Saturday, February 21, 2009

PAY CUTS Imminent as Mass Job LOSS Continues With DISINVESTMENT Ahead. No RESERVATION or QUOTA Would Help Anyone! OBC Quota Made Irrelevant in IIMs.

PAY CUTS Imminent as Mass Job LOSS Continues With DISINVESTMENT Ahead. No RESERVATION or QUOTA Would Help Anyone! OBC Quota Made Irrelevant in IIMs.

Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 167

Palash Biswas

RECESSION is the Best Ever WEAPON for MASS DESTRUCTION and the Washington Planted Zionist Government of India led by Anti National IMMORAL IMPOSTORS uses it very EFFECTIVELY against Aboriginal, Indigenous, Minority and even general masses with LICENSE to KILL Infinite!

I am stunned to see the nature of Parliamentary debate and public Opinion these days!

Gold breaches Rs 16k level in futures trade! Where from the MONEY comes to INVEST in GOLD? How much is invested in Gold? how much DIVERSION of capital is instituted by DESI ILLUMINITI for launching, Merger and acquisition Abroad? What about the BALANCE SHEETS and FUNDAMENTALS of PRIVATE Sector? How Transparent is Budget making?

With economic slowdown leading to huge layoffs in certain sectors, the government on Friday said jobs must be retained even if it meant cut in compensation.

"Jobs must be protected even if it means some reduction in compensation at various levels," Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee said at International Labour Conference in New Delhi.

He said the the government is making all out efforts to ensure flow of credit to boost trade and investment, consumption and to stimulate additional demand through public and private expenditure.

Mukherjee later told reporters that in the interim Budget he had talked of encouraging investments in infrastructure and in housing and real estate, adding that the government is providing adequate resources for programmes like NREGA and Bharat Nirman.

"If the work can be stepped up to a considerable extent, these are directly linked with employment creation and also demand creation. (If) more and more good roads are constructed, cement, steel, every thing will be required. They will get jobs. These type of programmes should be expedited and adequate resources will be provided," he said.

His remarks came as the government today informed Parliament that 5 lakh people lost their jobs during the four-month period ending December 2008, on account of economic crisis in sectors including textiles, automobile and IT.

Our people does not want to deal with the economics of Politics or the Political economics. They invest everything to get the Most Essential purchasing power to survive day to day hazards and man made calamities as MONOPOLISTIC Aggression DELETE them out of this GEOPOLITICS.

Mass Job LOSS Continues. In India, twenty Lac people have lost their jobs only last year. five lacs of them during the last quarter of 2008. Only EXPORT Sector has announced that more than three lac people would lose jobs in the sector. In kerala, where many people got employment have returned home. Three or four lacs.

Disinvestment List is ready to be implemented.

The Ruling Hegemony is determined to implement MASS DESTRUCTION Agenda as wished by Global Order of TRI IBLISH - US Corporate Imperialism, Brahminical Hindutva and ZIONISM.

After SATYAM, Ambanies have been doubted to do MANIPULATE. But the RELIANCE shares have not been affected. After the experience of SATYAM ASTYAM, FINMIN, RBI and SEBI nexus is exposed more than enough. But the focus have been diverted in reality shows.

FALSE Recession is used to kill HUMAN and CIVIL Rights bypassing Parliament and constitution. The CRIMINAL OFFENCE is Immunised as DISINVESTMENT Process is IMMUNE to any judicial jurisdiction, Audit, Criminal Investigation and parliamentary Liability as well as Procedure.

The PROPRIETY question of democratic institutions including the Parliament has become IRRELEVANT.

Just understand the politics which is not so EASY as we believe to be! It is rather decided on hardcore ECONOMICS! The marxists Ruling West Bengal as well as the DALIT QUEEN Mayawati, Projected NEXT PRIME MINISTER face of Non existing THIRD FRONT opposed N-deal in UNPRECEDENTED Parliamentary REALITY OPERA after PULL DOWN by the LEFT, now Govts of WEST BENGAL as well as UTTAR PRADESH want N-plant. In Bengal, SEA COAST LINE SECURITY ACT is Violated on larege scale as CHEMICAL HUB is GREEN SIGNALED in NAYACHAR near HALDIA of GENOCIDE GESTAPO MANSABDAR MP LAXMAN SETH, which have to be LINKED by BULLET TRAIN as RLY Minister of GLOBAL as well as DESI Illuminities, LALU YADAV decalred in RLY BUDGET. It never involves the MASSES but it happens to be in the best interest of INDIA INCs!

HARIPUR JUNPUT in Midnapur has been spotted for NUCLEAR PARK long before the Historical Hypocricy of PULL DOWN and uto Operationalisation of INDO US NUKE deal. WB govet needs at leats seven REACTORs from USA. The NUCLEAR PARK PROJECT has not PROGRRESSED only due to stiff RESISTANCE in NANDIGRAM, SINGUR and LALGARH! GURKHA TRIBAL ALLIANCE has worsened the situation for the BRAHAMINCAL POWER hegemony as well as BRAHMINICAL RESISTANCE HEGEMONY.

The MARXISTS have not dropped anything on the SUPERFAST HIGHWAY of CAPITALIST MASS DESTRUCTION! Be it Chemical HUB, be it SEZ, be it NUCLEAR Park, be it Disinvestment and Privatisation of Public services like Rural development, health and education, IT promotion, Auto Drive, Retail Chain.. any damned thing. Since the Marxists have to win the MUSLIM, TRIBAL and SC OBC Vote banks to hold the STATE POWER, they have to speak all those IDEOLOGICAL NONSENSE doing something quite different! APPEASEMENT and ANNIHILATION is the AXIS of MARXIST BRAHAMINICAL HEGEMONY with Complete BRAIN Washing and MIND CONTROL using the CIVIL SOCIETY, Brand Buddha and CELEBE ICONS, Intelligentsia, Media, Language, Culture, institutions and Bangla Nationality as different zones of HARD CORE XXXXX PROSTITUTION!

I differ with our friends and guides like Marxist ANIL Sarkar and DALIT VOICE EDITOR VTR. Both of them endows the entire PHENOMENON of INDIGENOUS, ABORIGINAL, MINORITY Lieberation in ICON MAYAWATI, her party BSP and Majoritarian ELECTORAL system! VTR advocates CASTEOLOGY and CASTE IDENTITY to RESIST the Ideologies like BRAHMINISM and ZIONISM while the DALIT MARXIST MINISTER quotes MARXISM as well as RAVINDRA NATH TAGORE believing in MAYAWATI CHARISMA. Even DR BR AMBEDKAR has emphasised on EMPOWERMENT, ENLIGHTENMENT, MOBILISATION, ORGANISATION and RESISTANCE for INDIGENOUS ABORIGINAL Minority LIBERATION! But our friends and guides do believe in PERSONAL ACHIEVEMENT and CHARISHMA as if the PRIMEMINISTRY of a DALIT QUEEN would climax into libeartion! Is that possible! have we any Historical EVIDENCE? Then USA should cease to be CORPORATE IMPERIALIST ZIONIST as a BLACK President has taken over! BARACK OBAMA factor is TRUE as TRUE are the DREAMS of black ANCESTORS! If Mayawati is allowed to be the PRIME MINISTER of India, we may not hope that it would ANNIHILATE CASTE or BRAHAMINISM. Without EMPOWERMENT and ENLIGHTENMENT any DALIT POWER is BOUND to be merged in BRAHAMINICAL Ideology as the ARYANS have historically proved to be masters of ADOPTION and ENSLAVEMENT since the Destruction of HARAPPA and MOHANJODORO!

Uttar Pradesh government on Thursday said it has written a letter to Congress-led UPA government at the Centre for installing a nuclear power plant in the state.

Replying to supplementaries during the question hour, Minister for Power Ramvir Upadhyay told Vidhan Sabha that besides setting up new power plants and modernising the existing ones, the state has also requested the centre to set up a nuclear power plant in the state.

The minister was replying to a supplementary by Congress MLA Pramod Tewari, who wanted to know if those (BSP) opposing the Indo-US nuclear deal had opted for nuclear power.

While giving an account of the various steps undertaken by the state to deal with power shortage, especially in the Bundelkhand region, the minister said Uttar Pradesh has started borrowing electricity from Jharkhand from February 15 and assured the House that in four years time the state would have surplus power.

The minister used the opportunity to lash out at the former BJP government for selling Uchahar and Tanda power houses and the previous Samajwadi Party government for making no effort towards installing new power houses.

