Friday, December 5, 2008

Manipulation Greater DANGER Than Terrorism. So Many Lapses in SECURITY Tell the Story of a Paradise for Fools! Maharashtra Latest Victim as Chavan Rep

Manipulation Greater DANGER Than Terrorism. So Many Lapses in SECURITY Tell the Story of a Paradise for Fools! Maharashtra Latest Victim as Chavan Replaces Deshmukh! I Know Some Real BASTARDS Who Destroyed Institutions of National Repute! I Also Knows Them Who Killed Bengali Nationality!

Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams: Chapter 118

Palash Biswas

Thoughts of the day after
Large parts of the nation are ready to give vent to anger
The trauma will linger. The audacity of the terrorist operation, carried out seemingly by only 10 desperadoes, is mind-boggling. Large parts of the nation, while mourning for the dead and expressing deep compassion for the other victims, will also gi... | Read..

In first visit after the terror strike, P Chidambaram was blunt, admitting that mistakes were made. "Undoubtedly, there have been some lapses!The benchmark indices witnessed profit booking and lost more than half of gains seen on Thursday, ahead of the fiscal stimulus package, which is likely to be announced on Saturday!

The militants who attacked Mumbai must not be allowed to derail the peace process between India and Pakistan, the Pakistani prime minister said on Friday!

At a time when a bruised city called for a new kind of politics, this is what they got: First a naked power struggle for Maharashtra's top post!Maharashtra Industry Minister Ashok Chavan will be the new state Chief Minister to succeed Vilasrao Deshmukh, who was eased out of office in the aftermath of the audacious Mumbai terror attacks last week. On the other hand, after Indo US Nuclear deal auto Operationalised,Visiting Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has signed a key deal to build four nuclear power plants in India. President Medvedev signed the accord in the Indian capital, Delhi, with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.Meanwhile, In a significant move, the AIADMK and the CPM on Friday jointly announced that they have formed an alliance for 2009's Lok Sabha elections. The announcement came after the ‘wide ranging’ discussions, held between CPM general secretary Prakash Karat and his AIADMK counterpart Jayalalithaa on various issues. After an hour-long meeting, Jayalalithaa described the meeting with Karat as ‘cordial’.

What CLASSIC DEVELOPMENTS to portray Manipulation! For the first time in almost two years, the government on Friday slashed petrol price by Rs 5 a litre and diesel by Rs 2 and dropped broad hints of more cuts before the general elections are announced early next year.In order to usher a feel-good factor dovetailed with the fiscal impetus package to be announced on Saturday, the UPA government has decided to cut the price of petrol by Rs 5 per litre and diesel by Rs 2 per litre from Saturday, leaving cooking gas LPG unchanged. Jet Airways, India's top domestic carrier, and group firm JetLite cut fuel surcharge on air tickets from Saturday, following a similar move by state-run Air India, after fuel prices eased.

Oil prices are likely to keep falling until well into next year and could reach $25 a barrel before recovering, US bank Merrill Lynch has said. In a research report published on Thursday, it said oil prices should begin to rally in the second half of 2009. Merrill Lynch recently cut its forecast for the average price of US crude oil futures and North Sea Brent crude oil to $50 a barrel from a previous estimate for both crudes of $90.

What Justice the MUMBAIkars have ensured for themselves? A New chief Minister selected by ITALIAN Remote Control! We witnessed tha riots against North Indians in Mumbai some days before the carnage. Deshmukh almst protected Raj Thakre who launched the HATRED CAMPAIGN aignst North Indians!How does a man sent from New Delhi and not selected by Maharashtra may help MUMBAIKAR to get over the TRAUMA!

What if, Rebel Maharashtra Congress leader and Revenue Minister Narayan Rane may face disciplinary action for his outburst against the party leadership, including Sonia Gandhi, after losing the race of chief ministership? The matter would be referred to the disciplinary action committee of PCC which is competent to look into the issue, Maharashtra Pradesh Congress Committee (MPCC) spokesman Anant Gadgil said on Friday.

Would Mumbaikars and the REST of India stand United against thsi Political Manipulation?

: Maratha strongman and former Shiv Sainik Narayan Rane put it bluntly when he met Congress chief Sonia Gandhi at her residence here last
Saturday. "Bahut nuksaan ho jaayega," he said, adding with a pointed emphasis, "Kuchh bhi nahin bachega (nothing will remain)."

The Maharashtra revenue minister is not known to mince words. And during his meeting with the Congress president, a day before the Gujarat poll results, Rane poured out his angst. Significantly, he found an attentive audience in Sonia. She heard him out as Rane listed reasons why Congress was fast losing ground in Maharashtra.

The target of his ire was obvious. Rane pointed out that Maharashtra chief minister Vilasrao Deshmukh had hardly any time for governance even as the image of the government was taking a beating. Also, that it was now common knowledge that there were "channels" to swing deals.

Without EMPOWERMENT, SHARING, PARTICIPATION of CITIZENS How a NATION be Democratic, Sovereign, FREE, Human and strong Enough to face the Global Challenges of RECESSION or TERRORISm, just tell me!

Just remember, how BARACK OBAMA had been elected by the Citizens of United states of America! How American citizens are EMPOWERED and how FREE are to express themselves and the Dream Of Change comes TRUE!

The WEAK MOST People like us won`t make a STRONG NATION at all. It is not the STATE POWER, it is we only, the People of India may Create a STRONG Nation with unchallengeable Integrity and Unity! You may not sustain as a Nation or a People dividing the DEMOGRAPHY vertically as the Colonial Powers and their super slaves have been HABITUAL to do all these SIX Decades!

Asserting that perpetrators of the Mumbai terror carnage should be punished, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Friday said India will
await the outcome of the international community's efforts in this regard before deciding on its options.

Asked about the military, political and economic options before India in dealing with those behind the terror attacks, Singh responded with a cryptic "We will wait for the outcome" of the world community's efforts.

Singh, who was addressing a joint press conference with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev after their talks, made it clear that India wanted the US and others to put pressure on Pakistan to ensure that those behind the "horrible" crime in Mumbai are punished.

"I have impressed upon all the world leaders who called me that people of India feel a sense of hurt and anger as never seen before," he said.

"It is the obligation of all concerned to ensure that perpetrators of this horrible crime are brought to book.
That is our message to everybody and anybody who have come here," Singh said.His response came when asked whether India had requested US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, during her visit here on Wednesday, to tell Pakistan to arrest Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) chief Hafiz Mohd Saeed.

Underlining that "perpetrators of this crime should be brought to book", the Prime Minister said "this message" had been conveyed to Rice as also other world leaders.

Ending days of speculations, the Congress party finally decided to nominate Ashok Chavan as the Chief Minister of Maharashtra to replace Vilasrao Deshmukh who has tendered his resignation in the wake of Mumbai terror attacks. Senior Congress leader Pranab Mukherjee said that Ashok Chavan has been nominated as the leader of the Congress Legislature Party by Sonia Gandhi.

Manipulation is the Greater DANGER Than Terrorism. So Many Lapses in SECURITY Tell the Story of a Paradise for Fools! Maharashtra is the Latest Victim as Chavan Replaces Deshmukh! I Know Some Real BASTARDS Who Destroyed Institutions of National Repute! I Also Knows Them Who Killed Bengali Nationality!

I would not name those real Bastards as the NATION knows them very well and miserably bear them with PRIDE. They happen to be the BRANDS and ICONS in different spheres of life. Who knows me well, may just find whom do I refer. I am based in Bengal. I have been witnessing how these bastards are killing bangla Nationality and Bengali Identity and how the bengalies become most unwanted everywhere!

Greatest manipulation of History in India happens to be the POWER TRANSFER in which micro Minority Brahmins gor the REIGN of STATE POWER to sustain the Enslavement of the Majority Indigenous, Aboriginal,SC, ST, OBC and Minority People! sustaining Power introduced the ENDLESS Vicious CYCLE of CORRUPTION for which INDIAN Nation virtually has no SECURITY NETWORK to defend its People rather the Ruling Hegemony have manipulated everything to make every part of this nation as classic KILLING FIELDS!

Latest Manipulation we witnessed in Indian parliament while all Political Parties enacted BETRAYAL to forge Strategic Re alliance in US Lead and the Suicidal INDO US NUKE Deal was auto operationalised bypassing and misleading the Parliament and Killing the Constitution! Reservation has been made irrelevant introducing LPG. LPG MAFIA further transformed the generation Next into depressed DRUG ADDICT, indulged in RAV parties and XXXXX technology depriving it Higher education and Job opportunities!

India has been tagged with United states of America.

India is Americanised!

Indian Economy has been Manipulated to destroy Indigenous production system . LPG introduced to kill job opportunities! Disinvestment, FDI and foreign Capital being the Fundamental and FREEsenSEX happening the status, Policymakers manipulate to poison the productive forces! SEZ drive has been the best Manipulation so far. Nuclear and Defence deals saving US Interests and Corporates, MNCs and India Incs FREE LICENCE to KILL. World bank gangsters Manipulate the entire system to divert national revenue, production and savings to feed the Money machines. Chemical and Biological Weapon Industries welcomed. Retail chain throws the Common Man out of market. GM SEEDS package, WTO and GATT kills Indian agriculture. See the Petro Prices to be manipulated the Air Lines and corporates while the Public never relieved! The Government, Political parties, corporates, MNCs, Economists and policy Makers ally to deprive and dislodge the underprivileged us, the People!

No Transparency in Governance! Every grievance, every resistance meant to be dealt with Military solution. entire North East and Kashmir being under AFPSA since 1950s!

Prime Minister is Planted by Washington. So, now the UNION HOME Minister also happens to be! The Polity is run from Washington with an Italian REMOTE CONTROL! The war zone is shifted right into our heart and now, we share US Destiny in global recession s well as TERROR STRIKES and carnage!

How could we, the People may expect minimum Security, Safety, Life, Property. Prosperity or Livelihood in such an atmosphere of Overwhelming manipulation injected with very High SPIRIT and bloody Ideologies by all kinds of BASTARDS!

I know some real BASTARDS in Media also who bark on every shadow, but never dare to bite. Those FIVE STAR Media ICONS have made Indian Media no better than TOILET Paper! I won`t mention those disgusting BASTARDS! Just Guess!

Rane revolts against new CM, Congress

The Congress announcement was marked by embarrassment for the Congress as senior party leader Narayan Rane refused to work under Chavan and revolted against the party.

Rane’s name was doing the rounds for the Chief Minister’s post, but he was sidelined because of his past membership of the Shiv Sena. He has been a bitter critic of Vilasrao Desmukh, who resigned as Chief Minter taking moral responsibility for the Mumbai terror attacks.

“Ashok Chavan doesn’t doesn't deserve to be in the race. He cannot handle even his ministry, he can't be my competitor for the CM's post,” said Rane in Mumbai.

"I am opting out of the Chief Ministerial race," said Rane, accusing the Congress high command of breaking its promise of making him the CM. "I don't trust even Sonia Gandhi anymore," he said.

In order to usher a feel-good factor dovetailed with the fiscal impetus package to be announced on Saturday, the UPA government has decided to cut the price of petrol by Rs 5 per litre and diesel by Rs 2 per litre from Saturday, leaving cooking gas LPG unchanged.
"The cuts were decided in principle today after consulting Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Congress chairperson Sonia Gandhi. It has the approval of former Finance Minister P Chidambaram whom Petroleum Minister Murli Deora met Wednesday night," said our sources.

The respite would put extra money into people's pockets so that the net income effect could spur demand in a slowing economy. It would also reduce the inflationary pressure on the wholesale price index where Fuel, Power, Light & Lubricants Group has a weight of 14.23 percent.

Since September, crude oil prices have started sliding and are now at 2005 levels of $44 but the government could not revise prices downwards as the Model Code of Conduct for elections bars it from making any announcement that could be seen as appeasing voters.

State-run oil marketing companies started earning extra returns from November with current month profit on petrol at Rs 14.89 a litre and on diesel at Rs 3.03 per litre. However, the three OMCs continue to lose Rs 17.26 per litre on kerosene and Rs 148.32 on a cylinder of LPG.

In June, the government raised the price of petrol by Rs 5 per litre, diesel by Rs 3 per litre and domestic LPG by Rs 50 per cylinder due to the high international prices of crude oil which touched a peak of $147 a barrel mid-July.

Ben Gurion on Pakistan, published in the Jewish Chronicle, 1967: "The world Zionist movement should not be neglectful of the dangers of Pakistan to it. And Pakistan now should be its first target, for this ideological State is a threat to our existence. And Pakistan, the whole of it, hates the Jews and loves the Arabs. "This lover of the Arabs is more dangerous to us than the Arabs themselves. For that matter, it is most essential for the world Zionism that it should now take immediate steps against Pakistan.”

Gratest Manipulation seems to be different Ideologies of the world. We are so easily cheated as the Genocide masters rule Bengal for three decades! Hindutva forces practice fascism as well as Imperialism mixing and remixing Blind Nationalism all the time.

Greatest manipulation happens to be Manusmriti and Apartheid!

What else do you say about Libearalisation, privatisation and GLOBALISATION? It is All ROUND MANIPULATION!

It is MANIPULATION Omnipower, Omnipresent in our bleeding Geopolitics. Inherent injustice, inherent inequality, subordiantion of Freedom and Sovereignity, Slaughter of Democracy and constitutions, Wars and civil Wars, Insurgency, Violence, Terror Strikes and Terrorism, Extremism, Repression, Food Insecurity and famine, Displacement and Deportation, Genocide culture.. everything roots into Overwhelming MANIPULATION!

I was watching our darling Bollywood Star Preeti Zinta on a national TV Channel justifying her Faith into the sanctity of Security forces in India. At the same time,she is really pained by Mumbai Carnage!

SEE! The Latest Union Home Minister P Chidambaram on Friday admitted to the intelligence and security lapses and assured that steps would be taken to ensure that there is an improvement in measures to tackle terrorism. Would he please apologise for his and his World bank gang`s Economic Crimes?

"I agree that there has been a failure on the part of the security forces, but this attack will help the Government be more determined in combating terrorism," Chidambaram said at the state police headquarters in New Delhi on Friday.

“I apologise to the people of Mumbai,” Chidambaram said. This is not right from the HEART of a CHETTIYAR! It is his MIND full of manipulation. World Bank Gang Sters led by the Prime Minister DR Manmohan Singh and the Bengali brahmin PRANAB MUkherjee have manipulated Indian Society, Politics, Economy and Culture! They would never be Prosecuted!

On the possible involvement of Pakistan's Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) in the attacks, the Home Minister said, "there is ample evidence to link the attack to organisations or entities which have been responsible for terror attacks in the past."

A tragedy-struck Mumbai remained indoors, glued to their television sets throughout the weekend after the terror attacks paralysed the city. And while the TRPs of news channels shot up, the entertainment industry, in general, took a bad hit. On one hand producers suffered losses due to cancellation of film shoots and on the other, cinema halls chose to keep their shutters down during the weekend citing safety reasons. Bollywood had already evaluated the response that films releasd on November 28 – ‘Oye Lucky! Lucky Oye!’ and ‘Sorry Bhai’ — start counting their losses.

Every Star or Superstar, involved in Entertainment Business have turned advocates of Blind Nationalism campaigned by Fascist Imperialist Comradors Ruling or resisting! Simi Grewal suggested that Pakistan should be carpet Bombed! Amir Khan expressed Rang De Basanti mood. While Big B and Badsha SRK spoke for peace and resistance! All of these Icons are concerend only because Mumbai carnage involved the FIVE STARS and foreign nationals! Otherwise, they are much more united in Marketing!Biggest example is the Pepsi Bubbly campaign. The ad had Big B, SRK and Preity Zinta giving company to Sachin, Dravid, Irfan, Yuvraj, Zaheer and Kaif. The company also launched a remix video with Kareena Kapoor.

Thus, manipulation of nationalism and Patriotism is also in vogue!Film personalities also made their way to the Gateway of India, to support the cause. Preity Zinta was spotted getting an armband tied in protest. Next to her is television actor Ronit Roy. Rajeev Khandelwal, who showed so much promise in Aamir -- a film dealing with terrorism -- also showed up.

Celebrities walked shoulder to shoulder with the other citizens of Mumbai at the Gateway on India on Wednesday evening, where Mumbaikars gathered to show their solidarity with the victims of the 26/11 Mumbai Terror Attack

Actress Priety Zinta, Filmmaker - Nagesh Kukunoor were among the hundreds of Mumbaikars who gathered at the Gateway of India to pay a tribute to victims of the 26/11 terror attacks.

"People come here is as guests, and this is how they are treated- with terror attacks?. Mumbai is the financial capital of the country- our economy, tourism and investments are going to be affected and we are not going to sit quiet," says Preity Zinta.

Mumbaikars are on the streets asking for justice, they are saying enough is enough and they are joined by the celebrities from Bollywood.

Ashok Chavan: In father's footsteps
Ashok Chavan's choice as Maharashtra Chief Minister once again drives home the clout of political inheritance in Congress.
50-year-old Ashok Chavan inherited the poitical legacy of his late father and former Chief Minister S B Chavan, becoming the first father-son duo in the state's history to adorn the Chief Ministerial chair. The senior Chavan was a loyalist of the Nehru-Gandhi family.
Chavan also hails from Marathwada, the region to which his predecessor Vilasrao Deshmukh and former Union Home Minister Shivraj Patil belong.
Ashok was the youngest contender for the post of Chief Minister with Union ministers Sushil Kumar Shinde and Prithviraj Chavan having crossed the age of 60. Congress leader Balasahib Vikhe Patil, another aspirant, is passed 60.
When big names like Shinde, Narayan Rane (63), and Balasaheb Vikhe Patil were doing the rounds, Ashok Chavan emerged as a frontrunner, with his one-time friend Vilasrao Deshmukh, putting his might behind him.
Ashok Chavan began his political career, riding piggyback on his father's political clout in 1987 when he was elected to Lok Sabha from Nanded.
In 1999, he was elected as a Member of Legislative Assembly from Mudkhed constituency and inducted as a cabinet minister for Revenue and Protocol.
In 2003, he became Minister for Transport, Ports, Cultural Affairs and Protocol.
Furious Rane attacks Sonia after losing in CM race
Virtually raising a banner of revolt, Maharashtra Revenue Minister Narayan Rane attacked the Congress leadership accusing it of reneging on a promise to make him the Chief Minister.
Lashing out at party leadership after losing the race for Chief Ministership, Rane, who joined Congress in 2005 after three decades in Shiv Sena, said, "I don't trust even Sonia Gandhi anymore."
He ridiculed Vilasrao Deshmukh and Ashok Chavan who is set to be the next Chief Minister.
Asked if he was leaving Congress, Rane said, "I will do that at an appropriate time."
"Ashok Chavan cannot even handle his own ministry and cannot be my competitor for the CM's post," he said.
Rane accused Deshmukh, MPCC chief Manikrao Thakre, MRCC chief Kripashankar Singh and ‘a Union Minister’ of being behind the bid to stop him from becoming the Chief Minister.
"There is a conspiracy. I will reveal it at an appropriate time," Rane said.
Congress sources said the party leadership is viewing Rane's allegations seriously and would take a decision soon.
Launching a tirade against Thakre and MRCC chief Kripashankar Singh, Rane claimed the duo pressurised several legislators supporting him to tell AICC observers that they supported Chavan.

