Friday, May 22, 2009

Brahminical bid to kill 2 crore Bengali Dalit refugees


Brahminical bid to kill 2 crore Bengali Dalit refugees


This refers to the complaint (DV, April 16, 2009) by one of our very angry brothers Ashutosh Thakur from Hooghly ("DV ignoring plight of Bengali Dalits") and he writes in his concluding statement that "……. I don't want to a be subscriber of Dalit Voice. Please stop sending it."

I wish to bring to your notice that four years ago my article was very promptly published in DV, "Genocide of 2 Crore Bengali Refugees". I remember this very well because you had written me in very strong words why I had delayed in sending such a sensitive information. I was extremely happy with your strong words because I could feel the sensation, anger and concern in you with regards to the 2 crore Bengali refugees who are denied citizenship by the Citizenship Amendment Act, 2003. But despite of your concern for our Bengali brethren, Ashutosh Thakur has vented his anger on DV and the only reason he must not have read my article published in DV.


On May 9, 2003, L.K. Advani introduced the Citizenship Amendment Bill, 2003 in Parliament when the BJP Govt. was in power and the Congress and the Leftist parties were in the opposition. When this Bill was passed in Parliament on Jan. 9, 2004, a very surprising observation came to light. The Congress, especially Pranab Mukherjee, and the Leftist parties, were more happy to back the BJP govt. in passing the Bill and after the Bill was passed all these Brahminical parties were celebrating the event. It was very shocking and suspicious for us and we were sure that this Bill had something to do with the life of aboriginal Indians. Hence we wanted to get some more details of the Citizenship Amendment Bill, 2003.


I need not tell you that due to the movement started by Harichand- Guruchand Thakur, our aboriginal (Mulnivasi) Bengali people got educated and slowly and gradually upliftment of the downtrodden masses took place in Bengal when a similar movement was undergoing in Maharastra under the leadership of Mahatma Jyotiba Phule. As a result of this movement great people from the Namashudras, Pandokhatriayas and Rajbansi castes become leaders and Bengal was governed in British India by our people along with the Muslim League. People like Jogendranath Mandal, Mukand Bihari Mallik, Panchanan Burman, Rasiklal Biswas, Darikanath Baruri, Nagendra Narayan Roy, Bir Birsa, Gayanath Biswas, Raibahadur Sriniwas and many more emerged in Bengal which made history.

And the biggest history that was created by these people was electing Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar to the Constituent Assembly.

In the first election in March 1946, Dr. Ambekar's Schedule Caste Federation contested many seats in India but except Jogendranath Mandal no one could get elected. In the same year (June, 1946) election to the Constituent Assembly was declared and only those candidates who had won in the March 1946 general election were eligible to vote for the member of the Constituent Assembly. As only one member of the Schedule Caste Federation, Jogendranath Mondal, had won from Bengal it was very difficult for Dr. Ambedkar to contest the election for the Constituent Assembly from Maharashtra. Dr. Ambedkar become very depressed since he thought that his dream of getting elected to the Constituent Assembly was shattered and he could not do anything for the downtrodden of this country. His last chance of serving his people was over.


The Congress and Vallabhbhai Patel made a very sarcastic statement:–

"We have now permanently shut not only the doors but also the windows of the Parliament for Ambedkar".

Salt was rubbed on the wounds of Babasaheb, he was hurt to the core. At such a difficult time Jogendranath Mandal along with the great Bengali leaders got Dr. Ambedkar elected to the Constituent Assembly in a by-election from Kholna, Jassor, Barisal, Dhaka, Faridpur and Maimansing (all these places are now part of East Pakistan i.e. Bangladesh).

The Congress and the Hindu Maha Sabha members were hurt by the act of our "great leaders" from Bengal and therefore to destroy the power of our people which they enjoyed with the Muslim League, the Congress and the Hindu Mahasabha started a conspiracy. On March 15, 1947, the leader of Hindu Mahasabha, Shyam Prasad Mukherjee, called for a big meeting of the upper castes of Bengal and said:

"We cannot live under the power of the Backward Castes and the Muslims and it is an insult and hence Bengal shall be divided".


From March 15, 1947 to July 2, 1947, 75 meetings to divide Bengal were organised and you will be surprised to know that 56 meetings out of the 75 were organised by the power-hungry Manuvadi Congress to divide Bengal into East and West Bengal. When the division of India took place the "two- nation theory" was developed:where a majority of the Hindus resided that part of the country should be with India and where the majority of the Muslims stayed should go to Pakistan, It is shocking that when the partition took place Kholna, Jassor, Barisal, Dhaka, Faridpur and Maimansing, where over 78 % of Hindus (mostly Namosudaras, Pandokhatriayas and Rajbansi) lived and from where Dr. Ambedkar was elected to the Constituent Assembly, was separated from India and given to Pakistan. A historical blunder against the two-nation theory took place. Jogendranth Mandal tried his best to save this split but it was foiled by the brahmanvadi Congress.

After the division of Bengal our people who became a minority in East Pakistan faced lots of hardship at the hands of Muslims. Thinking we are Hindu and to avenge what was going on in West Pakistan and North India, the Muslims of East Pakistan burnt our houses, killed innocent children and our mothers and sisters had to face mass raping and killing.

