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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Dissatisfied with 300% pay rise, MPs hold up Lok Sabha

Dissatisfied with 300% pay rise, MPs hold up Lok Sabha

सांसदों को चाहिए 5 गुना इंक्रीमेंट, किसान मांग रहे मौत

दैनिक भास्कर - ‎54 मिनट पहले‎
नई दिल्ली. देश की राजधानी नई दिल्ली में सांसद अपना वेतन 80 हजार रुपये प्रति माह करने के लिए लड़ रहे हैं, जबकि झारखंड के सूखा प्रभावित एक गांव के दो हजार किसान जान देने के लिए राष्ट्रपति से इच्छा मृत्यु की इजाजत चाह रहे हैं। खेती बर्बाद हो जाने के चलते पूरे गांव ने सामूहिक रूप से अर्जी दी है कि अगर सरकार उन्हें कोई मदद नहीं दे सकती तो मरने की इजाजत ही दे दे। मानसून में बारिश नहीं होने के कारण झारखंड की हालत खराब है। ...

तीन गुना वेतन बढने पर भी सांसद मांगे ओर

खास खबर - ‎3 घंटे पहले‎
मुंबई। केंद्र सरकार ने शुक्रवार को सांसदों के वेतन में तीन गुना और भत्तों में दोगुने की वृद्धि संबंधी प्रस्ताव को मंजूरी दे दी लेकिन इस वृद्धि से असंतुष्ट सांसदों ने लोकसभा की कार्यवाही में बाधा पैदा की। सांसदों का वेतन 16 हजार रूपये प्रति माह से बढ़ाकर 50 हजार रूपये करने का प्रस्ताव है। मंत्रिमंडल की बैठक में वेतन और भत्तों में वृद्धि संबंधी विधेयक को मंजूरी दे दी गई। सांसदों का कहना है कि उनका वेतन संसदीय समिति की ...

बढ़े वेतन से नाखुश सांसदों का हंगामा

डी-डब्लू वर्ल्ड - ‎5 घंटे पहले‎
भारत सरकार ने सांसदों का वेतन 16 हजार रुपये से बढ़ाकर 50 हजार रुपये कर दिया है. लेकिन विपक्षी सांसदों की मांग है कि इसे 80 हजार रुपये किया जाए. इस मुद्दे पर शुक्रवार को लोकसभा में खासा हंगामा हुआ. सांसदों की वेतन वृद्धि के मुद्दे पर जब सदन में "सांसदों का अपमान बंद करो" और "संसदीय समिति की रिपोर्ट को लागू करो" जैसे नारे गूंजने लगे तो स्पीकर मीरा कुमार को सदन की कार्यवाही स्थगित करनी पड़ी. समाजवादी पार्टी, बीएसपी, जेडी (यू), ...

वेतन 16से50 हजार हुआ, भत्ते भी बढ़े, फ़िर भी सांसद नाखुश

प्रभात खबर - ‎5 घंटे पहले‎
नयी दिल्ली: सांसदों के वेतन में तीन गुना वृद्धि (तीन सौ फीसदी) को केंद्रीय कैबिनेट ने शुक्रवार को मंजूरी दे दी. सांसदों के वेतन अब 16 हजार रुपये से बढ़ कर 50 हजार रुपये हो जायेंगे. इसके अलावा अन्य भत्तों को भी दोगुना कर दिया गया है. सांसदों की पेंशन भी आठ हजार रुपये से बढ़ा कर 20 हजार रुपये कर दी गयी है. जो सांसद पांच साल से ज्यादा का कार्यकाल पूरा कर चुके हैं, उन्हें पांच साल के बाद अतिरिक्त कार्यकाल के लिए पेंशन के तौर पर हर साल ...

300 फीसदी इंक्रीमेंट पर भड़के लालू-मुलायम, 500 फीसदी की मांग

दैनिक भास्कर - ‎16 घंटे पहले‎
नई दिल्ली. सांसदों का वेतन 300 फीसदी बढ़ाने के फैसले पर कैबिनेट का मन चार दिन में ही बदल गया, पर सांसदों का मन इससे नहीं भरा। शुक्रवार को कैबिनेट ने सांसदों के वेतन बढ़ोतरी के प्रस्ताव को मंजूरी दे दी। इसके बावजूद लोकसभा में जोरदार हंगामा हुआ। इस वजह से सदन की कार्यवाही तक स्थगित करनी पड़ी। विपक्षी सांसदों ने 300 फीसदी की वेतन बढ़ोतरी पर नाखुशी जताते हुए इसे 500 फीसदी किए जाने की जोरदार मांग की। आरजेडी के अध्यक्ष लालू प्रसाद ...

3 गुना बढ़ोतरी पर भी नाखुश

Business standard Hindi - ‎14 घंटे पहले‎
केंद्रीय कैबिनेट द्वारा सांसदों के वेतन वृद्धि को मंजूरी दिए जाने के बाद अब सभी सांसदों की मासिक आमदनी बढ़कर 1.02 लाख रुपये हो गई है। प्रधानमंत्री मनमोहन सिंह की अध्यक्षता में आज सुबह हुई केंद्रीय मंत्रिमंडल ने इस बारे में गठित सांसदों की समिति की सिफारिशों पर विचार करने के बाद उनका मूल वेतन 16 हजार से बढ़ाकर 50 हजार रुपये प्रति महीना करने को मंजूरी दे दी है। हालांकि समिति ने सांसदों के मूल वेतन में पांच गुना बढ़ोतरी कर ...

सियासी-शो में लालू की शो-मैनशिप

दैनिक भास्कर - ‎१७-०८-२०१०‎
नई दिल्ली सियासी-शो की पटकथा में लालू प्रसाद के खालिस डायलॉग मिले तो पूरा एपीसोड ही राजद सुप्रीमो के इर्दगिर्द सिमट कर रह गया। सांसदों की वेतन वृद्धि के पार्लियामेंट-शो में लालू की शो-मैनशिप सिर चढ़ कर बोली। और लालू भी अपने रौ में खूब बोले। न केवल सांसदों के वेतन को बढ़ाना उन्होंने जायज करार दिया बल्कि कैबिनेट की बैठक में विधेयक को अटकाने वाले कुछ मंत्रियों को भी उन्होंने अपने खास अंदाज में जमकर खरी-खोटी सुनाई। ...

सांसदों की वेतन वृद्धि के मुद्दे पर प्रमुख राजनीतिक दलों की समीक्षा

That's Hindi - ‎१८-०८-२०१०‎
नई दिल्ली। वित्त मंत्री प्रणव मुखर्जी ने मंगलवार को लोकसभा में सांसदों के वेतन वृद्धि पर विधेयक लाने का प्रस्ताव रख कर सदन में भूचाल ला दिया है। उन्होने लोकसभा में कहा, "सरकार सांसदों की वेतन वृद्धि के लिए विधेयक यथा संभव जल्द से जल्द पेश करने के लिए तैयार है। सांसद वेतन-भत्ता अधिनियम, 1954 में संशोधन के लिए एक विधेयक पेश करना है। हम इसी सत्र में इस विधेयक को लाने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं।" जहां एक ओर भारत की जनता रोज बढ़ती महंगाई ...

इंक्रीमेंट नहीं होने से लालू नाराज, कहा-हो रहा सांसदों का अपमान

दैनिक भास्कर - ‎१७-०८-२०१०‎
नई दिल्ली. करीब दो दशक से मुख्यमंत्री, रेल मंत्री और सांसद रहने वाले लालू प्रसाद यादव वेतन वृद्धि नहीं होने से खासे नाराज हैं। उन्होंने सांसदों की तनख्वाह 300 फीसदी बढ़ाने वाले प्रस्ताव का विरोध करने वाले कैबिनेट मंत्रियों को आड़े हाथों लिया है। मंगलवार को लोकसभा में लालू यादव और समाजवादी पार्टी नेता मुलायम सिंह ने शून्यकाल में सांसदों के वेतन और भत्तों का मामला उठाया। बीजेपी के अलावा सभी दलों के सांसदों ने उनका साथ ...

सांसदों के वेतन भत्ते के मुद्दे पर संसद में हंगामा

याहू! जागरण - ‎१७-०८-२०१०‎
नई दिल्ली। संसद में मंगलवार को विभिन्न दलों के सदस्यों ने सांसदों का वेतन भत्ता बढ़ाए जाने के फैसले को केंद्रीय मंत्रिमंडल द्वारा टाले जाने पर भारी हंगामा किया, जिसके कारण लोकसभा की कार्यवाही करीब दो घंटे के लिए स्थगित करनी पड़ी और राज्यसभा की कार्यवाही भी कुछ देर के लिए बाधित हुई। लोकसभा में प्रश्नकाल समाप्त होते ही राजद के लालू प्रसाद ने यह मामला उठाते हुए कहा कि वेतन भत्ता के मामले में सांसदों को नीचा दिखाने का काम ...

जल्द बढ़ेगी सांसदों की पगार

दैनिक भास्कर - ‎१७-०८-२०१०‎
नई दिल्ली. संसद सदस्यो के वेतन में बढोत्तरी संबंधी विधेयक संसद के मौजूदा मानसून सत्न में ही लाया जायेगा। वित्त मंत्नी प्रणव मुखर्जी ने आज लोकसभा में कहा कि सरकार को सांसदों के वेतन बढ़ाने के संबंध में गठित संयुक्त संसदीय समिति की रिपोर्ट मिल गयी है और इस रिपोर्ट के आधार पर सरकार संसद के मौजूदा सत्न में विधेयक लायेगी ताकि 1954 के कानून में संशोधन करके सांसदों का वेतन बढ़ाया जा सके। गौरतलब है कि केन्द्रीय कैबिनेट की कल हुयी ...

सांसदों के वेतन पर मीरा तटस्थ

वेबदुनिया हिंदी - ‎१७-०८-२०१०‎
सांसदों के वेतन बढ़ाए जाने की माँग पर लोकसभा अध्यक्ष मीरा कुमार ने कहा कि वह इस मुद्दे पर 'तटस्थ' रहना पसंद करेंगी। इस मुद्दे पर कई दलों के सदस्यों के भारी हंगामें की वजह से लोकसभा की बैठक दो घंटे के लिए स्थगित किए जाने के बाद अध्यक्ष ने कहा कि फिलहाल इस मुद्दे पर सदन में आपने हंगामा और सांसदों के अलग-अलग विचार देखे। उन्होंने कहा कि जब सदन में मत भिन्नता हो तो अध्यक्ष, जिससे तटस्थता की अपेक्षा की जाती है, उसे अपने विचार ...

तीन गुना वेतन बढ़ने पर भी सांसद संतुष्ट नहीं, संसद में किया हंगामा

खास खबर - ‎22 घंटे पहले‎
नई दिल्ली। राष्ट्रीय जनता दल (राजद) और समाजवादी पार्टी नेता केंद्रीय मंत्रिमंडल द्वारा सांसदों का वेतन तीन गुना बढ़ाए जाने से संतुष्ट नहीं है। इन दलों ने इस वेतन वृदि्ध को कम बताते हुए शुक्रवार को लोकसभा में विरोध करते हुए जमकर हंगामा मचाया। इसके चलते लोकसभा की कार्यवाही दूसरी बार स्थगित करनी प़डी है। गौरतलब है कि केबिनेट ने आज ही बैठक कर सांसदों के वेतन बढ़ोतरी की मंजूरी दी है। अब इस बिल को लोकसभा में पेश किया जाएगा। ...

तीन गुना हुआ वेतन, फिर भी खुश नहीं सांसद

एनडीटीवी खबर - ‎22 घंटे पहले‎
सांसदों की तनख्वाह तीन गुना करने के फैसले से भी कुछ सांसद खुश नहीं है और इस पर संसद में हंगामा मचा रहे हैं। लोकसभा में सांसदों की तनख्वाह को लेकर हंगामे के बाद कार्रवाई स्थगित करनी पड़ी। लालू यादव के नेतृत्व में कुछ सांसदों ने तनख्वाह को कैबिनेट सेक्रेटरी की तनख्वाह से ज्यादा करने की मांग की है। इससे पहले, केंद्रीय कैबिनेट ने सांसदों की तनख्वाह बढ़ाने से संबंधित बिल को अपनी मंजूरी दे दी है। अब इस बिल को लोकसभा में पेश ...

वेतन बढ़ाने की माँग उठाना अनैतिक:आडवाणी

वेबदुनिया हिंदी - ‎१७-०८-२०१०‎
भाजपा संसदीय दल के कार्यकारी अध्यक्ष लालकृष्ण आडवाणी ने संसद के दोनों सदनों में अपनी पार्टी के सदस्यों से कहा कि वेतन में प्रस्तावित बढ़ोतरी पर अपने विचार सार्वजनिक तौर पर नहीं रखें क्योंकि सांसदों द्वारा अपना ही वेतन बढ़ाने की माँग उठाना अनैतिक है। आडवाणी ने आज संसदीय दल की साप्ताहिक बैठक में कहा कि सांसदों को अपने वेतन भत्ते बढ़ाने के मुद्दे पर मीडिया के सामने नहीं बोलना चाहिए या सार्वजनिक तौर पर विचार नहीं रखने ...

लालू ने तन्ख्वाह बढ़ाने की मांग की!

दैनिक भास्कर - ‎१७-०८-२०१०‎
पटना। सरकार ने मंगलवार को कहा कि वह सांसदों के वेतन में 300 प्रतिशत की बढ़ोतरी करने के लिए संसद के मौजूदा सत्र में एक विधेयक लाने की कोशिश की। लेकिन राष्ट्रीय जनता दल के अध्यक्ष लालू प्रसाद के नेतृत्व में कई पार्टीयों के सदस्यों ने इस मुद्दे पर लोक सभा की कार्यवाही स्थगित करने के लिए मजबूर कर दिया। दूसरी ओर माक्रसवादी कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी और भारतीय जनता पार्टी ने सांसदों द्वारा खुद से अपना वेतन तय किए जाने का विरोध किया। ...

सांसदों के वेतन वृद्धि को मंजूरी, बेसिक सैलरी बढ़कर 50 हजार होगी

आज तक - ‎१९-०८-२०१०‎
केंद्रीय कैबिनेट ने सांसदों का वेतन बढ़ाकर 50 हजार रुपये करने को मंजूरी दे दी है. वेतन बढ़ाए जाने की सांसदों की मांग पर वित्त मंत्री प्रणव मुखर्जी ने कहा कि सरकार संसद के इसी सत्र में एक विधेयक लाने का प्रयास कर रही है. राजनीतिक दलों के सदस्यों द्वारा लगातार सांसदों का वेतन बढ़ाए जाने की मांग हो रही थी. सांसदों के वेतन और भत्ते संबंधी अधिनियम 1954 में संशोधन का प्रस्ताव था. बढ़े हुए वेतन 15वीं लोकसभा से लागू होंगे. ...

सांसदों की तनख्वाह में होगी तीन गुना बढोतरी!

खास खबर - ‎१५-०८-२०१०‎
नई दिल्ली। आम आदमी जहां आज बढती महंगाई के बोझ तले निरंतर दबता जा रहा है वहीं हमारे सांसदों पर सरकार मेहरबान हो रही है। केंद्रीय कैबिनेट आज सांसदों की तनख्वाह तीन गुना किए जाने के फैसले पर मुहर लगा सकती है। इस बढोतरी के बाद सासंदों की तनख्वाह करीब 50 हजार रूपए हो जाएगी। सांसदों का दैनिक भत्ता भी एक हजार रूपये से बढकर दो हजार रूपये हो जाएगा। इस बढोतरी का फायदा 795 सांसदों को मिलेगा। इसमें 545 लोकसभा के और 250 राज्यसभा के सासंद ...