Passenger spews venom on Muslim cabin crew over terror attack
4 Dec 2008, 0456 hrs IST, Manju V, TNN

MUMBAI: A Jet Airways' cabin crew member became a victim of hate speech when a passenger enquired about her religion and then unleashed a tirade on
how members of her community were responsible for the Mumbai terror attack. No complaint was filed against the passenger.

The incident took place on board the Jet Airways Aurangabad-Mumbai flight 9W-114 on Sunday. "There were about 40 to 50 passengers on board the Boeing 737 and everything was fine till this passenger asked the cabin crew her name when she was serving him,'' said a passenger, requesting not to be named. "We heard him ask and found it strange since flight attendants have name tags on their uniform.''

The next question was: Are you Muslim? "She said yes, and this man, who was about 35 years old, started shouting at her,'' he recalled. "The man said, `Why the bloody hell are you Muslims doing this to our country?'''

"We could see she was stunned, but she calmly replied, `Sir, this is my country too.' He shot back, `I don't think so, because people from your community are behind these attacks.' She was on the verge of tears, but said bravely, `Sorry Sir, they don't belong to India. They are not Indians.' After that she quietly moved away, avoiding further conversation. We could see that she did not go towards the cockpit to complain to the commander about it. It was very embarrassing for the rest of us. We felt like apologising to her, but were too taken aback by the incident,'' the passenger recounted.

The Jet Airways spokesperson was not available, despite repeated attempts. The airline industry in India, including Jet Airways, has a multicultural profile with cabin crew members drawn from various communities. "At a time like this, our employers should come forward and ensure us a safe and secure working environment. The attacks were very tragic and the deceased included people from many religions, including Muslims,'' said a senior cabin crew member of Air India. "Insensitive passengers should be dealt with strictly. Airlines cannot leave their crew vulnerable to such attacks and should issue clear instructions on how to deal with such passengers.''

Ambarish K Diwanji, an Indian journalist, who was at the receiving end of similar prejudice after the 9/11 attacks in America, recounted his experience. "I don't remember whether it was a Southwest or a Jetblue flight, but the route was NewYork-Las Vegas-San Franciso. It was December 2001, two months after the Twin Tower bombing. I reached the airport early, before the check-in counter opened, since I knew that being brown-skinned meant that the security check would take longer,'' he said. Two men, a white and a black, were ahead of him in the queue. "The white guy made a crack, which I did not quite catch, and so did not react. But I knew it was something nasty because his black companion apologised for him. When my turn came, the lady at the check-in counter asked me about the white guy's comments and apologised,'' he said.

Dewanji says that a short while after he boarded, the commander made an announcement saying there would be a delay because a passenger had to be offloaded for being rude to a co-passenger. "I had no clue what was happening till I saw the same white man being offloaded. He was shouting angrily, saying why can't an American speak freely in America,'' said Diwanji. "I had not complained against him, but apparently the woman at the check-in counter had.''

Close relations with RGV cost Vilasrao his job
4 Dec 2008, 0532 hrs IST, Prafulla Marpakwar, TNN

MUMBAI: Chief minister Vilasrao Deshmukh survived the biggest terror attack on Mumbai a week ago, however, Congress president Sonia Gandhi showed
him the door for his close ties with controversial film producer Ram Gopal Verma.

According to reports, ever since the electronic media telecast Deshmukh's visit to Hotel Taj, along with his son Riteish and Verma, there was anger against Deshmukh. "No doubt Deshmukh had offered his resignation, but the main reason for his removal was that he allowed Verma to visit Taj along with him,'' a senior Congress minister said.

After the terror attack on November 26 on Mumbai, though there was inordinate delay of well over 10 hours, the centre had deployed the NSG commandos and several columns of army and took nearly three days to gain control over the situation. In the prolonged operation, while 170 persons were killed, nine terrorists were shot dead by the NSG commandos.

However, the attack had nation-wide ramfications. Home minister Shivraj Patil quit on moral grounds. He was followed by state deputy chief minister R R Patil. In the meanwhile, Deshmukh visited the hotel to see the damage done during the terror attack. Though the electronic media was banned from covering the visit, the footage of Deshmukh's visit was released to the media by overenthusiastic officials who had accompanied the CM.

For Deshmukh, who had offered his resignation immediately after the Congress working committee meeting, trouble began after the private channels telecast this footage. "It had an adverse impact, as the demand for Deshmukh's removal gained momentum,'' the Congress minister.

The following day Deshmukh addressed the media and said the incident was blown out of proportion. However, on Tuesday, he admitted that it was a mistake on his part to ask Verma to accompany him. "The CWC discussed the aspect of public accountability, but the Congress leaders were more disturbed over the presence of Verma during his visit to Taj,'' the Congress minister said.

Slogans from a city pushed to the edge
4 Dec 2008, 0540 hrs IST, TNN

MUMBAI: The city's creative wheels churned overtime with Mumbaikars coming up with angry-and in some cases funny-slogans and banners to air their
views as they participated in a peace march at the Gateway of India, a stone's throw from the Taj, Cafe Leopold's and Nariman House, which were attacked by terrorists.

Many took a dig at politicians, albeit in strong words. One, for instance, screamed, `Our government: Mumbai's Weapons of Mass Destruction.' On a lighter note, one stated, `Call back the bar girls, maybe they can protect us,' taking a dig at former home minister R R Patil's campaign against dance bars in the city.

Chief minister Vilasrao Deshmukh's Taj `terror tour' with Bollywood director Ram Gopal Varma also came in for much criticism. One banner suggested that they should have shown RGV's `Aag' to the terrorists to drive them away.

Many used the opportunity for social entrepreneurship. A Merchant Navy staffer, Ashish Sawant, got 1,000 T-shirts printed with the names of slain policemen, as a tribute. Not surprisingly, they sold like hot cakes. Voluntary organisation Human First also sold T-shirts at Colaba, promising to use the funds raised for the victims of last week's terror attacks.

Signs of the times

- `Accountability and Anger'

- ‘Real Eyes Realise Real Lies'

- Puppets look good in shows, not in the government'

- ‘Netas = Z+ security; Janta = no security'

- `There are more terrorists in India. They're called politicians'

Pakistan has created its own Frankenstien monster: Defense analyst Maroof Raza
5 Dec 2008, 2007 hrs IST, Vasundhara Sanger, TIMESOFINDIA.COM
MUMBAI: Post November 26 terror attacks in Mumbai, defense analyst Maroof Raza puts his thoughts together on certain issues being discussed
across all forums.

He has served as a Major in the Indian Army. Currently, a defence analyst, writer, educationist he has authored two books, "Low-Intensity Conflicts" & "Wars and No Pace over Kashmir." Excerpts :

The terrorists entered Mumbai through the sea route and caused mayhem. Is this the level of defense preparedness in our country?

The Indian navy is expected to have a certain amount of maritime surveillance and it is done continuously. There are radars scanning coastlines, and there is our coastguard effectively guarding the coasts. Reportedly, navy was carrying out exercises in Gujarat when they saw the trawler that supposedly ferried the terrorists into Mumbai.

Unfortunately, there is no coordination among our intelligence agencies. Each one guards its turf. When any of them get the information, the first thing they do is to pass it on to their bosses who in turn rush to the Home Minster. Precious time is lost, in doing so. Even intercepts are not shared.

During the Kargil war, the agencies had with them instances of intercepts; one being the famous recorded evidence played out on TV channels- the conversation between Musharraf and his deputy in Pakistan regarding the attack on Kargil. Yet, former army chief (during the Kargil war in 1999) General VB Malik was unaware of these intercepts for a considerable period (as mentioned in one book written on the Kargil war). The principal secretary of government of India at the time, Brajesh Misra, told him about this on a flight, around 6-12 hours after the information had reached the agencies.

These intelligence agents are trying to win brownie points; all trying to show their bosses they have managed to gather ‘booty.’ Another problem is that the last five years we had a pathetic home minister (Union home minister Shivraj Patil who had to resign after the terrorist attack on Mumbai).

Would India and Pakistan engage in a war?

I don’t see a conventional military conflict; it would just worsen the situation. Besides, a conventional warfare is not safe for businesses as well for the economies of both the countries. India need not act in haste. Diplomatic solution of Pakistan is one way out. If US has to choose, my guess is it will select India.

Former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf talked US president George Bush into siding with him after the 9/11 attack on America. ISI emerged from funding by US in the 80s. Osama Bin Laden was a US creation (to fight the Russians when they had occupied Afghanistan in the late 70s.) Hence, when US wanted to they used Pakistan. Today, the situation is very different.

What if 26/11 Mumbai attacks were a red herring and a diversionary tactic for something bigger, like a biological attack on some other city?

They might not resort to biological weapons. If that happens, then it will further put evidence on Pakistan. But... it could happen, even though the possibility looks remote at the moment.

On whether the Indian police force is equipped to take on such planned and heavy armed attacks

Our police (force) is completely defunct. It’s a residue of the British Raj. Today, they have become more of a nuisance. Politicians use them for their own objectives. The officers’ corps (Indian Police Service) constitutes those who have not been able to make it to the Indian Administrative Service. They have no interest, enthusiasm or idea to take on tough jobs; they are bookworms.

As for the equipment (weapons etc) provided to them, it has never been adequate. We have a Raj mind set- symbolising a power of state.

Police is a state subject. We need a system that’s applicable across the country.

As for the rest of the security forces, they are engaged in preparing for war. Since 1992 a low intensity conflict has been launched where the entire force is fighting internal conflict; they have been able to keep a semblance of readiness on the borders. We need creation of more NSG (National Security Guard instrumental in shooting down terrorists in Mumbai) type forces in the country to be able to deal terrorism.

On possible intent and strategy of the terror group that struck Mumbai on 26/11

The strategy and intent was to create chaos, fear, lack of confidence, communal divide. There is nothing like specific homegrown (terrorist) group. The terrorists have tapped on sense of anger and alienation and taken advantage of lack of government’s effort to take to task all the right wing parties. In the 2002 Gujarat massacre, there was no case made out against the perpetrators and even in the compensation given to the victims of the violence there was a disparity. The government has failed to address the root grievances. You see it in the north-east of India, as well. In Kashmir, the insurgency happened because of the repeated negativism of Delhi politics in the (Kashmir) Valley.

On Pakistan’s role in terror attacks on India

In Pakistan, for the last two decades, ISI operatives have been entrusted with the task of identifying families of poor. Usually, the family has one boy who is a wastrel and has no purpose in life. This good-for-nothing fellow is selected by the ISI and told things like he is a failure but this task (militancy which they call ‘Jihad’) will give him respect in his society. They tell him even if he dies in the course of operation, he will attain martyrdom, and will be hailed as a hero.

This youth is then recruited by luring his families with salary, pensions and other financial benefits. Normally, $10 – 20,000 is set aside for this purpose. Traditionally, people joined the armed forces after a calling. But these people are not like that.

Pakistan does this entire recruitment in a much organised way. The current government may not support this but it is a situation where the country is being haunted by its own mistakes. It’s a ‘Frankenstein’s Monster’ that they have created. It started with former Pakistani President late Muhammad Zia ul Haq. Zia’s strategy was to “bleed India through a thousand cuts.” Kashmir was his motive. It’s no secret that Pakistan has always harboured a desire to integrate the Indian side of Jammu & Kashmir into it, and that’s what the successive governments have wanted. These groups (militants) are a larger part of the same mind set. Apparently, the present Pakistan government is unable to control the militants.

On the manner in which terrorism can be curbed

It cannot end if US President-elect Barrack Obama gives a statement. It’s very complicated and needs an elaborate process to curtail it, eventually. One way is to get like minded people in Pakistan to disagree with the spread of terrorism and militancy in their country.

The masses in Pakistan are bombarded with anti – India propaganda. Traditionally, in Pakistan, anti Indianism is not found wanting. They probably realise that whatever Pakistan is doing (soft on militants over the years and the grip of the army over Pak government operatives) may not be right but their envy and anger gets better of them.

But even with that (engaging locals) it cannot end. A long haul of whole reform of society is the need of the hour if the relations between the two neighbuors are to improve, permanently.

Pakistan is not a tin pot society. It doesn’t want global interference in its affairs. US (attempts to ‘mentor’ Pak after incidents like terror strikes) is not going into the hearts and minds of people. You can see the result in Iraq. One cannot have soldiers zipping around in their armoured humvees and shooting around all over the place. It is not the way to contain a volatile situation. They (US) have no idea about how to deal with Iraq’s internals security and they are just damaging any process by their actions. Pakistan needs a reform process; the country is not willing to accept any lip service.

Three more boats found abandoned off Tamil Nadu coast
5 Dec 2008, 1900 hrs IST, PTI

RAMESWARAM: Three more abandoned boats were found drifting in the coast on Friday raising suspicion among officials that the LTTE militants,
involved in a fierce battle with Sri Lankan army in the island's north, were sneaking into Tamil Nadu.

The boats found abandoned were located at Arichalmunai, Erandam and Moondram theedai. Earlier six boats, some with bullet marks and blood stains, were found abandoned off Rameswaram and Nagapattinam coasts on Thursday.

So many "mysterious" abandoned boats had been found. There was no chance for so many boats to drift to the Indian shores. The only possibility was that someone should have either come from Sri lanka or failed in their attempt to reach the island, police officials here said.

"If it is one or two boats, it is okay. But how can so many boats drift to the shore. It appears to be a case of infiltration," a top official of Tamil Nadu police said.

The recovery of eight abandoned boats inside a week should be taken seriously by naval and coastguard officials, he said.

"Barring one, the others did not have engines. So what happened to the engines?" the official asked.

Coast Guard and Naval officials said patrolling had been intensified after the Mumbai terror strikes. Sea surveillance radar had been installed besides deploying two ships for patrolling.

The official said that the presence of the abandoned boats needs a thorough probe to unravel the mystery.

Hippocracy and manipulation in india
By: champ83 | Jun 19, 2006 09:56 PM

1) Women misusing laws and on police believing the ’fairer sex’ :- When man beats women and womwn complains to a cop, the cops without even enquiring what happened arrest and beat up the guy.
(2)When woman beats man and the man complains to the cops, they say:-" shame on you, even a woman has hit you, thoo!" ,and do not help the poor guy.

(3)Woman are either treated as whores or like godesses, with the ’lady sentiment’ being a lot in this country.

(4)On one hand,man wants his wife to listen to him and treat him like her god on, the other hand
he treats her like shit.When a woman calls for help, either tho situations take place:-
(a)A woman calling for help accusing a particular man of harassing her(whether true or false),all other people around without even asking what really happened beat up the guy.
(b)A woman when really in need of help harassed by a goonda ,if he beats her and attemps to rape her,
calls for help, seeing the goonda everybody gets scared and mind their own business and lets the goonda do what he wants to the woman in fear of getting beaten up.

(5)One thing I don’t like in most men,they want an educated and working woman as a wife but at the same timeshe should be obedient to him and be dependent on him.How chauvenistic!Also it is the upbringing,males are given too much importance by the women and they show their dependence and men feel they are weak.Women are equally responsible for making men the way they are.

(6)There is a ladies seat and a ladies buses only for ladies.O.K., I agree this is because of eve teasing that used to happen in the past and is even happening nowadays.In the past since women were not getting much exposure, there were more men teasing women than vica versa.Now ,since women are getting almost the same exposure as men , there are also cases of women ragging men (adamteasing). as there are also physically strong women and physically weak men which many people may not agree.
These physically weak men need a seat in the bus, so there should be a seperate gents bus and a gents seat if you keep a seperate bus/seat for women.
Physically strong and robust or healthy women can afford to stand , who can say no?

(7) Another thing, this country is so socially backward that even now in the name of culture they do not want to move with the times(80% of the population).Culture is different, way of living is different, people mix the two and most men manipulate the term"this is our culture" to keep women at home or under purdah (most conservative families do).

(8)Many women who consider themselves as feminists expext men to open the door for them give them a seat in the bus.If they really are feminists, they should learn to physically defend themselves from even the most physically strong men by learning martial arts or by exercising and do what most men do equally well.

US cuts 533,000 jobs, unemployment at 15-year high
5 Dec 2008, 1924 hrs IST, AFP

WASHINGTON: The US economy lost a stunning 533,000 jobs in November and the unemployment rate jumped to a 15-year high of 6.7 percent, the Labor
Department said on Friday.

The monthly report on non-farm payrolls, seen as one of the best indicators of economic momentum, highlighted the severe retrenchment by companies in the face of a struggling economy and tight credit.

The number of job losses was much higher than the 325,000 expected by private forecasters.

The report also included a sharp upward revision in the number of job losses in the prior two months: October saw a loss of 403,000 jobs (up from an earlier estimate of 240,00) and September job losses were revised up to 320,000 from 284,000.

"There is no sugar-coating this data," analysts at "It is bad news that will weigh heavily on consumer sentiment and will serve to increase concerns about the depth and length of the current slowdown."

Sophia Koropeckyj at said that the losses "were broad-based across both service-producing and goods-producing industries" and the worst single-month decline since 1974.

"The economy is in recession, and the severity will far surpass the depths of the last two recessions."

The jobless rate, based on a separate survey of households, was the highest since October 1993 but slightly better than the consensus estimate of economists of 6.8 percent.

The Labor Department noted that since the official onset of recession in December 2007, some 2.7 million jobs have been lost, and the unemployment rate rose by 1.7 percentage points.

In November, the report showed a loss of 85,000 jobs in manufacturing, bringing the total in the sector to 604,000 over the past 12 months, despite a return of 27,000 aerospace workers from strike.

Employment in the retail sector fell by 91,000, and the leisure and hospitality sector shed 76,000 jobs.

The troubled financial sector shed 32,000 jobs in month, bringing the 12-month total losses to 142,000.

The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), the panel recognized as the official arbiter of business cycles, said this week the US entered recession in December 2007.

Although a recession is generally defined as two consecutive quarters of declining activity, the panel has its own criteria for determining a downturn, including data on employment, income and industrial output.

