Saturday, June 30, 2012

Bull Shit Marxist Ideology!The Marxists Committed Criminal Betrayal once again Supporting Pranab, the Son of the World and the Field Marshal of the Ruling Global Hindutva Hegemony while Mamata Banerjee Dared to Register Revolt against the Market Forc

Bull Shit Marxist Ideology!The Marxists Committed Criminal Betrayal once again Supporting Pranab, the Son of the World and the Field Marshal of the Ruling Global Hindutva Hegemony while Mamata Banerjee Dared to Register Revolt against the Market Forces!

Troubled Galaxy Destroyed Dreams, Chapter-784

Palash Biswas 

Bull Shit Marxist Ideology!The Marxists Committed Criminal Betrayal once again Supporting Pranab, the Son of the World and the Field Marshal of the Ruling Global Hindutva Hegemony while Mamata Banerjee Dared to Register Revolt against the Market Forces!

I did not want to write these lines at all. I opted to be diplomatic considering the role of the to be President of India determining Destiny of indian People as I had to be strategic in defence of the Excommunicated, Excluded, Untouchable Communities and Aborigine Humanscape all over the Geopolitics across the Political borders bleeding and divided.

But Economy taken over by the set of Extraconstitutional Genocide Masters, the Coolest ever rothschild Rockfeller Children, Ethnic Cleansing Nuclear Buttons pushed on, Missilic Reforms launched with ruthless cruelty, Civic and Human Rights violated at will and Citizenship deprived with Biometric Identity drive branding the People`s resistance Maoist Antinational, we have no chance to defend at all, Suicide is the ultimate Option of the Rural world!

Corporate Dictation expressed with maximum magnitude with deling liability of Union Carbide. The Marxist Hypocrite Ideological Gimmicks deprived the people of India the last chances of whatsoever resistance.

GST implemented and DTC in pipeline, GAAR Finished, Black Money recycle intensified, Production system Killed, Constitution murdered, Parliament Paralysed and the great Indian Brahaminical Mraxists branded with Historical blunders betrayed the People of India supporting the Enemy of the People, most responsible for the miserable conditions of the Ninety Nine Percent population of India who headed all most all Parliamentary Committees and Empowerd Groups of Ministers!

Eighteen innocent tribal Villagers, children and women butchered in Chhattisgargh and the Killers rule in India while people like Seema Azad and Binayak Sen are branded Maoists!

Mamata may not be Politically Pragmatic. May be  that she is playing political game, but it is fact that she led from the front to oppose Pranab Mukherjee while the Sangh Parivar was eager to support it`s Blue eyed boy and in fact NDA partners JDU and Shivsena did support Pranab.

The Marxists did support Pranab and did not stand with BJP and Sangh Pariwar, but they have to vote with Shiv Sena, again the front runners amongst the flag bearers of Hindutva.

The Anti Communalism Combat Principle of Bihar CM is open to question as Nitish Kumar has soft heart for the slain Genocide Master, the Bhumihar Mukhia Braham Deo  and his Ranveer Sena.

Hence, I decide to clarify my stance here. What Mamata says, Pranab does not deserve to be the President of India, not even for the sake of Bengali Nationalism. Friends!The Situation is very grim and we have to respond. We  may not sit idle like ducks. No deser may accommodate us to hide our heads to see the storm over. This is right now or Never again!

We know, PA sangma does not represent the Tribal People as he belongs to the elite hegemony and happens to be blood brother of Pranab.What if Sangma revolted against Sonia for her foreign origin, so did Pranab also while he tried all his might to topple Rajiv Gandhi, failed and surrendered to become the Enslaved Executive of Genocide Culture with Surgical Precision. Sangma also do not represent North East.He Never did voice against Criminal Violation of Fifth and Sixth Schedule of the Constitution countrywide, never did oppose AFSPA, the Draconian Rule continued since 1958 in Kashmir and North East. He never did support IROM sharmila on Hunger Strike for Eleven years. But Mamata`s resistance and revolt made sangma the candidate who ensured that Pranab should not be elected Unopposed and it Exposed Sangh Pariwar as well as the Hypocrite Marxists.

At least RSP and CPI justified their left identity deciding to abstain.

Mind you, I never had been blind supporter of Mamata Banerjee . neither I chose to be on her pay roll. But the fact remains that it is just for her courage that Indiscriminate land Acquisition stumbled on Block. She led Singur, Nandigram and Lalgragh resistance. Market forces rallied behind her to dislodge the Marxists who ran so blind on the highway of Capitalist development and disabled Trade Union Movement to allow walk Over for the LPG Mafia , MNCs and Corporate Imperialism.

Mamata opted for a Marxist resistance, ironically opposing Marxism and the Marxist just Killed their ideology to deprive Indian people of whatsoever Resistance. It is only for the Brahaminical Marxist Betrayal that aborigin Humanscape has to opt for either Naxal or Maoist line to address the racial discrimination in  resistance against the Economic Ethnic Cleansing.

Mamata is seized within by power mongers but she is more honest, more determined than our Marxist Friends and the forces claiming to lead anti Communalism Combat. Sachhar Committeee report exposed the Marxists how they misused the Muslim Vote Bank in Bengal. Marichjhanpi case is enough to prove Marxist apathy against the untouchable refugees.

I did say long before that Mamata only needs good advisers and some better friends and she has the potential to lead the people of India. I am afraid to say that we have no other Option!

A new service tax regime, based on a negative list of exempted services, will come into effect on Sunday. Get ready to pay even more. The new 12 per cent additional Service Tax comes into effect from Sunday. The new tax covers all services except 38 activities that are put on the negative list.The switch-over to a negative list is aimed at unifying the tax and levies of the Centre and the States, but is also expected to increase the Centre's Service Tax collection up from Rs 97,000 crore last fiscal to Rs 1.24 lakh crore in 2012-13.Among other things, you will now pay more for speed posts, express parcels as well as train travel by First Class and Air-Conditioned Class.Tickets for travel and holidays bought from online portals too will get costlier.Tests such as GMAT and GRE too will be costlier as companies conducting these examinations will now be subject to Service Tax.Private tuition providers too will be subject to the tax if their annual turnover exceeds Rs 10 lakh.Ironically, on the other hand,On the other hand,The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), on Friday, said that Current Account Deficit (CAD) rose to $78.2 billion (4.2 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP)) in 2011-12 from $ 46 billion (2.7 per cent of GDP) in 2010-11, "largely reflecting higher trade deficit on account of subdued external demand and relatively inelastic imports of POL and gold and silver".It is clear, despite monetary exercise, the Exclusive Economy Bottomless lacks the Fiscal Policies to address the deficits in the Fundamentals while the Taxation is Overloaded against the Excluded Ninety Nine Percent and the One percent Elite has to enjoy all the tax heavens,bailouts, stimulus!

