Saturday, August 23, 2008

Cancer As a Fungus

Cancer As a Fungus
The opinion of an MD and Oncologist

http://www.illumina articles2/ 00266.html


Category: Health

Published here: Saturday, August 23, 2008, 10:00 AM
Last Updated or Revised: Saturday, August 23, 2008 10:02 AM


Cancer is a fungus?

"Treating" cancer is one of the most lucrative business on earth.

For years, cancer has been called a "mystery."

After spending billions of dollars over many decades, the medical establishment claims not to know the cause of cancer, not to understand its nature, and can only offer expensive and invasive treatments like radiation and highly toxic drugs to treat it.

The strikes me as willful stupidity that conveniently happens to generate many billions of dollars each year that is spread out annually among many tens of thousands of employees of the cancer industry.

I'm not a doctor and don't provide medical advice.

But I can say this:

Cancer, according to those who research and treat it, is a "mystery."

I agree - with this one important qualification:

It's a very *lucrative* mystery for those who keep it mysterious.

One thing that is not mysterious about cancer is as soon as their is a diagnosis, the cash register starts to ring.

Billions upon billions dollars...tens of thousands of people employed...

Cancer, Inc. an industry is as big as making cars or distributing gasoline and the consensus says it's doing the best it can with the knowledge it has.

But what if the cause and cure of cancer were not a mystery?

How ready would this industry - led by the always-ethical pharmaceutical companies - be to consider, let alone research, an alternative view?

Here's an alternative view on cancer: [00:19:36]


Source: http://www.brassche page/398. html

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