No fingers raised on Indian extremism and terrorism

By Asif Haroon Raja

Doom Sayers predict Pakistan ’s fate similar to Yugoslavia that was split into six states. Such gloomy assessments which started to appear in western press from 2005 onwards sounded mythical and figment of imagination of Pakistan ’s adversaries. The way events have unfolded in the last three years, it now seems that such predictions may not be altogether haywire. Instead of sleeping over the reports of leading US and western think tanks, our policy makers should have got alerted and carried out series of critical analyses and gone to the bottom of such reports and determined whether the idea of balkanisation of Pakistan was cooked up to create feelings of despondency or the authors had floated it under a well-planned agenda. The speculations howsoever mischievous in intent give insight to the deep-seated antagonist feelings nurtured against Pakistan .. After all, why such scenarios are not fabricated for India which is an ethnic museum and where 19 insurgencies and separatist movements are raging for the last five decades. India has a tainted history of meddling into the affairs of all its neighbours. It was the first country in the region to plan the dismemberment of its neighbour Pakistan and carried out massive cross border terrorism to fulfil its sinister objective in 1971. It has all along striven to force South Asian states to accept Indian hegemony and never hesitated from resorting to naked force or economic strangulation or indulging in Chanakyan tactics to achieve its nefarious designs.

The ugly face of Hindu fanaticism was seen during the Partition of India when the notorious RSS Hindu squads instigated the Sikhs and in collaboration with them brutally butchered lacs of Muslims in East Punjab and other parts of India while they were on their way to the newly born country Pakistan . The communal frenzy took the lives of two million people. The partition plan arrived at by the outgoing British had been agreed to by the Congress and the Muslim League but the Indians had not accepted vivisection of India and wanted to seek revenge. Hindu-Muslim riots in India became a norm and in each riot the Muslims were vandalised. Besides taking several steps to cripple Pakistan in its infancy, India went to the extent of stopping the flow of rivers Ravi and Sutlej in 1948 to turn Pakistan into a barren wasteland. The World Bank came to Pakistan ’s rescue and water was restored. Despite the Indus Basin Treaty signed between the two countries in 1960, India in violation of the Treaty started to build dams on rivers flowing into Pakistan to be able to choke or flood the rivers. In August-September this year, India applied the water strategy by stopping flow of water in River Chenab and reports are that Indian planners have finalised plans to turn western Punjab into wasteland by 2014.

Hindu bigotry was witnessed in June 1984 when the Indian soldiers ransacked the holiest shrine of the Sikhs Golden Temple and massacred one thousand Sikhs holed up in the temple and made no attempt to heal their wounds. When Indira Gandhi was assassinated in October 1984 by her Sikh bodyguards, the Hindus targeted the turban donning Sikhs and killed them in thousands. The state administration closed its eyes and did nothing to prevent the frenzied crowds from committing genocide and raping Sikh women. Legitimisation of communal violence first by Indira Gandhi and then by her son Rajiv led to phenomenal growth of communal forces. In 1988, there were 611 cases of communal violence and in 1989, 701 incidents and 802 deaths; in 1990, 1404 incidents took place resulting in 1248 deaths; in 1991, 462 lives were lost in riots and in 1992, 1640 deaths occurred.

On 9 July 1992, the UP regime allowed around 300,000 Hindu militants to storm Babri Mosque in Ayodhya and on 6 December L.K. Advani, leader of BJP led the assault to demolish the centuries-old mosque along with 30 other mosques. The Hindu zealots strove hard to build a Hindu temple in its place and anti-Muslim arson spread to all the major cities of India . Unspeakable atrocities were committed on the hapless Muslims with the active connivance of the police. In Surat , some of the gang rapes were committed under floodlights with video cameras documenting the holy crusade.

Hardly had the wounds of Indian Muslims dried up when the fanatical Hindus once again targeted the Muslims of Indian State of Gujarat with vengeance in 2002. The hair-raising carnage was another blot in Indian so-called secular history. 2000 Muslims were knifed, torched and hacked to death. Thousands of women were raped, their breasts cut off; their bellies split open, their foetuses speared. The State governor Modi himself gave a green light to the pogrom. In occupied Kashmir , over one lac Kashmiris have been killed and thousands of women raped imprudently. The tales of savagery are too harrowing and lengthy to recount. Hindu extremists are now on the rampage against the Christians in Orissa where hundreds have been killed, nuns raped and churches desecrated on the self-created suspicions that the Christian missionaries are involved in converting untouchable Hindus to Christianity. The Hindu extremists derive a sadistic pleasure in burning alive their victims and torching their houses and carry these gruesome acts as one of their favourite sports.

Every year thousands of people get killed in India on account of home-grown terrorists. Bomb blasts are a regular feature. This year in Ahmedabad, as many as 21 synchronised blasts took place within a short span of 70 minutes. Latest in the series is the terrorist attacks in Mumbai. This port city has been rocked by bomb blasts six times in the past, the worst being in 1993 when 13 bombs exploded in quick succession. From 1994 to 2005, 47371 people got killed in acts of terror. In 2006, 2765 were killed, in 2007, 2598, and in 2008 till November 2235 have been killed by left wing extremists, Hindu right wing militants and insurgents. The Nagas, Mizos, Assamese, Maghalayans, Tripurans, Manipuris, Bodos, Arunchal Pradeshis, Tamils, Naxalites, Maoists, Sikhs, and the Muslim Kashmiris are still suffering worst atrocities at the hands of Indian security forces. Hundreds of terrorist groups, separatist groups, and insurgents are battling the Indian security forces for the lat six decades. Scores of armed Hindu extremist groups which are anti-minorities and want to establish Hindu state keep honing their weapons and receive regular training in martial arts to terrorise and vandalise people of other religions directing them to follow the Hindu customs and traditions to qualify themselves as Indians.

Indian army is notorious for its savageness.. It kills people in custody or in fake encounters and uses rape as a weapon. It has now been caught in the racket of terrorism. Investigations into bomb blasts in Maharashtra’s Muslim dominated towns of Malegaon and Modasa in Gujarat on 29 September led to arrest of some suspects including a serving Indian army officer, a Hindu monk and a nun. Lt Col Prasad Shrikant Purohit was found involved in providing logistic support to Hindu militants to make bombs. He was also found linked with Samjhota Express Train bombing on 18 February 2007 in which 68 passengers including 50 Pakistanis were burnt to death when the train was on its way from Delhi to Lahore . Nine other persons including a retired army Major Ramesh Upadhye have also been detained. The arrested persons are associated with the BJP and al acts of terror were committed at the behest of BJP. Till the arrest of Lt Col Prasad, India had held Pakistan ’s ISI responsible for Samjhota Train episode. Prasad is said to be a founding member of Abhinav Bharat, a radical Hindu right wing group. There are strong indications that radical Hindu elements have infiltrated the rank and file of Indian army and arrest of two officers is just the tip of the ice burg. The Maharashtra Police chief and two other senior police officers who had traced Lt Col Purohit network were gunned down in Mumbai on the night of 26 November. The police chief was shot in the back and it was obvious that he and other police officials were bumped off to close the incriminating case. Police chief’s wife has described it a cold blooded murder by Hindu extremists.

Uranium ore theft from mines in India and nuclear smuggling has become a routine affair. Several cases of smuggling of uranium ore have taken place in 2008. If there is any country with nuclear capability in the world which is vulnerable to theft of its nuclear bombs by terror groups, it is none other than India . No country is afflicted by such large number of terrorist groups, extremist groups and separatist movements with dangerous agendas as is India . It also ranks equal to Israel in human rights violations.

The iron-clad caste system continues to reign supreme even in the enlightened 21st century while the so-called secularism has been reduced to a farce. The low caste Hindu Dalits are doomed to perpetual inferiority and continue to endure the tortures and humiliations of Brahmans. Some of the infamous extremist parties in India who have all along worked for Hindutva and are most bigoted and ruthless against other minorities are BJP, VHP, Shev Sena, Bajrang Dal, Jana Sangh, Abhinav Bharat and Kar Sevaks. No state institution has the courage to touch any member of these groups/parties. These organisations are intolerant towards Islam as well as Christianity and carry deep-seated animosity against USA and the west. Their venom against Pakistan is a well-known fact.

It is indeed most surprising that all the sins of India are ignored by the watchdogs of the west espousing democracy, human rights and religious tolerance. Despite India ’s immoral deeds, it is still acclaimed as the champion of democracy. Taking into account the rising Hindu extremism and terrorism and the undying urge of Hindu zealots to convert India into a Hindu state based on Hindutva, which has produced hundreds of terrorist groups and given rise to dozens of separatist movements, it seems that India is ripe for implosion. Apart from the Hindu belt within central India , rest of the areas are likely to get detached to get rid of perverse Hindu influence that has reduced them to serfs.

The writer is former Dean of Corps of Military Attaches Cairo who contributes regularly for national and foreign newspapers.


Subject: Obama announces five more NWO Globalists: Hillary Clinton (Bilderberg), Robert Gates (CFR), Janet Napolitano (CFR), Susan Rice (CFR, Trilateral Commission Executive Committee), and James Jones (former CFR, Trilateral Commission, Georgetown Univ. Schoo

Obama announces five more NWO Globalists: Hillary Clinton (Bilderberg), Robert Gates (CFR), Janet Napolitano (CFR),
Susan Rice (CFR, Trilateral Commission Executive Committee), and James Jones (former CFR, Trilateral Commission,
Georgetown Univ. School of Foreign Service, Jesuit-educated), for National Security Team

Absolutely no mention of Clinton or Gates or Napolitano or Rice or Jones connections to NWO one-worlder organizations
by President-Elect Obama at Dec. 1, 2008 press conference in Chicago

Was there any mention of Clinton or Gates or Napolitano or Rice or Jones connections to NWO one-worlder organizations
by CFR-controlled Corporate Big Media (including ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX and PBS Newshour ("CFR Evening News"))
on the Dec. 1, 2008 evening news ??? Has there been any such reporting in any of the corporate print media ???

What happened to: "Change has come to America" ?
"Change has come to America," Obama said, on Election Eve Night, Tuesday, November 4, 2008 !

Video (3:53) - "Barrack Obama gives his victory speech in Chiacgo" -
Video (16:44) - Obama's President-elect speech Nov. 4

Text of President-elect Barack Obama's remarks in Chicago

Just like masonic Skull and Bones member, George W. Bush; Obama has deceived the American people !!!
In the end, NOT A DIME'S WORTH OF DIFFERENCE, between a Democrat and a Republican administration !
As has been said before, "Personnel" is "Policy" - the Obama Administration is all about the New World Order,
just as the Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, and Bush Jr. Administrations were as well ! Wake up, America !

God says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:..." Hosea 4:6a, KJB
Steve Lefemine
December 3, 2008
Obama Chicago Press Conference to Announce National Security Team, Dec. 1, 2008

By Jeff Haynes, Reuters
President-elect Barack Obama presents his national security team at a news conference Monday in Chicago.
[ Photo accompanying earlier posting on December 1 as: Obama names Clinton, Gates, Holder to administration roles ]

Obama vows 'new dawn' with Clinton, Gates, Holder on team
[exerpts, emphasis added]
CHICAGO ­ President-elect Barack Obama promised "a new dawn of American leadership" in the world Monday
from a diverse national security team that has not always agreed with him.
The team, led by his former campaign rival, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and President Bush's Defense secretary, Robert Gates,...
Also nominated for top jobs were Eric Holder as attorney general, Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano as Homeland Security secretary,
retired Marine general Jim Jones as national security adviser and Susan Rice as U.N. ambassador. All but Gates and Jones need
Senate confirmation. "America's security is not a partisan issue ­ witness the team," Vice President-elect Joe Biden said.
Foreign policy experts said the group will differ more in style than substance from the moderate team, led by Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice, that Bush installed halfway through his presidency.
[ CCL Note: Condo. Rice is CFR, George W. Bush is a Skull and Bones masonic secret society member - both are servants of the NWO -
why should we be surprised if there is not much change in substance from the Bush administration to the Obama administration ? ]

By Charles Dharapak, AP
Barack Obama leaves a news conference in Chicago with Secretary of State-designate Hillary Rodham Clinton.
They are followed by members of his newly-named security team, from top left: Eric Holder, Janet Napolitano,
Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Vice President-elect Joe Biden and James Jones.
Copyright 2008 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Co. Inc.
Obama remarks announcing his national security team
(Video - 15:08) (Obama thru 11:37, and then Clinton thru 15:08)
(Obama thru 11:37, "a new beginning, a new dawn of American leadership..." (2:15), "American values are America's best export to the world" (2:49),
"the power of our moral example" (3:12) [ CCL Note: Really ? What kind of "moral" example is America ? - 50 Million children slaughtered in America by
surgical abortion, protected by the government ? ; a nation of fornicators, subsidized by the government ? ; the "right" to commit the abominable act of sodomy,
protected in law ? - what kind of a "moral" example is that ? Clearly, not a Biblical moral example, but then the NWO is about eradicating Biblical Christians. ]
Remarks of Clinton, Gates, Holder, Napolitano, Rice, Jones, and Biden
(Video - 16:04) (Clinton thru Biden)
Questions by media at Obama national security news conference
(Video - 28:29) (Obama thru 15:43, and then media commentary)
Obama (1:22) - "We cannot have, we cannot tolerate, a world in which innocents are being killed by extremists, based on twisted ideologies,
and we're going to have to bring the full force of our power, not only military, but also diplomatic, economic and political, to deal with those threats,
not only to keep America safe, but also to insure that peace and prosperity can exist around the world."
CCL Note: So Mr. President-Elect, then why do you whole-heartedly support the right of extremists like Planned Parenthood, at whose fundraiser
yoiu spoke,*** to kill INNOCENTS IN THE WOMB ??? Approximately 50 MILLION "innocents" ( have been butchered by surgical abortion
alone in Bloody America since 1973, not counting perhaps multiple times that number by abortifacient birth control (e.g., RU-486, Plan B, Depo-Provera,
birth control pills, IUD, etc., ad nauseam). Barack Obama, you are a liar, a fraud, and a hypocrite. ( Barack Obama, check out: )
***Obama quotes from video segments on YouTube video, "Just Tell Us The Truth..." ( ) :
Q. "At what point does a baby get human rights, in your view ?"
Obama: "... answering that question with specificty, uh, ya know, is, is, uh, above my pay grade."
Obama: "I've got two daughters, nine years old and six years old. I'm gonna teach them, first of all, about values and morals.
But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby."
Obama at Planned Parenthood Action Fund event: Barrack Obama, the pro-Planned-Parenthood candidate
Obama: "Well, the first thing I'd do as president, is sign the Freedom of Choice Act."
Obama: "... we fought together in the Illinois State Senate against restricted choice legislation."
Obama: "With one more vacancy on the court, we could be looking at a majority hostile to a woman's fundamental right to choose
for the first time since Roe v. Wade, and that is what is at stake in this election."
Obama: "This election is not just about playing defense, it's also about playing offense. It's not just about defending what is,
it's about creating what might be, in this country,..."
Obama: "On this fundamental issue, I will not yield, and Planned Parenthood will not yield."
See -
The purpose of this web site is to expose the disproportionate amount of Black babies destroyed by the abortion industry.
For every two African American women that get pregnant one will choose to abort.
A Black baby is 5 times more likely to be killed in the womb than a White baby.
The most dangerous place for an African American to be is in the womb of their African American mother.
Key members of Obama-Biden national security team announced
[excerpts, emphasis added]
Chicago -- President-elect Barack Obama and Vice President-elect Joe Biden officially announced key members of their national security team today:
nominating Senator Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, selecting Defense Secretary Robert Gates to remain as Secretary of Defense,
nominating Eric Holder as Attorney General, nominating Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano as Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security,
nominating Susan Rice as Ambassador to the United Nations and selecting General Jim Jones, USMC (Ret) as National Security Adviser.
"In this uncertain world, the time has come for a new beginning -- a new dawn of American leadership to overcome the challenges of the 21st century,
and to seize the opportunities embedded in those challenges. To succeed, we must pursue a new strategy that skillfully uses, balances, and integrates
all elements of American power: our military and diplomacy; our intelligence and law enforcement; our economy and the power of our moral example. [sic***]
The team that we have assembled here today is uniquely suited to do just that. They share my pragmatism about the use of power, and my sense
of purpose about America's role as a leader in the world," said President-elect Obama.
*** [ CCL Note: Huh ? What kind of "moral" example is America ? - 50 Million children slaughtered in America by surgical abortion, protected by the government ? ;
a nation of fornicators, subsidized by the government ? ; the "right" to commit the abominable act of sodomy, protected in law ? - what kind of a "moral" example is that ?
Clearly, not a Biblical moral example, but then the NWO is about eradicating Biblical Christians. ]

Remarks of President-elect Barack Obama
Announcement of National Security Team
December 1st, 2008
Chicago, IL
Narrative biographies of six national security team members, and transcript of the prepared remarks of President-elect Obama's full statement at:

President-elect Barack Obama's likely national security advisers, clockwise from top left:
Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Jim Jones, Susan Rice, Robert Gates and Janet Napolitano.
Clockwise from top left: USA TODAY, AP, AFP/Getty Images, AP, AP, AP
CCL Note: FIVE of the six key national security team members presented today by President-Elect Barack Obama are GLOBALISTS:
Obama Secretary of State
Senator (NY-D) Hillary Clinton - Bilderberg
Obama Secretary of Defense
Secretary of Defense (under Republican President Bush) Robert Gates - Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
Obama Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security
Governor (D-AZ) Janet Napolitano - CFR
Obama Ambassador to the United Nations
Susan Rice - CFR, Trilateral Commission Executive Committee
Obama National Security Adviser
General James L. Jones, USMC (Ret) - former CFR, Trilateral Commission, Georgetown Univ. School of Foreign Service, Jesuit-educated,
and Honorary Doctorate of Letters (2002) from Georgetown University

Primary Obama Cabinet Officers to date (CFR, TC, Bilderberg)
In addition to three primary Cabinet officers already named (HHS Secretary Tom Daschle, Commerce Secretary Bill Richardson, and
US Treasurer/Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner), who are also Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), there are now three additional primary
Cabinet officers named to the national security team (Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano,
and UN Ambassador Susan Rice) who are also CFR members, bringing the current total so far to SIX CFR members in the Obama Cabinet.
Change ? I don't think so. It's NWO Globalist Business-As-Usual marching America over the cliff into the One-World Socialist "Utopia"
(Tyranny) that is the New World Order. It is probably true that 99% of Obama supporters HAD NO CLUE what they were really voting for.
No red-blooded American would choose the NWO for their country. No red-blooded American wants the North American Union (NAU).
And that is exactly why these wicked, treasonous, traitors (including Obama) don't come right out and tell us what they are really up to.
Moreover, of these SIX CFR members in the Obama Cabinet, at least FOUR are also Bilderbergers (Daschle, Richardson, Geithner, Clinton),
and at least TWO are also Trilateral Commission members (Geithner, Rice).
Other Principal Obama Administration Officers to date (CFR, TC, Bilderberg)