With Manmohan, Montek and C Rangrajan having the helms of Economic affair once again, the Second Phase of reform relaunched boom boom! Second Green revolution to follow up with all sets of financial legislations, simple GOs, Illegal Corporate projects like Unique Identity Adhaar card Yojana and Presidential decrees!Is it the most Opportune time that the Marxists chose to support Pranab Mukherjee just to get back favourable equation in West Bengal to get back Power! What about the dream of Revolution, comrades?What about the Protest against the Indo US nuclear deal which is in fact Operationalised while Pranab`s Presidential candidature was being announced in New Delhi and MONTEK and SIBAL were camping in Washington! What about Union carbide Victims, Comrades?

RBI hiked FII limit in government bonds to USD 20 billion while allowing up to USD 10 billion via overseas borrowings route by domestic corporates for refinancing their rupee loans. The steps are expected to curb rupee's fall, which has lost over 26 per cent in last one year.

But, SENSEX has gained nearly 550 points in the last four days coinciding with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh taking over charge of Finance portfolio and signalling speedy revival of the slowing economic growth. Market players cheered Finance Ministry's proposal that the controversial General Anti-Tax Avoidance Rules (GAAR) would not be applicable below a particular limit. India is likely to see acceleration in economic reforms over the next quarter, and it is the right time to invest in the country as valuations have become reasonable, CII President Adi Godrej has said. Bravo!

It is quite interesting that Former President A P J Abdul Kalam has expressed surprise that Congress did not stake claim to form the government for three days after its stunning victory over NDA in the 2004 elections. Kalam`s exposure tells us the story of Power Politics in India where UPA and NDA are in fact aligned to sustain the Corporate rule and both dictated by Corporate Imperialism and bound by Nuclear alliance led by US and Israel which made India prime partner in America`s war against Terror to open up the Emerging Markets. We are Captured. And the Captured People have no Choice. We have to be plundered and the Earth is destined to be gangraped. The prime targets are Nature and Nature associated Communities!

Hours before the CPI-M Politburo 's meeting in New Delhi to take a call on the Presidential elections and the meeting of the central leadership of the four Left parties on the same issue, veteran Leftist and Mr Ashok Mitra,lambasted the candidature of union finance minister Mr Pranab Mukherjee as the country's next President.  It is fortunate that CPIM is in no Position  to expel or Punish Dr Ashok Mitra . But it did punish the rebel view, nevertheless.The Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) expelled party leader Prosenjit Bose who had attacked the party for supporting UPA candidate Pranab Mukherjee in the presidential race.

"The country is reeling under economic crisis with uncontrolled price rise and here we have a union finance minister who says, if international crude prices go down as well as domestic oil prices are under control and there is a good monsoon this year, then the country's economy might be survive. This sort of "prudence" possessed by the person, who is now being nominated for the post of the country's President! And the party, which controls the ruling coalition at the Centre, is going all guns to seek support for its Presidential candidate and even trying to titillate the feelings of the people by saying that their candidate is home boy and there should be consensus on his candidature. This is a Central government, which can't guarantee food security to its people, but spends crores of taxpayers' money to secure its corrupt ministers," said Mr Mitra while speaking in a seminar organised by the state Left Front committee to mark the foundation day of the LF government in Bengal.  Bose, the convener of party's research unit, had resigned from the party and issued an open letter attacking the party's stand supporting Mukherjee. However, the CPI-M announced it had rejected Bose's letter of resignation and instead expelled him.

"The Politbureau rejects the letter of resignation submitted by Prosenjit Bose, convener of the Research Unit," said a CPI-M statement.

"It rejects the contents of the letter which seeks to malign the political line of the Party. The Polit Bureau expels Prosenjit Bose from the membership of the CPI-M under Article VIII (2) of the party constitution," it said.

In his letter , Bose,a familiar face on TV debates, said the CPI-M had committed a "grave error" by supporting Mukherjee.

Bose, who holds a PhD degree in Economics from Jawaharlal Nehru University, said the party's decision to support Mukherjee was against the line taken by the party congress held earlier this year.

"I protest against the decision by the Polit Bureau to support the candidature of Pranab Mukherjee...I consider this to be a grave error which will harm the party and disturb Left unity," he said in the letter.

Bose also attacked the party leadership, saying they have made "one mistake after another since 2007".

Among the "mistakes", the letter also mentioned the land acquisition in West Bengal, the Nandigram firing and allowing the UPA-I government to approach the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) with the Indo-US nuclear deal.

The left camp was divided over the presidential polls, after the CPI-M and Forward Bloc decided to support Mukherjee in the presidential race, while the Communist Party of India and the Revolutionary Socialist Party (RSP) decided to abstain.

CPI-M has 3.30% votes in the electoral college and Forward Bloc has 0.40%.

Though former chief minister and Politburo member Mr Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee left the venue soon after the seminar started, among Mr Mitra's avid listeners were two other Politburo members, Mr Biman Bose and Dr Surjya Kanta Mishra.

Taking a dig at chief minister and Trinamul Congress supremo Miss Mamata Banerjee, Mr Mitra said: "This lady speaks about ethics, but switches here versions and statements overnight. What she says in the morning turns to something else in the afternoon and she is talking about conscience votes!"  

Among others who spoke at the seminar were journalist Mr N Ram and Prof CP Chandrasekhar of the JNU.

On Saturday, over 40 hours after the "biggest encounter" involving security forces and Maoists in Chhattisgarh, bodies of 19 alleged "hardcore Maoists and Jan Militia members" lay outside their huts in the three villages of Sarkeguda, Kottaguda and Rajpenta in Bijapur.

Villagers alleged no government official had spoken to them or visited their homes, and no autopsies had been carried out on the bodies.

Several bodies appeared to have been brutalised. This correspondent saw deep, hacking cuts, apparently made by axes, on some chests and foreheads. A senior CRPF officer rejected the possibility that the wounds might have been inflicted by security forces. "Our forces have never done such things and will never do this," the officer said.

Bijapur superintendent of police Prashant Agarwal said, "Proper post mortem was conducted in Basaguda thana. A team of doctors visited the thana and a report will be prepared."