The minister said that efforts were also on to strengthen transmission and distribution.

THE GOI has done everything to ensure DEMOGRAPHIC Re adjustment to mobilise the VOTE BANK while declaring Reservation and quota measures. Cream Layer has got the ceiling of Rs 4.5 lac per Annam while the FEES of high profile IIM has been raised from Rs.1.5 lac in 2007 to Rs. 9.5 lac per Annam! No OBC quota would help in admission. Marxist Ruled West Bengal shows the way as CALCUTTA IIM hiked the fees at first. The Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta (IIM-C) has more than doubled its fees to Rs 9 lakh for over 400 students for the 2009-11 academic session, while doubling the scholarship fund from Rs 75 lakh to Rs 1.50 crore per year. The fee hike, decided at the IIM-C Board of Governors meeting on Friday, is more than double than the fees paid by students passing out in the 2008-10 session, a spokesman of the IIM-C said in Kolkata on Saturday.

Stating that almost all IIMs had hiked fees, he said IIM-C fees are still lower than IIM-Ahmedabad's that are Rs 11 lakh and IIM-Bangalore – Rs 9.5 lakh. The spokesman said that IIM-C spent Rs 4 lakh per student every year.

The meeting also decided to raise the need-based scholarship fund from Rs 75 lakh to Rs 1.50 crore, he said. To a question, he said that the Board of Governors discussed the Bhargava Committee report, particularly in respect of appointing a pan-IIM Board.

The DEBATE on Presidential address is the basic TREND set to understand the FUTURE of the Nation. Opposition leader and RSS PRIME MINISTER face LAL Krishna Adwani praised PRANAB MUKHERJEE and the MARXISTS while highlighting TERRORISM sidelining all ECONOMIC questions and issues.

Pranab sanctioned Rs Fifty four Crore for DEALING with TERROR and Rs One Hundred crore for CITIZENSHIP national IDENTITY Cards.

My people are not aware of the MEANING. Adwani co related TERROR with the problem of REFUGEE INFLUX from Bangladesh dubbing all Partition Victims resettled refugees ILLEGAL MIGRANTS Infiltrators!

Here you are!

TWIN TERROR ACT and Citizenship act would complete the task supported and implemented by the LETHAL TRIO of PRANAB ADWANI and BUDDHADEB.

PRANAB advocated PAY CUTS to avoid JOB LOSS but never declares anything for JOB SECURITY. He is PROMPTED by World bank, IMF, DESI and Foreign ILLUMINATI to kill the Productive forces of India.

Now see, AMBANIES, JINDAL and MITTAL have been declared as the most Influential Billionaires of this Globe. TEN of the top firms have listed profit amounting more than FIFTY percent. AUTO and TELCO sector advanced. REALTY captured the country. IMPORT and EXPORT duty exempted. Rs Sixty Three thousand waiver for defaulters. Rs Ninety thousand Crore have been earmarked for subsidies. SOCIAL SECTOR and Infrastructure were emphasised upon. Who will get the Money? The Benefit?

DEFENCE Budget is hiked without any question amidst Unprecedented War HYPE and Floods of Defence DEALS!

India likely to grow 7% next fiscal, Montek running the FINMIN for the WASINGTON PLANTED Prime Minister, claims!

Despite BALANCE OF PAYMENT Crisis due to FUEL ECONOMY, AUTO SECTOR is promoted to worsen FOREIGN CURRENCY Deficit! Just see! GOVT. Controlled SBI freezes new car loans @10% for a year! SBI and entire banking sector strained due to unethical waiver to the DEFAULTER DESI Illuminiti! Mind you, SBI, LIC and ONGC saved FREEsensex from Total Disaster. Disinvestment Policy has set the STRATEGY to disinvest first the strongest PSUs!

The country's largest public sector lender, State Bank of India, said it will freeze interest rates on new car loans at 10 per cent for a period of one year.

The bank also slashed lending rate on credit to farmers against cold storage and warehouse receipts to 8 per cent, a bank release issued here said.

The new rates will be applicable to all customers availing loans between February 23 and May 31, 2009, the bank said.

After the freeze-period, the rates will be reset at the applicable card rate contracted as on the date of sanction under the respective schemes, the bank said.

The Indian economy is expected to grow at least 7 per cent in the next financial year on the back of stimulus measures taken by the Government, Planning Commission Deputy Chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia said.

"The world economy expects a recovery in the second half of the next fiscal... In the coming year, India's growth will be at least seven per cent," Ahluwalia told reporters here on the sidelines of a seminar.

"Compared to other countries, we are doing reasonably well... we are growing below our potential... many sectors are feeling the pain. Right now, the foremost challenge is to restore the growth momentum of the economy," he said.

In the second-half of the current fiscal, the economy would have grown at around 6.5 per cent and the growth is likely to be better next year, he added.

FALSE RECESSION justifies RETRENCHMENT, JOB LOSS, DISINVESTMENT, SEZ Drive, DEPORTATION Drive, Displacement, Food Insecurity, Malnutrition, Unemployment,Retail market, PAY CUTS, Repression, Persecution, Urbanisation, Indiscriminate land acquisition for DE INDUSTRIALISATION, Chemical hubs, Nuclear parks and so on!

Breaking all previous records, gold prices surged to a new peak at Rs 16,349 per 10 gram in futures trade, as traders increased their exposure in the precious metal following melting stock and forex markets.
The metal, which had been on a record-setting spree for the last one week, spurted to an all-time high of Rs 16,349, by adding 2.55 per cent on the Multi Commodity Exchange, as funds preferred to park their funds in gold amid deepening global recession.

The August contract for gold climbed 2.55 per cent to touch Rs 16,349 per 10 gram. It clocked two lots.

The bullion market received a major booster from the firming global trend as the gold in the US markets surged to 1,007.20 dollar an ounce last night.

"Funds around the world indulged in picking gold as a safe investment during current financial turmoil," said Galipelli Harish, head of research with Karvy Comtrade.

The firmness was also witnessed in spot market as gold prices climbed much close the market expectations of Rs 6,000 per 10 gram in all domestic bullion markets.

In Delhi, the metal traded at Rs 15,750, in Chennai at Rs 15,775 per 10 gram, respectively.

Buying by jewellers and retail customers almost dried up at existing higher levels, said a Delhi-based jeweller Rakesh Anand.

KOLKAT newspapers highlighted a JAPANESE COUPLE getting married adopting VEDIC BENGALI Rituals! Desi ILLUMINATI decides upon the next Prime Minister to be. BRAHMIN SABHA out castes RSS just because ADWANI is not a BRAHMIN and supports the BENGALI KAYASTH BRAHMIN Pranab Mukherjee as the NEXT Prime Minister Face.

WE are READY for the final RITUAL, the SACRIFICE as the ASHWAMEDH YAJNA is in Progress!

You may have got the Pay commission or Reservation or quota or the recommendations, But I am afraid that you may not survive JOB LOSS, PAY CUTTS, Food Insecurity and STARVATION, Displacement from Livelihood, Liberty and Life, ETHNIC CLEANSING on the name of WAR against terror and MASS DESTRUCTION justified by FALSE RECESSION hyped so much by the FDI fed MEDIA TOILET.

The Lok Sabha witnessed a rare show of camaraderie between Leader of Opposition L K Advani and Leader of the House Pranab Mukherjee on Tuesday when the former lauded the Union Minister for his role as the principal trouble-shooter of the government.

"Sometimes I think had Pranab not been there what would happen to this government. Whenever there is a crisis, he is there. 25 years ago he presented the budget and did so again yesterday as it was a crisis situation," Advani said in his opening remarks during the debate on the Motion of Thanks on the President's address.

Mukherjee blushingly smiled and welcomed the statement with folded hands even as the House applauded with thumping of desks. Advani said he had known Mukherjee for many years and had always appreciated his abilities.

"Leader of the House Pranab Mukherjee is one year senior to me in Parliament. I was first elected to Rajya Sabha in 1970 while he was elected one year before," Advani said adding, "Ever since I was introduced to Pranab I have always appreciated his ability, his strength and his capability to shoulder responsibility."

Later in his speech, Advani said Parliament had witnessed a new low during the trust vote (of July 22, 2008).

"Pranab, I and the Speaker who joined one year after me had never seen buying and selling of MPs. We will not be there tomorrow. The future generations will not forgive us," he said.