The award was given to our people for no fault of theirs by the manuvadi Congress. When things were not good, to hide their sins and with crocodile tears the Congress, Gandhi, Nehru, Patel and Dr. Rajendra Prasad made a statement that if the Hindus of East Pakistan are not safe there, they can migrate to India and citizenship shall be granted to them with ease. Later, our Bengali brethren started coming to India as refuges. An unwanted guest in his own motherland.


The refugees who had come from Pakistan — the Punjabis and Sindhis — who belonged to the upper castes were given huge amount of money, property at low rate, land and settled in comfort in big cities and one place. But our brethren were settled in places like Kalahandi, Chandrapur, Andaman forest and dirty locations where they had to face the miseries and poverty, they were always on move and did not have any documentary evidence to prove.

The Brahmanvadi Congress, BJP and all Hindu terrorist parties know fully well that the Bengali refugees are "low castes" but deliberately they spread through the print and electronic media that the Bangledeshi refugees were Muslim and, therefore, the people — even the SC/ST of this country — have started hating them thinking them to be outsiders and nothing to do with them.

The Hindus were thus successful in creating a hate theory against the refugees.

We in Maharashtra are not even aware of the plight of our Bengali brethren leave aside fighting for them. In 1955, the Citizenship Bill was passed by the Indian Parliament which stated that the citizens of undivided India who had to leave this country due to the partition, if such people want to come back to India or migrate to India, they are entitled to become citizen of India and their children who will be born on the Indian soil will be natural citizens of this country. The second part of the Bill also stated that the former citizens of India who have surrendered their citizenship and settled abroad will continue to be citizen of this country and shall not be liable for the citizenship of India unless they surrender their foreign citizenship and apply for Indian citizenship (in short dual citizenship will not be allowed).


To make the life of our Bengali brethren still worse, Home Minister Advani, the CM of Assam and ASSU got together in Delhi on March 19, 1999 and a meeting was held at the Home Ministry where the framework for declaring the Bengali refugees illegal was decided. It was decided that the children of the Bengali refugees who were born between 1971 and 1986 will be treated as illegal migrants to this country and very harsh and strong action will be taken against them including extraditing them outside India and under no circumstance they will be given citizenship of this country even if they wish to register as citizens of this country. From this day the conspiracy started in the Home Ministry and they started working on the Amendment to the Citizenship Bill, 1955.


The Amendment Bill was introduced in the Rajya Sabha on May 9, 2003 by Home Minister Advani and it was sent to Pranab Mukherjee for his response so that the same can be passed.

On Jan.9, 2004, BJP got the Bill passed with the help and full support of the Congress and the Left parties.

This Bill is a Black Bill for our Bengali Mulnivasi brethren because it stated that under no circumstance the refugees from Bangladesh can get citizenship of this country and strict legal action will be initiated against them by the govt. With this, over 2- crore Bengali refugee brethren will be affected and will face difficulties which they must not have thought about.

The BJP, Congress and the Left parties did not stop here. They wanted to rub salt on our wounds and hence in the same Bill they gave dual citizenship (double citizenship) to the people of the higher caste who are staying in 16 different countries so that they never face any problem, send money to India so that the Hindu terrorist organizations use them and kill us and vote in the election for the Brahmanwadi BJP or Congress and get elected easily on their votes.


This is the biggest conspiracy that has taken place against our people but still not even the educated Bengali brothers of the SC/ST and OBC are aware of this fact, leave aside the uneducated and poor Bengali who are going to be thrown out of the country.

To project the plight of our Bengali Mulnivasi brethren we brought this along with documentary evidence to the notice of Waman Meshram, President of BAMCEF. Having come to know the plight of the people due to whom Dr. Ambedkar was elected to the Constituent Assembly and due to which we are a liberated lot, Waman Meshram gave top priority to this subject and a national conference on this subject was organised to educate the people, mostly non-Bengalis living in 6 lakhs villages in India, that the Mulnivasi Bangladesh refuges are our blood and we shall fight to the last to resolve the crises of their citizenship.

We in the BAMCEF are trying to make people aware of this Hindu conspiracy so that concrete steps are taken to stop this mass genocide and we have succeeded in doing it throughout the country.

Last year (2008), BAMCEF held conferences in Cuttack, Orissa. BAMCEF has put the subject – "Citizenship Amendment Act, 2003 and the plight of Mulnivasi Bengali" on the very first day of the conference along with international networking subjects so that the delegates from international level understand the plight of our Bengali brethren and internationalize the subject.

BAMCEF did not stop here. After the first day a documentary CD was shown to all the delegates who had come from various parts of the country – Marinchzappi.

This very powerful documentary showed the genocide and plight of the Mulnivasi Bengali in Marinchzappi where thousands of peaceful Bengali brethren were killed along with their children and family by the Jyoti Basu's Govt. in 1978.

Today we have succeeded in projecting this cause not only in front of the SC/ST / OBC and convinced minorities in 6 lakh villages in India but also in 33 countries across the world.