Policemen at the thana — where the bodies were kept for about 12 hours before being handed to the families — were unable to say when the post mortem happened. No stitches or other tell-tale marks of an autopsy were visible on the bodies that this correspondent saw in the villages.

At Sarkeguda, the spot deep in the Dandakaranya jungles 520 km south of Raipur where the encounter happened, the stench was overpowering. A rotting pig lay nearby, a bullet in its jaw and two in the torso.

Late in the afternoon, one by one, the villagers began to cremate the bodies.

It sounds rather Funny that  CPI(M) justified its support to UPA Presidential poll nominee Pranab Mukherjee, saying abstention would have not only meant "lining up" with Trinamool Congress but also blunted its intervention in the emerging political scenario.

Noting that both ruling UPA and opposition NDA had been "weakened" as manifested in the way they dealt with the presidential poll, party General Secretary Prakash Karat said it was "necessary to utilise the conflicts and fissures within the ruling alliance between the bourgeois parties. Abstention at this juncture will not help in this regard."

Karat's views in an article in the forthcoming issue of party organ 'People's Democracy' came close on the heels of the expulsion of a youth leader, Prasenjit Bose, who had protested CPI(M)'s support to Mukherjee saying it as a "grave error which will harm the party and disturb Left unity."

The article also came in the wake of some Left parties like CPI, RSP and CPI-ML (Liberation), deciding to abstain from voting in the Presidential poll.

"Abstention in this case would mean lining up with Mamata Banerjee and Trinamool Congress in West Bengal. This would be politically damaging and unacceptable. ... It would (also) blunt the intervention of the party in the developing political scenario," Karat said.

Observing that CPI(M) and other Left parties had been weakened since 2009, he said no illusions should be harboured that "the ruling classes will cease their hostile approach" against the Left, given their "unremitting position" against neo-liberal policies.

Predicting a "renewed push" for neo-liberal reforms that "the big business and international finance capital are clamouring for", he said CPI(M) would like all opposition parties to take a united stand on these issues.

In an account of his innings in Rashtrapati Bhavan in his latest book 'Turning Points", Kalam said that while the Congress emerged the largest party, it did not come forward to stake claim. "In spite of that (being largest party), three days had passed and no party or coalition came forward to form the government. It was a cause of concern for me and I asked my secretaries and rushed a letter to the leader of the the Congress to come forward and stake claim," he has written.

Congress chief Sonia Gandhi met Kalam on May 18 and nominated Manmohan Singh to the PM's post. Kalam said he breathed a sigh of relief after Singh was sworn in on May 22, but he continued to be puzzled that three days went by without any claim. Congress sources said the delay was procedural since the parliamentary party had to meet and elect its leader.

Kalam has recalled the government formation in 2004 as a key event, noting that the task to appoint a PM was very tricky as there was no party with clear majority.

"In this context, the 2004 election was an interesting event. The elections were over, the results had been announced and none of the political parties had the strength to form the government on their own," he recounted.

With the services sector now accounting for 60 per cent of the gross domestic product, the Finance Ministry has set a target of Rs.1.24 lakh crore for service tax collection during 2012-13. This is significantly higher than the Rs.97,000 crore mopped up during the previous fiscal.

As per the negative list-based approach, services such as metered taxis, auto-rickshaws, betting, gambling, lottery, entry to amusement parks, transport of goods or passengers and transmission and distribution of electricity by distribution companies will not come under the service tax net.

Other important services exempted from the levy are solemn activities such as funeral, burial, mutate services and transport of deceased. In the education sector, school and university courses, as also approved vocational studies, have been exempted.

Likewise, auxiliary educational services and renting of immovable property by educational institutions in respect of education will not be taxed. However, coaching classes and training institutions will be taxed.

Among the other services included in the negative list are those provided to government, local authorities or a government authority for repair and maintenance of an aircraft. Likewise, services provided by advocates to other advocates and business entities up to a turnover of Rs. 10 lakh in the preceding financial year will be exempt from the tax.

Services provided by way of public convenience, such as bathroom, washroom, urinals or toilets, are included in the negative list, just as services relating to work contracts for a scheme under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Rural Urban Renewal Mission or the Rajiv Awas Yojana.

On the other hand,The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), on Friday, said that Current Account Deficit (CAD) rose to $78.2 billion (4.2 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP)) in 2011-12 from $ 46 billion (2.7 per cent of GDP) in 2010-11, "largely reflecting higher trade deficit on account of subdued external demand and relatively inelastic imports of POL and gold and silver".

During 2011-12, while growth in exports decelerated sharply to 23.6 per cent (37.5 per cent in 2010-11), imports grew by 31.1 per cent (26.7 per cent).

Imports of oil, up 46.9 per cent, and precious metals, up 49.4 per cent, together contributed nearly 45 per cent of total imports during the year. Notably, international price of the Indian basket of crude oil increased from $85.1 in 2010-11 to $111.9 a barrel in 2011-12. "Consequently, the trade deficit widened to $189.7 billion in 2011-12 from $130.4 billion in 2010-11."

It also said that foreign exchange reserves declined by $12.8 billion for the year ended March 31, 2012, against an increase of $13.1 billion during the previous year.

Foreign exchange reserves (including the valuation effects) declined by $10.4 billion during 2011-12 as against an increase of $25.8 billion, said the RBI.

The valuation gain, reflecting the depreciation of the U.S. dollar against major currencies, accounted for $2.4 billion during 2011-12 compared with $12.7 billion in 2010-11.

"The stress witnessed in India's Balance of Payments (BoP) in the third quarter continued during the fourth quarter of 2011-12 as well due to large increase in imports," the RBI said.

"While capital inflows improved, reflecting significant increase in portfolio investment and non-resident deposits, they fell short of financing requirements, resulting in a drawdown of foreign exchange reserves. The trade deficit during the fourth quarter exceeded $50 billion (10.6 per cent of GDP) and Current Account Deficit rose to $21.7 billion (4.5 per cent of GDP). This was $6.3 billion in the fourth quarter of 2010-11 (1.3 per cent of GDP).

On the Balance of Payments basis, growth in merchandise exports (year-on-year) decelerated sharply to 3.4 per cent during the fourth quarter of 2011-12 from 46.9 per cent during the corresponding quarter of 2010-11. Imports registered a growth of 22.6 per cent compared with 27.7 per cent in the year-ago period.

With export growth remaining substantially lower than import growth, the trade deficit widened to $51.6 billion in the fourth quarter of 2011-12 from $30 billion in the fourth quarter of 2010-11.