In addition to the CFR, TC, and Bilderberg people among Obama's primary Cabinet officers already named, Obama has also chosen
some vintage Globalist Establishment names for three other key positions in the Obama Administration:
Obama Director of the National Economic Council
Former US Treasurer Lawrence Summers - CFR, former Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg
Obama Chairman of the new "Economic Recovery Advisory Board"
Former Chairman U.S. Federal Reserve System Paul Volcker - Former Board of Directors of the CFR, current CFR member,
Trilateral Commission former North American Chairman,
Trilateral Commission North American Honorary Chairman,
Trilateral Commission Executive Committee, and Bilderberg
Obama National Security Adviser
General James L. Jones, USMC (Ret) - Former CFR, Trilateral Commission, Georgetown Univ. School of Foreign Service, Jesuit-educated,
and Honorary Doctorate of Letters (2002) from Georgetown University
Should Christians Support a Woman for the Office of Civil Magistrate?
by William Einwechter, July 8, 2004
William Einwechter (Th.M.) is an ordained minister and an elder at Immanuel Free Reformed Church in Ephrata, Pennsylvania.
He and his wife, Linda, are the homeschooling parents of ten children.
CCL Note: God's creation-order design is for men to be the heads of households (e.g., Ephesians 5:22-33), and to be the
elders and pastors of churches (e.g., 1 Timothy 2:11-15; 1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9), and to serve as civil ministers / magistrates
in civil government. It is not God's perfect will for women to rule over men in the family, church, or civil government (including the
armed forces - and it is not God's will for women to be the warriors-soldiers in a society). When women are in headship / rulership
positions over men, it is a sign, judgment, and indictment against the men, who are failing to fulfill their God-ordained roles.
It is a curse upon everyone, men and women. It is a curse upon a nation (e.g., Isaiah 3;12).
Council on Foreign Relations:
2006 Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Membership Roster
2007-2008 Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Membership Roster
(including Current and Historical Rosters of Directors and Officers)
The name "Jones, James L." appears on the Council on Foreign Relations Annual Report, July 1, 2002 - June 30, 2003
CFR Annual Report requests
Treasonous agenda of the Council on Foreign Relations
Posted: June 17, 2005

Trilateral Commission:
Trilateral Commission Chairmen and Executive Committee
The Trilateral Commission
2005 Trilateral Commission membership list
The name "Lawrence H. Summers" also appears on The Trilateral Commission, North American Group, January 2004 membership list

The Bilderbergers
SC Governor Mark Sanford attended the 2008 meeting of the Bilderberg group
Meeting of Globalist Elites Bilderberg group held in Chantilly, Virginia - June 5 through June 8, 2008
June 22, 2008
Official 2008 Bilderberg Participant List
- entire list of 142 named USA, CAN, and EUR participants is available at:
Related information:
(see postings at: at "News" page for ready viewing of article titles)
The New World Order is about:
1) one-world government
2) one-world money
3) one-world religion

Rome and US Presidential Candidates - Vatican's New World Order in the open - "Hidden in Plain View"
Rome's Catholic Archbishop of New York, Cardinal Egan, with CFR's McCain and Marxist Obama
Rome's New World Order in operation - "Hidden in Plain View"
-Vatican's Roman Catholic Archbishop of New York Cardinal Edward Egan
- Pro-Abort, Pro-Sodomite, NWO Globalist, CFR-member, John "McAmnesty" McCain
- Pro-Abort, Pro-Sodomite, NWO Globalist, Marxist, Barack "Citizen of the World" Obama
October 26, 2008
Photos: Egan, McCain, Obama (Vatican's Roman Catholic Archbishop of NY with Rep. and Dem. 2008 presidential candidates)
British PM Gordon Brown addresses the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in New York, Friday, Nov. 14, 2008
Brown speaking at CFR prior to G-20 Global Financial Crisis Summit in Washington D.C. Nov. 14-15, 2008
British PM Gordon Brown: "We've got the birth pangs of this new global order."
November 15, 2008
Masonic, Ecumenist, Universalist US President George W. Bush speaks at UNITED NATIONS on FAITH in "God"
Faith in which "Almighty God" ? Bush does not believe in the Christian Bible's revelation of the Messiah.
November 14, 2008
Photos: Egan, Bush, Gore (Vatican's Roman Catholic Archbishop of NY with Rep. and Dem. 2000 presidential candidates)
Global POLITICAL Leaders Meet at UNITED NATIONS Nov. 12-13, 2008 to further (One-World) RELIGION
The United Nations is anti-Messiah. It is the enemy of Bible-believing Christians in America and around the globe.
The UN "interfaith" conference in New York City was allegedly led by Islamic Saudi Arabia, which bans the public
practice of other religions:
November 13, 2008
British PM Brown welcomes Obama and chance to build New World Order
November 10, 2008 - PM's annual Lord Mayor of London foreign policy address
UK’s PM Gordon Brown calls for “New World Order” at the Lord Mayor’s Banquet (11/10/08)
Globalist British PM - Ordo Ab Chao - "Global Governance" out of [PRE-PLANNED] global financial crisis
"Global Governance" = "One-World Government" = "New World Order"
Globalist Gordon Brown, Prime Minister of Britain: "This is a defining moment for the world economy."
November 9, 2008
Catholic Pope's Nov. 4-6, 2008 Ecumenical Forum with Muslims at Rome's Vatican
Roman Catholicism's Pope continues anti-messiah agenda to establish One-World false religion under the Vatican

Obama Citizenship story: Summary of selected links - articles/videos/ad in WT/petition
(compiled November 30, 2008)
Chicago Tribune re: Obama's birth certificate - Congress and the law regarding American citizenship
Chicago Tribune, October 30, 2008
Obama appoints Trilateral Commission former North American Chairman Paul Volcker,
a former Federal Reserve Chairman, to lead new "Economic Recovery Advisory Board"
Volcker has also been a Trilateral Commission North American Honorary Chairman,
a Director of the Council on Foreign Relations, and is a present CFR member;
Paul Volcker is also a Bilderberger.
Wake up Christians, our country is being turned over to the anti-Christian New World Order - intentionally, by design, as planned !
November 26, 2008
Melody Barnes, Obama's pro-abortion, feminist Domestic Policy Director
"She has served on the board of EMILY's List, the Moriah Fund and the Planned Parenthood Action Fund,
and she was chief counsel to Sen. Edward Kennedy on the Senate Judiciary Committee."
November 25, 2008
Obama announces Globalists Geithner (CFR, Bilderberg) and Summers (CFR, TC, Bilderberg) for Economic Team;
Pro-Abortion, Feminist Leader Barnes for Domestic Policy
Absolutely no mention of Geithner or Summers connections to NWO one-worlder organizations by Obama Nov. 24, 2008
November 24, 2008
Obama picks 3rd & 4th CFR Cabinet Members:
NY Federal Reserve Chair Timothy Geithner for US Treasurer, and Gov. Bill Richardson for Commerce Secretary
Two more primary Cabinet positions (Treasury and Commerce) go to 3rd and 4th CFR Establishment picks
What happened to: "Change has come to America" ?
"Change has come to America," Obama said, on Election Eve Night, Tuesday, November 4, 2008 !
November 23, 2008
Obama reportedly picks 2d CFR Cabinet Member, Gov. Janet Napolitano, for Homeland Security Secretary
Another early announced primary Cabinet position (DHS) reportedly goes to a 2d CFR Establishment pick
What happened to: "Change has come to America" ?
"Change has come to America," Obama said, on Election Eve Night, Tuesday, November 4, 2008 !
November 20, 2008
Obama reportedly picks CFR-Member Tom Daschle for HHS Secretary Cabinet position
One of the first primary Cabinet positions announced (HHS) reportedly goes to CFR Establishment pick
What happened to: "Change has come to America" ?
"Change has come to America," Obama said, on Election Eve Night, Tuesday, November 4, 2008 !
November 19, 2008
- It's NWO "Business-as-Usual"
Almost two-thirds (65%) (11 out of 17) of Obama's Transition Economic Advisory Board are members of the NWO's CFR
November 19, 2008
- It's NWO "Business-as-Usual"
What happened to: "Change has come to America" ?
"Change has come to America," Obama said.
November 7, 2008
Watch over the next 11 weeks how Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) NWO Globalist Establishment Insiders
are appointed in the Executive Branch of the impending (January 20, 2009) Obama administration.
November 6, 2008
Obama's President-elect speech Nov. 4: The OBAMA-NATION has begun..
Barack Obama begins lying to the American people as President-elect beginning
with the very first complete sentence of his speech in Chicago, Illinois Nov. 4
November 5, 2008
Sen. Biden: "international crisis" "generated crisis" - another Illuminati "Ordo Ab Chao" ?
November 2, 2008

Lou Dobbs: North American Union Orwellian Brave New World
(3:42) Views: 417,477
This Dobbs clip brings up the new North American common currency called the "Amero".
The 2006 NAU progress report states that everything is ontrack for the Union to go into effect in 2010.
CNN Video:Lou Dobbs Slams CFR & North American Union
(4:08) Views: 136,539
Lou Dobbs Brings the Horrors of The North American Union to Mainstream.
Council on Foreign Relations member Robert Pastor calls Lou Dobbs a conspiracy theorist. Lou calls them unqualified and elitist.
US House of Representatives -
H.CON.RES.40 : Expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should not engage in the construction of a
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Superhighway System or enter into a North American Union with Mexico and Canada.
Sponsor: Rep Goode, Virgil H., Jr. [VA-5] (introduced 1/22/2007) Cosponsors (52)

ENDGAME: Blueprint For Global Enslavement
Video (2hrs, 19 min)
The New World Order - including CFR, NAU, eugenics, forced global population reduction, Georgia Guidestones
[ Warning: over the course of the 2+ hrs, there are some cases of profanity ]
Sovereignty and globalisation
Richard N. Haass, President, Council on Foreign Relations
February 17, 2006
See a concise overview article about the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) on the internet at:
"The Definition of Tyranny," The New American (May 15, 1995), by John F. McManus
"Formed in 1921 by Edward Mandell House, President Woodrow Wilson's right-hand man,
the CFR's purpose has been undeniably clear from the start: to submerge our nation into
a socialist, one-world government."
"Never forget that the CFR was formed to bring about socialism and world government.
Its increasing domination over America's affairs amounts to a conspiracy the grip of which must
be broken by an informed and alarmed American citizenry. If CFR influence over our federal
government isn't soon broken, America will be reduced to a mere province in a socialistic
world government where freedom has disappeared and national sovereignty is but a dim memory.
And James Madison's worst fear -- tyranny reigning in this land -- will become a reality. The time to
expose the CFR and its grip on this land is now."

President George H.W. Bush, State of the Union Address,
given at the United States Capitol, on January 29, 1991 :
"What is at stake is more than one small country, it is a big idea ­ a new world order,
where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations
of mankind: peace and security, freedom, and the rule of law." "The world can therefore seize
this opportunity to fulfill the long-held promise of a new world order ­ where brutality
will go unrewarded, and aggression will meet collective resistance."

(Video) "George Bush New World Order"
(Video) "George Bush Sr. New World Order"
(Video) President George H.W. Bush (1991) - "New World Order"
(1:48) [Note: the Bush speech video segment labelled September 11, 1991, is actually January 29, 1991, as noted above]
George Bush - New World Order Speech - March 6 1991 - P2
"Now we can see a new world coming into view, a world in which
there is the very real prospect of a new world order." (5:09)
"Even the new world order cannot guarantee an era of perpetual peace,
but enduring peace must be our mission. Our success in the Gulf will shape,
not only the new world order we seek, but our mission here at home." (7:15)
Psalm 33:12; Proverb 14:34; Psalm 9:17; 2 Kings 24:1-4; Jeremiah 19:3-5; Psalm 106:37-42
"America repent" (music video)
"Contemporary Christian Artist: Tim Juillet"

"The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God."

Psalm 9:17, KJB
"But judgment shall return unto righteousness: and all the upright in heart shall follow it."
Psalm 94:15, KJB

The people of Iraq have far greater freedom to enshrine their national religion of Islam in the legal structure of their country than do Americans
to honor Christianity and Biblical Law in the United States. Christianity was by far the predominant faith of the founding generations of America,
from Jamestown in 1607 to the Declaration of Independence in 1776, and beyond, as the historical record clearly shows:
No King but King Jesus! ((Yeshua Messiah)
Declarations and Evidences of Christian Faith in America’s Colonial Charters, State Constitutions,
and other Historical Documents during over 375 Years of American History: 1606 to 1982

The Sixth President of the United States, John Quincy Adams (son of John Adams, the Second US President, and a signer of the Declaration
of Independence), said: "The highest glory of the American Revolution was this; it connected in one indissoluble bond the principles of civil government
with the principles of Christianity." and "From the day of the Declaration... they (the American people) were bound by the laws of God, which they all,
and by the laws of The Gospel, which they nearly all, acknowledge as the rules of their conduct." Tragically, today in 2008, American law has
become exceedingly anti-Christian. Witness the government-protected murder of One Million pre-birth human beings each year (
The Constitution of the United States should be amended as first proposed by the National Reform Association in 1864, with a Christian Amendment:
Confession of the Saviour (Messiah) as the Ruler of Nations, including America, by amending the Preamble to the United States Constitution
In 1864, the National Reform Association advocated amending the Preamble of the Constitution of the United States to read, in substance:
"We, the people of the United States, humbly acknowledging Almighty God as the source of all authority and power
in civil government, the Lord Jesus Christ as the Ruler among the nations, his revealed will as the supreme law of the land,
in order to constitute a Christian government, and in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic
tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the inalienable rights and the blessings
of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to ourselves, our posterity, and all the people, do ordain and establish this
Constitution for the United States of America."

Explicitly Christian Politics: The Vision of the National Reform Association
"Since 1864 the National Reform Association has advocated an explicitly Christian approach to politics.
In this book their vision of politics, based on the mediatorial reign of Jesus Christ over the nations, is explained for a new generation."
February 5, 1874, Wednesday
Further articles on the National Reform Association,_U.S .)

"... I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Matthew 16:18
Yeshua Messiah
Hallelu-Yah !
Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary
dir., Columbia Christians for Life
PO Box 50358
Columbia, SC
(803) 794-6273
December 3, 2008
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Obama's War Cabinet