But the problem cannot be solved on a national level and the manuvadi people in power, who have created this problem for our Bengali brethren, will never come forward to solve it as it is beneficial to them. This is a gross violation of human rights and hence the problem need to be projected at the international platform - the UN. We think that this can be possible only with the support and backing of people like you. We in BAMCEF are hopeful that leaving aside all the differences among the SC/ST/OBCs of Bengal if we come together on this social platform then only we can stop the fast-approaching genocide of our dear brethren.

As a Maharastrian and Ambedkarite it is my duty to inform the people. I have been firmly supported by my colleagues — Palash Biswas, Shivani Biswas, K.L. Biswas, Bala and Meena Bala who inspired me to flight.


I request my brother Ashutosh Thakur to vent his anger in a more positive manner, not to stop reading Dalit Voice but immediately stop subscribing to Anand Bazar Patrika, Aaj Kal, Jugantar, Pratidin, Statesman, Basumati, etc. and all the Brahmanwadi vulture media which are the biggest source of false information on the subject, maligning our great leaders.

Due to statements made by these toilet papers thousands of my Bengali brethren are arrested for extradition from the country and taken away and the most shocking news they have so far not reached Bangladesh.

You should not be surprised if a mass graveyard is discovered in the years to come.

I request everybody including DV and Ashutosh Thakur to join hands on a social platform, internationalize the subject, expose the Brahmanvadi Congress, BJP and Communists and destroy the dreams of our enemy who are bent on killing our 2 crore Bengali brethren. I thank Ashutosh Thakur for giving me an opportunity to pen down this article without which I could not have written a single line.

So far I am not a subscriber of Dalit Voice but now please except me as subscriber of Dalit Voice and let me know my contribution towards the same.


Muslims punished for forgetting duty towards Mustadafeen (Dalits)


V.T. Rajshekar, Editorof Dalit Voice and leader of the 3-member Dalit writers delegation that visited Pakistan on our invitation, addressed a packed gathering of Punjab University professors and students at Lahore on April 21, 2009. Vice-Chancellor Mujahid Kamran presided. The unusually big gathering was due to the subject chosen by the Editor for his talk, "Islam, Mustadafeen & Indian Dalits".

As the subject is of great interest to the whole Indian subcontinent, I have reproduced the whole text of his speech which needs to be deeply studied by all the Muslims. At the end of his speech, which was repeatedly cheered, he was subjected to lot of questions and the answers threw more light on the plight of Muslims inside India.


He said: Being a Dalit and a non-Muslim — that too from India — you may be wondering why I have chosen this subject. Yes. I have deliberately chosen it to take the distinguished academics at your prestigious university back into history, the history of the undivided India.

Muslim leaders, particularly the religious leaders of India have a habit of saying: "Ye Hindustan hai, Oh Pakistan Hai".

This is totally a historically wrong way of describing India. India is not Hindu and was never Hindu. Over 85 to 90% of the people of India are not only not Hindu but anti-Hindu. They are the victims of Hinduism. This is the opinion of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar and also Qaide-Azam Jinnah.

Hinduism, the correct name of which is Brahminism or vaidik dharma, was brought to India by the Aryan invaders who then constituted not even 3% of the population. Even after thousands of years, the population of the Brahmins continue to be less than 3%.

When this is the historical fact and universal truth how Muslims of India and even Muslims of Pakistan go on saying "ye Hindustan hai, oh Pakistan hai".

For your information the very name of Hindu was given to the invading Aryans by the Muslims. Hindu means barbarian, dirty people. (laughter)

Today the name given by the Muslims has become the name of the religion of 1,200 million living in India.

It means the so-called Hindus of India have not even a name for their religion.

For your information, Hinduism, is not even a religion. A religion must have three fundamental qualifications: It must have (1) a founder, (2) a holy text and a god. Islam has a founder, holy text and a god, Allah.


Hinduism has none. It does not have even a name.

And such a bogus, anti-human creed which has converted India of 1,200 millions into a bloody battle field —in which over 85% of its people are persecuted and daily fried in burning oil—you Muslims of Pakistan and India call it a religion.

Your historical blunder and appalling ignorance of social set-up of the subcontinent has added to our current persecution.

Please pardon me to utter these very harsh words in the very heart of Pakistan and that too in this temple of learning, Pakistan's most famous and prestigious university — that too in the presence of the distinguished vice-chancellor and historians, social scientists and scholars.

I seek your apology.

What has happened has happened. We need not go on crying on spilt milk. We must now concentrate on repairing the tremendous damage done to history and to its people.

The Quran, (I have read it many times), at many places, tells the Muslims about the duty of the Muslims. The most important duty of the Muslims, repeatedly reminded in the Holy Quran, is the one towards the Mustadafeen.


In the case of India, who are the Mustadafeen? Yes. They are none other than the Untouchables of India whom I represent as the Editor of Dalit Voice for the past 30 years.

Please note that the Muslims of undivided India did not come from Iran, Arabia, Turkey or Iraq. They are over 90% converts from the local indigenous people.

Very rarely the Brahmins got converted to Islam. Allama Iqbal was one such. He was a Kashmiri Brahmin and after conversion to revolutionary Islam, he became the greatest enemy of Brahminism and Brahmins. Am I right?