"Despite significant improvement in capital inflows in the fourth quarter of 2011-12, there was a drawdown of foreign exchange reserves of $5.7 billion (excluding valuation) as against an increase of $2 billion in the corresponding quarter of 2010-11, mainly because of deterioration in the current account," the apex bank said.

Chief Economic Advisor Kaushik Basu, on Friday, maintained that over the past few months, the government has been making efforts to solve the 'trust problems' with industry without any dilution in recent policies and hoped that with a couple of reforms in place the economy would bounce back from October onwards.

Economy will bounce back

Interacting with journalists on the sidelines of a function here, Dr. Basu said: "We want to work hand-in-hand with industry. There is [an] element of trust problem between industry and the government that has happened. Over the last several months, we were trying to correct it and we will try to correct this as much as possible in the coming months."

Over the last couple of days, there has been a discernible change for the better in business and stock market sentiments after Prime Minister Manmohan Singh took charge of the Finance portfolio from Pranab Mukherjee, who resigned to contest the presidential poll as the UPA's nominee and there has been hectic activity to kick-start the economy.

Asked if the change of guard at the Finance Ministry also signalled a re-think on tax policy issues, Dr. Basu said: "I don't think that any policy step [of recent months] has been diluted…We were giving actually for last couple of months, including during the time when Pranab Mukherjee was the Finance Minister, is the same message, that we want this industry to do well and we want to be as cooperative as possible." Clearing the misconception over, the Prime Minister was building up a 'dream team' — as in 1991 — to push the pending economic reforms, Dr. Basu said: "I don't think that because of reorganisation you are going to see a boost...they are strengthening the economy which we have been working to capitalise on."

Even as economic growth slumped to a nine-year low of 6.5 per cent in 2011-12, Dr. Basu was hopeful of a sharp recovery. "We are hopeful that economy is going to bounce back within 4-5 months. I mean it's October. Before that I can't realistically say that there will be an improvement, but October onwards..." And, "if we can put together a couple of reforms", things would speed up further and GDP growth will pick up any way, he said.

"We have been stressing that we will have to get a couple of reforms in place for which the big stumbling block has been getting all the political parties in the coalition together. So, that we have been working," he said, and without divulging what the reforms would be, went on to add "these [reforms] have been part of government agenda for the last 2-3 months."

Earlier, in his address at the 'Statistics Day 2012' function, organised by the Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation, the Chief Economic Advisor said that the country should pay more attention to business ethos. "How easy it is for you to run a business, to trade, to sell goods abroad, to bring in goods from abroad. It is not easy in India," he said while citing a World Bank report on the ease of doing business in various countries. "It's much harder in India...and this also contributes to us not being able to do that well in term of industry," he said.

Stressing on the need for lesser regulations and easier business procedures, Dr. Basu said the purpose of the government was "not to impede and thwart, but to enable and facilitate, to make life easier. Responsibility of government is to enable and facilitate. This really needs to be stressed…Most Commonwealth [countries] have overhauled a lot of their governance system, we need to work much harder on this."

The BSE benchmark Sensex continued its upward march for the fourth week in a row by surging over 457 points to settle the week at about 2-1/2- month high of 17,429.98 due to all-round buying on the back of clarity on tax-avoidance rules and upbeat global sentiment.

The Sensex ended lower over 90 points on Monday after Reserve Bank announced some measures to stem the rupee fall which fell short of market expectations.

RBI hiked FII limit in government bonds to USD 20 billion while allowing up to USD 10 billion via overseas borrowings route by domestic corporates for refinancing their rupee loans. The steps are expected to curb rupee's fall, which has lost over 26 per cent in last one year.

But, it has gained nearly 550 points in the last four days coinciding with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh taking over charge of Finance portfolio and signalling speedy revival of the slowing economic growth.

Market players cheered Finance Ministry's proposal that the controversial General Anti-Tax Avoidance Rules (GAAR) would not be applicable below a particular limit.

The sentiment was mainly boosted on Friday when reports from Europe suggested that a new plan is being worked out to support the ailing banks of the debt-ridden trading bloc, resulting the Sensex to gain by a whopping over 439 points.

Good capital inflows amid smart recovery in the rupee value and lower global crude oil prices too kept the market in positive terrain. Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) infused over Rs 1,549 crore in the week, including provisional data of June 29.

The rupee bounced back with a vengeance during the week by 154 paise, or 2.69 per cent, to 55.61 yesterday, after registering its all-time intra-trade low of 57.31 on June 22 and also logging a life-time closing low of 57.15 on the same day, giving some relief to the market, mainly import based companies.

India is likely to see acceleration in economic reforms over the next quarter, and it is the right time to invest in the country as valuations have become reasonable, CII President Adi Godrej has said.

The industry is very confident that over the next quarter, "we will see some strong moves in terms of reforms to accelerate growth", Godrej said at the Confederation of Indian Industry's Annual Reception in London last night.

He said the industry has been in dialogue with the government to suggest policy changes that would reignite the process of investment and growth.

Among CII's recommendations are easing of monetary policy, faster implementation of infrastructure projects and control on subsidies.

Godrej said this would be a good time to invest in India, given that valuations have become extremely reasonable.

This week, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh took additional charge of the Finance Ministry after Pranab Mukherjee resigned to contest presidential elections.

Pushed by Singh after he took charge of the Ministry, his top advisors, including Planning Commission Deputy Chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia, and bureaucrats have started working overtime to deal with economic slowdown and low investor sentiment.

Meanwhile, signalling the increasing importance the UK attaches to India, British Minister for Energy and Climate Change Gregory Barker has been given additional responsibility for increasing trade and investment with India.

Barker himself made the announcement at the reception. "I have been given additional responsibility for India by the Prime Minister, David Cameron and am delighted to be making this official announcement here today," Barker said.

He will work along with his colleagues Jeremy Brown, Minister of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, and Lord Green, Minister for Trade.

The move shows the importance that UK gives to India, with three Ministers in the Government having responsibility of increasing bilateral trade and investment relations.

The announcement was received by thunderous applause in the historic Banqueting House, packed to capacity with guests including Ministers, MPs, Lords and Ladies, senior UK Government officials and Chief Executives of a large number of UK, Global and Indian companies.

Earlier in the day, CII in partnership with the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) organised its Annual Conference on "India-UK Partnerships in Reviving and Restoring Economic Growth".

The CII delegation also met UK Chancellor George Osborne, Mayor of London Boris Johnson and Home Affairs Select Committee Chairman Keith Vaz.

Are You As Healthy As Your Blood Pressure?

