Saturday, October 11, 2008

All There Is To Know About Zionism

ZioPedia Newsflash

All There Is To Know About Zionism

Afshin Rattansi talks to Max Keiser: Global Rate Cuts (by Max Keiser, published Friday, 10 October 2008 00:00)

Afshin Rattansi in Tehran talks to Max Keiser in Paris about the global coordination of rate cuts failing to stem a collapse in equities.

America Under Siege (by Jim Kirwan, published Friday, 10 October 2008 00:00)

T he American public, composed of both citizens and consumers, is under attack on all fronts. This is being done by government directly, indirectly, and across the board in every aspect of our lives. What continues to go unnoticed is that the people of this country have the constitutional and right...


Another Israeli West Bank Land Grab Scheme (by Stephen Lendman, published Friday, 10 October 2008 00:00)

S ince 1967, Israel has systematically and relentlessly sought control of the entire "Holy Land" by seizing Gaza, the West Bank and all of Jerusalem. The entire area remains occupied and, according to Israeli professor and activist Jeff Halper, the aggressive "Nishul" agenda continues. It entraps...


Lies and Crimes of Zionist Israel (by DINNNSEL, published Friday, 10 October 2008 00:00)

I n this video you can see and judge for yourself about Israel and Zionists. Quote from Zionist "The nation of israel is above all nations according to the bible (Deut 7:6) and we believe we will be the top nation in the kingdom and all nations will serve us...


Rogers: Global Bankers Have Unleashed Inflationary Holocaust (by Paul Joseph Watson, published Thursday, 09 October 2008 14:00)

CNBC hosts unable to grasp basic economic principles
L egendary investor Jim Rogers warned during a CNBC interview this morning that global central banks are creating the environment for an inflationary holocaust by their ceaseless overprinting of currency, a...


Licence to kill: Jewish settler fanatics continue to kill, steal from Palestinians without censure (by Khaled Amayreh, published Thursday, 09 October 2008 04:00)

I sraeli security circles have warned recently that "organised Jewish terror" against Palestinians (and also against peace-oriented Jews) is on the rise and that steps must be taken to "nip that terror in the bud".
However, Israeli officials, including Defence Minister Ehud Barak, have admitted...


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