Muslims ruled India for about 800 to 1,000 years and it was during this period all of you sitting here got converted to Islam. Am I right? Today about 15 to 20% of the Indian population is Muslim. But in the undivided India, the Muslim percentage was above 35%.

The Untouchables, Tribals, Back-wards together constitute over 65% of the population of today's India.

When you got converted to Islam during the days of Muslim rule of 800 years and got liberated from the poisonous, killing stink and stench of Brahminism, how did you forget us? The Dalits?

You got a nice, well-furnished, beautiful bungalow called Islam. And you rushed there, leaving your blood brothers in the jaws of these jackals, vultures, the poisonous serpents and cobras called Brahminical monsters.

Was your behaviour then (I am not referring to you, today's Muslims of India and Pakistan but your ancestors) in keeping with the directives given in the Holy Quran?

When you rushed into the Holy house of Islam, why you forgot to take your suffering brothers and sisters?

For committing this unpardonable historical blunder Allah has punished you. Pardon me for these words which came from my heart.

I am taking this liberty and a foreign soil because I am fully aware that Muslims are our blood brothers.

I know even if my words are harsh you will pardon me. If I have hurt your feelings I seek your apology.

What has happened has happened. Very serious damage has been done. The country itself got partitioned due to the cruel machinations of deadly Brahminical enemy who is not only your enemy, pricking and punching you daily, but more than that our enemy which is sucking our blood and made us half dead. Unfortunately the huge Muslim population, much bigger than those living in Pakistan, is put on the defensive so that it does not take interest in the problem and persecution and liberation of Mustadafeen.

No. Instead of trying to fight and liberate the Dalits, the Mustadafeen of India, India's Muslims themselves became Mustadafeen.

Have you heard of a tragedy more serious than this in the history of the world?

Not only the Muslims of India are subjected to severe persecution, the Brahminical enemy has terrorised even the Muslim of Pakistan and the Muslims of Bangaladesh.

Today, the entire subcontinent is living under Brahminical terrorism which we must jointly fight and liberate. In this war of liberation, we Dalits are with you.

Over 20% of Indian Dalits subjected to sanctified racism


Islamabad: V.T. Rajshekar, Editor of Dalit Voice, leading a 3-member delegation of Dalit writers from India, was given a rousing reception at the Islamabad National Press Club on April 21, 2009.

Addressing a packed hall of the Press club and facing a battery of TV camera, he said over 30% of Indian population is facing sanctified racism, a fact which is suppressed by India's Brahminical media.

In a press note issued on the occasion, he said:

The four-day visit to Lahore, the warm and glorious reception that we got from the hosts, the Punjab University, human rights leaders and the entire newspaper and TV fraternity convinced us that the Pakistani people are not the enemy of India — as the micro-minority Brahminical ruling races are so fond of reciting daily. Hate-mongering is the daily diet of this racist regime.

Our Father, Dr. Ambedkar, and the Father of Pakistan, Qaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, both lived in Bombay, both practised law together and both fought the same common enemy — the very same micro-minority Brahminical racists (not even 15% of our population), whom we are still fighting.

We the Untouchables form over 20% of the country's 1,200 million population. To this one must add another 10% tribals who are pushed to forests and hills and daily subjected to mayhem.

The Untouchables, today called Dalits, constitute more than the combined population of entire Europe. We are subjected to the world's worst form of sanctified racism before which the South African apartheid pales into insignificance. Untouchability is worse than racism and exists no where else in the world. This is because it gets religious sanctity under the holy Brahminical Hinduism and blessed by their scriptures and upheld by the Hindu gods. Hence, untouchability cannot be abolished as long as Hinduism dictates terms.

We are not only Untouchables but un-seeables and even unthinkables. When we went to the UN Human Rights Commission, the ruling Brahminical races joined hands with the zionists (at the Durban conference) and denied the very existence of untouchability by quoting from the Constitution of India.

Yes. The Constitution of India has provided many safeguards but the rulers being our oppressors did not implement these provisions and the judiciary, again of the upper castes, does nothing. The entire media, with the same people, is blind.

India has more Muslims than Pakistan — rather we have the world's largest Muslim population, about 20% of the population. Such a big population is facing more intense persecution and treated worse than the Untouchables.

Over 85% of the Indian population is facing serious discrimination and deprivation by the Indian Brahminical media singing the "India Shining" deafening song drowning our anguished cries. We have no media to speak the truth.

At the Lahore function we met a number of Pakistani Dalits, Sikhs and Christian representatives — and even Hindu minorities. They all admitted that the minority rights are well protected.

The current hate-mongering and beating of war drums are manipulated by the micro-minority Indian rulers. But the overwhelming Indian persecuted indigenous population being the blood brothers of Pakistan's Muslims, we say, we are your friends and brothers, he said.