The phrase "you are what you eat" is quite popular. Perhaps with so many health issues related to blood flow in the body we can now say that you are as healthy as your blood pressure. Normal range is below 120/ 80. As soon those numbers start rise you increase your risk for kidney failure, heart attack, stroke and heart disease.If you have a lot of salt in your diet chances are your blood pressure will be on the higher side unless you are one of the few rare exceptions.

Excessive salt causes fluid to build up in the blood vessels and gets in the way of the kidneys elimination process. This in turn causes an increase in blood volume passing through your artery walls therefore increasing blood pressure. Now if you have a salt sensitivity this drastically increases your blood pressure levels. Imagine if you were to minimize the amount of salt in your diet. Can you imagine how better your blood pressure and health would be?

However, in North America your fast food diet is convenient, inexpensive and well promoted. It's no wonder that over 70 million people in the USA alone have hypertension. In this fast paced world with amazing technology, you are clued to a computer on a daily basis, driving back and forth to work or putting in overtime is there a chance you would make your own healthy lunch after you got home to spend time with your children?

Chances are your blood pressure is a little on the higher side. So what do you? The decision may be a simple choice each day to eat something different that has low amounts of sodium in it. Perhaps you eat an apple instead of a bag of chips or you hold back from putting and salt on your popcorn. Listen a "Big Mac" alone contains 1200mg of sodium! I know it's easy if you are always on the go. I've been there. Most dietitians and hypertension experts recommend less than 2400mg of salt daily to help lower or prevent hypertension.

Listen a "Big Mac" alone contains 1200mg of sodium! Well there you have it. What is your blood pressure and what are you doing about your salt intake? Sometimes making the smallest changes to your eating pattern can lower your hypertension. Most people diagnosed with hypertension nearly always have to take medication; however, if you make a few small changes to your eating pattern you can avoid these blood pressure drugs.

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How to Raise Testosterone Levels

raise testosterone levels Testosterone is a hormone produced by the adrenal gland in both males and females. As we age, testosterone production slows down and the body has a decrease in the amount of free testosterone that is available in the bloodstream. These reduced levels of testosterone can cause a variety of problems including hair loss, irritability, growth of unwanted body hair in women, a reduced libido, and the inability to maintain all of your muscle mass. If you want to counteract some of these problems, there are several ways to increase your testosterone levels naturally so that you can look and feel better.

Raising your testosterone levels can happen if you eat the right kinds of foods. Studies have shown that the proteins in eggs and whey allow the adrenal glands to keep the levels of testosterone in the body steady. Eating fruits and vegetables can also have a positive effect on the levels of testosterone in your body. Because fat contains enzymes that convert testosterone to estrogen, having a lot of fat on your body increases your chances for developing low testosterone levels. Eating fruits and vegetables can help you lose fat and also develop a stronger immune system. Eating meat can also help you to raise your testosterone levels. In a research study, one group of participants ate a vegetarian diet while others ate a diet of meat. Those who ate the meat diet experienced an increase in their testosterone levels. The protein in nuts can also be very beneficial for raising your testosterone levels. Studies have shown that nuts, particularly peanuts, can raise testosterone levels better than other foods.

Weight bearing exercises are also an excellent way to help increase the levels of testosterone in your body. Instead of training one or two of your small muscles, you should concentrate on training large muscle groups to get the maximum effect of these exercises on your testosterone levels. When you are doing these exercises, doing a heavy workload can also maximize the benefits of this type of exercise when it comes to increasing your testosterone levels. Instead of doing many repetitions with a low amount of weight, do five repetitions with a weight that is difficult for you to lift. Working large muscles groups by using a heavy workload has been shown to help with your efforts to increase testosterone levels in your body.

Several ways of increasing your testosterone levels are actually very common-sense approaches to health and wellness. One method of increasing your levels is to limit the amount of alcohol you consume. Consuming alcohol makes your body slow down its production of testosterone and other hormones because it is busy processing the alcohol to clear it out of your system. Another method of raising your levels is to get enough sleep at night. Scientific research shows that people who get a good night's sleep are able to maintain higher testosterone levels than those who are sleep-deprived. If your levels are low, try changing your sleeping habits to get a better night's sleep. Following all of these natural methods of increasing your testosterone can raise your levels and make you look and feel better.

More Information About Muscle Building Click Here

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Learn Photoshop Like A Pro

At the dawn of computer generation, image editing was made more efficient and remarkable by various photo editing software. But when people talk about the world leader in digital image editing, Adobe Photoshop takes center stage.

Photoshop is, above all else, a superior image editing tool, one that will always be remembered best as the software that forever changed the way the world looks. In many ways, Photoshop has become almost indistinguishable from photo or image editing. And as technology advances, it has become one of the most proficient tools in creating web-based images.For all of their bells and whistles, however, Photoshop still serves best when used with Photoshop tutorials. Many people are familiar with Photoshop but not all of them are fully capable of managing the tricks and tips of the program. Hence, Photoshop tutorials can facilitate the full use of the software for better image editing.

There are so many websites that offer Photoshop tutorials nowadays. The best thing about Photoshop tutorials is that people can access them for free. Hence, they can learn many things about photo editing and other services needed to enhance the images.

When it comes to Photoshop tutorials, there are so many factors to consider in order to get the lessons you need to know. Some may go for the advanced tutorials while others may find basic Photoshop tutorials beneficial. If you really want to learn the basic tips and tricks in Photoshop, you may find these Photoshop tutorials useful:

1. Photographic effects
With the help of digital cameras, photographers nowadays can really make wonders on their images. However, with the help of Photoshop, they can truly create a new perception of the world. Professionals know how to do their thing but ordinary people cannot. Hence, with the help of Photoshop tutorials, they can create different photographic effects in their images the way the experts do.

2. Lighting
With light, you can create different moods in the picture. Through the use of lenses, flares, and other lighting effects, images may appear surreal, romantic, or morbid. Photoshop tutorials can teach you the basic tips in creating different lighting effects to achieve the mood that you want.

3. Touch ups
This is the most basic section of Photoshop tutorials. In fact, this is what Photoshop is all about. People would want to enhance their pictures. If the camera may not seem to do the tricks, Photoshop can fix it. All you have to learn is to identify the basic steps in doing touch ups. With Photoshop tutorials on touch ups you can even make an old picture look new or arrange some flaws and make it more appealing.

4. Image presentation
Photoshop tutorials can give your picture a good lift from the ordinary. You can make two people appear together in the picture even if they were taken separately. Photoshop tutorials will teach you various means of presenting your picture — totally different from the way you have captured the moment. You can mix and match, combine and contrast, or simply create a new background without having to take a new shot. You just need to learn the basic Photoshop tutorials on image presentations.