By Stephen Lendman
URL of this article:
Global Research, December 5, 2008

December 1 brought more disappointment but no surprises. Obama's national security appointees (like all his earlier ones) aren't "change to believe in" or what people expected for their votes. They're recycled establishment figures. Their agenda is business as usual, and they'll continue the same failed Bush administration policies at home and abroad. Washington's criminal class is bipartisan. Obama was chosen to lead it and is assembling a rogue team that's little different from the one it's replacing.
For "security", it means:
-- maintaining the "strongest military on the planet" and do it by outspending all other countries combined;
-- continued foreign wars;
-- possibly another against Iran;
-- permanent occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan - directly and with proxy forces; Obama saying he'll withdraw all US forces from Iraq in 16 months (around mid-2010) is false and misleading;
-- a reinvented Cold War against Russia;
-- an "absolute" commitment "to eliminating the threat of terrorism (with) the full force of our power;"
-- inciting instability anywhere it serves US imperial interests with special emphasis on resource-rich Eurasia, including the Asian sub-continent; Exhibit A: the Bombay (Mumbai) terror attacks that Michel Chossudovsky explains have "the fingerprints of a (carefully planned) paramilitary-intelligence operation (and) are described as India's 9/11," or at least a mini version of it; the usual suspects are blamed; the purpose is to incite fear and more violence; the consequences - an internal hard line crackdown, increased tensions between India and Pakistan, and a military opening for Washington to intervene further in the region; and
-- additional North American militarization as evidenced by a disturbing December 1 Washington Post report - that (on the pretext of national security) the Pentagon will deploy 20,000 troops nationwide by 2011 "to help state and local officials respond to a nuclear attack or other domestic catastrophe;" three "rapid-reaction" combat units are planned; two or more additional ones may follow; they'll be supplemented by 80 smaller National Guard units and will be trained to respond to chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, high-yield explosive, and other domestic "terror" attacks or disturbances; in other words, homeland militarization and occupation is planned using combat troops trained to kill.
Media Reaction to Obama's National Security Appointees
The New York Times suggested he's "put(ting) the rancor and even some of the rhetoric of the presidential campaign behind him on Monday as he welcomed his chief Democratic adversary into his cabinet and signaled flexibility in his plans to withdraw troops from Iraq." He stated: "I will listen to the recommendations of my commanders (and it's) likely to be necessary to maintain a residual force to provide potential training (and) logistical support to protect our civilians in Iraq."
According to the Cato Institute's foreign policy director, Christopher Preble, Obama chose Iraq war supporters, so it "suggests that we will only get more of the same."
The Washington Post highlighted Obama's "high-powered national security face a complex security picture." It quoted him calling for "a new beginning, a new dawn of American leadership (and) the power of our moral example."
According to UN ambassador-designee Susan Rice, it's a team "to prevent conflict, to promote peace, combat terrorism, prevent the spread and use of nuclear weapons, tackle climate change, end genocide, fight poverty and disease." More on those aims below.
The Wall Street Journal suggested that Obama's national security team will make "a clean break from Bush administration policies on Iraq, Afghanistan and overseas diplomacy." It will differ from "an over-reliance on the military and a failure to devote enough resources to political reconciliation and economic development in those nations." More on that below as well.
Obama's National Security Designees
On December 1 in the UK Guardian, author Jeremy Scahill called them a "Kettle of Hawks" so it's no surprise that hard line neocon writer Max Boot was jubilant over the selections and said they "as easily (could) have come from a President McCain." He and like-minded ideologues believe this puts "an end to the 16-month timetable for withdrawal from Iraq, the unconditional summits with dictators (aka democrats like Chavez, president Ahmadinejad of Iran, and Fidel and Raul Castro), and other foolishness that once emanated from the Obama campaign." His selections "should be powerful voices for neolibeShe's co-heading the team (with Robert Gates) as Secretary of State designee, so it's clear no change is planned given her hard line neocon ideology. As one analyst puts it: it's why many on the left "are grinding their teeth" about her and other former Clinton administration appointees.
Back in May, CounterPunch co-editor Jeff St. Clair referred to her "Gothic politics" that offer no hope for needed change. He called her "constitutionally wedded to a stern neoliberalism, a disposition (she's unable to) camouflage."
Darker still is her hawkishness, far enough to the right to be indistinguishable from Joe Lieberman or John McCain. It's why one analyst calls her a "war goddess" and with good reason. She supported the invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and still does. She voted for the Patriot, Homeland Security, and other repressive acts.
She's extremely bellicose, endorses attacking Iran, supported Israel's destructive 2006 Lebanon war, praised Israel's apartheid wall, demeans the Palestinian people, equates them with terrorists, calls any Israeli criticism anti-Semitism, is close to AIPAC, and at its June convention said "The United States stands with Israel now and forever....We have shared interests....shared ideals....common values. I have a bedrock commitment to Israel's security. (Against Islamic extremists) our two nations are fighting a shared threat....I strongly support Israel's right to self-defense (and) believe America should aid in that defense....I am committed to making sure that Israel maintains a military edge to meet increasing threats."
"I am deeply concerned about the growing threat in Gaza (and) Hamas' campaign of terror....Its charter calls for the destruction of Israel....Iran (also) threatens to destroy Israel....I support calling the Iranian Revolutionary Guard what it is: a terrorist organization. It is imperative that we get both tough and smart about dealing with Iran before it is too late."
In other speeches, Clinton has been extremely belligerent and blatantly malicious in accusations mirror opposite of the truth. She called Iran a strategic long-term threat, a country that practices state terrorism, that uses "surrogates to supply explosives that kill US troops in Iraq," and that must be dealt with with "all options on the table."
She also said that if Iran attacks Israel (that's implausible on its face), America would respond by "obliterating" the country - in other words, incinerate its entire population through a nuclear holocaust. During the 2008 campaign, she told ABC's Good Morning America:
"I want the Iranians to know, if I am the president, we will attack Iran. And I want them to understand that (if) they might foolishly consider launching an attack on Israel, we would be able to totally obliterate them."
She's just as extremist on all foreign policy issues. She opposes an international treaty to ban land mines and was against banning cluster bomb exports to countries that use them on civilians. She backs arms transfers and police training to human rights abusing countries like Israel, Egypt, Pakistan, India, Saudi Arabia and similar US allies.
She's for a larger military budget, continuing the "war on terror," the nation's illegal wars and occupation, and Israel's repressive Palestinian occupation. In July 2004, she denounced the UN, accused it of opposing aggressive US policies, its judicial arm for challenging Israel's Separation Barrier, and she sponsored a Senate resolution "urging no further action by the UN to delay" its construction.
She's done nothing to contain nuclear proliferation except to condemn Iran's legal commercial development. It's in full accord with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) unlike the world's greatest nuclear outlaw - America. Israel, India, and Pakistan as well, but they're US allies unlike Iran. Clinton also supports the Bush Doctrine and his administration's unilateral position on using first strike nuclear weapons, including against non-nuclear states.
Hillary Clinton at State sends a strong message to free people everywhere and especially to all Muslims and the Arab world - the "war on terror" will continue. Your people are its main target, and America will continue to invade and occupy your lands. It also tells the anti-war movement that it's work has just begun and will be no simpler under Obama than it's been up to now. Clinton is a powerful bulwark against it and to all freedom loving people everywhere. "Gothic" indeed - dark and foreboding in the same "war party" under new management.
Robert Gates
He'll remain as Defense Secretary and is a clear signal of Bush administration policy continuity. After being named to succeed Donald Rumsfeld in November 2006, this writer said about him: The appointment of Robert Gates "replac(es) one controversial (defense) secretary and accused war criminal with an unindicted liar and equally controversial former Reagan and senior Bush official." Earlier he was involved "in cooking the intelligence to fit the policy in the Iran-Contra scandal he was never held to account for." He also had a hand "in secretly arming Saddam Hussein during the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s. When he takes over (at DOD), expect the Pentagon under (his) management to be no different" than the leadership it's replacing. In all respects, Gates lived up to expectations and will continue the same policies under Obama.
In an October 28 speech at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, he argued for expanding the Bush administration's pre-emptive war doctrine to include first strike nuclear weapons. He said that pacifist illusions shouldn't deter planning for a broader war.
He added that "As long as other states have or seek nuclear weapons - and can potentially threaten us, our allies and friends - then we must have a deterrent capacity that makes it clear that challenging the US in the nuclear arena - or with weapons of mass destruction - could result in an overwhelming, catastrophic response." In other words, if non-US allies seek nuclear weapons or if Washington (without evidence) claims it, they then become potential targets for a nuclear response even if their intentions are peaceful.
Gates' other credentials include 26 years with the CIA where he was its deputy director from 1986 - 1989 and director from 1991 - 1993. Former CIA official, turned political activist, Ray McGovern knew him there and wrote about his "dexterity in orchestrating his own advancement (and) never (being) one to let truth derail (his) ambition."
Former CIA analyst Mel Goodman described how he "tried hard to anticipate the views of policy makers in order to pander to their needs" and played a major role in politicizing the agency. One of his key distortions led to higher military spending under Ronald Reagan - by exaggerating the Soviet menace (along with CIA director Bill Casey) as a "military behemoth with a robust economy rather than a decaying power with a shriveling GDP."
Goodman added: "While serving as deputy director for intelligence from 1982 - 1986, Gates wrote the manual for manipulating and centralizing the intelligence process to get the desired intelligence product." He promoted pliable CIA careerists to top positions while sidelining or retiring more independent ones. In 1991 under GHW Bush, his colleagues staged an unprecedented revolt for his role in destroying the agency's commitment to objectivity.
At the time, Harold P. Ford, former National Intelligence Council vice-chairman, told the Senate Intelligence Committee: "Bob Gates has often depended too much on his own individual analytic judgments and has ignored or scorned the views of others whose assessments did not accord with his own. This would be okay if he were uniquely all-seeing. He has not been."
Throughout his career, Gates was devious and opportunistic. He'll bring those "qualities" to the new Obama administration.
He's also a past president of Texas A & M University (a position gotten with considerable Bush family help), a member of several corporate boards, served on the Baker Iraq Study Group, and was George Bush's first choice for Department of Homeland Security secretary but declined to remain at Texas A & M.
Retired Marine General James Jones
He's the announced National Security Advisor designee to head the White House National Security Council (NSC). Since inception under Harry Truman, it's to advise the president on national security and foreign policies as well as coordinate them among various government agencies (including the military branches, CIA, and other intelligence agencies).
Jones is a former NATO commander (from 2003 - 2006), Commandant of the Marine Corp (from 1999 - 2003), and 40 year veteran after retiring from the Corp in 2007. He's now a US Chamber of Commerce executive and last November was named the administration's special Middle East envoy with this endorsement: he's the "person we need to take up this vital experienced leader who can address the regional security challenges comprehensively and at the highest levels...." His assignment was to draft a strategic security stabilization plan to complement (so-called) Israeli - Palestinian peace talks. He supports stationing US forces in Occupied Palestine under the pretext of NATO peacekeepers.
He also investigated the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, concluded that America "t(ook) its eye off the ball" in Afghanistan and is losing. That view supports Obama's wanting 10,000 more combat troops there (30,000 according to some reports) and also plans "as our first priority" increased regional military operations - against Afghanistan and Pakistan with a more convenient than ever pretext in the wake of the Bombay (Mumbai) terror attacks in the part of the world he calls the greatest menace to US security.
Increasing numbers of US missile strikes are killing more Pakistani civilians. They're inciting growing anger in the country, are escalating the Afghan war, and threaten to expand the war theater to a much larger area with potentially catastrophic consequences - a strategy Obama and his incoming team apparently support.
ralism which is not so different from neoconservatism."
According to Boot, Obama will pick up right where Bush left off with a near-seamless transition. "Only churlish partisans of both the left and the right can be unhappy with the emerging tenor of our nation's new leadership."
According to former Chicago congressman, federal judge, and Clinton White House Counsel Abner Mikva in a Chicago Jewish News article, it's also true for the nation's Jews and the state of Israel. As some call Clinton 'the nation's first black president,' "I think when this is over, people are going to say that Barack Obama is the first Jewish president." Rabbi Arnold Wolf agrees in saying Obama is "embedded in the Jewish world." Given the team he's assembling, there's every reason to believe they're right.
Hillary Clinton

She's co-heading the team (with Robert Gates) as Secretary of State designee, so it's clear no change is planned given her hard line neocon ideology. As one analyst puts it: it's why many on the left "are grinding their teeth" about her and other former Clinton administration appointees.
Back in May, CounterPunch co-editor Jeff St. Clair referred to her "Gothic politics" that offer no hope for needed change. He called her "constitutionally wedded to a stern neoliberalism, a disposition (she's unable to) camouflage."
Darker still is her hawkishness, far enough to the right to be indistinguishable from Joe Lieberman or John McCain. It's why one analyst calls her a "war goddess" and with good reason. She supported the invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and still does. She voted for the Patriot, Homeland Security, and other repressive acts.
She's extremely bellicose, endorses attacking Iran, supported Israel's destructive 2006 Lebanon war, praised Israel's apartheid wall, demeans the Palestinian people, equates them with terrorists, calls any Israeli criticism anti-Semitism, is close to AIPAC, and at its June convention said "The United States stands with Israel now and forever....We have shared interests....shared ideals....common values. I have a bedrock commitment to Israel's security. (Against Islamic extremists) our two nations are fighting a shared threat....I strongly support Israel's right to self-defense (and) believe America should aid in that defense....I am committed to making sure that Israel maintains a military edge to meet increasing threats."
"I am deeply concerned about the growing threat in Gaza (and) Hamas' campaign of terror....Its charter calls for the destruction of Israel....Iran (also) threatens to destroy Israel....I support calling the Iranian Revolutionary Guard what it is: a terrorist organization. It is imperative that we get both tough and smart about dealing with Iran before it is too late."
In other speeches, Clinton has been extremely belligerent and blatantly malicious in accusations mirror opposite of the truth. She called Iran a strategic long-term threat, a country that practices state terrorism, that uses "surrogates to supply explosives that kill US troops in Iraq," and that must be dealt with with "all options on the table."
She also said that if Iran attacks Israel (that's implausible on its face), America would respond by "obliterating" the country - in other words, incinerate its entire population through a nuclear holocaust. During the 2008 campaign, she told ABC's Good Morning America:
"I want the Iranians to know, if I am the president, we will attack Iran. And I want them to understand that (if) they might foolishly consider launching an attack on Israel, we would be able to totally obliterate them."
She's just as extremist on all foreign policy issues. She opposes an international treaty to ban land mines and was against banning cluster bomb exports to countries that use them on civilians. She backs arms transfers and police training to human rights abusing countries like Israel, Egypt, Pakistan, India, Saudi Arabia and similar US allies.
She's for a larger military budget, continuing the "war on terror," the nation's illegal wars and occupation, and Israel's repressive Palestinian occupation. In July 2004, she denounced the UN, accused it of opposing aggressive US policies, its judicial arm for challenging Israel's Separation Barrier, and she sponsored a Senate resolution "urging no further action by the UN to delay" its construction.
She's done nothing to contain nuclear proliferation except to condemn Iran's legal commercial development. It's in full accord with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) unlike the world's greatest nuclear outlaw - America. Israel, India, and Pakistan as well, but they're US allies unlike Iran. Clinton also supports the Bush Doctrine and his administration's unilateral position on using first strike nuclear weapons, including against non-nuclear states.
Hillary Clinton at State sends a strong message to free people everywhere and especially to all Muslims and the Arab world - the "war on terror" will continue. Your people are its main target, and America will continue to invade and occupy your lands. It also tells the anti-war movement that it's work has just begun and will be no simpler under Obama than it's been up to now. Clinton is a powerful bulwark against it and to all freedom loving people everywhere. "Gothic" indeed - dark and foreboding in the same "war party" under new management.
Robert Gates
He'll remain as Defense Secretary and is a clear signal of Bush administration policy continuity. After being named to succeed Donald Rumsfeld in November 2006, this writer said about him: The appointment of Robert Gates "replac(es) one controversial (defense) secretary and accused war criminal with an unindicted liar and equally controversial former Reagan and senior Bush official." Earlier he was involved "in cooking the intelligence to fit the policy in the Iran-Contra scandal he was never held to account for." He also had a hand "in secretly arming Saddam Hussein during the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s. When he takes over (at DOD), expect the Pentagon under (his) management to be no different" than the leadership it's replacing. In all respects, Gates lived up to expectations and will continue the same policies under Obama.
In an October 28 speech at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, he argued for expanding the Bush administration's pre-emptive war doctrine to include first strike nuclear weapons. He said that pacifist illusions shouldn't deter planning for a broader war.
He added that "As long as other states have or seek nuclear weapons - and can potentially threaten us, our allies and friends - then we must have a deterrent capacity that makes it clear that challenging the US in the nuclear arena - or with weapons of mass destruction - could result in an overwhelming, catastrophic response." In other words, if non-US allies seek nuclear weapons or if Washington (without evidence) claims it, they then become potential targets for a nuclear response even if their intentions are peaceful.
Gates' other credentials include 26 years with the CIA where he was its deputy director from 1986 - 1989 and director from 1991 - 1993. Former CIA official, turned political activist, Ray McGovern knew him there and wrote about his "dexterity in orchestrating his own advancement (and) never (being) one to let truth derail (his) ambition."
Former CIA analyst Mel Goodman described how he "tried hard to anticipate the views of policy makers in order to pander to their needs" and played a major role in politicizing the agency. One of his key distortions led to higher military spending under Ronald Reagan - by exaggerating the Soviet menace (along with CIA director Bill Casey) as a "military behemoth with a robust economy rather than a decaying power with a shriveling GDP."
Goodman added: "While serving as deputy director for intelligence from 1982 - 1986, Gates wrote the manual for manipulating and centralizing the intelligence process to get the desired intelligence product." He promoted pliable CIA careerists to top positions while sidelining or retiring more independent ones. In 1991 under GHW Bush, his colleagues staged an unprecedented revolt for his role in destroying the agency's commitment to objectivity.
At the time, Harold P. Ford, former National Intelligence Council vice-chairman, told the Senate Intelligence Committee: "Bob Gates has often depended too much on his own individual analytic judgments and has ignored or scorned the views of others whose assessments did not accord with his own. This would be okay if he were uniquely all-seeing. He has not been."
Throughout his career, Gates was devious and opportunistic. He'll bring those "qualities" to the new Obama administration.
He's also a past president of Texas A & M University (a position gotten with considerable Bush family help), a member of several corporate boards, served on the Baker Iraq Study Group, and was George Bush's first choice for Department of Homeland Security secretary but declined to remain at Texas A & M.
Retired Marine General James Jones
He's the announced National Security Advisor designee to head the White House National Security Council (NSC). Since inception under Harry Truman, it's to advise the president on national security and foreign policies as well as coordinate them among various government agencies (including the military branches, CIA, and other intelligence agencies).
Jones is a former NATO commander (from 2003 - 2006), Commandant of the Marine Corp (from 1999 - 2003), and 40 year veteran after retiring from the Corp in 2007. He's now a US Chamber of Commerce executive and last November was named the administration's special Middle East envoy with this endorsement: he's the "person we need to take up this vital experienced leader who can address the regional security challenges comprehensively and at the highest levels...." His assignment was to draft a strategic security stabilization plan to complement (so-called) Israeli - Palestinian peace talks. He supports stationing US forces in Occupied Palestine under the pretext of NATO peacekeepers.
He also investigated the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, concluded that America "t(ook) its eye off the ball" in Afghanistan and is losing. That view supports Obama's wanting 10,000 more combat troops there (30,000 according to some reports) and also plans "as our first priority" increased regional military operations - against Afghanistan and Pakistan with a more convenient than ever pretext in the wake of the Bombay (Mumbai) terror attacks in the part of the world he calls the greatest menace to US security.
Increasing numbers of US missile strikes are killing more Pakistani civilians. They're inciting growing anger in the country, are escalating the Afghan war, and threaten to expand the war theater to a much larger area with potentially catastrophic consequences - a strategy Obama and his incoming team apparently support.
In his latest article titled "Afghanistan, Another Untold Story," Michael Parenti has a different view. After reviewing the country's recent history, he says:
"US intervention in Afghanistan has proven not much different from US intervention in Cambodia, Angola, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Nicaragua, Grenada, Panama, and elsewhere. It had the same intent of preventing egalitarian social change, and the same effect of overthrowing an economically reformist government. In all these instances, the intervention brought retrograde elements into ascendance, left the economy in ruins, and pitilessly laid waste to many innocent lives."
"The war in Afghanistan, a battered impoverished country, continues to be portrayed in US official circles as a gallant crusade against terrorism. If it ever was that, it also has been a means to other things: destroying a leftist revolutionary social order, gaining profitable control of one of the last vast untapped reserves of the earth's dwindling fossil fuel supply, and planting US bases and US military power into still another region of the world....In the face of all this, Obama's call for 'change' rings hollow."
It also suggests a frightening prospect under his leadership - a continuation of Bush's (preventive war) Doctrine against countries we claim (true or false) practice "terrorism," harbor "terrorist" elements, or aid "terrorist" groups. In other words, an agenda that needs enemies, invents them strategically, and intends to wage permanent aggressive wars to expand US imperialism globally and especially over resource-rich parts of the world like Eurasia.
Eric Holder
As Attorney General designee, he's another very troublesome choice because of his hard line law-and-order reputation. He's Obama's senior legal advisor, a former District of Columbia Superior Court judge, and Deputy Attorney General under Bill Clinton.
As senior Democrat Party legal advisor during the Bush administration, he was actively involved in his party's complicity in enacting repressive police state laws.
In 1998, he issued a statement known as the "Holder memo" in which he supported government intervention into policing Internet free speech. It stated:
"Because of the nature of the Internet and availability of agents trained in conducting criminal investigations in cyberspace, investigation and prosecution of Internet obscenity is particularly suitable to federal resources."
In a 1998 letter to Morality In Media (an extremist religious right front group against pornography), he said: "I appreciated having the opportunity to meet with you recently to discuss the prosecution of obscenity cases." Holder supported multi-jurisdictional prosecutions of Internet web sites and businesses on such charges, even in cases of First Amendment-protected material.
Some claim his strategy wasn't to win, but to burden defendants with mounting legal costs, exhaust them through repeated litigation, and perhaps drive them into bankruptcy. It's a tactic very similar to so-called SLAPP (strategic lawsuit against public participation) lawsuits that are used to intimidate and silence critics.
Holder was also involved in Bill Clinton's indefensible last day in office Mark Rich pardon, the billionaire fugitive commodities trader. In 1983, Rich and his partner were indicted on 65 counts of defrauding the IRS, mail fraud, tax evasion, racketeering, defrauding the Treasury and trading with the enemy. Holder was deputy attorney general at the time.
As US attorney for the District of Columbia, he also pushed for stiffer marijuana penalties, and according to one report, advocated "minimum sentences of 18 months for first-time convicted drug dealers, 36 months for second offenses, and 72 months for each subsequent conviction." He also wanted to "make the penalty for distribution and possession with intent to distribute marijuana a felony, punishable with up to a five-year sentence." The DC Council enacted Holder's recommendation into law in 2000. His hard line stance against non-violent drug offenders runs counter to Obama's softer position, apparently about to harden.
Holder also played a lead role in the 2005 Patriot Act reauthorization, supported at the time by Obama. In addition, after his Clinton administration service, he was a partner in the Covington & Burling law and lobbying firm at which he defended Chiquita Brands International executives on charges of aiding terrorism by financing and arming Colombian (AUC) death squads. In spite of overwhelming evidence and the company's own admission, he got it off with a fine of around half of one percent of its annual revenue.
Holder also believes that accused "terrorists" have no Geneva Convention rights. In a January 2002 CNN interview he said:
"One of the things we clearly want to do with these prisoners is to have an ability to interrogate them and find out what their future plans might be, where other cells are located; under the Geneva Convention you are really limited in the amount of information that you can elicit from people."
"It seems to me that given the way in which they have conducted themselves, however, that they are not, in fact, people entitled to the protection of the Geneva Convention. They are not prisoners of war."
Holder left unaddressed the question of torture, guilt or innocence. The fact that they were captured and imprisoned is good enough for him.
As the nation's top law enforcement official, he'll assure more of the same criminal abuses under George Bush. He's no civil libertarian or what people should expect from the nation's top law enforcement officer. He represents business as usual, and a sign of continued dark times ahead.
Keeping FBI Director Robert Mueller as his chief law enforcement deputy (even though his term runs until 2011) is an even stronger signal. Mueller enforced the worst of "war on terrorism" policies, including witch-hunt prosecutions, illegal spying, and targeting political dissent.
The possible appointment of former George Tenet aide John Brennan as new CIA chief is also disturbing although reportedly he's out of the running. He heads Obama's intelligence transition team, supported warrantless wiretapping, extraordinary rendition, and was involved in politicizing intelligence alleging Saddam's WMDs in the run-up to the Iraq war.
Possible CIA Directors
On December 2, The New York Times reported that "Obama Faces a Delicate Task" in choosing his CIA chief - "one of the more treacherous patches of his transition to the White House" given the agency's disturbing involvement in extraordinary renditions, torture, and other illegal practices under Bush.
Even so, "some senior Democratic lawmakers who are vehement critics of the Bush administration's interrogation policies seemed reluctant in recent interviews to commit the new administration to following the Army Field Manual in all cases."
Diane Feinstein will become Senate Intelligence Committee chairperson in January. She says extreme cases and potential terrorist threats call for flexibility, so her message is clear even though in a subsequent statement she softened it. Repressive interrogations, including torture, will likely continue under Obama even if Guantanamo is closed and even though they're illegal under US and international law.
During the campaign, Obama aides said he'd let CIA keep holding prisoners in overseas jails but that International Committee of the Red Cross representatives should be given access to them. It matters little because, when allowed, their tours are carefully orchestrated to conceal repressive practices and no contact with prisoners most aggrieved by them.

