Saturday, May 30, 2009


On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 2:26 PM, Lara Ancientwarrior67777 <> wrote:
Ex board member states Zionist control of Amnesty International 


 A good hearted human would not hide the truth, only a coward would hide the truth.

Lara Nunes (2009)

From: Alex James <>
To: Alex James <>
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2009 3:45:14 AM


Subject: AIUK : Gaza


http://www.amnesty. asp?CategoryID= 11503



Young palestinians in front of destroyed buildings, Gaza © Sharif SarhanAmnesty welcomes the establishment of the UN's fact-finding mission led by Justice Richard J. Goldstone, former Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda looking into possible war crimes committed during the Gaza conflict.

We are calling on both sides to fully cooperate with it and for the UN Security Council to publicly support it.


ACTION 1 - NEW! Urge the UK to support the Goldstone fact-finding mission

NEW! Urge the UNSC to support the Goldstone fact-finding mission

ACTION 3 - Call for an urgent arms embargo on all parties involved in the conflict

ACTION 4 - Demand humane treatment and ICRC access for Gilad Shalit



ACTION: Amnesty is calling on the UK government and the UN Security Council to publicly support the Goldstone fact-finding mission.

Having failed to set up an inquiry itself, to establish accountability for war crimes, The UN Security Council, which the UK is a permanent member of, must now support the Goldstone mission and insist that all parties fully cooperate.

Act now: Call on the UK government | Call on the UN Security Council



Terry Jones, Annie Lennox, Thandie Newton, Alexei Sayle, Mike Figgis, Katharine Hamnett and Jason Flemyng, all voice their support for Amnesty' ongoing efforts to secure justice for both Palestinians and Israelis and make an impassioned call for Israel to lift the blockade on Gaza.


Latest News

§  Gaza/Israel: Full cooperation with new United Nations inquiry urged - 7 April 2009

§  Gaza/Israel: US arms shipment reaches Israel, President Obama urged to halt further exports - 2 April 2009

§  Gaza/Israel: Israeli troops reveal Gaza abuses - 1 April 2009

§  Gaza: World's leading investigators call for war crimes inquiry - 16 March 2009 

§  Gaza: New evidence of misuse of weapons prompts fresh arms embargo call - 23 February 2009

§  Gaza: New video message from leading artists on war crimes accountability - 16 February 2009

§  Gaza: Investigation should look at more than attacks on UN buildings - 10 February 2009

§  Gaza: Hamas kneecappings, punishment beatings and killings of 'collaborators' revealed in new Amnesty report - 10 February 2009

§  Gaza: Israel must disclose nature of weapons used in attacks - 23 January 2009

§  Gaza: 'Indisputable evidence' of Israel's use of white phosphorus against civilians - 19 January 2009

§  Gaza: Call for independent investigation into Israeli shelling of UN compound - 16 January 2009

§  Gaza: Call for full arms embargo as weapons ship heads to Israel - 15 January 2009

§  Amnesty urges suspension of UK arms sales to Israel as evidence revealed that Israel military drones may use British-built engines - 9 January 2009

§  Gaza: military tactics on both sides endangering civilians- Amnesty International - 8 January 2009

§  Gaza: An immediate 'humanitarian truce' needed-UN must act - 7 January 2009

§  UN Security Council must not fail civilians in Gaza conflict, says Amnesty - 6 January 2009

§  Israel/Occupied Palestinian Territories: Immediate access to humanitarian workers and observers essential - 31 December 2008

§  Israel/Occupied Palestinian Territories: End unlawful attack and meet Gaza' emergency needs - 29 December 2008


Background Information

§  Fuelling Conflict: Amnesty's investigation in to foreign arms supplies to Israel and Gaza - Read the report (PDF)

§  Hamas' deadly campaign in the shadow of the war in Gaza - Read the report (PDF)

§  Amnesty's researchers in Gaza report back on the results of their investigation. Watch the video

§  Find out more about Amnesty's call for accountability - Read the report (PDF)

§  What do 'Accountability' and 'Justice' mean? - Read the briefing (PDF)

