Monday, November 10, 2008

Unable to attend Identification parade, nun asks for time

Unable to attend Identification parade, nun asks for time
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Posted: Nov 10, 2008 at 1642 hrs IST

Bhubaneswar, November 10: Unable to attend the proposed test identification parade in Kandhamal, the nun whose alleged rape sent out shock waves on Monday urged the court to allow her a month's time as she was unwell.
On behalf of the alleged victim, her advocate Manas Singh moved a petition at the Sub-divisional Judicial Magistrate's court at Baliguda in Kandhamal seeking a month's time for his client.

"She is under trauma counseling. Therefore, the nun could not come here to attend the identification parade," Singh said.

Singh added the nun had no objection to assist probe conducted by the Crime Branch (CB) of police.

Though the nun had earlier refused to assist probe by the CB on the plea that she did not have "faith" in Orissa Police, she later agreed to cooperate after the Supreme Court turned down a petition seeking handing over the case to the CBI.

The alleged incident had taken place at K Nuagaon in Kandhamal during Orissa bandh on August 25.

"The nun will cooperate now. She will, however, urge the court to allow shifting of the venue of the identification parade outside Orissa," said Archbishop Rapheal Cheenath, who met Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik in Bhubaneswar.

Cheenath said they have already informed the CB regarding the nun's wish of conducting the parade outside Orissa.

Meanwhile, the CB had arrested at least 10 people in connection with the incident.

"As the nun had mentioned in her FIR that she could identify the culprit, the identification parade was essential," said a senior CB official.

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