Sunday, April 19, 2009

Heat Wave, JAU HARIJAN and Bijon Setu Genocide

Heat Wave, JAU HARIJAN and Bijon Setu Genocide

Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 208

Palash Biswas
  • Climate of West Bengal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    15 Feb 2009 ... The climate of West Bengal varies from tropical savannah in the southern portions to humid subtropical in the north. ... - 33k - Cached - Similar pages -
  • West Bengal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    West Bengal's climate varies from tropical savannah in the southern portions to humid subtropical in the north. The main seasons are summer, rainy season, ... - 243k - Cached - Similar pages -
  • No Nor'wester, no respite as heat wave - Express India
    kolkata, April 24 The heat wave has claimed three more lives in Birbhum and Purulia districts of West Bengal in the past three days. ... - 49k -
    At least 23 feared dead in India heat wave‎ - 1 hour ago
    NEW DELHI -- At least 23 people are suspected to have died in a heat wave swirling across eastern India, officials said Sunday. The heat-wave deaths were ... - 18 related articles »

    Basu Govt still suppressing facts on Margi massacre

    Udayan Namboodiri

    CALCUTTA, May 1: The 15th anniversary of West Bengal's biggest ever case of mass lynching was observed here on Wednesday by monks of the Ananda Marg even as the Jyoti Basu government continues to conceal the facts on the gruesome killing from the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC).

    On the morning of April 30, 1982, 16 Ananda Marg monks and a nun were dragged out of taxis that were taking them to an educational conference at their headquarters in Tiljala in the city's southern suburbs.

    At three spots simultaneously, they were beaten to death and then set on fire. All this was watched by thousands of people. Yet, to this day, not a single arrest has been made.

    Finally, in late 1996, the NHRC decided to take up the investigation of the case.

    But without the West Bengal government's cooperation it cannot go far. Already two reminders have been sent but the Basu government has not responded.

    Meanwhile, an IAS officer of the West Bengal cadre, Sher Singh, has stirred a hornet's nest by offering to reveal the facts of the case along with relevant documents. Singh was additional district magistrate of 24 Parganas at the time of the incident and claimed to the Central Administration Tribunal (CAT) in his petition (No.1108 of 1994) that he was victimised for his refusal to toe the Marxist government's line on the case and suspended.

    Singh has informed the CAT that since he is bound by the Official Secrets Act he can only reveal the full facts if demanded by the ``competent authority''. However peppered all over his petition are hints that the lynching was carefully planned and executed by Marxist cadres over a land dispute with the Marg. The Marxists had feared the Margis would upstage their domination in the Kasba belt, which was at that time a base for the CPI(M).

    The West Bengal government claimed after the incident that the Margis were lynched by an irate mob. But there is still no explanation as to how such spontaneous action could take place at three different spots within a one-kilometre radius. Moreover, there were three police stations in the vicinity but the police did not arrive at the scene till two hours after the lynching.

    Acharya Trambakeshwarananda Avadoot, public relations secretary of the Marg, told The Indian Express that the ``only success achieved by the Basu government has been the concealing of its involvement in the State's biggest case of lynching.'' Mantreshwarananda Avadoot, a central committee member of the Marg said the Marxists had planned to eliminate all the top leaders of the organisation but its goons, in a case of mistaken identity, selected ordinary monks for the slaughter.

    A silent procession was taken out in south Calcutta yesterday by the Marg to remind Calcuttans of one of the permanent blotches on their collective consciousness. Though over the years the Marg has picked up a lot of controversy -- its role in the famous Purulia airdrop being one -- people still sympathetically relate them to the victims of the 1982 incident.

    My friend Tuashar Bhattachary, the Film Maker who made a documentary film on Marichjhanpi and we presented it as ONLINE PETITION against the Ethnic Cleansing of Partition Victim indigenous refugees, has written his latest article on Mragi Massacre on BIJON SETU in Kolkata in 1882. It is published as a COVER STORY of the SUNDAY Supplement VICHITRA of BANGLA STATESMAN, kolkata. Last week, they published a COVER STORY on Marichjhanpi Genocide. Tusharda wrote this story also!
    How can one forget the most bloody massacre of 17 innocent Ananda Margi monks and nuns on the 30th of April, 1982, in broad daylight!