माकपा ने सांसदों की वेतन वृद्धि के प्रस्ताव का विरोध किया

खास खबर - ‎१७-०८-२०१०‎
नई दिल्ली। माक्र्सवादी कम्युनिस्ट पाटी (माकपा) ने सांसदों की वेतन वृद्धि के प्रस्ताव का विरोध करते हुए रविवार को कहा कि सांसद स्वयं अपने वेतन में वृद्धि का फैसला नहीं ले सकते। इस काम के लिए अन्य तंत्र स्थापित किया जाना चाहिए। माकपा नेता सीताराम येचुरी ने कहा कि सरकार ने वर्ष 2006 में सांसदों की वेतन वृद्धि का फैसला लेने के लिए अलग तंत्र स्थापित करने का वादा किया था लेकिन इस पर अब तक कोई फैसला नहीं लिया गया है। येचुरी ने कहा ...

सांसदों का वेतन बढ़ाने का फैसला टला

डी-डब्लू वर्ल्ड - ‎१६-०८-२०१०‎
केंद्रीय मंत्रिमंडल ने सांसदों की तनख्वाह में 312.50 फीसदी से ज्यादा की बढ़ोत्तरी फिलहाल टाल दी है. सचिवों को मिलने वाली मोटी तनख्वाह से सांसदों को चुभन हो रही है. जनता के नुमाइंदे चाहते हैं कि उनके भत्ते भी बढ़ाए जाएं. भारत में एक सांसद की तनख्वाह फिलहाल 16000 रुपये है. इसके अलावा उन्हें ढेरों मोटे मोटे भत्ते, रियायती पास और अन्य सुविधाएं मिलती है. संसद सत्र में हर दिन सदन में बैठने के लिए उन्हें 1000 रुपये का भत्ता मिलता है. ...

सरकार ने सांसदों की वेतन वृद्धि को मंजूरी दी

जोश 18 - ‎२०-०८-२०१०‎
नई दिल्ली। केंद्रीय मंत्रिमंडल की आज हुई बैठक में सांसदों की वेतन वृद्धि की मांग मंजूर कर ली गई है। अगर यह वेतन वृद्धि विधेयक संसद में पारित हो जाता है, तो सांसदों के वेतन में 300 प्रतिशत की वृद्धि होगी। आज हुई मंत्रिमंडल की बैठक में सांसदों का मूल वेतन 16 हजार से 50 हजार रुपए कर दिया गया है। जबकि दैनिक भत्ता भी एक हजार से बढ़ाकर दो हजार, ऑफिस खर्च और निर्वाचन क्षेत्र भत्ता 20 हजार से बढ़ाकर 40 हजार, कंनवेंस एडवांस एक से चार लाख, ...

सांसदों के वेतन-भत्ते बढ़ाने का मसला फिलहाल टला - ‎१६-०८-२०१०‎
नई दिल्ली | मीडिया में हो-हल्ला मचने के चलते केंद्रीय मंत्रिमंडल ने सांसदों के वेतन-भत्ते बढ़ाने का मसला फिलहाल टाल दिया है। हालांकि, दो सदस्यों को छोड़कर पूरा मंत्रिमंडल सांसदों के वेतन-भत्ते बढ़ाए जाने के न सिर्फ पक्ष में है, बल्कि उसे समय की जरूरत भी मान रहा है। सूत्रों के मुताबिक, अब सांसदों के वेतन-भत्ते बढ़ाने के विधेयक को संसद के मौजूदा मानसून सत्र के आखिर तक इंतजार करना पड़ेगा। उम्मीद है कि सत्र के आखिरी एक-दो ...

सांसदों के वेतन में वृद्धि संबंधी विधेयक टला

खास खबर - ‎१६-०८-२०१०‎
नई दिल्ली। सांसदों के वेतन और भत्तों में भारी वृद्धि करने संबंधी एक विधेयक के प्रस्ताव को केन्द्रीय मंत्रिमंडल ने सोमवार को टाल दिया। इस विधेयक में सांसदों का मूल वेतन प्रतिमाह 16000 रूपये से बढ़ाकर 50000 रूपये करने का प्रस्ताव है। इसमें 20000 रूपये निर्वाचन क्षेत्र भत्ते और अधिक हवाई टिकट देने का भी प्रस्ताव है। इस विधेयक को इसी सप्ताह संसद में पेश किया जाना था।

नाखुश सांसदों ने किया हंगामा, कहा और बढ़े वेतन

प्रभात खबर - ‎22 घंटे पहले‎
नयी दिल्लीः सांसदों का वेतन तीन गुना बढ़ाए जाने के कैबिनेट के फ़ैसले से असंतुंष्ट सपा, बसपा, राजद और जदयू के सदस्यों ने इसे संसदीय समिति की सिफ़ारिशों के अनुरूप करने की मांग को लेकर लोकसभा में आज भारी हंगामा किया जिसके कारण सदन की बैठक कुछ देर के लिए स्थगित कर दी गई. सुबह सदन की कार्यवाही शुरू होने पर लालू और मुलायम सिंह ने सांसदों के वेतन बढ़ाये जाने के बारे में कैबिनेट के फ़ैसले का विषय उठाया. उन्होंने कैबिनेट के फ़ैसले का ...

सांसदों का वेतन हुआ तिगुने से भी ज्यादा

प्रभात खबर - ‎22 घंटे पहले‎
नयी दिल्लीः शुक्रवार को केंद्रीय मंत्रिमंडल ने संसद के सदस्यों के वेतन वृद्धि की मांग के मौजूदा प्रस्ताव को मंजूरी दे दी. केन्द्र सरकार ने आज सांसदों के मूल वेतन में तीन गुना वृद्धि करते हुए उसे 16 हजार रूपये से बढ़ाकर 50 हजार रुपये करने के साथ ही अन्य भत्तों को भी दोगुना करने को अपनी मंजूरी दे दी. इस मुद्दे पर मंत्रियों के बीच मतभेदों को लेकर ऐसी अटकलें लगायी जा रही थी कि सांसदों के वेतन में वृद्धि संबंधी फ़ैसला आने में देर ...

वेतन बढ़ाने के मामले पर सांसदों का बवाल

IBN Khabar - ‎१७-०८-२०१०‎
नई दिल्ली। वेतन बढ़ाने के मामले पर सांसदों ने आज लोकसभा में जमकर हंगामा किया। वामपंथियों के अलावा सभी सांसद इस मुद्दे पर एकमत थे कि वेतन बढ़ाने कि सिफारिश पर तुरंत अमल किया जाए। हंगामा इतना बढ़ा कि लोकसभा की कार्यवाही स्थगित करनी पड़ी। मालूम हो कि कल कैबिनेट ने इस मसले को टाल दिया था। दरअसल सोमवार को कैबिनेट ने सांसदों का वेतन बढ़ाने का मसला यह कहकर टाल दिया था कि महंगाई की मार के बीच ऐसा करने का गलत संदेश जाएगा लेकिन ...

सांसदों के बटुए पर 'शेरा' ने हाथ फेरा

Business standard Hindi - ‎१६-०८-२०१०‎
सांसदों को अपना वेतन बढऩे की बहुत उम्मीद थी, लेकिन महंगाई और 'शेरा' ने उस पर पानी फेर दिया। केंद्र में सत्तारूढ़ संयुक्त प्रगतिशील गठबंधन (संप्रग) सरकार के शीर्ष मंत्रियों ने ऐतराज जताया और सांसदों का वेतन और पेंशन बढ़ाने संबंधी प्रस्ताव ठंडे बस्ते में डाल दिया गया। कैबिनेट सूत्रों के मुताबिक प्रधानमंत्री मनमोहन सिंह ही इस पर आखिरी फैसला करेंगे। कैबिनेट की बैठक में आज सुबह इस प्रस्ताव का विधेयक मंजूरी के लिए जैसे ही ...

सांसदों की वेतन बढ़ोतरी टली

Hindi- Economic times - ‎१६-०८-२०१०‎
नई दिल्ली।। सांसदों को अपने वेतन और भत्तों में बढ़ोतरी के लिए कुछ और समय इंतज़ार करना पड़ सकता है। कैबिनेट ने इससे संबंधित विधेयक को आज अपनी मंजूरी नहीं दी। इससे अब इस विधेयक के संसद के चालू सत्र में आने की संभावना कम ही है। बताया जाता है प्रधानमंत्री मनमोहन सिंह की अध्यक्षता में आज हुई कैबिनेट की बैठक में इस विधेयक पर विस्तृत चर्चा हुई, लेकिन इस पर फैसले को फिलहाल टाल दिया गया। सूत्रों ने बताया कि कैबिनेट के कुछ सदस्यों ...

सांसदों का वेतन 300% बढ़ा

Tarakash - ‎२०-०८-२०१०‎
मंत्रीमंडल ने सांसदों के वेतन में बढ़ोतरी को मंजूरी दे दी है, सांसदों के वेतन में 300% की बढ़ोतरी हुई है. अभी सांसदों का वेतन 16 हजार रुपये है ज ओ अब बढ़ कर 50 हजार रुपये हो गई है. वेतन में 300% की बढ़ोतरी भी लालू प्रसाद यादव को खुश नहीं कर सकी. उन्होंने इसे उम्मीद से बहुत कम बताया है. हालांकि संसदीय समिति ने कहा था कि सांसदों को सरकारी सचिवों से अधिक वेतन यानी 80, 001 रुपये मिलना चाहिए क्योंकि वे वरीयता क्रम में उनसे ऊपर हैं. ...

वेतन बढ़ाने की जिद पर अड़ गए सांसद - ‎१७-०८-२०१०‎
नई दिल्ली। सांसदों का वेतन और भत्ता बढ़ाने की मांग को लेकर लोकसभा में भारतीय जनता पार्टी को छोड़कर बाकी विपक्षी दलों के सदस्यों के हंगामे के कारण लोकसभा की कार्यवाही स्थगित करनी पड़ी। समाजवादी पार्टी के नेता मुलायम सिंह यादव और राष्ट्रीय जनता दल के नेता लालू प्रसाद ने शून्यकाल के दौरान यह मामला उठाने की कोशिश की। भाजपा को छोड़कर बाकी सभी विपक्षी दलों के सदस्यों ने वेतन बढ़ाने की मांग को लेकर नारेबाजी भी की। ...




Vinay Kumar

It falls short of the Rs. 80,001 recommended by a joint parliamentary committee


EXCHANGING NOTES: RJD president Lalu Prasad (right) and Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh share views outside the Parliament House complex in New Delhi on Friday after the Cabinet cleared a 300 percent salary hike for MPs.

NEW DELHI: Hours after the Union Cabinet on Friday cleared a 300 per cent salary hike, from Rs. 16,000 to Rs. 50,000, for members of Parliament and doubled their perks, they appeared to be a dissatisfied lot and stalled the Lok Sabha proceedings thrice during the day, demanding more money.

Though the Cabinet, which met here under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, approved the Bill seeking a three-fold increase in the basic salary of MPs, it fell short of the Rs. 80,001 recommended by a joint parliamentary committee, which stated that an MP should get at least Re. 1 more than the top Central government bureaucrats.

This was enough to trigger an uproar and protests in the House by members of the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD), the Samajwadi Party (SP), the Akali Dal, the Janata Dal (United), the Shiv Sena and the Bahujan Samaj Party.

Besides salary, an MP gets an allowance of Rs.1,000 for each day the Parliament is in session or for taking part in House committee meetings. This has been doubled. A member is also entitled to a constituency allowance of Rs.20,000 a month and an office expense allowance of Rs.20,000 a month. These perks have also been doubled.

The increase will be given with retrospective effect from May 2009, when the 15th Lok Sabha was constituted. However, the increase will be implemented when the Bill seeking amendment to the Salaries and Allowances of Members of Parliament Act, 1954, is brought in Parliament and passed by both the Houses.

The protest was led by RJD chief Lalu Prasad and SP president Mulayam Singh, who termed the hike "minimal," and demanded that the proposed increase by the Cabinet be taken back and recommendations of the parliamentary panel implemented. They barged into the well of the House, raising slogans. Mr. Prasad charged the government with "insulting the MPs with minimal raise."

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News Update

21 Aug, 2010, 02.20AM IST,ET Bureau

The poor rich Indian MPs

MPs in general are rich, endowed by flourishing business interests or hereditary handovers. The Association for Democratic Reforms, an NGO that works towards strengthening democracy and governance, says there are 315 crorepatis — persons whose net worth exceeds Rs 1 crore — in the 543-member Lok Sabha. Further, the average asset holding of the members of the Lower House is Rs 5.33 crore. Mind you, this is just the calculation based on disclosed assets, which are often not exhaustive —or even, the colour of the majority of assets — that MPs own. Whatever the party or state, barring some exceptions, the prevalence of wealth among MPs is universal.

Crorepati MPs

Of the 543 MPs in Lok Sabha 2009, 315 — or 58% — are crorepatis. This is nearly double the crorepatis in the 2004 batch. Further, the average declared assets of an MP in Lok Sabha 2009 is 186% higher than the 2004 average.

Assets of re-contesting MP

MPs tend to do well with their personal wealth when in office. The average assets of 304 MPs who re-contested in 2009, and whose asset details were available for 2004 and 2009, have increased by 289% during this period.

Crorepati MPs: By party

Wealth is not the preserve of candidates from a certain party. Seven of 10 MPs from the Congress are crorepatis. As is every second BJP MP. The two parties whose candidates show a lower disposition towards declared wealth are both based in Bengal: the CPI (M) and the Trinamool.

Crorepati MPs: State-wise

There seems to be some correlation between the prosperity of a state and the prosperity of its representatives. At one end, all the MPs from Punjab are crorepatis. At the other, the Communist states – Kerala and West Bengal – show the lowest presence of crorepati MPs.

Average assets per MP of various parties

Regional parties occupy both ends of the wealth continuum. Some of them have extremely wealthy MPs, some of them not so much. Among national parties, the average assets of a BJP MP are nearly half that of a Congress MP.

Average assets per MP from various states

It's a big divide: the average declared assets across states varies from 12 lakh (Andaman & Nicobar) to Rs 18 crore (Haryana). MPs from north-eastern states have the lowest declared wealth.

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21 Aug, 2010, 01.35AM IST,PTI

After hike, Indian MPs still get a thirteenth of US lawmakers

NEW DELHI: Even after a three-fold pay hike, Indian MPs still rank much below their fellow parliamentarians in major countries in terms of their monthly salaries.

With the Cabinet today giving its nod to the MPs' pay rise besides doubling several other emoluments, the basic monthly salary of Indian lawmakers has now gone up to Rs 50,000 from Rs 16,000.

However, the new salary component, excluding perks and other allowances, is not on a par with the monthly emoluments their counterparts in other major economies are drawing at present.

For example, the current salary for all Senators and Members of the House of Representatives in the US is USD 174,000 per annum, or USD 14,500 per month. If converted into Indian currency, the monthly salary of a US lawmaker becomes Rs 675,203, which is more than 13 times the new salary of an Indian MP.

When compared with the monthly pay of a Canadian MP, the new salary of Indian MPs is almost 11 times lower, while it is eight times lower than that of British lawmakers.

A member of Canada's House of Commons is currently drawing USD 12,611 as salary per month while it is 5,478 pounds or Rs 399,941 for a British parliamentarian.

According to the Australian government's website, the base salary of a MP in that country is about USD 118,000 per annum or USD 9,833 per month.

Similarly, a member of Japanese Parliament (Diet) gets about 1.3 million yen, or USD 15,200, every month. The net monthly pay of a MP in Singapore is 13,710 Singapore dollars, or Rs 471,364.

The monthly salaries of lawmakers in France, Italy, Germany and Spain are EUR 7,002, EUR 5,487, EUR 7,688 and EUR 3,126 respectively.

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20 Aug, 2010, 12.34AM IST,PTI

Three-fold salary hike for MPs approved

NEW DELHI: The basic pay of Members of Parliament was today hiked by more than three times from Rs 16,000 to Rs 50,000 by the government which also doubled several other emoluments for them.

Ending speculation about a delay in the pay hike of MPs due to differences among ministers on the issue, the Cabinet gave its nod to hiking the basic pay from Rs 16,000 to Rs 50,000 per month.