You may Time PASS to watch reality shows of CELEB FUCKING but you may not DESERVE to survive!


UPA, Left may contest LS polls together, Lalu decalres ! What a TURNAROWND! What an UNDERSTANDING!

Not ruling out a possible tie-up with the Left in the upcoming Lok Sabha polls, key UPA ally RJD said the aim of all the allies of the government is to fight the forthcoming elections together.
Though there were differences of opinions during the N-deal, "they (Left) are our natural allies," party chief Lalu Prasad said on the sidelines of the AIMA award presentation function in New Delhi.

"They are our permanent friends and they will remain our friends. We may even contest together. What is there in it," he said when asked about a possible alliance with the Left.

"There may be differences between the allies over one or two seats but our aim is to fight the elections together," he said.

When asked about the progress on the issue of seat-sharing with LJP, he said talks are going on.

The Railway Minister visited Paswan's residence on Friday night to attend a function, leading to speculation of finalisation of ties between RJD and LJP.

When asked if Supreme Court ruling of not allowing the U C Banerjee report to be tabled in Parliament is a setback to the government, Lalu said, "There is no setback. We all know who created problems (Godhra incident)."

NORTH SOUTH Divide is AWEFUL as we never FEEL the HEART or MIND of the people residing all over South India and who bear with them the LEGACY of our NON ARYAN Ancestors. We know nothing about DRAVID nationality! Thus, PRANAB dares to dismiss DRAVID sentiments anywhere in North India.

Watch the DRAMA!

MPs don't deserve 1 paise of public money: Somnath

"You do not deserve one paisa of public money," an angry Speaker Somnath Chatterjee said as members of several political parties stormed the Well of Lok Sabha raising a spate of issues and disrupted Question Hour.
So annoyed was the Speaker with the behaviour of some members, he said that he believed Parliament should be adjourned sine die.

"I think Parliament should be adjourned sine die ... public money should not be spent on useless allowances for you," he said as some members of the BSP, BJP, TDP, RPI, PMK and MDMK stormed the Well and raised slogans against the government on several issues.

BSP criticised the UPA government for "being anti-Dalit" as it had "ignored" the backward classes in a new draft legislation on universities introduced in the House.

BJP members joined them on the same issue, while members of PMK and MDMK trooped into the Well demanding that the government make efforts to "stop war" in Sri Lanka.

TDP members were also seen raising the Satyam issue. Angered by the members' behaviour, Chatterjee said "you are behaving in the most condemnable manner. I express my greatest annoyance and condemnation."

The Speaker said he hoped that the people of the country will give a "fit verdict" in the coming elections.

LTTE crisis: Political solution only way out, says Pranab

Berhampore, WB India expressed concern over the latest turn of events in Sri Lanka, particularly the air raids by LTTE over Colombo, and appealed to the government and the militant organisation to come to a peaceful negotiated settlement.
It also said unless there was a congenial and peaceful atmosphere, attacks and counter-attacks would continue.

"An LTTE plane has been shot down. This is of concern. Political solution has to be found to the LTTE issue and military action will not do," External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukhjerjee, said.

Maintaining that ‘a political solution is the only way out’, he said, "The two sides should sit across the table for a negotiated settlement of the issue.”

"And, for that a congenial and peaceful atmosphere has to be created. Till that is not forthcoming, attacks and counter-attacks will continue to hit the country.”

Stating that India's stand was 'very clear', Mukherjee said, "we are concerned. We are concerned for the huge Sri Lankan Tamil population who have been caught in the crossfire. They are being killed and their normal life is seriously affected."

He said India would appeal to Colombo to ensure that the rights of the minority Tamils were protected.

Mukherjee was in Berhampore for a credit camp of UCO Bank at Raghunathganj, in Murshidabad district.

Recalling the treaty signed in 1987 between the then Sri Lankan President and late Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, Mukherjee said, "the decisions arrived there should be implemented.”

"The decision for decentralisation of power and more powers to the provincial council should be followed," the minister said.

Mukherjee said the Tamils and other ethnic minorities in Sri Lanka must have an arrangement where there legitimate aspirations should be fulfilled within the framework of the Sri Lankan Constitution without affecting the territorial unity and sovereignty of Sri Lanka.

He said India expected a devolution package can be evolved fulfilling this criteria and the present impasse overcome. That should be the basis of restoration of normalcy, he added.

And see this:

Minister Maya led mob to carry out riot: Guj Govt to HC
Ahmedabad The government in an affidavit in the Gujarat High Court has said that state minister Maya Kodnani led the mob, instigated them and distributed weapons to carry out Naroda riot which left 95 people dead in 2002.

The affidavit was filed in the court on Thursday on the basis of findings of Special Investigation Team (SIT) appointed by the Supreme Court challenging anticipatory bail given to Kodnani by the lower court.

"She was the leader of mob and was an MLA and allegations against her is she was instigating the mob to commit crime and therefore she was playing the main role," the affidavit said.

The affidavit said, "from one of the statements of witnesses it has been revealed that she had fired from her pistol, as well as, from another statement it has been revealed that she had come to the spot in a car with other persons and had distributed swords among the mob."

Kodnani is a Minister of State for Higher Education in the Gujarat government and is regularly attending the ongoing Assembly session.

Kodnani had gone underground after SIT declared her absconder and resurfaced only after the lower court granted anticipatory bail to her.

India hits out at US protectionist tendency

India opposed protectionist measures built into the US government's multi-billion corporate bailout package, saying these were "worrying signs" from the world's biggest economy.
"We are already witnessing worrying signs of protectionism in the world's biggest economy. We need to argue against this trend at the international fora," External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee said inaugurating the 42nd Indian Labour Conference.

He was apparently referring to the Washington's bar on firms receiving bailout money from hiring foreign workers if they are to replace Americans at work.

Industry estimates suggest nearly 100,000 Indians were among the 163,000 that had applied for non-immigrant skilled workers visa (H1-B) in FY'09. The US has capped the number of H1-B visas at 65,000 a year.

The bailout-condition could affect Indian skilled workers.

In the wake of the global financial meltdown, Mukherjee said, "We will need to press for trade and aid flows to developing countries and look at regional cooperation to strengthen defences against such crises".

Mukherjee said there was a need to invest more in infrastructure, provide adequate credit support to the poorer sections of the society and create better facilities for upgrading skills and re-skilling of the workforce.

"Our government is making all efforts to ensure flow of credit to consumption, trade and investment, and stimulating additional demand through public and private expenditure and investment," Mukherjee said.

He said the government's response to the crisis has been swift and recent developments show that the benefits were trickling down.

"Global crisis requires a global response and India is playing its own role in fashioning it," he said.

Modi slams Rahul for his remarks on Nano project
Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday reacted sharply to Congress leader Rahul Gandhi's charge that while the state government doled out incentives worth crores of rupees to Tata's Nano car project it neglected diamond workers and accused Congress of trying to undermine the car project.

"They will not succeed in their effort. Congressmen envie the progress in Gujarat and that is why they are trying to puncture the Nano car project," Modi said at a public meeting in Amreli.

"Tata's Nano project reflects the progress made by Gujarat," Modi said, referring to the remarks made by Rahul Gandhi during his recent visit to the city without naming him.

Rahul had accused the BJP government in the state of doling out incentives worth crores of rupees for Nano project but they do not have a single penny to give to poor diamond workers.

Modi alleged the UPA government at the Centre has ignored the plight of diamond workers and claimed suicides of diamond workers is going to change the government at the Centre in coming elections.

