Saturday, October 11, 2008

Modisevak Nanavati Report - Exclusive

Modisevak Nanavati Report - Exclusive

Godhra is the saddest and most disgraceful chapter in Indian history when a communal incident was politically fueled, no preventive arrangements made, a local incident was globalized and thereafter entire judiciary was thoroughly corrupted and no POTA was applied on organizations spreading communal hatred.

[So many pages are blank or illegible characters, many paragraphs are not in order and too many spellings errors further points to poor credibility of the commission. May be Modi government didn’t present damaging pictures and observations on officially released document.]

Most shameful was the tag of Ramsevak attached on outright goondas which is insult to lord Ram because how can one justify 2200 of them I call Modisevaks within a day of performing “Purnahuti Maha Yagya” didn’t come out to defend innocent women and children – kept hiding when about 500 mob as reported was challenging them “Mar Dalo Hinduon Ko”.

Lawyers even if they know Modisevak Nanavati is a scoundrel are professionally not allowed to say so but the shabbiness of his report insults India ’s judiciary because this report will be available to all human right groups around the world.

Modisevak Nanavati didn’t explain why Modisevaks were traveling without ticket up and down over 3000 kilometers from 22nd to 27th, how many arms they were carrying and what was their back ground and who were their leaders and at no station Police and State asked them for tickets.

Why didn’t the state governments and Railway Police evict Modisevaks forcibly occupying reserved seats and passengers with women and children were not even allowed to board the coaches at many places?

Modisevaks were goonda elements so didn’t want to give their identity that’s why traveled without ticket.

Train with two very powerful engines was delayed by five hours because Modisevaks were creating trouble with passengers and locals all along the up and down route. They were shouting and spreading communal hatred.

Modisevak Nanavati the scoundrel didn’t ascertained the profile of 2200 Modisevaks who were mostly male adults who had gone for ‘Purnahuti Maha Yagna’ couldn’t be traveling long distance with family without reservation but profile of the 59 dead show 27 women and 10 children were obviously Reserved Passengers with their male escorts.

We can easily conclude the dead were almost entirely “Reserved Passengers” and most of the Modisevaks simply vanished. This is supported by the fact there was no Trishul or Hindu symbol or any such weapon or Ram idol was reportedly found in S-6.

Had it been planned conspiracy attackers would have chosen Unreserved Compartments where majority of the Modisevaks were hiding.

My guess is that majority of Modisevaks boarded several local Originating & Connecting trains at Godhra for their homeward journey and sensing trouble rest of Modisevaks simply disappeared at Godhra Station.

This important aspect was ignored by Modisevak Nanavati because people traveling without ticket for 1500 kilometer could buy Rs.10 local ticket at Godhra and travel in comfort of originating connecting trains erasing the past trail.

Regular passengers with women and children were left to die at the hands of agitated mob and punished for the mischief of Modisevaks. This S-6 reserved compartment offered no resistance..

But I am also inclined to believe it was a simple accident because on Expanding the pdf pictures I found no trace of Rags or Bottles or Bricks or Tires around the S-6 coach.

Chief Justice of India may order REVIEW of the Modisevak Nanavati Report by a retired CJI and operating from Supreme Court Chambers to ensure credibility.

http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Indian_general_ election, _2004

People of India punished them for Goonda Policies and BJP lost 44 seats while Congess gained 32. Congress polled 103 million votes to BJP count at 86 million.

Ravinder Singh

October10, 2008

http://home. in/homedepartmen t/downloads/ godharaincident. pdf

1. A ghastly incident of fire in coach S/6 of Sabarmati Express train happened in the morning of 27-2-2002, near Godhra railway station, in which 59 passengers travelling in that coach were burnt alive. Amongst the victims 27 were women and 10 were children. Other 48 passengers had also received injuries. Most of the victims were Ramsevaks. Express train had started from Muzaffarpur on 25-2-2002 and on its way to Ahmedabad about 2000 to 2200 Ramsevaks had boarded the train from Ayodhya. They had earlier gone from Gujarat to Ayodhya at the instance of Vishva Hindu Parishad to take part in ‘Purnahuti Maha Yagna’, which was a part of ‘Ram Temple Nirman’ programme organized by some Hindu religious organizations. P-1.