    I was in Dhanbad while the margies were murdered.

     It is a RARE SUMMER EXPERIENCE in Bengal while INSURRECTION and Massacres are dealt with by a section of the Media and other is engaged to DEMOLISH the fact!

     Meanwhile, a very talented Young Poet, Mandakranta Sen wrote the SCRIPT on Tapasi Mallick Murder and rape for a VEDIO FILM directed by Chandan Sen! Mandakranta and Chandan defends the Marxist Gestapo as another young lady ANINDITA SARBADHIKARI made a DOCUMENTARY to defend the Nandigram case for CPIM!

    The scientists lead the CAMPAIGN against MONOPOLISTIC Aggression and Buddhadev misses the FACES of INTELLIGENTSIA who he could address!Shubhoprasanna organises a POILA BAISHAKH festival in Netaji indoor stadium to showcase the RESISTANCE Culture.

    Manik Mandal, the FREE LANCER Novelist who wrote Novels on massacres, launches a MOBILE RESISISTANCE show and has been stopped by CPIM!

    Pratul Bandopaddhyaya releases a AUDIO CD against genocide culture as AMAR BOWLI, a folk artist does following the poet JOY Goshwami.

    The Documentation of Marichjhanpi Genocide is hightened with the FILM made by Tushar Bhattacharya!

    JAGADISH CHANDRA MANDAL who wrote the first book on MARICHJHANPI Genocide has publist his second book. His first book MARICHJHANPI : NAISHABDER ANTORALE inspired a serial of works on the FORGOTTEN EPISODE!

     Latest book happens to be written by an ECONOMIST.

     ANU JALIUS also published her BOOK on Marichjhanpi. ANU and ROSS MALLICK are the person who made the CRY for JUSTICE heard worldwide!

    Mahashweta Devi has served an ULTIMATUM to submit my SCRIPT of a NOVEL written in Bengali. I have to oblige  lest she may thrash me anyday!

    Well, this seems to be different Summer while Mallicka SARABHAI takes field against Lal Krishna Adwani and Ruling Manusmriti Hegemony as well as DESI VIDESHI ILLUMINATI join hands to win first ever VARNA YUDDHA!

    It's only mid-April and the temperature has already crossed 40 degree Celsius. It touched 40.8 degree Celsius on Saturday, an alarming 5  degree Celsius above normal, giving rise to fears that this could be one of the hottest summers ever in Kolkata. The scorching heat made life miserable for those who had no option but to venture out in the sun. And, if predictions by the Met office come true, Kolkatans will get no respite from this heat for at least another 24 hours.
    The weather in India varies dramatically.

    Indian political parties have not mentioned GLOBAL WARMING, Climate, Environment and Pollution control  in their Manifestos!

     The best time to travel to India depends greatly on the destinations to be visited and the climate experienced there.

    But Niaranjan and Beena did not consider the Weather factor when they planned to visit us.

    But Presence of Beena, my cousininvokes of memories of ANOTHER TIME, another Mood, Another Landscape and Humanscape where we spent together our childhood.

    It has been always Scorching Heat all over North India.

    We never felt the HEAT wave in Kolkata for last ninetten years as we always had been suffering from Humidity and Depression!

    For last few days, we feel the BITES of Heat Waves once again and the EXPERIENCE is ACUTE as the memories of our Childhood crowd in Mind and Heart!

    India VOTES this SUMMER and it is nothing new.We have been involved in ELECTIONEERING in JUNE in North India. We had always been habitual to FIGHT the HEAT Waves.

    Beena now lives in Aircooled Home and never feels the Heat for decades and we also lost the memories of SUMMER in all these years!

    Our cousin Subhash, now a working Journalist was hit by Heat wave when he was a student of Calss seven in 1971. It was Annual Exam time in JUNE in our School Zila Parishad Highschool, Dineshpur. Subhash was returning from the school and was SUN Struck in the way. The local Villagers found him on the way with his cycle. They brought him to the nearest village Haridaspur. Fortunately, CHHOTOKAKA was in Ho,e at the time he rushed to haridaspur and subhash was saved.

    After eldest cousin Meeradi`s marriage Subhash, Beena and me  shared our childhood in a joint family.In 1973, Beena was also married off. I landed in nainital in July.