Rulers won't allow caste-wise census


This refers to your Editorial on the Marathas (March 16, 2009). By any standards, the Marathas (Maharashtra) are an advanced social group but they are agitating for reservation and the NCP leader, Sharad Pawar, has inter-linked the questions of Marathas reservations and the Muslims which has been found both by the Sachar Committee and the Mishra Commission as a Backward Class, and entitled to reservation under Article 16 (4) of the constitution and stated publicly that Muslims should be given reservation. In many states which came to be ruled by non-Brahmins the dominant Backward Caste whatever its origin, shudra or otherwise, has turned into neo-Brahmins and controls its resources. This is true of Bihar, UP and even to some extent of Karnataka. My view is that even the upper castes have pockets of backwardness but their overall backwardness will be very low relative to SC/ST. So what is necessary is to have a proper development-oriented caste census based on uniform parameters so that the relative level of backwardness of all social groups may be determined, apart from their population which will then give the appropriate quota or sub-quota for each group. The reservation quota or sub-quota in any case though calculated on the basis of the entire population of a social group, should be available only to the candidates from the backward families in that group whose total annual family income does not exceed the state average or say double the average of the BPL families. There is no reason to exploit reservation to push the interests of the advanced sections of any group but concentrate on its backward sections so that in a period of 10 years the overall level of backwardness of the group goes down.

Your plea for a caste census is the solution for all our problems but the Brahmins and other upper castes, who are our rulers, will not allow it. When they play all sorts of mischief in the routine census operations itself, particularly concerning Muslims, will they allow caste-based census? In the past 62 years of "independent" India, we have allowed the upper castes to throttle us. The Muslim ruling class (5%) went with the rulers – EDITOR.


Tamil Muslim & Dalit refusal to join Elam struggle finished LTTE


The 26-year-old deadly struggle of the world's first and the most ferocious terrorists, the Elam Tamils of Lanka led by Velupillai Prabhakaran, is finally coming to a disastrous end as predicted in DV.

The notorious Tamil papans, their killing wing, RAW, the Tamil political stunt masters like the Cut-Throat and the Bangalore Papatti and specially the Brahminical media led by the Mount Road Mahavishnu have all contributed their mite to confuse, corrode, corrupt and finally destroy the heroic fight for Tamil Elam.

LTTE chief Prabhakaran's two and half hour press conference on April 10, 2002 is regarded as a turning point in the ongoing peace initiatives in Lanka. Prominent among the issues raised at the press meet were those concerning Muslims and estate Tamils who are Untouchables from India. Prabhakaran and LTTE ideologue Anton Balasingam said they had invited leaders of these two groups for talks on issues concerning their future and as expected an agreement was reached. However he was silent on the question of Untouchables who are about 15% of the Eelam population. The primary reason for this neglect is today Lanka lacks an energetic Dalit organisation to fight for their case.

DV Editor's visit to Lanka: The militant struggle against untouchability by the Lankan Dalits gives them the distinction of being among the earliest to wage war against casteism. But over the years the Lankan Dalit movement has lost its organisational drive and so while the Muslims and the estate Tamils have ensured that their issues remain prominent on the Eelam agenda, the most oppressed of the Tamils do not evoke even a passing mention from the Jaffna Tamils, who lead the armed separatist struggle.

It is customary for Tamil nationalists to regard the Jaffna Tamils as role models, particularly because of their achievements in the armed struggle. But Eelam and the Jaffna Tamils have an unsavoury tradition that does no credit to their claim to special status. They have produced casteist, chauvinist scholars such as Arumuga Navalar of the early 19th century who echoing Manu, the preceptor of the varna system, declared that the Parai (Dalit drum), the woman and the panchama (Dalit) are "all born to get beaten".


Over 35 years ago, Dalit Voice Editor visited Lanka to study the Tamil problem. Lankan Tamil Muslims met him at the Colombo airport itself and later invited him to the Colombo Jama Masjid and said the Elam tamils were Hindu and hence they had no confidence and preferred to go with the ruling Sinhalas. Later, the Editor visited the tea estates to talk to Tamil Dalits who too complained of racism against Tamil Hindus.

He could gather that the Tamil papans in Tamil Nadu together with their RAW were silently working with all the three principal groups, got them divided and made them fight the Elam Tamils.

Killing of toddy tapper leader: The latest killing of Jaffna Central College Principal, Rasathurai, a highly respected educationist, has gone against the LTTE. His only crime was taking to build up the school.

Rasathurai hails from the Nalvar caste (toddy tappers). His murder by the LTTE has raised the specter of caste again in Jaffna. It has upset the Nalavar caste. Other Tamil sources state that the Panchmer (the five castes consisting of barbers, dhobis, toddy tappers, pallar) also presently toddy tappers as well as agriculture laborers, and Parayar (tom tom beaters) came up as a result of the SLFP policies that boosted the Palmyrah industries.

Brahminised and hinduised Prabhakaran also discriminated against the Tamil Dalits.

Prabhakaran himself acted as a Hindu praying at the Nallur Kandaswamy Temple. His hatred of Muslims and Dalits was cunningly promoted by the Tamil papans. These days, his new-found public relations agents are Ravi Shankar a Brahmin fraud from Bangalore and the Bangalore Papatti. LTTE also had links with RSS and BJP through George Fernandes. Both Prabhakaran and Balasingham were Brahminical in their outlook.

DV Feb.1, 2009 p.8: "Tamil Tigers losing?"

DV Dec.16, 2008 p.7: "Lanka may defeat Tigers but can't win Tamil hearts".

DV Edit Oct.1, 2008: "Instead of dying unsung, unwept, LTTE may shift to TN & complete Periyar's historic mission".