So if your books and magazines cannot tell you more than what you need to know about image editing, hook yourself to the Internet and learn the different image editing tips and tricks through Photoshop tutorials.

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When Should You Increase The Weight?



Copyright © 2006 Marc David
Without progression, the body has no reason to adapt and that leads to stagnant training. Which is known as the dreaded PLEATEU.
If you aren't making gains with your current program, then you aren't going to achieve the results you want. A big mistake many people make is finding a program and sticking with it even if the program isn't producing results.
"If you keep on doing what you've always done, you'll keep on getting what you've always got." — W. L. Bateman
A common belief is that if you just stick with the program, results are inevitable.
Think about this…
If you aren't seeing results on a MONTHLY basis in some capacity, it's time to change the training protocol.
99% of success comes from having a well formulated plan. A good plan includes tracking your progress. By monitoring your nutrition, body composition, and keeping a training journal, you will be able to see how you are progressing or if you are not making any progress. Keeping some type of journal will allow you to make educated decisions on when and if it's time to change your training load (the weight you are lifting).
If you do not set specific goals, and if you do not monitor the own progress toward those goals, then how can you assess if you are making progress?
Your training program should always be focused on progression to meet your overall goals. This is where having a specific goal and timetable is important. You don't want to just training the same way for an extended period of time and hope for results.
But let me go back to the beginning of your question and let's find out if there is a simple way to figure out when to increase the weight you are using in your training program.
Graves and Baechle developed a dynamic formula to assess when progression is necessary called the 2-for-2 Rule. They said that "if you can successfully complete two or more repetitions in the last set in two consecutive workouts for any given exercise the load should be increased."
For example, 3 sets of 8 repetitions may be prescribed for a particular exercise. When you can complete 2 more repetitions (i.e. 10 reps) on the final set for 2 consecutive sessions the weight should be increased.
The International Sports and Science Association (ISSA) recommends a load increase of 2% to 5% percent for advanced trainees and 5% to 10% percent for new and intermediate trainees.
But first a warning: Advanced athletes who are beyond these guidelines will probably need to adjust the ranges as necessary where a beginner might not. The reason for this is the beginner has much more room from improvement than a seasoned athlete.
Another reason for this is that a beginner has a lot of neural transformations occurring rather than muscle hypertrophy. Improved motor unit synchronization and the recruitment of new motor units account for this faster rate of progression. This is one reason that new strength athletes will progress in strength faster than muscle size.

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Truth is that each time you rewrite article you increase your online presence


If you have been writing articles for a short time or are a beginner, you can find the results you get from article marketing is a bit slow, especially at first. Although in general, things start slowly, especially with article marketing, you can now easily create and submit your articles online with the assistance of the modern internet technologies.

This is the smartest thing you can do to jumpstart your rewriting so that you achieve the greatest results from your efforts. So if you want to find some steps to jumpstart your rewriting, please read the following…

1. It is imperative that you are very knowledgeable about the subject, on which you want to write or rewrite article. Your topic or niche is the second thing you must know to perfection! You should know everything there is to know to help you write and rewrite article as fast as you can. If you are a beginner and need to add-on with some research, then by all means, do so. You will not be able to speed up your writing and rewriting until you know your stuff from the inside out.

2. Get into the habit of writing articles on a daily basis. The more articles you write, less research is going to be needed and the faster you will be able to write and rewrite. The more you know about the chosen topic, the better the quality of the article. In addition, your readers will recognize this. By all means, check out what some critics say about your chosen themes and make sure you strive to write more articles on a daily basis.

3. You can always rewrite article that was previously used on your website and publish it to article directories. Once you create a single new article, you are encouraged to rewrite two or three times more if you want to. Neither of the two or three articles should be something like the original article. You can change the whole body of the article or simply change some words and some phrases in the original article.

4. Instead of writing the 400 – or 500-word article, you can reduce the number to about 350. This means that with each article you write faster, you can focus more attention on the amount of your articles. Note that the content title for each article must be of the highest quality.

Otherwise, there is absolutely no point in creating articles that, if your readers are not going to click and read them.

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The Best Energy Device

The notion of free energy from resources is a recent innovation and a big progress. Believe it or not, a machine that controls free energy was created more than a century ago. The creator was none other than Nicole Tesla, he was and he still is considered by many people as the father of electricity. In 1899, at Shoreham, Long Island, Tesla did create a huge transmitter, a powerful machine that could switch radiant energy from the atmosphere to electrical energy. Then again, his radical creation did not obtain the publicity that he deserved EnergyByTesla, so he did remain in obscurity even today.

 Instead of being delighted by this invention, the financier feared that it will have a huge impact on electrical companies, so he refused to fund this project. Over the centuries, numerous competent and reliable equipments have been created that did enable the switch of power from free reserves to electrical power. A Free Energy system was created with deep knowledge and precise attention. Such systems can be set up in your house without any problem and with a little knowledge. They will provide for you the energy that you require for several years. After you will set up this system, you can forget about electricity bills! Tesla was been obsessed with an idea to give the world with the free energy as well as went to work by perfecting generation of the electrical power without use of the solar, fuels, and wind. He will pull electrical power from " vacuum". He will as well demonstrate transmission of the electric power without any wires.

Making use of "Shoeman Cavity", 60km of high area between earth & bottom of Ionosphere & charged with the megawatts of an electrical power just by lightning the bolts that are generated all over the world, Tesla demonstrated the transmission of the electrical power at many kilometres. And he lit the fluorescent lamps just by holding them with field he had made. Tesla demonstrated transmission of the electrical power by waves of the energy passing through earth lighting lamps 25 kilometres from laboratory.

Also, it was at point Tesla was been introduced to infamous banker & financier, and JP Morgan. Tesla then convinced Morgan he can build worldwide broadcasting system, which will make millions. And Morgan invested promptly & Tesla started Wardenclyff Tower project.

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The Road To Success

Make Money OnlineCurrently, there are thousands of online enthusiasts who are taking the plunge and joining the community of affiliate marketers. With e-commerce booming, and the internet dominating the business world, becoming an affiliate marketer is a very wise choice.

To be successful with affiliate marketing, it's always best to learn the basics of the affiliate marketing business, then realize what sacrifices will need to be made for you to accomplish your goals. To get to the top of affiliate marketing, you'll need to make the necessary sacrifices.