§  Amnesty's Israel and OPT expert reports on her findings in Gaza. Listen now  

§  Amnesty's letter to the UN Security Council on accountability - Read the letter (PDF)

§  Gaza Crisis briefing on international law and accountability - Read the briefing (PDF)

§  Amnesty Campaign Manager, Kristyan Benedict, responds to the crisis - Watch the video

§  Questions and Answers with Amnesty's Israel and OPT expert - Read the Q&A

§  Amnesty's oral statement to the UN Human Rights Council - Read the statement (PDF)

§  Amnesty's letter to the UN Security Council - Read the letter (PDF)

§  Amnesty urges suspension of UK arms sales to Israel - Read the report 

§  Health Services are in a catastrophic situation - Read the report (PDF)

§  Amnesty urges a firmer European voice - Read the report 

§  Read Amnesty's report on the Israeli blockade of Gaza that preceded the current crisis - The Gaza Strip: A Humanitarian Implosion (PDF)


Gaza: Urge the Foreign Secretary to publicly support the Goldstone fact finding mission

Trapped Palestinian prisoner reaches for help after Israeli missile strike © AP Graphics Bank

The UN Security Council, which the UK is a permanent member of, has so far failed to take any concrete steps to establish accountability for the grave violations of international law, including war crimes, which were committed by both sides during the Gaza conflict.

Having failed to set up an inquiry itself, which has badly let down the victims of the conflict, the UK Government must publicly support the Goldstone investigation and insist that all parties fully cooperate with the international fact-finding mission.

The victims of this brutal conflict have a right to justice and reparation.

The perpetrators on both sides must be held accountable if there is to be an end to the cycles of violence and impunity that have persisted for so long.

There must be no excuse for the UK Government to not support this investigation.

Background Information

During the Israeli military campaign 'Cast Lead', between 27 December 2008 and 18 January 2009, Israeli forces killed more than 1,400 Palestinians, including 300 children and hundreds of other unarmed civilians, and injured some 5,000 Palestinians, many of them maimed for life.

Amnesty had previously called on the UK Government to take a lead and along with other state actors and relevant international bodies to establish without delay a thorough, independent and impartial investigation of abuses of international human rights and humanitarian law, including Israeli attacks which had been directed at civilians or civilian buildings in the Gaza Strip, or which were disproportionate, and Palestinian armed groups' rocket attacks directed at Israeli population centre's.

The UK Government failed to take these steps and badly let down the victims of the conflict.
Amnesty continues to call for full accountability for such crimes. Where appropriate, states such as the UK Government must be ready to initiate criminal investigations and carry out prosecutions before their own courts if the evidence warrants it.
As a global community we need to ensure that accountability is not bargained away for short-term political gains. There needs to be a deterrent against future state and non state actors thinking they can get away with grave violations of international law. A failure to see real accountability will only mean it is more likely that conflict will erupt again.

Having failed to set up an inquiry itself, the UN Security Council must support the Goldstone investigation and insist that all parties fully cooperate with the international fact-finding mission.

Help prevent this conflict erupting again – push for the deterrent effect of credible accountability for those guilty of war crimes, and do not let future leaders feel they can literally get away with murder.

The UN Security Council, which the UK is a permanent member of, has so far failed to take any concrete steps to establish accountability for the grave violations of international law, including war crimes, which were committed by both sides during the Gaza conflict.

Having failed to set up an inquiry itself, which has badly let down the victims of the conflict, the UK Government must publicly support the Goldstone investigation and insist that all parties fully cooperate with the international fact-finding mission.

The victims of this brutal conflict have a right to justice and reparation.

The perpetrators on both sides must be held accountable if there is to be an end to the cycles of violence and impunity that have persisted for so long.

There must be no excuse for the UK Government to not support this investigation.

Find out more

Urge the UK Government to publicly support the Goldstone fact finding mission.