Satyam board sets stage for inviting buyers

21 Feb 2009, 2034 hrs IST, ET Bureau

The Satyam board approves the process to be followed for inviting a strategic investor to buy into the firm. Weekly Gainers: BSE (A. B), NSE | Losers: BSE (A. B), NSE

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View all web results for Disinvestment Balco stake sale: Disinvestment back on govt's agenda, India - 19 Feb 2009
Meanwhile, disinvestment may be back on the agenda of the next government with the Budget setting a modest target of selling stakes in five PSU’s. ...
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Govt identifies 16 PSUs for disinvestment, 6 may go public, India - 19 Feb 2009
Disinvestment may be back on the agenda of the next government with the Budget setting a modest target of selling stakes in five public sector undertakings ...
Govt plans divestment in five PSUs via IPOs
Times of India, India - 16 Feb 2009
Disinvestment secretary Rahul Khullar, however, said a decision to launch the IPOs will be taken by the new government in May-June, while all preparations ...
Govt plans IPO for five PSUs
Indian Govt. Plans IPO For Five Public Sector Cos RTT News
all 6 news articles »
Boycott and Disinvest in Israel, in Solidarity and Self-Defense
Black Agenda Report, NJ - 18 Feb 2009
African Americans must take a leadership role in the movement to boycott and disinvest in Israel, both for reasons of elemental justice and to defend our ...
'We have tried to be conservative'
Business Standard, India - 16 Feb 2009
How serious are you about disinvestment as a fund-raising option? We have identified about a dozen companies for that purpose. Four or five may be ready by ...
Rs 1120 cr to be raised through PSU stake sale
Hindu Business Line, India - 16 Feb 2009
Even as the Steel Ministry has received proposals for disinvestment in RINL and MOIL from the government, it has not yet worked out the modalities for it. ...
Loss-making sugar mills disinvestment a distant dream
Times of India, India - 27 Jan 2009
LUCKNOW: Disinvestment of the loss-incurring sugar mills in the state seems to be a distant dream despite the best efforts put in by the Mayawati government ...
Naidu trains guns on YSR's son, India - 20 Feb 2009
... worth of wealth to invest into Sakshi, a Telugu daily owned by Jagan and disinvestment of Jagan's stake in Sandur Power Project, need to be investigated. Clerics urge church to disinvest from Israel
The National, United Arab Emirates - 8 Feb 2009
Jack Guez / AFP LONDON // Christian clerics today demanded that the Church of England honour its commitment to disinvest from Israeli companies operating in ...
Caterpillar disinvestment move hailed War on Want (press release)
Church of England divested from Caterpillar Jewish Telegraphic Agency
After vicars threaten to denounce Church in papers Al-Arabiya
all 478 news articles » CAT
ITDC explores expansion through ‘Ashok Alliance’
HospitalityBizIndia, India - 18 Feb 2009
The corporation had 36 properties before disinvestment, now we have 16 hotels across the country. We want to expand it again.,” the official informed. ...

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The Week Job loss finds an angry echo
Express Buzz, India - 13 hours ago
If the government is concerned of job losses, why are they not here? They should have listened to the concerns of the working class when there is massive ...
Pranab proposes pay cuts to avoid job loss Newstrack India
Pay cut advice to protect jobs Calcutta Telegraph
Protect jobs even if it means pay cuts: Mukherjee Hindustan Times
Daily News & Analysis - SINDH TODAY
all 187 news articles »

Zee News Estimate of 5 lakh doesn't reflect total job losses: Govt
Press Trust of India, India - 20 Feb 2009
New Delhi, Feb 20 (PTI) Government today admitted that the estimate of five lakh job losses following the economic meltdown does not project the full ...
5 lakh jobs lost in Sept-Dec 2008 Economic Times
all 24 news articles »
Alberta may see more job losses, says prof
Calgary Herald, Canada - 1 hour ago
The anticipated job loss would push the province's unemployment rate to 5.8 per cent in 2009, compared with 4.4 per cent in January and 4.2 per cent in ...
Job losses will continue: Flaherty, Canada - 19 Feb 2009
“We are in for a very difficult year,” Flaherty said, adding the job losses will be “substantial.” His comments, including a warning that the recession and ...
Structural advantages may temper job losses Business Edge
all 2 news articles »
Job loss risk at Rentokil Initial, UK - 3 hours ago
More jobs will go as bosses battle to turnaround pest control and parcels firm Rentokil Initial. Chief exec Alan Brown needs to cut costs if he is to get ...LON:RTO
Job Loss And Depression
CBS News, NY - 19 Feb 2009
Job loss not only affects individuals financially - it can affect their mental health as well. Dr. Sudeepta Varma, Psychiatrist at New York University ...

India Business Today Job loss: Are you next?
India Business Today, India - 20 Feb 2009
Though the job cuts, on an average, have not exceeded 5-10 per cent of any company’s payroll (except in cases where the entire business or division has been ...
Surviving a Job Loss
NTV, NE - 12 hours ago
The record loss of jobs has increased traffic on Nebraska Workforce Development's website. "When you compare the amount of individuals who registered for ...
The business outlook remains discouraging and more job losses are ...
The Register-Guard, OR - 9 hours ago
The forecast predicts continued job losses in 2009 in virtually every sector except health care, which is projected to show job growth of 3 percent. ...
Textile may see more job losses
Business Standard, India - 17 Feb 2009
While there are fears of half-a-million more job losses, exports from the sector are likely to take a hit of about Rs 15000 crore, according to industry ...

Expressindia » Story

Shah Rukh hits jackpot, gets Coke to sponsor KKR
Kolkata Those who had forecast that the global financial meltdown was knocking on the doors on Indian cricket as well seem to have got their predictions all wrong.
Weeks after team owners of the lucrative Indian Premier League (IPL) splurged big bucks on new players for the coming season, a whole lot of fresh investment is headed for the superhit Twenty20 Championship.

In a landmark development for the eight-team IPL carnival, the Shah Rukh Khan-owned Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) has managed to sign in multinational soft drink major Coca Cola for the forthcoming second edition of the two-month-long tournament.

The move to rope in the popular soft drink giant for the IPL is a major breakthrough for the Indian cricket Board, which has been constantly battling rumours of fast-receding sponsorships in the wake of the global economic slowdown.

Pranab snubs Mamata

Berhampore/Kolkata (WB), Feb 21 (PTI) External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee today virtually snubbed Trinamool Congress Mamata Banerjee for alleging that he was appeasing the Left Front government by attending foundation stone laying ceremonies ahead of Lok Sabha polls saying there should be no politics in development.
Without naming Mamata, Mukherjee, who is WBPCC president, said his involvement in development projects was not to help a particular political party but in the interest of the people.

"Mamata Banerjee may become the new chief minister but the same rule will be in force. There should be no politics in the matter of development," Mukherjee told reporters at Raghunathgunje situated in his Lok Sabha constituency of Jangipur in Murshidabad district.

Mukherjee said he would be present at the foundation-laying ceremony of East-West Metro corridor in Kolkata tomorrow at the invitation of the state government.

He said his presence in a state government-sponsored programme should not give an impression that he was helping any individual. "None was helped personally due to my presence." Mamata had said yesterday that she would tell Mukerhjee "not to encourage the CPI(M)" and ask him to reconsider attending such programmes. PTI
‘Boobs on Bikes’ parade to promote erotica show
Associated Press
Posted: Aug 20, 2008 at 1709 hrs IST

Wellington, August 20: Tens of thousands of people crowded the downtown area of New Zealand's biggest city on Wednesday to watch about 30 topless young women riding motorcycles and open-topped cars along the main street.

The annual ‘Boobs on Bikes’ parade - described as pornography by opponents and freedom of expression by the organisers - attracts a mainly male audience to Auckland's Queen Street. The lunch-hour parade is to promote a weekend erotica show in the city.

Thousands took pictures with digital cameras and cell phones while some sought out vantage points on top of phone booths, bus shelters and on balconies overlooking the route.

About 100 protesters, some carrying a banner reading ‘Pornography fuels sexual violence against women and children’, walked in front of the parade. Other protesters walked behind.

Pranab Mukherjee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
3 Feb 2009 ... Pranab Mukherjee was born in Mirati village near Kirnahar town, District Birbhum, West Bengal, on December 11, 1935, the son of Kamada ... - 48k - Cached - Similar pages -
Pranab - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

11 Dec 2008 ... Pranab is an Indian given name, common among Bengalis, Assamese,Oriya and Nepalis. ... Retrieved from "" ... - 17k - Cached - Similar pages -

Sensex sheds nearly 200 pts; ICICI drags
Mirroring a decline on bourses across the world, the Bombay Stock Exchange benchmark Sensex on Friday shed hefty nearly 200 points to close below the 9,000 level for the first time in nearly a month.
The Sensex, which has lost 620 points in the first three days of the week, today dropped 199.42 points to end at 8,843.21, the lowest level since January 23. on Thursday, it had cut short its three-day loses by gaining nearly 27 points.

The National Stock Exchange index Nifty also lost 52.90 points at 2,736.45.

With the selling pressure spreading over a wide front, 28 stocks in the 30-share barometer ended with losses while two stocks-- ACC and Maruti Suzuki -- closed in the green.

Marketmen attributed selling pressure to Wall Street declining to record level overnight. Dow Jones Industrial Average closed down by 1.2 per cent to 7,465.95, the weakest level in 6 years, on another rise in unemployment claims which deepened fears of economic recession getting prolonged.