21. It is a matter of faith and belief amongst the Hindus that Lord Ram was born at Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh. Earlier there was a temple of Lord Ram at the place of his birth. It was destroyed by Muslim invaders and in the year 1528 a masjid was built upon it. It was named as Babari Masjid. The idol of Lord Rama and other idols had however remained in the vicinity of that place and every day ‘Seva Puja’ of Lord Ram was performed. A dispute between Hindus and Muslims with respect to that place has been going on since long and it is believed that at the instance of aggressive Hindu religious organizations and political parties, an attempt was made on 6.12.1992 to demolish the Babri Masjid. Feeligs of many Muslims were hurt because of demolition of the Babari masjid and that factor has on many occasions led to communal disturbances or tensions. P-12

23. Movement for renovation of the Ram temple at Ayodhya was started in 1993. A ‘Sansad’ of Hindu religious organizations had met at Prayag in January, 2001 to fix a programme for ‘Ram Temple Nirman’ i.e. construction of Ram temple at Ayodhya. The programme had started with ‘Jalabhishek’ and was followed by ‘Jap Yagna’. As disclosed by the statement of Vishva Hindu Parishad, lacs of persons through-out the country had participated in the ‘Jap Yagna’. On completion thereof ‘Purnahuti Maha Yagna’ was arranged at Ayodhya. It was to start on 24.2.2002. Vishva Hindu Parishad is a leading Hindu religious organization and had played a prominent role in this programme. It had decided that its members who had taken part in the ‘Jap Yagna’ would go to Ayodhya for the ‘Purnahuti Maha Yagna’. It had also decided that from Gujarat initially three batches of Ramsevaks, each consisting of about 2000 persons, would go to Ayodhya for taking part in that Yagna which was to go on for 100 days. The first batch of Ramsevaks was to consist of 2000 persons from the central and north Gujarat area. It was to leave Ahmedabad by Sabarmati Express train on 22.2.2002 and return to Gujarat again by the same train leaving Ayodhya on 25.2.2002. The second batch was to consist of Ramsevaks of south Gujarat and it was to leave on 24.2.2002 and return on 27.2.2002.The third batch of Ramsevaks of Saurashtra area was to leave on 26.2.2002 and return on 3.3.2002. Accordingly the first batch of 2200 Ramsevaks, led by its General Secretary, had left Gujarat on 23.2.2002.They had started their return journey on 25.2.2002.

25. The train was heavily over crowded. Apart from other passengers, there were about 2200 Ramsevaks travelling therein. Most of them had no reserved accommodation. As they were in large number, they had become bold and entered into sleeper coaches also and occupied berths for which other passengers had reservations. All coaches of the train were so much over crowded that the ticket checkers could not enter the coaches and check tickets of the passengers. Coach S/6 was also heavily over-crowded. The passengers had to sit on the floor in between the seats, in the passage and near the latrines. The following sketch shows the arrangements of seats etc. in that coach:-

24. Sabarmati Express train is a direct and convenient train for persons going from Gujarat to Uttar Pradesh. It leaves from Ahmedabad for going to its destinations in Uttar Pradesh. On its journey from Uttar Pradesh to Gujarat , it (as 9166 Up) starts from Muzaffarpur on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. On Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays it (as 9168 Up) starts from Varanasi and on Thursday it ( as 9164 Up) starts from Faizabad. Sabarmati Express train which had reached Godhra railway station on the morning of 27.2.2002 had started from Muzaffarpur on 25.2.2002. According to the scheduled time it should have reached Dahod, the first station in Gujarat , on 26.2.2002 at 23-34 hrs. and Godhra on 27.2.2002 at 2-55 hrs. It was running late by about 5 hours and so it had arrived at Godhra at 7-43 hrs. The train consisted of 18 coaches. 10 coaches were sleeper coaches, 6 coaches were of general type and the remaining 2 coaches were SLR coaches which carry goods, passengers and the guard. It had two engines. The position of two engines and the coaches of the train on that day was as shown in the following sketch:

31. Sabarmati Express train had arrived at Godhra railway station at 7.43 a.m. Its scheduled halt at Godhra railway station was of 5 minutes. During that halt of 5 minutes some incidents are stated to have happened. The Ramsevaks had a qurrel with Siddiq Bakar, a tea vendor.. He was given two stick blows. Some other Ramsevaks had beaten one Siraj and also Mohmed Latika. The fourth incident stated to have happened was an attempt to abduct Sofiyabanu a Muslim girl standing on the platform by a Ramsevak by pulling her towards the train. During that halt at the Station, there was pelting of stones on the front side of the train, by the persons standing outside the station. Some passengers standing on the platform had also thrown stones towards those persons. Two police constables had made the passengers sit in the train and disperse the outsider.

33. From which coaches the alarm chain was pulled, would not have been a material issue but for the fact that a point has been raised for our consideration by the Jan Sangharsh Manch and some other parties that Sabarmati Express train was not stopped near ‘A’ cabin by some persons pulling the alarm chain in pursuance of the conspiracy alleged by the State, but it had stopped there because it could not go further as a result of continuous application of brake, as chain pulling from coach no.90238 or some other coach was not set right before the train had started from the station. The reason suggested for not setting right the chain pulling from that coach is that by the time chain pulling from two coaches was set right, pelting of stones on the train had again started and therefore, that work was left incomplete and the assistant driver who was doing that work had immediately rushed back to the engine. This fact has been suggested by the Jan Sangharsh Manch as the reason for the assistant driver to leave the work of resetting the chain incomplete. The version based upon the evidence of the railway staff is that chain pulling from all the four coaches was set right and after confirmation of completition of that work, the driver was told to proceed ahead.