    Since 1973 to 1979, I stayed back in the Himalayas and alsways succeeded to avoid heatwaves.I had been in Allahabad and new delhi during 1979 to 1980. I had to face once againg the heat and dust of north India Summer. Later, in April, 1980 I began my career as a working Journalist from Dhanbad. I had to encounter Heat wave as well as HUMIDITY there as i chose to involve myself in Investigative journalism in coal Fields as well as  social activism associated with Jharkhand nationality Movement! I spent the summer of 1984 in Ranchi and it was a relief. In 1984 itself I shifted to Meerut for six years and shifted to Bareilly in April, 1990. In october, 1991, I based in Kolkata.

    In our village Basantipur,we had no ELECTRICITY until 1969. We had the first link road after 1985 while I was in Meerut.

    My Thamma was an Indigenous wonder healer. She would put ONOIONS in our pockets as she could not oblige us to stay at home.
     We had to go to the School and at home , we had to engage ourselves in farming. As it used always to be Wheat harvesting time, we had no way to escape the heat and Dust.
     The GREEN Revolution was at home thanks to Pant Nagar University and we knew the use of modified seeds, fertilisers and Pesticides. But we hardly knew anything else but the TRACTORS which were abundent even in sixties.
    We had to accomplish all HARVESTING task manually. Children and Students were never spared. We used to be the ESSENTIAL FREE hands and had very little time for our studies.
    I used to be often THRASHED for being so studious as it was considered to be the best ploy to SKIP tasks at fields!

    We had to IRRIGATE and Plough the land and the harvest. At the same time , we had to defend our harvest at the fields.We had to spend the Summer nights in open fields.

    JAU Harijan was the DOMESTIC help. Gradually he eleveated himselve to Indispensible at Home and at the fields. He was an Old honest dalit man from a  Deoria village, near KUSHINAGAR. But seldom he liked to visit his home where a younger second wife had to wait for him. He would engage himself round the colock in evrey kind of works. We had to be his assistant.

    During one Summer Night, the Old man CRIED very violent and Villagers from all the surrounding vilages gathered at Mid Night. Jau Bhaia told that he saw a TIGER in the field! tigers were often seen in Terai as Suger cane was the main crop at the time and soyabeen and sunflower was yet to be harvested! However, there was no trace of the MAN eater!

    We loved jau who would chew anything for example caly, bricks, stone, palnts anything besides KHAINI. he would sing anytime the Bhojpuri folk and make us delighted.

    Soon, jau bhaia was ENTRUSTED for Monetary Transaction keeping in mind his faith and honesty. he was considered the official manager of the family and was respected and loved by villagers inthe area. So much so, he would distribute free the VEGETABLES sent to the market for sale. He would always hesitate to get money from our acquintances for our farm produce!

    One day, his Teen age son landed in our villages and jau Bhaia left our Home for ever!

    We had to take EYE Drops of BANNER Pata, leaves of a plant regularly. We had to bathe with medicated water indigenously. thamma had grown every kind of Medicine plants to encounter the WEATHER gods and Semi Gods!

    We used to eat our Bread with fried ONION often and also with raw  Mango Paste. onion and Mango were main tools with which we could fight heat wave.

    Then we were habitual to take Raw vegetables. obviously neither we knew any junk food nor we could afford. The source of Inforamtion was limited to All India Radio and sometimes BBC!Newpapers would reach us a day or two day late! We knew so little about the City life!

    "Due to the formation of a cyclonic circulation, the sky was generally cloudy for the last two days, bringing the temperature down. The circulation had also brought in moisture. But with the cyclonic system moving towards Bangladesh, the clouds have cleared, bringing in direct sun rays and drying up the moisture. This has created a heat wave-like situation. Temperatures will fall only if there is a Nor'wester," said a Met official.

    The Met office predicts the possibility of rain and thundershower in Gangetic West Bengal in the next 24 hours though it will not affect Kolkata and its suburbs. The Met office said the temperature at 11.30 am on Saturday was 6.6 degree Celsius higher than what it was at 11.30 am on Friday.

    With the heat rising, sales of soft drinks, fruit juices and lassi have soared. "Several customers on Saturday had fruit juices and lassis to beat the heat," said a roadside sweet shop owner. "Soft drinks are selling like anything," said the owner of a roadside soft drink store near the Esplanade.