European indices also down by as much as nearly 3 per cent.

Reflecting the poor global cues, Asian markets on Friday closed lower in the range of 1-4 per cent.

On BSE, banking shares were again battered and sectoral took a hit of 3.49 per cent. Country's largest private sector lender ICICI Bank ended down by a hefty 7.07 per cent.

IT stocks, which attracted buying yesterday on rupee depreciation, however could not sustain it. BSE IT index ended lower by 2.69 per cent. India's biggest software exporter TCS at 3.23 per cent was among big Sensex losers. Infosys Tech also lost 2.46 per cent.

In US Hewlett-Packard lowered its profit forecast for the year and its stocks tumbled.

Scam-hit Satyam Computer, however, rose 1.73 per cent to Rs 45.45 after the Company Law Board allowed the company to induct strategic investor via an open bidding process.

HDFC, mortgage lender, fell 2.80 per cent to SBI was down 1.22 per cent.

Metal index was another heavy loser at 2.67 per cent, followed by teck index by 2.21 per cent. Oil and Gas index lost 2.17 per cent and capital goods index 1.95 per cent.

Realty index lost 1.93 per cent, PSU index 1.56 per cent power index 1.41 per cent, healthcare index 1.12 per cent, auto index 1.11 per cent and consumer durable index 1.09 per cent.

Small-cap index fell by 1.66 per cent to 3,160.59 and mid-cap index by 1.64 per cent to 2,791.72.

The Week Protect jobs, says Pranab
Hindu, India - 19 hours ago
NEW DELHI: External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee, who holds charge of Finance, on Friday stressed the need to protect jobs and retain employees, even ...
Pay cuts may be required to save jobs: Pranab Economic Times
Labour pains: Pranab proposes pay cuts to save jobs
Cut pay but save jobs, says Pranab Daily News & Analysis
Business Standard -
all 187 news articles »
Mamata raps Pranab for backing Left
Times of India, India - 15 hours ago
Just when a pre-poll pact between the two looked inevitable, Mamata Banerjee put the entire equation in jeopardy on Friday by personally targeting the ...
Stop praising CPM, Mamata tells Pranab The Statesman
Pranab snubs Mamata Press Trust of India
Mamata praise pinch to Pranab Calcutta Telegraph
SamayLive - Kolkata Newsline
all 24 news articles »

Fresh News Pranab for cluster approach for helping MSMEs
Hindu, India - 6 hours ago
Jangipur (WB)(PTI): The 'cluster approach' should be taken to help the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises(MSME) sector tide over the present economic ...
Pranab Mukherjee launches rural development programme in Bengal
all 9 news articles »

Sify Pranab defends response to terror
Times of India, India - 18 Feb 2009
NEW DELHI: Foreign minister Pranab Mukherjee on Wednesday strongly rebutted BJP's charge that the government's response to terrorism had been inadequate ...
Diplomacy has prevailed, asserts Pranab Hindu
Just pressure on Pak is enough: Pranab Economic Times
War with Pak not a solution: Pranab Hindustan Times
Calcutta Telegraph - Express Buzz
all 148 news articles »
Furore over Pranab’s statement
Hindu, India - 19 Feb 2009
NEW DELHI: The Sri Lankan Tamils issue disrupted proceedings in the Lok Sabha for the second day on Thursday with the Marumalarchi Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam ...
Swamy hails Pranab's statement on Lankan issue Express Buzz
Pranab must withdraw statement on Sri Lanka, insists PMK Sify
Efforts to bring in amendment to Pranab's statement: PMK Press Trust of India
Times of India - Chandigarh Tribune
all 31 news articles » Military option not the only one: Pranab
Times, India - 3 hours ago
In exclusive interview to TIMES NOW, External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee has said that India does not believe a military solution is the only way out ...
Take up Lanka with Pranab: Sonia to PMK Express Buzz
Tamil forum seeks Sonia’s intervention Hindu
DMK leaders meet Sonia, discuss Lanka, poll alliance Asian Tribune
Daily Mirror -
all 32 news articles »

Outlook No wrongdoer will get away with it: Pranab
Hindu, India - 19 Feb 2009
NEW DELHI: Amid allegations that the Andhra Pradesh government is mishandling the Satyam scam issue, External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee, holding ...
Government not to bail out Satyam: Pranab Times of India
Pranab: No plans to bail out Satyam
Guilty in Satyam scam to be punished: Pranab Indian Express
SamayLive -
all 287 news articles » BOM:500376

ABC News India can't force Sri Lanka to take a particular line: Pranab
Hindu, India - 18 Feb 2009
The assertion by External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee came after PMK and MDMK members expressed unhappiness over his statement in Lok Sabha on the ...
Pranab's statement at Lok Sabha Ministry of Defence (press release)
Chaos in LS after Pranab's statement on Lanka Times
Vaiko slams Pranab's statement on Sri Lankan Tamils issue Indopia
Merinews - BreakingNewsOnline.
all 3,071 news articles »

Calcutta Telegraph Pranab presents interim budget for 2009-10
MorungExpress, India - 16 Feb 2009
Indian Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee, center, is flanked by officials as he poses with a briefcase containing a copy of the union budget after he ...
Maintaining 7-8% growth is our aim: Pranab SamayLive
Chidambaram says budget reflects UPA's 'can do' spirit Times of India
Social sector neglected in Interim Budget
Economic Times -
all 988 news articles »

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Over 60 pc firms in India still hiring
At a time when thousands of jobs are lost worldwide, India Inc seem to be bullish on recruitment, with more than 60 per cent of companies still going ahead with their hiring plans.


Moreover, the survey by global HR firm Hewitt Associates shows that just 12.6 per cent of firms are considering layoffs.
The findings are part of the HR firm's 'annual salary increase survey' released here today. It was conducted from December 2008 to the end of January.
About 480 companies spread across diverse sectors were surveyed and out of them, nearly 60 per cent were multinational entities.
"More than 60 per cent of companies in India are still hiring, and nine out of every ten companies are still giving promotions," Hewitt said in a statement.
Meanwhile, the survey said that about 37.3 per cent of companies in India are taking the action of ‘hiring freeze’.
And the figure is much less than in China (63.3 per cent).
Striking a cautious note, the survey pointed out that even though only 12.6 per cent of firms in India are considering layoffs, the figure is likely to rise.
"Importantly, the number of companies considering layoffs is expected to increase further," the statement noted.
The data for other countries has been collected over November 2008 while for India, the same was gathered from December 2008, it added.
Meanwhile, the survey showed that India is expected to see a salary rise of 8.2 per cent in 2009, the highest in the Asia Pacific region.
Hewitt noted that the attrition rate in companies in India has come down drastically in the last six to eight months.
"Attrition among the firms in India has declined significantly. In recent times, the rate has come down to around 9 to 11 per cent as compared to 18 to 20 per cent in the last six to eight months," Sandeep Chaudhary, the leader of Hewitt's Performance and Rewards Consulting Practice (India) said.
According to Hewitt, only 12.6 per cent companies in India are considering layoffs whereas the same is at 55 per cent in the US.
Among other nations, about 32.4 per cent of Australian firms are mulling over layoffs, China (30.6 per cent), Hong Kong (25.6 per cent), New Zealand (23.1 per cent) and Japan (17 per cent).
Mass lay-offs in Gulf touches panic among Indians
With large scale lay-offs in the Gulf triggered by shelving of mega construction projects touching off panic among Indian workforce, a top diplomat said they were monitoring the situation closely.
Venu Rajamony, India's Consul-General in Dubai, said the mission is concerned with the recent developments and they are watching the situation very closely.

His comments come in the backdrop of reports of flights from the Gulf to the Indian sub continent running full bringing back thousands of retrenched Indian workers.

Rajamony said that airlines are getting bulk bookings over the January-March period, "We expect that about 25,000 people will be going to India. But we don't yet know whether they are going on leave and will come back and on what terms."

The number of recruitments of Indian workers has fallen drastically in recent months. "From around 3,500 in January-February of 2008 it has come down to around 250-300 people this year," he said.

There has been a spate of job losses in recent weeks in Dubai mostly in the construction and banking sectors.

According to Morgan Stanley, around USD 263 billion worth of real estate projects have been delayed or canceled as the UAE's property sector has come under the spell of the global financial crisis.