However, this is much less than the figure of Rs 80,001 recommended by the parliamentary committee which had said the MPs should get more than government secretaries as the former are above them in the hierarchy.

The government also increased office expenses of parliamentarians from Rs 20,000 to Rs 40,000 per month. The constituency allowance has also been doubled from Rs 20,000 to Rs 40,000 per month, government sources said.

The limit for interest-free loan for MPs for buying a personal vehicle has been hiked four-fold to Rs 4 lakh from the present Rs 1 lakh.

The government has also hiked road mileage rate for vehicles used by MPs from Rs 13 per km to Rs 16 per km.

Spouse of a parliamentarian can now travel any number of times in first class or executive class, the sources said.

Pension benefits have also been increased from Rs 8,000 to Rs 20,000 per month.

20 Aug, 2010, 06.40PM IST,IANS

How much an MP will now get?

NEW DELHI: The following is the summary of monetary benefits MPs are entitled to as salary and other perks which were Friday proposed to be hiked manifold.

Each MP gets:

- Basic salary of Rs 16,000. The salary has been hiked by 300 percent as proposed by the cabinet.

- Daily allowance of Rs 1,000 for each day when parliament is in session or taking part in house committee meetings. This has been doubled.

- Constituency allowance of Rs 20,000 a month. This has been doubled.

- Office expense allowance of Rs 20,000 each month. Also doubled.

- Conveyance allowance of Rs 1 lakh, which has gone up to Rs 4 lakh now.

- Spouses of MPs get free train travel from their place of residence to Delhi. They also get up to eight free plane tickets from their place of residence to Delhi.
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19 Aug, 2010, 03.34AM IST,ET Bureau

Bhopal case: US Deputy NSA warns of chill in investment

NEW DELHI: The US appears to be piling pressure on the Manmohan Singh government for providing relief to Dow Chemicals. In an e-mail to Planning Commission deputy chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia, US deputy National Security Advisor Michael Froman, warned that India's emphasis on Dow could have "a chilling effect on the investment relationship" between the two countries.

Mr Froman wrote this on July 30 in reply to an e-mail from Mr Ahluwalia seeking US support for borrowing from World Bank. "We are hearing a lot of noise about the Dow Chemicals issue. I trust that you are monitoring it carefully. I am not familiar with all the details. But I think we want to avoid developments which put a chilling effect on the investment relationship," Mr Froman wrote in the e-mail to Mr Ahluwalia. In other words, New Delhi, which seeks US help, should be sensitive to its concerns.

In his e-mail to Mr Froman, Mr Ahluwalia had sought American help at the World Bank meeting. "I wonder if I can enlist your help on a matter relating to India's borrowing from the World Bank. We are about to hit the arbitrary single borrower limit in IBRD which forces IBRD to cut new lending to India drastically unless the limit is relaxed. You may remember I had mentioned this as an issue when we discussed the IBRD capital increase in G-20. The matter is coming up in the IBRD board audit committee on Monday. The US is a member. The management wants a relaxation for India. The British prime minister was in Delhi yesterday. We raised it with him and he said that the UK ED would be instructed to support us. Could you speak to treasury to get the US ED on our side? At a time when countries are graduated out of soft assistance, it is normal to switch them to IBRD. But we are faced with a sharp reduction...Larry will fully understand. Hope you can help," Mr Ahluwalia had said in his mail to Mr Froman.

In a subsequent communication, Mr Ahluwalia briefed Mr Pulok Chatterjee, ED at World Bank, about Mr Froman's demand to go soft on Dow. While agreeing that quid pro quos are not unknown, he conceded that meeting the demand on Dow could be difficult. "There is always a quid pro quo though I fear on this we are helpless," Mr Ahluwalia wrote to Mr Chatterjee on July 30. ET is possession of the copies of the e-mail.

In 1999, Dow bought Union Carbide, whose pesticide plant in Bhopal leaked a poisonous gas which has killed more than 15,000 people. The Madhya Pradesh high court is considering a suggestion that Dow should be made to deposit `100 crore to fund the removal of the tons of toxic waste that still lie in and around the Carbide plant.
19 Aug, 2010, 03.34AM IST,TNN

US nudges India to go easy on Dow Chemicals

NEW DELHI: Ahead of the November visit of President Barack Obama, US has stepped up efforts to push India to drop its demand on Dow Chemicals for Rs 1,500 crore compensation for victims of the 1984 Bhopal gas tragedy.

Senior government sources said that almost at every level, US officials were telling the Indian government to "resolve it and move ahead".

On Wednesday, Times Now, in an exclusive report, said US deputy NSA Michael Froman wrote to Montek Singh Ahluwalia, deputy chairman of Planning Commission, in an email that the "noise" in India over Dow Chemicals could have a "chilling effect" on the India-US investment relationship.

Froman's email came as a response to a request by Ahluwalia for US help in getting India access to more World Bank loans for development. India is the world's biggest recipient of World Bank loans and would be reaching the single borrower limit beyond which it is difficult to access more funds.

In response to this request, Froman said in an email dated July 30, "We are aware of this issue and we will look into it. While I've got you, we are hearing a lot of noise about the Dow Chemicals issue. I trust that you are monitoring it carefully. I am not familiar with all the details, but I think we want to avoid developments which put a chilling effect on our investment relationship."

Apart from the compensation package, the US chemical giant must also be apprehensive of the insistence of the group of ministers on Bhopal tragedy that the polluter must pay for the clean-up of the site of the Union Carbide gas plant in Bhopal and the neighbouring areas.

Dow Chemicals, which took over the US-based Union Carbide Corporation in 2001, claims that it owes no liability for the Bhopal tragedy. It says that the incident happened much before it took over UCC. It also points out that the Indian operations of UCC had been sold off before they took over the US-based parent company.

However, the Indian government's demand for compensation marks a rejection of Dow Chemicals' plea. As does the government's decision to make Dow Chemicals a respondent in existing cases in various courts related to the liability for decontamination of the Bhopal site.

US's activism jars with the anger in India over the denial of justice to the victims of the gas tragedy. "It's typical US short-sightedness," said officials when questioned. No Indian government, they said, can ignore sentiment on such an issue which has been hanging fire for almost a quarter of a century. There is no question of India giving in to the US, they said.

The email exchange between Ahluwalia and Froman occurred two days before India's case with the IBRD was scheduled to come up in World Bank. In the email, Ahluwalia said that while New Delhi enjoys UK's support, it would also need help from US, which is a member of the World Bank audit committee. Ahluwalia said, "The management wants a relaxation for India. Could you speak to the Treasury to get the US ED on our side? At a time when countries are graduated out of soft assistances it is normal to switch them to IBRD. But we are faced with a sharp reduction."

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State MPs get pay hike, more fuel

TNN, Aug 21, 2010, 04.37am IST

BANGALORE: Parliamentarians from Karnataka have a reason to cheer. Apart from the proposed three-fold hike in their salaries mooted by the Centre, chief minister B S Yeddyurappa has heeded to their long-pending demand to hike monthly fuel allowances from the present 300 litres to 500.

This will roughly translate to Rs 25,000 per month for them to tour their constituencies. Though members are elected to the Lok Sabha, respective state governments take care of some perks such as providing cars and fuel.

"We were planning to hike fuel allowance long ago but it was deferred last year because of unprecedented floods in north Karnataka. Now, we are ready to provide 500 litres of petrol per month to each MP against the existing 300 litres," Yeddyurappa said after inaugurating the newly constructed Karnataka Bhavan annexe building on Thursday in New Delhi.

Prior to the function, the state MPs, mostly from BJP, met Yeddyurappa and placed the long-pending proposal before him.

Dharwad MP Prahlad Joshi, who was part of the delegation, said it is always a constraint for MPs to travel more often and carry out development activities in their respective constituencies when the government does not give them enough fuel allowance. "The constituents are aware of this challenge and they are also looking forward to the day when the government will start giving us fuel allowances. It is not just fuel allowance; there are several things that we require to work effectively in our constituencies," Joshi said.

Sources said the state government also provides cars for MPs to travel in and around New Delhi. This is besides the allowances that MPs receive from the central government as salary, perks and other facilities.

However, some MPs are still not convinced. A senior MP said: "Yeddyurappa has been giving such unfulfilled assurances for a long time. We are skeptical of this assurance too."

Read more: State MPs get pay hike, more fuel - Bangalore - City - The Times of India

NEW DELHI: Ahead of the November visit of President Barack Obama, US has stepped up efforts to push India to drop its demand on Dow Chemicals for Rs 1,500 crore compensation for victims of the 1984 Bhopal gas tragedy.

Senior government sources said that almost at every level, US officials were telling the Indian government to "resolve it and move ahead".

On Wednesday, Times Now, in an exclusive report, said US deputy NSA Michael Froman wrote to Montek Singh Ahluwalia, deputy chairman of Planning Commission, in an email that the "noise" in India over Dow Chemicals could have a "chilling effect" on the India-US investment relationship.

Froman's email came as a response to a request by Ahluwalia for US help in getting India access to more World Bank loans for development. India is the world's biggest recipient of World Bank loans and would be reaching the single borrower limit beyond which it is difficult to access more funds.

In response to this request, Froman said in an email dated July 30, "We are aware of this issue and we will look into it. While I've got you, we are hearing a lot of noise about the Dow Chemicals issue. I trust that you are monitoring it carefully. I am not familiar with all the details, but I think we want to avoid developments which put a chilling effect on our investment relationship."

Apart from the compensation package, the US chemical giant must also be apprehensive of the insistence of the group of ministers on Bhopal tragedy that the polluter must pay for the clean-up of the site of the Union Carbide gas plant in Bhopal and the neighbouring areas.

Dow Chemicals, which took over the US-based Union Carbide Corporation in 2001, claims that it owes no liability for the Bhopal tragedy. It says that the incident happened much before it took over UCC. It also points out that the Indian operations of UCC had been sold off before they took over the US-based parent company.

However, the Indian government's demand for compensation marks a rejection of Dow Chemicals' plea. As does the government's decision to make Dow Chemicals a respondent in existing cases in various courts related to the liability for decontamination of the Bhopal site.

US's activism jars with the anger in India over the denial of justice to the victims of the gas tragedy. "It's typical US short-sightedness," said officials when questioned. No Indian government, they said, can ignore sentiment on such an issue which has been hanging fire for almost a quarter of a century. There is no question of India giving in to the US, they said.

The email exchange between Ahluwalia and Froman occurred two days before India's case with the IBRD was scheduled to come up in World Bank. In the email, Ahluwalia said that while New Delhi enjoys UK's support, it would also need help from US, which is a member of the World Bank audit committee. Ahluwalia said, "The management wants a relaxation for India. Could you speak to the Treasury to get the US ED on our side? At a time when countries are graduated out of soft assistances it is normal to switch them to IBRD. But we are faced with a sharp reduction."

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MPs' pay up three times
Some members not happy, want more

New Delhi, Aug. 20: India's MPs today had their pay more than trebled from Rs 16,000 to Rs 50,000 a month but some of them paralysed the Lok Sabha demanding more.
The cabinet rejected a House panel's recommendation of a fivefold hike to Rs 80,001 but in private, even senior ministers favoured a reversal of that decision.
The MPs, among the few people in the world who decide their own salaries, will have to pass a bill enacting the current hike.
"The Samajwadi Party and the Rashtriya Janata Dal (who led the charge against the "meagre" three-fold hike) will not allow the bill to be passed. So, there's no harm revisiting the subject since most MPs want a bigger hike," a cabinet minister who didn't wish to be named told The Telegraph.
MPs' yearly pay is now Rs 21.8 lakh, even leaving out various allowances, putting them in the top 3 to 5 per cent of the population in earnings. All the allowances are tax-free.
The cabinet apparently didn't go for a higher raise because that could put off the price rise-hit voters. Last year, the Centre had junked a plan to hike MPs' salaries after Sonia Gandhi asked her ministers and MPs to take a 20 per cent pay cut because of a drought threat and grim economic outlook
Mamata Banerjee was a rare voice today, ridiculing the idea of a larger hike. "If I were to take the decision, I'd have reduced it further," she said.
She recalled: "When I was elected the first time in 1984, the salary was just Rs 1,500. I could hardly afford Delhi prices, so I often brought rice and vegetables from Calcutta when I attended House sessions."



Finance minister Pranab Mukherjee seemed to hint that no further increase was likely as he gave the main details of the hike to the media. (See chart)
He said an MP now got at least 10 days' allowance a month even when Parliament was not in session. "Whenever an MP comes for a (House) committee meeting, he gets two days' daily allowance before the meeting and (that) for another two days after the meeting," Pranab said.
Many Congress MPs, however, had egged Lalu Prasad and Mulayam Singh Yadav on as they pushed for a bigger raise. Later, a BJP member was heard telling them: "What you two did needs guts. You're our hero."
BJP members, though, did not join the protest on L.K. Advani's advice that they should keep the public mood in mind.
The Congress was divided, many MPs saying even Rs 80,000 wasn't enough. A Delhi MP said: "In the past month, I received 6,000 guests from my constituency. I offer tea and water; even snacks to some important people. You can calculate the expenses."
Even Congress MP Sanjay Singh, a royal, backed the Rs 80,000 demand saying: "We have to spend Rs 30,000 on tea alone."
It isn't as though most MPs have no other sources of income. A non-government poll watchdog had last year counted 300 crorepatis among the Lok Sabha's 543 members. Some industrialist Rajya Sabha MPs are even wealthier.
Yet, till 1984, an MP's monthly salary was Rs 500 and his daily allowance Rs 51 — far less than a deputy collector's pay. The salary was raised to Rs 1,500 in 1985, to Rs 4,000 in 1998, to Rs 12,000 in 2001 and to Rs 16,000 in 2006.

MPs' pay up three times

Some members not happy, want more

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Mulayam Singh and Lalu Prasad who are not happy with the raise

MPs' pay up three times





I am half Hyderabadi, half Pathan, some Kashmiri... Punjabi wife, Kolkata team. Indian at heart

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MPs miffed with three-fold salary hike
HT Correspondent
Email Author
New Delhi, August 20, 2010
First Published: 10:53 IST(20/8/2010)
Last Updated: 07:37 IST(21/8/2010)
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RJD chief Lalu Prasad shouts in the Lok Sabha during the ongoing monsoon session of Parliament in...
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Hours after the union cabinet approved a three-fold hike in salaries of Members of Parliament (MPs), MPs other than those from the Congress, BJP and the Left got the Lok Sabha repeatedly adjourned demanding a salary not less than that of a secretary to the government of India. The bill concerned is

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likely to be introduced in the Lok Sabha on Saturday.
A secretary in the government gets R80,000 a month. The three-fold hike for MPs leaves them well short of that — at R50,000, up from R16,000 a month.
Added to this are constituency and office allowances, which have been doubled to R40,000 each a month. In all, a MP would get around R1.45 lakh per month including salary and allowances (see graphic), once Parliament approves the changes.
The money is less than what MPs get in a month in countries such as Singapore, US, Canada and in the European Parliament, whose per capita income is 12-20 times higher than India.
In Singapore, an MP gets R6.18 lakh a month (converted into Indian currency).
"This salary (R50,000) is an insult to Parliament," said Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD)chief Lalu Prasad in the House, contending the government had rejected the recommendations of its  own committee.
Soon after the Lok Sabha started business, MPs led by Mulayam Singh Yadav of the Samajwadi Party and Prasad were on their feet rejecting the cabinet decision and demanding a minimum salary of R80,001.
Amid the pandemonium, the Lok Sabha approved amendments in two laws without any discussion.
The cabinet had decided to defer the issue on Monday when ministers Ambika Soni and Vyalar Ravi said it would not be "appropriate" to raise the salary of MPs when people were reeling under high inflation, but intense pressure from non-BJP, non-Left MPs, including some from Congress, forced the government to approve the salary hike. The last increase in MPs' salaries was in 2006 when it went up from R4,000 to R16,000 a month.
According to information provided by MPs during 2009 elections, the average assets of a Lok Sabha MP is R4.5 crore, excluding those whose assets are more than R100 crore.
"The demand for such a huge salary hike is not justified," said Anil Bairwal, national coordinator of Association for Democratic Reforms.

