contending with one another, every party would be forced to present its best possible candidate and we voters would have real viable choices.  

Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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