Global Meltdown: NRI commits suicide in Delhi
The global meltdown has claimed one more life in the national capital with a young NRI, who returned from Canada after losing his job, allegedly committing suicide in his residence, police said.
Vijay (31), who was working with a multinational company in Canada till five months ago, was found hanging in his flat in Paradise Apartment of Dwarka's Sector 9 at around 1:30 pm on Friday by his family members.

The youth was shown the door by his company due to the global crisis and had returned to the capital early 2008, leaving his Canadian wife and a one-year-old daughter there, a senior police official said.

Vijay, who was completing his MBA course in Canada, was staying in the Dwarka flat along with his parents and brothers since his return one-and-half months ago.

His family, which informed police after finding him hanging in his room, said Vijay was under depression after he lost his job.

He was rushed to a nearby hospital where he was declared brought dead.

A suicide note was recovered from his room in which he claimed that he was fed up with life.

His father is a retired colonel, police said, adding his wife and daughter are still in Canada.

Obama widens missile strikes inside Pakistan: Report

After targeting al-Qaeda and Taliban militants in their 'safe havens' on the Pak-Afghan border, US forces have now also started hitting Pakistani Taliban.
US President Barack Obama has broadened the list of radical groups to be targeted by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the group led by Baitullah Mehsud is one of them, 'The New York Times' reported.

The strikes are another sign that Obama is continuing, and in some cases extending, Bush administration policy in using American spy agencies against terrorism suspects in Pakistan, as he had promised to do during his Presidential campaign.

The missile strikes on training camps run by Baitullah Mehsud represent a broadening of the American campaign inside Pakistan, which has been largely carried out by drone aircraft.

Last week, American drones attacked a camp run by Hakeem Ullah Mehsud, a top aide to the militant leader. But the Pakistani Taliban chief himself was not killed.

By striking at the Mehsud network, US may be seeking to demonstrate to Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari that the new administration is willing to go after the insurgents of greatest concern to Pakistani leaders.

But American officials may also be prompted by growing concern that the militant attacks are increasingly putting the civilian government of Pakistan, a nation with nuclear weapons, at risk.

Mehsud was identified early last year by both American and Pakistani officials as the man who had orchestrated the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, the former Prime Minister and the wife of Pakistan's current President, Asif Ali Zardari.

Bush included Mehsud's name in a classified list of militant leaders whom the CIA and American commandos were authorised to capture or kill.

For months, Pakistani military and intelligence officials have complained about Washington's refusal to strike at Baitullah Mehsud, even while CIA drones struck at Qaeda figures and leaders of the network run by Jalaluddin Haqqani, a militant leader believed responsible for a campaign of violence against American troops in Afghanistan.

According to one senior Pakistani official, Pakistan’s intelligence service on two occasions in recent months gave the United States detailed intelligence about Mehsud's whereabouts, but said the United States had not acted on the information.

Bush administration officials had charged that it was the Pakistanis who were reluctant to take on Mehsud and his network, the paper reported.

The strikes came after a visit to Islamabad last week by Richard C. Holbrooke, the American envoy to Pakistan and Afghanistan.

But Obama administration officials face the same intractable problems that the Bush administration did in trying to prod Pakistan toward a different course, the ‘New York Times’ reported.

Pakistan still deploys the overwhelming majority of its troops along the Indian border, not the border with Afghanistan, and its intelligence agencies maintain shadowy links to the Taliban even as they take American funds to fight them.

Under standard policy for covert operations, the CIA strikes inside Pakistan have not been publicly acknowledged either by the Obama administration or the Bush administration.

Using Predators and the more heavily armed Reaper drones, the CIA has carried out more than 30 strikes since last September, according to American and Pakistani officials.

The attacks have killed a number of senior Qaeda figures, including Abu Jihad al-Masri and Usama al-Kini, who is believed to have helped plan the 1998 American Embassy bombings in East Africa and 2008’s bombing of the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad.

26/11 masterminds had 320 targets on their hit list
Pakistan based banned terror outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba, which plotted and executed the Mumbai carnage, killing more than 170 people, had placed India’s financial hub among 320 potential targets around the world to carry out commando-style terror attacks.
Western intelligence agencies have accessed the computer and email account of Lashkar’s communications chief, Zarar Shah, and found a list of possible targets, only 20 of which were in India.

According to a report in the 'Guardian', the LeT wanted to carry out such strikes beyond India to create terror. Shah and Lashkars operations chief Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi, two of the main plotters of the Mumbai carnage, are now in Pakistan Police custody.

Pakistan’s decision to bring criminal charges against nine men accused of involvement in the Mumbai attack has partly placated Indian officials.

The US has been trying behind the scenes to co-ordinate intelligence exchanges between India and Pakistan.

Intelligence agencies have warned that Mumbai raises the spectre of a new style of terrorist assault when 10 heavily armed gunmen created mayhem for three days and brought the city of 19 million people to a halt.

Nine of the gunmen were killed, but the lone survivor has given Indian investigators a full confession that the assault was planned in Pakistan by LeT.

There has been some speculation that raids in Spain in which netted 12 men including an Indian and 11 Pakistanis arrested were a result of the investigations into Lashkar’s role in the Mumbai attacks.

India invited for G20 meet on global crisis

London Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is among the top world leaders who have been invited for the Second G20 Summit to be held here in April, which will discuss ways and means to reinvigorate growth in the wake of the global economic crisis.

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, whose country will host the global economic summit, has sent formal invitations to the world leaders.

"The global economic challenges we face need to be met with decisive action if we are to secure jobs, restore confidence and reinvigorate growth," Brown said yesterday.

Besides leaders from G20 nations, Chair of the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD), the Chair of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the President of the EU Commission have also been invited for the summit to be held here on April 2.

The Chairman of the African Union Commission will also attend. This is the second meeting of the grouping after the one in Washington on November 15 hosted by the then US President George W Bush.

"To be effective in addressing this global crisis we have to bring in partners from across the world. For that reason I have issued invitations to the leaders of G20 countries and the Chairs of NEPAD, ASEAN and the African Union will ensure their interests are not forgotten and their voices are heard," Brown said. Indian economy to grow by 7% next fiscal year
Xinhua, China - 3 hours ago
21 (Xinhua) -- The Indian economy is expected to grow at least by 7 percent in the next fiscal year starting April this year, said an Indian official on ...
India could grow 7 pct in 2009/10 -senior official Reuters India
India's GDP will grow by 6.5 pc this year: Montek
RBI may cut rates next week, says Moody's arm Business Standard
Press Trust of India - Press Information Bureau (press release)
all 59 news articles »
UPA has put economy a 'leap' backward: Rajnath
Press Trust of India, India - 1 hour ago
"The only achievement of the UPA has been to take the domestic economy a leap backward. The Indian economy today is in dire straits and facing an ... What does the Consumer Confidence Index do?, India - 10 hours ago
The CNBC-TV18 Boston Analytics Consumer Confidence Index is carefully designed to reflect the aspects of the Indian economy like employment, inflation, ...

Zee News ‘Economic growth may pick up in second half of 2009-10’
Hindu Business Line, India - 22 hours ago
20 The Indian economy should grow at more than 7 per cent in the financial year 2009-10, said Dr Suresh Tendulkar, Chairman, Economic Advisory Council to ...
Indian economy to see around 7.1 pc growth in 2009-10: Tendulkar All India Radio
Indian Economy To Grow 7.1% In FY10- PMEAC Chief RTT News
‘Irrational pessimism is intensifying slowdown’ Economic Times
Press Trust of India - Hindu
all 23 news articles »

The Week Govt. making efforts to protect economy from global meltdown: Pranab
Newstrack India, India - 20 Feb 2009
... is making all efforts to ensure a smooth flow of credit to consumption, trade and investment to protect the Indian economy from ongoing global meltdown. ...
Another stimulus possible: Pranab Business Standard
India must stimulate demand and credit, protect jobs Reuters India
Protect jobs, says Pranab Hindu
Express Buzz -
all 187 news articles »
Luxury spa chain eyes India as wellness tourism booms
Hindu, India - 12 hours ago
Bolstered by this picture of the Indian economy, Shivdasani said he was building the firm's first high-end spa in India on a tea plantation in the Nilgiri ...
India shall overcome global economic recession: Chellappa
Hindu, India - 37 minutes ago
Guntur (AP) (PTI): The Indian economy shall tide over the adverse effects of the global meltdown, an Andhra Pradesh government official has said. ...