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The story of 'Slumdog Millionaire' decoded

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Jaimini Mehta

Posted: Feb 17, 2009 at 1611 hrs IST
The euphoria surrounding the recent success of the film 'Slumdog Millionaire' is mostly centered on its 'rags to riches' storyline. However, a closer examination of the film reveals a far more interesting and deeper epistemological issue of contextual nature of acquisition of knowledge, especially in a multilayered and fragmented society such as India. This is of particular relevance now in light of the Prime Minister's stated objective of moving towards a knowledge economy and knowledge based society.
In the film, the main protagonist, a young boy, born and brought up in Mumbai slums and without any formal schooling, correctly answers all questions in a popular quiz show and subsequently is suspected, by the quiz master, to have won by cheating. Later, in a police lock up and under intense interrogation / torture he insists "but I knew the answers". The film revolves around the story of how he acquired this 'knowledge'. It effectively posits two distinct and different types of rationalities; the Instrumental and the Strategic rationalities. The former is based on truth, while the latter is based upon effectiveness. The two protagonists of the story, the quiz master and the contestant, each represent one side of this knowledge divide. While the quiz is founded on the expectation of truth through instrumental rationality Jamal the contestant uses the strategic rationality effectively. There is here an implicit critique of the pedagogical model of instrumental knowledge unquestioningly followed in our educational system.
To deconstruct this story, we will have to rely upon considerable philosophical and epistemological work done by the German thinker Jurgen Hebermas and his thesis of "Communicative Rationality". Rejecting the 'objective reason' as the first, and immutable, principle of much of the Western philosophy, which advanced positivist separation of knowledge and value , Habermas, through a critical appropriation of Weber's analysis, modifies and develops Weber's "largely unclarified concept of rationality. His starting point is the two basic models of Weber's theory of action: the monological and the social, which represent the official and unofficial versions of his typology. Habermas argues that the two Weberian versions represent two clearly distinct frames of social action, in which distinct forms of rationality are developed: one, which equates rationality with a purposive activity of a means/end relationship. Within this frame only a formal sort of rationality could be developed. Thus, it restricts the concept of rationality itself. And two, a rationality based on communication and understanding. At this point, Habermas attempts to expand the concept of reason, and he legitimatizes the functions of its distinct forms. Furthermore, he indicates and describes the forms of rationality that Weber regards as derivatives. Thus, he makes an essential distinction between a rational action that is orientated towards success, such as winning a quiz, and a rational action that aims at reaching understanding.
Rationality is a disposition expressed in behavior for which there are good reasons. These reasons can be arrived at by a rigorous application of inductive or deductive logic as we are taught in our schools. It assumes reason as the 'First Principle" transcending the messy variations of societies and cultures. This rationality operates in a non-social world, which includes "only physical objects and naturally occurring events". This is instrumental rationality aimed at practical goal attained by precise calculations of adequate means. But there is another kind of rationality, as Hebermas, and Weber before him, points out. It is a rationality which implicitly recognizes the social world and is contingent upon the presence of fellow human beings in the context of a given social milieu. This rationality, and the knowledge it engenders, is always contextual. This is communicative rationality; it rests on communication that is "oriented to achieving, sustaining and reviewing consensus - and indeed a consensus that rests on the intersubjective recognition of criticisable validity claims". With this key distinction we shift the emphasis in our concept of rationality from the conceptual to the social.
This is how Jamal 'knew' the answers. Not by acquiring an encyclopedia of information, an essentially linear process of induction/deduction, but by a lateral and existential process of recalling real, concrete events that he has lived through in the context of his own social environment of a slum and with people who has shared those events. His assertion rests on "the intersubjective recognition of criticisable validity claims", which are accepted by a police officer who, due to his proximity and exposure to the slum environment, is sympathetic to the values if not actually shares them. Thus Jamal is a rational, and by implication, a knowledgeable person. As Hebermas says, "We call a person rational who interprets the nature of his desires and feelings in the light of culturally established standards of value, but especially if he can adopt a reflective attitude to the very value standards through which desires and feelings are interpreted." Such a person also needs to be 'free from illusions' and self deceptions. Jamal in the film is all of that.
Is validity relative to cultural values? Or, to put it differently, is truth contingent upon its cultural context? Obviously affirmative answers to these questions would unhinge many of the cherished positions of our educational establishment. These positions are founded on an implicit assumption that the emancipation of the underprivileged can be achieved through uniformity of educational inputs which consists of empirical-analytic sciences and a positivist separation of knowledge and value. Opposed to this are the proponents of interpretive knowledge, which they say "... gives richer, thicker, more meaningful descriptions of the world than positivism". However, there is a catch; one can argue that, the 'pluralism' of the interpretive, qualitative rationality masks the fact that some versions of social reality are ... less legitimate than others for reasons having nothing to do with their truth, beauty, or goodness, such as social relations of domination and oppression. Thus, interpretation, on the one hand, creates possibilities for alternative descriptions of the social reality but, on the other, cannot evaluate these possibilities. It simply represents subjective and sectional descriptions or opinions.
Here again Hebermas provides a way out. His ideas go beyond the objectified monological knowledge or the subjective interpretation of the social reality. They go beyond the 'technical' or 'practical' interests, in order to satisfy a new kind of interest - the emancipatory interest. This is a core concept of the critical social sciences and critical pedagogy as well. However, Habermas makes it clear that this particular kind of interest incorporates both "technical" and "practical" interests that respectively define cognitive-instrumental/strategic and moral-practical rationalities.
According to Habermas , the emancipatory interest, through self-reflection, provides possibilities for a) the transformation of the "ideologically frozen forms of dependence" which confirms the extant power relations, and b) for a critique of the subjective conditions of knowledge, "where reason can self-reflexively come to grasp the universal and necessary conditions" of knowledge. This second possibility provides universal standards, in order to liberate the subject from his/her subjective interests. It obviously attempts to provide validity and evaluative criteria. This is of particular interest to us in India as in recent times "knowledge with values" has acquired a menacing sectarian meaning. Thus, by introducing the notion of "universal standards" Habermas' writings legitimatize human interests while at the same time, attempt to restrict their distortive functions.
The story of "Slumdog Millionaire", as depicted in the film, is more about emancipation that about rags to riches. This is achieved through rationality and knowledge which are outside the school knowledge. In fact, it reveals the epistemological gap that exists between school knowledge and everyday knowledge. The former aims at Context-independent meanings that are related to knowledge/activities of an esoteric domain, while the later aims at Context-dependent meanings that are related to knowledge/activities of a public domain. More concretely, communicative rationality re-locates the distinction/relationship between school knowledge, (more abstract forms of knowledge with a high degree of discursive saturation) and everyday knowledge of the public domain (more concrete forms of knowledge with a low degree of discursive saturation). Within this context, the negligence of the official school knowledge to the everyday life experiences possibly marginalizes under-privileged children. These children are never involved in the particular kind of knowledge/activities of the esoteric domain that the contemporary pedagogic device imposes and then evaluates. This point is crucial and indicates the importance of the process of construction of school knowledge.

AFSPA to stay, but forces will show maximum restraint: Omar

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Arun Sharma

Posted: Aug 18, 2010 at 1638 hrs IST
Jammu Ruling out the question of revoking the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) at this point of time, Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah said on Wednesday that he has asked security forces to exercise "maximum restraint'' so as to avoid civilian casualties.
Talking to the media during his day-long visit to Jammu city today, Omar said: "There is no question of the AFSPA getting revoked at this point of time. We are looking, however, to remove certain areas from the purview of this Act since militancy has become a thing of the past. We are looking to identify such areas both within Jammu region and the Kashmir Valley.''
�gAt the same time, we are also pursuing with Delhi the possibility of amending AFSPA by taking out draconian components so as to make it a humane Act. This is an ongoing process,'' he added.
Referring to the cycle of violence going on in the Valley for the last one and a half months, he said: "I have given strict instructions to my security forces to exercise maximum restraint while dealing with crowds so that there is no loss of life. Over a period of time when there is no loss of life, people will gradually switch to normalcy,'' he added.
When asked about militants being present among the stone-pelting crowds and opening fire on security forces, Omar said: "I have asked them to exercise restraint even if the crowd opens fire. It is most likely they may even hit a civilian who is not carrying arms."
�gThe situation in Kashmir has been a matter of concern for all of us and the government is making all efforts to restore law and order and normalcy," he added.
About the National Conference's demand for autonomy to the state, the chief minister ruled out any amendment in its autonomy document. However, making it clear that the party is not taking an extreme position on it as well, he said this was only the starting point for them for holding talks with the Centre. "Let us begin talks and, during the course of it, see what can be mutually agreeable,'' he said.
Omar also made it clear that it was not feasible to pursue the single-track of autonomy with the Centre. He said: "It was more important to look at internal autonomy within the regions and sub regions so as to dispel any impression between regions of getting discriminated at the hands of each other,'' he said, adding that this can be possible only with the devolution of powers between them as soon as possible. "A beginning in this direction can be done with the holding of Panchayat elections followed by local body polls in the state,'' he pointed out.

ONGC may snatch Cairn's R'sthan fields

State-run Oil and Natural Gas Corp (ONGC) may seek management control of the giant Rajasthan oilfields in lieu of allowing UK's Cairn Energy to sell majority stake in its Indian arm that now operates the field, to a non-oil firm, Vedanta Resources for USD 8.48 billion.
Cairn India with 70 per cent interest is the operator of the 6.5 billion barrels Rajasthan block that can produce 240,000 barrels of crude oil per day, equivalent to output from ONGC's prime Mumbai High fields.
ONGC holds 30 per cent interest and pre-emption or right of first refusal (ROFR) in case Cairn was to exit Rajasthan assets.
Industry sources said today that though the Production Sharing Contract (PSC) for the Rajasthan block was silent on prior government approval in case of transfer of ownership of a company having stake in the block, ONGC believes its rights flow from joint operating agreement (JOA) for the field that provides for ROFR.
The oil ministry too is keen to protect the interest of ONGC, which currently is a net loser in the Rajasthan block as it has to pay Cairn's share of royalty on crude oil to the government.
Sources said Petroleum Minister Murli Deora and Oil Secretary S Sundareshan told Cairn Energy Plc Chief Executive Bill Gammell, who came here on a flying visit yesterday, that government approval was central to the Vedanta deal.
They told Gammell that Cairn needs to apply in writing for approval and the government will decide on the case after studying provisions in the PSC and JOA of each of the 10 properties that Cairn India had.
Sources said the ministry was upset that so far only press statements issued by Cairn Energy and Vedanta Resources announcing the deal have been sent to it and no formal approach has been made for seeking clearance.
The ministry insists the deal, wherein Cairn Energy is selling up to 51 per cent out of its 62.37 per cent stake in Cairn India, needs explicit government approval and not just regulatory approvals as mentioned the press releases.
Cairn maintains that the Vedanta deal was a controlling stake transfer and not an asset transfer which would have triggered a government approval but the ministry maintains that since the PSCs for some of the Cairn blocks has provision for prior consent, the whole deal is contingent on government approval, sources said.
While ONGC is not keen on making a counter offer as it sees the Rs 405 per share price being paid by Vedanta as too high, it getting operatorship of the Rajasthan fields together with the government compensating it for the royalty it pays on behalf of Cairn India would make the project viable for it.
Sources said Vedanta's deal was contingent on government approval, as Cairn's three producing oil and gas assets, including the giant Rajasthan fields and seven exploration
blocks, either have explicit provisions for seeking prior approval before transfer of interest or gives pre-emption, or the right of first refusal (ROFR), to partners like ONGC.
The stake sale now offers the government an opportunity to settle the issue of the Rs 14,000 crore loss that ONGC will incur over the life of the Rajasthan oil fields, as it has to pay statutory levies like cess and royalty on behalf of Cairn India.
ONGC has 30 per cent interest in the Rajasthan fields, but has to pay cess and royalty on the entire production, thereby giving negative returns on its investments.
The Production Sharing Contract (PSC) for the Rajasthan field is silent on government approval for transfer of ownership, but the Joint Operating Agreement between Cairn India and ONGC gives the partners ROFR in case of stake sale.
The same is the case with gas discovery block CB-OS-2 and the eastern offshore Ravva oil and gas fields. But its seven exploration blocks, including the KG-DWN-98/2 block with ONGC, have explicit provisions for government approval in case of a change in control.
Cairn India and ONGC are to spend USD 2.67 billion in capital expenditure in the Rajasthan block and USD 1.52 billion in operating expenditure, besides USD 941 million million towards the cost of a pipeline to transport crude oil.
ONGC's Net Present Value (the value today of anticipated future incomes and expenditures) works out to negative USD 1.435 billion and a negative USD 1.471 billion at a crude price of USD 60 and 70 per barrel, respectively, they said.
The negative NPV is a result of ONGC being made liable to pay 20 per cent royalty on the entire crude oil production, while Cairn is exempt from payment of any levy.

Flood for thought: Is Rs 5 per head a fair price for peace with Pak

Times of India - ‎2 hours ago‎
Forcing one's mind away from the human misery, it seems Mother Nature may have done to Pakistan what the combined might of Washington, London, New Delhi, and indeed the rest of the international community, hasn't been able to — force it to consider ...

India pledges full support to flood-hit Pak at UN

The Hindu - ‎40 minutes ago‎
PTI Offering its wholehearted support to flood-hit Pakistan, India has vowed to do all it can to assist the country in relief efforts, apart from the USD five million in aid already extended by it. "We are willing to do all that is in our power to ...

Pakistan accepts Indian flood aid

BBC News - ‎3 hours ago‎
Pakistan has accepted $5m (£3.2m) in aid from its rival and neighbour India, as donors pledged more money for the flood-hit country. Abdullah Haroon, Pakistan's UN Ambassador, welcomed the offer saying the disaster transcended any differences the two ...

"We don't yet know how many are dead and how many have perished," Haroon said. "We can only hold our breath and hope that the casualty figures have been fewer."
more by Hussain Haroon - 2 hours ago - Toronto Star (26 occurrences)

Surging floodwaters threaten southern Pakistan

Toronto Star - Carlotta Gall - ‎2 hours ago‎
MULTAN, PAKISTAN—Surging waters are shifting flood damage southward in Pakistan, as the water level rises at one of the main flood barriers north of the city of Hyderabad, officials said Friday. The next two days will be critical for the city's 1.5 ...

Pakistan accepts India's $5mn aid

Express Buzz - ‎1 hour ago‎
WASHINGTON: A week after India offered a $5 million aid, and a day after being goaded by the United States, flood-ravaged Pakistan finally accepted the Indian assistance and formally appreciated the gesture. Speaking to reporters in New York, ...

Actual Pakistan flood death toll unknown -UN envoy

Reuters - Louis Charbonneau, Will Dunham - ‎9 hours ago‎
UNITED NATIONS, Aug 20 (Reuters) - The actual number of people killed by the massive flooding in Pakistan remains unknown because large areas of the country are inaccessible, Islamabad's UN envoy said on Friday. ...

Pak accepts Indian aid after US prod

Times of India - ‎10 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI/ISLAMABAD: It took a week and a pointed "push" by Washington for Pakistan to finally see sense and accept India's flood-relief assistance. Reeling under its worst-ever humanitarian crisis, Pakistan responded to an Indian offer of assistance ...

Pakistan fears terrorist influx

The Hindu - Anita Joshua - ‎10 hours ago‎
Hours before United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon described the floods in Pakistan as a "slow motion tsunami'' at a special session at the UN headquarters on Thursday on the "unfolding emergency'', the Pakistani leadership — right from ...