DV May 1, 2002 p.5: "Peace in Lanka disturbs peace of Tamil Nadu's corrupt rulers".

DV Nov.1, 1995 p.17: "Brahminical rulers routed & ate dust in Lanka".

Brahminism as principal contradiction


On March 14, 2009 the book, Know the Hindu Mind, by V.T. Rajshekar was released at Dhanwate National College, Nagpur. The chief guests were Dr. Seema Sakhare, a noted feminist leader, V.T. Rajshekar, Editor Dalit Voice and author of the book, Prof. M.M. Deshmukh, the great historian, Dr. K.M. Kamble, neurologist and social activist. Nagesh Chaudhari, editor of Bahujan Sangharsh, Nagpur presided. In his speech he explained the mentality of "Hindu mind" and how the Hindu terrorist RSS was working for promoting Hindu mind. "Even today Manu is ruling India. If you ask Brahmin, Are you Hindu"? he will reply, "No I am a Brahmin". He said the book by V.T. Rajshekar is very valuable in understanding the wicked Hindu mind. Mrs. Seema Sakhare explained how women were made slave of Brahminism. Dr. Kamble explained the cheap mentality of "Hindu mind". Prof. M.M. Deshmukh, the historian, paid high tributes to the author of the book and said even educated people could not understand the "Hindu mind". Spiritual books are a poison to make us permanent slaves of Brahmins. The author, V.T. Rajshekar, the chief guest, explained each and every point of Hinduism as a social surgeon. Dalit Voice is fighting Brahminism because it is the country's principal contradiction. Why he selected fighting against Brahminism? Budha, the revolutionary, put forth that in our world the main contradiction is Brahminism. Then Jains, Guru Nanak, Periyar all fought against Hinduism or Brahminism. Muslims, Dalits, OBCs, Sikhs all are fighting against this.


V.T. Rajshekar

2008 pp.140 Rs. 100

Book available with Dalit Voice


Bid to sabotage electoral verdict : Congress, BJP, CPM may unite to keep Bahujans out of power

A big news. And a shocking news. But the Bahujan 85% of the Indian population, made unthinking morons by the mere 2% of our Brahminical rulers, may not be able to grasp the significance and the devastating consequences of the conspiracy disclosed below.

India is a vast subcontinent of over 1,200 millions ruled by a mere 15% upper caste (headed by 2% Brahmins). Money, muscle, media and caste manipulation determine the outcome of all elections including the current one, results of which will be out on May 16, 2009.

World's greatest democracy: Billions have voted in the over a month-long election process which is the only criterion that makes the White Western media to call India as the "world's largest democratic country" (DV May 1, 2009 p.8: "Elections alone can't make India proud to call itself a democracy"). But we alone, the victims of this so-called sham democracy, know how this democracy is working in India. But we as the slaves have no voice in this "greatest democracy".

The 15% upper caste rulers have come to know that the current parliamentary elections are going against them.

Being the rulers, property-holders, custodians of their obedient gods and their make-believe religion, they are alarmed that the political power may slip out of their hands and pass into the hated Bahujans. From centuries and centuries — even during the Muslim and then the British rule — they have been presiding over the destiny of the land and riding rough-shod over the 85% Bahujan havenots.

There was never a revolution in India. Only counter-revolutionaries like M.K. Gandi are paraded as our role model.

"Caste identity" kills casteists: For the first time the rulers are getting firm hints that they may lose the power after the elections. The one and only thing that helped to demolish the upper caste hegemony is our "caste identity" theory (read our book, Caste ­ A Nation Within the Nation, Books for Change, Bangalore, Rs. 140).

The on-going elections brought the "caste identity" to the forefront and killed the casteists (Hindus).

Till today, these micro-minority 15% rulers have been getting themselves divided into three principal parties: (1) the Congress, the country's original Brahminical party of Gandhi-Nehru, (2) the more honest Brahmana Jati Party (BJP), born tot he first and (3) the communists (CPM&CPI), the deadliest and most dangerous Brahmin wovles in sheep's clothings. These three parties, all controlled by upper castes, guided by the most cunning Brahminical brains, used to divide themselves, quarrel like cats and dogs during the day but as the night falls, they all dine together and then sleep together.

Pakistan visit: This conspiratorial caucus is expected to suffer a firm rebuff in the current elections. So, when we were in Delhi for three days before we left on a tour of Pakistan, leading a three-member Dalit writers delegation, to participate in the gala Dr. Ambedkar birth anniversary celebration there, we got scent of the ruling class conspiracy.

Till today the Tri Murtis — Congress, BJP and communists — were outwardly pretending to be ideological enemies of each other. But now they have decided that the time has come to call off this drama, clean up their painted faces and come out in their true colour.

Our information is the Brahminical controllers of the three parties will now join hands to retain the power in their hands forgetting all their false ideologies and fake quarrels.

Bomb unites Brahmins: Already hints have been thrown to unite on the "peaceful nuclear deal" with USA forged by the Khatri Sikh PM, who has already emerged as the darling of the Brahminical micro-minority. Manmohan Singh, who prostrated before the hated George Bush begging for bomb, is their hot favourite.