Before you join any type of program, you should learn as much as possible about the company. It's actually very easy to research companies, as search engines are easily the one of the most primary sources for information. To be on the safe side, you should ensure that the program and company has been operating for several years – which can be easily and properly verified.

If the company has just started, make sure that the owner has good credibility. Although becoming an affiliate marketer doesn't have to be a complex task, you should always use caution.

Many individuals are under the impression that you can earn a lot of money with affiliate marketing and not have to invest a penny. Even though the majority of these programs are free to join, you'll have to invest money at some point in time during your affiliate marketing career.

More than likely, this money will be used for advertising and the promotion of web sites. In most scenarios however, the amount of money spent will be earned back with a little bit of time.

Making it as an affiliate marketer will take time, effort, and a lot of hard work. The more of these qualities you put into your business, the greater the success you'll achieve. You should always be willing and ready to stick with your program to build up your earnings.

You'll also need to design a variety of different strategies and methods, which range from creating web sites to product promotion. You'll also need to advertise, as well as keep in constant contact with your affiliates. You should be ready to put in the most time during the first few months of your program, as once your network begins to get established, your work load will lighten.

Even though the system of affiliate marketing may seem overwhelming at first, you should realize that you are surrounded by online support. A lot of the individuals who join affilate programs are new to the business.

Many organizations and companies have around the clock support forums and customer support for those affiliates who need advice or assistance. A lot of web sites are equipped with e-books, tutorials, articles, and tips that will make your quest of becoming an affiliate marketer a little bit easier.

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Symptoms of Tinnitus


Tinnitus is actually a rather common condition. The majority of people will experience ringing in their ears at some point in their lives, to one degree or another. Tinnitus is actually a complex condition because of the wide variety of potential causes for tinnitus. Usually tinnitus itself is actually a symptom of some other underlying condition. It can be a very difficult problem to deal with and can lead to other problems such as irritability, insomnia, and depression. It's best to see a doctor when you believe that you may be suffering from tinnitus. There are several symptoms that you can look for to figure out if you are perhaps suffering from tinnitus.

The main symptom of tinnitus is hearing a sound that isn't actually there. It is usually a ringing, but it can actually manifest in a variety of different sounds. Some examples are:
· Hissing
· Whistling
· Roaring
· Buzzing
· Clicking
· Humming

The sound can be heard in just one or both ears. It can be any pitch and can actually vary in pitch depending on other circumstances. Some people will only notice the tinnitus in very quiet situations, but for others it is a constant presence. There are some cases where the tinnitus can be heard by someone else using a stethoscope, but in most cases the ringing can only be heard by the sufferer.

There are a number of other general side effects that come along with most cases of tinnitus. It is difficult for them to hear external noises or to concentrate on what they're doing. They are usually worse in quiet situations where there aren't any external noises to compete with the tinnitus. Stress and anxiety will make tinnitus worse in all sufferers. Stress causes muscles to tighten and blood pressure and heart rate to go up. All these can intensify tinnitus, making it more stressful. Tinnitus does affect everyone differently, which is why some are able to easily live with their condition while others need a lot of help.

It's good to remember that tinnitus is a symptom of an underlying cause. It could be anything from a medical condition, hearing loss related to age, or damage from prolonged exposure to loud noises. Even if an exact cause can't be figured out by you or your doctor, there are still plenty of treatment options that provide amazing results.

One of the newer (and more effective) solutions for tinnitus that has come to surface is called Goodbye Tinnitus. This program is completely accessed online. It includes an easy to read ebook that explains everything there is to know about tinnitus. Not only are the necessary basics covered, but also all the known (an not so well known) treatment options available. The main solution discussed in this ebook is a unique 4-step treatment plan. This specific plan addresses tinnitus at its core, and from every aspect, making relief much easier to achieve compared to the typical solutions found elsewhere. Also included are dozens of tinnitus maskers, ranging from specialized noise frequencies, nature sounds, and man made sounds. From our research, Goodbye Tinnitus seems to be the most effective solution available. No other solution fights tinnitus in such a complex, yet simple and effective manner.

More Information To Tinnitus Relief Click Here

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Plus Size Fashion Skyrockets

America's plus size community is expanding. Studies show that the average dress size in the United States is already size 14. Furthermore, according to a research company, the sales of the plus-size women's clothes increased by 7 percent. These are evidences that the population of the plus sized people are indeed growing.

To remove the idea that skinny is the only way to be beautiful, there are have been many fashionable clothes that are made for the plus size person. Plus size clothes no longer hang in the end of the rack but are a whole new category of clothes. Indeed, a perfect 10 is not needed to sport the latest trends in fashion.

Clothes for plus size people are differently designed. These target the possible problem areas that a typical plus size people may encounter. Here are some reminders to keep up with the plus size fashion

• Keep accessories near the neck and sleeves. Scarves and stoles have worked wonders in the whole outfit. These divert attention from flabby arms and/or broad shoulders. For an illusion of slimness, wrap it around or across your shoulders.

• Do not highlight the problem areas (arm, hips and waist) with bold prints, bright colors and accessories. Horizontal stripes are not recommended if they are thick because they will only make you look wider. Thin horizontal stripes are fine because from a far they seem to look like a solid color. NOTE: color and pattern are not as essential as shape and fit.

• Embroidery is suggested to be near the skirt hemline. Cover the hips, if it is a problem area, with long tops

• Tops should slightly clingy to the waist to provide a slimming look. However, it shouldn't be too clingy or too loose either. Never wear anything that would make you look like that you are wearing a tent. Wide necklines are suggested.

* Choose fabrics that fit great and give structure. Fabrics that cling at the problem areas are of course not recommended. Heavier fabrics and heavier weight cotton are the ones suggested for plus size women. These fabric controls the body shape rather than body shape the clothes.

* Choosing the right hairstyle is also essential to prevent highlighting puffy cheeks and adding on a slimming illusion to your face

Following these reminders may aid the average plus size person in choosing the right clothes and accessories for them. Here are some basic items that would look fabulous on those plus size women.

1. Wide-leg trousers. Be sure that it fitting on the your body's widest part and would just flow straight down.

2. V-neck tops. This kind of tops makes your neck look longer. Thus, making you look taller.

3. A-line skirts. This kind of skirt gives you the hourglass figure. It also goes great with a lot of other clothes.

Today, plus size does not mean fat. It has already established its reputation in the fashion scene that it can be both sexy and sophisticated. In fact, more stores have added plus sizes in their racks to cater to more customers. Indeed, the plus size fashion skyrocketed in the market.