Outlook 26/11 of Indian Economy, kudos to Raju
Merinews, India - 19 Feb 2009
Then why did Raju do a kamikaze on Indian Economy in general and India Inc in particular? And if what he now supposedly confesses that books were not ...
Fresh economic stimulus if required: Pranab
all 287 news articles »
Kerala may lose agri-commodity economy status
Economic Times, India - 22 hours ago
KOCHI: If Vasco da Gama’s voyage in 1498 in search of Indian “black gold” or pepper was to happen today he would, in all probability, anchor at the ...

Calcutta Telegraph India Inflation at 13-Month Low, Rate Cut More Likely
Bloomberg - 18 Feb 2009
The $1.2 trillion Indian economy is likely to expand 7.1 percent in the 12 months to March 31, the government said Feb. 9. That would be the slowest pace of ...
India's Inflation Dips To 13-Month Low; Rate Cut Outlook Strengthens RTT News
India's benchmark inflation rate hits 13-month low MarketWatch
India’s inflation rate dips further to 3.92 percent (Lead)
Earthtimes (press release) - domain-B
all 97 news articles »

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Taliban pose danger to US, Pak & India, admits Zardari
Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari has acknowledged that Taliban, with whom the government reached a truce deal in the restive Swat valley days ago, are "murderous thugs and militants" who "pose a danger to Pakistan, the US and India".
US Special Representative to Afghanistan and Pakistan, Richard Holbrooke, who is just back from Pakistan, told CNN: "He (Zardari) doesn't disagree that the people who are running Swat now are murderous thugs and militants and they pose a danger not only to Pakistan, but to the United States and India".

US voices strong concerns over Swat truce deal

The United States has conveyed strong concern to Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari over the truce deal with a Taliban-linked group for enforcing Shariah law in the restive Swat Valley.

President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are worried that this deal should not turn into a surrender to the Taliban militants, Special US Representative for Pakistan and Afghanistan Richard Holbrooke told Zardari in a telephonic conversation on Thursday.

In an interview to Wolf Blitzer of the CNN, Holbrooke said that he expressed the US concern over the peace deal as it gives the Taliban the authority in a critically important part of the country.

"It's hard to understand this deal in Swat, the area you're talking about, less than 100 miles from the capital in Islamabad. President Zardari says it's an interim arrangement while they stabilize the situation," he said.

"He (Zardari) doesn't disagree that the people who are running Swat now are murderous thugs and militants and they pose a danger not only to Pakistan, but to the United States and India," Holbrooke said.

When specifically asked by Blitzer if Zardari gave him any commitment, Holbrooke said: "That I don't know. But the issue isn't whether he signs the deal or not, the issue is the negotiations themselves." Over the US' concern that the deal might turn into a surrender, "President Zardari has assured us that's not the case. He is sending a very high level delegation, including the Foreign Minister. Several senior military officials, General Kayani will be in town, the head of ISI will be in town next week, the Afghans are sending their group," he said.

"I can assure you, and President Zardari knows this, that this will be the top initial subject of conversation," he said.

Holbrooke said the increase in US troops in Afghanistan would turn the tide. "But I cannot tell you for sure what will happen after that because there are many other variables. This is a war that includes political components, military components, and the president has asked us to give them a full-scale strategic review, which we're doing now," he said.

"We are going to try to revamp strategy in a way that upgrades the civilian and economic and reconstruction components. Above all we've got to deal with Pakistan. We have to stem the deterioration in the tribal areas," Holbrooke said.

As the Obama Administration is currently doing a review of its Afghan policy, Holbrooke said the increase in troops is compatible with where the strategic review is going. Next week the governments of Pakistan and Afghanistan are sending very significant delegations to participate in the strategic review. "I think that's moving forward very rapidly," he said.

Port, dock workers threatens strike

Mumbai Port and Dock workers have threatened an indefinite strike from March 10 to press for wage revision and other benefits.
"It is unfortunate that during the last two years after the constitution of the Bipartie Wage Negotiation Committee Settlement has not been arrived at on the Charter of Demands of Port and Dock workers because of the attitude of the Port Management," All India Port and Dock Workers' Federation president said in a release.

"We have done everything we can to avert this strike but the Indian Ports Association has not responded to the constructive approach of the Federations in an adequate manner by offering a reasonable wage increase," Kulkarni said.

Satyam board meets to discuss CLB's nod
Hyderabad The board of Satyam Computer Services began its meeting in Hyderabad on Saturday to discuss the process of finding a strategic partner after getting the Company Law Board's nod recently. "The board meeting has started," a company spokesperson said.
The board would discuss the CLB's approval and consider induction of a strategic partner in the IT company, Satyam Chairman Kiran Karnik has said on Friday.

A number of suitors, including engineering giant Larsen & Toubro and Spice Group, have evinced interest in acquiring stake in the fraud-hit IT company.

FBI will visit Pak to investigate Mumbai attacks

Islamabad A team of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation is expected to visit Pakistan next week to follow-up the findings of the probe conducted by Pakistani authorities into the Mumbai terror attacks.
The visit by the seven-member FBI team has been cleared by the Foreign Office, diplomatic sources said today. The team will interact with Pakistani law enforcement officials to discuss the findings of their probe into the Mumbai incident, informed sources.

The FBI is also expected to question the six suspects detained by Pakistani authorities in connection with the attacks, the sources said. These suspects include Lashker-e-Taiba operatives Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi, Zarar Shah and Hamad Amin Sadiq.

Interior ministry chief Rehman Malik had last week said Pakistani authorities had filed formal charges against nine suspects, including Ajmal Amir Kasab, the lone terrorist captured in India for the attacks. He said six of the eight other suspects had been detained while two are still at large.

Malik had also acknowledged that part of the conspiracy behind the Mumbai incident was hatched on Pakistani soil.

The FBI has played a key behind-the-scenes role in the sharing of information uncovered by Indian and Pakistani investigators.

The FBI also has a sizeable presence in the US embassy in Islamabad and it is believed that some of its officials have conducted preliminary inquiries in Pakistan, including in Kasab's village of Faridkot in Punjab province.

Islamabad last week handed over to New Delhi the findings of its probe conducted on the basis of information provided in the Indian dossier on the Mumbai attacks.

Pakistan's nine-page response includes the findings of its probe and 30 questions seeking information from India. Diplomatic sources said the information provided in the Indian dossier had been used by Pakistani security agencies to round up suspects and gather vital evidence.

In one case, GPS coordinates and phone numbers provided in the dossier helped Pakistani sleuths locate two houses in Karachi that were used by the attackers.

Both these houses were located after extensive surveillance and in one of them, officials found a dinghy that was used by attackers for training at sea, the sources said.

A judge has so far remanded four of the suspects, Lakhvi, Shah, Sadiq and Abu al Qama, to the custody of the Federal Investigation Agency till March 3.

While seeking their remand, police officials and a special public prosecutor told the judge that they were all active members of the LeT. The officials also told the judge that they were all involved in the Mumbai attacks and Lakhvi was their commander.

All four men have been charged under the Anti-Terrorism Act, Pakistan Penal Code and Prevention of Electronic Crimes Ordinance.

Black Cats will find a second home today
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Sabyasachi Bandopadhyay
Posted: Feb 20, 2009 at 0209 hrs IST

Kolkata The National Security Guards, more popular as Black Cats, will soon make Kolkata their second home after Manesar in Haryana.
On Thursday, NSG director J K Dutt will be in the city to take a final call on the site — two NSG teams have already visited Kolkata this year and have homed in on two sites — for a small hub near the airport that will station one squadron of commandos (about 120 people) meant mainly for anti-highjack operations. NSG teams have already checked out some locations for a second, bigger hub in the state.

During the earlier visits, the NSG teams were said to have been keen on Khaikhali, which is around five-minute drive from the airport. Dutt will likely visit the spot after a meeting with senior government officials, including Home Secretary Ardhendu Sen.

“The NSG is keen on setting up the small unit first to house a small contingent meant specially for tackling plane highjacking. I hope they start construction as soon as they get it,” Sen said.

“They were shown two sites, both having 15-20 acres of land and both a five-minute drive from the Dum Dum airport. On one site, there were some encroachments like playgrounds but the other at Khaikhali was free from all encroachments and the team told us they liked that one,” a senior state government said.

The NSG is going to set up two units —- a big one which will be set up in the model of the one at Manesar in Haryana and a small one near the airport where a tiny contingent of the elite commando force will be stationed for emergency use. For the bigger unit the NSG requires about 1,200 acres of land.