Pakistan Flood-Aid Pledges Reach $320 Million as UN Requests $460 Million

Bloomberg - Bill Varner - ‎4 hours ago‎
Aug. 20 (Bloomberg) -- Bloomberg's Simin Demokan reports on the Pakistan flood and the pledges of international aid from members of the United Nations including the US, UK and the European Union. ...

Pakistan thanks world for opening wallets

The Associated Press - Edith M. Lederer - ‎7 hours ago‎
UNITED NATIONS — Pakistan thanked the world Friday for opening its wallets and said more than 20 million flood victims now know that nations and people around the globe are standing with them during the worst disaster the country has ever faced. ...
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Shah Mehmood Qureshi
Ban Ki-moon

Timeline of articles

Number of sources covering this story

India pledges full support to flood-hit Pak at UN
‎40 minutes ago‎ - The Hindu

Pakistan appreciates Indian offer for relief aid to flood affectees: FO
‎14 hours ago‎ - Online - International News Network

Why is the world not responding as Pakistan drowns?
‎20 hours ago‎ -

Pakistan pleads for flood aid at special UN meeting
‎Aug 19, 2010‎ - Ottawa Citizen

World's nations call for global solidarity to help flood-hit Pakistan
‎Aug 19, 2010‎ - Associated Press of Pakistan

UN calls for more Pakistan help
‎Aug 19, 2010‎ - BBC News

German HR Commissioner appeals help for flood affectees
‎Aug 19, 2010‎ - Associated Press of Pakistan

World ramps up flood aid to stricken Pakistan
‎Aug 19, 2010‎ - The Associated Press

Pakistan thanks India for $5 mn aid
‎Aug 19, 2010‎ - Hindustan Times

Accept India's aid offer on humanitarian grounds: Ansar Burney
‎Aug 18, 2010‎ - Hindustan Times


ABC Online
New York Times
The Hindu
The Guardian
The Guardian
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Raw Video: Aid Pours for Pakistan Flood Victims
The Associated Press  -  4 hours ago Watch video
<div class="video-thumb thumbnail"><a class="js-link thumbnail-toggle" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="return false;"><img src="" alt="" class="thumbnail" width="120" height="90"> <div class="icon play-icon"></div></a></div> <div class="video-details"><a href="">Raw Video: Aid Pours for Pakistan Flood Victims</a> <span class="source">The Associated Press</span> &nbsp;-&nbsp; 4 hours ago <div class="icon video-icon"></div> <a href="">Watch video</a></div>

Pakistani Official: The World Should Stand by Ally
PBS News Hour  -  6 hours ago Watch video
<div class="video-thumb thumbnail"><a class="js-link thumbnail-toggle" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="return false;"><img src="" alt="" class="thumbnail" width="120" height="90"> <div class="icon play-icon"></div></a></div> <div class="video-details"><a href="">Pakistani Official: The World Should Stand by Ally</a> <span class="source">PBS News Hour</span> &nbsp;-&nbsp; 6 hours ago <div class="icon video-icon"></div> <a href="">Watch video</a></div>

News Update: Pakistan accepts flood aid money from India
SmarTrend News  -  16 hours ago Watch video
<div class="video-thumb thumbnail"><a class="js-link thumbnail-toggle" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="return false;"><img src="" alt="" class="thumbnail" width="120" height="90"> <div class="icon play-icon"></div></a></div> <div class="video-details"><a href="">News Update: Pakistan accepts flood aid money from India</a> <span class="source">SmarTrend News</span> &nbsp;-&nbsp; 16 hours ago <div class="icon video-icon"></div> <a href="">Watch video</a></div>

'Pakistan Needs Your Immediate Help'
Asia Society  -  16 hours ago Watch video
<div class="video-thumb thumbnail"><a class="js-link thumbnail-toggle" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="return false;"><img src="" alt="" class="thumbnail" width="120" height="90"> <div class="icon play-icon"></div></a></div> <div class="video-details"><a href="">'Pakistan Needs Your Immediate Help'</a> <span class="source">Asia Society</span> &nbsp;-&nbsp; 16 hours ago <div class="icon video-icon"></div> <a href="">Watch video</a></div>

World leaders pledge more aid to Pakistan
ITN NEWS  -  18 hours ago Watch video
<div class="video-thumb thumbnail"><a class="js-link thumbnail-toggle" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="return false;"><img src="" alt="" class="thumbnail" width="120" height="90"> <div class="icon play-icon"></div></a></div> <div class="video-details"><a href="">World leaders pledge more aid to Pakistan</a> <span class="source">ITN NEWS</span> &nbsp;-&nbsp; 18 hours ago <div class="icon video-icon"></div> <a href="">Watch video</a></div>

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Month and a half before C'Wealth Games, skeletons are tumbling out of the cupboard

Daily News & Analysis - Manjula Pooja Shroff - ‎2 hours ago‎
The countdown for the Commonwealth Games, scheduled to kick off on October 3, has begun. ...
Video: Army asked to work at no cost for CWG
Commonwealth Games: Army asked to work for free Times of India
Army asked to work for Commonwealth Games at No Cost BreakingNewsOnline. - Wall Street Journal (blog)
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Tennis stars assure participation in Games

Hindustan Times - ‎2 hours ago‎
A day after the four top Indian tennis stars threatened to pull out of Commonwealth Games 2010, they have assured that they will play in full strength for ...
Tennis Players revolt ahead of Commonwealth Games BreakingNewsOnline.
We are committed to play in CWG: tennis players
Players say they will play in CWG, Davis Cup Times of India
Indian Express
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Zee News

Commonwealth Games have rival in mismanagement

Daily News & Analysis - Suman Sharma - ‎12 hours ago‎
Not so long ago, critics of Commonwealth Games 2010 were touting Military World Games (MWG) 2007 as a model ...
CAG cracks down on Military world games Hindustan Times
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Games sponsorship money was not compulsory, says Deshmukh

Hindustan Times - ‎20 hours ago‎
PTI A day after asking PSUs to hold back the sponsorship money for Commonwealth Games, Union Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh on Friday said spending money for ...
Think twice before backing Commonwealth Games: Vilasrao Deshmukh ministry Daily News & Analysis
FE Editorial : Not out of the woods yet Financial Express
Private companies keen to sponsor CWG as PSUs pull out Times of India
Economic Times
all 57 news articles »
BOM:532555 - NSE:NTPCEmail this story
Mumbai Mirror

For Commonwealth Games, kissing is touchy

Deccan Herald - ‎10 hours ago‎
... the advices on a website called "", launched specifically for tourists travelling to India during the Commonwealth Games. ...
No kissing, follow dress code, carry tissues: CWG to tourists Economic Times
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Sonia: Let Games finish, guilty won't be spared

Indian Express - ‎Aug 19, 2010‎
Breaking her silence on the controversies surrounding the preparations for the Commonwealth Games (CWG), Congress president Sonia Gandhi today reminded ...
PM, Sonia vow crackdown after Games Times of India
Commonwealth Games: Sonia Gandhi says those guilty will not be spared Daily News & Analysis
Those guilty of corruption will be punished after Games: Sonia Hindustan Times
Sify - BBC News
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हिंदी मेंEmail this story

Games ambulances in need of emergency care

Times of India - Malathy Iyer - ‎9 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI: The emergency medical services (EMS) needed for such a massive showpiece event as the Commonwealth Games, which will have top athletes from all ...

New Delhi Blame Games for waterlogging

Hindustan Times - ‎9 hours ago‎
The frenzied construction work being carried out for the Commonwealth Games has choked Delhi's main stormwater drains that carry excess rainwater to Yamuna. ...
India Talkies

Kochi gets ready for the Queen's Baton

Express Buzz - ‎2 hours ago‎
KOCHI: The district administration has made extensive arrangements to receive the XIX Commonwealth Games Queen's Baton Relay on August 29, the National ...
Video: Vishwanathan Anand welcomes Queen's Baton in Chennai
GoM decides to stay away from QBR in Capital Times of India
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Games lane trials to start tomorrow

Indian Express - ‎2 hours ago‎
The Traffic Police is finally ready to go ahead with the first trial for the accredited lane for Commonwealth Games on Sunday. As per the plan, the two-hour ...
Zee News

Lifters will end career if they miss CWG: IWF chief

Times of India - ‎15 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI: Non-participation of Indian weightlifters in the Commonwealth Games if $3,75000 doping fine is not paid by August 31 will severely impact the ...
Weightlifting federation lashes out at ministry, IOA Sify
Huge setback for IWLF The Hindu
IWF seeking ministry aid Calcutta Telegraph
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CWG: Fennell, Hooper pushed through dodgy SMAM deal

Times of India - Josy Joseph - ‎11 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI: Remember the Commonwealth Games Organizing Committee's controversial deal with Australia-based Sports Marketing & Management (SMAM)? ...
OC officials had warned about SMAM in Feb Times of India
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OC hires firm for food quality control

Times of India - ‎5 hours ago‎
After finalising little-known companies for catering services at the various Commonwealth Games venues, it has also hired the services of a quality control ...
CWG: Govt acts, but is it too late? Asian Age
OC finally names caterers for CWG Hindustan Times
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India Talkies

HC tells MCD to relocate slum

Times of India - ‎4 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI: The MCD on Friday approached the Delhi HC seeking its permission for removal of a slum cluster near JN stadium in view of Commonwealth Games. ...
Court petitioned for razing slum near Games stadium Sify
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Merchandise delay: OC will resolve issues by next week

Times of India - Rumu Banerjee - ‎5 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI: The wait for the Commonwealth Games merchandise has got longer. Top sources in the organising committee (OC) said on Friday plans on the ...

Will check Games projects' credibility before funding: Rlys

Indian Express - ‎8 hours ago‎
At a time when the focus is on the Organising Committee of the Commonwealth Games for misutilisation of funds, the Indian Railways — the lead partner of ...

On Day 2, Games boss Fennell meets Sheila Dikshit - ‎Aug 18, 2010‎
New Delhi: Commonwealth Games Federation President Michael Fennell met Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit and Organising Committee Chief Suresh Kalmadi on ...
Fennell inspects Commonwealth Games venues Hindustan Times
Commonwealth Games Federation chief Fennell visits Games sites Times of India
No specific threat to Commonwealth Games: Govt Economic Times
Rediff -
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Shoddy preparation a shame, says Randhawa

Times of India - ‎10 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI: Already facing flak from all quarters for missing deadlines and corruption charges, the Commonwealth Games got another critic in Jyoti Randhawa. ...
Golfers disheartened with shoddy preparation for CWG
Randhawa slams CWG corruption as 'shameful' The Hindu
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Archery venue wide off the mark

Times of India - Mohammad Amin-ul Islam - ‎4 hours ago‎
A look at the Yamuna Sports Complex (YSC) — which will host the archery preliminaries and table tennis at the Commonwealth Games (CWG) — shows that the ...

'All rooms won't be ready before games'

Hindustan Times - ‎11 hours ago‎
At Friday's meeting of the Empowered Group of Ministers (EGoM) on Commonwealth Games, DDA officials said that of the 3179 upcoming flats in Vasant Kunj, ...
India Today

A paint that will kill mosquitoes

Hindustan Times - ‎11 hours ago‎
To prevent mosquitoes from biting athletes and delegates who will be in town to participate in the Commonwealth Games this October, the Municipal ...
Mosquito outbreak adds to Commonwealth fears GulfNews
New 'terminator' to fight dengue Asian Age
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Cover it up!

Hindustan Times - ‎12 hours ago‎
Come September and this host-city for the October Commonwealth Games will start covering some of its slums and garbage dumps with flags and banners bearing ...

SC upholds Delhi govt's land acquisitions

Economic Times - ‎8 hours ago‎
"We are satisfied that the existence of public purpose and urgency in executing the project before the Commonwealth Games, the adjoining land belonging to ...
Daily News & Analysis

Will Do Credibility Check Before Funding CWG: Mamata

Outlook - ‎13 hours ago‎
Railways will do its due diligence about the "credibility" of the some of the Commonwealth Games projects before releasing Rs 100 crore as sponsorship, ...
Video: Mamata defends pro-Maoist remarks, targets left
Railways funds for Games after checking credentials: Mamata Economic Times
Railway funds for CWG after checking credentials: Mamata The Hindu
all 326 news articles »
हिंदी मेंEmail this story
Yentha - Helps you decide

Commonwealth Express train to arrive on Aug 25

Express Buzz - ‎2 hours ago‎
The Commonwealth Express train is a special exhibition train designed to promote the 2010 Delhi Commonwealth Games. Director of Kerala State IT Mission and ...
CWG express train to arrive in Pondy tomorrow
Commonwealth Express Train To Reach Trivandrum On August 25 Yentha - Helps you decide
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Scotland name strong games squad

Hindustan Times - ‎Aug 18, 2010‎
While 72-year old legendary bowls player Willie Wood, who will be making a record eighth Commonwealth Games appearance, is the oldest athlete in the ...
Hewitt, Stosur to miss Commonwealth Games AFP
Leyton Hewitt, Sam Stosur in Commonwealth Games snub Herald Sun
Luczak and Rodionova head Games team Sydney Morning Herald
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Past passé, Gagan aims for the gold

Hindustan Times - ‎12 hours ago‎
I have a good track record and I will try and win as many medals as I can," said Gagan, who bagged four gold at the 2006 Commonwealth Games in Melbourne. ...
Third time unlucky Times of India
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PIL in SC seeks CBI probe into CWG scams

Times of India - ‎7 hours ago‎
... a PIL was filed on Friday seeking a CBI probe into the countless scams tumbling out of the cupboards of organising committee for Commonwealth Games. ...
PIL filed in SC seeking CBI probe & removal of Kalmadi Hindustan Times
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R25 cr archery stadium: Is it missing the target?

Hindustan Times - ‎10 hours ago‎
Has the Commonwealth Games Organising Committee (OC) built a R25 crore archery stadium that was never needed? The Archery Association of India's (AAI) ...

Latest Games headache: The missing volunteers

Indian Express - ‎19 hours ago‎
People are quitting the Commonwealth Games volunteer programme in hordes. In fact, 80 per cent of those interviewed for the programme are no longer part of ...

With pay hike, an MP to cost Rs 37L a year

Times of India - Atul Thakur - ‎10 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI: Not satisfied with a three-fold hike in their basic salary, many MPs stalled Parliament proceedings on Friday, saying that the "low" hike was an insult to the country's legislators. But do these MPs have a case? TOI did some calculations to ...

Cabinet nod trebles salaries for MPs

Business Standard - ‎12 hours ago‎
Members of Parliament will now earn around Rs 1.02 lakh a month after the Union Cabinet today gave its consent to a Bill that enhances their salaries and allowances by over 200 per cent. Daily allowances and pensions have also been hiked. ...

MPs have right to money, but pay on performance

Oneindia - ‎18 hours ago‎
A lot of criticism has bundled against our honourable Members of Parliament (MPs) following the Cabinet's nod to the three-fold salary-hike. While our politicians are fighting for expansion in the quantum of the hike seeking a five-fold hike, ...

After hike, Indian MP gets 13 times less pay than US lawmaker

Times of India - ‎18 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI: Even after a three-fold pay hike, Indian MPs still rank much below their fellow parliamentarians in major countries in terms of their monthly salaries. With the Cabinet today giving its nod to the MPs' pay rise besides doubling several other ...

Govt plans to bring MPs pay hike bill in Parliament tomorrow

Hindustan Times - ‎15 hours ago‎
PTI Union Railway Minister and RJD President Lalu Prasad Yadav reacts at the debate on nuke deal in the... Notwithstanding opposition from certain parties, government plans to bring the bill enhancing the salaries of MPs in the Lok Sabha on Saturday. ...

MP Pay hike to cost Nation Rs 60,00000/MP

Times - ‎15 hours ago‎
A 300% hike is not enough for our Members of Parliament; now they want it to be 500%. Dissatisfied by the quantum of hike in the salaries approved by the Cabinet, the Samajwadi Party, Rashtriya Janata Dal and the Janata Dal (United) stalled proceedings ...