    Doctors said the most effective way to beat this dry heat was to drink lots of fluids to avoid dehydration and to stay indoors as far as possible. "Ailments such as heat cramps, heat stroke and heat exhaustion are very common in this hot and sultry weather. Fruits are the best active energy agents and it is advisable to avoid spicy non-vegetarian food as far as possible," said preventive medicine specialist Debashis Basu.

    New Delhi has never been a better Place in indian summer.

    I visited Delhi in 1974 during May and June.

    The Heat Wave was never stranger to us as we  accepted it as normal Weather to bear with even in nainital Terai. But in Nainital, we never faced WATER SCARCITY.
    I had already landed in Nainital and considered nainital as my Home City since 1973.

    I had to buy DRINKING Watre in DELHI and it hurt me deep. I could never love DELHI just because of the first Encounter!
    Hot and dusty winds swept across the capital Sunday, making it unpleasant for Delhiites as the city saw temperatures soaring five degrees Celsius above what is normal for this time odf the season.

    The meteorological office Sunday recorded the maximum temperature at 41 degrees Celsius and the minimum at 26.3 degrees Celsius - both five degrees above normal. The weather office also reported that strong hot surface winds prevailed in the region.
    Since daytime temperatures have steadily stayed above normal, weather officials warned that a "loo-like" condition could soon be declared.

    "A loo-like situation is declared when temperatures are four or five degrees above normal in a heat wave scenario. The normal for this time is 36 degrees Celsius," an official from the Indian Meteorological Department told IANS.

    "If the same conditions persist - we will declare the loo Monday," the official added.
    According to the official, it is normal temperature this year. "In 2006 and 2007 we had the maximum temperature of 42 degrees Celsius. It was only in April 1942 when the mercury had climbed 45.6 degrees Celsius in the national capital."

    "In May and June, we expect the mercury to cross 45 degrees Celsius," the official said, ruling out the possibility of rains in the near future.

    Meanwhile, people in the city had a tough time coping with the heat and the strong dust-laden winds.

    "The summer has just started and it's already like a heat wave has hit us!" said Shreyas Sahu, a software engineer.

    Rohit Sharma, who commutes on a motorcycle, said: "I felt like I was in a furnace. My arms were burning."

    1982 Bijon Setu killings

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    1982 Bijon Setu massacre case refers to killing and burning of 16 monks and a nun belonging to Ananda Marga at Bijon Setu, Calcutta in West Bengal, India on April 30, 1982. No culprits were arrested for the incident.



    [edit] Incident

    On the morning of April 30, 1982, a nun and 16 Ananda Marga monks were dragged out of taxis that were taking them to an educational conference at their headquarters in Tiljala in Calcutta's southern suburbs. At three spots simultaneously, they were beaten to death and then set on fire. The killings were witnessed by thousands of people. However, not a single arrest has been made till date.[1]

    [edit] Probe

    National Human Rights Commission took up the investigation of case in 1996 however due to non-coperation from the marxist government of West Bengal it has not made any headway.

    On April 30, 1999 the Ananda Marga Pracharaka Samgha (AMPS) demanded a high-level judicial probe into the mass killing of Ananda Margis. Taking cue from the Union Government, which has ordered an inquiry into the killings of Australian missionary Graham Staines and his two sons in Orissa, the AMPS in a 66-page letter to Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee, urged the Government to set up a similar panel to probe "the killings of 17 Ananda Margis in broad daylight in Calcutta.``Never had the city of Calcutta or any part of our country witnessed such inhuman, brutal and systematic massacre spreading over one and a half hours without any police intervention while the police station is at a stone's throw distance," the letter said. The letter urged the Prime Minister to immediately set up a high-level probe panel into the killings in accordance with the provision of the Commission of Inquiry Act, 1952, "failing which the government, would violate the provision of the Constitution", the letter added.[2]

    [edit] Developments

    On April 28, 2004, for the first time since the massacre of the Ananda Margis the commissioner of police (Calcutta) allowed the Pracharak Samity to hold a rally on April 30, 2004 to mourn the death of 17 Margis without any court order. The police chief, however, made it clear that no skull dance or display of weapons would be allowed during the rally. [3]

    [edit] References

    [edit] External links

    Genocide in Nandigram By Marxists

    The National Executive Council (NEC) of Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) strongly condemns the state-sponsored massacre of innocent and poor villagers of Nadigram in West Bengal on 14th March 2007. This heinous act of the West Bengal police has stunned the whole nation. Though the shameless state government has given the death toll as just 14, the eyewitnesses have reported it as near 50, most of them women and children and many more injured and a few hundred are still missing.