35. The engine and some coaches of the train had crossed the cabin and other coaches were towards the station side. As regards what happened thereafter the version of the State Government is that while the train had thus stopped near A cabin small group of persons rushing from the Signal Falia side had started attacking the train heavily with stones. Within a short time it had swollen into a big mob. The engine driver and assistant driver were given a threat that if they got out of the engine they would be cut into pieces. ASM Rajendraprasad Meena who was at the A cabin, on hearing the whistle blown by the driver and seeing that the train had stopped, had got down from the cabin, to find out what had happened and to help in resetting the alarm chain. On seeing the groups of persons rushing forward the train and throwing stones on it, he had to rush back to the cabin. He had informed the staff at the station about what was happening near A cabin and called for help. Attack with stones had continued for about 10 to 15 minutes. On being so instigated by some persons from the mob coach S/6 was made the target of the attack. Its windows were broken and through those open windows, stones, burning rags and some inflammable liquid contained in pouches and bulbs were thrown inside the coach. The passengers inside the coach had to struggle to protect themselves from that attack. Some of them had tried to cover the windows which had become open due to attack with their bags to prevent stones, etc. from coming inside the coach. They had to take shelter on the upper berths or below the seats 25 for protecting their persons. According to the passengers, burning rags and liquid thrown inside the coach had caused lot of smoke and started burning seats and other things inside the coach. That had caused so much smoke in the coach that the passengers were not able to see clearly. It had also caused breathing problem. As some passengers had raised shouts that there was fire in the coach, there was a rush for getting out of the coach. Because of the presence of hostile and attacking mob on the Signal Falia side, the passengers had no choice but to get out on the yard side only. It had become difficult to locate the doors. Therefore, bars of some windows on the yard side were forcibly removed and some passengers had gone out through those windows. The State’s version is that at about that time some of the conspirators had cut the vestibule between coach S/6 and coach S/7 and also forcibly opened the door connecting S/6 it with coach S/7. Standing near the latrines some persons who had entered the coach with carboys containing petrol had thrown them inside the coach. Some conspirators had also entered the coach through its door on the sourthern side which was opened by conspirators who had entered the coach through the connecting door. They had thrown petrol filled carboys inside the coach. Thereafter there was a big fire in the coach and it had spread very rapidly leaving no time for the passengers to escape. It caused the death of 59 persons and injury to many others. Information was given to the concerned officers immediately about what was happening and as a result thereof the required police force and fire brigade had reached the place of incident within a short time. The higher officers had also rushed to that place. The police had to use force and resort to firing to bring the situation under control. There was again an attack on the train, police and the passengers by the mobs at about 11.00 o’clock. At that time also the police had to use force to disperse the mobs. The burnt coach S/6 and the adjoining coach S/7 were separated by about 11.30 a.m. after taking them away to a different place in the yard. The train was then reassembled. It left Godhra at 12.40 p.m.

44. The material discloses that Sabarmati Express train right from the time it had started from Muzaffarpur on 25.2.2002 was running late. About 2000 to 2200 Ramsevaks who had earlier gone from Gujarat to Ayodhya had boarded the train at Ayodhya for coming back to Gujarat . The train was heavily over crowded. The position of sleeper coach S/6 was also similar. There were more than 200 personstherein. Most of them were Ramsevaks. There were other passengers also.. Those passengers had boarded the train from different stations like Faizabad, Lucknow or Kanpur . Ticket checker Deepak Chhablani (W-14) who had boarded the train from Ujjain at 2-00 a.m, has stated in his evidence before the Commission that he had obtained reservation charts from the guard and at that time noticed therefrom that no checking had taken place between Ayodhya and Ujjain as the train was over crowded. He had also found it difficult to enter into coaches which he was expected to check including coach S-2 where he was supposed to sit after checking tickets of the passengers. He could get into that coach and occupy his seat only after he was helped by 2 railway policemen in doing so. He has also stated that the train was not checked till Ratlam where he had handed over the charge to T.T.E. Sajjanlal Raniwal (W-15). Describing the position of coach S-2, he has stated that the coach was full of members of VHP and Bajrangdal. Not only all the seats of that coach were occupied by the passengers but many of them were sitting and sleeping on its floor including space near latrines. There was no scope for moving inside the coach. He had given the same version about overcrowding in the train in his statement made to Senior Divisional Commercial Manager, W.R. Ratlam on 28.2.2002..

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