The Army Field Manual (No. 27-10) is explicit on the rule of law. It incorporates the Nuremberg Principles prohibiting crimes against humanity, and in paragraph 498 states that any person, military or civilian, who commits a crime under international law bears responsibility and may be punished. In addition, paragraph 499 defines a "war crime." Paragraph 500 refers to conspiracy, attempts to commit it and complicity with respect to international crimes. Paragraph 509 denies the defense of superior orders in the commission of a crime; and paragraph 510 denies the defense of an "act of state."
Most members of Congress from both parties have been complicit with the administration in egregiously violating both US and international laws. All signs point to little, if any, change under the incoming Obama administration.
The Times reports that Obama will replace CIA director Michael Hayden. Possible candidates include:
-- deputy director (since 2004) Stephen Kappes, a 27-year CIA veteran;
-- former Indiana congressman and member of the 9/11 commission Tim Roemer; he's now president of the Center for National Policy, a Washington-based national security think tank;
-- Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel who's retiring from the Senate in January; he's also a former conservative talk-show host and is (or was during his runs for the Senate) part owner, chairman, and CEO of the Election Systems & Software (ES&S) electronic voting machine company; it installed, programmed and operated the equipment used by most voters for the elections in which he ran; he won a second term in 1982 with 83% of the vote - the largest ever political victory in the state; some critics called it a dress rehearsal for Bush's 2004 electoral theft and various state ones favoring Republican candidates; and
-- Jack Devine, a 32-year CIA veteran, now retired, and former head of clandestine service; he describes himself as "a covert action person (who believes) we should be out there pushing US policy wherever we can, covertly and overtly."
Admiral Dennis Blair
Reports are that retired Admiral Dennis Blair is top choice to be Director of National Intelligence (DNI). The office was established by the 2004 Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act and was formed in April 2005. It's the president's principal national security intelligence advisor; heads the nation's 16 intelligence agencies; and oversees and directs the National Intelligence Program.
Now retired, Blair is a 34 year Navy veteran and currently holds the (former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman) John Shalikashvili Chair in National Security Studies at The National Bureau of Asian Research (NBR). Also the General of the Army Omar Bradley Chair of Strategic Leadership at Dickenson College and the US Army War College. He's the immediate past president of the Institute for Defense Analyses, a US government Washington, DC think tank that calls itself "a non-profit corporation that administers three federally funded (R & D) centers to assist the (government) in national security issues."
Blair was also an Oxford classmate of Bill Clinton and a Naval Academy classmate of Senator Jim Webb. If appointed, he'll bring more militarist credentials to Obama's war cabinet. In his various command assignments during the Bush administration, he was a point man in the "war on terrorism." He'll continue that role as the nation's intelligence chief.
An obstacle in his way was in a Pentagon inspector general finding regarding DOD conflict-of-interest standards. Earlier he was involved with a study of a major military contract for the F-22 fighter while a board member of the company that makes it, Lockheed Martin. It occurred while Blair was president of the Institute for Defense Analyses. Whether this will derail him is an open question, but it highlights the pervasive Washington revolving-door and overall corrupted culture.
Janet Napolitano
According to Michael Lacey of LA Weekly News, the current Arizona governor and designee for Homeland Security secretary is a troublesome choice. He cites her sorrowful Arizona service "consorting with anti-immigrant enforcers, indulging rank opportunism, and adhering to failed policies (that make for) an unlikely recipe for change we can believe in. And yet this very cocktail of mediocrity" made her Obama's choice for DHS chief or what this writer calls the nation's Gestapo.
As Arizona governor, Napolitano defended her states border with a "pitchfork. Her multi-pronged strategy: embrace the nation's most regressive legislation; empower a notorious sheriff using cynical political calculations; (and) employ boots on the ground" - shock troop enforcers against defenseless Latino immigrants forced north because of destructive NAFTA policies.
Lacey goes on to describe Napolitano's "bungled billions," hiring companies embedded with former state agency employees and cronies, ducking hard choices, using accounting gimmicks in state budgets, and various other practices amounting to "corruption, greed, and the cupidity of boondoggle bookkeeping in hard times." She also signed legislation criminalizing the need to work and support one's family and created a state atmosphere reminiscent of Prohibition - today against Latino immigrants driven north to find work. Now she'll do for America what she's doing to Arizona.
Susan Rice
She'll be Obama's nominee for UN ambassador. Earlier under Bill Clinton, she was on the National Security Council and served as Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs. Some call her progressive but recommending the unilateral use of military force against any country violates the Charter of the organization where she'll work. In 2006, she recommended it against Sudan in stating:
"History demonstrates that there is one language Khartoum understands: the credible threat or use of force....After swift diplomatic consultations, the United States should press for a UN resolution that issues Sudan an ultimatum: accept unconditional deployment of the UN force within one week or face military consequences."
Chapter VII of the UN Charter authorizes only the Security Council to "determine the existence of any threat to the peace, or act of aggression (and, if necessary, take military or other actions to) restore international peace and stability." It permits a nation to use force only under two conditions: when authorized by the Security Council or under Article 51 allowing the "right of individual or collective self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a Member....until the Security Council has taken measures to maintain international peace and security."
Calling for unilateral force against another state for any reason is illegal and criminal. Susan Rice did it, yet will serve as America's UN ambassador as her reward.
Obama continues to round out his team, and each appointment mirrors the others. On his watch, it'll be business as usual, but what else would we expect.
Stephen Lendman is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization. He lives in Chicago and can be reached at
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For media inquiries:

Subject: Exposing another Zionist Myth about the 1947 partition by the UN

Zionists and their supporters are experts at creating myths, fabrications, forgeries, lies, etc. Some of their lies have been exposed by many brave Jew who dare to expose the Zionists.

the myth about the 1947 partition by the UN still seems to exist.

there never was such a partition because recommendations by the UN General Assembly just mean anything if they are accepted unanimously.

the victims, represented by the Arab states, of course voted against the recommendation, so it never existed.

therefore Israel has no legal basis. It also has no moral or historical basis.

the International Court in The Hague confirmed this recently, check

69. To do so, the Court will first make a brief analysis of the status of the territory concerned, and will then describe the works already constructed or in course of construction in that territory. It will then indicate the applicable law before seeking to establish whether that law has been breached.
70. Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire. At the end of the First World War, a class "A" Mandate for Palestine was entrusted to Great Britain by the League of Nations, pursuant to paragraph 4 of Article 22 of the Covenant, which provided that:
"Certain communities, formerly belonging to the Turkish Empire have reached a stage of development where their existence as independent nations can be provisionally recognized subject to the rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a Mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone."
The Court recalls that in its Advisory Opinion on the International Status of South West Africa, speaking of mandates in general, it observed that "The Mandate was created, in the interest of the inhabitants of the territory, and of humanity in general, as an international institution with an international object - a sacred trust of civilization." (I.C.J. Reports 1950, p. 132.) The Court also held in this regard that "two principles were considered to be of paramount importance: the principle of non-annexation and the principle that the well-being and development of . . . peoples [not yet able to govern themselves] form[ed] 'a sacred trust of civilization'" (ibid., p. 131).
The territorial boundaries of the Mandate for Palestine were laid down by various instruments, in particular on the eastern border by a British memorandum of 16 September 1922 and an Anglo-Transjordanian Treaty of 20 February 1928.
71. In 1947 the United Kingdom announced its intention to complete evacuation of the mandated territory by 1 August 1948, subsequently advancing that date to 15 May 1948. In the meantime, the General Assembly had on 29 November 1947 adopted resolution 181 (II) on the future government of Palestine, which "Recommends to the United Kingdom . . . and to all other Members of the United Nations the adoption and implementation . . . of the Plan of Partition" of the territory, as set forth in the resolution, between two independent States, one Arab, the other Jewish, as well as the creation of a special international régime for the City of Jerusalem. The Arab population of Palestine and the Arab States rejected this plan, contending that it was unbalanced; on 14 May 1948, Israel proclaimed its independence on the strength of the General Assembly resolution; armed conflict then broke out between Israel and a number of Arab States and the Plan of Partition was not implemented.

Subject: Dr. Henry Makow Explains How Zionists also target non-Zionist Jews:
1940 Zionist HAGANAH (terrorists) blew up a ship carrying Jews to Mauritius
(list of Zionist terror attacks as recorded by the UN upto 1948 at the end)

“Many Zionist families in Palestine changed their names to make themselves sound like they actually came from Palestine. And you wondered where all those Zionists disappeared during World War II?”

Zionism: By Henry Makow Ph.D. (ex-Zionist from Poland, now living in Winnipeg, Canada)

On Nov. 25, 1940, a boat carrying Jewish refugees from Nazi Europe, the "Patra," exploded and sank off the coast of Palestine killing 252 people.

The Zionist "Haganah" [terrorist group] claimed the passengers committed suicide to protest British refusal to let them land. Years later
it admitted that rather than let the passengers go to Mauritius it blew up the vessel. [recently, it was revealed that Menachem Begin
had also attempted to murder a German government official]

"Sometimes it is necessary to sacrifice the few in order to save the many," Moshe Sharett, a former Israeli Prime Minister said at
memorial service in 1958.

In fact, during the Holocaust, Zionist policy was that Jewish life had no value unless it promoted the cause of the creation of Israel.
"One goat in Israel is worth more than the whole Diaspora," Yitzhak Greenbaum, head of the Jewish Agency's "Rescue Committee" said.

Rabbi Moshe Shonfeld accuses the Zionists of collaborating in the slaughter of European Jewry directly and indirectly.

The charges are contained in his book, "Holocaust Victims Accuse" (1977) which is readable on line. (Download it by right-clicking
on the red Acrobat PDF link. Then left-click "Save Target As.")

Rabbi Shonfeld calls the Zionists "war criminals," who usurped the leadership of the Jewish people, betrayed their trust, and,
after their annihilation, reaped the moral capital.

Shonfeld states: "The Zionist approach that Jewish blood is the anointing oil needed for the wheels of the Jewish state is not a thing
of the past. It remains operable to this very day."

Other books by Jews on this theme include: Edwin Black, "The Transfer Agreement"; Ben Hecht, "Perfidy," M.J. Nurenberger
"The Scared and the Damned"; Joel Brand, "Satan and the Soul"; Chaim Lazar, "Destruction and Rebellion";
and Rabbi Michael Dov Ber Weismandel "From the Depth."

The implication, which I will explore later, is that Zionism, at the top, is not a Jewish movement. In the words of veteran
Israeli politician Eliezar Livneh, "The Zionist heritage had in it something flawed to begin with."


World Conference of Jews in Amsterdam. Immediately, Mr. Untermeyer came back to the United States -- he was the head
of the American delegation and the president of the whole conference
-- and he went from the steamer to delivered a speech over WABC
Radio (New York), a transcript of which was printed in The New York
Times on August 7, 1933. In this radio broadcast throughout the United
States he said: "The Jews of the world now declare a holy war against
Germany. We are now engaged in a sacred (holy) conflict against the
Germans. And we are going to starve them into surrender. We are going
to use a world-wide boycott against them, that will destroy them because
they are dependent upon their export business.” The International and
German Zionists declared war on Germany in 1933. Headlines in the UK
Daily Express and US New York Times and other papers around Mar-May
1933 were “Judea Declares War on Germany.

While European Jews were in mortal danger, Zionist leaders in America deliberately provoked and enraged Hitler.
They began in 1933 by initiating a worldwide boycott of Nazi goods. Dieter von Wissliczeny, Adolph Eichmann's lieutenant,
told Rabbi Weissmandl that in 1941 Hitler flew into a rage when U.S. Zionist Rabbi Stephen Wise, in the name of the entire
Jewish people, "declared war on Germany". Hitler fell on the floor, bit the carpet and vowed: "Now I'll destroy them.
Now I'll destroy them." In Jan. 1942, he convened the "Wannsee Conference" where the "final solution" took shape.

Rabbi Shonfeld says the Nazis chose Zionist activists to run the "Judenrats" and to be Jewish police or "Kapos."
"The Nazis found in these 'elders' what they hoped for, loyal and obedient servants who because of their lust for money
and power, led the masses to their destruction." The Zionists were often intellectuals who were often "more cruel than
the Nazis" and kept the trains' final destination a secret. In contrast to secular Zionists, Shonfeld says Orthodox Jewish
Rabbis refused to collaborate and tended their beleaguered flocks to the end.

Rabbi Shonfeld cites numerous instances where Zionists sabotaged attempts to organize resistance, ransom and relief.
They undermined an effort by Vladimir Jabotinsky to arm Jews before the war. They stopped a program by American
orthodox Jews to send food parcels to the ghettos (where child mortality was 60%) saying it violated the boycott.
They thwarted a British parliamentary initiative to send refugees to Mauritius, demanding they go to Palestine instead.
They blocked a similar initiative in the US Congress. At the same time, they rescued young Zionists. Chaim Weizmann,
the Zionist Chief and later first President of Israel said: "Every nation has its dead in its fight for its homeland.
The suffering under Hitler are our dead." He said they "were moral and economic dust in a cruel world."

Rabbi Weismandel, who was in Slovakia, provided maps of Auschwitz and begged Jewish leaders to pressure the Allies
to bomb the tracks and crematoriums. The leaders didn't press the Allies because the secret policy was to annihilate
non-Zionist Jews. The Nazis came to understand that death trains and camps would be safe from attack and actually
concentrated industry there. (See also, William Perl, "The Holocaust Conspiracy.') None of the above is intended to
absolve the Nazis of responsibility. However the holocaust could have been prevented or at least alleviated had the
Zionist leadership behaved honorably.


Lord Acton said, "The truth will come out when powerful people no longer wish to suppress it." Since Sept. 11,
more and more people are turning to the "conspiratorial" or "suppressed" view of history.

In 1891, Cecil Rhodes started a secret society called the "Round Table" dedicated to world hegemony for the
shareholders of the Bank of England and their allies. These priggish aristocrats, including the Rothschilds,
realized they must control the world to safeguard their monopoly on money creation as well as global resources.
The same folks control the U.S. Federal Reserve and other major central banks.

They were united also by a commitment to freemasonry, which at the top, is dedicated to the destruction of
Christianity, the worship of Lucifer, and the rebuilding of a pagan temple in Jerusalem. They see most of humanity
as "useless eaters" and pioneered eugenics to decrease population and weed out inferior specimens. The eventual
annihilation of non-Zionist Jews was rooted in this English movement.

In 1897, the first Zionist Congress took place in Basle. In 1904, the founder of Zionism Theodore Herzl died at age
44 under suspicious circumstances. The movement was taken over by the Round Table. The purpose was to use
it and Communism to advance their plan for world hegemony. During the same week in November 1917, the
Bolshevik Revolution took place and the Balfour Declaration promised Palestine to the Jews.

The Round Table group planned three world wars to degrade, demoralize and destroy mankind, rendering it
defenceless. The Third World War, now beginning, pitted the Zionists against the Muslims.

The purpose of Zionism is to help colonize the Middle East, subvert Islam, and control the oilfields. For this reason
Israel continues to receive blank checks. (One analyst estimates the US taxpayer has spent $1.7 trillion on Israel.)
This is why the founding of Israel took precedence over the welfare of the Jewish people.

Israel has little to do with the Jewish people. Zionism, Communism, Nazism, are all creations of the same
satanic cabal. These 'isms are all means to the final goal, a neo feudal global dictatorship. FBI Director J. Edgar
Hoover referred to this when he said: "The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy
so monstrous he cannot believe it exists".

As unwitting overseers, Israelis will continue as victims of "compulsory suicide." Americans too are being fitted
for this role. Sept. 11 was an example.

Arab terrorism is also backed by this cabal. Osama Bin Laden made more than 260 phone calls to England
between 1996-1998. The aim is to contrive a "war of civilizations" as an excuse to grind down both Muslim
states and the West to create the global police state.

What I have been calling "compulsory suicide" is satanic "culling." The constant reference by Zionist and other
leaders to "blood sacrifice" refers to the practice of human sacrifice. Apparently energy is released when
people are slaughtered. Recently U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage said the Hezbollah owes
the U.S. a "blood debt."

Our rulers design wars as offerings to Lucifer. They find slaughter and mayhem exhilarating, as long as it is
someone else who is sacrificed.


For millennia, Jews owed their survival to their devotion to "Torah." In the last century they have forsaken
this portable spiritual home, and placed their faith in a tangible one, Israel.

Unfortunately, they have been duped.

Israelis are becoming unwitting overseers in the global plantation. American Jews, prominent in media,
education, government and finance, are also unwitting instruments. They will take the blame for the real
culprits, the shareholders of the world's major central banks.

Mankind has been betrayed by its leadership. Of Jewish leadership, Israeli journalist Barry Chamish says:
"The richest appoint themselves to the highest posts. Thus the greediest and most unscrupulous run the
show. [They] ... will sell their souls and those of their people for power and acclaim." See Barry Chamish
"Just as Scared, Just as Doomed."

There are a few hundred thousand orthodox Jews like Rabbi Shonfeld who have always understood Zionism.
They have always rejected the state of Israel and remained faithful to the Torah. They could form a core for
a genuine Jewish revival.

