Saturday, August 23, 2008

Nagpur Rocks, Vidarbha Shocks – Exclusive

Nagpur Rocks, Vidarbha Shocks – Exclusive (C)

When I went to find out in Yahoo ID Nagpurrocks I found he is a 22 year old with little experience of life, my attention shifted to poverty and farmers suicides in Vidarbha and was shocked to discover in documents 2.6 million (13%) of Vidarbha population has embraced Buddhism out of 17 million (1.5%) in India.

Just like Amartya Sen, Economics Nobel Laureate, home district is most under developed in West Bengal, Vidarbha home of RSS is the poorest region in India and most of its districts among the poorest in Maharashtra as well.

Vidardha, home of RSS symbolized atrocities on Dalits and highest rate of conversion in India though RSS was founded with aim to unite Hindus but also symbolize exploitation of farmers that has no parallel in the world recording highest suicide rates for Cotton farmers which is the principle crop ahead of oranges.

Charging 120% to even 300% rate of interest on farm loans by upper caste Hindus from lower caste is not the way to unite Hindus. (Reference Vidarbha Report)

[RSS was founded in 1925 by Dr. Keshav Baliram Hedgewar, a Nagpur doctor, with the aim to unite Hindus. Hedgewar proposed that Hindus must unite to face challenges and protect the freedom and diversity of Indian civilization. The organization was able to establish itself throughout the country on account of its nationalistic ideology and sacrifices of selfless karyakartas. The "pracharaks" or "full-time workers", who were spread all over the country, and karyakartas helped make RSS the world's biggest social welfare organisation. Also, the organization took part in the Indian independence movement.]

I have calculated a set of under garments that retail for Rs.100, value of cotton in it is just Rs.10 at present highest level. Farmers get only Rs.5 out of this and accounting for cost of seeds, sowing, harvesting and other operations farmer’s net income is just Rs..2.

A cotton farmer’s family of five that may need 20 sets of under garments a year pay Rs.2000 but cotton in under garments is just 3 kgs and he was paid between Rs.50 to Rs.100 and his net income was between Rs.20 to Rs.40.

Ravinder Singh

August22, 2008

http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Vidarbha

http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Religion_ in_India

http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Rashtriya_ Swayamsevak_ Sangh

http://www.iwmi. iwmi-tata_ html/PM2003/ PDF/11_Highlight .pdf

http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Dalit_Buddhist_ movement

Posted by Nagur Rocks

Re: Azadi, Azadi, Azadi, Azadi, Azadi for All - Exclusive (C)

There will always be people having less then others. There will be people having less then you. That’s the way the world is made. And that’s the way the world can, and has survived till now.

NOW, Mukesh or Anil collecting/ wasting or throwing away cash is not causing or prevailing poverty. Keep in mind that all the cash he has is just paper. Its value is decided by the government. We have a system here. A system that allows us to live without killing each other when we please.

Also remember that Mukesh and Anil pay taxes to this system. And I bet they pay more tax then u and me. It really hurts me to see people disliking someone coz of his success or wealth. People deserve the success or not, they have had it. The system was designed to help the people, to remove poverty and ensure safe and dignified lives to the citizen. This System, the government, administrator, police, courts, banks, everything. They are responsible for what we see.

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