MPs get a raise: Salaries increase three fold

Financial Express - ‎10 hours ago‎
New Delhi: Salaries of members of Parliament (MPs) will be raised by more than three times with the Union cabinet on Friday approving a Bill which raised their basic pay from Rs 16000 to Rs 50000 a month. However, this is much less than the Rs 80000 a ...

How much an MP will now get?

Economic Times - ‎17 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI: The following is the summary of monetary benefits MPs are entitled to as salary and other perks which were Friday proposed to be hiked manifold. - Basic salary of Rs 16000. The salary has been hiked by 300 percent as proposed by the cabinet. ...

Split Cabinet defers salary hike for MPs

Times of India - ‎Aug 16, 2010‎
NEW DELHI: The Union Cabinet on Monday put off a decision on raising salaries of MPs three-fold, fearing that the hike for lawmakers may not go down well with a population grappling with hardships. The issue, which looked sealed because of the ...

Adjournment over MPs' salaries not a good signal: Cong

The Hindu - ‎Aug 17, 2010‎
PTI Congress on Tuesday hit out at the Opposition for forcing adjournment of the Lok Sabha over MPs' salaries on which the Cabinet has deferred a decision, saying it did not send out a proper signal to the nation. "I do not think it is an issue which ...
All 85 related articles »


Lok Sabha
Lalu Prasad Yadav
Pranab Mukherjee
Member of Parliament

Timeline of articles

Number of sources covering this story

With pay hike, an MP to cost Rs 37L a year
‎10 hours ago‎ - Times of India

Cabinet approves bill to raise MPs' salary
‎22 hours ago‎ - Daily News & Analysis

Three-fold salary hike for MPs approved
‎Aug 19, 2010‎ - The Hindu

Adjournment over MPs' salaries not a good signal: Cong
‎Aug 17, 2010‎ - The Hindu

Split Cabinet defers salary hike for MPs
‎Aug 16, 2010‎ - Times of India

All parties unite on huge hike for MPs
‎Aug 15, 2010‎ - Times of India


Calcutta Telegr...
All India Radio
MSN India
India Talkies
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Govt to table nuclear liability bill next week with 18 amendments

Times of India - ‎9 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI: The government will move the nuclear liability bill next week with 18 amendments which will include creation of three slabs to assess liability. There will be a Rs 1500 crore cap for large nuclear power plants, a Rs 300 crore cap for ...

Cabinet clears nuclear liability bill

The Hindu - Smita Gupta - ‎9 hours ago‎
New Delhi: The government was in damage control mode on Friday — the Union Cabinet snipped off the offending word "and" between clause 17 (A) and 17 (B) of the controversial Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Bill 2010. Thus, it restored the operator's ...

18 changes in nuclear liability bill

Daily News & Analysis - ‎11 hours ago‎
Bowing to pressure from the opposition, the government made 18 changes in the Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Bill, 2010, while adopting most of the recommendations made by the parliamentary standing committee. However, the government has rejected ...

Cloud of 'and' on nuke bill passes

Calcutta Telegraph - ‎9 hours ago‎
New Delhi, Aug. 20: The government gave in to the BJP's demand to drop an offending "and" that had yesterday threatened to upset the passage of the nuclear liability bill. The word sneaked into the report of an all-party parliamentary panel that had ...

New Delhi N-bill clears 'and' hurdle

Hindustan Times - ‎10 hours ago‎
The government on Friday dropped the word 'and' recommended by the parliamentary panel to be added between the clauses relating to supplier liability in the Nuclear Liability Bill. But it remains to be seen how far the government can address the ...

Cabinet drops 'and', clears changes to N-Bill

Deccan Herald - Anirban Bhaumik - ‎11 hours ago‎
The Union Cabinet on Friday cleared 18 amendments to the Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Bill, accommodating several recommendations of the Parliamentary Standing Committee and addressing most of the concerns of the opposition BJP and the leftists. ...

Government relents, fixes suppliers' liability in n-bill

Sify - ‎13 hours ago‎
Bowing to demands from the main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the cabinet Friday approved changes in the draft civil nuclear liability bill to include tripling the accident compensation cap to Rs.1500 crore and cleared the ambiguity about ...

Controversy over amendment in N-bill was unnecessary: Govt

Zee News - ‎13 hours ago‎
New Delhi: Government on Friday rejected Left parties' charge that the Nuclear Liability Bill was designed to benefit American equipment suppliers and dismissed as unnecessary the controversy over a Parliamentary Committee recommendation for an ...

Govt keeps nuke Bill just the way BJP wants it

Chandigarh Tribune - Anita Katyal - ‎10 hours ago‎
The UPA government today gave in to the demands of the Opposition and amended the Nuclear Liability Bill suitably to ensure that the obligations of the suppliers of equipment are not diluted in case of an accident. The controversial Bill, which was ...

After our pressure, nuke bill now 'India-centric': BJP

Hindustan Times - ‎17 hours ago‎
PTI BJP on Friday said the government "bowed" under pressure put by it on the issue of the Nuclear Liability Bill and has changed it from being "US-centric to India-centric." "The format in which the nuclear liability Bill had come, it was against ...
All 174 related articles »


Bharatiya Janata Party
Nuclear power
Lok Sabha

Timeline of articles

Number of sources covering this story

Supplier liability to save nuke bill
‎Aug 19, 2010‎ - Economic Times

BJP won't back nuclear bill without supplier liability
‎Aug 19, 2010‎ - The Hindu

Eyeing Muslim votes, Yadavs mix Nuclear-deal & Modi
‎Aug 18, 2010‎ - Economic Times

The deal behind the Bill
‎Aug 18, 2010‎ - Hindustan Times

N-bill liability cap hiked to Rs 1500 cr, suppliers' liability fixed
‎Aug 18, 2010‎ - Economic Times

BJP relents, nuclear bill report in Parliament Wednesday
‎Aug 17, 2010‎ - Times of India


Deccan Herald
The Hindu
The Hindu
The Hindu
The Hindu
The Hindu
Zee News
All related images »

Curfew clamped in some parts of Kashmir

Hindustan Times - ‎1 hour ago‎
PTI Curfew was clamped on Saturday in some parts of Srinagar, Sopore, Anantnag and Bijbehara towns in the wake of a separatists' call for shutdown and protests. "Areas under the jurisdiction of police stations of Srinagar district - Batamloo, Bemina, ...

Two more deaths in J&K, CRPF officer held for killing

Hindustan Times - ‎10 hours ago‎
Two more protestors were killed in firing by the security forces in the Kashmir Valley on Friday, but in a swift response by the state government anxious to contain rising public anger, a CRPF officer was held for one of the killings. ...

More protests, 2 more killed in Valley

Indian Express - ‎8 hours ago‎
Two more civilians were killed as police and CRPF personnel fired on protestors at Bijbehara in Anantnag and Sopore, taking the death toll since the ongoing protests began on June 11 to 61. Hundreds have been injured, some of them are now battling for ...

"The police have registered a case (against Das)," said Chief Minister Omar Abdullah. "They have done it on their own, saying the killing was unprovoked."
more by Omar Abdullah - 10 hours ago - Hindustan Times (2 occurrences)

Teen kill charge on Valley CRPF

Calcutta Telegraph - ‎9 hours ago‎
Srinagar, Aug. 20: Jammu and Kashmir police have filed a murder case against the CRPF for the death of a teenager, sparking a duel between the two forces at a time of raging street protests in the Valley. The police claimed Mudassir Ahmad, 18, ...

J&K cops file case against CRPF for killing youth

Deccan Herald - ‎11 hours ago‎
The Jammu and Kashmir police registered a murder case against the CRPF for killing a teenaged boy in Sopore in north Kashmir on Thursday evening. Meanwhile, police firing at Bijbehara in south Kashmir on Friday claimed a youth's life. ...

Two More Young Kashmiris Fall To Forces' Bullets

Kashmir Observer - ‎11 hours ago‎
Srinagar, Aug 20, KONS: Government forces kept the clock of death ticking in Kashmir as they killed two more persons over the past 24 hours, even as nearly 150 others, including over a score of women and 20 police personnel, were injured in tear ...

Two more die in firing in Kashmir

The Hindu - Shujaat Bukhari - ‎16 hours ago‎
AP A Kashmiri woman runs for cover along with others during a protest in Srinagar on Friday. Two persons were killed in police firing in the Valley even as curfew remained clamped in eight towns. Violence, which broke out after the death of a teenager ...

2 more die as protests rage in Kashmir

Hindustan Times - ‎14 hours ago‎
Despite a daylong 'deal' between the shutdown by separatists and the revocation of curfew by the authorities for the day, the Kashmir valley witnessed protests and violence on Friday that left one civilian dead. A civilian, Nazir Ahmad Wani (22), ...

1 more killed in Anantnag, Kashmir on boil again

Oneindia - ‎17 hours ago‎
Srinagar, Aug 20: The situation in Kashmir continues to spiral out of control as violence raised its ugly head yet again leading to death of yet another civilian in police firing on Friday, Aug 20. The death of a youngster on Friday, Aug 20 morning ...

Kashmir Police register murder case against CRPF

Daily News & Analysis - ‎12 hours ago‎
By Ishfaq-ul-Hassan | Place: Srinagar | Agency: DNA Police have registered a case against CRPF for allegedly killing an 18-year-old boy in Sopore on Thursday evening, even as another youth was killed by security forces on Friday, taking the toll since ...
All 33 related articles »



Timeline of articles

Number of sources covering this story

Curfew clamped in some parts of Kashmir
‎1 hour ago‎ - Hindustan Times

One killed in Valley, curfew in force in eight towns
‎17 hours ago‎ - Economic Times

Over two dozen injured in Kashmir clashes
‎Aug 19, 2010‎ - Sify

:. 3 civilians critical in Kashmir clashes
‎Aug 19, 2010‎ - Kashmir Watch


The Hindu
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Kashmir tense after 2 more civilian deaths  -  49 minutes ago Watch video
<div class="video-thumb thumbnail"><a class="js-link thumbnail-toggle" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="return false;"><img src="" alt="" class="thumbnail" width="120" height="90"> <div class="icon play-icon"></div></a></div> <div class="video-details"><a href="">Kashmir tense after 2 more civilian deaths</a> <span class="source"></span> &nbsp;-&nbsp; 49 minutes ago <div class="icon video-icon"></div> <a href="">Watch video</a></div>

All related



Monsoon seen normal next week: IMD

India - ‎1 hour ago‎
The Monsoon rainfall activity has improved considerably during the week August 12 to 18 as compared to last the week (05- 11 August), the Indian Metrological Department said.
Rains continue to lash Delhi The Hindu
Monsoon seen normal next week, crop area grows
Economic Times - Reuters India - Sify - BusinessWeek
all 58 news articles »Email this story

Govt seeks details of Cairn-Vedanta deal

Economic Times - ‎18 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI: The government has asked Cairn Energy Plc to submit details of its deal to sell its majority stake in the company that operates the giant Rajasthan oilfields, to London-listed Vedanta Resources, Oil Minister Murli Deora said today.
Govt seeks Cairn facts Calcutta Telegraph
"Dumb Oil"? India (blog)
Hindu Business Line - The Hindu -
all 70 news articles »
हिंदी में
NSE:CAIRN - BOM:532792 - BOM:500312Email this story
The Hindu

Realty prices in Kalyan escalate on airport buzz

India Today - ‎3 hours ago‎
Even a remark by a minister can sometimes jack up real estate prices. Last week, when Union Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh aired his reservations about setting up an airport at Navi Mumbai, the prices of real estate in Kalyan shot up.
Uddhav goes green over Navi Mum site Times of India
Progress on Navi Mumbai airport plan Economic Times
Hindustan Times - The Hindu - Daily News & Analysis - Sify
all 106 news articles »Email this story

India sees solution on BlackBerry emails next week: source

Reuters - Bappa Majumdar, Sugita Katyal - ‎5 hours ago‎
A salesman is seen behind the box of a blackberry handset at a shop in the southern Indian city of Kochi August 18, 2010. NEW DELHI (Reuters) - BlackBerry-maker Research In Motion may provide some solution next week to help Indian security agencies ...
BlackBerry enterprise solution soon Times of India
No solution with BlackBerry yet to intercept mails Hindustan Times - Wall Street Journal - Bloomberg
all 1,037 news articles »
हिंदी में
TSE:RIM - BOM:532454 - NSE:BHARTIARTLEmail this story
The Comment Factory

Centre trying to save own skin over Vedanta conflict?

Times of India - Manoj Mitta - ‎8 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI: Though it is dubbed as India's Avatar moment, after the Hollywood blockbuster, the Vedanta mining controversy is not about choosing between development and environment.
Rahul to visit Vedanta protest site, BJD says playing politics Indian Express
FAC accepts report on Vedanta project The Hindu - Sify - Hindustan Times
all 44 news articles »
LON:VEDEmail this story
Malaysia Star

India, China seen leading robust Asian recovery: ADB

Economic Times - ‎10 hours ago‎
Asian economies are likely to show robust growth this year supported by China and India, though growth could slow in the second half, the Asian Development Bank chief economist said on Thursday.
Indian middle class to shine worldwide India Today
India's middle class drives consumption, growth: ADB The Hindu
Hindu Business Line - - Business Standard - domain-B
all 224 news articles »Email this story

Soros buys 4% in BSE, values bourse at $800 mn

Economic Times - ‎Aug 19, 2010‎
MUMBAI: Billionaire investor George Soros has bought close to 4% equity stake in the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), through his hedge fund Quantum (Mauritius), according to two people involved in the transaction.
George Soros Buys 4% Stake In Bombay Stock Exchange Wall Street Journal
Soros-Controlled Fund Said to Acquire 4% Holding in Bombay Stock Exchange Bloomberg
The Hindu - Asian Age - India
all 156 news articles »
हिंदी में
BOM:526881Email this story
Reuters India

BPCL arm to buy shale assets in Oz

Times of India - ‎11 hours ago‎
Mumbai: Bharat Petroleum Corp (BPCL) said on Friday that its subsidiary for upstream activities Bharat Petro Resources (BPRL) has entered into an agreement with Australia's Norwest Energy to buy a stake in two shale gas blocks in the Perth basin in ...
BPCL arm acquires stake in two Australia shale gas blocks Economic Times
BPCL acquires shale gas assets in Oz Deccan Chronicle - India -
all 29 news articles »
हिंदी में
BOM:500547Email this story
India Talkies

TRAI for 10-digit landline numbers to meet crunch

The Hindu - Sandeep Joshi - ‎9 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI: Get ready to remember 10-digit landline numbers as the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) on Friday recommended that the country migrate to an integrated numbering scheme for both fixed and mobile services by December 31, 2011.
Fixed-line phones may get 10-digit numbers Business Standard
Fixed-line numbers to get longer as mobiles run out of free digits Livemint
Daily News & Analysis - Hindu Business Line - Times of India - Asian Age
all 28 news articles »Email this story
The Hindu

Sensex ends slightly lower amid global weakness - Varun Sinha - ‎20 hours ago‎
The markets closed flat after a lacklustre session of trade. Global stocks were hit by a slew of negative economic reports coming out of the world's largest economy - the US.
Sensex ends below 18400; realty holds ground Economic Times
Sensex ends 69 points lower Times of India - Sify - India
all 453 news articles »
BOM:532667 - BOM:530965 - BOM:500325Email this story

In rethink, govt shuts Bhagirathi power project

Times of India - Nitin Sethi - ‎9 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI: After the intervention of the Congress leadership the UPA government today reversed its earlier decision and ordered closure of the 600 MW Loharinag Pala hydroelectric project on Bhagirathi river, a tributary of Ganga in Uttarakhand.
Loharinag Pala hydel project to be scrapped The Hindu
Under pressure, govt scraps dam Hindustan Times
Economic Times
all 7 news articles »Email this story
Reuters India