    The National Executive Council of ABVP expresses its grave concern at the politisation of police force and administration which have violated all the constitutional norms of the country. The red terror spread by the CPI (M) government in West Bengal has, once again shown its barbaric, inhuman and cruel face by sending the CPI (M) goons to participate along with the regular police force in this mass killing by wearing the police uniform. This indicates a complete absence of neutrality even in the administration which is of serious concern for democracy.

    The terror story of Singur in Hooghly district is the same as that of Nadigram. Under the guise of 'industrialization of the state' the state government started snatching the fertile land of farmers from Singur, which was, naturally, opposed by the farmers. They were not ready to give away their ancestral land even at gun point, while the West Bengal government was hell-bent upon acquiring the Singur land and handing it over to Tatas for their car factory. Protesting farmers were beaten up by police on 25th sept.2006, resulting in the death of a youth, Raj Kumar Vul. On Dec.2, the police entered the houses of villagers, brutally beat up innocent people including children and aged members of their families, burnt and destroyed their properties.

    Not only that the CPI (M) criminals raped and brutally murdered a teenaged girl, Tapasi Mullick, who was one of the active protesters. Two Singur farmers have already committed suicide after they were forcibly dispossessed of their land.
    These two recent incidents have angered not only the sensitive people of West Bengal but also the entire nation. Intellectuals and prominent personalities have not only condemned this act the anti-poor stand of the CPI(M) government of West Bengal, but many of them have returned their laurels and awards to the state government in protest against the atrocities.

    This NEC of ABVP urges the Honourable President to dismiss the state government which has shamelessly violated all human rights in this regard.

    Of course, this is not first such incident by the anti-democratic Leftist government of West Bengal. The past 30 years history of these governments in West Bengal, Kerala and Tripura is full of such heinous acts. For example:

    1. The massacre of hundreds of Partition of refugees in Marichjhapi in 1979.
    2. The burning alive of Ananda Margi sadhus in Kolkata in 1982.
    3. Cutting of the hands of opposition supporters in Amta in 1991.
    4. Killing of 11 villagers by the CPI (M) in Nanoor in 2000.
    5. The Burning alive of 11 villagers in chhoto Angaria in 2001.

    The history of the Leftist government and the CPI (M) cadre in Kerala is also full of such heinous incidents, which have proved time and again that the Left Front governments in both Kerala and West Bengal are anti-poor, anti-democratic and anti-human.

    In both above-mentioned incidents women were gang-raped and murdered brutally but neither the Human Rights Commission nor the National Commission for Women has responded. The NEC of the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad strongly condemns the callous and politically motivated attitude of these commissions. Had such incidents taken place in non-left ruled states these Commissions would have taken a pro-active stance which exposes the double standards adopted by these bodies. The silence of these two bodies on the atrocities in West Bengal puts a question mark on their integrity.

    It is all the more ironical that these atrocities have taken place in the name of industrialization of West Bengal whereas the fact is that the same Left Front government is responsible for the de-industrialisation of West Bengal in the last 30 years. And now they want to hand over the most prime and fertile land to private domestic and foreign investors for 'industrialisation' neglecting almost 70,000 industries which are lying closed in the state.

    The NEC of ABVP congratulates the media for exposing the Left Front government's anti-human face and bringing the naked truth before the people.

    ABVP expresses solidarity with the protesting farmers, intellectuals and students of West Bengal and demands:

    1) Immediate dismissal of the anti-democratic West Bengal government.
    2) Arrest of all the people behind the genocide including the Chief Minister and
    strict legal action against them.
    3) A full CBI enquiry into the incidents should be conducted.
    4) All those injured as well as the families of those killed should be given
    immediate and adequate monetary compensation.
    5) The Land Acquisition Act, 1984, should be scrapped as a colonial and outdated
    6) There should be no forcible acquisition of fertile agricultural land from farmers
    in the name of SEZ or any other industry.