Their websites are , and .
In conclusion, a satanic cult governs the world. These people hate God, hate mankind and want to destroy it.
They believe the end justifies the means and are ruthless. They use the Jews, and everyone else, as cannon
fodder. We are "children of the matrix," duped, distracted, stunted and sacrificed. Without the vision provided
by God, we are lambs being led to slaughter

The Matrix is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the TRUTH.

Let the World know. Here’s more. And after this, a list compiled by a UN officer in 1948 on European Zionist
terror attacks against the native Palestinians. The UN officer compiling the list was also murdered by
the Zionists of that time.

Israelis Commemorate Their 1946 Zionist Terror Attack in Jerusalem
The Times (London) paper/0,,173-2277717,00.html
As Israel wages war against Hezbollah “terrorists” in Lebanon, Britain has protested about the celebration
by right-wing Israelis of a Jewish “act of terrorism” against British rule 60 years ago this week. The
rightwingers, including Binyamin Netanyahu, the former Prime Minister, are commemorating the bombing
of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, the headquarters of British rule, that killed 92 people and helped to
drive the British from Palestine. They have erected a plaque outside the restored building, and are holding
a two-day seminar with speeches and a tour of the hotel by one of the Jewish resistance fighters involved
in the attack.

The two British soldiers who were tortured and killed in 1947 by the Zionists

“The Sign of Cain:” Two British Soldiers in Israel Kidnapped, Tortured & Murdered!
Their Bodies Booby Trapped by Terrorists!


You won’t read this in the “all the news that fit to print” New York Times or the Washington Post,
the Establishment’s “newspapers of record;” you won’t see this on Fox, CNN, ABC, CBS or NBC –
because only The American Free Press is the only national newspaper uncontrolled and unafraid to
report the horrific fate of the two soldiers whose kidnapping, torture and murder by ruthless
terrorists is at the root of the present Israeli war that threatens to ignite the whole Middle East,
indeed the whole world in flames.
Jerusalem – The whole world has seen the boyish photo of the Israeli soldier captured on the border
of Gaza. But while Israeli propaganda uses Corporal Gilad Shalit to put a human face on its war machine,
strangely nothing is known about the two soldiers said to have been captured by Hezbollah, which is the
pretext for the bloody devastation of Lebanon. They are potentially the “Archduke Ferdinand” of WW-IV.
So we have a right to ask: Who are they?
The True Fate of The Two Fateful British Soldiers July 30, 1947?
The bodies were found by a small group of soldiers, Jewish residents, and newspaper reporters who
were searching for the two kidnapped soldiers in a thicket of eucalyptus trees - when they were shocked
by a horrifying sight. The corpses of the two soldiers were hanging from a tree, their shirts covering their
heads, dry blood that had dripped from their open mouths staining their uniforms. The terrorists had
pinned notes to the tortured bodies, pinning the blame for their crimes on their helpless victims.
The terrorists had planted IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) all around the area where the bodies
were left hanging. The bodies had also been booby trapped. As the bodies were being cut down a
hidden device on one body exploded. An officer was severely wounded and blinded by this explosion.
Cursed with the Mark of Cain!
Less than an hour after the corpses of the dead sergeants were found, Ben-Ami, the Mayor of Netanya
declared: “Of all the crimes that took place till this day on this land, this is the most grievous and
disgusting one and will stain the purity of our peoples struggle for freedom. May this act of hanging
remain as a sign of Cain on the doers of this disgraceful deed! The heavens and the earth are my witnesses…”
The kidnapped victims, Sergeant Mervyn Harold Paice, 20 years old, and Sergeant Clifford James Victor Martin,
had been dead for about two days when found.
Why hasn’t news of this atrocity been blared around the world? Could it be because the murdered soldiers
were British, and the terrorists who kidnapped, tortured and murdered them were Zionist extremists?
This act of terrorism was only one of a multitude of vicious acts of terrorism, bombings, assassinations,
mass murders, IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices), letter bombs, ad nauseam by Zionist gangs of thugs,
militias and insurgents to drive the Christian and Muslim Palestinians from their ancient homelands.
America’s Dr. Ralph Bunche (who became the first African American man awarded the Nobel Peace Prize,
for his efforts in mediation between Israel and nearby Arab states in 1950) had an official record of Zionist
Terrorism from 1944 to September 1948 compiled from reports of the US Department of State and the British
Foreign Office after he was appointed UN Commissioner to Palestine – replace Count Folke Bernadotte
murdered by Jewish terrorists on September 17, 1948. The Report contained 259 acts of criminal terrorism
by Zionist Terror gangs in less than 4 years. *
Since then the acts of terror, and blaming their crimes on their victims are innumerable: The Lavon Affair;
The Sneak Attack on Egypt in 1956- repulsed and repudiated by President Eisenhower; the pre-meditated
“6-Day War” in concert with the Johnson administration (to this day deceived Americans still believe that
Israel was attacked); The Sneak Attack of America’s USS Liberty designed to drag America into WW-III!
The attack on the Marine barracks in Lebanon (Forensic evidence proves only the Israelis could have
supplied the “rag bomb” used in the truck); the sneak attack against Lebanon; Shattilla and Sabra
massacres; Sharon the Butcher’s sabotage of the Oslo agreements; espionage against America (Pollard,
PROMIS, sales of secret technology to Red China, Iran/Contra, Iran/AIPAC, Libby, etc.); the mass murders
of PoWs, villages, Qibya; Jenin; Nazareth; Bethlehem; Rachel Corey; the neo-con’s Iraq War … and the
latest war against Lebanon as a fuse to blow up America in Iran for this Terror State.
The murders of British soldiers by Zionist Terrorists began while WW-II was still raging in Europe and
British soldiers were dying by the thousands in a war “to save the Jews.”
Why Would Zionist Terrorists Murder British Soldiers?
This insanity cannot be understood without tracing its roots to at least the so-called “Ladder Prophecy”
given by Max Nordau, Theodore Herzl’s right-hand man, at the Sixth World Zionist Congress in 1903 –
fourteen years before “the war to end all wars” began and never ended:
“Let me tell you the following words as if I were showing you the rungs of a ladder leading upward and
upward: Herzl [father of modern Zionism], the Zionist congress [the First congress of 1897], the English
Uganda Proposition [the British Government had offered the Zionists a Jewish homeland in Uganda,
which was rejected by the Sixth Congress], the future World War, the peace conference, where,
with the help of England, a free and Jewish Palestine will be created” The American Jewish News,
September 19, 1919.
The Zionists had first asked Kaiser Wilhelm to give them Palestine. He said Palestine was part of the
Turkish Empire, so it wasn’t his to give. So from being loyal friends of both Turkey and Germany the
Zionists decided they had to go. The British, through Lawrence of Arabia, had promised Palestinians
independence if they would rise up against the Turks. They proposed to the British Empire and the
French to bring the USA into helping them carve up the German and Turkish Empires if they would
set them up in Palestine. So the British agreed to betray their Palestinian freedom fighters if the
Zionists used their power to bring America into the (first) World War. Samuel Untermeyer (of the law
firm, Googenheim, Untermeyer and Marshall) was in possession of a big stack of letters President
Wilson had written to his mistress, Mrs. Peck, and Wilson became the first Zionist New World Order
President. Reelected on the promise, “He kept us out of war,” Wilson promptly used the phony
sinking of the Sussex as a pretext to sending American “doughboys” to fight and die in Rothschild’s
“Great War” in Europe.
In return the Lord Balfour gave a Letter to Rothschild promising a “Jewish Homeland” in Palestine
to be protected by the British Empire. At the infamous Versailles Conference Germany and Turkey
were carved up. The artificial maps of Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc., were drawn up and packed
with corrupt, tyrannical puppet rulers who would be supported in return for oil and geopolitical
assets. Thus Palestine was under a British mandate through World War II and tens of thousands of
Jews flooded into the lush land of orchards. This caused many problems so the British sought to
limit immigration, but they couldn’t stem the flood tide of illegal immigrants, many of whom were
Communist Terrorists. These terrorists butchered Palestinians, British and even their fellow Jews.
Zionists Killing Jews
Clifford Martin, one of the two hanged British soldiers, was Jewish according to Jewish law.
His mother, an Egyptian Jew, had married an Anglo-Catholic colonial official. But that didn’t stop
the Irgun * gang from torturing, murdering and hanging Martin from a tree, which according to the

The Real Story Behind Marriott Attack

· 10,000 Indian troops are stationed in Afghanistan under the garb of supervising construction of road Jalalabad-Port Chahbahar project that has now been completed. Whereas India has officially declared 14 Indian consulates in Afghanistan, on the ground, they actually have 107 in which 20 intelligence units are burning their midnight oil to destabilise Pakistan
· After 9/11 CIA bought the loyalties of pro-Pakistan tribal chiefs, leaving ISI and MI behind, those who refused were killed
· Nek Mohammad was killed by Americans when he made peace with Pakistan
· ISI had once given six figure coordinates of Baitullah and yet no Hellfire missile was fired on his hideout by CIA
· Foreign intelligence agents are involved in carrying out gruesome beheadings of security personnel and torching girls’ schools to defame the real Taliban who had a peaceful agenda
· CIA and RAW, and even Uzbekistan, have developed their tentacles in Balochistan, Swat and Kurram Agency
· The nexus in Kabul is working upon a scripted plan to make FATA lawless and beyond the control of security forces, push militancy into settled areas and then into major cities and thus create a civil warlike situation to prove their contention that Pakistan was the most dangerous country in the world and that the extremists were on the verge of taking over power and nuclear weapons

By Asif Haroon Raja
Monday, 22 September 2008.
Asian Tribune

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—When Gen. Musharraf submitted to U.S. pressure after 9/11 and ditched the Taliban in Afghanistan, he provided air bases as well as logistics support and shared intelligence with CIA. He allowed CIA and FBI to recruit agents in FATA and other places and to establish their outposts. The focus of ISI and other agencies was shifted towards hunting and nabbing so-called terrorists all over the country, in monitoring dissident elements within the army and in political wheeling and dealings. The CIA acquired all the links ISI and MI had both sides of the Pak-Afghan border and gradually took most agents on ISI payroll within its fold. By virtue of having better technology and means the CIA was able to take over intelligence acquisition and dissemination system. As a consequence the troops operating in FATA became entirely dependent upon CIA inputs. Taking advantage of complete liberty of action, CIA succeeded in buying the loyalties of many tribal chiefs and notables in FATA by doling out dollars in sacks since it knew that the Pashtun could not be crushed by force but could be purchased. Those not falling in line were got killed.

In FATA, Nek Muhammad was first cultivated and provided logistic support. When he entered into a peace deal with Pak Army in July 2005, he was killed using precision guided missile. Abdullah Mehsud, an Afghan war veteran who had also fought the Northern Alliance in October-November 2001 was captured and brainwashed during his two years internment in Guantanamo Bay. He was released after agreeing to work on terms dictated by CIA and he soon was able to takeover the leadership role. His death at Zhob at the hands of Pak security forces was a loss for CIA.

Baitulah Mehsud and Fazlullah had not taken part in Afghan jihad and do not qualify to head Taliban; yet 30 year old Baitullah has managed to create Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and Fazlullah calls the shots in Swat. Mulla Omar had never shown interest in establishing any links with Pakistani Taliban and had warned Nek Muhammad not to operate under the brand name of Taliban. It is being questioned as to how come Baitullah, Fazlullah and their spokesmen desperately wanted by Pakistan security forces have escaped the hawk eye of USA, particularly after they have been seen giving detailed interviews to media and using their cell phones? ISI had once given six figure coordinates of Baitullah and yet no Hellfire missile was fired on his hideout by CIA. The TTP that has spread its influence in all the seven agencies of tribal belt and in neighboring settled districts of NWFP has succeeded in making inroads into Punjab, particularly southern Punjab. Large number has been recruited from Chiniot, Bahawalpur, Dera Nawab, Bahawalnagar, Faisalabad, Sialkot and other places.

After Shakai peace deal with the militants in South Waziristan in July 2005, Pakistan was subjected to a calculated slander campaign. Having pushed more than one hundred thousand troops into the furnace of FATA it was scoffed at for not doing enough to control militancy in FATA. Pakistan was also accused of nuclear proliferation and IAEA kept up the pressure to hand over AQ Khan for interrogation. Musharraf accepted the charge and forced AQ Khan to make a confession to defuse the heat. The religious extremist threat was blown out of all proportions and it was repeatedly stated that Pakistan’s nuclear assets had become unsafe. Musharraf accepted this charge as well and promised to fight extremism and terrorism with full force.

After declaring Pakistan as the most dangerous country, FATA was declared as the most dangerous place on earth. Pakistan was blamed for growing turbulence in Afghanistan since in the view of U.S. military leaders and Karzai Pak army was not doing enough to control militancy. The phenomenon of missile attacks by drones commenced in January 2006 when a suspected target in Damadola was attacked killing scores of innocent civilians. Another deadly missile attack was launched on a Madrassa in Bajaur in October that year killing 80 students. Ever since, this phenomenon continues unabated.

Once the ISI was freed from the wild goose chase of so-called terrorists and came under pressure on account of missing persons, it started to concentrate on its primary task in the troubled spots. To its horror it found far too many militant groups and criminal gangs operating under the guise of religious militants and cultivated by foreign agencies.

They were the ones involved in carrying out gruesome beheadings of security personnel and torching girls’ schools to defame the real Taliban who had a peaceful agenda. Besides CIA and RAW, even Uzbekistan had developed their tentacles in Balochistan, Swat and Kurram Agency. Most of the pro-Pakistan groups had been purchased or neutralized and those not coming to terms were eliminated by groups sponsored by CIA. Things had gone topsy-turvy and ISI found itself at a loss how to differentiate between friend and foe.

It is when the ISI began to recover the lost ground and renewed its old contacts in FATA and started to expose and block clandestine activities of CIA, RAW and RAM that all hell broke lose on ISI. Instead of feeling ashamed of what they were doing, USA had the cheeks to start making hue and cry that ISI was linked with the Taliban and that it must be emasculated. The three colluding partners lost their cool when the Indian Embassy in Kabul was subjected to a suicide attack on 7 July 2008. The trio fumed with anger and blamed ISI without even carrying out preliminary investigations. It was alleged that the perpetrator of suicide attack belonged to Gujranwala. Adm. Mike Mullen and Deputy Director CIA Stephen Kappes came huffing and puffing to Islamabad on 12 July and expressed their concern in strong words. Both Gen Tariq and Gen Kayani were told to bring the ISI to heel and to control militancy on their side of the border. The details of suicide bomber provided by the visitors proved false. It transpired later on that it was a bomb planted in a parked jeep which was detonated with the help of a remote control and was masterminded by Mossad.

The month of September saw intensification of missile attacks and each attack resulted in loss of innocent lives. The idea was to antagonize pro-government Waziris and also to force them to migrate as had happened in case of Bajaur. To further up the ante, Pakistan was declared as a battleground and a first ever ground attack was carried out by U.S. troops on the night of 3 September at Angoor Adda killing 15 men women and children. A deadly missile attack was conducted on pro-Pakistan Jalaluddin Haqqani house in North Waziristan on 8 September killing 25 inmates mostly women and children. He was blamed for carrying out attack on Indian Embassy.

The intruding drone was forced to beat a hasty retreat on 12 September when Pakistani jets got airborne and started to track it. A ground attack on 15th was also thwarted by the troops and locals. So far, 62 border violations have been carried out by U.S.-ISAF forces including 36 after the takeover by PPP government in March 2008. So far 30 missile attacks have been made killing innocent people. In none of the attacks any Al-Qaada operative or militant Taliban was killed.

The nexus in Kabul is working upon a scripted plan to make FATA lawless and beyond the control of security forces, push militancy into settled areas and then into major cities and thus create a civil warlike situation to prove their contention that Pakistan was the most dangerous country in the world and that the extremists were on the verge of taking over power and nuclear weapons. After inflaming South Waziristan, North Waziristan, Mohmand Agency, Khyber Agency, Darra Adam Khel, Kurram Agency, Hangu and Swat, Bajaur Agency was built into a stronghold of militants where huge cache of arms and ammunition was dumped. By virtue of being located at the crossroad of the tribal belt and also linked with Dir, Swat and Afghanistan, it was to act as bulwark and a launching pad to provide reinforcement to other areas.

10,000 Indian troops are stationed in Afghanistan under the garb of supervising construction of road Jalalabad-Port Chahbahar project that has now been completed. Whereas India has officially declared 14 Indian consulates in Afghanistan, on ground they have 107 in which 20 intelligence units are burning their midnight oil to destabilise Pakistan. Many mercantile shops run by Indians have an intelligence office in the rear. In Wakhan, a religious Madrassa run by Indian Muslim clerics is functioning since 2002 under the patronage of RAW and Mossad. Very young boys, mostly orphans, destitute or homeless are recruited. Recruits are mostly Afghans, Uzbeks, Tajiks and Caucasians. The latter being fair skinned and resembling Europeans are trained to hit targets in Europe or in USA to once again create a 9/11 like situation.

Reportedly, 10,000 ideologically motivated terrorist and suicide bombers have been trained. Besides receiving military training, they have also been made to learn Pashto and customs of the Pashtun. They are regularly infiltrated into troubled spots of Pakistan. Posing as volunteers they join the rank and file of militants to fight the army. They are the ones who are destroying schools, CD shops, bridges and other installations and carrying out brutal beheading of captured personnel. The idea is to create chaos and confusion and also to defame the real Taliban that have not come under their influence. They are also responsible for creating cleavages within the people of FATA and in disrupting peace deals. In Kurram Agency, Afghan officers and soldiers are actively involved in the sectarian conflict by way of providing arms and ammunition to Shias belonging to Tori tribe and physically participating in duels with Sunnis. In Swat, Fazlullah led militants are supplied with war munitions as well as fighters.

Likewise, dissident tribal chiefs in Balochistan including late Akbar Bugti were also taken on board. The CIA helped in reincarnating BLA and providing all sorts of war munitions to Baloch militants belonging to Bugti, Marri and Mengal tribes and establishing over 60 Farari camps in Balochistan. Shamsi airbase that was handed over to USA in October 2001, houses Blackhawk helicopters primarily engaged in monitoring the entire length of Iranian border. CIA has cultivated Sunni Iranian Baloch Jandullah group (not the one that had operated against 5 Corps commander). It is anti- Iranian regime and was utilized by CIA to carryout acts of sabotage in Iran through Zahidan. Iran has now constructed a stone wall all along its border to prevent cross border terrorism from Baluchistan. It has clouded Pak-Iran relations since the latter feels that such activities could not have been undertaken without the blessing of Pak government.