It is on the issue of bomb all the three notorious Brahminical parties are now going to unite to re-elect Khatri Sikh as PM so that the surging Chamar ka beti, Mayawati, is denied the seat.

Times of India campaign: The election results are expected to reduce the three "national" parties into anti-nationals by the surging SC/ST/BCs and Muslim/Christian/Sikh slaves of India. The worried Bhoodevatas have been directed by their holy Shankaracharyas that the three parties must unite to keep the hated Bahujans out and retain the Brahmin supremacy.

Already the country's principal English daily, the Times of India, has been beating the drums to welcome the unelected Khatri Sikh back to the Delhi throne. As the election results start pouring in the BJP Brahmins and communist crooks will raise their voice in favour of the Khatri Sikh.

That means all the SC/ST/BCs (65%) and Muslim/Christian/Sikhs (20%) total 85% will stand deceived. This will be hailed in the media as a big feather on the hat of the "world's greatest democracy".

Coronation of Khatri Sikh: The zionists and their band-masters have already descended on Delhi to prepare for the coronation of the Khatri Sikh or may be the Bengali Brahmin, Pranab Mukherji. Anything can happen in India. The Tatas, Ambanis, Bajajs, and the entire lot of capitalist crooks will drink and dance over the victory of "democratic experiment" and the slaves of India will also see the dance in TV and enjoy the scene.

The rest will simply fall in line. The future of the over 120 crore of people of India will be decided by just 12 people. That is why India is called the "world's largest democracy". People get the govt. they deserve.


Hindu Nepal turns against Hindu India


Bangalore: Brahminical leaders of India have quarreled with every neighbour, the latest being Nepal. The world's only Hindu country headed by a Brahmin Prime Minister has turned against "Hindu India". The provocation relates to the kick that Brahmin Prachanda gave to Hindu India by dismissing his army chief. Indian rulers, who got so overjoyed on the beef-eating Prachanda becoming the PM of the country, were shocked that as soon he took the oath his first visit was to China, Hindu India's No.1 enemy. His second action was to expel Kerala Namboodiri Brahmin priests of Kathmandu's oldest Brahmin temple — shocking India's rulers. Looking from any angle there is every chance of Nepal becoming India's enemy. That means the circle is complete. Beginning with China, Nepal, Burma, Bangladesh, Lanka, Pakistan, Kashmir, India is surrounded by enemies — all of them very close to China. Meanwhile, China is simply rising and all set to become the world's No.1 power — not only economically but also militarily, replacing America. The Indian rulers hate China and gave shelter to its enemy, the Dalai Lama. But India's boasting and bragging Brahminical rulers have no guts to get vacated the millions of square miles "occupied" by China.

DV Sept.16, 2008 p.7: "Brahminical joy over Prachanda take over of Nepal" & p. 8: "Brahmin Prachanda as great admirer of killer Parashuram".

DV May 16, 2008 p.7: "DV proves right on Prachanda"

DV May 1, 2008 p.6: Prachanda establishes Brahmin rule over Nepal".

Pak Hindus snatching away benefits given to Dalits


Lahore: The visiting three-member delegation of Dalit writers to Pakistan headed by V.T. Rajshekar were given a civic reception in the historic Town Hall situated in the compound of Lahore Municipal Corporation on April 17, 2009. The Federal Minister Shahbaz Bhatti, a Christian, was the chief guest at the Dr. Ambedkar birth anniversary celebrations to which the delegation was invited.

The other two delegates from India were S.K. Biswas of Bengal and Dr. Anand Teltumbde from Bombay. The delegation was invited by the Sir Ganga Ram Heritage Foundation (SGRHF), Lahore.


The grand civic reception was attended by representatives of all the "religious minorities" which included Christian, Hindu, Dalit, Sikh. Religious minorities or non-Muslims formed less than 4% of the country's population and they are all well protected.

The packed Town Hall gathering comprised only such minorities and the visiting Dalit delegates mixed with the other minorities and they all confirmed that they were well looked after.

However, V.T. Rajshekar in his speech told the Federal Cabinet Minister present, himself a Christian, that as the Editor of Dalit Voice he often received complaints from Dalits and Christians. This was because the Dalits in Pakistan were clubbed with Hindus under its constitution.

The Hindus being property-holders and well educated they snatched the seats and benefits reserved for Dalits. Hence the need to separate Dalits, who are not Hindu, from the oppressive Hindus. (DV May 1, 2009 p.7: "Even in Pakistan Hindus persecute Dalits").

Similarly, over 95% of the Christians in Pakistan are Dalit converts. Dalit leaders and those conscious Dalit Christians must convince the Muslims that they are ethnically Dalit.

He said: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar is called the "Father of India", the highest honour ever conferred upon any Indian by the people of India themselves.

This is because Dr. Ambedkar brought relief to every section of the segmented Indian population to secure its human rights. It is really great that the SGRHF has decided to celebrate his birth anniversary to express your country's solidarity with India's most neglected Untouchables. Your invitation to a delegation of Dalit writers from India is a wonderful gesture of solidarity at a time when the Brahminical rulers of India have declared a war against Muslim Pakistan.