RCom joins hands with Nokia

The Hindu - ‎12 hours ago‎
The Hindu Mahesh Prasad (right), President, Wireless, Reliance Communications with V. Ramnath, Director, Operator Channels, Nokia India at a press conference In New Delhi on Friday.
RCom partners with Nokia to provide personalised content Economic Times
Rel Comm to offer Nokia's services suite Hindustan Times
Equity Bulls - - domain-B
all 58 news articles »
हिंदी में
AMS:NOKA - BOM:532712 - BOM:532454Email this story
Business Standard

Royal Orchids board approves upto Rs 150cr fund raising - ‎Aug 19, 2010‎
In an interview with CNBC-TV18, Keshav Baljee, President, Royal Orchids Hotel, spoke about the latest happenings in his company and sector.
Royal Orchid: Steady expansion Business Standard
Royal Orchid Hotels to raise up to Rs 150 cr to fund new projects Economic Times - BusinessWeek - India
all 16 news articles »
NSE:ROHLTD - BOM:532699 - WYNEmail this story
The Hindu

CBDT hints at tax relief in new DTC

Express Buzz - ‎2 hours ago‎
NEWDELHI: THE Union Finance Ministry is all set to bring down slabs in the direct taxes in the proposed Direct Taxes Code (DTC) that would come into force from 2011 financial year.
Direct taxes code may moderate tax rates, hints CBDT chairman Economic Times
Rate relief coming in new tax regime: CBDT chief Hindu Business Line
The Hindu - Calcutta Telegraph - India - Deccan Herald
all 26 news articles »Email this story

Hiked US worker visa fees come into effect

Sify - ‎16 hours ago‎
The steep hike in US worker visa fees imposed under a new law signed by President Barack Obama ignoring Indian and American corporate concerns has come into effect.
US visa fee hike wont affect Indian IT Indian Express
China may join India in opposing new US visa norms domain-B
Business Standard - Daily News & Analysis - - Oneindia
all 44 news articles »Email this story
The Hindu

Airline revenues perk up; AI takes off but still behind Jet & Kingfisher

Indian Express - ‎10 hours ago‎
After enduring more than a year of turbulence, national carrier Air India is showing signs of revival, as its revenues jumped almost 18 per cent in the quarter-ending June this year as compared to the same period in the previous year.
Aviation flying high: What are the safe bets there?
Top Aviation news of the week India
Economic Times - Wall Street Journal (blog) - The Hindu
all 52 news articles »
BOM:532747 - PINK:BABWF - LON:BAYEmail this story
The Hindu

Karnataka has no power to ban iron ore export, says Centre

Daily News & Analysis - ‎3 hours ago‎
By Srikanth Hunasavadi | Place: Bangalore | Agency: DNA Without taking a definite stand, the central government on Friday presented its objection to the state government's decision to ban the export of iron ore.
Indian iron ore mining mess - Rule on warehouses SteelGuru
Indian iron ore mining mess - Inquiry in missing iron ore SteelGuru
Business Standard - The Hindu - Rediff - Steel Business Briefing (subscription)
all 12 news articles »Email this story
Business Standard

Tata revives Gopalpur project

Express Buzz - ‎1 hour ago‎
BHUBANESWAR: After hanging fire for almost 15 years, Tata Steel's Gopalpur project looks like taking off though on a smaller scale.
Tata Steel to invest Rs 1000 cr in Orissa plants Hindu Business Line
Gopalpur park to attract Rs 15000 cr investment, says Nerurkar Sify
Economic Times - Daily News & Analysis - - Deccan Chronicle
all 31 news articles »Email this story

Rakhi gifts on Indiatimes

Times of India - ‎5 hours ago‎
NEW DELHI: Are you the sort who is like fish out of water when it comes to purchasing gifts for loved ones? This Raksha Bandhan, leading online shopping portal Indiatimes has launched an array of rakhis and gift hampers which can be delivered anywhere ...
This Rakhsha Bandhan, 92.7 BIG FM goes green India
Messages for Raksha Bandhan India Today
Economic Times - Sify - Times - Oneindia
all 38 news articles »Email this story
SME Times

India is the new jewel IN the Crown

Times of India - Marcellus Baptista - ‎15 hours ago‎
The jewel drool came alive on all five days (and nights) of the India International Jewellery Week, presented by the Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council.
Swarovski Elements sparkles at iijs 2010 India
Indian designs sparkled at jewellery week (Review) Sify
Hindustan Times - Business Standard - (subscription) - Diamond World Magazine
all 45 news articles »Email this story

Calcutta Telegr...
Hindu Business ...
The Hindu
Business Standa...
Hindu Business ...
Business Standa...
The Hindu
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India, China seen leading robust Asian recovery: ADB
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In rethink, govt shuts Bhagirathi power project
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शीर्ष कहानियां

याहू! जागरण

यमुना खतरे के निशान से ऊपर, अलर्ट जारी

खास खबर - ‎11 मिनट पहले‎
नई दिल्ली। तीन दिन से जारी बारिश से दिल्ली में बाढ़ का खतरा पैदा हो गया है। यमुना नदी खतरे के निशान से ऊपर बह रही है और उसमें लगातार जलस्तर बढ़ रहा है। बारिश आज भी जारी रही तो दिल्ली के निचले इलाके जलमग्न हो सकते हैं। इसके मद्देनजर प्रशासन ने दिल्ली में अलर्ट जारी कर दिया है और नदी किनारे निचले इलाकों में रहने वाले लोगों को सुरक्षित स्थानों पर पहुंचाया गया है। यमुना में जलस्तर बढ़ने की सबसे ब़डी वजह हरियाणा के हथिनीकुंड ...
यमुना खतरे के निशान से पार, दिल्ली में बाढ़ का खतरा दैनिक भास्कर
यमुना खतरे के निशान से ऊपर, लोगों को हटाया गया नवभारत टाइम्स
आज तक - SamayLive - हिन्दुस्तान दैनिक -
सभी 23 समाचार लेख »
In Englishयह कहानी ईमेल करें
That's Hindi

घाटी में सीआरपीएफ पर हत्या का मामला दर्ज

दैनिक भास्कर - ‎3 घंटे पहले‎
श्रीनगर जम्मू-कश्मीर में हिंसक प्रदर्शनकारियों पर सुरक्षा बलों की गोलीबारी में दो और युवकों की मौत हो गई है। इनमें से एक मामले में पुलिस ने सीआरपीएफ के खिलाफ हत्या का मामला दर्ज किया है। घाटी में पिछले कुछ अर्से से चल रहे उग्र प्रदर्शनों के बीच पहली बार इस तरह का मामला दर्ज हुआ है। सोपोर में गुरुवार को प्रदर्शनकारियों पर सीआरपीएफ की कथित गोलीबारी में 18 वर्षीय मुद्दसर नाजिर घायल हो गया था। शुक्रवार को अस्पताल में उसकी ...
कश्मीर हिंसा में 2 की मौत, मृतकों की संख्या 62 हुई खास खबर
कश्मीर में हिंसक प्रदर्शन जारी, दो मरे वेबदुनिया हिंदी
डी-डब्लू वर्ल्ड - बीबीसी हिन्दी -
सभी 25 समाचार लेख »
In Englishयह कहानी ईमेल करें

किसानों के साथ जबर्दस्ती नहीं होने दी जाएगी : टिकैत

खास खबर - ‎3 घंटे पहले‎
अलीगढ। उत्तर प्रदेश के अलीगढ़ में नोएडा-आगरा यमुना एक्सप्रेस-वे को लेकर आंदोलन कर रहे किसानों की आवाज बुलंद करने पहुंचे भारतीय किसान यूनियन (भाकियू) प्रमुख महेंद्र सिंह टिकैत ने उचित मुआवजा न मिलने तक किसानों से धरना जारी रखने को कहा है। टिकैत ने कहा कि किसानों की जमीन जबर्दस्ती अधिग्रहीत नहीं होने दी जाएगी। कांग्रेस महासचिव दिग्विजय सिंह ने भी अलीगढ़ पहुंचकर मायावती सरकार पर निशाना साधा। शुक्रवार दोपहर बाद अलीगढ़ के ...
किसान चाहते है राहुल गांधी बने आंदोलन का हिस्सा दैनिक भास्कर
गले की हड्डी बना किसान आंदोलन जनादेश
याहू! जागरण - Business standard Hindi - नवभारत  टाइम्स - That's Hindi
सभी 59 समाचार लेख »
In Englishयह कहानी ईमेल करें

ताज़ा समाचार

अमेरिकी वीजा की वृद्धि दरे लागू
खास खबर
- ‎20 घंटे पहले‎ -
सभी 30 लेख »
In English
लफंगे परिंदे की उडान में दम नहीं
खास खबर
- ‎47 मिनट पहले‎ -
सभी 15 लेख »
गतिरोध दूर, राष्ट्रमंडल खेलों में खेलेंगे टेनिस खिलाड़ी
हिन्दुस्तान दैनिक
- ‎39 मिनट पहले‎ -
सभी 26 लेख »
In English
...और पाक ने स्वीकारी भारतीय मदद
प्रभात खबर
- ‎16 घंटे पहले‎ -
सभी 58 लेख »
सिखों के साथ है पूरा देशः प्रणब
- ‎29 मिनट पहले‎ -
सभी 35 लेख »
अमेरिकी दबाव में डाउ केमिकल्स को छोड़ देगा भारत?
दैनिक भास्कर
- ‎3 घंटे पहले‎ -
सभी 22 लेख »
In English
सचिन ने देखी मराठी फिल्म
दैनिक भास्कर
- ‎38 मिनट पहले‎ -
सभी 14 लेख »
In English
अब इंग्लैंड का कल्याण करेंगे पंडित पॉल
दैनिक भास्कर
- ‎2 घंटे पहले‎ -
सभी 25 लेख »
In English

विश्व »

खास खबर

ओवल टेस्ट- आमेर, अजमल का कहर, इंग्लैंड संकट में

जोश 18 - ‎2 घंटे पहले‎
लंदन। सलामी बल्लेबाज एलिस्टेयर कुक (110) ने बेहतरीन शतक बनाकर अपने आलोचकों को शांत करते हुए इंग्लैंड को पाकिस्तान के खिलाफ तीसरे क्रिकेट टेस्ट के तीसरे दिन शुक्रवार को मुकाबले में लौटाया लेकिन मोहम्मद आमेर और सईद अजमल की घातक गेंदबाजी के आगे मध्यक्रम लड़खड़ाने के कारण दिन का खेल समाप्त होने तक मेजबान टीम 221 रन पर नौ विकेट खोकर संकट में घिर गयी है। इंग्लैंड ने तीसरे दिन का खेल खत्म होने तक नौ विकेट खोकर 221 रन बना लिए हैं। ...
इंग्लैंड की पारी संकट में खास खबर
कुक का शतक पर पाक का पलड़ा भारी याहू! जागरण
दैनिक भास्कर - - डी-डब्लू वर्ल्ड
सभी 8 समाचार लेख »
In Englishयह कहानी ईमेल करें
That's Hindi

...और पाक ने स्वीकारी भारतीय मदद

प्रभात खबर - ‎16 घंटे पहले‎
नयी दिल्ली : एक हफ्ते तक पसोपेश में रहने के बाद पाकिस्तान ने बाढ़ पीड़ितों के लिए 50 लाख डॉलर की भारतीय मदद आज स्वीकार कर ली जबकि भारत ने इस फ़ैसले का स्वागत करते हुए बाढ़ से मची तबाही से निबटने के लिए अतिरिक्त मदद की पेशकश की. पाकिस्तान के विदेश मंत्री एसएम कुरैशी ने न्यूयार्क स्थित संयुक्त राष्ट्र मुख्यालय में पाकिस्तान पर आयोजित विशेष सत्र से इतर भारतीय सहायता स्वीकार करने की घोषणा की. घटनाक्रम पर प्रतिक्रिया करते हुए ...
पाकिस्तान ने सहायता कबूली, भारत ने स्वागत किया खास खबर
प्रतिष्ठा का झूठा प्रदर्शन याहू! जागरण
नवभारत  टाइम्स - दैनिक भास्कर - एनडीटीवी खबर - डी-डब्लू वर्ल्ड
सभी 58 समाचार लेख »यह कहानी ईमेल करें
हिन्‍दी लोक

जापान के साथ परमाणु समझौते की भारत को उम्मीद

That's Hindi - ‎1 घंटा पहले‎
नई दिल्ली, 20 अगस्त (आईएएनएस)। भारत के साथ असैन्य परमाणु सहयोग के बारे में जापानी अधिकारियों की हाल की विरोधी टिप्पणी को दरकिनार करते हुए भारत ने शुक्रवार को कहा कि जापान के साथ जल्द ही यहां अगले दौरे की बातचीत आयोजित की जाएगी और उम्मीद है कि एक लाभकारी समझौता हो जाएगा। विदेश मंत्रालय में पूर्वी एशिया के प्रभारी संयुक्त सचिव, गौतम बंबावाले ने यहां संवाददाताओं को बताया, "दोनों देश एक अच्छे समझौते की दिशा में काम कर रहे हैं, ...
भारत के परमाणु परीक्षण के अधिकार पर सवाल याहू! जागरण
परमाणु मुद्दे पर चर्चा करेंगे भारत-जापान SamayLive
सभी 6 समाचार लेख »
In Englishयह कहानी ईमेल करें

भारत »

मेरी खबर.कोम

सांसदों को चाहिए 5 गुना इंक्रीमेंट, किसान मांग रहे मौत

दैनिक भास्कर - ‎53 मिनट पहले‎
नई दिल्ली. देश की राजधानी नई दिल्ली में सांसद अपना वेतन 80 हजार रुपये प्रति माह करने के लिए लड़ रहे हैं, जबकि झारखंड के सूखा प्रभावित एक गांव के दो हजार किसान जान देने के लिए राष्ट्रपति से इच्छा मृत्यु की इजाजत चाह रहे हैं। खेती बर्बाद हो जाने के चलते पूरे गांव ने सामूहिक रूप से अर्जी दी है कि अगर सरकार उन्हें कोई मदद नहीं दे सकती तो मरने की इजाजत ही दे दे। मानसून में बारिश नहीं होने के कारण झारखंड की हालत खराब है। ...
तीन गुना वेतन बढने पर भी सांसद मांगे ओर खास खबर
बढ़े वेतन से नाखुश सांसदों का हंगामा डी-डब्लू वर्ल्ड
प्रभात खबर - Business standard Hindi - That's Hindi - याहू! जागरण
सभी 97 समाचार लेख »यह कहानी ईमेल करें
That's Hindi

सिखों के साथ है पूरा देशः प्रणब - ‎29 मिनट पहले‎
कश्मीर में रह रहे सिखों को इसलाम अपनाने या घाटी छोड़ने की आतंकियों की धमकी को सरकार ने गंभीरता से लिया है। सरकार ने कहा है कि सिखों को इस तरह की धमकी से डरने की जरूरत है। सरकार उन्हें किसी तरह का नुकसान नहीं पहुंचने देगी। गृह मंत्री पी. चिदंबरम ने राज्यसभा में सिखों की सुरक्षा का आश्वासन दिया तो लोकसभा में वित्त मंत्री प्रणब मुखर्जी ने कहा कि सिखों के साथ पूरा देश है। राज्यसभा में प्रश्नकाल के बाद राजग की ओर से यह मामला ...
कश्मीर में सिखों की सुरक्षा की जाएगी खास खबर
कश्मीरी सिखों को डरने की जरूरत नहीं : सरकार एनडीटीवी खबर
बीबीसी हिन्दी - दैनिक भास्कर - नवभारत  टाइम्स - याहू! जागरण
सभी 35 समाचार लेख »यह कहानी ईमेल करें

अध्यक्ष कांगे्रस का, बोर्ड भाजपा का - ‎1 घंटा पहले‎
कुशलगढ । कुशलगढ नगरपालिका चुनाव के पश्चात शुकवार को मतगणना के परिणाम के तहत कांगे्रस ने अध्यक्ष पद पर कब्जा किया वहीं भाजपा ने 15 में से दस पार्षद पदों पर विजयी प्राप्त कर बोर्ड में एकाधिकार कर लिया। कांग्रेस के चार पार्षद ही जीते। एक सीट निर्दलीय के खाते में गई। अध्यक्ष पद पर कांगे्रस के राघवेश चरपोटा ने भाजपा के रामलाल मोवाई को 503 वोट से मात दी। डूंगरपुर. नगरपालिका चुनाव में जिले के दोनों पालिका क्षेत्रों में एक बार फिर ...
राजस्थान निकाय चुनावों में "कमल" ने "पंजे" को पछ़ाडा खास खबर
राजस्थान निकाय चुनाव में पंजे पर कमल भारी दैनिक भास्कर
याहू! जागरण - मेरी खबर.कोम - प्रभात खबर -
सभी 29 समाचार लेख »यह कहानी ईमेल करें

व्यवसाय »

मेरी खबर.कोम

अमेरिकी वीजा की वृद्धि दरे लागू

खास खबर - ‎20 घंटे पहले‎
वाशिंगटन। अमेरिकी एच-1 बी और एल1 वीजा फीस में वृद्धि हो गई। यह फीस 14 अगस्त से लागू हो गई। इससे भारतीय आईटी कंपनियों पर 25 करोड डॉलर सालाना का अतिरिक्त भार बढेगा। अमेरिका ने कहा कि वीजा फीस से आने वाली राशि से अमेरिका और मैक्सिको की सीमा पर सुरक्षा को बेहतर करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाएगा। ओबामा ने गए शनिवार को सीमा सुरक्षा विधेयक पर हस्ताक्षर किए थे। भारत इस कानून को भेदभावपूर्ण बताकर इसका विरोध जता रहा है। इससे टाटा, इंफोसिस ...
अमेरिका ने वीजा शुल्क में की वृद्धि Hindi- Economic times
वीजा शुल्क में की गयी वृद्धि प्रभावी प्रभात खबर
दैनिक भास्कर - - डी-डब्लू वर्ल्ड - Business standard Hindi
सभी 30 समाचार लेख »
In Englishयह कहानी ईमेल करें
हिन्‍दी लोक

अमेरिकी दबाव में डाउ केमिकल्स को छोड़ देगा भारत?