It is now clear that our so-called friends have been playing a double game. Now that USA has bared its teeth and let its intentions known, to pretend that it would stop short of achieving its objectives will be like living in fools’ paradise. It is simply degrading to unashamedly say that we cannot fight the Americans. It is also preposterous to assume that Pakistan may not survive without American support. Pro-American elements within Pakistan on U.S. payroll have been parroting this theme since creation of Pakistan to safeguard their vested interest. North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Iran, Somalia are living examples who have survived despite adopting hostile posture against USA. It is high time that we gird up our loins and put our act together to face up to the challenge boldly.

The army under Gen. Kayani has expressed its resolve to confront the threat and safeguard country’s sovereignty irrespective of the consequences. It is now up to our week-kneed rulers oblivious of the ominous threat and still busy in power game as to how they stand up to the test. It will be naive to expect that the threat will be warded off with diplomacy alone. We must make USA realize that it will become exceedingly difficult for U.S. led allied troops to operate in Afghanistan if Pakistan opts out of fighting U.S. war of terror and refuses to provide transit facility to carry oil and food supplies to its troops in Afghanistan. The magnitude of dependence can be gauged from the fact each day over 400 containers ply from Karachi and Quetta to Afghanistan transporting food, munitions and 300 million gallons of fuel for U.S.-Nato troops in Afghanistan. We may also consider bridling CIA’s unchecked activities and closing down four bases in control of USA.

Asif Haroon Raja is a defence and a political analyst. This article was first published by the Asian Tribune.

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Vol 43 No 36 September 6, 2008

Perennial Misery
It Isn’t Going to Come Easy
Cheaper in India

From 50 Years Ago

Bihar Floods: The Inevitable Has Happened
—Dinesh Kumar Mishra
Inflation and Public Policy: Contemporary Dilemmas
—Sugata Marjit
Global Financial Crisis: A Long Way from Recovery
—Ignatius Chithelen
Narco-Analysis and the Indian Criminal Justice System
—P A Sebastian
Manipulation by Assistance: Undermining Breastfeeding
—Arun Gupta
From Kosovo to Georgia: The US, NATO and Russia
—Rama Sampath Kumar

Broadening and Deepening the Debate on Trade
—Amitava Dutt

Free Trade Reimagined: The World Division of Labour and the Method of Economics
by Roberto Mangabeira Unger;
Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2007;

Reflections on Schooling: Imagination Is (Almost) Everything
—Anu Kumar

A Pedagogue’s Romance: Reflections on Schooling
by Krishna Kumar;
Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2008;

Medical Abortion in India: Role of Chemists and Providers
—Leela Visaria, Alka Barua, Ramkrishna Mistry

Special Articles
Issues before the Thirteenth Finance Commission
—M Govinda Rao, Tapas Kumar Sen, Pratap R Jena
Modern Science and Islamic Essentialism
—S Irfan Habib
India’s Language Debates and Education of Linguistic Minorities
—S Srinivasa Rao

Financial Sector Reforms
—Gurbachan Singh

Current Statistics
Macroeconomic Indicators
—EPW Research Foundation
Exchange Rates of Some Select Currencies (Currency per US $ Except Otherwise Specified): End March for Each Year
—EPW Research Foundation

National Biotechnology Regulatory Authority
—Kavitha Kuruganti
Language, Growth and Intra-State Disparities
—Mahesh Gavaskar

Bihar Floods: The Inevitable Has Happened
A report after a visit to the flooded districts of Bihar speaks of a disaster of unimaginable proportions, which could have been prevented if only the government machinery had not been so lackadaisical in its approach. The immediate task is to rescue the millions who have been marooned, provide relief until the next kharif season and then rehabilitate the displaced.

Inflation and Public Policy: Contemporary Dilemmas
There has been much comment by the media and criticism by business that the policy of hiking interest rates to combat inflation will hurt investment and growth. But what has India’s experience been on the relationship between the real interest rate and the inflation rate?

Global Financial Crisis: A Long Way from Recovery
While there are optimists who expect a revival of the economy in the United States, the pessimists counter that there will soon be more financial turmoil. With the balance heavily tilted towards the bearish case, this article argues that most economies and financial markets around the world are likely to be flat or down over the next few years.

Narco-Analysis and the Indian Criminal Justice System
Narco-analysis is torture, both physical and mental. No wonder that India is yet to ratify the UN Convention against Torture which came into force on June 26, 1987.

Manipulation by Assistance: Undermining Breastfeeding
Public-private health partnerships are now advocating nutrition policies aimed at helping food multinationals increase their markets. A stronger legislation is needed to fight this practice.

From Kosovo to Georgia: The US, NATO and Russia
Separatist movements across the globe are demanding self-determination and independence, prompting major powers who are seeking geopolitical advantage to intervene in these regions. Kosovo and South Ossetia are two recent examples. The dangers if this trend continues are apparent.

Medical Abortion in India
Medical abortion, approved in India in 2002, is emerging as an alternative to surgical procedure for terminating early pregnancy and offers a window of opportunity to expand women’s access to safe and effective abortion. A report based on a survey of chemists and providers.

Issues before the Thirteenth Finance Commission
Irrespective of the wording of the terms of reference for the Thirteenth Finance Commission, there is a need to focus on its primary task of recommending transfers to serve the objective of equity and incentives. As an impartial body, the Commission should make a fair assessment of the central as well as state governments, ignoring the asymmetries in the wording of the terms of reference.

Modern Science and Islamic Essentialism
An obscurantist trend has taken shape to “Islamicise” science, which sees modern science as antithetical to Islam. This has only resulted in the vandalisation of the core edifices of Islam, which exhort its believers to constantly seek knowledge.

India’s Language Debates
India’s linguistic and cultural diversity has come under attack in different periods of history, threatening the existence of many minority languages, mainly those which are numerically less represented and also those which are powerless or are less useful for social mobility.

Financial Sector Reforms
The draft Raghuram Rajan Committee report is neither fiscalist nor does it recommend that the Reserve Bank of India focus only on inflation targeting.

EPW Has Moved

After 40 years at Hitkari House/Skylark in south Mumbai, EPW has moved. EPW now functions from central Mumbai.

The new address of the journal:
320-321, A to Z Industrial Estate,
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If home is where your story begins, then the shift from Hitkari House marks the end of one chapter in EPW’s history.

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Vol 43 No 36 September 6, 2008

September 6, 2008‏
Should the ban on commodity futures be widened?

Futures caused the market manipulation

Krishan Bir Chaudhary
Posted: 2008-04-14 21:52:28+05:30 IST
Updated: Apr 14, 2008 at 2152 hrs IST

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: Futures trading in wheat, rice and pulses like tur and urad has been suspended by the Forward Markets Commission as it caused market manipulation, leading to a rise in prices. But, still, futures trading is being carried out in a number of agricultural commodities.

The government knows for certain that futures trading in farm commodities is the cause for market manipulation. Finance minister P Chidambaram, while presenting Budget 2008-09, slapped a commodities transaction tax (CTT) on options and futures on the lines of the existing securities transaction tax. “The commodity futures have come of age in the country and should be treated at par with the equity market,” he had said. Chidambaram also brought the commodity futures exchanges in the ambit of service tax. These measures were aimed at curbing manipulation.

But the government’s move is only a piecemeal approach although it has realised the damage futures trading in agricultural commodities can cause. It should nip the problem in the bud by banning futures trading in all agricultural products.

There is a wrong notion that the farmers are benefiting from the existing futures trading in the country. The farmers get the lowest price for their produce in the season at harvest and, thereafter, the produce passes into the hands of traders and corporate houses that manipulate high prices for commodities in the futures markets. Farmers have no opportunity to participate in this.

The Economic Survey 2007-08 clearly says: “Direct participation of farmers in the commodity futures market is somewhat difficult at this stage as the large lot size, daily margining and high membership fees … work as a deterrent to farmers’ participation in these markets. Farmers can directly benefit from the futures market if institutions are allowed to act as aggregators on behalf of the farmers.”

Farmers have no time to participate directly in the futures markets. They have to prepare the field after harvest for the next crop. The concept that institutions or corporate houses should act as aggregators on behalf of farmers amounts to leaving the peasants at the mercy of these marketing giants.

The government has now gone into a panic mode as inflation, as measured by the point-to-point movement of the wholesale price index, reached a 40-month high at 7% for the week ended March 22, 2008. Yet, it is not totally critical about the neo-liberal architecture of the economy that it has imposed upon the nation. It is taking a piecemeal approach like banning exports and liberalising imports of certain commodities. It is time the government rejected this neo-liberal and corporate-led agriculture model and replaced it by a farmer-centric one.

There is no shortage of food either at the global or at the domestic level. According to a recent report of the International Grain Council (IGC), the world wheat production would be at 646 million tonne (mt), an increase of 42 mt over the previous year, due to a 2.5% increase in the area under cultivation. The global prices of maize were around $240 a tonne by March 27. The IGC forecasts global maize output to decline by 20 mt to 748 mt. Barley output would increase 10% to 148 mt.

According to the official estimate, India has achieved record grain production of 219.32 mt in 2007-08, including 94.08 mt of rice, 74.81 mt of wheat, 36.09 mt of coarse cereals, and 14.34 mt of pulses. The cotton output is estimated at 23.38 million bales of 170 kg each, an all-time record. The oilseeds output is estimated at 27.16 mt.

Despite the good production, there is a deliberate manipulation of food prices both at the global and at the domestic levels. At the global level, there are a few corporate players in the food business that buy produce from farmers cheap, hoard the stock and manipulate the prices. The bio-fuel programme in Europe and the US is also a contributing factor to price rise.

In India, too, the corporate houses and retail chains have been allowed to buy produce from farmers, hoard and manipulate the market. The farmers do not gain in the process as they are paid relatively lower prices than what the corporate houses quote on the futures exchanges or in the spot market, or at what the retail chains sell to the consumers.

—The author is the president of Bharatiya Krishak Samaj, India’s largest and oldest farmers’ organisation

Economic Supremacy Wars
Armed Clashes, Electronic Spying, and Stock Market Manipulation
© Martha R. Gore

Oct 13, 2008

The United States was expected to be the epicenter of the economic world but as new decisive powers emerge, the competition for economic supremacy becomes more intense.

Economic wars, like traditional wars, have been waged to secure financial gains. While traditional wars eventually end, economic wars are never ending. Today the battle between the United States, Brazil, China, India, Russia, and the European Union depends less on armed conflict and more on electronic technology.

Economic War Weapons History
Economic war weapons have changed dramatically in the 21st century. Dr. Gen Gamal Mazloum, writing in the International Politics Journal (July 2001), compared traditional wars with economic wars. He wrote that in the past, economic wars have included sanctions, boycotts, customs barriers, monopolies, mergers and marine privacy. The defenses meant confronting any external threat, while offenses destroyed and corrupted economics by dumping, the manipulations drug wars, counterfeit money, and money laundering.

According to Dr. Mazloum, like traditional wars, economic wars are based on surprise, deceit and espionage in order to acquire information about the enemy. But in the 21st century, there is more emphasis on advanced technologies and modern communication and the intelligence of spies. Computers can be used as effective tools using destructive programs and viruses as well manipulations of the stock market.

Economic Shifts in a Changing World
Economic wars will continue but today there is no single, dominant power as the United States was in the past. Every developed country and the European Union are facing the same type of crises: climate change, resource scarcity, food and financial crises, nuclear proliferation, and failing states. According to Wolfgang Nowak, spokesman for the executive board of the Alfred Herrhausen Society, the International Forum of Deutsche Bank, new alliances that set countries against each other will not be able to solve the challenge of the 21st Century. In an article in Der Speigel, (10/2/08), he wrote “These countries must now be neither enemies of one another, nor are they friends; they are ‘frenemies,” competitors for the world’s scarce resources.”

To address this quandary, the Alfred Herrhausen Society, is organizing a new project entitled Foresight in order to analyze and compare the future visions of emerging and existing world powers. Through discussion and debate, it hopes to find common elements for the future. Bringing together representatives of countries all over the world, one of the goals is to help them see through the eyes of others.

Nowak writes that, “Needed are new terms of international governance: in a world with diminishing resources and accelerating climate change, states might be tempted to pursue their own interests in order to gain short-term advantage. The challenge will be to devise a new international framework and an organized balance of interests. Only a common future—‘change through rapprochement’, not a clash of futures’ --- can bring us further.

The economic realities of what has been called “The New World Order” now make armed conflict with the threat of nuclear war as a result no longer an option. The financial crisis of the last two years has furthered the displacement of power---from the United States toward China, India, and Russian, as well as the Arabian Gulf States. Terrorism using electronic manipulation to create havoc in the financial markets is just one of the weapons of the 21st century. Economic weapons of the war are changing and to the victor goes the spoils.


Steingart, Gabor. The War for Wealth: The True Story of Globalization or Why the Flat World is Broken. Emmeryville,CA: McGraw Hill, 2008

Zakaria, Fareed. The Post American World. NY: W W Norton, 2008

The copyright of the article Economic Supremacy Wars in International Financial Affairs is owned by Martha R. Gore. Permission to republish Economic Supremacy Wars in print or online must be granted by the author in writing.
Know-all India whispers
‘Sources’ have field day with attack proof
India today fired a fresh, though familiar, salvo against the hardening Pakistani wall of denial, saying it had proof that the ISI was involved in planning last week’s terror attack on Mumbai and training the men who effected it. ... | Read..

Day of nap and ruse
The Maharashtra government sat on “actionable” intelligence inputs received on the very day of the Mumbai attacks. ... | Read..

Code-blind Delhi deaf to terror chatter
For seven months, India has known it lacks a crucial weapon in its fight against terror: the ability to intercept or decipher messages sent using heavily coded telecom an ... | Read..

Cigarette war in Calcutta
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IT showpiece moves to new home
The region’s biggest and all-encompassing IT showpiece, NICT-2008, will have a new home tomorrow when the day-long Northeast Information and Communication Technology con ... | Read..


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ET Headline
Oil could fall to $25 a barrel: Merrill Lynch

5 Dec 2008, 2136 hrs IST, AGENCIES

Merrill Lynch said that oil prices should begin to rally in the second half of 2009. World's largest refining cos | Revised fuel prices | India Inc happy with price cuts

Petrol prices cut by Rs 5, diesel by Rs 2
Oil price falls below $40 a barrel
US stocks tumble after dismal jobs report

Markets Update
2217 hrs IST
European stocks close sharply lower
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Rupee appreciates by 10 paise against dollar
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BPOs may see 2.5 lakh job losses in Q1 of 2009
5 Dec 2008, 2236 hrs IST, PTI

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5 Dec 2008, 2205 hrs IST, INDIATIMES MOVIES

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Indian Stock Market Manipulation – A Myth or a reality?

Indian Stock Market Manipulation – A Myth or a reality?

This post is contributed by our regular reader Yorick Pinto on the recent mayhem in Indian Stock market.

The Indian stock markets crashed on Monday and Tuesday resulting in a blood bath of sorts on Dalal Street with investors losing crores of Rupees. The reasons for the crash can be attributed to global factors such as the sub-prime crisis, coupled with large offerings in the primary market and a feeling that a correction on the market was long overdue. However a less known and less spoken fact about the market is the rampant manipulation of stock prices.

Correction or Manipulation
What most stock analysts and media-people refer to as a free fall in the stock prices, can also be referred to as manipulation on the part of a consortium comprising of major stock brokers, operators, FII’s and other institutional investors. An interesting point to note is that when the markets reopened for trading after an hour’s halt on account of the indices hitting the lower circuit, most of the brokers terminals were frozen for buying.

What this meant was that investors – who had funds – were unable to buy shares at the lower levels. However, these same investors were allowed to sell, thus indicating that while the smaller investors were being allowed to sell off their stocks at lower prices, they were prevented from making taking advantage of the low prices. However, the stock prices began to rise from the day’s lows, thus indicating that ‘someone’ was definitely buying stocks at lower prices.

How come this discriminatory treatment towards the small investors? Why is he allowed to sell his stocks at lower prices, but not allowed to join the party by buying at lower levels. This clearly reflects that the markets were being manipulated by the cartels comprising of brokers, operators, et al.

Timing of the fall
Another factor that needs to be probed is that why did the markets fall only following the completion of the book-building process of the Anil Ambani promoted Reliance Power public offer? How is it that global factors and liquidity did not affect the markets earlier? If the gray market premium on the shares of Reliance Power is to be considered, it does seem a grim situation wherein certain sections are controlling the prices of shares.

Thus it is evident that to some extent there is a manipulation in the prices of shares by unscrupulous brokers and operators. However, the regulatory body, SEBI, is yet to take cognizance of it and conduct a full-fledged probe.

Now let us look into the reasons mentioned by most main-stream publications and business channels for the fall in the stock markets.

1) The sub-prime saga

The sub-prime mortgage financial crisis began with the bursting of the housing bubble as a large number of “high-risk” borrowers were unable to repay their loans. This factor which initially affected the US became a global factor – affecting world markets - over the course of time.

What this means is that the major financial institutions in the US have provided loans to borrowers who may not be able to repay them. Due to the current market situation, the worst nightmares of these institutions are coming true, with numerous borrowers unable to repay their debts. This has a spiral effect not just on the American economy but also the rest of the world as the economies of many other nations is linked to the American economy.

2) Initial Public Offerings

The hype surrounding the public offer of certain companies has resulted in massive over-subscription. This has resulted in a liquidity crunch, as a lot of money has been taken off from the secondary markets and invested in the primary market.

This means that the ordinary investor would be selling a part of his portfolio of stocks in order to re-invest the money in the public offers. As a result a lot of pressure would be placed on the secondary markets, resulting in a fall in the prices of shares.

3) Margin Pressures

A lot of traders use margins offered by brokers to take leveraged positions in the stock markets. When there is a fall in the stock prices, the investors have to cough up additional funds to make up for the shortfall as the value of their investments are reduced.

This means that traders are able to trade by paying just a fraction of the total value of the shares. Hence this puts them at a great risk when there is a fall in the prices as they need to provide additional funds to the broker or else their holdings would be sold off and they would have to bear the losses.

At times – as was evident on Monday – the investors are unable to provide the funds to the brokers within a short time span, leading to a sell-off of their holdings. This has a cascading effect on the markets as the stock prices plummet to lower levels. The result is an overall fall in the indices.

What about the common man?

How does the ordinary investor fit into the equation comprising of global factors coupled with manipulation in the stock markets? The common man is usually the sucker in the happenings on the street as he usually buys stocks when they are at their highest level and he is most likely to sell them at the lowest level, thus bearing the brunt of huge losses.

It is unlikely that regulatory institutions or the government will take up the cause of the common man. Thus it is essential for him to have a few essential ground rules to follow prior to investing in the stock market.

Rule No 1: Do not buy stocks on the basis of tips or recommendations.

Rule No 2: Invest for the long-term. If you have an investment horizon of 5-10 years and are invested in the right sectors, chances are that you will gain.

Rule No 3: Invest money that you can afford to lose. In other words, do not put your entire life savings in the markets.

Rule No 4: Study the market thoroughly before you invest.

Rule No 5: Avoid putting all your eggs in one basket. Hence, diversify your portfolio


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