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          Livemint - ‎2 minutes ago‎
          It's neither the economic rough weather nor the weak internal security nor Pakistan's volatile democracy that are hogging the headlines. ...

          Ray of hope in monsoon forecast

          Calcutta Telegraph - ‎Apr 17, 2009‎
          New Delhi, April 17: India is likely to receive "near normal" rainfall this year, weather scientists said today in their first monsoon forecast for 2009 ...

          Mercury rises, 23 killed in Orissa

 - ‎11 minutes ago‎
          Temperatures showed an upward trend in most parts of Punjab, Haryana and Delhi while the warm weather conditions in the hill state of Himachal Pradesh ...

          Heartbreak for Sutil and Force India

          USA Today - ‎5 hours ago‎
          BLAME THE WEATHER: The most spectacular incident of Sunday's Chinese Grand Prix was a collision between BMW's Robert Kubica and Toyota's Jarno Trulli at the ...

          India to launch Israeli spy satellite on Monday

 - ‎3 hours ago‎
          Capable of taking images of the Earth under all weather conditions (even when it is cloudy) using radar technology, the satellite would deliver pictures ...

          Lights, camera, action: IPL 2 is here

          Hindustan Times - ‎Apr 17, 2009‎
          Players too are loving it with the weather being a lot kinder than what it would have been in India. They are enjoying the stardom without the frenzy that ...

          Decision on troop reduction in Kashmir after summer: Army chief

          SamayLive - ‎Apr 18, 2009‎
          New Delhi: The Indian Army chief Saturday said that any decision on troop reduction in Jammu and Kashmir will be taken after this summer. ...


          Times of India - ‎Apr 17, 2009‎
          If the tournament had stayed in India, its continued success would have been easy to dismiss as a subcontinental peculiarity. But if it proves to be a hit ...
          BIG BREAKS Deccan Herald
          The ABC of the IPL The Witness

          Mercury rises, 23 killed in Orissa

 - ‎12 minutes ago‎
          PTI The northern and eastern parts of India sweated it out on Sunday as mercury crossed the 40-degree mark in several places and Orissa reported 23 ...

          No troop cut in Kashmir this summer: India

          Daily Times - ‎19 hours ago‎
          LAHORE: Any decision on troop reduction in Jammu and Kashmir will be taken after the summer, the Indian Army chief said on Saturday. ...

          'Unrealistic to expect Indo-Pak talks sans Mumbai resolution'

          Daily Times - ‎19 hours ago‎
          "The situation will change this summer," he said however. Regarding Pakistan's fears of Indian influence in Afghanistan, he said India was "a major player" ...

          (Royal Challengers. Bought for $1.55 million this year)

          Economic Times - ‎Apr 18, 2009‎
          This summer, expect something extra special from the IPL. Especially when KP bats. The creator of the 'switch hit,' a stroke which sparked off a debate ...

          Asin and Genelia in an Orange War!

          Sify - ‎Apr 17, 2009‎
          ... thanks to Asin, while Simran and later Trisha gave stiff competition with Coca Cola India's Fanta. This summer, Fanta has decided to take Mirinda head ...

          India sugar futures fall on profit-taking; spot up

          Reuters India - ‎Apr 15, 2009‎
          India's sugar output will fall to 14.2 million tonnes in 2008/09, down 8.4 percent from previous estimates, as lower cane availability forced mills to end ...

          Cantabil unveils summer collection

 - ‎Apr 17, 2009‎
          Cantabil, the Italian fashion brand in India, has launched a new range for young customers. The range includes shorts, T-shirts, tops, cargo pants, ...

          Make your child a winner

          Express Buzz - ‎Apr 17, 2009‎
          Global Art India, an international art programme for children brings its special summer course. Global Art India's programmes are designed to present more ...

          Developing stories

          The Associated Press –
           ‎49 minutes ago‎ – हिंदी में
          Economic Times –
           ‎22 hours ago‎ – हिंदी में
          Hindu –
           ‎7 hours ago‎ – हिंदी में
          Times of India –
           ‎5 hours ago‎ – हिंदी में
          Reuters UK –
           ‎2 hours ago‎ – हिंदी में
          Daily News & Analysis –
           ‎Apr 17, 2009‎ –
          Hindu –
           ‎44 minutes ago‎ –

           Palash Biswas

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