दैनिक भास्कर - ‎3 घंटे पहले‎
भोपाल गैस त्रासदी के लिए जिम्मेदार मानी जाने वाली अमेरिकी कंपनी यूनियन कार्बाइड (अब डाउ केमिकल्स) से 'वाजिब मुआवजा पाने और इसके तत्कालीन चेयरमैन वारेन एंडरसन के भारत प्रत्यर्पण के लिए भले ही चारों ओर से मांग उठ रही है, लेकिन केंद्र सरकार इसकी अनसुनी करती नजर आ रही है। यही नहीं, अब तो यह सवाल भी लोगों के जेहन में उठने लगा है कि क्या अमेरिकी दबाव में भारत डाउ केमिकल्स को यूं ही छोड़ देगा? अमेरिका के उप राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा ...
भोपाल गैस त्रासदी पर अमरीका की अब सफाइ खास खबर
भोपाल मुद्दे को सुलझाने में हस्तक्षेप नहीं : अमेरिका खास खबर
बीबीसी हिन्दी - याहू! जागरण - डी-डब्लू वर्ल्ड -
सभी 22 समाचार लेख »
In Englishयह कहानी ईमेल करें
खास खबर

अब लैंडलाइन नंबर भी होंगे 10 अंकों के

दैनिक भास्कर - ‎2 घंटे पहले‎
अभी तक केवल मोबाइल के नंबर ही दस अकों के होते थे लेकिन अब लैंडलाइन नंबरों को भी दस अंकों का करने की तैयारी चल रही हैं। भारतीय दूससंचार नियामक प्राधिकरण (ट्राई) ने 10 अंकों के फोन नंबरों की सिफारिश की है। ट्राई की माने तो इसके लिए तैयारियां 30 सितंबर तक पूरी कर ली जाएंगी और 31 दिसंबर 2011 तक इसे देश में लागू कर दिया जाएगा। ट्राई के मुताबिक दस अंकों की ये व्यवस्था मोबाइल के साथ लैंडलाइन पर भी लागू होगी। गौरतलब है कि देश में तेजी से ...
लैंडलाइन नंबर भी होंगे 10 अंक में! खास खबर
अब लैंडलाइन नंबर भी होंगे 10 अंकों के Business standard Hindi
सभी 10 समाचार लेख »यह कहानी ईमेल करें

मनोरंजन »

याहू! जागरण

लफंगे परिंदे की उडान में दम नहीं

खास खबर - ‎47 मिनट पहले‎
निर्देशक प्रदीप सरकार ने अपनी फिल्म का नाम तो भले ही लफंगे परिंदे रखा हो लेकिन पूरी फिल्म में न तो उनके परिंदो ने लफंगागिरी दिखाई और न ही लुच्चागिरी। यदि कुछ दिखाया तो वह निहायत ही सादे अंदाज में लुक्कागिरी का मुजाअरा। उनके परिंदे बॉक्स ऑफिस के आसमान पर अपना आशियां बनाने के लिए उडान भरने की कोशिश तो करते है, लेकिन फडफडा कर कुछ दूरी पर जाकर गिर पडते है। ना परिंदे की उडान में दम दिखा और ना ही फडफडाहट में। लफंगे परिंदे मुंबई ...
वीडियो समीक्षा: उबाऊ फिल्म है 'लफंगे परिंदे' जोश 18
लफंगे परिंदे नवभारत टाइम्स
दैनिक भास्कर - वेबदुनिया हिंदी - याहू! जागरण - हिन्दुस्तान दैनिक
सभी 15 समाचार लेख »यह कहानी ईमेल करें
हिन्‍दी लोक

सचिन ने देखी मराठी फिल्म

दैनिक भास्कर - ‎38 मिनट पहले‎
मुम्बई। राज ठाकरे की अपील पर सचिन अपनी पत्नी अंजली संग मराठी फिल्म नटरंग का देखने गैलेक्सी थिएटर पहुंचे। सचिन के साथ्ज्ञ फिल्म के मुख्य कलाकार अतुल कुलकर्णी,निर्देशक रवि जाधव भी फिल्म देखने पहुंचे। इतना ही नहीं, सचिन ने फिल्म के हर पहलू की जानकारी भी ली। दरअसल इन दिनों मुंबई में मल्टीप्लेक्स मालिकों को राज ठाकरे लगातार ये धमकी दे रहे हैं कि वो प्राइम टाइम में मराठी फिल्में लगाएं। साथ ही उन्होंने मराठी जनता से अपील भी ...
सचिन तेंडुलकर ने देखी मराठी फिल्म नवभारत टाइम्स
सचिन ने अंजलि के साथ देखी मराठी फिल्म खास खबर
मेरी खबर.कोम - आज की खबर - प्रभात खबर - That's Hindi
सभी 14 समाचार लेख »
In Englishयह कहानी ईमेल करें
मेरी खबर.कोम

सुकना भूमि घोटाला : ले. जन. रथ का कोर्ट मार्शल होगा

मेरी खबर.कोम - ‎8 घंटे पहले‎
नई दिल्ली: सुकना भूमि घोटाले में थलसेना ने लेफ्टिनेंट जनरल ओहदे के एक सैन्य अधिकारी जी. के. रथ के कोर्ट मार्शल का आदेश दिया है। कोर्ट मार्शल के कारण रथ को जेल की सजा और नौकरी से बर्खास्तगी हो सकती है। सैन्य अधिकारी रथ पर आरोप है कि उन्होंने पश्चिम बंगाल में सिलिगुड़ी के निकट स्थित सुकना सैन्य छावनी के निकटवर्ती चाय बागान की 71 एकड़ भूमि गलत तरीके से एक रीयल एस्टेट डीलर के नाम हस्तांतरित कर दी। सूत्रों ने बताया कि सेना के ...
सुकना भूमि घोटाला : सैन्य अधिकारी का होगा कोर्ट मार्शल खास खबर
लेफ्टिनेंट जनरल रथ का कोर्टमार्शल होगा डी-डब्लू वर्ल्ड
सभी 11 समाचार लेख »
In Englishयह कहानी ईमेल करें

खेलकूद »

हिन्‍दी लोक

गतिरोध दूर, राष्ट्रमंडल खेलों में खेलेंगे टेनिस खिलाड़ी

हिन्दुस्तान दैनिक - ‎39 मिनट पहले‎
बकाया राशि का भुगतान नहीं होने पर राष्ट्रमंडल खेलों में न खेलने की धमकी देने वाले चार एलीट खिलाड़ियों को आखिरकार मना लिया गया है। अब ये खिलाड़ी राष्ट्रमंडल खेलों में शिरकत करेंगे। अखिल भारतीय टेनिस संघ (एआईटीए) ने शनिवार को बयान जारी कर कहा कि खिलाड़ियों के साथ जारी गतिरोध को दूर कर लिया गया है और अब ये खिलाड़ी डेविस कप और राष्ट्रमंडल खेलों में शिरकत करेंगे। उल्लेखनीय है कि राष्ट्रमंडल खेलों के लिए लिएंडर पेस, ...
टेनिस में विद्रोह समाप्त खास खबर
राष्ट्रमंडल खेल, डेविस कप में खेलेंगे टेनिस खिलाड़ी एनडीटीवी खबर
दैनिक भास्कर - - आज तक - डी-डब्लू वर्ल्ड
सभी 26 समाचार लेख »
In Englishयह कहानी ईमेल करें

अब इंग्लैंड का कल्याण करेंगे पंडित पॉल

दैनिक भास्कर - ‎2 घंटे पहले‎
नई दिल्ली. फीफा विश्वकप-2010 में स्पेन को खिताब जिताने वाले पंडित पॉल ऑक्टोपस अब इंग्लैंड का कल्याण करने को तैयार हैं। 2018 में होने वाले फुटबॉल विश्वकप की मेजबानी के लिए अपना दावा ठोकने के लिए इंद्लैंड ने इस जर्मन ऑक्टोपस को एम्बेसेडर बनाया है। जर्मनी के सीलाइफ एक्वेरियम में अपनी सटीक भविष्यवाणियों से प्रसिद्घध हुआ ऑक्टोपस पॉल साल 2008 में इंग्लैंड के डोरसेट के 'वेमाउथ सी लाइफ सेंटर' में था। इस केंद्र की प्रबंधक निकोला ...
'ऑक्टोपस बाबा' इंग्लैंड के आधिकारिक एंबेसडर बने जोश 18
इग्लैंड का एंबेसडर बना पॉल ऑक्टोपस प्रभात खबर
खास खबर - याहू! जागरण - डी-डब्लू वर्ल्ड - बीबीसी हिन्दी
सभी 25 समाचार लेख »
In Englishयह कहानी ईमेल करें
खास खबर

आईपीएल 4: मैचों की संख्या पर फैसला सितंबर में

खास खबर - ‎2 घंटे पहले‎
मुंबई। आईपीएल गवर्निग काउंसिल की बैठक मे चौथे आईपीएल में होने वाले मैचों की संख्या पर फैसला नहीं हो पाया है। शुक्रवार को हुई आईपीएल गवर्निग काउंसिल की बैठक में सिर्फ आईपीएल के खातों पर चर्चा हुई। बोर्ड के अधिकारियों के अनुसार बैठक में सिर्फ अकाउंट और उससे जुडे मामलों पर ही चर्चा हुई। मैचों की संख्या और लीग फॉर्मेट के बारे में कोई चर्चा नहीं हुई। गौरतलब है कि पहले आईपीएल के तीन सीजन में आठ फैंरचाइजी टीमों ने हिस्सा लिया ...
आईपीएल-4: मैचों की संख्या पर फैसला टला जोश 18
आईपीएल-4 में मैचों की संख्या पर फैसला टला डी-डब्लू वर्ल्ड
नवभारत  टाइम्स - वेबदुनिया हिंदी - दैनिक भास्कर -
सभी 17 समाचार लेख »
In Englishयह कहानी ईमेल करें

और अधिक शीर्ष कहानियां »

याहू! जागरण

मोइली ने किया अधविक्ता प्रशिक्षण योजना का शुभारंभ

That's Hindi - ‎1 घंटा पहले‎
नई दिल्ली, 20 अगस्त (आईएएनएस)। केंद्रीय विधि मंत्री डा. वीरप्पा मोइली ने शुक्रवार को यहां राजीव गांधी अधविक्ता प्रशिक्षण योजना का शुभारंभ किया। योजना का मुख्य उद्देश्य मजिस्ट्रेट और मुंसिफ अदालतों में प्रैक्टिस करने वाले युवा वकीलों को दो महीने का प्रशिक्षण देना है, ताकि वे वास्तविक धरातल पर विधि पेशेवर की जरूरत पूरी कर सकें। योजना के तहत पेशेवर प्रशिक्षण के लिए हर राज्य से प्रत्येक वर्ष 10 युवा वकीलों का चयन किया जाएगा ...
युवा वकीलों के लिए प्रशिक्षण योजना दैनिक भास्कर
युवा वकीलों को प्रशिक्षण देगी सरकार
याहू! जागरण
सभी 5 समाचार लेख »यह कहानी ईमेल करें

सवाई माधोपुर में आदमखोर बाघ ने फैलाई दहशत

आज तक - ‎1 घंटा पहले‎
राजस्थान के सवाई माधोपुर में एक ख़ूंखार बाघ ने कई महीनों से दहशत फ़ैला रखी है. यह पिछले चार महीनों में 4 लोगों को मौत के घाट उतार चुका है और शुक्रवार को उसने दो लोगों को ज़ख़्मी कर दिया. 15 अगस्त को उसने हेमराज गूजर नाम के एक आदमी को मार डाला. बताया जा रहा है कि ये बाघ रणथंभौर नेशनल पार्क से निकलकर आसपास के इलाकों में घूम रहा है. स्थानीय प्रशासन और वन विभाग बाघ को पकड़ने की कोशिश में है, लेकिन अब तक कामयाबी नहीं मिली है. ...
रेंज अधिकारी पर बाघ का हमला दैनिक भास्कर
बाघ का रेंजर पर हमला
That's Hindi - दैनिक भास्कर
सभी 6 समाचार लेख »
In Englishयह कहानी ईमेल करें
मेरी खबर.कोम

सार्वजनिक नहीं होंगे मोदी के बयान: सुप्रीम कोर्ट

That's Hindi - ‎20 घंटे पहले‎
नई दिल्ली। सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने गोधरा कांड की जांच कर रही विशेष जांच टीम (एसआईटी) को मामले की जांच आगे बढ़ाने की अनुमति दे दी है। कोर्ट ने यह अनुमति देते हुए कहा कि एसआईटी अब गुजरात के पूर्व मंत्री एवं दो पुलिस अधिकारियों के खिलाफ जांच कर सकती है, लेकिन नरेंद्र मोदी के बयान को सार्वजनिक नहीं करेगी। ज्ञात हो कि कुछ दिन पहले गुजरात दंगों की सुनवाई पर सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने रोक लगा दी थी, जिस वजह से एसआईटी ने मामले की जांच भी रोक दी थी। ...
गुजरात हाईकोर्ट के फैसले से सुप्रीम कोर्ट दंग दैनिक भास्कर
गोधराकांड: एसआईटी आगे जांच कर सकेगी जोश 18
हिन्दुस्तान दैनिक - आज तक - - आज की खबर
सभी 14 समाचार लेख »
In Englishयह कहानी ईमेल करें
इस पृष्ठ पर कहानियों का चयन और स्थान-निर्धारण किसी कंप्यूटर प्रोग्राम द्वारा स्वचालित रूप से निर्धारित किया गया था. प्रदर्शित की गई तिथि या समय प्रतिबिंबित करता है कि Google समाचार में कोई लेख कब जोड़ा या अपडेट किया गया था.

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