On January 19, an NSG team came on its first visit to the city and they were shown two sites for the bigger unit — Kalaikunda in West Midnapore district and Panagarh in Burdwan district. Both are defence land. The government has earmarked another 1,200-acre land at Barrackpore, which is also on defence land.

After the 26/11 terror attacks in Mumbai, the Central government decided to set up NSG hubs in four metro cities. While Kolkata and Mumbai have already been finalised, the Home Ministry is yet to decide on the two other cities where the NSG units will be set up.

Cops issue shoot-at-sight orders in Tamil Nadu
Chennai In the wake of violent protests by lawyers, police has issued shoot-at-sight orders in Tamil Nadu against those trying to damage public properties and create disturbance to general public.
District SPs have been empowered to carry out the order, a release from the DGP's office said last night. Appropriate action would be taken against those who trying to damage vehicles or involve in other illegal activities, it said.

"Some anti-social elements were using Thursday's incidents to damage public property and burn vehicles", the release said, adding strict action would be taken against them.

The clashes between the advocates, agitating on Sri Lankan issue, and police broke out on Thursday over arrest of some lawyers accused of assaulting Janata Party president Subramanian Swamy in the court. A judge and many police personnel besides advocates were injured in stone pelting and subsequent police baton-charge.

Attempt to murder cases were filed on Friday against 150 advocates in the aftermath of the violence in Madras High Court premises.

Strays incidents of violence by lawyers in protest against police action against their colleagues were reported across the state yesterday.

Multi-crore land scam: tehsildar, patwari booked
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Anju Agnihotri Chaba
Posted: Mar 27, 2008 at 2244 hrs IST
Kapurthala, March 26 The Vigilance Bureau (VB) booked a tehsildar and a patwari of the district for allegedly selling multi-crore government land to private developers. Sources in the VB said tehsildar Manjit Singh and patwari Jaswant Singh sold over 73-kanal ‘nazool’ land on Jalandhar-Kapurthala road to colonisers and 21 transactions were executed for registering the deed.
“Names of three colonisers have come under the scanner and action may be taken against them,” said a senior VB officer. Former ADC Bhavna Garg, through an order dated March 22, 2006, had directed that ‘nazool’ land could not be sold.

SSP VB Dilbagh Singh said the accused would be arrested on the completion of the probe.

Above law: Recovery agents flex muscles for loans
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Posted: Nov 28, 2007 at 0000 hrs IST

Chandigarh, November 27 Flouting all rules, the recovery agents, who are never made employees of the bank, are used as pawns in order to recover the pending payments.
When found guilty of taking the law in their hands, the banks wash their hands off these ‘pawns’ who face the music in the end. Instead of approaching the Court and proceed legally, the banks prefer to employ agents to ensure speedy recovery.

Expressing concern over the trend, the Supreme Court has given a detailed list of factors, reasons and suggestions over the issue. “The banks cannot employ goondas to take possession by force,” the Supreme Court has held in its recent judgment.

The issue of banks employing alternate means of recovery other than due process of law ie either through Courts, Tribunals, Adalats or Commissions, is an issue that has to be viewed from two angles- the common man’s, and from the angle of the bank.

First of all, the entrance of the multi national banks into the country has spread the culture of credit cards, loans at an unimaginable level where rather than the rich, it is the middle class, lower middle class and lower class who are at the receiving end of the bonanzas promised by banks.

The first mistake here is on part of the banks who do not believe in educating the masses regarding the promises. Once the credit card or loan is taken and there appears a default, the witch-hunt begins.

Now the bank is the aggressor and the public is the victim. The first step to recovery of the money due is through the so called Recovery/Collection agents.

A man’s self respect, stature in society are all immaterial to the agent who is only looking at recovery. This is the modernised version of Shylock’s pound of flesh. No explanation is given regarding the interest charged and the bank takes cover under the guise of the holder of the card or loan, having signed the agreement whose fine print is never read or explained to the owner.

When a harassed man approaches the Court or the police station, he is not armed with a recording phone and finds it difficult to give evidence of the abuse he has suffered. Here, the bank gets away with everything.

The stance taken by the bank in any suit alleging such incidents is that no such agent was ever appointed by them or their agents do not misbehave in the manner aforesaid and if found guilty the agents have to bear the brunt and the bank gets away scot free.

Taking it from the common man’s viewpoint, the inflow of software money and high salaries has resulted in uncontrolled expenditure. To maintain one’s image, one pays the price of utilising the card without realising that even a single day’s delay in payment results in an extra payment of Rs 100 to 200.


It is mandatory that the banks be held vicariously liable for the actions of such agents. These agents have to be identified as registered agents of the bank and should be bought under the purview of the RBI.

The recovery agents should be made employees of the bank and the bank should account directly for all actions taken by these employees.

Also, every statement sent by the bank should disclose clearly the rate of interest and the default interest and penalty charges calculated separately and added to the amount pending by the customer.

At the very first month of default, the card should automatically be terminated by the bank to prevent further use/misuse. At the time of issuance of the card, the issuance letter should contain every single charge being made, explained in simple terms and the penalty the customer will bear for non-payment.

The agents should be responsible for background check on the person to whom the card is issued and the defaulter should be made liable along with the agent. This would ensure that the agent does not source an illegal or fraudulent customer.

Hire purchase

Many banks have extended liberal credit facilities for purchase of vehicles, whether two wheelers or four wheelers, more the number, the targets are achieved. This results in a certain amount of default cases. The default can be two fold- genuine and fraudulent.

Both, in the case of genuine and fraudulent, the method usually adopted by these institutions is to engage thugs/hooligans/gangsters for recovery of the vehicle. They seize the vehicles even in public places deliberately to cause embarrassment. There is no codification till date.

The delay in the Courts and the ineffective and corrupt police structure enables the bank to seek the help of such agencies which proves to be cost effective and less cumbersome.

Abolition of the system is not the answer but effective control over the agency by the respective banks is essential.


“We receive over dozens of complaints against the banks stating their recovery agents have misbehaved. It is generally seen that the recovery agents flout all the rules and the banks do not follow the procedure” said a senior police officer.

However, A K Ahuja, chief law officer, State Bank of Patiala states, “This is not correct. We strictly follow the law laid down. The recovery agents are trained and informed about all the do’s and don’t’s. Generally, such misconducts are done by recovery agents employed by private banks.”

“The recovery agents should be trained, and certain educational qualification imparted to them along with workshops on personality by a nodal agency of the state. Such courses can be started by universities etc,” suggested Advocate Gaurav Deep Goel. India Inc's Cost-cutting Fixation Not Good, India - 19 Feb 2009
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Phillyist Asshole of the Week
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31 Dec 2008 ... Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, "enlightened") is a name that refers to several groups, both historical and modern, and both real ... - 39k - Cached - Similar pages -
Illuminati Conspiracy Archive:
The Illuminati has become synonymous with the one world conspiracy. Conspiracy Archive will keep tabs on the New World Order. - 23k - Cached - Similar pages -
Illuminati Conspiracy Part One: A Precise Exegesis on the ...
5 Aug 2005 ... In the literature that concerns the Illuminati relentless speculation abounds. No other secret society in recent history - with the ... - 182k - Cached - Similar pages -
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Main Page - the Illuminati
21 Nov 2007 ... the Illuminati is online! All the latest news on our projects and past ... Retrieved from "" ... - 11k - Cached - Similar pages -
The Illuminati
Are the Illuminati and the Masons connected? Here's some information to help you decide. - 34k - Cached - Similar pages -
Illuminati: The Game of Conspiracy
The object of Illuminati is to take control of the world. The phone company is controlled ... Start your plot for world domination with Deluxe Illuminati. ... - 7k - Cached - Similar pages -
Illuminati Snowboards
Illuminati Snowboards. Snowboarding - Jackson Hole Wyoming Style. - 7k - Cached - Similar pages -
Illuminati News Welcome Page
25 Dec 2008 ... All this chaos, genocide, ethnic cleansing and disaster we see in this world have a genuine purpose. It is all very carefully planned by a ... - 47k - Cached - Similar pages -
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OCZ Intros Alchemy Illuminati Keyboard - 19 Feb 2009

OCZ has announced a new gaming keyboard series named Illuminati under their Alchemy line of products. The Illuminati series of keyboards will have a stylish ... - 19 related articles »

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