Saturday, August 23, 2008

Zardari using Aitzaz to seek CJP resignation; No jubilation until ju

Zardari using Aitzaz to seek CJP resignation; No jubilation until ju
Posted by: "Aziz Narejo" anarejo
Date: Thu Aug 21, 2008 11:31 am ((PDT))

Zardari using Aitzaz to seek Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Choudhry’s resignation?

Reports from Pakistan say Asif Zardari is using the services of his party leader Aitzaz Ahsan who also doubles as the president of the Supreme Court Bar Association to seek resignation of the Chief Justice of Pakistan, Mr. Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Choudhry. The CJP had earlier refused to resign but Aitzaz is to meet him tomorrow (Thursday)with a message from his leader.

Aitzaz Ahsan held a meeting today with Asif Zardari who is pushing for the minus one formula meaning restoration of the deposed judges minus the Chief Justice of Pakistan. If that happens, it would be a severe blow to the judiciary and will not resolve the issue as a majority of citizens and lawyers would not accept it.

The civil society members, lawyers, human rights and political activists should take notice of these moves and should try to foil them as they are against the independence of judiciary.

No cause of joy or jubilation until judiciary restored:

We have seen many dictators and despots come and go in Pakistan. People have distributed sweets each time at the departure of a dictator or a despot but unfortunately each successive ruler has proved to be worse than his predecessor and the people have seen no change for better in their lives. The ordinary men, women and minorities have continued to suffer while smaller provinces have felt alienated with no stake in the country and its decision making.

It is an alarming situation. The people at large saw a ray of hope when Chief Justice of Pakistan Mr. Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Choudhry stood to the military dictator and as a result a genuine people’s movement took roots that eventually defeated the general and his collaborators in the February 18, 2008 elections.

People were expecting that the judiciary would be restored following the elections, then at the time of the formation of the civilian government and later when dictator resigned as the politicians had made pledges and signed agreements to the effect. But it has not happened and it is disappointing that the head of a party is again trying to go back on his word.

It is outrageous and will surely increase cynicism among the people who already have developed apathy towards politics and politicians. That doesn’t augur well for the country. If the situation is to be saved, an independent judiciary will have to be ensured with reinstatement of pre-November 3, 2008 judiciary without any minus one or two formula and any curtailment of its powers.

The politicians must understand that a free judiciary and strong media are guarantees for the survival of the democratic system. Only they and a vigilant civil society can close doors on any future adventurers. Otherwise we all know too well what is going to happen in a time not too distant from now.


Aziz Narejo

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