Fashion has a great impact in ones society. Sometimes, we cannot escape that society would somehow dictate what looks good or not. However, with the right clothes and right attitude, your feeling gorgeous and sexy wouldn't be so hard in any size.


Source 4 Foods Never To Eat

Rogue PvP Guides

The Rogue is one of the most fun classes to play in World of Warcraft. Their plethora of abilities, lockpicking, stealthing, and poisons give them a multitude of ways to take on enemies that no one else is quite capable of pulling off. That said, they are also one of the most complex classes to play in the game for that exact reason. While they can rule in PvP , many players find themselves needing a good Rogue PvP Guide to help them through the process of mastering the Rogue's many techniques and taking out nearly any opponent.

What's So Great About a Rogue?

Rogues are essentially the best DPS dealers in the game, but unlike the other big DPSers out there, Rogues are incredibly agile, combining the speed of the Hunter with the raw melee power of the Warrior and the crowd control of a Warlock. Against a truly skilled Rogue, most players stand little chance and that's for good cause. However, because a Rogue is so inherently at advantage on paper, the dynamics of their attacks are not easy to pull off. Rogue PvP Guides exist in abundance for players who want to learn how to truly take advantage of their methods though.

Primarily, Rogues start matches out of stealth because they can land openers into combos that will stun the opponent. A good Rogue PvP Guide will provide outlines of what these combos do to the opponents and how to maintain them. Called Stunlocks, Rogues who are sufficiently skilled can lock down and hold certain classes in place for the entirety of combat, never letting them get a strike off – killing them in one smooth combo. However, there are other small bits to a Rogue's strategy, as outlined in the Rogue PvP Guides including which poisons to use, when to strike and how to get back out of combat to reopen from stealth.

What a Good Rogue PvP Guide Does

The essence of a good Rogue PvP Guide is that it helps to provide a series of solid, well structured strategies that guide Rogues through the process of fighting and defeating essentially any enemy they might face. With that in mind, players are often overwhelmed if they don't have one. Learning how to stunlock is hard enough, with its precise timing and detailed positioning, but the use of poisons, dropping combat, and using evasion are all precision skills. It is almost required for any Rogue PvP newbie to get pick up a good Rogue PvP Guide if they want to be effective.

Learn how your rogue can start dominating the battlefield and achieve over 2200 honor rating in as little as 38 days at


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Plantar Fasciitis – Common Symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis

Most frequent symptoms of plantar fasciitis are a strong burning (as if someone is holding a match to the bottom of your foot) or sharp pain in the arch of the foot, usually close to the heel. You may also experience pain behind your toes, and sometimes across the bottom of your foot.Plantar fasciitis sufferers most frequently report pain after short periods of rest and can be the most painful when you awake in the morning but the pain may start to subside as your feet warm up. The most common and sure sign of plantar fasciitis is painful feet in the morning. If you catch yourself frequently saying to yourself in the morning, "My feet are killing me", there is significant possibility that you suffer from plantar fasciitis.

If you are on your feet for an extended period of time than you are accustomed to, or walk or run on different terrain than you normally would, you may entice a bout of plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis pain will flare up and be at its worst usually the day after these rare occurrences.

Below is a list of common conditions that sometimes get categorized as plantar fasciitis:

o The pain of bursitis is only experienced quite far back on the heel.

o If at night, you experience radiating, burning pain, numbness and tingling, the root cause is more likely to be something other than plantar fasciitis.

o Tarsal tunnel syndrome in particular causes diffuse symptoms all over the bottom of the foot.

o You experience extreme pain in your foot the longer you are on your feet, then you may very well have a stress fracture and you should seek immediate medical help.

o Your heel bone maybe bruised from a sudden blow or impact of your heel to a solid force and can quite often feel like plantar fasciitis.

o A condition called "fat pad syndrome" involves wasting away of the softness on the bottom of the heel.

Similar symptoms of plantar fasciitis can be also confused with the following conditions:

o A tumor in the heel bone would cause a deeper, duller pain than plantar fasciitis, and of course other signs of failing health as things get worse.

o A disease called Paget's disease also causes foot pain – but is associated with bowed shin bones, a hunchback, and headaches.

o Calcaneal apophysitis (Sever's disease) occurs only in adolescents and is limited to the back of the heel, where plantar fasciitis never goes.

Plantar fasciitis is as just as stubborn as all the other repetitive strain injuries. Once it sets in, it's not uncommon to have a recovery time as much as 2 years. The secret to success in beating and treating any injury is to avoid poor medical advice and to try to work around a limb of the body that we depend and rely on so much.

Most health professionals do not believe that the condition is inherently slow-healing, just awkward to treat. Be sure to check out this great plantar fasciitisresource, especially if you are suffering from foot pain and want a step-by-step program to beat it.

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Online Records Retrieval 3


Trying to track down an old friend can be challenging. There are some website that promise to provide you with a current address, but most people find that their correspondence is sent back because the person no longer lives at that address. This makes trying to re-connect with someone who is missing from your life very difficult. For this reason, many people decide to end searches because they are faced with too many dead ends and become discouraged.
Going the traditional route can be even more discouraging. In order to get access to many records, you will have to visit different offices, fill out different forms, and wait in very long lines. In large cities or counties, this can mean that you will be driving for hours in order to get everything you need. If the individual is from another state, it is likely that you would have to travel from that state in order to obtain their records. At this rate, a complete background search may take you several days or weeks. Who needs that hassle? is a simple and straightforward web site anyone with a computer can use. You will not have to drive, fill out forms, or wait in line in order to get the answers you need. In fact, all you need to do in order to access over one billion public records is the state in which the person resides and the person's first and last name. Once you click the enter button, does all of the work for you.
In a matter of seconds, you will have all the information that you need at your fingertips. Some of the records that you will be able to access include: marriage records, birth records, arrest records, divorce records, any tax liens or judgments filed against the individual, convictions, and bankruptcy information. All of this information can be used by you in order to determine if you want to invite this person back into your life.
Should you decide to contact this individual, can provide you with an address list for the individual spanning the last twenty years. You will also be provided with a telephone number, even if that phone number is currently unlisted and not in the local phone book. If the individual has a cell phone, that number may also be provided by
If you decide against contacting the individual after you have conducted your own background check, no one will be the wiser. Unlike other sites, the individual will have no knowledge that someone is looking closely at their records. is discrete and private, so you can be assured that no one but you will ever know you conducted an investigation.
Trying to connect with someone from your past does not need to be an arduous task. Use and get all the answers you need instantaneously, without having to leave the comfort and privacy of your own home.

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