Please note India is not a "nation" but a country of hundreds of nationalities comprising (1) Untouchables (20%), (2) Tribals (10%), (3) Backward Castes (35%) plus (4) Muslims (15%), (5) Christians (2.5%) and (6) Sikhs (2.5%). Then again we have the country's ruling upper castes called Hindu (15%) led by its micro-minority 2% Brahmins. This ruling class made the 1,200 million population, the world's second largest, as the cancer patients of the world.

These seven principal sections are again divided and subdivided into hundreds of castes, communities and tribes who are forcibly put together and called as the "functioning anarchy" by John Kenneth Gabraith.

The Anthropological Survey of India's document, called Peoples of India, has identified 2,300 castes. Even after 62 years of "independence", India continues to be a country of perpetually warring castes and communities.

The only person who diagnosed the ills of all the castes and communities and offered them a lasting solution was Dr. Ambedkar. But unfortunately, India's micro-minority (15%) rulers headed by its 2% Brahmins refused to either accept his scientific diagnosis of India's ills or the sociological medicine he prescribed.

So much so the country has turned into a huge battlefield in which over 85% of the weaker sections have become the victims. The principal victims in this caste and communal violence are the Untouchables (Dalits -25%) and Muslims (20%).

The United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDG) index reveals that Pakistan has made fairly good progress in social and cultural sectors but the Indian ruling class totally neglected these sectors, says the UN report.

All this because India's rulers have refused to accept even a single solution offered by Dr. Ambedkar, the "Father of India".

India has more Muslims than Pakistan. In fact India is the world's largest Muslim country. Their position is extremely pathetic. Over 90% of Indian Muslims are converts from our community. Hence our blood brothers. They live in a great pain.

History is no use if we don't learn from it. The history of 62 years of India and Pakistan has taught that the partition of India was a big mistake. Dr. Ambedkar in his famous book, "Pakistan or Partition of India", (Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings & Speeches, Vol.8, Maharashtra Govt. 1990) has strongly opposed partition. But India's Brahminical rulers conspired to partition India. But the partition has permanently damaged the interests of both Dalits and Muslims. How can India be happy when over 85% of its population is crying and bleeding?

Therefore, as the Editor of Dalit Voice, India's oldest and the largest circulated journal of Dalits and other persecuted nationalities, we suggest re-unification of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, torn asunder by an accident of history, and help build the Akhand Bharat (United India) of our dreams. The opinion in India is overwhelmingly in favour of our proposal.

People reject socialist sucker


Bangalore: Every prediction made in DV on George Fernandes has proved correct. The poor Roman Catholic from the coastal Karnataka — who flirted with Brahminism and got billions and billions of rupees, made name and fame but pretended to be a fire-eating socialist — is finally rejected by the people. This happens with all the suckers.

No polling agent

Muzaffarpur: The man whose speeches in his heydays here would set the Ganga on fire faced the ultimate ignominy of being unable to deploy even a single polling agent at election booths. In fact, George Fernandes, contesting as an independent after being given the short shrift by JD(U), the party he helped found, was not even in town because of ill health during the second phase of polling. The absence of the veteran socialist and five-time MP from Muzaffarpur from the poll scene was a major let-down for his supporters. His ill-health too could not arouse any sympathy for him: Muzaffarpur recorded 45% polling. (Times of India).

DV April 16, 2009 p.7: "What happened to those embracing Brahminism".

DV April 1, 2007 p. 6: "A.B. Vajpayee kicks his blue-eyed boy George".

DV May 1, 2006 p. 6: "George Fernandes meets his death".

DV Feb.1, 2006 p.7: "Fall of George Fernandes".

DV May 1, 2003 p. 11: "Nitish-George fight breaks Samata Party".

DV Jan.1, 2003 p.9: "George Fernandes goes to Mangalroe after angry Kurmis boot him out of Bihar".

Ruling class loves only suckers


Bangalore: The Khatri Sikh PM under the influence of his Brahminical bosses spent Rs. 12 crores to an American lobbying firm to influence USA to get the nuclear deal cleared. But the Sardarji failed and his blue-eyed hero George Bush was booted out.

Washington: The Indian Government paid $2.41 million (over Rs. 12 crore) for lobbying with US lawmakers since 2005 on issues mostly related to the civil nuclear deal between the two countries.

A payment of $1,80,000 was made to a high-profile lobbying firm here, BGR Holding, in the first quarter of 2009 itself while $2.23 million was paid to the same lobbyist between 2005 and 2008.

As per the disclosure reports filed by Barbour Griffith & Rogers (BGR) with the US House of Representatives and the US Senate, the payments were made against lobbying done on behalf of the Indian Govt. on issues related to foreign relations.

(Hindu, PTI, May 1, 2009)

The rulers of India want only bomb but the hungry people of India wanted bread and butter.

India has never seen such a useless PM but the rulers love him because he is their bum-licker.

Zionist hand behind 9/11 in US


(Sept.11 in America & Aug.17 in Pakistan)

Tariq Majeed

Ex-commodore in Pakistan Navy and noted expert on international affairs

2006 pp.745 Rs 475

Baitul Hikmat, Lahore

Only photocopy available with Dalit Voice. Send Rs. 400

Palash Biswas
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