§  Want to do more? Take further action on Gaza

Gaza: Urge the UN Security Council to support the Goldstone fact finding mission

Injured Palestinian man looks on as others inspect the damage © AP-PA Photo-Hatem Moussa

The UN Human Rights Council has appointed Justice Richard J. Goldstone to lead a UN fact-finding mission to investigate abuses in the Gaza Strip and southern Israel. This mission will investigate abuses committed by all sides during the 22-day conflict in December 2008 and January 2009.

Amnesty is asking the UN Security Council to lend its full support to this investigation as well as the parties to the conflict to cooperate with the investigation.

We are also asking that the report of the Board of Inquiry set up by the UN Secretary-General to investigate attacks on UN personnel and facilities in Gaza be made public. The report is still being finalised and will be submitted officially on approximately 22 April 2009.

Justice Goldstone was one of the 16 investigators and judges Amnesty supported in their call for a full international investigation into alleged abuses of international law during the Gaza conflict. Read their open letter to the UN

Background information

The victims of this brutal conflict have a right to justice and reparation. The perpetrators on both sides must be held accountable if there is to be an end to the cycles of violence and impunity that have persisted for so long. There must be no excuse for either Israel or the Palestinians not to fully cooperate with the inquiry.

The victims have been badly let down by the UN Security Council's failure to take any concrete steps to establish accountability for the grave violations of international law, including war crimes, which were committed by both sides during the conflict.

Having failed to set up an inquiry itself, the UN Security Council must support the Goldstone investigation and insist that all parties fully cooperate with the international fact-finding mission.

During the Israeli military campaign 'Cast Lead', between 27 December 2008 and 18 January 2009, Israeli forces killed more than 1,400 Palestinians, including 300 children and hundreds of other unarmed civilians, and injured some 5,000 Palestinians, many of them maimed for life.

Israeli forces destroyed thousands of homes and much of Gaza's economic infrastructure. Victims who were burned by 'white phosphorus' fired by Israeli forces into residential areas are still dying. The latest to die in early April was Ghada Abu Halima, who was burned by white phosphorus on 4 January in her home in the northern Gaza strip, in an attack that also killed her father-in-law and four children from the family and injured several other relatives.

In the same period Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups launched a barrage of indiscriminate rockets into towns and villages in the south of Israel, killing three Israeli civilians and injuring dozens of others, and destroying or damaging several houses.
In March Israeli soldiers who took part in operation 'Cast Lead' revealed that some Israel soldiers had wilfully or recklessly killed unarmed Palestinian civilians and wantonly destroyed property.

The allegations were quickly dismissed by the Israeli Military General Attorney after a seemingly cursory inquiry, while ongoing investigations by Amnesty International, and Israeli and Palestinian human rights groups uncovered evidence that both Israeli forces and Palestinian armed groups committed serious violations of international law, including possible war crimes.

These include direct, indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks on civilians and civilian objects, the targeting of medical personnel and the denial of access to medical care for the wounded, the use of indiscriminate weapons such as white phosphorus and artillery, in heavily-built up civilian areas, and the use of human shields and wanton destruction of property.

The UN Human Rights Council has appointed Justice Richard J. Goldstone to lead a UN fact-finding mission to investigate abuses in the Gaza Strip and southern Israel. This mission will investigate abuses committed by all sides during the 22-day conflict in December 2008 and January 2009.

Amnesty is asking the UN Security Council to lend its full support to this investigation as well as the parties to the conflict to cooperate with the investigation.

We are also asking that the report of the Board of Inquiry set up by the UN Secretary-General to investigate attacks on UN personnel and facilities in Gaza be made public. The report is still being finalised and will be submitted officially on approximately 22 April 2009.

Justice Goldstone was one of the 16 investigators and judges Amnesty supported in their call for a full international investigation into alleged abuses of international law during the Gaza conflict. Read their open letter to the UN

Find out more

Amnesty is targeting the Russian delegation at the UN Security Council, because Russia currently holds the presidency, until 1 June 2009. Please send your appeals before 1 June 2009.

Help prevent this conflict erupting again – push for the deterrent effect of credible accountability for those guilty of war crimes, and do not let future leaders feel they can literally get away with murder.

§  Want to do more? Take further action on Gaza







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Palash Biswas
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